Spy Shadow

Chapter 286 Firm Faith

Chapter 286 Firm Faith

Lao Deng raised his head slightly, and with only one eye open, he spit out bloody phlegm towards Lin Peilun.


Unfortunately, he was not strong enough and fell down in front of Lao Deng. However, his phlegm was obviously spitting towards the interrogation table, which made Lin Peilun's face turn green with anger: "Keep pricking me."

Lao Deng could only vent his immense pain by roaring. He was sweating all over, but he never showed any signs of compromise.

Another hard bone gave Lin Peilun a headache.

The Red Party has soft bones, but there is no shortage of hard bones. Many people can really withstand punishment. He understands the Chairman very well. There are many lunatics in this group of people. They are not doing it for themselves or their families, but only for a group of people who have nothing to do with them. A person can endure all suffering.

Lin Peilun couldn't understand what kind of belief made them so determined.

Lao Deng fainted three times and was awakened by water all the time.

Various punishments were tried in succession, but to no avail, Lin Peilun had no choice but to go to the electric chair.

"Chief Lin, if you don't take it slow, his body may not be able to handle it."

Zhao Zaili frowned and advised softly, Lao Deng has endured so many tortures and is now very weak. This is a red gangster they finally caught. If he dies in the electric chair, it will be a big loss.

"Chief Zhao, it's okay, I have a sense of discretion."

Lin Peilun shook his head, thought for a moment and then ordered the torturer: "Use the smallest current."

Lao Deng must not die. He also hopes to use Lao Deng to obtain more intelligence and catch more red party members to make a good turnaround.

But the information is highly time-sensitive. He cannot pry his mouth open and cannot get what he wants. Over time, all the red parties related to Lao Deng will evacuate.

Even if Lao Deng confesses, it will have no effect.

On the electric chair, Lao Deng was awakened by the electric shock, and the intense pain eroded his sensitive nerves.

His body trembled involuntarily, and he made a sound of 'uh-uh'.

Seeing that Lao Deng kept opening his mouth, Lin Peilun hurriedly turned off the electric chair and leaned his head over it.

"Do you want to say it?"

Lao Deng used a lot of effort to swallow a mouthful of saliva, opened his mouth, and slowly and firmly spit out six words.

"Long live communism."

After hearing Lao Deng's words clearly, Lin Peilun felt a sense of shame that he had been tricked, and angrily shouted: "Increase the current."

Even after reaching this point, Lao Deng still didn't do anything. He really wasn't afraid of death, but sometimes death is not the most terrifying thing. They have many ways to torture people.

"Chief Lin, you can't do this."

Zhao Zaili had been paying attention to Lao Deng. Seeing that Lin Peilun wanted to increase the current, he hurriedly stepped forward to hold him.

Lao Deng's body was obviously at the end of his strength. If the current was increased, he might not be able to get off the electric chair.

"Forget it, treat his injuries first, Section Chief Zhao, please excuse me."

Lin Peilun calmed down. Lao Deng's physical condition was indeed not very optimistic. What he wanted was not a dead person, but information.

Lao Deng was unconscious again and was taken down for treatment. Lin Peilun left the torture room angrily, captured the person and tortured him, but in the end found nothing.

Now Lao Deng's body cannot withstand the torture, and it will take several days to wait.

After a few days, when the daylilies are cold, the Reds will probably sense his arrest and evacuate.

He was unlucky this time. Although he caught someone, he encountered a tough problem and failed to get the harvest he wanted. At this time, he felt a little regretful and was too impatient. He could have just kept an eye on him for a few more days.

Bao Shengqun had been standing in front of the window and noticed Lin Peilun and Zhao Zaili coming out. He looked at his watch.

After a while, he packed up his things and walked out of the office.

He was holding a document bag in his hand. This was a document that was to be sent to the Inspection Department. He didn't need to deliver it originally. He just took it from his subordinates and said that he was fine. He was about to leave and let his subordinates take care of themselves. rest.

Bao Shengqun treats these subordinates very well in the General Affairs Department and has won their support.

Bao Shengqun walked slowly, counting the time.

When he passed the interrogation department, Fu Tian came out of it.

"Section Chief."

When Fu Tian saw Bao Shengqun, he hurriedly stepped forward and whispered hello.

"Didn't I tell you not to call me Section Chief anymore? When you see me, just call me Team Leader Bao."

Bao Shengqun glared at him, and Fu Tian smiled: "Yes, Team Leader Bao."

"Going on a mission?"

Bao Shengqun helped him straighten his collar, and Fu Tian immediately nodded: "I just caught a red gangster..."

"Don't tell me this. I'm not in the operations department now. Have you forgotten the confidentiality rules?"

"I haven't forgotten, but you are not an outsider." Fu Tian replied hurriedly.

"I'm very happy that you have me in your heart, but you have to pay attention to what you need to pay attention to later. Go and do your work. I'll send a document."

Bao Shengqun said to him and left without saying much to him.

Watching Bao Shengqun go away, Fu Tian felt very emotional.

What happened last time was a real blow to his former boss, not to mention Tu Fang's betrayal alone. Fu Tian knew that this boss's son was executed by the Japanese.

Bao Shengqun only had one son. After his death, the roots of the family were cut off.

No wonder he has no desires and desires now, and has no hope for the future, so why is he still working so hard? However, he is doing well in the General Affairs Department, his income is not low, there are not many things to do, and there are not so many dangers.

After Bao Shengqun disappeared, Fu Tian left in a hurry.

After catching Lao Deng, their Operations Section mission ended, but Lao Deng's arrest was classified as confidential. They could not go home yet and needed to stay in the office for a while.

Nowadays, both the Intelligence Division and the Operations Division attach great importance to confidentiality.

No one wants to have serious consequences due to a little negligence. Yan He's body is still in a mass grave outside the city, which is a warning to them.

Bao Shengqun got what he wanted, and indeed he caught the red party.

He was not interested in who he had arrested, so he interrupted Fu Tian. He could not know too much. It was enough to know that the person arrested was indeed the Red Party.

He has only one purpose, destruction.

Don't let the Party Affairs Investigation Office make meritorious deeds, and don't let Old Ghost Xu live an easy life.

Has this red party recruited someone?

Bao Shengqun carefully recalled Fu Tian's expression just now. Fu Tian was not happy at all. Zhao Zaili did not make any arrangements after leaving.

If the Red Party recruits people, they should go out to arrest people at this time instead of doing nothing.

The Red Party most likely didn't do anything, but Lin Peilun and Zhao Zaili left the torture room, indicating that he had been tortured, but now his body couldn't bear it and he couldn't continue the torture.

After all, Bao Shengqun had been the deputy section chief of the Operations Section and was very familiar with the things inside.

It's fine if he doesn't recruit him. If he doesn't recruit him, he will have a chance.

What should we do to deal the heaviest blow to Old Ghost Xu?

The first thing is to save people. The captured Red Party members escaped from the prison of their Party Affairs Investigation Department. Once the chairman of the committee finds out about this, Old Ghost Xu will have to live with him and he will definitely not be easy.

This is the cruelest way and also the most difficult way.

Not to mention that he was alone, even if he was the deputy chief of the operations department, he still couldn't take the Red Party out without anyone noticing.

This plan was quickly eliminated by Bao Shengqun.

What he wants is revenge, not death.

There are many ways to destroy people. If you can't save people, then the next best thing is to kill this red party member.

Once the Red Party members died, they no longer had any possibility of obtaining a confession and continuing to make meritorious deeds.

There was no psychological burden for killing Bao Shengqun, a Red Party member. He was not a member of the Red Party, and it was not like he had never killed anyone before. For revenge, he could help the Red Party, but he could also kill.

As long as he achieves his goal.

It is much easier to kill people than to save people. Bao Shengqun has the opportunity to do it, but he must consider everything to avoid suspicion on him after the person dies.

This time, he had to do the same thing as last time. No one would doubt him.

How to do this requires careful planning. According to previous experience, since torture failed to obtain a confession, it will take at least two days before torture is attempted again.

During these two days, the Intelligence Section and Operations Section will try to find out the Red Party's family members or weaknesses so that they can threaten him in other ways.

However, it is not easy to find such a weakness. Bao Shengqun had time, so he was not in a hurry.

The longer the time goes, the more people in the department will know that they have arrested the red party, and they will have some protection for Bao Shengqun. Otherwise, the person has just been arrested and there are only a few insiders. If the red party suddenly dies, it will be easy to put him under suspicion.

In Shanghai, New Year greetings returned to the hotel and called Zhu Qing and Chu Lingyun over.

In the past few days, he had found more than 20 people, seven of whom were willing to help. They sent invitations to Deputy Commander Tang for various reasons, but they were all declined by Deputy Commander Tang.

This old turtle seems to have no intention of going out.

Zhu Qing spent a lot of money and finally found out something. According to the Japanese he bribed, Deputy Chief Tang had not been seen in other places in the Japanese Concession. The person they were looking for probably lived in a heavily guarded house. warning zone.

The big shots from the Japanese concession live in the cordoned area. Ordinary Japanese like them don't have passes and can't get in at all.

"Ling Yun, how's the search going?"

Several days passed without any progress in the task. He Nian was anxious and asked Chu Lingyun.

"Section Chief, I'm sorry to disappoint you. I found some clues, but they turned out to be untrue."

Chu Lingyun shook his head. He was still thinking about finding Hosokawa Tomotaka in the New Year, but the person was right in front of him. His appearance had changed a long time ago, and no one could find him.

The Shanghai Station also had no reliable information. He tried many things to celebrate the New Year, thinking that there was only one way to make it work, but all he got was disappointment.

"If it doesn't work, just attack by force."

He Nian sighed. Zhu Qing and Chu Lingyun were both startled. Not to mention the low certainty of the attack, the team members participating in the operation were basically dead.

"Section Chief, we don't even know where Chief Tang lives, so we can't attack by force?"

Zhu Qing hurriedly advised that those who came this time were his and Chu Lingyun's team members. To attack by force would be to commit suicide, and those who would die would be their people.

"Section Chief, if we attack by force, once our people fall into the hands of the Japanese, the Japanese will bite us, and Virgo will not be able to bear it."

Chu Lingyun was also trying to persuade him. He didn't use Deputy Chief Tang as a reason, but used the Virgo seat.

"I'm just saying."

He Nian said with a smile, he didn't pay attention to Zhu Qing's persuasion, he just beat them one by one if he didn't know, but he had to consider Chu Lingyun's words.

Attacking the Japanese Concession would be very troublesome once discovered. Chu Lingyun was right. Virgo would not be able to bear the consequences. He, the troublemaker, would probably be shot.

In desperation, he thought poorly.

Chu Lingyun and Zhu Qing breathed a sigh of relief and stormed the Japanese Concession. Even if everyone in their two teams was reimbursed, they might not be able to complete the task.

From the Shanghai Special High School, Iijima went straight to Kitagawa Naru's office.

"Section Chief, Tianwa has sent the first information."

Tianwa is the code name of Bai Yuan. Bai Yuan gave him this code name after he promised to serve the Japanese. Now Tianwa is in the hands of Nao Iijima.

This time it was Bai Yuan's first piece of information to the Japanese, about Shanghai Station.

"Bring it here."

Kitagawa Nao nodded, and Iijima Nao immediately handed over the latest information from Shiramoto.

"The Chinese are still investigating the whereabouts of Deputy Chief Tang?"

Beichuan Ming frowned. After Bai Yuan came to seek refuge, the Special High School helped him complete the task.

Bai Yuan didn't go to the so-called investigation at all. It was the information given to him by the special high school class.

In order for Bai Yuan to gain Chen Shu's trust, this information is true. It doesn't matter if the checkpoint situation is known to the Chinese, they can make adjustments at any time.

Chen Shu was very happy after seeing Bai Yuan's detailed investigation, and immediately appointed Bai Yuan as the deputy leader of the action team.

Three people completed the four tasks assigned by Chen Shu, including general affairs team leader Zhong Yuanjiang and telecommunications team leader Shi Tongshan.

Zhong Yuanjiang did not let him go to the general affairs team. Chen Shu arranged him to be the deputy team leader of the intelligence team. Shi Tongshan went to the general affairs team to be the deputy team leader. Although the three original team leaders were demoted, they were at least still deputy team leaders. The team leader regained certain rights.

Bai Yuan could understand this. It was impossible for Chen Shu to let him be the deputy leader of the intelligence team. After all, the intelligence team was all his old subordinates. He became the deputy leader. In the future, these people would listen to the team leader or him. of?

The action team suffered a lot last time and had a lot of newcomers. He had no foundation in the action team, so Chen Shu would feel relieved if he was placed in the action team.

Zhong Yuanjiang, the general affairs officer, was transferred to the intelligence team, which made him believe his guess.

The three team leaders who completed the task were all disrupted and were not allowed to stay in their original teams. This was Chen Shu's method.

First, beat them to the end, and then test them with a task. After completing it, they will change teams and become deputy team leaders. They must not only be grateful, but also use their previous influence to help Chen Shu stabilize everything in Shanghai Station as soon as possible.

Finally, they arrived in a new department. After being suppressed, they were unable to make any waves.

Chen Shu's methods amazed him. He was worthy of being a webmaster.

It's a pity that Chen Shu didn't know that he had defected to the Japanese. It was better to put him in the action group than in the general affairs and telecommunications group. Here he had the opportunity to get access to the latest intelligence.

He would mostly perform meritorious service to the Japanese, and then let the Japanese help him perform meritorious service. Sooner or later, he would be able to get his position as team leader back, and then he would further seize Chen Shu's position.

"Stationmaster, Bai Yuan delivered the information an hour ago."

In Chen Shu's office, Feng Qun reported in a low voice, and Chen Shu smiled coldly: "Keep an eye on the person who receives his information, let him pass on a few more, and then attract the big fish. After all, he is a team leader and cannot waste it."

Bai Yuan thought he had seen everything, but he didn't know that he was just a bait.

He is not allowed to be in the Intelligence Department. It is true that there are many old subordinates in the Intelligence Department, but the most important point is that Zhong Yuanjiang passed the test and Chen Shu trusts him more.

So Zhong Yuanjiang went to the Information Section, and Shi Tongshan went to the General Affairs Section.

Chen Shu could probably guess what the information Bai Yuan passed on was. They had only done two things recently, one was to detect the whereabouts of Deputy Chief Tang, and the other was to look for Hosokawa Tomotaka.

These two actions can let the Japanese know.

It was normal for them to investigate Deputy Chief Tang. It would be abnormal not to investigate him. The Japanese knew it well and this was not a secret at all.

Beichuan Mingzheng frowned. Bai Yuan was their new mole, and Beichuan Ming had high expectations for him.

After defecting to the Japanese, Bai Yuan handed over a lot of information about Shanghai Station.

But a lot of the information is out of date and has no meaning.

This is the first information sent back by Bai Yuan. It sounds useful, but if you think about it carefully, it is worthless.

Just as Chen Shu thought, it would be strange for Shanghai Station not to investigate Deputy Chief Tang.

"Section Chief, will he be paid for this information?"

Nao Iijima asked carefully, these moles have to be kept with money, and they will be paid a certain amount every time for the information they send.

Naoya Iijima understood that this information was worthless.

"Give it to him and ask him to keep an eye on the progress of the investigation. If the Chinese take action, report it immediately."

After thinking about it, Beichuan Ming still nodded. It was just a little information money, so there was no need to save it. Although it was of no use this time, if the Chinese really found out something, Bai Yuan could report it to them as soon as possible so that they could take precautions.

Deputy Chief Tang was sent by the Chief Section Chief to instigate rebellion, and they were responsible for the safety of Deputy Chief Tang.

The chief section chief will be here soon. If something happens to Chief Tang at this time, I'm afraid he won't even have a chance to return to the country for trial and will be taken directly to prison.


Iijima simply quit, it was cheaper than Bai Yuan, and he could still earn a good income even with such useless information.

In Nanjing, Lao Hu was a little uneasy at home.

Today, Lao Deng went to see off the radio teacher. Normally, he would be back in the afternoon. He was only responsible for escorting them out of the city and guiding them to the correct road hazards. He would not send them too far.

But it was getting dark, and there was no sign of Lao Deng.

When Lao Deng came back, he had to report. He also had to report to Secretary Liang and tell his hometown the whereabouts of the three people out of the city. This was a task. Lao Deng was a very disciplined person and would not delay for so long without any reason.

It was getting dark, and Lao Hu was walking back and forth in the room, suddenly packing up his things.

He could not wait any longer. He had to transfer first and then determine Lao Deng's situation through other means. This was organizational discipline and he could not violate it.

Lao Hu took away all his belongings and came to a safe house that only he knew.

He made a secret signal at his original residence and told his comrades that he was moving urgently, so that they did not have to worry and he would find them later.

After staying awake all night in the safe house, Lao Hu immediately came to the residence of another comrade, Lao Zhao, the next day.

Lao Zhao is also his downline. He knows Lao Deng and has met Lao Deng.

"Something may have happened to Lao Deng."

After listening to his story, Lao Zhao said with certainty, Lao Hu frowned, full of worry: "I thought of what you said. There is no news about Lao Deng now, so we have no way to determine what happened to him."

"Lao Hu, no matter what happens, your safety is very important. Don't go back to your previous residence. I will arrange for comrades to keep an eye on it. If any spies come by, then Lao Deng will be arrested."

Lao Zhao advised that they believed that every comrade would also prepare for the worst.

According to the schedule, Lao Deng would report to Lao Huna yesterday afternoon and did not go until the evening. If something happened to Lao Deng, at least there was absolutely no rebellion during this period.

Otherwise, the spies would come to the door before Lao Hu could evacuate.

"That's all."

Lao Hu didn't insist and didn't know Lao Deng's situation. Now he can't go out casually, let alone return to his original residence.

"Have you reported it to your superiors?" Lao Zhao asked again.

"I haven't determined Lao Deng's condition and I haven't reported it yet."

Lao Zhao sighed: "You should have reported yesterday. The organization has more methods than us, and they can determine Lao Deng's situation faster."

Lao Hu opened his mouth. Lao Zhao was right. With more people in the organization, it was indeed easier to find out the truth than their single line.

He had been worried about Lao Deng yesterday, but he actually ignored this.

However, Secretary Liang was at work at this time. His identity was sensitive and he did not dare to run around. He had to wait until Secretary Liang got off work at noon.

Party Affairs Investigation Department, Bao Shengqun is sitting in the office, holding a tea cup.

The Action Section did not take any action, which confirmed his suspicion that the Red Party members did not confess. There were many hard-core Red Party members, and he had seen some of them himself.

Bao Shengqun has not thought of a better way to destroy it, but he is not in a hurry, there is still time.

The biggest advantage of being in the General Affairs Section is that you are not in the intelligence center. No matter what happens, as long as you are not involved, it will generally not arouse suspicion.

But the disadvantages are also obvious. Without direct contact with intelligence, you can only rely on speculation about many things.

Taking his teacup with him, Bao Shengqun walked around the big office several times.

He is the team leader, and he is usually considerate and polite to his subordinates. No one will feel awkward when he comes over, and they will say what they should say.

"We have no more sulfa in the infirmary."

Someone said there that Bao Shengqun wanted to leave the office, but turned around and went to pour water on purpose.

Sulfonamide is a drug that is in short supply and can save lives. The Party Affairs Investigation Office usually keeps some on hand.

Their work is very dangerous, especially in the field. If the wound becomes inflamed after an injury, death is very likely.

"No, I heard from the people in the raw material team last time that I bought sulfa for them. Could it be that they sold it privately?"

Another person wondered, people in the medical office make money by secretly selling drugs. Many people know this, but sulfonamide is not an ordinary drug. If you sell even this, you might get shot.

"Anyway, it's gone. Last night, a prisoner had a fever. He had a severe fever and needed sulfa. The infirmary didn't have it. They rushed the prisoner to the hospital. I don't know if he's dead yet."

The person who spoke first shook his head and said, and several people accused the infirmary of being too greedy.

If you touch other medicines, if you dare to touch life-saving medicines, the director will not spare them if something goes wrong.

Bao Shengqun's eyes narrowed. They only knew that one prisoner had a fever, but they didn't know who it was. After all, they were in the General Affairs Section and did not have access to front-line intelligence.

But Bao Shengqun knew that the person who suddenly had a fever was probably the red party member who was captured yesterday.

He was the only one who was tortured yesterday. Punishment can easily lead to infection.

It was not difficult to determine whether it was him. Bao Shengqun returned to the office, rummaged through a pile of documents, and quickly found a document.

The second update, including the additional chapter 18 of the monthly ticket, ends today.

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