Spy Shadow

Chapter 521 Join forces to frame

"What nonsense are you talking about? He is the intelligence team leader of the Special High School Course. You attacked him. Do you really think they can't find out that it was you?"

Chu Lingyun smiled and said that Takemoto's performance was okay. Although he was just pretending, he was at least on his side.

"It's definitely not possible to kill him directly, but we can kill him with a borrowed knife."

Takemoto chuckled and said that he and Hoshino were not familiar with each other. This time Hoshino wanted to use Ishihara Hiroshi, which was considered to have touched his bottom line.

Nothing must happen to Toru Ishihara, who is currently his biggest backer.

He also hopes to do more work for the literary society in the future and be promoted to the rank of colonel. If he reaches the rank of colonel, then there is hope for him to take another step forward.

But there must be a prerequisite, and he needs Ishihara Hiroshi's help to do it.

If something happens to Ishihara Hiroshi, his career will come to an end. Without Ishihara Hiroshi, the literary society will soon fall apart.

He knew very well that even though Ishihara Hiroshi was the vice president, he was the most important figure in the literary club.

"How do you borrow a knife to kill someone?" Chu Lingyun asked knowingly.

"He had a feud with Mitsui, the head of the Special High School Course, so he used Mitsui's knife to kill him."

Takemoto was very excited and made a gesture of wiping his neck.

It seems that Hoshino's little thoughts have been seen through by Ishihara Hiroshi, and he is also very dissatisfied with Hoshino and Ishihara Hiroshi, otherwise he would not ask this question.

He did the right thing this time, and Ishihara Hiroshi will definitely trust him more in the future.

"Don't think nonsense. These intelligence agents have dark hearts. It's not as simple as you think. Their goals have not been achieved. Don't take such risks."

Chu Lingyun shook his head. What he said was not to take risks, not that he must never do it.

Takemoto is actually very courageous, otherwise he would not take the initiative to investigate merchants and force these merchants to have their families destroyed.

Once they are labeled as smuggling supplies to the Chinese, even a few lives are not enough to kill them.

Those merchants are basically in ruins.

"I understand, Ishihara-kun, don't worry, just leave this matter to me."

Takemoto had no scruples about Takeda Hiroshi. Seeing that Ishihara Toru didn't reject it outright, he knew that Ishihara Toru was still angry.

Ishihara Hiroko is much more important than Takeda Hiroshi. Takeda Hiroshi used to be his boss, but now he doesn't dare to offend him at all.

Not to mention, Takeda Hiroshi was able to join the literary club because of his recommendation.

If Takeda Hiroshi disobeys, just kick him out of the literary club.

As long as Takeda Hiroshi is kicked out, General Matsumoto will not treat him well. It may not take long before he will be transferred to Leng Yamen, and he will never be able to get ahead in the future.

"Don't mess around, safety first."

Chu Lingyun seemed to be persuading, but in fact he added fuel to the fire.

Safety first means that as long as you can ensure your own safety, you can do anything.

Since Takemoto is willing to stand up, Chu Lingyun has no reason to stop him. Externally, Hoshino really wants to use him and push him into the fire pit. It is normal for someone to be willing to stand up for him.

Internally, there is no need for any explanation.

I'm afraid other people will attack the Hoshino group if they know about it. Ishihara Hiroshi is more important to these people than Hosokawa Tomataka.

No one allowed any accidents to happen to Ishihara Hiroshi, and the alliance of interests was always the strongest.

"Don't worry, I won't mess around."

Takemoto hurriedly left. Hoshino was not an ordinary person. He was the intelligence team leader of the Special High School Course, with the rank of lieutenant colonel.

The military police will not take care of the special high school. Unless Hoshino makes a serious mistake, the military police may intervene.

General Matsumoto would not agree to his investigation of Hoshino, and besides, he might not be able to find out anything, but to deal with a person, you don't have to investigate.

Hoshino has an enemy, and Mitsui from the Extra High School Class is him.

Although Takemoto usually doesn't ask many questions, he has a certain understanding of Mitsui. As long as he tells Mitsui Hoshino's purpose, Hoshino will be in trouble.

Since Toru Ishihara is dissatisfied with Hoshino, he will do this well.

Outside the extra-high school class, inside a teahouse.

Mitsui took his secretary Ezaki Ga to the private room of the tea house.

"Hello, Lieutenant Takemoto, you said you have something very important to see me about. What is it?"

He came on an appointment. Shusaku Takemoto, the intelligence chief of the Military Police, suddenly called him and asked him to meet, saying that he had something very important to tell him.

The location is outside the extra-high school class. Ezaki He has already led people to check the place and made sure that Takemoto came in advance and that there is no danger around.

Mitsui didn't know why Takemoto came to see him, but after all, he was the intelligence chief of the Military Police, so he decided to go to the appointment.

"Someone is going to deal with you."

Takemoto calmly made tea. During this period, Ishihara Hanna was always running around. His tea-making skills are also pretty good now.

"who is it?"

Mitsui's eyes tightened slightly, while Takemoto raised his head and pushed the tea cup in front of him.

"Your intelligence team leader, Hoshino Kozo."

"How did you know he was going to deal with me? Is there any misunderstanding between you and Hoshino?"

Mitsui asked slowly. He did not immediately believe Takemoto's words, even though he knew that Hoshino had always wanted to fight back against him.

This is the instinct of being an intelligence chief.

"He found Takeda Hiroshi, Section Chief Mitsui. You should know that he has a very good relationship with Takeda Hiroshi. Takeda Hiroshi found me and asked me to help deal with you. Is this a misunderstanding?"

Takemoto smiled, while Mitsui looked directly at him.

Mitsui had been to the Military Police and knew Takemoto, but the relationship between the two was far from the point where the other party would inform him. He had always been suspicious of everything, and now he doubted Takemoto's motive or purpose for doing this.

"Takemoto-kun, since it was Takeda Hiroshi who asked you for help, why do you tell me this?"

Mitsui decided to ask directly. He would not believe Takemoto without clarifying the reason.

"If Hoshino came to me directly, I wouldn't say this."

Takemoto shook his head slightly, his expression suddenly turned cold: "But he shouldn't bother Ishihara-kun. He actually wants Takeda Hiroshi to drag Ishihara-kun into trouble to deal with you. I won't allow him to do this."


Mitsui frowned, Hoshino knew Ishihara Hiroshi because of Takeda Hiroshi.

He has not had any indirect contact with Ishihara Hiroshi. Chu Lingyun is a businessman, so he does not know the situation of Ishihara Hiroshi.

"Yes, I don't want him to disturb Ishihara-kun anymore. If Section Chief Mitsui needs it, I can help you."

Takemoto nodded. Hoshino was their common enemy. If he came to tell the truth, then the two parties would be enemies rather than friends.

The enemy cannot be treated with mercy and must be completely eliminated.

Destruction of spirit and body.

"Thank you Takemoto-kun. I will verify it clearly. If there is really any need for Takemoto-kun, I will bother you again."

Mitsui looked at Takemoto and finally nodded slowly.

The other party meant well, so he didn't have to refuse, but he didn't agree directly. He would investigate on his own to find out what Hoshino did to make Takemoto so angry.

Takemoto is the intelligence chief of the Military Police, and his rank is not low.

If he hadn't been offended severely enough, Takemoto wouldn't have come directly to inform him. This would have resulted in Hoshino's death.

"Okay, I'll leave first. The tea here is good. The money has been paid. You can have some."

Takemoto stood up and said with a smile. Esaki sent him out and returned to the box.

Mitsui's face has become extremely gloomy. He knew that Hoshino would not sit back and die, but he didn't expect to find helpers to deal with him.

"Go and find out what's going on with Ishihara Hiroshi."

Mitsui told Esaki that he would also conduct investigations on Takemoto's side, but Takemoto's mention of Ishihara Hiroshi attracted his great attention.

Just because Hoshino wanted to find Ishihara Hiroshi to help him deal with him, Takemoto actually wanted his life. It felt so incredible.

If there is any doubt, he will investigate it.


Esaki He took the order. Ishihara Hiroshi is a businessman, so it is not difficult to investigate him.

Esaki He quickly found out about Ishihara Trading Company. This trading company was not small in scale. It was only opened after the Battle of Shanghai. In less than a year, it has grown so big.

Now it is the largest private Japanese trading house in Shanghai.

As the investigation progressed, the results surprised Ezaki Ga more and more.

Ishihara Toru was very young, and he was a classmate of Hosokawa Tomataka. That was all. Ishihara Toru also established a literary club. Hosokawa Tomataka was the president, and General Matsumoto of the Military Police Headquarters was the honorary president.

There are not many members in the literary society, but all of them are officers, and they are assistant officers.

They are distributed in many units, among which Shusaku Takemoto and Hiroshi Takeda are members.

Takeda Hiroshi just joined the club not long ago, but Takemoto Shusaku is a veteran of the literary club. Forget about this, all the members of the literary club were more or less unsatisfied before. With the help of Toru Ishihara, they now have great achievements. changes.

Especially Shusaku Takemoto, who was originally just a squadron leader with the rank of major.

Hiroshi Ishihara helped him operate and was promoted to lieutenant colonel in a short period of time. He also became the intelligence director of the Military Police Headquarters and became an important figure in the Military Police Headquarters.

"Search, Ishihara Hiroshi is not simple. No wonder Takemoto is so angry."

Three days later, Esaki came to report to Mitsui with the results of his inquiry. Mitsui looked at the documents he sent carefully and narrowed his eyes unnaturally.

There is actually a businessman as powerful as Hiroshi Ishihara in Shanghai?

He has people in the Army Department, Dispatch Army Department, and Aviation Department, as well as in the consulate and the police security bureau.

More importantly, none of these people were in their current positions before. It was only with the help of Hiroshi Ishihara that they had greater power.

A businessman can affect so many important departments at the same time?

"Is all this true?"

Mitsui couldn't help but ask. The more he looked, the more frightened he became. He had never thought that there was such a number one person in Shanghai.

"I verified it and it's all true."

Esaki He nodded. He couldn't believe it at first. It wasn't that such people were rare, but that he didn't even know he existed before the extra-high school class.

Fortunately, Hoshino was reckless and went directly to someone for help. They were unwilling to get involved in the internal affairs of their special high school class, so they refused.

Takemoto came to tell Mitsui because he was dissatisfied with Hoshino's attempt to drag Ishihara Hiroshi into trouble.

Ishihara Hiroshi has helped Takemoto so much. If something happens to Ishihara Hiroshi, Takemoto's good days will come to an end. He can understand Takemoto's anger.

If someone wanted to harm his patron, he would do the same.

"Make an appointment with Toru Ishihara for me and see when he is free."

Mitsui was also a little scared. Hoshino actually found such a powerful person. Fortunately, the other party was concerned that they were an intelligence agency and had no intention of intervening.

If Toru Ishihara really helps Hoshino, he may not be able to withstand such a powerful force.

If people from so many departments all attack him, even if they can save their lives, they will not be able to keep their position as section chief.

The other party is a businessman, and he can take advantage of this.

After all, the Mitsui family is now a giant in the business world, and there is still a certain amount of pressure and temptation for businessmen.


Jiang Qihe nodded hurriedly and went out to make a phone call.

After a while, he walked into the office again: "Section Chief, I have made an appointment. Ishihara Hiroshi is willing to meet with you, but it will have to wait until tomorrow afternoon."

"It's okay, we'll go there tomorrow afternoon."

Mitsui nodded lightly, Hoshino must die, he would not let Hoshino go, a wolf that had taken action against him and showed its fangs, he must hammer it to death as soon as possible.

Before, he thought of dealing with Hoshino slowly, but now he changed his mind.

Besides, with Takemoto's help, it would be easier for him to deal with Hoshino.

It would be great if Hiroshi Ishihara was also willing to help him. If Hiroshi Ishihara had such huge resources, if he could use them, what else would he not be able to do or accomplish in the future?

The next step is to see if he can convince Ishihara Hiroshi.

Chu Lingyun was not surprised to receive a call from Jiang Qihe.

Since Takemoto takes action, he will definitely say hello to Mitsui.

If Mitsui wanted to meet him, he probably already knew his details. Otherwise, as Mitsui, he would just have someone call him instead of coming in person.

Not many people know about him, but it's not difficult to find out in a place like the Special High School.

As Japan's most important external intelligence agency, the Super High School cannot even find out these things, and it is not worthy of being a competitor of the Military Intelligence Office.

In the afternoon of the next day, Mitsui changed into plain clothes and took Ezaki out.

"Please let me know that Colonel Mitsui of the Shanghai Special High School is here. He made an appointment with your boss Ishihara yesterday."

Jiang Qihe came to the door and politely found someone from Ishihara Trading Company.

Fang Shiyi came out soon and was stunned for a moment when he learned that it was the head of the Shanghai Special Higher Education Course who came in person.

As a lurking red party member, he naturally knew who the director of the special higher education course was.

Ishihara Hiroshi's influence is really growing. The head of the special higher education course also asked for a meeting in a formal manner and made an appointment in advance.

"Director Mitsui, welcome."

Chu Lingyun went to the door to greet him personally, and his fluent Kansai accent gave Mitsui a sense of intimacy.

"Mr. Ishihara, please forgive me for disturbing you."

"No, you're out. Please come inside."

This was not the first time that Chu Lingyun met Mitsui Amu. She had met him once before when she used the identity of Hosokawa Tomotaka.

At that time, he brought Hasegawa with him to visit and wanted to get his support.

Chu Lingyun ignored him and asked him to leave after a brief meeting.

We met again, but with different identities.

"Thank you very much for not agreeing to Hoshino's unreasonable request."

Entering the tea room, Mitsui first said politely. Chu Lingyun smiled slightly: "Chief Mitsui, I am a businessman. What businessmen care about is profit. If anyone comes to me, I will help him selflessly. If he wants my help, he will also It requires dedication, and in Hoshino, I don’t see how he can help me. On the contrary, he is likely to cause me great trouble.”

Chu Lingyun said it very tactfully. He is a businessman and he will not do anything that is not beneficial.

Things within the Special High School were not only not good for him, but might also cause trouble, so Hoshino's calculation was wrong.

In other words, he didn't think about becoming an enemy of Mitsui.

Mitsui was very satisfied with Ishihara Hiroshi's answer and nodded: "You are right, Hoshino can't give you anything, but I am different. Whether it is business or anything else, I can give you some help."

Mitsui is wooing Ishihara Toru and wants Ishihara Toru to be his.

Chu Lingyun could see through his little thoughts at a glance.

"I believe that now I need a group of large-tonnage cargo ships, at least ten. Can you help me?"

Chu Lingyun made the request directly without any politeness.

Mitsui was choked. Of course the Mitsui family has ten freighters, but they belong to the family, not to him. He is just a sideline, and he certainly cannot mobilize such resources.

The cake he drew was good, but it was a pity that the other party saw through it.

"Mr. Ishihara, as far as I know, your business scale is not that big."

Sanji smiled sheepishly. He couldn't come up with ten large-tonnage freighters, let alone ten. He couldn't come up with even one. The freighters needed to be customized. How could he get one now?

"That's not necessarily true. Recently, our business has added a lot of stores, and the demand for goods is huge. Moreover, I have reached trade agreements with the United States, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain and other countries. In addition to my own goods, I can also help They transport goods, and ten cargo ships may not be enough.”

Chu Lingyun smiled, the business scale of Shiyuan Trading Company had indeed expanded.

Liu Chengzhu secretly let go of part of the business, and all was taken over by Ishihara Trading Company.

The concession will not last long. Chu Lingyun will not wait until the concession disappears before stopping all this. He will change hands as soon as possible. From now on, Shiyuan Trading Company will deal with these goods, and Liu Chengzhu will focus on sulfa.

American pharmaceutical factories are put into production, and Chinese pharmaceutical factories are under construction. Just the sulfonamide business can make Liu Chengzhu extremely busy.

"Mr. Ishihara, I would like to ask you to help me."

Mitsui understood that the trick of deceiving others was useless on Ishihara Hiroshi, so he simply went straight to the point and explained it directly.

"Mr. Mitsui, Hoshino is your subordinate." Chu Lingyun smiled and poured tea.

"It's true that he is my subordinate, but he is appointed by the chief section chief. Without enough evidence, I can't take action against him."

Mitsui shook his head slightly. If Hoshino could be solved so easily, he would still need to ask Ishihara Hiroshi for help.

"What can I get?"

Chu Lingyun did not refuse and asked again.

Mitsui is a politician, there is no need to beat around the bush with him, the clearer the explanation, the better.

Mitsui was silent. He made preparations before coming and wanted to seduce the other party with the identity of his Mitsui family. Unfortunately, Toru Ishihara saw through it at a glance and asked for a freighter, which made him unable to answer.

Ishihara Hiroshi is a smart businessman, lying is of no use to him, and Mitsui is unwilling to offend Ishihara Hiroshi.

"What do you need?"

After a while, Mitsui asked slowly, this is a deal, he wants Ishihara Hiroshi's help to deal with Hoshino, he must pay a certain price.

"I don't lack money or power, but I lack security."

Chu Lingyun replied softly. Mitsui looked up at him and immediately understood what he meant.

Security is a very general term. Ishihara Trading Company's business is so big, what is his sense of security?

Very simple, absolute power, or a hard enough background.

Behind Ishihara Trading Company were Hosokawa Tomotaka and General Matsumoto. They had good backgrounds but a little lack of power. Therefore, Ishihara Toru invested heavily in those unsatisfactory officers and helped them move to more important positions.

When these officers grow up, they will spontaneously protect Ishihara Hiroshi for their own development.

Takemoto was like this. Just because Hoshino wanted to take advantage of Ishihara Toru, he fell out with Hoshino and even wanted Hoshino's life.

Ishihara Hiroshi was very successful, but his power was not enough.

"In the future, I will say hello to you in advance for anything related to Ishihara Trading Company."

After hesitating for a while, Mitsui nodded and said, this is a deal. Ishihara Hiroshi will help him get rid of Hoshino, and he will help Ishihara Trading Company to protect it.

Chu Lingyun stood up, went to the cabinet next to him and took out a box.

The box was placed in front of Mitsui, and Chu Lingyun returned to his seat.

"Not only about Ishihara Trading Company, but about all trading companies, as long as it is beneficial to me, I want to know."

Chu Lingyun said slowly, while Triode was a little stunned.

"The box is for you, and there will be this amount every month from now on. Mitsui-kun, you are a smart man, and we will have a happy cooperation in the future."

Chu Lingyun took the initiative to pick up the tea cup, and Mitsui hurriedly picked up the tea cup and drank the cup of tea together.

Back in the car outside, Mitsui opened the box. He had never looked at what was inside in front of Hiroshi Ishihara.

The box was not big, and inside were colorful banknotes, with ten yen denominations. There were ten stacks in total.

For each stack of one hundred sheets, that's a full 10,000 yen.

The Mitsui family is rich, but it does not mean that Mitsui Amu has so much money. The family's money belongs to the family, not to individuals.

Not to mention that he is a collateral member and can get some family resources, but it is impossible for the family to give him a lot of money.

Unless his level is very high.

"Ten thousand yen, Toru Ishihara is really generous."

Esakiga whispered, and Mitsui Amu closed the box.

"This is not generosity, but investment. No wonder his business can be so big. He is really smart. Although he doesn't have many contacts, he is the smartest businessman I have ever seen."

Mitsui sighed. Ishihara Hiroshi agreed to help him and gave him so much money. It seemed that he had benefited from everything.

But he also boarded Ishihara Hiroshi's ship, and he would try his best to help Ishihara Trading Company in the future. Anyone and anything that was unfavorable to Ishihara Trading Company or Ishihara Hiroshi would also be dealing with him.

But he was happy to do it.

Ten thousand a month, a full 120,000 a year.

Even though he is the director of a special higher education course in Shanghai, he can't expect to earn so much in a year.

Unless he desperately fishes for it, in that case, he is not far from destruction.

"Section Chief, it will not hurt you to cooperate with him." Esaki He whispered.

"You're right, I like to work with smart people."

Mitsui smiled. He gained a lot from this visit. With the help of Ishihara Hiroshi, Hoshino would not be able to dance for long. Hoshino himself probably would not have thought that he came to Ishihara Hiroshi for help, but sounded the death knell for himself.

Takemoto, Shimakura and Yamaguchi came to Ishihara Trading Company together.

When the three of them received a call and Ishihara Hiroshi came to see them for something, they immediately put down their work and came as quickly as possible.

"Ishihara-kun, what do you want from us?"

Takemoto was the first to ask. The three of them were at different distances, but Chu Lingyun informed them at different times, so they arrived here almost at the same time.

"Sit down and talk."

Chu Lingyun greeted, and the three of them all knelt down and sat opposite Chu Lingyun.

"I promised Mitsui to help him deal with Hoshino."

Chu Lingyun said lightly, Takemoto was startled for a moment, and then said excitedly: "That's it. Hoshino wants to take advantage of you, and he has no good intentions. He must be taught a lesson, so that no one will dare to take advantage of you in the future."

"Ishihara-kun, Takemoto-kun, what's going on?"

Shimakura asked immediately. He didn't know about Hoshino, but he was also shocked when he heard that someone wanted to take advantage of Toru Ishihara.

"Takemoto, tell them what happened."

Shimakura and Yamaguchi were asked to come because they needed their cooperation to deal with Hoshino.

Although Mitsui was promised, Chu Lingyun did not need to come forward personally for this matter. Takemoto, Shimakura and Yamaguchi cooperated to win Hoshino.

One Hoshino is nothing, but this is indeed a good opportunity.

After Hoshino's fall, there was no resistance to Ishida Koyama's rise to power. It was impossible for Keiji Tsuchhara to stupidly send a new intelligence team leader.

As Takemoto told it, the two finally understood what was going on.

A lieutenant colonel leader of a special high school course actually wanted to drag Ishihara Hiroshi into trouble and help him fight for power, and even deal with the colonel section chief.

Unforgivable, never forgivable.

No wonder Hiroshi Ishihara was angry, they were even more angry.

"Ishihara-kun, tell me, what do you want us to do?"

Shimakura asked first. He was at the dispatched army staff and didn't know what he could do to help Ishihara Hiroshi.

But as long as Ishihara Hiroshi gives an order, he will definitely obey and do it.

"Hoshino is the intelligence team leader. If he spy on the important information of your staff department, what will happen to him?"

Chu Lingyun said softly, Shimakura was suddenly startled, and immediately replied: "Don't say he is the intelligence team leader, he is the section chief of the Special Higher Education Course. Spying on our top-secret information is also a death penalty."

"Yes, that's his crime."

Chu Lingyun smiled and nodded. Shimakura was still a little confused, but Takemoto's eyes were bright: "I understand what you mean. Are you asking him to take the initiative to spy on the general staff's intelligence, and then we use this to convict him?"

"Yamaguchi-kun, pick a smart policeman and ask him to pretend to be a Chinese intelligence officer and contact Shimakura-kun's staff."

"Yes, no problem. Such people are easy to recruit."

Yamaguchi immediately responded, he was in charge of all the police in Shanghai, and it was very easy to find someone who met the requirements.

"Takemoto, you contact Mitsui and ask him to help you make the plan more perfect. You follow his instructions and arrest the person directly after you get the evidence."

"Hai, don't worry, Mr. Ishihara, I promise to handle it properly."

Takemoto bowed his head and replied that as long as Hoshino spied on the intelligence of the staff, he would have reason to intervene and arrest people.

Coupled with Mitsui's cooperation, Hoshino is dead this time.

The plan Chu Lingyun made was not clever, and even had many loopholes. It was not that he couldn't do better, but that he did it deliberately.

Against Hoshino, he was the support and Mitsui was the main force.

Mitsui must take the lead in this matter.

After giving the instructions, Chu Lingyun didn't ask any more questions. He only wanted the results and didn't need to understand the process.

With Mitsui taking the lead, and the combination of several of them, even Hoshino, a powerless intelligence team leader, can't take down, then these people are all useless.

After leaving, Takemoto immediately took the two of them to make an appointment with Mitsui.

Unlike last time, this time Mitsui came out to see him immediately.

"Section Chief Mitsui, Ishihara-kun has ordered us to follow your arrangements. This is Lieutenant Colonel Toshiaki Shimakura from the Dispatch Army Staff Department, and this is Major Mitsukuma Yamaguchi from the Police Security Bureau."

Takemoto introduced the two to Mitsui and told Ishihara Hiroshi's plan.

"Ishihara-kun is indeed smart. Hoshino is dead this time. Thank you for your help."

Mitsui said politely that this was Ishihara Hiroshi's energy. After agreeing to him, he immediately sent people to support him.

Two lieutenants and one major came, and they were all people with real power.

Ishihara Hiroshi's plan is indeed ordinary, but the idea is good. After all, he is not an intelligence officer, and it is not easy to think of so many things.

Mitsui immediately helped to complete the plan. First of all, ordinary police officers could not attract Hoshino's personal attention. They had to have someone with a certain weight.

In this case, there will not be many people to choose from.

The second is that they cannot really access the intelligence of the dispatched army staff, otherwise they will be trapped, but they can use false intelligence to test it.

The information is not important, even if it is false information, as long as Hoshino takes the initiative to ask, he will not be able to take off this hat.

Framing someone is very simple.

The most important thing here is cooperation. Many parties agreed to kill him. It was Hoshino who deliberately spied on information. He had ten mouths and couldn't explain it clearly. Even if the chief section chief came to investigate in person, it involved the Police Security Bureau, the Dispatch Army Staff Headquarters, and the Military Police Commander. Even the section chief wouldn’t ask too many questions.

As long as Hoshino is caught, he will die.

"Mitsui-kun, you are still awesome, we didn't expect so much."

After listening to Mitsui's improvement, Takemoto became more confident that he could pick them all off by doing this. With Mitsui's cooperation, Hoshino would definitely finish this time.

It's just Hoshino. Except for Takeda Hiroshi, no one will help him to express his grievances.

As long as Takeda Hiroshi doesn't want to offend Toru Ishihara, he doesn't dare to say anything.

Moreover, this time it was Takeda Hiroshi who helped Hoshino, and he helped count the money after he was sold. If Ishihara Hiroshi hadn't been smart and really agreed to him, it would be Mitsui they had to deal with now.

Dealing with Mitsui is definitely not as easy as dealing with Hoshino.

"Without your help, even if I have the means, it will be useless."

Mitsui said modestly, and at the same time made up his mind that the relationship with Ishihara Hiroshi must be maintained well.

Although these people may not be high in rank, they have a lot of power. If they start an attack together, even he won't be able to support them.

Ishihara Hiroshi must not be offended, and what he promised must be done.

"Let's do it, Yamaguchi-kun. You go find someone right away. We will cooperate with you at any time."

Takemoto nodded lightly. Yamaguchi Mitsukuma didn't talk nonsense. He called someone to send the police station's files, and then chose a branch chief as bait.

He is in the police security bureau and is in charge of all police officers. Even the chief must obey his orders and dare not disobey his words.

Besides, these policemen are Chinese, and what these Chinese people fear most now is the Japanese.

Shimakura Toshiaki has also made preparations. True information cannot be given to him, but there is no problem with false information.

He had a way to explain to them that he had noticed that someone was inquiring about their information, and deliberately used false information as a test to find the person.

His position was personally appointed by General Tian Jun, and ordinary people would not embarrass him at all.

A big chapter of 8,000 words, chapters 14 and 15 will be added with monthly tickets.

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