Spy Shadow

Chapter 350 Lin Shi’s Progress

"Section Chief, what about your safety when we leave?"

Chu Yuan was a little hesitant. He was not very interested in how many people he caught or how much credit he got. He valued Chu Lingyun's safety more than anything else.

It would be impossible to catch Heidao without a small number of people. Heidao had more than twenty men.

If he takes everyone away, Chu Lingyun will be empty.

"It's okay, don't worry, Chen Zizhou can guarantee my safety."

Chu Lingyun smiled and shook his head. In order to do business safely in Tianjin, this kid actually filed a transfer report and transferred his connections to Tianjin.

He doesn't have a big official position here, and he has a lot of leisure, but he has a lot of subordinates.

Ask Chen Zizhou to send some people over, and he will definitely be willing.

Chu Lingyun is now his God of Wealth. Anyone who dares to touch Chu Lingyun is no different from him killing his parents. He will fight them to the death.

"Okay, we'll go there right away."

Chu Yuan was relieved, but he still didn’t take everyone away, leaving

Ten people for personal protection.

Thirty people were gone, and they were carrying sophisticated weapons, including machine guns and grenades, which was enough to capture Heidao.

No matter how good Heidao's knife is, it can't beat the speed of bullets.

In Jixian County, it was dawn, and Heidao was lying on the bed, sound asleep.

There were two women lying next to him. This was Huahongyuan. After getting the money, he completely regarded this place as his home.

His men were in other rooms, also sleeping. They ate, drank, and played very late last night, and they wouldn't get up before noon.

After getting up, he plays cards, continues to drink and eat meat in the evening, and then does what men want to do. This life is happier than a god.

Ni Loach and Chu Yuan traveled overnight and arrived at Jixian County.

Ni Loach was accompanied by two gangsters brought from Tianjin. They knew Heidao and could identify him.

"The black knife should be inside."

A gangster pointed at Huahongyuan and said, and Loach hit him on the head with the handle of his gun: "I don't want to be wrong. I want to be sure. Go in and ask."

"Yes, Master, I'll ask right away."

The gangster who was beaten did not dare to resist. Loach had brought so many people with him, and everyone was armed with a gun. There was also a big guy driving a military vehicle. He must be an official.

And he is a very powerful official. Heidao may be in trouble this time.

Not long after, he and a team member came out.

There was no need for him to speak this time. The team members immediately stepped forward: "Team leader, captain, it's confirmed. Heidao and his men are here, in the room on the second floor. It is said that they played until three or four in the morning last night. Just now It didn’t take long for me to fall asleep.”

"Get ready for action."

Loach nodded, Chu Yuan led the team and identified Heidao's room, and he went to catch it himself.

The other Heidao men went in to arrest them in pairs. Although Heidao had more than twenty men, there were not that many people here at this time, only sixteen or seventeen.

If it's not enough, send someone in to rectify the Fa on the spot if anyone dares to resist. Chu Yuan led three of his men to the door of Heidao.

Heidao is the most important and must be captured alive. He has the most people coming to capture him. Chu Yuan winked and his team members gently pried open the door and opened the door carefully.

The curtains were drawn inside, making it very dark, but I could still clearly see the person on the bed.

"Do it."

When Heidao came to the bed, Chu Yuan was not polite. He took out the handcuffs and pressed them on Heidao's wrist while giving the order.

Black Knife was startled, and reached under the pillow to take it out. There was a gun under the pillow. After getting the gun, he didn't use the knife.

When Chu Yuan arrived at the bed, how could he be given a chance to resist? Two team members held down his arms and took out his gun from under the pillow. The two women next to Heidao covered themselves with quilts and screamed in shock. Call.

Soon, various screams came from the next room.

Heidao was handcuffed and pulled off the bed. Chu Yuan had someone put some clothes on him. This appearance affected his appearance.

"Is it him?" Chu Yuan asked the gangster brought by Loach next to him.

"Yes, he is Black Knife." The gangster shrank his head and whispered back

"take away."

After confirming his identity, Chu Yuan did not hesitate and asked his men to walk out with the black knife.

"Are you from the official family?"

Heidao was not stupid and asked proactively. People on the road didn't know how to use handcuffs.

"Gag his mouth."

Chu Yuan had no intention of interrogating him and ordered people to search the room, but only found more than two hundred yuan on him, which was not much money.

He collected ten thousand yuan, and he must have hidden the rest.

Chu Yuan is not very interested in money. He has seen more money. He went to the United States with more than 100,000 US dollars.

He didn't even have a heart for the money, let alone this. "boom."

Gunshots were heard from the side, and Chu Yuan immediately asked his men to check the situation. The black knife was controlled and could not turn over the waves.

"Captain, it's okay. Someone wanted to resist, and our people fired."

It doesn't matter if the enemy shoots. Chu Yuan guards Heidao, while Ni Yao interrogates several of Heidao's men on the spot to make sure there are no fish that have slipped through the net. He pulls them into the car and returns to Tianjin in a mighty way.

They didn't need to go to Chu Lingyun, they took him directly to Captain Feng and interrogated him on the spot.

"Still no news?"

In the afternoon, Li Peibo asked haggardly. Gao Tianming and the others had not been found, and neither had Chu Lingyun. Everything was not going well for him today.

Chu Lingyun must have arrived in Tianjin and deliberately avoided him. Maybe he was checking on him.

"No, stationmaster, you'd better come up with some money. It's easier to do things if you have money."

The secretary tried hard to persuade, but Li Peibo still shook his head. The secretary was helpless and kept cursing in his heart. He was about to lose his head, and he was still acting like a miser.

The secretary also felt despair in his heart. Fortunately, he was not involved much in Li Peibo's affairs. He might be able to escape this disaster if he puts his tail between his legs in the future.

"Section Chief, after asking, it was indeed Heidao who did it. He knew Gao Tianming and had a good relationship. After Gao Tianming was arrested, he discussed with Peng Zhengren

After considering it, we should pay for someone to save them together, otherwise they would not be able to think of coming out until they die in Nanjing. "

"Peng Zhengren agreed. He offered 8,000 yuan, and Gao Tianming offered 2,000 to ask Heidao to take action. As for the weapons, they both provided them to Heidao. This time they were all captured."

In the evening, Loach came to report to Chu Lingyun.

Black Sword's mouth is very tough, and it took almost an hour to use the torture method, which surprised Ni Loach.

Although these people in the underworld are not very good, some of them really care about their morale, and there are also people who can withstand punishment, but they are in the minority.

"Gao Tianming, where is Peng Zhengren?" Chu Lingyun asked.

"Hei Dao confessed that after he rescued the people, he sent them to a house owned by the Peng family in the British Concession and then took the money and left. Hei Dao doesn't know whether they are there now."

"Send someone to check the place. If they are there, prepare to arrest them secretly."

Chu Lingyun ordered, it was the concession again, and he was always restrained in the concession. It was the same when he was in Wuhan, when he was in Shanghai, and when he came to Tianjin.

Fortunately, these concessions will not last long, and they will all return to the embrace of the motherland in the future.

"Yes, I will check it myself."

Ni Loach took the order. The British Concession was not their territory and they had to be careful. He went to investigate the situation in person, which made Chu Lingyun feel more at ease.

The next morning, Loach returned to Chu Lingyun and said excitedly: "Team leader, they are there, but they haven't moved."

Still there?

Chu Lingyun was a little surprised. Didn't they know that they had killed someone from the Military Intelligence Department, and Virgo would never let them go.

Or are they too arrogant, thinking that there is nothing they can do if they hide in the concession?

Whatever the reason, it's just good that they didn't transfer.

"Are all five of you here?" Chu Lingyun asked.

"No, there are only Gao Tianming and Peng Zhengren, and Gao Tianming went out this morning and hung out with his gangster friends."

Ni Loach immediately replied, and Chu Lingyun stood up: "Chu Yuan, immediately arrange your troops to enter the British Concession, prepare your vehicles, and immediately evacuate to Commander Feng after you capture the people."

"Loach, go to the British Concession with money and try to bribe the people in the patrol house. Don't be afraid of spending money. No amount of money is as important as the lives of our brothers.

want. "

When arresting people in the concession, you must pay attention to safety.

If you can avoid conflict with the patrolman, don't have any conflict. After all, it's not your own territory. If someone dies because of the conflict, it will be troublesome.

Whether it was the policeman or his brother who died, it was not a good thing.

If they kill the patrolman, the patrolman will definitely retaliate. It will be more difficult for them to escape with the people, and it will be inconvenient to rescue them after they are caught.

"Yes, don't worry, I will definitely prevent their patrol officers from participating in our arrest."

Loach takes orders, but he can't do other things well. This kind of thing is easy to do.

"Okay, get ready. After the interrogation results are obtained, we will go to Tianjin Station."

Chu Lingyun nodded. Although there were only two, they were the two most important. If they were caught, they would naturally know where the remaining three had gone.

No matter where they are, they will be arrested and brought to justice this time. As for Li Peibo, his good days are coming to an end.

In fact, Li Peibo has not lived a good life during this period.

At that time, he had already boarded the train and headed to Nanjing alone.

He brought a suitcase with him, and there was a lot of money in the suitcase.

He hoped the money would save his life, or at the very least, his family.

At Tianjin Station, the secretary had been waiting, but the station manager didn't come to work until ten o'clock.

Worried, he called the stationmaster's home, but the news he got was that the stationmaster had already gone out, and he had left with a suitcase.

The secretary suddenly felt bad and led people to search everywhere, but no matter how they searched, Li Peibo was not found.

In the British Concession, Chu Lingyun and others were staring at Peng Zhengren's house.

This is a small building with no yard, but it is not too small. Peng Zhengren is at home, and Gao Tianming has not come back yet.

If you want to catch him, you have to catch him together. They will take action when Gao Tianming comes back.

In order to ensure the success of this mission, Chu Lingyun personally led the team.

"Section Chief, Gao Tianming is back."

In the evening, the team member responsible for monitoring Gao Tianming reported that Gao Tianming mentioned

Sipping wine and meat, humming a little tune all the way, he slowly walked towards Peng Zhengren.

Fortunately this time he was willing to spend money and persuaded Peng Zhengren, otherwise what they did would definitely not be spared in Nanjing.

Even if Peng Zhengren could survive by relying on the energy at home, he would definitely die.

Virgos always hate people like them who eat inside and outside.

"Get ready to take action."

Chu Lingyun had already seen Gao Tianming and immediately gave the order. Chu Yuan ran out personally and hid in the dark with his team members.

A van drove up in the distance. Niyi had already obtained the certificate for entering the rental sector. After catching people, he could transport them out in the van.

Gao Tianming was walking when he suddenly turned around.

But it was too late, and as soon as he turned around, he was hit with a stick on the head. He was dizzy and fell to the ground instantly.

The moment he fell to the ground, Gao Tianming cursed in his heart: Who beat me with the black stick?

The capture of Gao Tianming went very smoothly, and next was Peng Zhengren.

A team member walked over. He was the team member who could ventriloquize and could also imitate other people's voices.

"I'm back, open the door."

He imitated Gao Tianming's voice and knocked on the door. In order to imitate him, he took the risk to contact Gao Tianming today and heard his voice.

The door opened, but it was not Peng Zhengren who opened the door.

The team members guarding the side did not hesitate at all, and immediately held down the servant who opened the door. Six people rushed in at the same time, and finally found Peng Zhengren in the bedroom.


There was a gunshot, and Chu Lingyun's heart suddenly tightened, and it didn't take long for him to see

When several people escorted Peng Zhengren out, one of the team members was covering his arm, which was still bleeding.

When they rushed in, Peng Zhengren was lying on the bed reading a book.

His room was not small, and the gun was under Peng Zhengren's pillow. Peng Zhengren reacted very quickly when he saw someone rushing in. He immediately took out his gun and fired.

One team member was hit by him. Fortunately, he was shot in the arm and not in the abdomen.

The sound of gunshots will definitely attract patrols. Loach said hello that the patrols will come later, but if they come even later, and if someone shoots, the concession will probably be inspected more strictly.

"Retreat immediately, stop the bleeding of the injured brother in the car, and take him to the hospital immediately after getting out."

Chu Lingyun ordered that the mission was completed, and it would have been even more perfect if no one was injured.

Going out went smoothly, Niyi stuffed some more money, and they left the concession smoothly.

The injured team members were sent to the hospital, and Chu Lingyun led people to Captain Feng.

"Chief Chu."

Feng Jiahua had been waiting for a long time. He had received a call from his teacher asking him to take care of Chu Lingyun.

Moreover, he had also received sulfa from his teacher before. Although it was not much, it saved the life of one of his subordinates.

This was equivalent to him owing Chu Lingyun a favor.

It is true that Chu Lingyun is a lieutenant colonel, but his rank in the Military Intelligence Department is no lower than that of a colonel. It will not hurt him to have a good relationship with Chu Lingyun.

Captain Feng has been very cooperative these days. Knowing that Chu Lingyun was coming today, he personally waited at the door.

"Captain Feng, thank you very much. I need to be interrogated immediately. Please provide me with a place for interrogation."

"Yes, I will take you there."

Feng Jiahua nodded immediately. They did not have a special torture room, but they still had a place for interrogation, but the torture instruments were incomplete.

There was no need to think about the electric chair, nor was there a special interrogation chair. There were only rudimentary equipment such as whips, tiger benches, and fire tongs.

Their whips are not the kind with barbs like those from the Military Intelligence Department, which can kill someone with a single hit. They are just ordinary whips.

Chu Lingyun didn't care about the lack of conditions. As long as Li Peibo participated in the interrogation, he would lead people to take over Tianjin Station forcibly.

There will be enough torture instruments there for him to use when the time comes. "Take Gao Tianming."

The first person to be interrogated was Gao Tianming. Gao Tianming woke up at this moment. When he got out of the car, he saw that this was a military camp and there were many soldiers. He understood that the person who arrested him was not someone who wanted to take advantage of others, but the military. of the intelligence service


Gao Tianming was tied to the tiger bench.

He knew that the person who arrested him must be someone from the Military Intelligence Department. He had never thought about it before, and ran away after running out to avoid being pursued by the Military Intelligence Department.

But in the end he listened to Peng Zhengren's advice.

Peng Zhengren told him that their roots were in Tianjin, and they would be lost wherever they went. Moreover, his house was very close to the patrol house, and his family also had deep connections in the British Concession.

People from the Military Intelligence Department did not dare to mess around in the concession.

Peng Zhengren asked Gao Tianming to contact his former friends on the road and win over more people. Since their official duties were lost and they could not rent out the concession, they would work hard in the concession and bring out some people to make a name for themselves.

They are local snakes and can blend in more easily than others.

Gao Tianming felt that what he said made sense, so he stayed. He was used to being aloof, and he couldn't accept hiding in a remote place to eat and wait to die.

As for the Military Intelligence Division, they know the Tianjin Station very well and the brothers inside will not deal with them.

They are absolutely safe until Li Peibo, the webmaster, is replaced. During this period, they must seize the time to develop their own power.

In the future, if someone has a gun under his command, there is no need to worry about the Military Intelligence Department. No matter how powerful the Military Intelligence Department was, they did not have the guts to break into the British Concession, which would be equivalent to starting a war.

"Gao Tianming, do you know why I arrested you?"

Chu Lingyun asked, Gao Tianming looked at them, there was no one he knew in front of him.

These people are not from the Tianjin station. There is only one possibility. They are people sent from the headquarters.

"I didn't expect you to arrive in Tianjin so soon. Little brother, I see that you are very unfamiliar. May I ask your name and your position?"

Gao Tianming sighed, he saw that Chu Lingyun was the leader of everyone here.

Chu Lingyun was too young, which gave him a bad feeling.

"Listen up, the person in front of you is the deputy section chief of the operations section of the Military Intelligence Division and the deputy section chief of the inspection section. You should know it now, right?"

Nilu sneered, and Gao Tianming's heart suddenly sank.

Sure enough, it was him. He was not unjustly arrested this time. Several webmasters fell into his hands, let alone a small team leader.

He is also the leader of the security team, which is not a large team.

Chu Lingyun, the youngest deputy section chief, actually sent him here, and he came so quickly, and found him.

Before, he asked the brothers in the station to pay attention to Li Peibo, thinking that nothing would happen to him if Li Peibo was fine. However, they didn't touch Li Peibo at all and came to arrest them first.

"I'll do it."

Knowing that Chu Lingyun came in person, Gao Tianming took no chances and took the initiative to explain.

If you take the initiative to confess, you will suffer less.

After Gao Tianming was arrested, the people who guarded him were the original people from Tianjin Station. There were not many people from the Inspection Department and they could not guard the five of them.

This gave him the opportunity to discuss countermeasures with Peng Zhengren.

Peng Zhengren also doesn't want to go to Nanjing and go to jail. His family has some energy, but it is limited to Tianjin. When he gets to Nanjing, it will be more difficult to rescue him. Even if he is rescued, he will still have to suffer a lot.

The two hit it off immediately, and Gao Tianming went to contact the ruthless gangster.

Spicy, whoever dares to come to rescue them, Peng Zhengren will pay most of the money.

Spend money to eliminate disasters, this is the idea of ​​​​the two people.

Later, things went smoothly. Heidao took the money and did the job. He hijacked the vehicle escorting them without leaving the city, rescued them, and sent them to the British Concession.

After Gao Tianming gave Heidao the balance, he told him not to stay in the city recently, as the people from the Military Intelligence Department would not let him go.

Heidao did listen, but he didn't go far and went to Jixian.

After Gao Tianming was caught, he knew that Black Knife was more dangerous than others, and he must have been caught, otherwise he wouldn't have found them so quickly.

At first, he persuaded Peng Zhengren to live somewhere else, but Peng Zhengren believed that Li Peibo was unable to catch them.

It's safe there and doesn't need to be replaced.

It's too late to regret now. Because of what happened before, if he was taken to Nanjing, he might still be able to save his life, but they killed the people in the inspection department, so they will definitely die this time.

"Did Li Peibo help you?"

After listening to his story, Chu Lingyun asked directly that his real target was Li Peibo, not Gao Tianming and Peng Zhengren.

The two of them are not qualified enough to make a special trip by themselves.

"No, if Li Peibo is willing to help us, we won't take risks."

Gao Tianming shook his head. This result surprised Chu Lingyun. Before, he thought Li Peibo was more or less involved.


Chu Lingyun ordered. Gao Tianming was stunned. When he saw someone approaching with a whip, he hurriedly shouted: "Chief Chu, what I said is the truth. I fully confessed, and every word is true."

The answer to him was a whip. Regardless of whether he was telling the truth or not, if he killed the people here, he would not feel better.

Even if you confess, you still have to suffer.

Gao Tianming was beaten half to death and began to bite Li Peibo back, saying that he had instigated everything.

After being beaten, Chu Lingyun understood that what he told was a lie.

But this kind of lie worked for him. Without Gao Tianming's confession, how could he attack Li Peibo?

Virgo's real intention this time is to deal with Li Peibo. The same goes for Peng Zhengren. During the interrogation, he was very cooperative and took the initiative to recruit

Out of everything.

After being whipped, he admitted that Li Peibo knew and helped


"Captain Feng, can I borrow someone from you?"

Chu Lingyun came outside and took the initiative to ask Feng Jiahua to borrow troops. When they interrogated, Feng Jiahua and his people were not inside.

It's better to stay away from the interrogation by secret agents.

"No problem, how much do you want?"

"One company is enough."

Chu Lingyun replied that Li Peibo is not Chen Shu, his control over Tianjin station is not that strong, and he is not Xie Zhenyuan or Ma Benchao.

Moreover, many of the elites at Tianjin Station were taken away by Chen Shu.

To deal with him, the team he brought was even enough. Borrowing a company was for added security.

It was getting late, so Chu Lingyun did not take action immediately. Waiting for the next morning, he took the borrowed soldiers and sufficient weapons and sailed towards Tianjin.

Tianjin Station has not changed much. Li Peibo’s secretary is in a daze in the office.

The webmaster didn't show up all day yesterday, and he didn't go home at night. He spent the whole day looking for him, but he didn't see anyone at all.

The stationmaster left the door with the box. Did he run away?

This is not right. If the stationmaster wanted to run away, why would he not take his family with him and leave his family here?

He didn't know what was going on. There was no webmaster, and others ignored him. He didn't dare to run around. He came to the office early today, but the webmaster still didn't show up.

"Control everyone."

After entering Tianjin Station, Chu Lingyun immediately gave the order. Hearing the movement outside, the secretary came out and stared blankly at the soldiers coming down from the yard.

Ni Loach took people there, and everyone in the station, no matter who they were, was ordered not to come out of the office, and all weapons were confiscated. "Who are you?"

Arriving at Li Peibo's office, Chu Lingyun saw the trembling secretary standing at the door. Chu Principle led someone forward to control him and search him.

"I'm Station Manager Li's secretary. I've never done anything."

The secretary replied tremblingly, but Chu Lingyun ignored him and continued

Entered the office.

There was no one in the office, so Chu Yuan immediately escorted the secretary in.

"Where's Li Peibo?"

"I don't know. The stationmaster disappeared yesterday. I searched for him for a long time but couldn't find him."

The secretary carefully replied that he didn't know who was coming, but he brought soldiers with him, so he didn't dare to offend no matter who it was.

"Li Peibo ran away?"

Chu Lingyun frowned. He had not kept an eye on Tianjin Station before, and it would be useless to keep an eye on him. Li Peibo was the station manager after all. He really wanted to run, but no one could stop him.

"He probably ran away, but his family is still there."

The secretary thought of something and said suddenly, while Chu Lingyun stared at him with stern eyes.

"Section Chief, it's good that his family is here. I'm going to control his family and force this kid to show up.

Loach said immediately, and Chu Lingyun nodded. He didn't want to use his family as a threat, but this was the habit of the Military Intelligence Department.

"Go ahead and don't hurt his family."

Chu Lingyun ordered that once Li Peibo fell, his family would definitely be implicated, and what Chu Lingyun had to do was to prevent them from suffering physical torture.

I don't feel sympathy for them. They have gained a good life through Li Peibo. Li Peibo is guilty, and they will not be completely innocent.

But sin does not lead to death, and the good days are over.


Loach knew the section chief's temperament, so he led his men out and ransacked the webmaster's house. Even if it was a webmaster who had just been promoted, that was very exciting.

"Send a report to the headquarters immediately. Li Peibo has run away. We have temporarily taken over Tianjin Station."

Chu Lingyun continued to order that Li Peibo was not a trivial matter and must be reported immediately.

Director Huang also followed and it was up to him to send the report.

Another webmaster was forced to run away. Chief Chu was really powerful. He ran away before Li Peibo arrived. Chief Chu's reputation was finally established.

In Nanjing, Lin Shi left the director's office.

With a smile on his face, before his unit chief was appointed

few days

He resigned and there was no opportunity for promotion recently, but he asked to be transferred to a department with more freedom and greater rights.

Five gold bars made the director agree immediately.

Money is really a good thing. With money, you have status, position, and power.

Back in the office, Lin Shi sat there, recalling what Ke Gong taught him. After becoming the unit chief, he had his own separate office.

Although his rank is not high, he has used his financial ability to build a good relationship with the section chief and division chief.

He is close to the upper class and is a well-established Huangpu graduate. He is not afraid of not having the chance to be promoted in the future.

In front of him, there was a book, a book about circuits.

After studying, Lin Shi reflected on many things he had done before. One thing particularly concerned him: why did his fuse blow out twice in a row?

It was possible that it happened two days in a row, and it happened to be two days when he was away. He said it was a coincidence, but he himself didn't believe it.

He didn't think much about it before, but now he cares about it.

The fuse is usually fine, but if he keeps burning it out when he's not at home, it's abnormal in itself.

After work, Lin Shi returned to the house he had rented.

He bought a new house, but the house has not yet expired and he has not returned the lease.

With his current net worth, there would be no problem in buying it, let alone renting it.

When he came to the electric switch, Lin Shi looked carefully. He was holding a box in his hand, which contained a new fuse.

He remembered that the fuse he replaced before was of good quality, and since there were no high-power electrical appliances at home, even if the light was turned on for three days and three nights, it would not burn out the fuse.

After turning off the power switch, Lin Shi took out a piece of insulating tape and blocked the crimping point.

When he turned the switch back on, the fuse overheated and blew out just as he expected.

The fuse that was blown was the same as the fuse that was blown when he came back.

After replacing a new fuse, Lin Shi tried it again and it was also broken.

He understood that this was a poor contact at the crimping point, causing the fuse to overheat under a large load. This kind of blowing would not show any abnormality from the outside. If you didn't care, it would just be regarded as normal damage to the fuse itself.

"Who is helping me?"

Lin Shi murmured to himself, now he knew that he had done many wrong things in the past.

In order to learn radio, it is even more ridiculous to fake it. It’s okay if no one pays attention to it. If someone pays attention, who would sit there motionless all the time?

Besides, if someone looks at it several times, they will definitely find clues.

Nowadays, he wants to create the illusion that he is at home in many ways, and he will never use this stupid method again.

Apart from his colleagues, the only people who knew where he lived were Director Yang, Xiao Su, and Chu Lingyun.

It couldn't be Director Yang and Xiao Su. If it were them, they would have warned themselves long ago and would not behave like this a second time.

The remaining people are his colleagues and Chu Lingyun.

Most of his colleagues were ordinary people. Lin Shi had carefully observed them during this period and found no unusual people. There was no experience related to agents in their resumes.

There was only one person left, his old classmate Chu Lingyun.

Chu Lingyun is an agent, he can definitely do this. If it was him, why did he do this?

Mr. Ke had taught him that intelligence work must be rigorous and everything must be well-founded. Guessing is very important, but it cannot be purely based on guessing. There must be corresponding supporting evidence.

Speculating without evidence is called overthinking.

Motive is very important. He deliberately burned the fuse to prevent others from seeing his stupid illusion and to protect him. Does Chu Lingyun have this motive?

Their relationship is good, but Chu Lingyun is a spy, and he is also the most popular spy in the Military Intelligence Department.

A great spy leader like him should have become cold-hearted by now.

To take a step back, he cares about his friendship with himself because he helped him, but if he does this, he will definitely doubt himself and then treat himself


He didn't know anything at that time and had contacted Director Yang and others many times.

If it was really Chu Lingyun who did it, he, Director Yang, and Xiao Su have all been exposed. Even Director Yang’s online presence, more important leaders may have


He has no doubt that Chu Lingyun has this ability. How could he remain indifferent to so many red parties? Does Chu Lingyun sympathize with the Red Party? ?

Lin Shi shook his head secretly. They had been classmates for several years, and Lin Shi knew him quite well.

Chu Lingyun wanted to join the army and serve the country. The place he wanted to go most was the battlefield, no matter which battlefield it was.

In Chu Lingyun's previous performance, there was no sympathy for the Red Party.

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