Spy Shadow

Chapter 345 Guess where to go

The arrangements and activities of intelligence personnel organized across the country, the training of intelligence personnel in his hometown, the investigation of internal anti-spies, the external plans and actions of confusing the enemy, etc., are all Ke Gong's work.

What was so important that he had to go out in person even if he delayed so much important work?

Xiao Wang carried out the order with doubts, while Ke Gong continued to read the telegram in front of him.

It's a pity that the clues are limited. He really wants to know how Miss Qiu did it without being hurt, causing the enemy to fight among themselves, and rescuing his comrades.

How much wisdom is needed to act so well?

In the Party Affairs Investigation Department, Jiang Wan was so worried that half of his hair fell out. The hair, which was not much, completely turned into a Mediterranean look.

Old ghost Xu asked him to arrest Tan Wenbo and eight red gangsters, but he didn't have any clues and didn't even know where they were. How could he catch them?

"Section Chief, are you still interrogating?"

One of his team leaders asked carefully. Jiang Wan was interrogating the prisoners who had escaped and were captured by the garrison. All the guards in the prison were dead, but these prisoners were not.

He wanted to know exactly what happened at that time, and these prisoners became the final breakthrough.

"No more trial."

Jiang Wan shook his head and said, after interrogating five people in a row, the statements were surprisingly consistent. They were locked in a cell and did not know what was going on outside. According to what they said, not long after dinner, they first heard a gunshot, then continuous gunfire, and then the sound of a machine gun.

The prison's machine guns were mounted high. If the prison's prisoners had used the machine guns, Tan Wenbo and the others would have suffered heavy losses.

But judging from the corpses at the scene, only three of Tan Wenbo's men died.

He killed so many people in the prison at the cost of three people. When did Tan Wenbo become so powerful?

The machine gun must have been snatched by Tan Wenbo, as can be proven by the prisoners' confessions and the deaths of many guards in machine gunfire. But why did Tan Wenbo not leave, but rushed inside to rescue the eight red party members?

The interrogating prisoners saw that they brought eight red party members into the car, but not the others. Tan Wenbo did intend to rescue them.

In order to shirk responsibility, Jiang Wan falsely accused Tan Wenbo of being a hidden Red Party undercover agent. Now he himself also doubts Tan Wenbo's identity.

But even if Tan Wenbo was an undercover agent, how did he know that the eight red gang members existed and were transferred to Wuhua Prison?

The timing of his riot was absolutely perfect.

Wuhua Prison is under the jurisdiction of the Intelligence Department. Jiang Wan is very aware of the situation there. Tan Wenbo cannot contact the outside world. It is impossible for him to know about the eight red party members.

Even when he was transferred to Wuhua Prison, he was forced to have no choice.

idea at the time.

It all happened because of the reporter named Li Chengbai.

Jiang Wan thought angrily that he didn't pay much attention when Zhao Zaili wanted to kill Li Chengbai before, but now he hates Li Chengbai more than Zhao Zaili. This person must be eliminated after this incident.

Li Chengbai's report was relayed anonymously.

The method of cutting words from newspapers was used. This kind of anonymous letter was impossible to find out even if they did not have the original copy. "wrong."

Jiang Wan suddenly sat up straight. His thoughts had been disturbed by a series of things before. Now when he reorganized the whole thing, he suddenly discovered that the purpose of this anonymous letter was not just to expose them.

What this letter really wants to do is create public pressure and force them to transfer the Red Party.

Jiang Wan was stunned. If it was as he guessed, there must be a very scary red party member hidden within their Party Affairs Investigation Department.

After all, Jiang Wan is the chief of the Intelligence Department, and he cannot achieve this position without two assistants.

If it was as he guessed, then this red party member was not only deeply hidden, but also extremely terrifying. This time, everyone was tricked by him.

"Here comes someone."

Jiang Wan suddenly shouted, and his team leader immediately ran over.

"Let's check immediately. Who in the department has been to Wuhua Prison these days? The red party will be checked before and after their transfer."

After his men left, Jiang Wan sat in the interrogation room

Continue to refine his guess.

According to the prisoners' confessions, Tan Wenbo did not release them at first. Instead, he rushed to the innermost part of the prison, killed Fu Quan and others, released eight red party members, and then opened all the prison doors to create chaos.

Regardless of whether Tan Wenbo was a member of the Red Party or not, someone must have told him about the transfer of the Red Party, and that person was the concubine.

If you find him, you can eliminate this biggest hidden danger.

Even if Tan Wenbo and the eight red gangsters can't be caught after finding out what his concubine did, Old Ghost Xu will not punish him too severely this time.

The Red Party members ran away, and they still had a lot in their hands. Mother-in-law is a serious problem for Mr. Xu.

Not long after, the team leader ran back.

"Section Chief, we found out. Wuhua Prison previously requested a batch of supplies, but due to delays due to matters in Xi'an, it was not until a few days ago, that is, the day before the transfer of eight Red Party members, that this batch of supplies was delivered. The person responsible for the supplies is He Yadong, the leader of the raw materials team of the General Affairs Section."

He Yadong?

Jiang Wan narrowed his eyes. There was a big fuss in Xi'an. Wuhua Prison requested supplies before. In other words, they applied for supplies before the eight Red Party members arrived in Nanjing.

Before this, no one had been to Wuhua Prison.

He Yadong is a major suspect. He and his men are the only people who may have contacted Tan Wenbo during this period.

"Immediately find out how much supplies have been sent this time.

If no one is left out, I will report to the Virgo immediately. "Jiang Wan got up and hurried to Xu Laogui's office.

He Yadong is the leader of the General Affairs Section. If he wants to arrest He Yadong, he must get Xu Laogui's permission, but he knows very well that as long as he expresses his suspicions, Xu Laogui will not stop him in any way. What Old Ghost Xu hates most is his nanny. The last time he wanted to kill Tan Wenbo's entire group, you can see how much he hates his nanny.

This time the incident happened again because of Tan Wenbo. As long as Old Ghost Xu suspected that his wife was involved, he would definitely give him the greatest rights to investigate.

Standing in front of the desk, Jiang Wan told all his guesses.

Old ghost Xu said nothing, thinking quietly.

What Jiang Wan said makes sense. Various evidences show that Tan Wenbo did intend to rescue the eight red party members. Since it was intentional, he must have known about it beforehand.

"Don't let anyone with suspicion go. Arrest them."

Sure enough, Old Ghost Xu nodded, and Jiang Wan was overjoyed, lowered his head and exited the office.

With Old Ghost Xu's consent, he can then arrest people for interrogation. I believe he will be able to find the nanny soon.

As long as anything is done, it is impossible to leave no trace. "Team Leader Bao, see you at Juya House tonight." He Yadong hung up the phone with a smile, feeling happy.

After being frightened, he won a lot playing mahjong in the past two days. It was exactly what Bao Shengqun said, if you survive a disaster, you will be blessed later.

Bao Shengqun used to be the deputy section chief. Although he has been demoted to the team leader now, he has an unusual relationship with Old Ghost Xu. Taking this opportunity to deepen his relationship with Bao Shengqun, he can also ask him to help him if he encounters something in the future. Say good things to Mr. Xu.

It's just a meal, nothing. "boom."

The door was suddenly knocked open, and He Yadong stood up instantly. As soon as he opened the drawer, the person who rushed in pressed him on the table.

Jiang Wan came from outside, and his men searched He Yadong.

"Chief Jiang, what are you doing?"

He Yadong was a little panicked. There would be no benefit in being called upon by the Intelligence Department, not to mention the opponent's huge array.

Jiang Wan didn't say anything. He walked over and looked at the drawer he opened.

There were several books in the drawer, but there was a pistol hidden under the book. Jiang Wan took out the pistol and looked at it. It was full of bullets.

"take away."

Jiang Wan snorted coldly. The General Affairs Section is not the Intelligence Section or the Operations Section. It usually does not carry a gun. However, He Yadong had a pistol hidden in his drawer and just wanted to get it. There is definitely something wrong with him.

"Chief Jiang, why did you arrest me? What did I do?"

He Yadong kept shouting, but Jiang Wan ignored him

He had someone gag him, and several people took Jiang Wan to the torture department.

Not only He Yadong was arrested, but also several members of the raw material team and two truck drivers.

He Yadong was locked up in a cell, and Jiang Wan was not the first to interrogate him.

When the General Affairs Section delivers supplies, each group takes turns to deliver them. Jiang Wan has already found out that this time the supplies to Wuhua Prison were originally supposed to go to another group.

He Yadong is on duty next month. He said he had something to do next month and took the initiative to change it.

Only the team leader has the authority to do this kind of exchange, and He Yadong is the most suspect.

"The ones receiving the things at the prison are Team Leader Tan and his men."

As soon as the interrogation began, Jiang Wan got what he wanted, and his spirit was shaken.

It turned out to be Tan Wenbo who came to move the supplies. Didn't the prison know the order from above? Tan Wenbo and the others are not allowed to have any contact with the outside world.

Damn Gao Sheng, if he hadn't died, I would have shot him again.

"Have He Yadong and Tan Wenbo spoken?"

Jiang Wan asked immediately. The interrogated team member hesitated and then nodded: "Yes, our team leader and Team Leader Tan smoked a cigarette together and exchanged a few words."

Jiang Wan was even more excited after having exchanged information. "What did they say?"

"I don't know. I'm registering the things that have been unloaded. The things we send have to be checked before they sign. In order to avoid any trouble, we will count them together again every time we unload the truck."

Jiang Wan understood what he meant. The most feared thing about this kind of material handover was wrangling.

You said you sent it, but he said he didn't receive it, so he didn't know what the connection was.

"Where are the others? Did anyone hear it?" Jiang Wan asked again.

"I don't know about that."

"Let him sign and sign and bring the next one in."

Jiang Wan didn't ask many questions. The person he suspected before was He Yadong. Ordinary people can't do this kind of thing, and they must have a certain identity.

He Yadong fits the bill very well. He is the team leader and his rank is not low.

Moreover, he is in the General Affairs Department and usually interacts with various departments. If he is willing, it is not difficult to find useful information.

Another point is that He Yadong likes to visit not only the General Affairs Department, but also other departments.

He had gone to Bao Shengqun before. He liked to talk to others about certain matters. He had skewered the General Affairs Department, as well as other departments except the Intelligence Department and Operations Department.

All kinds of doubts converged on him alone. Jiang Wan believed that his guess this time would definitely not be wrong.

In the following interrogations, the answers were all the same.

Only He Yadong spoke to Tan Wenbo. It didn't last long, just a cigarette, but it was enough for him to provide information to Tan Wenbo.

When interrogating the truck driver, Jiang Wan noticed another detail.

He Yadong has a fellow member of the automobile team, and he is an escort vehicle.


They used an escort vehicle when transporting the Red Party members at night. Although He Yadong's fellow villager was not involved, his fellow villager was very familiar with the escort vehicle and must have known that the escort vehicle had been used.

Based on the amount of fuel, it's easy to guess where you've been.

"Go and bring the driver of the escort vehicle from the motor vehicle team."

Jiang Wan immediately ordered, and before bringing people here, he finally interrogated He Yadong.

Now Jiang Wan has found enough evidence. Even if He Yadong doesn't say anything, he can still conclude that He Yadong is the wife.

If there are too many coincidences, it is no longer a coincidence.

"He Yadong, I didn't expect you to hide it so deeply."

He Yadong was hung up, and Jiang Wan asked coldly. At this time, he had completely determined that He Yadong was a female cadre of the Red Party.

As for Tan Wenbo, he had arrested red party members before, but his recent actions have failed one after another. It is possible that he was instigated to rebel recently, and the one who instigated Tan Wenbo's rebellion was He Yadong.

Jiang Wan was convinced of his guess.

"Chief Jiang, I haven't done anything. You don't want me to

Wronged me. "

He Yadong was shocked. He felt bad when people from the Intelligence Department arrested him, but he had no idea why he was arrested. In addition, he was arrested in a hurry, so he had no chance to smoothen the relationship.

"I've wronged you?"

Jiang Wan smiled. He finally found out the nanny. If he found the nanny, the merits and demerits would be balanced. The crisis at hand could at least be solved.


"Let me ask you, who killed Shi Haiyang? You or Tan Wenbo?"

Jiang Wan asked. Shi Haiyang was killed just one day after joining the intelligence department, and his supervisor ran away because of a fire.

If Tan Wenbo is an accomplice of the Red Party, all this would not be surprising. Tan Wenbo is the team leader and has been to the surveillance point. It would be too easy to create hidden dangers.

As for Shi Haiyang's residence, there is no secret to them. Whether it is Tan Wenbo or He Yadong, they have the opportunity to kill Shi Haiyang.

I'm afraid Tan Wenbo himself didn't expect that this incident would be so big that he would eventually be implicated.

He Yadong has been looking for opportunities to rescue Tan Wenbo. The transfer of eight red party members gave him the best opportunity to free Tan Wenbo and rescue the red party members at the same time.

Killing two birds with one stone, He Yadong took the opportunity to send supplies and took the risk to contact Tan Wenbo.

"Chief Jiang, don't talk nonsense. I don't know Shi Haiyang, and I have never killed him. I have nothing to do with Tan Wenbo. I just met him when delivering supplies, gave him a cigarette, and chatted for a few words. .”

He Yadong was shocked, why did Jiang Wan suddenly mention the murder of his wife.

This is not a trivial matter. Anyone who gets involved in this matter is almost at risk of death. Just look at Yan He and you will know. There is no evidence and no wife can be found to do it. A team of people will kill everyone if they ask for it.

Yes, he is the team leader, and Tan Wenbo is the team leader of the Intelligence Department.

Long, it was handled differently.


Jiang Wan smiled, and his men came to report that He Yadong's fellow man in the car group had been arrested.

"Stop his mouth and interrogate the driver first."

Jiang Wan ordered, He Yadong's heart sank even more when he saw that his fellow villager had also been arrested. Jiang Wan suspected that he was his wife, so all the people related to him were arrested for interrogation.

But he is not, he has nothing to do with his wife.

He Yadong was furious, but unfortunately his mouth was blocked and he couldn't say anything.

He Yadong's fellow villager was even more inexplicable. He was arrested by the intelligence department while he was going to work.

A burst of whipping made the escort truck driver cry and howl. No matter what Jiang Wan asked next, he would answer according to the answer Jiang Wan wanted.

If you don't say this, you will definitely be whipped.

He Yadong listened with fear. Jiang Wan wanted to give in, but he couldn't speak. No matter how he shouted, all he made was a whining sound.

"He Yadong, what else do you have to say?"

After the driver signed and stamped his signature, Jiang Wan asked someone to release He Yadong's gagged mouth and asked proudly.

"I'm wronged. Chief Jiang, you can't be unreasonable. I'm really not a red party member."

He Yadong shouted in a hoarse voice, but Jiang Wan snorted coldly.

Voice: "Have I asked you if you are a member of the Red Party? You are asking for it."

Seeing that He Yadong was still quibbling, Jiang Wan lost his patience and had someone torture him.

These red parties are very cunning and can handle them well. He wants to see how long He Yadong can last.

In the torture room, He Yadong's miserable howl came. In the General Affairs Section, after He Yadong was taken away, various discussions continued.

No one knew why the people from the Intelligence Section arrested him, and it was the Intelligence Section Chief Jiang Wan who came in person.

Bao Shengqun quickly received the news.

He sat in his office and recalled his actions carefully.

He Yadong didn't know that he secretly stuffed the pamphlet, and all Tan Wenbo's people escaped, leaving no one alive.

In this way, it would be impossible for Jiang Wan to know the inside story of Tan Wenbo's riot.

In fact, Bao Shengqun was also a little surprised by the final result. Tan Wenbo was so ruthless. After reminding him, he actually

So quickly a riot broke out.

He even killed everyone in the prison without leaving any one behind.

His purpose in doing this was purely to prevent Old Ghost Xu from having an easy time. As for the Red Party members, it would be best if they could take advantage of the chaos to escape or die in the chaos. Even if they didn't escape, it would have no impact on him.

Anyway, whenever Tan Wenbo moves, Old Ghost Xu will definitely feel uncomfortable.

The result of the matter was beyond his expectation. Tan Wenbo not only ran away, but also released all the red party members, which made Jiang Wan so passive that he carried out the investigation aggressively.

Bao Shengqun could guess the reason why Jiang Wan arrested He Yadong.

Only He Yadong has been to Wuhua Prison these days. As soon as Tan Wenbo rioted, he was suspected.

Fortunately, it was He Yadong who sent it off this time. If it was his turn, he would give up this action to avoid being suspected.

He Yadong recruited him, and Jiang Wan happily rushed to see Old Ghost Xu with his signed confession.

He Yadong couldn't bear the torture. He would die if he didn't recruit him. Maybe he would be happy if he did.

"Is He Yadong the nanny?"

Old Ghost Xu asked after reading the confession. Jiang Wan nodded heavily: Yes, Virgo, He Yadong admitted it, but he said that his superior was Tan Wenbo, who instigated him to rebel, and it was Tan Wenbo who killed Shi Haiyang. "

Jiang Wan asked He Yadong to reveal his top line, but He Yadong had no top line to explain.

He couldn't bear the beating, so he could only say that Tan Wenbo was his superior, which was an explanation to Jiang Wan.

"Tan Wenbo, hidden deep enough."

Old ghost Xu said bitterly. He suddenly remembered that after Shi Haiyang was killed, Tan Wenbo also discredited the General Affairs Department, saying that the General Affairs Department also knew Shi Haiyang's residence.

He was shouting to catch the thief, and deliberately prevented them from going to the General Affairs Department to protect He Yadong, the downline.

And Lin Peilun, maybe Lin Peilun was dragged into the trap by Tan Wenbo, so Lin Peilun defended Tan Wenbo in every possible way before, but it was a pity that he could not see through their faces.

Really abominable.

"Virgo, I found my wife to fuck with, we don't have to worry anymore in the future."

Jiang Wan whispered, and Old Ghost Xu nodded slowly: "You did a good job this time, but the Red Party and Tan Wenbo have to find him, especially Tan Wenbo. If he can't catch anyone, he will let me see the body."

Old ghost Xu really hated his wife, and issued a kill order for Tan Wenbo.

"Yes, Virgo, don't worry, I will find him as soon as possible." Jiang Wan exited the office and secretly wiped the sweat from his forehead.

He is not stupid, on the contrary, he is very smart, otherwise he would not have thought that the anonymous letter was a foreshadowing set by the Red Party.

While interrogating He Yadong, he realized something was wrong.

He Yadong is not like the Red Party members, and is more in line with the characteristics of being beaten and beaten.

But Jiang Wan has no way out. He needs to give Xu Laogui an explanation. He Yadong must be a red party. What's more, Jiang Wan's suspicion of He Yadong has not been lifted. There are too many coincidences.

"Team leader, this is really nice. It's far away from the county seat. The mountain is easy to defend and difficult to attack. No matter who comes, it's impossible to capture us without a regiment and artillery. There is an important road at the foot of the mountain, and there are many merchants passing by.

If we keep this path of wealth, we will never have to worry about food and drink.

"On the mountain, Tan Wenbo looked down the mountain with high spirits.

Not long after he ran out, he and others abandoned the car and fled. He drove quickly, but it was too conspicuous and could easily be detected.

After running around for several days, they finally found a suitable place to stay.

"That's right. From now on, we will send our brothers to collect protection money on the road. It doesn't need to be too much. It will be collected according to the size of the caravan. We don't ask for much money. In order to reduce trouble, they will pay it obediently. This is better than blocking the road and robbing. "

Tan Wenbo couldn't help but nod. There was a group of bandits here, numbering more than fifty people.

It turned out that the bandits only had a dozen guns and two cannons, so they were no match for them. With a single sweep of the machine guns, the opponents were thrown into disarray, and they were defeated soon after.

The leader of the bandit den was killed by Tan Wenbo, and the remaining bandits were recruited.

In addition to the people under him, now there are

At a scale of more than seventy people, the number of people was not large, but it was not a small number.

To Tan Wenbo's surprise, the leader of this group of bandits was quite rich, and he dug out dozens of gold bars.

Bandits who only want to make money but don't understand development are destined to fail.

Tan Wenbo had no intention of keeping the money. He wanted to buy guns and train the original bandits. In addition, he also specially sent two of his subordinates to lurk in the county to detect intelligence.

They are agents and have an inherent advantage in detecting intelligence.

The important thing is to detect the county's armed forces and their movements. If the county has plans to attack them by force, you can prepare in advance and protect yourself.

It's a pity that they don't have a radio station. He will definitely get the radio station when he has the opportunity in the future, so that no matter what happens in the future, he can know in advance and respond.

"Yes, team leader."

"Don't call me team leader anymore. The matter of the Party Affairs Investigation Department belongs to the past, and no one is allowed to mention it again in the future. All our brothers have to change their names. From now on, you will call me Boss Shi."

Tan Wenbo said lightly, he understood that Old Ghost Xu would not let him go.

If Old Ghost Xu knew they were here, he would try his best to get rid of them. It would be stupid to reveal his real name.

"Yes, boss."

The subordinate grinned and said that it was better to be a bandit than to lose his freedom and be imprisoned.

Now they all wear thick cotton-padded clothes, and they don’t eat meat and wine, but the food they eat is completely different from before.

Since they can't go back, they must protect themselves and continue to grow and develop. They still hope to be proud and proud, and even have a chance to seek revenge against Old Ghost Xu.

Director Yang was sitting in front of Lao Wu's residence.

"Old Wu, this time Miss Qiu took the initiative to meet with you, which is a great progress for us. It shows that he is not averse to direct contact with the organization. Your idea of ​​setting up a stall is very good. If Miss Qiu shows up again next time, you You must ask him clearly why he doesn't want to

Interested in contacting the organization. "

Director Yang quickly said that this was the task given to him by Secretary Liang.

"I understand, the information was too urgent this time and I didn't have time to ask."

Old Wu nodded solemnly. He was very happy to see Miss Qiu in person again. After this contact, he believed there would be another time.

No need for Director Yang to ask, he will ask this question next time.

"My hometown highly appreciates Miss Qiu's action this time, but it's a pity that we can't tell him the good news."

Director Yang regretted that his hometown had indeed given them praise, and the rescue of the eight comrades was so beautiful this time.

It is said that Mr. Ke was amazed and gave Miss Qiu great recognition.

It's a pity that they have not yet determined Miss Qiu's true identity, and there is no way to bring Miss Qiu back to the organization.

"I will definitely tell him when I see him next time."

Lao Wu is very optimistic. He is the only person who has met Miss Qiu, and Miss Qiu only communicates with him.

This gave him an indescribable sense of pride.

Miss Qiu was very important. They knew this before, but no one expected that Miss Qiu could be so powerful and easily rescued their comrades from the enemy's heart.

It’s unimaginable.

"Okay, be sure to ask clearly next time. I'll go back first."

Director Yang stood up, Lao Wu's safety was very important now, and he was the only channel to contact Miss Qiu.

Secretary Liang ordered him not to contact the two unless it was extremely important.

If Xiao Su hadn't connected with Lin Shi and was responsible for the sales of sulfa, I'm afraid Xiao Su would have been transferred out of Nanjing to protect Lao Wu.

As for Lao Wu’s residence, it cannot be changed.

Secretary Liang's worry was not unreasonable. Once Lao Wu changed his residence, it would be equivalent to cutting off their contact with Miss Qiu.

In the Military Intelligence Department, Zhang Acheng is reporting.

Through Yu Liang, they found Liu Yuanwei and two other people from Tongwen Academy. The four of them were divided into two groups and stayed in two hotels not far apart.

Yu Liang and Liu Yuanwei are together. Yu Liang's mission is to take Liu Yuanwei to find the whereabouts of the traitor in Nanjing. The other two are waiting. After finding the person, they will take action to punish the traitor.

"Eavesdroppers have been installed in the rooms of Yu Liang and Liu Yuanwei. Through their conversations, it was determined that their mission was to find the person, but they have not found it yet. They don't even have any clues. They are just blindly looking for places where the Japanese may go. .”

Zhang Achenghui reported that Yu Liang and Liu Yuanwei were not professional agents, and they had no idea that bugs were installed in their rooms.

Now their every move is under the control of the Military Intelligence Department.

"Has the investigation about the Japanese been revealed?" Chu Lingyun asked. Zhang Acheng immediately nodded: "The investigation has revealed. Akira Furumura was born in Nagoya, Japan. His father was a fisherman and later became a sailor on an ocean-going cargo ship. Work, Akira Furumura’s father’s ship had an accident eight years ago, and he never came back.”

"Furumura Qiu lost his mother when he was young, and his family conditions were very poor. If the income from fishing was not enough to support his studies, his father would not have worked on a boat, and he died."

"Later, Furumura Akira was admitted to Doubun Academy and graduated from Doubun Academy. However, when he was in school, he was not interested in Doubun Academy's concept of loyalty to the empire and loyalty to the emperor. He said many times to criticize current affairs. If it weren't for his cousin If I serve in Tongwen Academy, I’m afraid I won’t be able to graduate.”

"After graduation, Furumura Qiu worked in a foreign company in the French Concession. Later, he was discovered by people from the Tongwen Academy for peeking at Red Party books and defected. It is said that he came to Nanjing."

Zhang Acheng's investigation was very detailed. Part of the information he obtained was from Yu Liang's insinuations, and the other part was his own investigation.

During this period, Zhang Acheng has been learning Japanese. If he wants to get into Tongwen Academy in the future, he will not be able to speak Japanese.

"Try to investigate as detailed as possible. Yu Liang and Liu Yuanwei should not move. If they find Furumura Qiu, report to me immediately."

Chu Lingyun nodded and said, Furumura Qiu is a member of the Red Party Preparatory Party, and he is Japanese, so he plays a great role.

Nothing can happen to Furumura Qiu. Now everyone from Tongwen Academy in Nanjing is under their control. They want to protect Furumura Qiu very much.


Sabotage their operations, or capture them before they take action.

Yu Liang is still useful and cannot be arrested.

Liu Yuanwei is Japanese, but he pretends to be Chinese, which can be used to some advantage.

"Yes, I'll investigate again right away."

Zhang Acheng accepted the order and quit. There have been no cases in the entire operations department recently. He was lucky. Yu Liang, who he had been targeting before, took the initiative to show up and gave him a chance.

Not to mention the Operations Section, the Intelligence Section currently has no targets for espionage investigation and can only focus on the military and police. During this period, the garrison and the police station were tortured by them.

If you want to be promoted, you must make meritorious service, and the Japanese have the greatest credit. But now that there are no Japanese, they can only work hard in other aspects.

After Zhang Acheng left, Chu Lingyun looked through Gu Cunqiu's information.

It's a pity that there are no photos. If there are photos, let Wang Sheng and the others find someone, and they will probably find him soon.

"Japanese people who like the Red Party."

Chu Lingyun narrowed his eyes. Furumura Qiu wanted to join the Red Party. After arriving in Nanjing, where would he most likely go?

If Doubun Yuan's investigation is true, Furumura Akira had no contact with the Red Party and simply accepted the idea of ​​the Red Party through his own reading.

His understanding of the Red Party was limited to theory. Chu Lingyun

You can probably guess where Furumura Qiu went.

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