Spy Shadow

Chapter 346 Mr. Ke’s guess

Even if he guessed it, Chu Lingyun wouldn't be able to find him in the huge crowd without a photo.

When Zhang Acheng gets the photo of Gu Cunqiu, Chu Lingyun will find a way to inform him and let him understand his situation.

The atmosphere in the Party Affairs Investigation Department and General Affairs Section is very depressing.

He Yadong, the leader of the raw materials team, was captured by the Intelligence Division and tortured. It was finally determined that he was the most hidden female operative of the Red Party. He Yadong is actually a red party member?

This news shocked countless people in the General Affairs Department. He Yadong is usually very tactful and not very courageous. How could someone like him be a red party member?

But this time, many people believed in the Intelligence Division, and Jiang Wan produced enough evidence to prove He Yadong's identity.

The Red Party is elusive and they are extremely good at disguise. If He Yadong is really a Red Party member, no one will see his flaws.

Bao Shengqun is the only person who knows the truth.

But he will not tell anyone that He Yadong's life and death has nothing to do with him, and He Yadong happens to be his scapegoat.

He doesn't care about the results, he just wants revenge.

On Chu Lingyun's side, Liu Chengzhu from Shanghai sent a message that the US$100,000 sulfonamides from the United States had arrived and asked Chu Lingyun what to do with it.

The goods worth one hundred thousand dollars, if sold at a friendly price, would be worth close to three hundred thousand dollars.

Chen Mutu asked for 200,000 yuan, and Wending Na promised to give him 100,000 yuan first. Just the two of them were not enough.

Chen Zizhou and Lu Kai are also asking for goods, and Lin Shi's supply cannot be cut off.

This batch of 100,000 US dollars of sulfa is simply not enough.

Chu Lingyun could only call Chen Mutu in person and discuss with him that the first batch of goods would not be given so much. He and Wending would each be given 80,000 first, and the rest would be allocated to them in batches.

Chu Lingyun must keep at least half of it to maintain the company's operations.

Otherwise, the company would be out of stock for a long time, and he would not be able to use sulfa to manage relationships.

Chen Mutu and Wen Ding both agreed readily. Chu Lingyun helped them a lot when they were in Xi'an. Although they only gave some ordinary things, the value of those things was no less than one hundred thousand US dollars.

Besides, it’s not that it’s not given to them, it’s just given separately, so they have no reason to refuse.

In his hometown, Mr. Ke seizes the time to deal with various official affairs.

After coordination, he finally squeezed out fifteen days. One month was too long, and fifteen days was the limit.

Some tasks can be handed over to other comrades. If other comrades cannot handle it, report to him over the radio and he will take command remotely.

Even so, Mr. Ke will not be able to set off until five days later. During these five days, he must do his best to complete the work in advance to avoid problems.


Military Intelligence Department, Chu Lingyun looked carefully at the photos in front of her.

Yu Liang had photos in his hands, but they couldn't take the initiative to ask for them.

This is a photo of the ancient village Qiu that Zhang Acheng sent to the French Concession in Shanghai and tried his best to obtain. The person in the photo has a bright smile and looks very innocent.

According to Zhang Acheng's surveillance, Yu Liang and Liu Yuanwei searched many places in the past few days, but found nothing.

Liu Yuanwei was a little anxious and planned to spend money to ask Nanjing gang disciples to help find him. The reward was not low, five hundred French coins.

This amount of money is enough to mobilize the enthusiasm of many small gangs. They are purely looking for people without the need for them to arrest them. The reward of 500 French currency is very high.

After getting off work at noon, Chu Lingyun put on a disguise at home. Instead of using his previous appearance, this time he made himself up as a middle-aged man in his forties.

The face shape can change, but the eyes cannot.

When meeting a shrewd person, it is easy to tell that there is something wrong with his eyes. Chu Lingyun specially wore glasses, not sunglasses, but an extra layer of decoration that can make people pay less attention to his eyes.

After leaving the door, Chu Lingyun called a rickshaw.

There are many places where poor people live in Nanjing. In the last spy case investigated by Shen Hanwen, the spy posing as a scavenger was hiding in the slums.

Chu Lingyun took Shen Hanwen with him and spent some pancakes and money to find out about the Japanese spies.

Furumura Autumn

If you like the Red Party, you must sympathize with the poor. There is a high possibility that he will go to such a place.

Moreover, Furumura Qiu came from an ordinary background. When he was young, his family was poor. His father worked hard but could not earn enough for his tuition, so he had no choice but to go on a boat to make money. Unexpectedly, he said goodbye forever.

There are many slums in Nanjing, so Chu Lingyun did not rush and took his time to find them.

Furumura Qiu is twenty-six years old and graduated from Tongwen College two years ago.

If it were not for his cousin, he would not be willing to study in Doubun Academy. The spirit of bushido is preached every day in the academy and makes them loyal to the emperor and the empire.

Ridiculous and foolish.

When he was a child, like these people, he worshiped the emperor very much and believed that the empire was omnipotent and invincible.

This huge neighbor was defeated by them, and there was nothing they could not do.

But his poor family made him suffer too much.

Their mother fell ill and eventually left them because she had no money for treatment. His father worked hard to raise him and his sister. In order for them to go to school, he left early and came back late every day, but the family's income was still not enough.

Akira Furumura wanted to drop out of school to help his family earn money, but was beaten by his father. No matter how hard it was, they must study. Studying was their only way out.

With knowledge, you can change your destiny in the future. The Japanese also understand this.

For the two brothers and sisters, their father resolutely boarded the ocean cargo ship

Wheel, do the hardest and most tiring work, just so that the two brothers and sisters can live a better life.

The accident eight years ago was like a bolt from the blue to them.

Fortunately, Furumura Qiu had grown up and was able to take care of himself and his sister. He worked part-time while studying, and finally allowed his sister to complete her studies.

But because he wasted too much time, he failed to get into a good university.

Later, at the suggestion of his cousin, he sold his house and came to China Tongwen School. Although the school was in China, it was an authentic Japanese school.

If his sister hadn't gotten married, he wouldn't have gone out of his way to come to China to try his luck.

China is a great country. When he was a child, he read many books about China. He knew very well that although this country is sinking now, it has been glorious many times in history.

China is so big and there are so many people, they will not sink forever.

Once this oriental dragon takes flight again, it will surely shock the world.

After coming to China, he learned about the country while studying. During one study, the teacher told them about the Red Party.

The teacher's purpose is to let them recognize the Red Party clearly, and they must deal with it resolutely when encountering the Red Party in the future. The Red Party is extremely harmful and is the worm of the empire.

This was the first time Furumura Akira came into contact with the Red Party theory. Unlike his teacher, after seeing some of the Red Party’s remarks, he

Finally, my eyes suddenly lit up. The Red Party specifically works for the poor and speaks for the poor class. Such people are great. If there were a large number of Red Party members in Japan, his mother would not have died of illness, and his father would not have had to board a freighter and eventually die.

He defended the Red Party in school, but ended up in solitary confinement and almost didn't get expelled.

After being imprisoned twice, he learned wisely. He followed the teacher's instructions and criticized the Red Party. He showed his extreme disgust for the Red Party. He finally deceived the teacher and graduated successfully.

After graduation, he received the task of lurking in a foreign company in the French Concession, mainly to investigate the activities of the Red Party in the French Concession. With the help of work opportunities, he came into contact with the books of the Red Party again.

This was something strictly prohibited by Tongwen Academy, but Furumura Qiu was fascinated by it, yearning for the life described in the Red Party books.

He hoped that everyone would be equal, there would be no war, no exploitation, and the common people could live and work in peace and contentment.

When you are young, you have something to learn, but when you are old, you have something to rely on.

Not long ago, a teacher from Tongwen School suddenly came over and said that he had discovered a red party operating in the French Concession and asked him to keep an eye on it.

He originally wanted to establish contact with this red party member, but there were other people around him and he looked too closely.

In order to prevent the Red Party from being persecuted, he deliberately made news to alarm the Red Party.

As a result, his behavior aroused the teacher's suspicion, and the teacher led people to make a surprise inspection

Checked his home.

At home, his hidden collection of Red Party books was discovered.

The teacher was very angry and wanted to take him back to school for severe punishment. On the way to take him back to school, Furumura Qiu suddenly ran away while there were many people and escaped the teacher's pursuit.

The teachers at Tongwen Academy did not carry guns. They discovered the Red Party. After confirming the identity of the Red Party, they would report the information about the Red Party to the Special High School Division, which would arrest them.

Although the last cooperation was not very pleasant for both parties, now that the super high school class has changed its director, the cooperation between the two parties still exists. After Ouchi Sanchang learned about Furumura Akira, he was furious.

Later, after their investigation, they found that Furumura Qiu had boarded the train, and it was a train bound for Nanjing. They immediately sent people to hunt him down. This time, armed action teams were dispatched to get rid of him as a traitor.

Furumura Akira was indeed in Nanjing. After he ran out, he knew that the people at Tongwen Academy would not let him go, so he rushed to the train station without even returning home.

He bought a train ticket to Nanjing. After arriving in Nanjing, he didn't have much money left.

He couldn't go anywhere else, and he didn't dare to reveal his identity. Fortunately, he spoke Chinese well and found a temporary job in a slum area.

Survive here first, and then slowly look for the Red Party and join this organization that he yearns for so much.

In addition to hiding his identity, he chose the slums for another reason. He firmly believed that he could find the Red Party he wanted to see here.

Since the Red Party serves the poor, there is a place for the poor

There will definitely be red parties.

Chu Lingyun's guess was correct. He, who was limited to theory, was indeed hiding in the slums.

Arriving at the place he visited last time, Chu Lingyun looked down.

This slum area was in a low place. Chu Lingyun bought all the pancakes from all the pancake stalls around him, hired two more people, and walked all the way carrying the pancakes.

"Old man, I'll give you one."

No matter who they were, as long as they were old, weak, women and children, Chu Lingyun would take out a pancake and give it to them, like a good person who went out of his way to do good deeds.

"thanks, thanks."

Those who got the pancakes kept saying thanks, some ate them quickly, and some carefully hid them and left them for the laborers at home to eat.

Laborers need to earn money to support their families. When they are full and strong, they can earn more money.

After handing out the pancakes, Chu Lingyun looked around, but did not see Zaofucun Qiu.

He was not in a hurry and returned directly after handing out the pancakes.

Furumura Qiu is interested in the Red Party. After seeing his behavior, he is very likely to come to test. Chu Lingyun has seen his photos. Even if he disguises himself, he can't hide it from Chu Lingyun's eyes.

When it comes to makeup, Chu Lingyun is definitely the first person in this era.

For two consecutive days, Chu Lingyun distributed branding in different areas.

After the cake is distributed, leave immediately and never stop.

His reputation as a good man quickly spread in the slums. Furumura Qiu was in the second slum area that Chu Lingyun went to, and even saw Chu Lingyun from a distance.

He saw the entire process of making pancakes, but he did not go through it.

First, the pancakes Chu Lingyun handed out were mainly for the elderly, women and children, but not for the young and strong. He did not meet the conditions and there was no need to go there.

The second point is that he doesn't know Chu Lingyun's identity. Could this good person be a red party member?

He won't show up rashly until he's sure. On the carriage, Mr. Ke was flipping through documents.

Even if he still needs work when he comes out, he has to give up these jobs when he gets to Peiping. There are many enemies there, so he cannot expose any flaws to avoid danger.

Ke Gong's plan was to go to Peiping first, take a train from Peiping to Tianjin, and then take a train from Tianjin to Nanjing.

This is the fastest, much faster than riding a carriage all the way.

He only had two guards with him, pretending to be a businessman from Shanxi doing business.

There are many Shanxi merchants, and there are many like him who are traveling abroad.

The journey was smooth. When he was in Peiping, Mr. Ke stopped by to meet with the local people.

Organize important leaders locally and provide them with guidance on their work

Point, a lot of people were arrested in Peiping not long ago because of traitors. This time Ke Gong came to help them change some wrong working methods.

Working behind enemy lines is just like this. It is very dangerous and you must be vigilant at all times.

After staying in Peking for a day, Ke Gong took a train to Tianjin and immediately boarded the train to Nanjing.

His trip was top secret. To ensure safety, Secretary Liang didn't even know that Ke Gong was coming.

When Mr. Ke got on the train, Chu Lingyun was standing in front of the window.

Today is the last day of 36 years. In the blink of an eye, it has been almost a year since he came to this world. A lot has happened in this year.

Tomorrow will be 37 years, a very important year.

Too many things happened this year, and the pain of China also started from this year. In the next eight years, many compatriots will live in dire straits.

Chu Lingyun is only one person, and he cannot change history, but he will do his best to eliminate more enemies and protect more compatriots.

"Section Chief."

Zhang Acheng knocked on the door and walked in. He had been following Yu Liang in the past few days. He ate with Yu Liang from time to time and got more information.

Yu Liang had great trust in his brother Zhang, and he knew almost everything.

In his words, without Brother Zhang, he would have been finished a long time ago. Brother Zhang is his savior. When he gets rich in the future, he will definitely be

Just as likely to be stolen or robbed.

Fortunately, the good man handed out a lot of pancakes, so no one came to snatch them this time, but his instinctive defense would still be there.

"Can you tell me? I also have pancakes here, and I can share half of them with you."

Furumura Qiu sat next to him and took out half a pancake. The old man's eyes lit up and he immediately took the pancake.

These pancakes, if saved, would be enough for his son to eat for two days.

The old man's memory was average. He couldn't remember a lot of what Chu Lingyun said, but he could express the meaning. As he spoke, Furumura Qiu's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Isn't this the Red Party he has been searching for so hard to find?

Only the Red Party will call on the poor to unite and strive for a better life for themselves. Good people who are purely giving alms will not say these words.

Furumura Qiu regretted why he didn't come over earlier to ask.

Now he can only wait for Chu Lingyun to come over next time. Later, he must ask carefully. If the other party is a red party, he will ask the other party to bring him to join the organization.

"Secretary Liang, there's an urgent call from my hometown."

In Lotus Lane, Feng Ruoxi never sent a message. An urgent call came from her hometown. I don’t know what it was about this time.

But no matter what happens, Secretary Liang will pay attention to it.

He was stunned for a moment when he got the message. The message contained a password, not a password.

There is content, this is an encrypted message.

Only he has the code book for this code, and the comrades in charge of the radio station do not know it. In other words, he is the only one in Nanjing who can decipher this message.

There is something important going on in my hometown, and such a top-secret message was sent.

Secretary Liang did not dare to delay. He carefully took out his code book and translated it word for word. After the translation was completed, he froze there.

Ke Gong actually wanted to come to Nanjing and wanted to see Lao Wu and Lin Shi by name.

Especially for Lin Shi, Mr. Ke asked the organization to find ways to help Lin Shi get leave. Next, Mr. Ke would conduct special training for him to enhance his professional abilities.

This was Mr. Ke. There weren't many people who could be given special training by Mr. Ke. I didn't expect that Mr. Ke would pay so much attention to Lin Shi and come here to train him personally.

Secretary Liang didn't think much and immediately took Feng Ruoxi out. This matter must be implemented as soon as possible.

"Secretary Liang, why are you here?"

Director Yang, who was at home, almost stared out of his eyes when he saw Secretary Liang coming over. He had always taken the initiative to report to Secretary Liang, and this was the first time that Secretary Liang came to his home.

"I have an important mission for you."

Secretary Liang looked serious

Seriously, Director Yang's expression turned solemn when he saw him like this.

"We must help Comrade Dragonfly take eight days' leave. We must not let anyone doubt him."

Secretary Liang issued an order. He did not say anything about Mr. Ke's arrival. This was top secret and could not be told to anyone.

"Yes, I will immediately think of a way to give Comrade Dragonfly a suitable reason to come out."

Director Yang accepted the order, and Secretary Liang nodded slowly: "This matter must be kept strictly confidential and do not let anyone know."

He didn't say anything about Lao Wu. Mr. Ke just wanted to see Lao Wu, not to give him special training.

Lao Wu was relatively free, and he had plenty of time. It would not be too late to notify him after Mr. Ke arrived.

Director Yang did not ask the reason. Secretary Liang came in person and issued this order, which proved the importance of the order.

He understands the discipline of the organization and must not ask questions that should not be asked.

Furumura Qiu didn't know that there were many gangsters looking for him in the streets and alleys.

He kept waiting, and after two days, he finally saw the good man who came to give alms again.

Chu Lingyun continued to distribute food as usual. This time Gu Cunqiu finally couldn't help it and quietly came to Chu Lingyun's periphery.

As soon as he came over, Chu Lingyun noticed him.

Sure enough, Furumura Qiu was here. Seeing his vigilant look, Chu Lingyun secretly shook his head.

Now Liu Yuanwei is offering a reward. He is disguised, but it is an extremely poor disguise. Anyone who has seen him looking for photos will definitely recognize him.

Chu Lingyun didn't speak. Gu Cunqiu had been outside and

Didn't come in.

After dividing the pancakes, Chu Lingyun walked towards Gucun Qiu.

"follow me."

Beside him, Chu Lingyun said in a low voice. Furumura Qiu's eyes widened. He was thinking about how to get close to Chu Lingyun, but he didn't expect that the other party found him.

He didn't know why, but he followed anyway.

When he arrived at a deserted place, Chu Lingyun immediately said: "You are in danger now. Someone is offering a reward for you. It won't take long for them to find you. Don't stay in the city anymore. Now take the money and leave the city immediately, go to Yanzhou, where Have what you want and pursue your dreams.”

Chu Lingyun stuffed a handful of money into Furumura Qiu and left directly after saying that.

Furumura Aki is very important, but it is useless for him to stay in Nanjing.

His identity played a greater role in his hometown, especially after the Anti-Japanese War.

Even now, he can teach Japanese in his hometown. Learning more Japanese will be of great help in future battles.

Gu Cunqiu stood there stupidly. He didn't react until Chu Lingyun walked away.

What did the good man mean by what he just said to him? Is he in danger? Someone is looking for him?

He immediately thought of Tongwen Court. The only one looking for him now was Tongwen Court. As expected, these people did not give up and even issued a reward to catch him.

But how did this kind man, who was suspected of being a red party member, know this?


What's even more frightening is that he seemed to know what he was thinking and actually asked him to go to Yanzhou.

Of course he wanted to go to Yanzhou. He didn't have enough money before, otherwise he would have gone there long ago.

Furumura Qiu quietly stretched out his hand, and in his hand was a stack of French coins, all with a face value of five yuan each, a total of twenty.

One hundred French coins was enough for him to get to Yanzhou.


He didn't know who Chu Lingyun was, but the other party was obviously helping him. He remembered this. Now that he had money and knew that people from Tongwen Academy were offering a reward for him, Furumura Qiu left without any hesitation.

He lowered his head all the way and carefully left the city.

It went smoothly. After leaving the city, he immediately went to find a large car shop and took a car to leave.

He didn't know that when he left the city, there was a shadow following him in the distance.

Chu Lingyun followed him to protect him. If he was discovered by gang disciples, Chu Lingyun could help him get rid of the person who discovered him.

Fortunately, Furumura Qiu was lucky and was not discovered by anyone.

Without Gu Cunqiu, Yu Liang and the others are destined to be unable to complete their mission, and they can close the net.

But Yu Liang cannot move. He is still useful. He must be allowed to escape. Liu Yuanwei can be arrested. He is now a Chinese.

No problem catching him.

In addition to his identity, he sent a *** to Shinoda Akimatsu, which can be used as evidence of his espionage work.

However, it is not possible to act yet. Furumura Akira has left Nanjing, but the people in Tongwen Academy do not know, and they will wait until they can't find anyone and give up the mission before taking action.

At Nanjing Railway Station, Secretary Liang is waiting anxiously.

He received another secret message, informing him of the exact time of Mr. Ke's arrival, and asking him to prepare a safe house in advance to facilitate Mr. Ke's check-in.

Only Secretary Liang knows about this safe house.

In order to keep it secret, he didn't even bring Feng Ruoxi with him and came to pick him up alone.

The train was late, and Secretary Liang became more uneasy every minute he waited.

Finally hearing the news that the train had arrived, Secretary Liang stood at the exit and stared carefully.

Not long after, Mr. Ke led the two of them out.

Mr. Ke is not too tall. He wears a black hat, a black scarf around his neck, and a long gown. He looks very energetic.

Following him were two guards, each carrying a box.

"Boss Li."

Secretary Liang stepped forward to say hello. Boss Li was Ke Gong’s pseudonym. He couldn’t even use his own surname here.

"Dr. Liang, long time no see."

Seeing Secretary Liang, Mr. Ke smiled. The two did not shake hands. Under the leadership of Secretary Liang, they left in a car.

"Comrade Ke Gong, welcome to Nanjing."

Entering the safe house, Secretary Liang immediately reached out his hand excitedly, and Mr. Ke held his hands tightly.

"Secretary Liang, you have worked hard. Nanjing is the heart of the enemy and has the most enemies here. It is not easy for you to persist and achieve so many achievements."

"Ke Gong, you are serious. This is our job and what we should do."

Secretary Liang said excitedly. Ke Gong looked around and was very satisfied with this house.

It's relatively quiet here. If he doesn't go out, he won't easily attract other people's attention.

"I have notified Lin Shi and Lao Wu. Lin Shi has asked for leave. Lao Wu, I will arrange another safe house for you to meet."

Lin Shi wants to study with Mr. Ke, and he will always be with Mr. Ke these days.

As for Lao Wu, Ke Gong met him elsewhere and couldn't let him come here.

"Excuse me, what's going on at the Party Investigation Department now?"

Mr. Ke didn't bring a radio with him. He was coming to Nanjing again, so he simply asked in person.

"We just found out two days ago that after the incident in Wuhua Prison, Xu Laogui from the Party Affairs Investigation Department was very angry. Jiang Wan, the chief of the Intelligence Section, conducted an internal investigation and said that he found out our

The man, named He Yadong, is the leader of the raw materials team of their General Affairs Section. "

After speaking, Secretary Liang looked worried again: "I asked my hometown to find out that He Yadong is not from us, but Miss Qiu's identity has never been clear. I am worried that he may be Miss Qiu?"


Mr. Ke shook his head with a smile. Miss Qiu's performance several times was enough to prove that he was a very powerful ace agent. If the Party Affairs Investigation Department found him so easily, it would not be Miss Qiu.

Secretary Liang breathed a sigh of relief. He was very passive because he didn't know Miss Qiu's identity. He had been worried when Lin Peilun's accident happened, and he was worried for two more days this time.

"In addition to training Lin Shi, I am here this time to find out Miss Qiu's identity. I have several guesses about his identity and I need your help to verify it." Ke Gong said softly, Secretary Liang was shocked: "Have you guessed who he is?"

"No, but there are roughly a few categories. We can find him by analyzing these categories. However, this matter must be kept strictly confidential. If I confirm Miss Qiu's identity, if he is not willing to talk to you

I know they may not tell you, so you have to be mentally prepared. "

"Don't worry, I won't ask any more questions."

Secretary Liang immediately promised that it would be good if they could confirm Miss Qiu's identity. Even if they didn't know, it would be fine if her hometown knew.

That would be equivalent to letting Miss Qiu go home.

"The first possibility is that he is our lost comrade.

Over the past few years, many comrades have lost contact with the organization. Some of them have tried their best to look for the organization, and the organization is also trying its best to find them. However, there are still some comrades who have lost contact. I have reviewed a large amount of information on the missing comrades. At present, The possibility that Ms. Qiu is a gay who has lost contact is not high, only 20%. "

Mr. Ke said slowly, while Secretary Liang was stunned for a moment.

They had guessed before that Miss Qiu was a lost comrade. Unexpectedly, Mr. Ke actually said that there was only a 20% chance that Miss Qiu was a lost comrade?

Is it that low?

Ke Gong did not explain: "The second possibility is that Miss Qiu is a newcomer to the development of the missing comrade, but something may have happened to this missing comrade, causing Miss Qiu to lose contact with the organization, so we do not have any information about him. "

"Yes, it is indeed possible."

Secretary Liang's eyes suddenly lit up. As expected of Mr. Ke, they didn't think of this before.

Comrades who have lost contact are hidden everywhere, but the work of many comrades does not stop just because they lose contact with the organization. It is normal for them to develop new people.

If Miss Qiu really has such an identity, no matter how they check, they will definitely not be able to find it.

There is no record of such an identity even in his hometown.

"This possibility is 30%."

Mr. Ke said with a smile. Secretary Liang was shocked. Isn't this the most likely? Why is it only 30%?

"The third type, Miss Qiu was our comrade before, but

He did something wrong in the middle, but later he woke up, so he helped us do things secretly, but he didn't recognize us. "

Secretary Liang looked at Mr. Ke blankly. This possibility did exist.

He understood what Mr. Ke said was wrong.

In the past few years, many comrades were arrested and rebelled because they could not bear the torture. If some people wake up, they may be like Miss Qiu, secretly helping them and not daring to recognize them.

"This possibility is not very likely, only 10%."

Mr. Ke shook his head slightly. He had investigated the information of all the members who had defected to the Party Affairs Investigation Department, and found no one who met Miss Qiu's conditions.

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