Spy Shadow

Chapter 520 Hoshino deserves to die

The organization has always been very strict, and because of this soldier's escape, self-examination was everywhere.

No one else escaped but him, and he was easily identified.

It seems that he really envied the treatment of the Loyalty and Salvation Army and fled to his family.

Left-handed and breathed a sigh of relief.

This person is not important, but it is a bad start. The conditions of the Red Party are indeed difficult, and many materials must be raised by themselves, but the Red Party's team is the happiest, and other teams cannot compare with this.

His escape will not only cause extremely bad effects, but will even shake the confidence of some soldiers.

Fortunately, he did not defect to the Japanese, and this biggest worry did not happen.

The news must be reported as soon as possible, but the immediate matter must be done first.

The task assigned to him by Qiu Ruijie was to send someone to send his comrades to Wuhan.

Feng Yong was wearing plain clothes. He had already found out the time of the accident mentioned by his boss.

It was a small accident. A man was riding a bicycle very fast and hit someone. According to his inquiries, it was determined that the person who hit the person was the person in the photo.

The person who was hit lives nearby. Through various inquiries, he has found the residence of the person who was hit.

He then returned to the patrol house without doing any further investigation.

He will conscientiously do what the boss arranges, and he will not touch anything the boss does not ask him to do. This is his principle.

"found it?"

Chu Lingyun received a message from Liu Chengzhu, and Feng Yong reported it in detail.

The left spin did hit someone, but it didn't take too long, and it wasn't that late at all.

According to Feng Yong's investigation results, Zuo Xuan went to other places before hitting someone.

Where did he go and what did he do?

Zuo Xuan is probably a member of the Red Party. Chu Lingyun will not let Ni Loach investigate this matter. Next, he will do the investigation himself.

At present, he is doubtful and there is no accurate evidence yet.

As an agent, there must be enough evidence to confirm the matter, otherwise Chu Lingyun will not regard Zuo Xuan as his comrade, and the inference will always be an inference, not a fact.

If the inference is wrong and he takes care of people who are not Red Party members as Red Party members, big trouble may happen.

At the pier, turn left and watch the ship leave, then return.

"Secretary Wang, it's confirmed. The escaped soldiers went to the Loyalty Salvation Army and are currently with them."

Zuo Xuan came to Secretary Wang to report that he had found the person, and Secretary Wang was relieved.

It would have been better if they had not surrendered to the Japanese. If they really surrendered, the Japanese would have become traitors. That would be their shame.

"Very good. You did a good job this time. It's not easy to confirm the news so quickly."

Secretary Wang encouraged that Kunlun did not belong to him. During the battle in Shanghai, a comrade in the Rangers suddenly reported that a comrade in the Rangers secretly contacted him and told him that he had lost contact with his superiors.

During the war, it is normal to lose contact.

Secretary Wang immediately reported and screened, and quickly determined Zuo Xuan's identity. He was indeed a comrade of our party, and an important comrade who had infiltrated the Military Intelligence Department.

Zuo Xuan stayed in Shanghai with the wartime intelligence team, and his relationship also transferred to Secretary Wang.

As an important agent, Zuo Xuan is directly in charge of Secretary Wang.

During this period, Zuo Xuan provided them with a lot of important information, including many situations of the combat team, all provided by Zuo Xuan.

This time, he helped the organization quickly determine where the escaped soldiers had gone, which was a great contribution.

"Secretary Wang, do you want to impose sanctions on him?"

Zuo Xuan asked, while Secretary Wang shook his head gently: "No need for the time being. He has not defected to the Japanese, so there is no need to sanction him. Besides, this is a period of cooperation, and we cannot act rashly."

There was something Secretary Wang didn't say. Even if sanctions were really necessary, Zuo Xuan would not be allowed to do it.

They have an anti-rape team, and this is the job of the anti-rape team.

"Okay, I'll go back first."

Zuo Xuan stood up and said goodbye. It was not easy for him to spend too long in a meeting. Being late last time was actually very dangerous.

"Okay, be safe."

Secretary Wang personally sent Zuo Xuan away. Working behind enemy lines was cruel. Shanghai was a river of blood back then. The organization would never allow such a thing to happen again.

After sending Zuo Xuan away, Secretary Wang quickly reported Zuo Xuan's investigation report to his hometown. This was Ke Gong's request.

In Yanzhou, Ke Zhengzheng is busy.

He is busy with work and will not keep waiting for messages from Shanghai. Moreover, there is no need to rush this kind of thing, let alone any urging, so as not to put pressure on his comrades and make mistakes.

"Ke Gong, a message from Shanghai."

The guard sent the latest telegram. Ke Gong immediately put down his work and accepted the new telegram.

In Secretary Wang’s call, he praised Zuo Xuan.

Zuo Xuan was brave and resourceful. This time he used the relationship between the Military Intelligence Division's War Situation Group and the Shanghai Station to exchange a comrade who had been exposed to get information about the escaped soldier.

The soldier did go to the Loyalty and Salvation Army and did not surrender to the Japanese.

This is a better result. No matter where he is, he is still in the anti-Japanese team.

But Ke Gong's focus is not on this, but on the progress of the whole matter.

He had previously requested that Comrade Kunlun report the detailed process. This time Secretary Wang sent a long telegram reporting the entire matter.

According to what Comrade Kunlun said, after our comrades came into contact with the Loyalty and Salvation Army, the war situation team immediately contacted the Shanghai Station. The Shanghai Station also investigated the Red Party within the Loyalty and Salvation Army as they thought.

They thought that our comrade was going to join the Military Intelligence Service, so they lost interest, and the task was handed over to Kunlun, asking him to send someone to escort this comrade to Wuhan.

This is an opportunity to send someone to break into the Military Intelligence Department.

But comrades who are openly comrades will not be taken seriously even if they can enter the military intelligence office, and they will be subject to strict scrutiny.

But no matter what kind of review, there are not many opportunities to send people to the Military Intelligence Service.

On the surface, it works just as well.

For the time being, Mr. Ke didn't think about whether he should take advantage of the opportunity to fake it. If he really wanted to change his plan, he would have to make this comrade willing.

He can go to Wuhan first and adapt accordingly.

What Mr. Ke focuses on is the process of this matter.

Judging from the report, the process went extremely smoothly. The combat team contacted the Shanghai Station, which conducted a comprehensive investigation on the Loyalty and Salvation Army and found the soldiers who had disappeared not long ago.

But the smoother it goes, the more it proves there is something wrong inside.

The leader of the war situation team was Chu Lingyun. According to Kunlun's report, Chu Lingyun specially met with him and asked many details.

Their plan was hastily executed and could not have been without loopholes.

Ke Gongyuan was far away in Yanzhou and also discovered the flaw in it. With Chu Lingyun's ability, he would definitely be able to find it too.

Mr. Ke had never underestimated Chu Lingyun, a person who could catch a large number of spies, even very cunning spies. Even if he made a mistake, it would not be on the case.

Moreover, Chu Lingyun's greatest characteristic is his keenness, and he is good at discovering any abnormal doubts.

But Chu Lingyun did not investigate Zuo Xuan, nor did he ask too many questions. Instead, things went according to Zuo Xuan's plan, allowing them to successfully obtain the information they wanted.

Is Chu Lingyun really Kuangbiao No. 1?

Ke Gong is now at least 70% sure, but until he is 100% sure, he, like Chu Lingyun, will not identify Kuangbiao 1.

Once you have a suspect, it is not difficult to confirm it next.

Mr. Ke was not in a hurry. He put the message away with a smile.

What he hoped for the most and was the most impossible outcome was unexpectedly about to become a reality.

At the same time, he had a bigger doubt in his heart, who is Miss Qiu?

He was able to develop Chu Lingyun into a downline. Miss Qiu was more capable, and he was more curious about Miss Qiu.

It's okay to be curious, but you absolutely can't test it randomly just to satisfy your curiosity. Ke Gong knows this very well. He will not be eager for quick success. Since he has guessed that Chu Lingyun is Kuangbiao No. 1, he can verify it slowly.

In Shanghai Extra High School, Hoshino sat in his office with a gloomy expression.

Last time, his subordinates accidentally discovered the stronghold of the Party Affairs Investigation Department, which made him very happy. He did not expect that Mitsui was so ruthless that he asked Ishida Koyama to rob people.

Damn Mitsui, damn Ishida Koyama, they were discovered by the Chinese. With the help of foreign aid, these Chinese actually managed to escape.

Although they killed two people, they did not capture anyone alive.

Afterwards, Ishida Koyama actually criticized him, saying that his people leaked his whereabouts, so he failed to catch the person.

The information was obviously obtained from his subordinates, but Ishida Koyama brazenly said that it was the result of the investigation by his intelligence officers.

With Mitsui's support, the final result can be imagined.

Hoshino was severely scolded by Mitsui and reported the matter.

It's strange that Hoshino was in a good mood if he was not caught and punished.

He now fully understands that he will not have good results if he stays in Shanghai Special High School. Since Mitsui is unkind, don't blame him for being unjust. He will not sit still and wait for death.

He must fight back.

But it is not easy to fight back. Even though he is the leader of the intelligence team, there are only a few people in the intelligence team who listen to him, and he can't command the rest at all.

What he could rely on were the dozen or so Chinese agents who surrendered.

But this incident also made these Chinese agents understand his situation. The section chief didn't like him, and these Chinese agents now stayed away from him.

He knew that Jiang Tengkong had placed insiders among these Chinese agents, but Hoshino did not know which person was Jiang Tengkong's insider.

Maybe even more than one insider.

This gave him a sense of powerlessness. He needed foreign aid and stronger support to deal with Mitsui.

Wuhan, Party Affairs Investigation Division.

"This is the funding I obtained from District Chief Xu. Although it is not much, I did my best."

Bao Shengqun told the people sent by Xu Lin that Xu Lin asked him for help. After receiving the letter for the first time, Bao Shengqun ignored it. As a result, Xu Lin sent two letters in a row asking him for help.

He and Xu Lin had a good relationship. Xu Lin asked for help many times, but he could not remain indifferent.

In the end, he found Mr. Xu and finally succeeded in persuading him to grant a special funding of 60,000 yuan to the Shanghai District.

The money was not much, but for Shanghai District at this time, it was definitely a timely help.

"Thank you, Chief Bao."

The visitor was overjoyed to finally get the money. The district chief had been waiting for the money to be put into the pot. Without money, he might not be able to carry out normal work, let alone spy on intelligence.

"It's okay, go back early."

Bao Shengqun sighed. Xu Lin's ability was pretty good, but it was a pity that he was not from Old Ghost Xu. Old Ghost Xu had always been wary of him.

After being promoted to deputy section chief of the General Affairs Section, Mr. Xu talked to him again and asked him if he wanted to go to the Intelligence Section.

Bao Shengqun refused again, but the more he refused, the more Mr. Xu wanted to transfer him to the Intelligence Department.

Now that the Party Affairs Investigation Office has not produced any results, Mr. Xu himself has also lost a lot of points with the old man. In desperation, he needs Bao Shengqun to help him make meritorious deeds and change his position in the old man's heart.

Bao Shengqun understood that it would be better if he didn't go to the Intelligence Department, but if he went to the Intelligence Department, Old Ghost Xu would only be more unlucky.

During this period of time, Old Ghost Xu was indeed much better to him. He often called Xu Suzhen home to ask for help.

Once Old Ghost Xu gets through Xu Suzhen's work, he probably won't be able to stop her.

His time in the General Affairs Section has entered a countdown.

In Shanghai, Chu Lingyun appeared at a street corner in disguise.

The person Feng Yong found was named Wu Junmin, and he lived here. Chu Lingyun came to investigate alone and found that this was a safe house, not his real residence.

He usually only spends a short time here, and his neighbors don't have much impression of him. They only know that he is a sailor and often goes to sea, so he doesn't spend much time at home.

Living alone and often away from home, the status of a seafarer is indeed suitable.

After confirming that Wu Junmin was not at home, Chu Lingyun carefully unlocked the door.

Chu Lingyun's lock-picking skills are not strong. He learned it from a team member who knew how to pick locks. He couldn't handle ordinary locks, but not more complicated locks.

Fortunately, the lock was not complicated. After Chu Lingyun opened the door, he did not open it immediately and carefully checked around the crack in the door.

Sure enough, there was hair tied at the top of the door crack and a string underneath.

The other party was very careful and made counter-investigation arrangements.

After confirming that these two places were the only ones, Chu Lingyun slowly put away her hair and string and entered the room.

The room is very simple, with two bedrooms and no kitchen and bathroom. The kitchen and bathroom here are shared.

The house is not big, but it is very clean.

There are nautical charts on the table, and there is a bookcase with some books on it, mostly books related to navigation. Judging from these alone, there is indeed a sailor living here.

Since Chu Lingyun had doubts about him, she understood that he was definitely not a real sailor.

Seafarers are at sea all year round and cannot do the work they need.

Moreover, there is a counter-investigation arrangement here. Wu Junmin is definitely not an ordinary person.

In fact, this alone can prove that there must be something wrong with Zuo Xuan, but it cannot be confirmed that Zuo Xuan is the Red Party.

If Wu Junmin's identity is found out, this can be verified indirectly.

There was nothing in the house that could indicate his identity. This was originally a safe house. Wu Junmin didn't come here often, so how could there be anything that indicated his identity.

After Chu Lingyun searched carefully, he found a photo of Wu Junmin.

It's a photo of me on a boat, wearing a sailor uniform.

This photo can make people doubt his identity as a sailor, but at the same time give Chu Lingyun the opportunity to continue investigating him.

Taking out the miniature camera, Chu Lingyun took a photo of it.

Putting everything back in place, rearranging the hair and strings, Chu Lingyun returned to his safe house and put on makeup again, this time looking like Hiroshi Ishihara.

There is no rush to investigate Wu Junmin, and Wu Junmin is assisting him in determining Zuo Xuan's identity.

Takeda Hiroshi suddenly arrived at the trading company today. He had something important to ask him. After Chu Lingyun packed up, he quickly came to the trading company.


Takeda is in the tea room and has been waiting for two hours. He has not left for such a long time. It seems that he really has something important to do.

"Takeda-kun, what's so urgent?"

Chu Lingyun took off his coat and sat down at the tea table. Takeda Hiroshi knelt straight and said softly: "I have a friend. He asked me for help today and asked me to help him, but I don't know how to help him. , so I came here specifically to ask you for advice.”

"Which friend, what is it that even you can't help him with?"

Chu Lingyun poured tea and asked. Takeda Hiroshi had just joined the literary club not long ago, but he had been here several times. Especially when he saw that Takemoto had won praise from General Matsumoto by defeating the competitors of Ishihara Trading Company, he was a little anxious.

Takemoto was in the Intelligence Department, and it was his duty to crack down on businessmen who were doing business with Chinese smuggling, but he couldn't do it. He could only think of ways to investigate other people.

He asked his good friend Hoshino Kozo for advice. Hoshino Kozo was in the intelligence department, but he was in a bad situation and had no good way to help him.

Today, Hoshino Kozo suddenly visited him and explained his situation to him. Only then did Takeda Kozo know that Hoshino Kozo was so dangerous in the special high school class that his life might be in danger at any time.

He and Hoshino Kozo were classmates at the Army University and had a good relationship. They were both lieutenants. Hoshino Kozo went to the special high school, while he stayed in the military police.

The Special High School actually has a very good relationship with the Gendarmerie. They had cooperated many times in the Northeast in the early years, and the two sides had many exchanges.

Tengzhong, the former intelligence team leader of the Shanghai Special High School, was the intelligence director of the Shanghai Military Police Headquarters, Takemoto's predecessor.

Takeda Hiroshi understands Hoshino's current predicament, but he has no good way to help his friend.

He is just the captain of the Military Police, and he is a deputy, so he cannot reach into the special high school class, not to mention that Mitsui is stronger than him in terms of military rank and background.

Hoshino asked him for help, but he couldn't bear to refuse, so he thought of Ishihara Hiroshi.

Hoshino was not from the literary club, so Takeda Hiroshi didn't bring him here. He first asked Toru Ishihara to test his words and see if Ishihara Toru was willing to help his good friend.

Takeda Hiroshi was careful and explained the reasons in detail.

"Takeda-kun, do you have a good relationship with him?"

After listening to his story, Chu Lingyun asked, Hoshino, the person who blocked Ishida Koyama's position as team leader, actually came to him for help through connections.

This is indeed an opportunity for Chu Lingyun, an opportunity to get rid of Xingye and let Catfish take over.

However, he has to weigh the pros and cons, what are the benefits and risks of doing this, and only after he is fully prepared will he take action.

"Yes, we have a good relationship. We were roommates in college."

Takeda Hiroshi nodded hurriedly. He was a little worried and didn't know if Toru Ishihara was willing to help them.

He is not Takemoto. He has a good relationship with Ishihara Hiroshi and has not made any contribution to the literary club. He would like to bring Hoshino into the literary club together, but he has just joined and cannot recommend new people yet.

"Takeda-kun, your friend is a friend of the literary club, but his position is too sensitive. I will give you an answer after thinking about it."

Chu Lingyun didn't agree, but she didn't refuse either.

"I understand, please."

Takeda Hiroshi nodded repeatedly. Hoshino was in the special high school class and his position was indeed a bit sensitive. However, Takemoto was also the director of the intelligence department. Why was Toru Ishihara willing to help Takemoto but not Hoshino?

He didn't dare to ask this question because his relationship with Hiroshi Ishihara wasn't that familiar yet.

Instead of rejecting him, he gave him hope.

Takeda Hiroshi quickly left and returned home, where Hoshino was waiting for him.

"How about it? Did Hiroshi Ishihara agree?"

Seeing Takeda Hiroshi coming back, Hoshino immediately stepped forward and asked. Takeda Hiroshi shook his head slightly, and Hoshino's face immediately showed disappointment.

"Hoshino, please don't be impatient. Ishihara-kun said that your position is sensitive and he needs to think about it before making a decision. This is not a rejection."

Takeda Hiroshi said comfortingly that Hoshino understood that his status as the leader of the intelligence team of the Special High School was indeed different from others. Many people, especially the big shots, were least willing to deal with the intelligence department.

The intelligence service will be suspicious of everyone, and it's not easy for anyone to make a mess.

"Thank you. Ishihara Hiroshi is trying to comfort you. He won't be willing to help me."

Hoshino shook his head slightly. Takeda couldn't tell that he was declining, but he understood.

"Don't worry, I'll go back to Takemoto and ask him to help you beg for mercy. If Ishihara Hiroshi is willing to help you, let alone the intelligence team leader like you, even if you are the section chief of the Shanghai Special Higher Education Course, you may not have a chance. "

Takeda Hiroshi admires Toru Ishihara very much. Although he has not yet benefited from it, he can see from Takemoto that Toru Ishihara is really powerful.

Takemoto's change was entirely because of Ishihara Toru.

One of his former subordinates is now on the same level as him, and his position is even higher than his, because Ishihara Hiroshi helped him operate.

"No, I'll figure it out myself. With my status, it's normal for him to have concerns."

Hoshino refused, saying that his identity was clearly sensitive and the possibility of intervention was very low.

"What's wrong with his identity? Not only is Takemoto also the director of the intelligence department, but Toru Ishihara helped him get promoted."

Takeda Hiroshi asked in confusion, and Hoshino smiled bitterly and said: "The Intelligence Division of the Military Police is different from the Intelligence Group of the Special High School. The Intelligence Division of the Military Police is mainly for internal affairs, but we are different. We have more power externally. But it’s also easier to offend people.”

Takeda Hiroshi is not an intelligence officer, and he does not understand the difference between himself and Takemoto.

They all seem to be doing intelligence work, but there are many types of intelligence work.

And the special high school class he was in was a place that no one wanted to deal with.

"It's okay to try. You also know Takemoto. Just today, I'm here to treat you. Please come over to Takemoto. Since Ishihara-kun didn't refuse, if Takemoto speaks for you, he will definitely agree to help you."

Takeda Hiroshi was really kind to this old classmate and wanted to help him get out of his predicament.

He understands Hoshino's temperament very well, and would not ask for help from him unless he had no other choice.

Originally, he was very happy that Hoshino was in Shanghai. After all, the two had a good relationship. Now that Hoshino's life was in danger, he would not just watch his good friend suffer.

What's more, Takeda Hiroshi is a pure soldier. If his friends are in trouble, he will help them.

"Okay, please."

Hoshino finally nodded. Takeda Hiroshi had good intentions. Besides, he really couldn't get Ishihara Hiroshi's help. It would be fine if Takemoto was willing to help him.

After all, Takemoto is the intelligence chief of the gendarmerie, and he also has jurisdiction over their special higher education department. However, because of the chief section chief, the gendarmerie has never asked about their affairs.

When Takeda went to call Takemoto, Chu Lingyun was thinking.

Mitsui, like Chen Shu, is a very controlling person. It is not a secret that he is dissatisfied with Hoshino and wants to get rid of Hoshino.

Catfish is doing well now, but he has not reached the position of intelligence team leader, which is somewhat restrictive.

For example, Catfish has no jurisdiction over the dozen or so Chinese agents who surrendered.

If these people are in Catfish's hands, it will be easy to get rid of them.

Wang Yuemin wanted to punish the arrested people, but was persuaded by Chu Lingyun.

The Shanghai Station is still being reorganized, and it is not a good time to take action now. Although Mitsui is dissatisfied with Hoshino, he takes these Chinese surrendered agents very seriously.

Moreover, Hoshino asked the garrison for help. Where more than a dozen Chinese agents were located, two Japanese teams were stationed for protection.

More than 20 Japanese soldiers, plus a dozen Chinese agents, want to impose sanctions there, and at least nearly a hundred people will have to be dispatched to succeed.

There are so many people and the movement is so loud. Once the Japanese support them in time, they will probably be wiped out.

In a short period of time, there is basically no possibility of success. Now is not the same as before. The Japanese would not have strict protection. These Chinese agents have made a lot of contributions, and the Japanese attach great importance to their safety.

Wang Yuemin's idea of ​​​​attacking by force is absolutely undesirable.

Getting rid of Hoshino and letting Catfish take over these people is a good opportunity to punish them.

Hoshino wanted to seek help from Toru Ishihara, but he never expected that what he was looking for was his own talisman.

"Takemoto-kun, long time no see. Congratulations on your promotion to Director of the Intelligence Division."

In the hotel in the Japanese Concession, Hoshino greeted Takemoto in a friendly manner. Takeda was hosting a treat today. Takemoto didn't think much and rushed over immediately.

He was a little surprised to notice that Hoshino was there too.

He knew Hoshino, but was not familiar with him. He knew that Hoshino was in the special high school and was the leader of the intelligence team. Hoshino was a professional agent, unlike him who became a monk halfway through.

"Hoshino-kun, long time no see." Takemoto responded politely, but not so enthusiastically.

"Sit down and talk."

Takeda Hiroshi helped smooth things over by ordering sushi, sake, and other Japanese delicacies.

The food here tastes good, but the price is too high. Even if he is Lieutenant Commander, he won't come here often. If he hadn't invited Takemoto to a banquet and asked him to help this time, he wouldn't have spent so much money.

"Takeda-kun, have you gone to see Ishihara-kun?"

After listening to Takeda Hiroshi's story, Takemoto immediately frowned. Although he became a monk halfway, he had been the intelligence chief for such a long time.

Takeda Hiroshi went directly to trouble Ishihara Toru without consulting him, which made him a little dissatisfied.

"Yes, but unfortunately Ishihara-kun did not agree, so I would like to ask Takemoto-kun to talk about it again."

Takeda Hiroshi was indeed thinking about Hoshino and did not notice Takemoto's expression.

Hoshino Kozo kept observing Takemoto, and he caught Takemoto's dissatisfaction.

"Takeda-kun, you are too impulsive. Although Ishihara Hiroshi is powerful, in the final analysis he is just a businessman. Hoshino-kun's identity is so sensitive. Moreover, it is an internal struggle within the special high school. How can you ask Ishihara-kun to agree?"

Takemoto blamed that if a businessman intervenes in the power struggle of the special high school, no matter what the outcome, it will not end well.

If Hosokawa Tomotaka is okay, Ishihara-kun can't resist such great pressure.

"Takemoto-kun, I understand. I didn't let Ishihara-kun get involved in the struggle of the Special High School. I just wanted him to help protect Hoshino-kun and prevent Mitsui from persecuting him."

Takeda Hiroshi was a little stunned. He didn't expect Takemoto to have such a big reaction.

"Takeda-kun, Ishihara-kun, as long as you help, you are intervening in their internal fighting. Don't you even understand this?"

Takemoto said angrily, no wonder Ishihara Toru didn't agree to him. Takeda Hiroshi didn't ask for help, he just pushed Ishihara Toru into the fire pit.

Is the water in the special high school so easy to get to?

The rank of section chief of Shanghai Super High School is not high, but they still have a headquarters, and the rank of chief section chief Tuyuan is lieutenant general.

"Takemoto-kun, don't be angry. I was reckless. I will go and sincerely apologize to Ishihara-kun another day."

Hoshino said hurriedly, he knew that if Toru Ishihara was willing to help, he would have an extra layer of powerful foreign aid.

He did have this idea.

Takeda Hiroshi had told him about Ishihara Hiroshi before, and he had conducted investigations.

Ishihara Hiroshi is a businessman on the surface, but he is very good at maneuvering. Not only does he maintain good relations with many people in the military, but he also has an excellent relationship with Hosokawa Tomotaka.

In addition, General Matsumoto has a special regard for Ishihara Hiroshi. If Ishihara Hiroshi is willing, he can definitely help him deal with Mitsui Amu.

Takeda Hiroshi didn't understand this, but Takemoto was not stupid and saw through everything.

"Hoshino-kun, no need. I will have a good talk with Ishihara-kun. Let's leave it like this for today."

After Takemoto finished speaking, he stood up and left. Takeda Hiroshi was used as a gun, but he would not do it.

He must remind Ishihara Hiroshi about this matter.

Although he believed that Ishihara would definitely understand Hoshino's intentions, he must do what he should express.

He has nothing to do with Hoshino, Ishihara Hiroshi is his noble man.

"Is this why you came here so late?"

Chu Lingyun was still at Shiyuan Trading Company. He took advantage of the opportunity to come over today and take care of business matters here.

After taking over the trading company copied from Takemoto, the scale of Ishihara Trading Company has expanded a lot. Now it is truly the largest trading house in Japan. Although it cannot be compared with large companies like Mitsui, it is much stronger than other companies. .

The total assets of Ishihara Trading Company have already exceeded one million yen.

The business is so big, it also involves part of Chu Lingyun's energy to a certain extent. If others can handle it, he will try his best to leave it to others, but there are some things that he must do personally.

Nowadays, the time he spends in the trading company has increased a lot.

"Ishihara-kun, Hoshino Kozo has bad intentions. Takeda-kun was deceived by him. Hoshino is so hateful."

Takemoto said bitterly that he didn't save any face for Hoshino today.

It would be very impolite to leave immediately after eating.

"It doesn't matter. If a person doesn't do it for himself, he will be punished by heaven and earth. There is nothing wrong with him doing this for himself. Besides, I didn't agree."

Chu Lingyun smiled. Zhuben was very good. Chu Lingyun didn't expect that he had seen through this and came here to remind him.

Takemoto's arrival gave him a perfect reason.

Helping Hoshino is far less convenient than dealing with Hoshino directly, and it is easier to help Ishida Koyama clear the obstacles.

"Ishihara-kun, you are generous, but I can't bear to see him doing this and actually targeting you. Damn it, Hoshino. Do you want me to find a way to kill him?"

Takemoto said angrily. The more excited he is, the easier it is for Ishihara Hiroshi to see his loyalty.

A guaranteed chapter of 8,000 words. Thanks to book friend 20211122080404190 for the 100 starting coin reward. There will be an additional update today.

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