Spy Shadow

Chapter 344 No less than Chu

Chapter 344 No less than Chu

Lao Wu ran a small stall, mainly repairing bicycles, trolleys and rickshaws. How could cars be repaired here?

He originally thought that someone was deliberately teasing him, but when he raised his head, he found the person whose appearance was imprinted in his memory.


"There was civil strife in Wuhua Prison last night. Eight comrades of our party have escaped. Please send people quickly to find them and rescue them."

Chu Lingyun changed her voice and spoke in a low voice. After speaking, she raised her head and said sarcastically in a hoarse voice: "The car can't be repaired, so why open a car repair stall?"

After saying that, he stood up and left.

Old Wu Gang wanted to chase after him, but suddenly remembered what Chu Lingyun said just now.

He was the first to see Miss Qiu's last letter. At that time, he thought it was the simplest reminder. But as the next day's newspaper came out, not only Secretary Liang guessed it, but he and Director Yang also guessed Miss Qiu. intention.

Miss Qiu didn't let them rescue her, she wanted to do it herself.

How could he save so many people by himself? Lao Wu approached Director Yang afterwards, and Director Yang told him that Secretary Liang had reported to the superiors and thought of a way to prevent Miss Qiu from acting alone.

But he never expected that Miss Qiu would suddenly appear and tell him that eight comrades had been rescued.

Miss Qiu, how did he do it?

Lao Wu didn't care to chase Miss Qiu, and looked around carefully. He didn't care to continue repairing the car, and hurriedly closed the stall and ran out.

This time there was no note, Miss Qiu told him directly.

He no longer had to go to see Director Yang with a note in his mouth.

"Why are you here at this time?"

Director Yang was startled when he saw Lao Wu. Lao Wu usually came at night when he had something to do, and Miss Qiu also sent messages at night.

During the day, Lao Wu had to guard his stall and couldn't go out casually.

"Miss Qiu just came." Lao Wu said quickly, panting.

"What did you say? Miss Qiu is here? Have you seen him?"

Director Yang was surprised and asked three questions in a row. Old Wu nodded fiercely: "I met him and he told me a very important piece of information. There was civil unrest in Wuhua Prison last night. Eight comrades of our party have escaped. Please send someone." Find them quickly and rescue them, these are Miss Qiu's exact words, word for word."

Old Wu had a good memory and relayed what Chu Lingyun said.

"Miss Qiu rescued someone."

Director Yang was also stunned. He understood the importance of this information and didn't care what he said. He asked Old Wu to go back quickly. He immediately rushed to Secretary Liang's house.

Secretary Liang hasn't gone to work yet. He has just had lunch and is taking a rest.

Feng Ruoxi saw him and immediately took him into the study.

"Why are you here at this time?"

Secretary Liang looked unhappy. It was daytime now, not nighttime. It was dangerous for Director Yang to come here like this.

"Secretary Liang, Miss Qiu just went to see Lao Wu and told him a very important and urgent piece of information."

Director Yang ignored the explanation and quickly reported the information passed by Lao Wu. Secretary Liang knew more than him. The eight comrades were transferred out of the prison in the city early yesterday morning. They are investigating where they went, but there is no result yet.

They didn't even find out where the person was, but Miss Qiu actually rescued the person?

"Tell me the exact words."

Director Yang repeated what Lao Wu told him. The content was not long and easy to remember. This time, because there was no written record, he had to remember every word in the information clearly.

"Wuhua Prison."

Secretary Liang was startled. He knew that this place was under the jurisdiction of the Party Affairs Investigation Office, and it was really possible for them to transfer the eight comrades there.

But how did Miss Qiu know what happened in the early morning? Was he an insider?

If you were an insider, this would be too dangerous.

And what about the civil unrest in Wuhua Prison? Secretary Liang was confused.

But now is not the time for him to pursue the truth. The eight comrades escaped last night. Now that so much time has passed, they must be found as soon as possible to ensure their safety.

Just as he was thinking about it, Feng Ruoxi suddenly came in and whispered in Secretary Liang's ear: "Comrade Tadpole is here."

"Director Yang, please go back first and take the back door. I will handle this matter."

Secretary Liang ordered that Tadpole and Lao Wu had met before, but they did not know each other's identity. Director Yang and Tadpole were not on the same line, and there was no need to meet each other.

This is organizational discipline and a very necessary protective measure.

Director Yang stood up and left, knowing that Secretary Liang must have something important to do.

Tadpole was quickly taken to the study, and before he sat down, he quickly said: "Secretary Liang, I just received news that there was a riot in Wuhua Prison of the Party Affairs Investigation Department, and many red party members escaped. The Party Affairs Investigation Department is conducting an urgent search. , I am investigating whether the eight comrades we are looking for are among the people who escaped this time."

"No need to check, it is indeed them."

Secretary Liang nodded slowly. Miss Qiu's information was earlier than that of Tadpole, and she successfully saved people.

"It's really them, how do you know?"

Tadpole was startled. They were the only ones responsible for investigating the party affairs investigation. How come Secretary Liang had already confirmed the news?

They are still verifying this news. Where did Secretary Liang get such accurate information?

"Don't ask about this. Arrange comrades immediately to find a way to find the eight comrades. At the same time, pay attention to safety and avoid the spies of the Party Affairs Investigation Department."

Secretary Liang did not tell him the truth. Miss Qiu's existence was top secret.

After Tadpole left, Secretary Liang was still in a daze.

From the time Miss Qiu sent the message to the time the person was rescued, it only took two days. This was too fast. They were unable to do anything. Miss Qiu actually took action and succeeded.

The key is that Secretary Liang is confused and has no idea how Miss Qiu did it.

Unfortunately, time was tight just now, and he didn't have time to ask Director Yang in detail, but even if he asked, Director Yang probably wouldn't know. If he knew, he would have made a report long ago.

In any case, the result is good. The eight comrades escaped. If you find them, you can escort them to their hometown.

The comrades in the base area no longer need to participate in the rescue. They must go back quickly. The eight comrades are all old party members and have rich experience. They will definitely not escape into Nanjing again.

They will look for organizations outside the city, and the most suitable place is the base.

The base area is characterized by remoteness and poverty, but now it has become an advantage. As long as the eight comrades arrive at the base area, their safety is guaranteed and they will not be easily detected by people from the Party Affairs Investigation Department.

However, this matter must be reported as soon as possible, and we ask our hometown to help notify more base areas and find them as soon as possible.

In the afternoon, Secretary Liang received a call back from his hometown.

Eight comrades have arrived at the base area in Hui Province and are currently recuperating. Mr. Ke called back and asked them to report in detail the entire incident.

The previous telegram sent by Secretary Liang only told Miss Qiu from her hometown to tell them that the person had been rescued, but the actions and plans made by Nanjing were not reported.

They are still in the investigation stage and haven't even found anyone. How can they report it?

In his hometown, Ke Zhengzheng was waiting, and finally received the telegram from Nanjing in the evening.

After getting the telegram, Mr. Ke couldn't wait to open it and read it.

Secretary Liang gave a very detailed report this time, from receiving the reminder from Miss Qiu a few nights ago, to guessing Miss Qiu's intention in the newspaper during the day, to their investigation.

They did not hesitate to spend money and obtained the information that eight people had been transported out. Before they could find out where the eight comrades were, Miss Qiu suddenly appeared again and personally told Lao Wu that the eight comrades had been rescued.

Miss Qiu did not say that she was rescued by him, but Secretary Liang had already determined that it was Miss Qiu who did it.

After reading the telegram, Mr. Ke lit a cigarette and smoked it gently.

The eight comrades were not ordinary people. They were very experienced. After escaping, they knew that the Party Affairs Investigation Department would search for them and kept walking along the deserted road.

There is a gay student whose hometown is in a village not far away. This gay student has met his parents.

This student was of good quality. His parents were enlightened country squires and had no prejudice against the Red Party. They were tired and thirsty and couldn't walk, so they found the student's parents.

The enlightened squire did not disappoint them. Not only did he let them eat and rest, he also personally escorted them in a carriage to the nearest base in Hui Province.

After receiving the person in Hui Province, they immediately reported it to their superiors and reported the situation to their hometown through the radio station in another large base area.

Ke Gongzai first received the telegram from Nanjing, and half an hour later he received the telegram from the base area, and understood that the eight comrades were indeed out of danger.

There was a report in the cable. According to the eight comrades, they were secretly transferred late at night and they did not know where they went. Less than a day after they were transferred to that place, a riot broke out at night. A team leader named Tan led others to kill them. Dead prison guards and the agents who guarded them.

The agent once begged for mercy from Team Leader Tan, but was killed.

When Fuquan knelt down and begged for mercy, eight people were watching.

Team leader Tan went over to rescue them. He not only opened their shackles, but also took them into the car when they escaped. He didn't let them down until they were far away.

Others in prison do not have this treatment.

The most important thing is that before Team Leader Tan left, he said something inexplicable to them.

The content of the words is: Thank you for the reminder this time. Go back and tell your people that we will not owe each other anything in the future.

After reading the telegram, Mr. Ke understood that Miss Qiu had taken action.

But even he didn't expect that Miss Qiu would do so well and beautifully this time.

More importantly, Mr. Ke didn't understand how Miss Qiu did it.

The identity of Team Leader Tan, Mr. Ke, has been found out. He is Tan Wenbo, the former leader of the Second Intelligence Team of the Party Affairs Investigation Department. Because they were suspected by Xu Laogui due to the death of the traitor Shi Haiyang last time, they were almost not executed.

Although Tan Wenbo and others did not die, they were sent to Wuhua Prison because of this incident. They said they were working, but in fact they were detained.

The person who punished Shi Haiyang was Miss Qiu. Tan Wenbo and Miss Qiu should have a deep hatred. How could he help Miss Qiu save people?

Finally, he said that we don't owe each other anything. What did Miss Qiu do to him to make him say such a thing?

When the situation in Nanjing was reported, Mr. Ke compared all the messages in the past few days and carefully analyzed them.

Ms. Qiu reminded me first, but she didn’t say anything about the eight comrades.

The next day, he anonymously let the media expose the matter. At that time, Mr. Ke did not understand his intention. It was only now that he realized that Miss Qiu did not just tell them about this matter, but also had a deeper intention.

He deliberately told the location where the eight people were imprisoned and the use of foreign instruments for experiments, and used the pressure of public opinion to force the Party Affairs Investigation Office to transfer the people.

Ke Gong was very smart and guessed Bao Shengqun's purpose.

If this is the case, Miss Qiu may have made arrangements before the person was transferred. Miss Qiu knew the Party Affairs Investigation Department very well, and he could guess where the eight people would be transferred to without being involved in the matter.

In fact, when the Party Affairs Investigation Department transferred eight people, Ms. Qiu's plan was half successful.

Tan Wenbo's subsequent riot must have a deep relationship with Miss Qiu.

But Mr. Ke couldn't figure out what method Miss Qiu used to convince Tan Wenbo to help them save people?

With limited clues, Mr. Ke could only rely on his own brain power to make constant guesses and inferences.

I don’t know what Miss Qiu did, so I’ll put this aside for now.

Since Tan Wenbo said that he and Ms. Qiu did not owe each other, it proved that he and Ms. Qiu had indeed reached some kind of deal. This deal was probably that Ms. Qiu helped them escape from prison, and what Tan Wenbo had to do was to rescue eight people when they escaped. A comrade.

Inferred from this, everything is logical.

This should be the truth of the matter. Unfortunately, after Miss Qiu appeared today, she quickly left after passing on the information. They still failed to establish a communication channel with Miss Qiu, and they did not even know who Miss Qiu was.

But one thing Mr. Ke can be sure of is that Miss Qiu is a courageous, resourceful and extremely intelligent intelligence agent.

Mr. Ke is very pleased to have such a person in the organization.

He admired Chu Lingyun very much before, but now it seems that there are people among them who are not inferior to Chu Lingyun.

Miss Qiu is definitely a genius who can be compared with Chu Lingyun.

This rescue operation made Mr. Ke completely understand that Chu Lingyun and Miss Qiu were not the same person.

It is impossible for anyone not to be an insider of the Party Affairs Investigation Department to make this operation so beautiful and perfect.

"Xiao Wang."

Ke Gong shouted, and a young man came in immediately.

"Ke Gong, please call me."

"Check my recent work schedule and see if I can spare a month for a trip."

Mr. Ke told him that he was very busy at work in his hometown, and it was not easy to squeeze out a day, let alone a month.

At first, he planned to let Lin Shi come to his hometown to train him.

Later, I thought that if there was an opportunity after the year, he might as well go to Nanjing.

Miss Qiu's performance this time made him eager to rush to Nanjing in person and do this by the way.

All contacts are via radio, so many things are inconvenient.

Only after he arrived in Nanjing could he learn more and make a more accurate judgment.

"A month?"

Xiao Wang was startled, how could Mr. Ke have such a long time, and what should Mr. Ke do for such a long time?

"Go check it out and squeeze out time for me as soon as possible. If it doesn't work in a month, at least half a month."

Mr. Ke nodded, and Xiao Wang had no choice but to run out and carefully check Mr. Ke's work arrangements. Mr. Ke was the person in charge of intelligence in his hometown, and his job was not just about sending and receiving intelligence.

I didn’t say anything anymore. I was first called to remind me of the update. I got up in the middle of the night to type, and the update came. Thank you to Liu Li Pheasant for the 1,500 starting coin reward, thank you to the Flower Blossom Pinellia Snow Ying Fen for the 500 starting coin reward, and thank you to the Little Naughty Ghost for the 100 starting coin reward.

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