Spy Shadow

Chapter 349 Seeing through the disguise

Chu Lingyun turned around at the same time, and Mr. Ke smiled politely at him.

Ke Gong reacted very quickly. Now that he is looking at Chu Lingyun, he must not turn his head away. If it were an ordinary person, it would be fine no matter how you turn, but when facing a sensitive intelligence officer, he would think you have a guilty conscience. People will doubt you.

It's not like I'm peeking at a big girl, there's nothing to be shy about.

Ke Gong has rich experience behind enemy lines and will not make such a small mistake.

Chu Lingyun's eyes narrowed. The first and second class carriages were already next to each other. They were not far apart after getting off the bus. Although it was night, the lights on the platform were very bright.

This man has a disguise on his face.

His disguise was very clever, and he was almost the same as an ordinary person. If he hadn't happened to be standing under the lamp, Chu Lingyun probably wouldn't have noticed.

In this day and age, not many people can make such a disguise. who is he? Why pretend?

Chu Lingyun thought a lot in his mind at the same time while observing the people next to the man.

The people around the man did not look around, but maintained a posture of

Keep an alert posture, lower your hands vertically, close to your waist.

The clothes he wore in winter were thick, so it was impossible to tell whether he had a weapon hidden on his body.

But Chu Lingyun can be sure that these two people are by no means ordinary people. Ordinary people don’t need to pretend when they go out.

Chu Lingyun suddenly walked over. No matter who he was, he would know if he went over and tried.

As soon as Chu Lingyun moved, Chu Yuan and several team members who were following him immediately followed him. Unlike Ke Gong's guards, they had their hands on their guns at all times and could respond immediately if something went wrong.

This time they went to Tianjin to investigate a case, and they had someone they clearly wanted to investigate.

Whether it is Li Peibo or Gao Tianming and Peng Zhengren who have escaped, they do not want Chu Lingyun to come to Tianjin. Once Chu Lingyun arrives, they will face greater danger.

Although they were kept secret before departure, if someone leaked the secret, Tianjin might send someone to stop them halfway.

Chu Yuan was very vigilant along the way. Even after getting off the car, they were still standing around Chu Lingyun.

"Brother, do you want to smoke?"

Chu Lingyun took out a pack of cigarettes. Whether now or in the future, cigarettes are an excellent communication tool.

When you go out to do errands, even if you face someone who doesn't want to talk to you, hand him a cigarette or a pack of cigarettes, and then talk to him. I guarantee that he will answer your questions.

If you meet someone easy to talk to, you may even do something illegal.

Cigarettes have a greater effect and can greatly bring people closer to each other, so every time they go out, cigarettes are a must-have for him. "Thanks."

Ke Gong thanked him and took the cigarette.

Mr. Ke smoked, and he smoked a lot. Intelligence work often required him to stay up late. He liked to think quietly while smoking. Over time, his addiction to smoking became much stronger.

When Chu Lingyun passed the cigarette, he paid attention to the three forts.

When he was smoking in the middle of the train carriage, he met Chu Lingyun's men who were smoking together. At that time, Chu Lingyun's men were also smoking the Three Fortresses.

San Paotai cigarettes are very famous, but the price is not cheap.

This detail made him notice that Chu Lingyun treated his subordinates equally.

"Brother, what's your name? Where are you from and where are you going?"

Chu Lingyun helped him light the cigarette, smoked one himself, and asked casually.

He asked the most common question, which is usually the first thing strangers ask when chatting on the train.

"My surname is Li. I'm from Shanxi. I started a small business in Nanjing. It's the end of the year, so I should go home early."

Ke Gong smiled and replied, speaking with a Shanxi accent. People who didn't know would think of him as a real Shanxi person.

"What a coincidence, I also got on the bus in Nanjing. What business do you do in Nanjing?"

Chu Lingyun asked with a smile. Ke Gong had already made preparations before and said unhurriedly: "It's a small business, not worth mentioning. It's mainly about getting some food."

Food is hard currency, and there are many people doing this business.

Don’t be afraid even if you are investigated, Liang

The secretary made arrangements for him, and Xiao Su had a grain store under Ke Gong's name.

"Grain is not a small business. I just want to stock up on some grain. Which grain store are you from? If the price is right, I will buy some."

Chu Lingyun took a puff of cigarette and kept looking at it from the corner of his eyes.

Ke Gong.

It was definitely a disguise, and it was done very well, but unlike him, his whole face was disguised, making him look like a different person.

He only covered part of it, but this part subtly changed the shape of his face, which was very different from the original appearance.

He looks like this, even if people have seen him, they probably won't recognize him face to face.

"Li Ji Food Store, if you really need food, I'll call the store clerk later and I'll guarantee that I'll give you the cheapest price."

Ke Gong replied immediately without any hesitation. But his heart skipped a beat.

Chu Lingyun was suspicious of him. He didn't understand why Chu Lingyun was suspicious of him just after they met. He thought he didn't show any flaws.

As for the makeup on his face, he learned it from a master who was known as the King of Face Changing. He was a liar in his early years and had deceived many people with his skills.

Ordinary people wouldn't be able to tell that he was disguised at all.

Chu Lingyun is only in his twenties and has definitely never learned this skill.

Art, even those who have learned it, will not be able to detect his disguise without rich experience.

Besides, he hadn't seen Chu Lingyun since he got on the train. They just looked at each other when they got off the train.

This kind of stare is very common. Chu Lingyun is young and surrounded by so many people. Not only did he look at it curiously, but many people around him also looked at Chu Lingyun. Why did Chu Lingyun come to chat with him and test him?

Mr. Ke was not lucky. Chu Lingyun seemed to be asking ordinary questions, but Mr. Ke knew who he was. He would not really want to buy food. This must be a test.

"Thank you, brother. If the price is lower, I will buy more."

Chu Lingyun smiled and nodded. After finishing his cigarette, he walked back to the door of the first-class carriage and got on the train.

Ke Gong hesitated for a moment and then made a decision immediately. boarding.

Although he was sure that Chu Lingyun suspected him, he couldn't run. If he ran, it would only force Chu Lingyun to catch him. There were only three of them, but Chu Lingyun brought dozens of people. It would be difficult for them to really escape in this strange place. go.

There is some risk involved in getting in a car, but you won't be caught right away.

Chu Lingyun might continue to test, so he must be alert and deal with it appropriately.

The train started moving slowly. Chu Lingyun sat on the chair, raised his head and closed his eyes.

The other party's answers to his probing questions were impeccable, and he spoke with a Shanxi accent. Most people would definitely think that he was from Shanxi.

It’s the end of the year and it’s human nature to want to go home and visit.

If it weren't for the disguise on his face, Chu Lingyun wouldn't have doubted him.

Who is he? Could he be Japanese?

Unlike, there are very few Japanese who pretend to be Shanxi people, let alone with such a real accent, and even if they are Japanese, there is no need to disguise themselves when going out.

Only someone who is worried about being recognized would make such an elaborate disguise.

For example, when he was delivering information to the Red Party, in order to prevent others from knowing his true identity, he would change himself every time he went out.

If not Japanese, who could it be? Red Party?

Or maybe someone from another warlord?

The possibility of being a red party is at least 50%. Chu Lingyun originally planned to send a message to Shen Hanwen and ask him to verify the situation of Li Ji Grain Store, but the other party was really a red party, so such verification should be avoided as much as possible.

Shen Hanwen devoted himself to meritorious service, but this boy was surpassed by Loach and became only the deputy team leader. He thought about how to make meritorious service and receive awards every day to catch up, and he had blind trust and admiration for himself.

Let him investigate, and maybe he will verify it carefully and in detail. It would be bad if he really found out the red party.

After following him for so long, Shen Hanwen's abilities have improved a lot. Last time

His performance in Guangzhou was very good. When he arrived in Guangzhou, he immediately grasped the key points and directly targeted Xie Zhenyuan's weaknesses.

After thinking for a long time, Chu Lingyun gave up the plan of letting Shen Hanwen verify it.

Unable to verify, Chu Lingyun kept calculating in his mind.

He is a makeup artist and has a deep understanding of this kind of disguise. He is trying to see if he can take off his disguise in his mind and see his true appearance.

Of course he wouldn't be able to do it if it were all makeup, but this person only disguised a few key parts, giving him hope of restoring it. "Bring me a pen and paper."

Chu Lingyun opened his eyes. It was too laborious to calculate purely in his mind. Chapter 349 Seeing Through the Disguise

Read for another 24 minutes to get 288 gold coins. He can't draw, but he can write down what he thought before with pen and paper.

Ni Loach hurriedly brought the pen and paper, and Chu Lingyun used the pencil, and kept sketching on the paper.

He painted only partial features, possibly what they looked like before they were disguised. Loach looked at it curiously, wondering why the section chief suddenly asked for pen and paper, and he didn't understand what he was drawing at all.

What Chu Lingyun painted was the camouflage part, on the forehead, cheeks and other parts. It was strange that Loach could understand it.

After finishing the painting, Chu Lingyun closed his eyes again.

After he restored several parts as much as possible, a new face gradually appeared in Chu Lingyun's mind.

This person's appearance seems a bit familiar.

Suddenly, Chu Lingyun's body trembled unnaturally, and he knew who the other party was.

I didn’t expect it to be him. He would dare to come to Nanjing?

No wonder he has to disguise himself. Many people have seen him, and Old Ghost Xu recognizes him. If Old Ghost Xu discovers him, he will be found even if the entire Nanjing city is sealed off.

As expected of the Three Tiger Dens, Longtan Tiger Den is like your own back garden, you can come and go freely.

Knowing who it is, Chu Lingyun will not verify it. His safety is extremely important and cannot be careless.

He is not from Shanxi, but he speaks Shanxi well.

Chu Lingyun smiled. This was a great figure who left his name in history. Meeting him by chance on the train was also a kind of fate.

Time passed slowly, and the long journey finally reached the end. Tianjin has arrived.

Along the way, Mr. Ke was waiting, waiting for Chu Lingyun to test again, but he was disappointed. Chu Lingyun did not look for him again, and even left in a hurry without looking at him when he got out of the car.

This time no one came to pick him up. Chu Lingyun came in secret and did not notify anyone at Tianjin Station.

"Boss Li?"

The guard called out to Mr. Ke carefully. When Mr. Ke got out of the car, he happened to see Chu Lingyun leading people towards the exit of the station, followed by more of his men running after him.

Chu Lingyun didn't test him, and he didn't ask anything when he got out of the car. This was abnormal.

Until he left the station, there was no trace of Chu Lingyun. Ke Gong understood that Chu Lingyun really didn't test anymore.

Didn't he have any doubts?

Impossible. Ke Gong believed in his own judgment. He didn't know what went wrong with him, but it must have aroused Chu Lingyun's suspicion.

Thinking about it from his perspective, if he were Chu Lingyun, there was absolutely no way he could just leave without asking.

What was the reason that prevented Chu Lingyun from continuing to test?

Did he have something more important to delay, or did he secretly send someone to follow him to find out his identity?

The possibility of the latter was very high. Ke Gong paid attention all the way when he went out, but there were many people at the train station and he could not determine where the person he was following was.

He is different from Chu Lingyun. Chu Lingyun came to Tianjin to investigate the case, while he changed trains.

He wanted to get in the car as soon as possible and rush to Peking. "Don't look around, be careful around you."

Ke Gong whispered to the guards around him. He was now responding as if he was being watched. The best way was to get rid of the surveillance.

But he couldn't do it in Tianjin, so he took advantage of the opportunity to change trains and conduct a careful investigation to see if he could find the person arranged by Chu Lingyun.

He had met Chu Lingyun and his group at Nanjing Railway Station, which was his advantage.

Read his memory for another 24 minutes to receive 288 gold coins.

Very good, if Chu Lingyun's men are following him, he will definitely be able to identify them.

Chu Lingyun was taking people to Tianjin. At this time, the only people sent to follow him could be his subordinates.

Ke Gong responded based on the worst-case scenario and was always on guard.

It's not that he has never encountered danger, he has experienced things more dangerous than this, and he has no fear.

But he never thought that there were people in this world who knew so much about makeup. Where he thought there was no problem, there was a big problem.

Chu Lingyun not only suspected him, but also confirmed his identity. With different experiences and different insights, Ke Gong was destined to be unable to figure it out at this time.

"Brother Chen."

Arriving at the well-decorated villa, Chu Lingyun took the initiative to greet Chen Zizhou who came up to him.

Chen Zizhou was in Tianjin. Before Chu Lingyun set off, Chen Zizhou happened to call him and asked for another $10,000 worth of goods to be sent directly to Tianjin.

During this period of time, Chen Zizhou was enjoying a happy life.

Selling sulfa made him a lot of money, and he suddenly became rich and spoke louder than usual.

He is no longer satisfied with selling only in Changsha. Customers there always like to keep prices down, and after buying his goods, they sell them to others at high prices.

Later, he found out that the people who bought his goods mainly sold them to Peking and Tianjin, so he ran over there himself.

He didn’t understand business, but he knew very well that he could make more money without a layer in the middle.

Knowing that he was in Tianjin, Chu Lingyun asked for his address and told him that he was coming to Tianjin soon and would come to see him.

"Brother Chu, why didn't you let me pick you up? You came here by yourself."

Chen Zizhou said unhappily that he thought he was very close to Chu Lingyun and that he should pick up his good friend when he came to Tianjin.

If you don't let him pick it up, you don't treat him as a friend.

Chen Zizhou's attitude towards Chu Lingyun has changed greatly now. He has heard about what happened in Xi'an. His uncle even said that he owed him a favor, and Chu Lingyun looked at him differently.

His greatest advantage is no longer of much use, so he can only be treated as a friend

get along with each other, so as to ensure that he has a stable enough supply of sulfa and help

Help him make more money.

He had seen with his own eyes how in-demand sulfonamide was.

Not to mention, whether in Changsha or Tianjin, everyone is surrounding him. In order to be the source of sulfa in his hands, he buys the goods from Chu Lingyun, and can make a huge profit by reselling them without even having to go through his own hands. few.

In just over two months, he made a net profit of more than 20,000 US dollars.

He had never had so much money, tens of thousands of French currency.

"Brother Chen, please forgive me. I have a special mission this time and it's not convenient for you to pick it up. But I may have to disturb you next and I will be staying at your place recently."

Chu Lingyun took the initiative to apologize, and Chen Zizhou's expression softened a lot. It was great that Chu Lingyun was willing to live with him, and it just deepened the relationship between the two.

"No problem, you can stay here as long as you want."

He didn't ask about Chu Lingyun's mission. Chu Lingyun was a spy. It was better not to ask about their mission. If he heard about it, he might get into trouble.

Sometimes he thinks that if Chu Lingyun were not a spy, maybe they could really become close friends.

Secret agents are indeed not very popular at this time.

"Thank you, Brother Chen."

Chu Lingyun clasped his fists. After Nili got out of the car, he took the people away. He went to investigate who was the person who hijacked the car.

Director Huang went to the garrison and used Chu Lingyun's connections to borrow troops.

"It's okay tonight. Let's have a few drinks. We didn't even drink a sip of wine last time in Changsha. It's such a pity."

Chen Zizhou happily took Chu Lingyun over. The house was not small, but Chu Lingyun brought more people, and many people could only squeeze into one room to make the floor.

Fortunately, Loach and Director Huang are not here, otherwise they would definitely not be able to stay.

"no problem."

Chu Lingyun smiled and lived in Chenzi

It's safer than renting a house or hotel on your own.

Originally, he planned to live in the garrison. With the regiment leader Feng Jiahua here, his safety would not be a problem.

Feng Jiahua is Lu Kai's favorite disciple. His rank is not high, but he has a lot of power. He has the final say over the entire group.

Chu Lingyun brought Shang Fang's sword again, not afraid that Li Peibo would run away in despair


But with Chen Zizhou's choice, he gave up the military camp.

It is more hidden here, making it easier to investigate the case. If Li Peibo keeps an eye on the military camp, his people's entry and exit may be monitored at any time, which will make the investigation more difficult.

Tianjin Station, Station Master’s Office.

Li Peibo looked anxious. Standing next to him was his secretary. After Chen Shu left, he took the secretary with him. This was his newly promoted confidant.

He did receive the news, and Virgo sent Chu Lingyun.

When he learned that Gao Tianming and Peng Zhengren had the audacity to let someone carjack a car to save him, he knew that the headquarters would not let him go and would definitely come to investigate him.

Why did the two damn guys struggle to death after being caught, and now they are hurting him miserably.

If it were anyone else, he might still have room to maneuver, but this time it was Chu Lingyun.

He had heard all about the previous inspections. Zhao Tianxi was killed, Ma Benchao escaped, and Xie Zhenyuan was almost pulled off his horse.

The abilities of these three people are no worse than his.

Especially Ma Benchao. That was his base camp. He had been operating there for many years and had a deep background and connections. However, he was eventually forced to run away by Chu Lingyun.

There were not many sub-stations to patrol, and Chu Lingyun had dealt with three station chiefs, and his reputation had already spread.

"Did you keep an eye on the train station? Did you see anyone?"

Li Peibo asked again. He had asked this question several times. He knew that the chief minister had sent Chu Lingyun, but he didn't know when Chu Lingyun would arrive.

"I'm keeping an eye on him, but no one has seen him. I've sent my men who have seen Operation Group 4 to keep an eye on him. If they show up, they will definitely be able to find him."

The secretary hurriedly replied that not long after Chu Lingyun arrived in Nanjing, no one at Tianjin Station had seen him, and there were no photos of him.

What do they want to do by randomly hiding photos of important members of the headquarters?

Fortunately, Chu Lingyun's people had gone to Tianjin to handle cases. If they saw the people who came to handle the case, they would be able to detect their arrival.

He sent several people to watch the train station to confirm when Chu Lingyun would arrive and where he would go.

Through his relationship at the headquarters, Li Peibo knew that the director sent people to investigate, but did not receive any notification, which made him understand that the headquarters

I just came to check on him, so I didn’t let him know.

He hasn't committed many crimes, but he has done something wrong, and his subordinates have failed to live up to expectations. It would be unlucky to be found out.

He is not Ma Benchao, let alone Xie Zhenyuan, unlike them who have been in the position of webmaster for many years.

If Chen Shu hadn't suddenly left for Shanghai, he wouldn't have been able to take over the post of webmaster.

Tianjin is an important place, and the successive incidents have made him exhausted.

The heroic ambition he had when he was promoted to the webmaster had disappeared without a trace. If he could go back in time, he would definitely not be willing to take over as the webmaster.

"Keep watching, we must find someone."

Li Peibo said dejectedly, according to the time, Chu Lingyun might arrive during this time, but they didn't notice it. Could it be that Chu Lingyun delayed his departure?

In fact, before Chu Lingyun came, he had considered that some team members had been to Tianjin. He did not bring all the people who had been to Tianjin and replaced them with others.

Chu Lingyun and the others came out in batches again. There were so many people coming out of Tianjin Station every day, but the team members who were watching did not notice them.

Early the next morning, the loach came back.

I just arrived in Tianjin yesterday afternoon and it only took less than a day.

Loach then inquired about the person.

"Section Chief, the one who did it was Hei Dao. Hei Dao is a famous gangster on Tianjin Road. Hei Dao is his nickname. He has good kung fu, especially his sword skills. Many people have died under his sword. He also has a special heart. He is black, so we call him Black Knife."

Heidao had more than twenty men. Afterwards, someone saw his men and proudly said that they had done something big recently and received a lot of rewards. However, no one saw Heidao and his men again after the incident. "

Loach said quickly, he found the person in such a short time, Loach is indeed good.

"Where does Black Knife usually do its activities?"

Chu Lingyun asked, the black knife is very important. If he is responsible for it and catches him, he will know where Gao Tianming and Peng Zhengren escaped.

"His previous territory was in Tanggu. In the past year, he went to the British Concession. It is said that he was appreciated by a foreigner, but he must have done this behind the foreigner's back. The foreigners would not allow him to kill people from the Military Intelligence Department. I People have been arranged to investigate, and it won't take long to find him."

Loach's investigation is very detailed, especially for people in the underworld. It may not be difficult for another person, but it is not difficult for him.

"Find him as soon as possible."

Chu Lingyun nodded. Heidao is a key figure and must be caught. Even if he is hiding in the concession, he must be arrested secretly. As for Li Peibo, he will not be moved for now until he gets his evidence.

"Yes, don't worry. This guy is good at eating, drinking, prostitution and gambling. He made a lot of money this time and is definitely going to live a good life. I can find him in two days at most."

Loach confidently assured that he was not familiar with Tianjin, but there were people who were. It was too easy to spend some money to find a few local gangsters. The only places where Heidao and his men could go were just looking for them. Find them.

Two days is plenty of time.

"Okay, be careful and take more people with you."

Chu Lingyun warned, but he was very relieved about Loach. Something might happen to others, but he would not. This kid cherishes his life the most and is particularly sensitive to danger. He would have run away when he discovered the danger.

In Peiping, Ke Gong secretly looked out from the hotel.

They arrived in Peiping last night and it was too late, so they had to check in. After checking in, he asked the security guard to secretly stare at the front desk while he looked out the window.

But in the end, he didn't find the person following him.

There was no movement until the morning. Chu Lingyun was very powerful.

But it's impossible for him to follow him personally. Are his men so powerful? Can you prevent yourself from discovering it?

There are no weak soldiers under a strong general. Ke Gong thought very highly of Chu Lingyun and did not dare to be careless. After breakfast in the morning, he checked out of the hotel with his guards and wandered around the city.

After leaving the city, he made sure that no one was following or monitoring him. This result made him very confused.

In the carriage, Mr. Ke remained silent. He carefully recalled the scene when he met Chu Lingyun, and even every movement of Chu Lingyun.

As a king agent, memory is a necessary ability.

When Chu Lingyun spoke, her eyes glanced at him several times, which was not the way she looked at people normally.

But he was definitely looking at himself. What was he looking at at that time?

Mr. Ke followed Chu Lingyun's example and secretly looked at the guard next to him, but the guard didn't notice.

The position was wrong, and he couldn't be sure which part of him Chu Lingyun was observing.

While resting on the carriage road, Ke Gong immediately called the guard and asked him to stand next to him and imitate his previous standing posture and position.

He came to Chu Lingyun's position.

He used the same angle and the same angle to look at the guard next to him.

The guard was taller than him, and what he saw was the lower jaw.

Asking the guard to bend down, Ke Gong saw his cheeks and temples this time.

Ke Gong's body trembled slightly. He knew what Chu Lingyun was looking at at that time. He was looking at his own disguise. Chu Lingyun actually discovered his disguise?

It's unbelievable, but it's the only explanation. Ordinary people wouldn't stare at such a part specially, let alone look at it secretly.

Eliminate all factors, and even if you don't believe what is left, it may be the truth.

"Get in the car."

Seeing that the carriage started again, Mr. Ke got on the carriage again with the inexplicable guards.

No one is following, no one is monitoring, not him

Chu Lingyun didn't find anyone on the other side, but Chu Lingyun didn't send anyone to follow him, otherwise he would have been stopped when he left the city.

Chu Lingyun noticed that he was disguising, but didn't take any measures against him?

This kind of thing is impossible for any intelligence agent, let alone Chu Lingyun. It is impossible not to investigate when someone is obviously suspicious.

What's the reason he didn't investigate?

Ke Gong didn't want to understand, so he could only continue to infer.

Ke Gong is indeed smart and can think of things that many people can't think of or dare not think of.

But he didn't expect that Chu Lingyun would use his disguise to restore his original appearance and learn his identity.

He has been lurking in the past, and both the Party Affairs Investigation Department and the Military Intelligence Department have photos of him, which is why he must disguise himself when he goes out.

Another day has passed in Tianjin.

Li Peibo didn't go out all day in the office. The secretary brought him meals and ate them hastily. He had no appetite.

"Still no progress?"

At night, Li Peibo asked feebly. In addition to looking for Chu Lingyun, he was also looking for Gao Tianming and Peng Zhengren.

These two guys caused him misery. Find them and catch him again. Chapter 349: See through the disguise.

Read for another 22 minutes to get 288 gold coins to atone for your sins.

But his ability is really not good, and these two people have certain influence in the station and Tianjin, and now they are desperadoes, so his subordinates have not tried their best to find them.

Loach has found the person who did it, but he has no clues.


The secretary lowered his head. Apart from Li Peibo, he was the most anxious.

With Li Peibo, his status in the site will be higher. Without Li Peibo, he is nothing. No matter who the new webmaster is, it is impossible to use him.

Unlike before, if Li Peibo had never been the webmaster, he could still get by. Once Li Peibo fell, the outcome for him, the former webmaster's secretary, would not be much better.

"We'll look for it tomorrow. If we can't find it, just pull everyone back."

Li Peibo said weakly, and the secretary's eyes widened. He knew Li Peibo very well and knew that Li Peibo was desperate.

"Stationmaster, we can't give up. You can offer a reward. There will be brave men under the big reward, and we will definitely find them."

The secretary hurriedly advised him that he knew that Li Peibo had some money, so he just wanted to

I'm reluctant to take it out.

How can it be possible if you want people to work hard but are unwilling to pay for it?

"No need."

Li Peibo shook his head and left the office.

He does have money, but even if he spends the money, he may not get the results he wants. In this case, the money in his hands cannot be touched, and he needs to clear up relationships to save his own life.

He drove out alone, went to the train station and bought a train ticket.

If he couldn't find the train ticket to Nanjing the day after tomorrow, he would follow Xie Zhenyuan's example and take the initiative to apologize.

But he is not Xie Zhenyuan. Xie Zhenyuan can bring great benefits to Virgo, so Virgo protects him.

All he wants is to save his life.

Just save your life. As for the webmaster, he will do whatever he wants. He has given up and can no longer do it.

He told no one these words.

"Section Chief, we found it. Heidao is not in Tianjin. He took his people and ran away to Jixian County, where he was having a good time, drinking and singing every night."

"And I found out that in order to save people this time, the Peng family gave Black Saber Foot

They paid 10,000 yuan and gave them more than a dozen guns before they took action. "

Ten thousand oceans, a dozen guns, not to mention black knives, even loaches were a little excited after hearing this. Such a price is enough for many people to give it a try.

If you succeed, you can enjoy it for a long time. If you fail, as long as you save your life, you may end up on the run.

They themselves are making a living on the edge of a knife. Who doesn't have a few cases on their backs, and they are not afraid of being wanted at all. Wealth can be obtained in danger, let alone such a huge wealth.

"Chu Yuan."

Chu Lingyun shouted, and Chu Yuan immediately came over.

"You immediately take people with Captain Zhao to arrest people in Jixian County. Remember, Heidao must be alive."

Chu Lingyun gave the order decisively. They were not spies. They didn't need to wait to find out where the person was, they would take action immediately.

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