Spy Shadow

Chapter 285 Lao Deng was arrested

Chapter 285 Lao Deng was arrested

For three consecutive days, so many people searched for one person, not to mention digging three feet into the ground. They searched almost every place in Shanghai where there were people.

But Tomotaka Hosokawa seemed to have disappeared from the world, and so many people were stunned that no one could find him.

There are all kinds of gossip flying all over the place.

Some people said they saw a young man in a white suit going to the train station, while others said they saw Hosokawa Tomotaka at the pier and took a boat to Germany.

Some people even said that a gang fight killed a man who looked very much like Hosokawa Tomotaka.

In addition to these, some of Chu Lingyun's previous whereabouts were also found out.

The tailor shop where he bought the white suit was found, and the driver of the rickshaw showed up. There were too many rumors, and these few pieces of real information were not conspicuous among them.

Mizuo Nakano was busy verifying all the situations reported to him, and the more he verified, the angrier he became.

A lot of the news turned out to be lies or untrue, which wasted a lot of his energy.

However, these messages came from the Youth Gang or the French and British. He had no place to vent his anger, so he could only send more manpower to continuously verify.

As long as there is news, Nakano Shixiong dare not ignore it. If any of these news is true, he may get the young master back.

Japanese Concession, Shanghai Super High School.

"Still haven't found the whereabouts of Tomotaka Hosokawa?"

Kitagawa Naru looked tired. Sitting in front of him was the intelligence team leader Nao Iijima. The superiors finally learned the news about the failure of the last operation, and then came the bad news that Sima Lin had been arrested.

Deputy Commander Tang escaped, and Sima Lin's consequences can be imagined.

Sima Lin was the employee of Chief Section Chief Tuyuan. The Chief Section Chief gave him a stern warning and asked him to immediately explain his recent behavior, otherwise he would be taken back to the country for review.

Taking him back does not mean letting him go back on his own initiative. The meaning is quite different.

At this moment, news spread that the young master of the Hosokawa family had appeared, and that the steward of the Hosokawa family, Mizuo Nakano, was offering a reward for his search. Kitagawa Naruto regarded this matter as a life-saving straw, and immediately ordered all his subordinates to join the search.

They are an intelligence agency and have an advantage in finding people.

"Professor, no."

Iijima shook his head. He was very puzzled. Hosokawa Tomotaka was just an ordinary person. How could he hide so deeply that so many people couldn't find him?

Even though Tomotaka Hosokawa has a place to live in Shanghai, always eats and drinks, and goes out to buy things, so many people are stunned that they don’t have any clues about him. Could it be true that he has left Shanghai, just like the rumors?

Iijima didn't dare to say these words. He understood Kitagawa's current predicament.

Hosokawa Tomotaka is Kitagawa Naru's only hope now. If the Hosokawa family helps to speak out, the chief section chief and the Army Ministry and other departments will give face and not deal with Kitagawa Naru harshly or even at all.

But if this hope also fails, Beichuan Ming's fate will probably be very bad.

He is Beichuan Ming's most trusted confidant, and Beichuan Ming's misfortune will not do him any good.

Maybe he would be unlucky as well. After all, many of the intelligence teams involved in the accident were under his leadership, and he could not escape this responsibility.

"Keep looking and be sure to find Hosokawa Tomotaka before others."

Kitagawa Naru gave the order, but he didn't say it clearly, but Iijima knew clearly that Kitagawa Naru was desperate and put all his hopes on finding someone.

Beichuan Ming couldn't explain to the chief section chief, saying that it was because of a person named Chu Lingyun that they had suffered heavy losses recently. The intelligence agency in Nanjing had been beaten to pieces, and even the action team in Shanghai had lost a lot of money. Dozens of people.

Even if he explained it, the higher-ups would only think that he was incompetent and defeated by a young man.


Iijima took the order and left. Kitagawa Naru was upset and not in the mood to deal with any official business.

Nanjing, the prison of the Military Intelligence Department.

Sima Lin was huddled on the edge of the cell, chatting quietly with Huo Xiao next to him.

He was very eloquent, and in the past few days, he deliberately pretended to care about Huo Xiao and said a lot of words to comfort him, making Huo Xiao regard Sima Lin as his confidant and accuse the military intelligence department of darkness.

He was unjustly accused. He was caught and suffered so much just because he slept with a Japanese female spy.

Sima Lin successfully gained Huo Xiao's trust and used a lie to get Huo Xiao to agree to help him pass the message.

Sima Lin told Huo Xiao that although he was a Japanese agent and it would be difficult to save himself, there was no problem in rescuing someone like Huo Xiao who was purely implicated.

Huo Xiao is a friend of the Japanese Empire. The empire is very grateful to him and should not let him suffer here.

When this news comes out, Japan will make every effort to rescue him.

The help from the Japanese is definitely better than that of the ordinary officials Huo Xiao knows. Especially once the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs intervenes, China will not necessarily release him just because Huo Xiao falls out with Japan.

Military Intelligence cannot withstand such pressure.

Huo Xiao believed it to be true and used his family connections to spread the code.

In the office, Loach looked at the things in front of him, full of doubts.

Sima Lin didn't know that the reason why Huo Xiao was able to contact the outside world was purely because of Loach's hands and feet. If he was not allowed to contact his family, how could his family send money?

Ni Loach clearly understood every word Huo Xiao said to the outside world.

This time Huo Xiao asked his family to send another twenty gold bars, and the information Sima Lin asked him to help deliver fell into the hands of Ni Loach.

Loach didn't pay attention to the content of sending gold bars, he was looking at the extra content.

The content is very simple, just a phone number and one sentence.

"I am Sima Lin's friend. Friends from the North, please help me."

It was a very ordinary message asking for help, but how did Huo Xiao collude with Sima Lin and ask Sima Lin's people to help him?

"Go find out who this phone number belongs to?"

Loach called his subordinates and asked them to check the phone number. He took a closer look at the content. The content was dictated by Huo Xiao and there was no text.

Without Loach's consent, the news has not spread yet.

If he just wanted gold bars, Loach would not stop him, but what Huo Xiao said was related to Sima Lin, so he had to take it seriously.

This news seems simple, but Loach is not easy to fool, and he always feels that there is something weird in this sentence.

"It would be great if the team leader was here. He would definitely be able to see the problems inside."

After reading it for half an hour, Loach sighed. He had to admit that no matter how hard he studied this sentence, he could not find any problem with it.

Unable to figure it out, Ni Loach simply didn't want to think about it. After his subordinate reported the source of the phone number, he immediately came to the radio station: "Send a report to the team leader. The content is..."

Since Huo Xiao mentioned Sima Lin, it was necessary to report the matter and see what the team leader had to say.

In Shanghai, a team member quickly came to Chu Lingyun's room and handed him the message sent by Ni Loach.

They came out and brought a radio station. The radio station was located in their hotel. There were team members who turned it on and took care of it. Messages from the headquarters could be received at any time.

"Sima Lin is making some small moves."

After just glancing at the content of the message, Chu Lingyun judged that this was Sima Lin sending a message to others, rather than really trying to help Huo Xiao.

Sima Lin is Japanese and would not have such good intentions. However, he is an agent. After he is caught, the Japanese will not be able to rescue him. What is his purpose in sending such a message?

This seemingly simple distress signal must hide a secret that they don't know.

code word?

Chu Lingyun carefully analyzed the content of the message, 'I am Sima Lin's friend.' The name appeared in it, and the other party could understand that this was the message conveyed by Sima Lin.

Friends from the North, please help me?

This sentence should be Sima Lin's true purpose. There must be a message he wants to convey hidden in the nine words.

Soon, Chu Lingyun looked at two words, Beiguo.

The call was to the Puppet Manchukuo. It was not easy to call there at this time. However, Huo Xiao's family was rich and they could still make the call as long as they found a way.

As for the name of the Puppet Manchukuo, it is generally the north, or the northeast and the three eastern provinces. Not many people directly call the north country.

The concept of Northern Kingdom has become larger. Anyone north of the Yellow River and even north of the Yangtze River can be called Northern Kingdom.

From Sima Lin's perspective, it can be said that the Northeast is the past. Japan established the puppet Manchukuo regime in the Northeast, which can be called the Northern Kingdom.

But who is Sima Lin? He is a smart man who masters many languages ​​and has a photographic memory. Every word in his words may contain other meanings.

Code words are the hardest to guess. They are like passwords. Only those who know them can know the meaning. Without an agreement, it is extremely difficult to guess the true meaning when seeing other people's code words.

"Huo Xiao, this idiot, helped others count their money after being sold."

Chu Lingyun shook his head. This news seemed to be helping Huo Xiao, but if it really spread, it would definitely not be of any help to Huo Xiao.

It doesn't matter if you can't guess the code word. Sima Lin is still in their hands, so just ask.

Chu Lingyun quickly called back. When Ni Loach saw the simple message, he slapped his head hard.

"Interrogation of the two."

Chu Lingyun's reply only had four words. Yes, both of them are in their hands. If you don't understand the real meaning, just ask them.

Ni Loach immediately went to the interrogation department and interrogated Huo Xiao first.

When he came to the torture room, Huo Xiao was frightened and didn't understand why he was brought here. Even if he had to teach him a lesson before, he was whipped in the cell. He had never been brought to such a terrible place.

"Call me."

There is no nonsense in Loach. People like Huo Xiao will not be honest if they don't fight. If they fight a lot, they will become honest.

"Grandpa Zhao, don't fight. Whatever you want, just say, I'll give it to you. Can't I give it to you?"

Huo Xiao was crying and wailing, but the people next to him ignored him, hung him up, and whipped him off.

Then a brazier was put on, and Huo Xiao kept begging for mercy when it was burning, thinking of all the words he could think of.

"Why are you helping Sima Lin deliver information?"

After cleaning up, Loach asked, Huo Xiao drooped his head, panting heavily, his forehead was covered with sweat, his body was covered with blood, and he was shaking constantly.

"I didn't help Sima Lin pass on the information."

Huo Xiao couldn't help but explain that he finally understood why he was beaten like this. He didn't expect that it was because of Sima Lin next door.

He kept cursing Sima Lin in his heart. This time he had been hurt so badly. He thought Sima Lin really sympathized with him and wanted to help him, but he didn't expect that Sima Lin would be punished for helping him.

"If you're not honest, keep fighting."

Loach scolded Huo Xiao, who had been beaten so hard that his feces and urine came out, and when he heard that he wanted to be beaten again, he almost died of fright.

"Grandpa Zhao, stop fighting. I really can't bear it. What do you want? Tell me clearly. I just ask you to spare my life."

Huo Xiao kept wailing, which soon turned into screams.

After smoking for a while, Niyi asked again, and Huo Xiao vaguely explained what Sima Lin had said to him.

Sima Lin said that he would never survive, but he, Huo Xiao, was not Japanese and he was not an agent. The Military Intelligence Department should not treat him like this.

The people here are just interested in his money. After he takes all the money, he will inevitably die.

These words came to Huo Xiao's heart, and Huo Xiao immediately trusted him.

After consoling him for several days, Sima Lin finally told him that he could help him. The Japanese were very powerful and could not save him, but it was easy to save him as an unrelated person.

After all, Huo Xiao was in this situation because of the Japanese, and they had an obligation to help him.

In this way, Huo Xiao passed on the phone number Sima Lin gave him and what he wanted to say. Unexpectedly, he was almost beaten to death because of this.


After questioning, Niyi asked someone to take Huo Xiao down, and Sima Lin was brought over.

When Huo Xiao was taken away, Sima Lin sensed something was wrong. He was careless this time and shouldn't have let Huo Xiao send the message directly.

Fortunately, what he wanted to convey was very confidential, and it was impossible for people from the Military Intelligence Office to see the problem.

It's a pity that this information could not be spread.

"You are very dishonest. I know you can survive, so I won't waste my time on you. I'll go to the electric chair."

Loach said coldly to Sima Lin, and Sima Lin's heart skipped a beat. He could still bear the physical pain, but the pain of the electric chair that hit the soul directly was simply beyond what a human could bear.

Loach has learned Chu Lingyun's true biography, and uses the electric chair when he comes up.

He didn't dare to turn on the maximum current. Sima Lin couldn't die, especially now. He could just torture him slowly with the minimum current.

After a burst of screams, Sima Lin took action not long after.

He really couldn't bear the pain of the electric chair.

"He actually suspected Beichuan Ming to be a traitor."

Loach was stunned when he got the answer. The call was made to Keiji Tuhara, and the message was to tell him that Naru Kitagawa had betrayed him.

The code word is in the word "North Country" that Chu Lingyun paid attention to.

North refers to Beichuan Ming, and country is a homophone, a sound in Japanese for betrayal. After the chief section chief receives this help message, he will understand what Sima Lin means.

When the chief section chief met him, Sima Lin said that his surname was Beiye, and it would be easy to report his betrayal. A Beiguo code could point him out.

This time the news did not identify Sima Lin, but was spread by Sima Lin. Keiji Tuhara would think of other people with the character "北" in their names.

Shanghai's extra-high school courses suffered setbacks one after another, and so many people were arrested. Sima Lin believed that the chief section chief would definitely think of Beichuan Ming.

Loach did not expect such a result, but these Japanese were so cunning. What seemed like a very simple distress signal actually hid such a big secret.

Chu Lingyun quickly received Ni Loach's report and understood the truth.

Sima Lin was indeed smart and used such code words to convey messages, but he suspected that Beichuan Ming was a traitor, which was a bit beyond Chu Lingyun's expectations.

Is Kitagawa Naru a traitor? Certainly not.

This matter can be exploited. No matter what the outcome is, it can always alienate the Japanese.

Chu Lingyun carefully analyzed Sima Lin's confession, and finally called Ni Loach back. The news was spread normally, and Huo Xiao's family was asked to make the call.

After Sima Lin was arrested, all the people related to him were arrested, and Deputy Chief Tang was exposed because of him.

He didn't have any important information to send back, because it was dictated, and the possibility that these words could be used as a password was not high.

His information may really be to report Beichuan Ming.

From Sima Lin's point of view, he was so hidden that even the secret code for retreat was known to the military intelligence department. It was normal for him to suspect Beichuan Ming.

And the important information he obtained from He Yuanhua had already been confessed.

He had no other information to pass on.

Even if he had, he wouldn't know much more than Ci Chang. Tang Ci had fled to the Japanese, and there was no point in blocking him.

If Sima Lin's confession was true, Beichuan Ming's opponent might be eliminated without any action on their part.

The order to assassinate him was issued by Beichuan Ming.

Chu Lingyun would never show mercy to enemies who wanted to kill him.

"Spread it out?"

When Ni Loach got Chu Lingyun's reply, he immediately understood his purpose. The team leader was really insidious. He was trying to make the Japanese dog eat dog.

He happily explained that all the news Huo Xiao wanted to convey would be passed on to his family for him.

In the Party Affairs Investigation Department, Bao Shengqun was in front of the office window, looking at the vehicles coming in from outside.

Zhao Zaili, chief of the operations section, and Lin Peilun, chief of the intelligence section, got out of the car. What happened that alarmed the two chiefs?

After a while, another tied-up man was pulled out of the car behind him and was forcibly taken to the torture room.

Has any red party been arrested?

Bao Shengqun narrowed his eyes. The Party Affairs Investigation Office was keeping a low profile during this period, but he still heard some rumors.

It is said that the telecommunications department found an important clue and found a radio station of the Red Party. Unfortunately, when they were about to find the person, the Red Party ran away.

Later, Deng Lifu and Lin Peilun jointly guaranteed Xu Laogui, and in the end Xu Laogui did not punish the entire telecommunications department.

Otherwise, another batch of people will die in the telecommunications department this time.

The work progress of various departments has been very slow these days. Firstly, the work enthusiasm is low, and secondly, there are no important clues. Unexpectedly, they have gained something secretly.

Seeing that the person detaining the person was Fu Tian, ​​the deputy leader of the Operations Section 1, Bao Shengqun gently turned the water glass in his hand.

Fu Tian was his, but after he left the Operations Department, he cut off contact with Fu Tian. It was not that Fu Tian wanted to cut off the relationship with him, but that after he left the Operations Department, he asked all his former confidants not to have contact with him anymore. connect.

If he collapses and they are still surrounding him, it will easily affect his future future, and Zhao Zaili will not feel comfortable.

Under his hint, these people turned to Zhao Zaili.

Although they could not become Zhao Zaili's confidants, at least they stood in line and Zhao Zaili would not deal with them for a while.

In the torture room, the man was hung up.

The one who was arrested was Lao Deng. The previously arrested Red Party traitor Shi Haiyang was on the line. After the incident in the telecommunications department was over, Lin Peilun was under great pressure and wanted to find clues from previous cases.

Lin Peilun has certain abilities. Since Shi Haiyang is dead, there is a high possibility that Lao Deng will still stay in Nanjing.

He carefully investigated Lao Deng's past, looking for patterns, and found that Lao Deng would occasionally leave the city, so he hired a dozen neighbors who had seen Lao Deng at high wages and placed them at various city gates, using clumsy methods to wait and see.

In order to maintain confidentiality, Lin Peilun asked all those who participated in the operation to work in pairs to keep an eye on these neighbors and to go to the toilet together. No one was allowed to leave alone.

If anyone is found helping to conceal or lie, they will be killed without mercy.

His stupid method paid off. When Lao Deng came back from outside the city, he was seen by someone who knew him.

This time out of the city, Lao Deng sent three radio teachers out of the city.

It is too dangerous to continue to teach people how to use the radio in the city. Their radio is being targeted. If they use it for a long time, they may be targeted again by the Party Affairs Investigation Department.

After Secretary Liang reported it to his hometown, he received an order from his hometown to send the radio station to Shanghai. It happened that one radio station in Shanghai was not enough and an additional one was needed.

The radio station was too expensive and they did not dare to take trains or ships. The three of them took the radio station to Shanghai in the stupidest way.

In this way, we can pass through several base areas on the road, learn about the situation in the base areas, and then report back to our hometown.

Lao Deng was familiar with the situation outside the city, so he escorted these comrades out. Everything went smoothly when they went out, but they didn't expect to be stared at when they came back.

This time, Lin Peilun didn't dare to fish for a big fish for a long time. After discovering Lao Deng, he immediately asked the operations department to arrest him and successfully brought him back.

"Although it's a little late, we finally met."

Lin Peilun sat at the interrogation table and looked at Lao Deng with a smile. It was because of Lao Deng that he lost an entire team.

Until now, the newly established Intelligence Group 2 is still adjusting and has not yet formed combat effectiveness.

Lao Deng didn't say anything. After he was arrested, he understood that he was finished.

It's a pity that he didn't have the chance to commit suicide. Fortunately, he needed to report to the frontline Lao Hu when he came back this time. If Lao Hu couldn't wait for him, he would definitely sense the danger and evacuate.


Lin Peilun was not polite. He knew that these red party members were tough.

But not all Red Party members have strong bones. They have arrested many Red Party members, and there are also many traitors. The previous Shi Haiyang is an example.

The sooner you pry open their mouths, the greater the harvest.

The whip hit his body, causing great pain. Lao Deng endured it hard, not letting himself make miserable screams. These screams would only further irritate the people in front of him and make them think that they could not bear the punishment.

He has firm faith. Enemies can destroy his body, but they cannot shake his faith.

"Get on the tiger bench."

Seeing that the whip was ineffective, Lin Peilun immediately changed the method of torture. Behind the tiger bench, two bloody marks were branded on Lao Deng's body with a branding iron.

Unable to bear it, Lao Deng passed out.

"Walk him awake."

The red party is very difficult to deal with. Lin Peilun knows very well that the punishment in front of him is just a small test. He will use all the punishments on the red party until he speaks.

Fingernails were forcibly clipped off one by one, and thin-pointed iron nails were forcibly inserted.

With their fingers connected to their hearts, Lao Deng could no longer bear it and let out a painful wail.

"Say it. If you say it, you will suffer less." Lin Peilun asked someone to stop the punishment and said softly.

The first update is available today.

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