Spy Shadow

Chapter 573 Go home and study

Chapter 573 Go home and study

Nagumo Noriko took action against Chinese businessmen.

Mitsui narrowed his eyes. It seemed that his persuasion was effective, forcing Nanyun to lose control. Many of these businessmen defected to the empire. Her doing so would cause great public outrage.

Nanyun wanted to use this trick to solve the financial problem, how could Mitsui let her get her wish.

"Jiang Teng, go find out how much they copied right away."

Mitsui said with a smile, these businessmen are rich and have a certain status. If Nayun treats them like this, they will not surrender.

These people will definitely fight back.

Chinese people sometimes stick together, especially businessmen. They have various chambers of commerce, which can feed Nagyun.


Jiang Tengkong instantly understood what Mitsui meant. Nanyun wanted to rely on arresting people to obtain operating funds for the Detective Division. Mitsui asked him to find out, and he was probably going to take action.

In any case, the Detective Division is nominally part of the Super High School Division.

The eight merchants did make a lot of money.

All kinds of cash, plus bank deposits, land deeds, etc., are worth hundreds of thousands of yen. With this money, the Detective Office will not be short of money in the future.

Noriko Nanyun was very happy and finally got rid of Mitsui's control.

This operation also had another effect. Nan Yun successfully activated the enthusiasm of all personnel in the Detective Division.

Everyone who participated in the operation made a lot of money.

The biggest haul was thousands of yuan.

After receiving such a large amount of money, everyone was smiling. As for the twelve people who had been executed before, they were unlucky to have hit the muzzle of Mitsui's gun.

They went too far, and some of them couldn't even look down on their own people. They simply brought the blame on themselves and deserved to die.

But the merchant's counterattack came soon.

The president of the Chamber of Commerce went to the headquarters and complained that these businessmen had not done anything. If they had complaints, many people had them, and some of them were not said by them themselves.

They were very strict with their family members, but they were still implicated and their homes were ransacked and they were caught.

The rabbit is dead and the fox is sad. If you attack eight of them today, you will dare to attack the rest of them tomorrow.

This time, the businessmen showed great solidarity and appealed together. No matter which chamber of commerce, they all gave full support.

If you have money, give money; if you have power, give effort.

"Yes, I understand. I immediately criticized her. She made the decision this time without my knowledge. Don't worry, I will definitely rectify the extra-high school course."

Mitsui kept apologizing and nodding into the phone.

Finally, a call came from the top, asking what the extra high school wanted to do and why it wanted to destroy the stable environment that Shanghai had managed to maintain.

One of the businessmen is also the vice president of the maintenance committee.

Even if someone in the family complains a little, is it such a big sin? People were arrested and things were confiscated, so the appearance of the extra-high school class was so ugly?

Mitsui seemed to apologize, but put all the blame on Nagumo.

Nanyun is still too young and his methods are a bit excessive.

If it were him, if he really needed money, he would look for it slowly, house by house, and first find a businessman with more money and no background.

When attacking them, you must at least frame something, such as doing business with the Chinese, or harboring Chinese people in your family, etc.

It must be killed with one stroke, without any worries, and then come back to eat the flesh on the body.

Nanyun did this recklessly and could easily get himself into trouble.

After hanging up the phone, Mitsui stood up immediately.

"Essaki, tell Jiang Tengkong to bring someone with him and follow me to the Detective Division."

Mitsui ordered that Jiang Tengkong had found out what Nanyun had harvested this time, and Mitsui would let her eat and vomit as much as she wanted.

The action team quickly assembled, boarded the truck, and drove toward the detective office.

The gate sentry saw someone from the extra-high school class approaching and hurriedly called to report.

Nan Yun ran out immediately, while many people stood at the windows and looked out the windows worriedly.

Nanyun and Mitsui were at odds with each other, and the two fought internally, which caused them great harm.

Twelve people have died unjustly before, and no one knows whether they will be the next unlucky ones.

"Chief Mitsui, why are you here?"

Seeing Mitsui coming in person, Nanyun was startled, and immediately came over to ask.

"Where is the person you arrested?" Mitsui asked coldly.


"Those businessmen."

Mitsui glared at her. The last time they arrested someone from the Detective Division, the two of them were completely at odds with each other. Mitsui didn't need to give her a good look.

"They slander the empire and even want to cooperate with the anti-Japanese elements. My subordinates have the responsibility and reason to arrest them."

"Slander? Cooperation? Where is the evidence?"

Mitsui smiled and said, Nayun immediately asked someone to get their confessions.

What Nanyun didn't expect was that Mitsui threw the confession aside without even looking at it.

"That's not what I want. You said they were slandering, but do you have a recording? You said they cooperated with the anti-Japanese elements. Have you caught anyone who cooperated with them?"

What's the use of giving a confession? They can be beaten and forced to write whatever they want.

Mitsui is very aware of the tricks inside, and there is no need to look at it.


Nan Yun felt angry, but he quickly suppressed it.

"No, that means arresting people without evidence, releasing them immediately, and returning all their property."

Mitsui scolded that he was the section chief, and since the Detective Office had no ironclad evidence, he had every reason to make the decision for these businessmen.

The things returned were not just those copied.

All the members of the Detective Division must return what they have caught. Mitsui will order Jiang Tengkong to handle this matter.

Under Jiang Tengkong's eyes, these people could not get any benefits.

Even if there are, there are very few.

"Section Chief, they are prisoners and cannot be released."

Nayun's voice suddenly increased, and Mitsui angrily patted the car next to him.

The huge noise startled everyone.

"That's enough. Do you know that because of your recklessness, the headquarters called me and asked me what I wanted to do? Is it because Shanghai is already dominated by special higher education courses and the headquarters doesn't take them seriously?"

"Not long ago, General Tian Jun also said that we should create a fair business environment for the Chinese people. What do you mean by doing this? You are blatantly preventing General Tian Jun from stepping down. You still think that General Tian Jun is leaving. You don't have it in your eyes." he?"

Mitsui's hat was so cruel that Nayun shook his head hurriedly: "Mitsui, don't slander people, I'm arresting them normally."

"Go to the headquarters to explain yourself. We'll be waiting over there."

Mitsui didn't argue with her at all. The superiors did blame her, and he needed to give an explanation to the superiors.

Let alone him, even if the chief section chief is here, he still has to come up with a reasonable explanation.

Especially on the sensitive days when General Tian Jun is about to leave, it is easy for others to think too much.

"I will explain to the headquarters that the person cannot be released. You wait until I come back."

Nanyun calmed down a little. She couldn't confront Mitsui head-on.

"Wait until you get permission from the headquarters to arrest the person again. Now either give me irrefutable evidence or let him go."

How could Mitsui give her time and opportunity? This time he came in person to force Nayun.


"This is an order."

Mitsui stared at her, and many people looked at the window with fear.


Nanyun swallowed all his anger and grievances into his stomach and nodded to accept the order.

The eight businessmen and their families were released and stood aside timidly, and then Jiang Tengkong began to count the things Nanyun had copied.

Nayun didn't go to the headquarters, and there was no point in going.

The people had been released, and she didn't have enough evidence. It was impossible for the headquarters to agree to her recapturing them.

This time she fought against Mitsui, and she was completely defeated.

"Honestly, hand over the things you took from the merchant's house. If there is less than one thing, I will chop off one of your hands to see if you have more hands or more things."

Jiang Tengkong was smiling and threatening the people in the Detective Department.

"Team Leader Jiang Teng, I sold my things and spent the money, so I can't get it back."

A detective team member explained in a low voice, and Jiang Tengkong immediately turned around and looked at him with a smile.

"It doesn't matter if you can't take it out. The prison environment of the Special High School is very good. If you want to stay for a while, you are always welcome."

"No, no, I can take it out."

The team member shouted in horror that he would not go to the prison of the Special High School even if he was beaten to death.

Only twelve people passed by, and they were all dead.

Their detective department belongs to Noriko Nagumo, and Mitsui and Nagumo are at odds with each other. If they go to the special high school, they will definitely be beaten to death.

With the two Jiang Tengkong inside, this meeting is extremely safe.

Team Leader Jiang Teng will definitely not force them. Even if they don't give everything, Team Leader Jiang Teng will turn a blind eye. Who knows that they are Jiang Tengkong's people.

Everyone in the Detective Division, including Li Zhiqun, honestly handed over their belongings.

Noriko Nagumo returned to the office and locked herself inside.

This time she was bullied by Mitsui, but she had no ability to resist. It would be even more embarrassing to stay outside.

The morale that the Detective Division had managed to build up was now gone.

Mitsui is ruthless and poisonous, but unfortunately he is from the Mitsui family, so even the teacher will not deal with him easily.

She must find a way to remove Mitsui from power.

But if she wants to deal with Mitsui, she must have reliable manpower. The Detective Department is her most capable assistant, and it has done a good job during this period.

Mitsui, however, gave her a blow. After what happened today, it is conceivable that these people will definitely not have any enthusiasm for work in the future.

I'm afraid they will just muddle along, and if they are brave enough, they may even dare to seek refuge with Mitsui.

Mitsui continued to appease the released businessmen and promised that all their things would be returned and that they would be allowed to do business honestly and support the empire in the future. If anyone dared to bully them, they could come to him at the Extra High School.

This was to clearly support them in dealing with Nanyun.

After everything was moved away and the team members took out the benefits they had received before, Mitsui returned with satisfaction.

In the office, Nagumo Noriko raised her head.

She has an arrogant temperament and will never admit defeat. The harder Mitsui suppresses her, the more she will fight back.

She is the teacher's favorite disciple, and she came to Shanghai this time to prepare to replace Mitsui and take over the special high school class. If she can't even compete with Mitsui, how can she be qualified to become the section chief.

She won't give up.

The most important thing right now is money. She needs money, a lot of money, to maintain the expenses and rewards of the Detective Division, so that these people can work hard.

She understood that she had been reckless this time. If she had not taken such a big step and had more solid evidence, such as recording with a bug, she would have left Mitsui speechless.

Regret is useless, and this method cannot be used again.

Mitsui had made it clear to support them. After being frightened by this, these businessmen would definitely pay more attention and not really let her seize the opportunity.

As for frame-up, it is even more unfeasible.

If it was normal, it would be nothing. These people under him would definitely be good at doing such things, but now Mitsui is staring at them. She dared to do this just to give Mitsui an excuse.

Damn Mitsui, after he falls, I will make him pay a heavy price.

"Li Zhiqun, come with me."

Nanyun Noriko called Li Zhiqun, the most useful person under her.

"Miss Nayun, where are we going?"

Li Zhiqun asked cautiously, people in the Detective Division are now in panic, and many people complain that Noriko Nanyun cannot protect them. If this is the case, why not put them directly under the management of the Super High School.

If you have to add one person to make their life so difficult, they might become a victim at any time.

Many team members are already dissatisfied with Nagumo, which is not a good sign.

Not to mention them, even Li Zhiqun was like this.

The infighting among the upper echelons caused them misery. He was taking refuge with the Japanese. It didn't matter who was his master, as long as he was given sufficient benefits and power.

"Ishihara Trading Company."

Nayun Noriko said lightly, and Li Zhiqun was stunned for a moment. Ishihara Toru had made it clear that he would not intervene in their internal fighting, so why did Nanyun still go?

The last time I mentioned Hoshino, it was a warning.

If Ishihara Toru is angered, once he joins forces with Mitsui, Nagumo Noriko will become the next Hoshino.

Even if I can't die, I still have to leave Shanghai in despair.

"I'll go there myself."

When they arrived at Ishihara Trading Company, Li Zhiqun was about to report it, but Noriko Nanyun held him back and strode over on her own.

She needs Ishihara Hiroshi's help, otherwise she will not have the capital to fight Mitsui.

She can promise anything, as long as Ishihara Hiroshi helps her bring down Mitsui.

Even if he doesn't show up to help her secretly, it's the same.

She retreated and said that if Ishihara Toru was really unwilling to help, then she would have to find a way to borrow money from Ishihara Toru. She needed the money to tide over the difficulties.

"Please inform me that Nagumo Noriko wants to see you."

Nanyun's attitude was very low. When she came to the door, when people came to report, she herself stood at the door honestly.

Fang Shiyi came out quickly and saw Nan Yun standing at the door.

"Miss Nayun, I'm sorry. Our boss said it. He made it clear last time. Don't come here again, otherwise he will be very angry."

Chu Lingyun is in the trading company. Recently, he has spent much more time in the trading company than in the war team.

If something happens to Loach, you can call him here from a public phone and notify him in code.

Boss Dai has been urging the supply of goods. Chu Lingyun must first ensure that they provide sufficient goods. These matters are all within the Shiyuan Trading Company.

"I understand that I will not come again in the future, but can you give him this letter? I will wait here for his reply."

Nagumo Noriko took out a letter. Before she came, she knew that she would probably still not be able to see Ishihara Hiroshi.

She wrote the letter in advance, and made a lot of promises in it, including what would happen when she became the principal in the future. In addition, she explained the details to Ishihara Hiroshi. The chief principal was very dissatisfied with Mitsui's constant internal fighting, and she would definitely able to replace him.

She knew that Toru Ishihara was not willing to help her deal with Mitsui, as long as he could lend her a sum of money so that she could stabilize her position and at least control the detective department before the teacher came.

Nayun put down all his face this time and almost prayed for Ishihara Hiroshi's help.

Fang Shiyi brought the letter into the office. After reading it, Chu Lingyun smiled.

Mitsui is a politician, but Nagumo fights him like an agent. How can he defeat Mitsui?

Nan Yun was really tolerant. He had such a low attitude, but in the end it was just to borrow money.

Chu Lingyun is not short of money, but Chu Lingyun is considering whether to give it to her.

The detective is far more dangerous in Nan Yun's hands than in Ishida's hands.

But now Tuhara is dissatisfied with Mitsui. Even if Nanyun leaves, Tuhara will not let Mitsui take charge of the Detective Division. Chu Lingyun knows very well that the Detective Division plays a very important role for the Japanese.

From this point of view, Nanyun is still useful. If he keeps her, at least she will deal with Mitsui wholeheartedly now.

This time Mitsui offended her too hard. If she didn't fight back, she would be admitting defeat.

And with her temperament, she would never admit defeat.

Internal fighting is good, there is Tengzhong before him, Hoshino behind him, and now there is Nagumo. After Mitsui became the director of the Shanghai Special Higher Education Course, he didn't do much in the way of business. He spent every day thinking about how to suppress his own people.

When a politician like Mitsui becomes a section chief, he is definitely better than others.

Nayun cannot fall down for the time being, and she must be kept to continue attracting Mitsui's firepower.

But Nayun is weak now, and if he doesn't help, it won't be long before Nayun will be completely driven away by Mitsui.

Once Nanyun leaves, it is very likely that the old ghost Tuhara will be attracted to him.

Keep Nanyun and give her money, but not too much, just so that Nanyun can maintain her own operations.

"Give her this money and tell her not to come to me again."

Chu Lingyun took out 30,000 yen from the safe and asked Fang Shiyi to send it over.

Thirty thousand yen is a lot, but a lot less.

There are about 200 people in the Detective Division, and their monthly salary is at least a few thousand yen. Plus daily necessary expenses, 30,000 yen can sustain her for three months at most.

Three months is enough. If she can't last even three months, it will be useless no matter how hard she is supported. It is better to make other arrangements early.

Fang Shiyi quickly arrived at the door and handed Chu Lingyun's reply and the paper containing the money to Nan Yun.

Nanyun took the paper bag and quickly returned to the car.

The reply was very simple, just one sentence: "I understand, I will see how you behave in the future."

It was a simple sentence, with no signature and no one addressed to it. It was picked up and I didn’t even know what it meant.

However, Nanyun knew that she had suffered great humiliation today and had to endure hardships in exchange for gains.

Especially the money in the paper bag, Nayun could guess the approximate amount without counting it.

Thirty thousand yen can indeed solve her urgent need.

"go back."

Nayun Noriko ordered, and Li Zhiqun also saw the money in her hand. He did not expect that Nayun actually succeeded. Although he did not see Ishihara Hiroshi, at least he got the money.

It's good to have money, but without money it's really hard for them to move forward.

After this fallout, the Special High School will not give them any funds in the future. If there is no money, the Detective Division may be disbanded soon.

Chu Lingyun didn't have time to worry about the trivial matters of the special higher education courses. At the end of October, the second batch of goods was sent to Changsha.

This time there was more cargo, a hundred trucks.

This is why Chu Lingyun found car dealers in Britain, France, the United States and other countries and urgently purchased a batch of trucks, otherwise there would not be so many trucks for transportation.

Gasoline is an urgently needed consumable. Gasoline accounts for 30% of a 100-car load.

This time the truck traveled smoothly, and no one checked on the road. When they saw the sign of Shiyuan Trading Company, they let it go without stopping.

The blind people are dead, and the wise ones are left.

Not to mention, they were ordered by their superiors that no one was allowed to inspect the goods of Ishihara Trading Company.

"Haha, another hundred cars, good job Ling Yun."

In Chongqing, Boss Dai laughed happily when he received the telegram. Last time, he gained a lot with just thirty loads of goods, and he was praised by the old man.

This time it was twice as much, and the benefits he could gain were even greater.

"Leave forty cars to Changsha and send the rest to Chongqing."

Still keeping 40%, he wanted 60%. This road was opened by Chu Lingyun, and only Chu Lingyun could deliver the goods to them.

As for the line in Myanmar, the main transportation at present is weapons, ammunition and food. These are necessities and cannot be cut off.


Secretary Qi went over to send the report. He knew best how much Boss Dai earned last time.

This time it is doubled, and Boss Dai can earn even more.

In early December, the weather gradually turned colder, but the streets of Shanghai did not become depressed due to the arrival of winter.

When Shuicheng Jun left the Army Academy, he was so happy that he almost jumped up.

His transfer report has arrived, and he is appointed captain of the Shanghai Water Patrol Team. From now on, he will have the final say on the water patrol team.

From the time he first decided to take advantage of Hiroshi Ishihara to the time he worked hard for Hiroshi Ishihara, he finally got the reward.

Not to mention that more than 1,500 people are under his control, he also has forty patrol boats, twelve marine police boats, and four floating gunboats.

With so many ships, the monthly consumption is a lot of money.

If he just leaked a little bit from it, it would be much higher than his previous salary.

At the Marine Police Pier, Shuicheng Shun came to take up his post, and it was Shimakura who sent him there.

The relationship between the two has been recent, and Shimakura has been promoted to colonel again, so he has the qualifications to come here.

In addition to Shimakura, there is also Lieutenant Colonel Masayuki Miyazaki, the chief of staff of the Itai Regiment.

The Water Patrol Brigade is directly under the jurisdiction of the headquarters, but is nominally assigned under the Banjing Regiment. The Banjing Regiment is mainly responsible for the urban defense in SH City.

"Shuicheng-kun, congratulations."

After Shimakura read out the appointment letter, Shuicheng Jun officially took over the water patrol brigade. He handed the appointment letter to Shuicheng Jun and stretched out his hand to hold it with him.

"Thank you, Shimakura-kun."

Shuisheng Jun was very excited. Ishihara Hiroshi helped him get this lucrative position, but he knew very well that it was okay to make a little, but not too much.

If he was dismissed from his post because of money, Ishihara Hiroshi would not be able to spare him.

This position is useful to Ishihara Hiroshi.

"You deserve this. Mr. Ishihara will not treat his own people badly."

After Shimakura sat down, he whispered to Jun Shui Cheng that only two people could hear his voice.

"It's a pity that Ishihara-kun couldn't come."

Shuicheng Jun said regretfully that he came to take office wearing a brand new military uniform today.

"Just work hard. If Ishihara-kun gives you any orders in the future, follow them seriously. Captain is not your end, but you must cultivate qualified confidants to take over your position."

Shimakura said softly, he knew best how powerful Ishihara Hiroshi was.

The promotion of the riverside chief of staff was handled by Toru Ishihara.

"Don't worry, I will definitely do a good job."

Shuisheng Shun nodded repeatedly. Hearing what Shimakura said, he could still be promoted in the future. This captain was just a springboard.

However, the water patrol team must be under their control. In the future, he can find a suitable subordinate and recruit him into the literary club.

In this way, even if he is promoted and leaves the water patrol brigade, this place will still be under their control.

Thinking of this, Shuicheng Jun felt a sense of pride.

When the literary club was established, it was initially his suggestion. Now that the literary club is getting stronger and stronger, he feels an inexplicable sense of satisfaction.

He hopes that the literary society will grow to have a pivotal position in the future and even affect the country.

If all of them are promoted to generals, the influence of the literary society will definitely be very huge.

In the war situation team, Chu Lingyun came to the office.

Today is the day Shuicheng Jun took office. The water patrol brigade took it down, and his goods will flow unimpeded in the future.

After careful calculation, too much money was spent during this period.

Real money is like water.

Although Major Shuicheng Jun was qualified to hold this position, because it was very important, Chu Lingyun still spent 150,000 yen to get this position.

All in all, it is almost equivalent to the cost of Shimakura's promotion to colonel.

Some money cannot be saved, especially having the water patrol in your hands will make everything you do in the future much more convenient.

The Literary Club once again embarked on expansion mode, this time asking several elders to recruit new members, with the number tentatively set at twenty.

Not only in Shanghai, but also in the military in other places.

The layout outside of Shanghai is equally important. At present, Chu Lingyun has only opened the waterway and the road from Wuhan to Changsha. If the land route can also be opened, the scale of the business will expand in the future and more supplies can be provided to the front line.

"Xiao Fang, this is a letter of praise from your hometown."

In a safe house, Secretary Wang was meeting Fang Shiyi. Fang Shiyi did not disappoint Chu Lingyun. Part of the cargo transportation he was responsible for was replaced by Li Daitao and sent to his hometown.

There were not many supplies, no more than ten cars in two trips, but for my hometown, these supplies were extremely important and greatly alleviated their situation.

"Thank you, Secretary Wang."

Fang Shiyi grinned, while Secretary Wang looked worried: "You have changed so many things, will your boss find out?"

"No, he trusts me very much. As long as the accounts are correct, he will not interfere."

Fang Shiyi shook his head hastily. He did not expect that Ishihara Heng's business would be so big now.

He is responsible for all these goods. Although it is said that people will be replaced when they arrive in Wuhan and he is not responsible for it, he can vaguely feel where the goods are delivered.

Hiroshi Ishihara is so courageous that he dares to do business with the Chinese.

But this is fine, businessmen are greedy, and Japanese businessmen are even more greedy. Don't be afraid of their greed, so that the Chinese can get more of what they need, and make the comprehensive blockade imposed by the Japanese a joke.

It would be better for Japan to have more people like Toru Ishihara.

"Then you have to be careful. The organization can overcome difficulties on its own. Your safety is the most important."

Secretary Wang warned, and Fang Shiyi nodded: "Don't worry, I will pay attention to my own safety. In addition, a few days ago, Noriko Nagumo from the Special High School kept looking for Ishihara Hiroshi and wanted his help. Ishihara Hiroshi did not agree, but I gave Nagumo Noriko a sum of money, totaling 30,000 yen."

Fang Shiyi quickly reported that the money was given to Noriko Nanyun through his hands, and he knew it very well.

"This information is very important. The discord between Nagumo Noriko and Mitsui Amu is very beneficial to us. They don't have time to target us now, so we can develop better."

Secretary Wang happily said that the enemy bites dogs, and the harder they bite, the better.

"I thought so too, but Ishihara Hiroshi was smart and did not intervene in their internal fighting. Nagumo Noriko's plan to use Ishihara Hiroshi's power to deal with Mitsui was completely ruined."

"Xiao Fang, Ishihara Hiroshi is so powerful, can he help Nagumo Noriko defeat Mitsui?"

Secretary Wang asked suddenly. His understanding of Ishihara Hiroshi came entirely from Fang Shiyi's side.

But initially, it was Cyclonus 1 who reminded them and asked them to send people to Ishihara Hiroshi.

Looking at it now, this information about Kuangbiao No. 1 is worth thousands of dollars.

Fang Shiyi not only got a lot of useful information from Ishihara Hiroshi, but also solved some material problems for his hometown.

And this is a long-term transportation line. As long as Ishihara Hiroshi doesn't discover it, his hometown will continue to get these most needed things.

"Yes, Ishihara Hiroshi is really powerful. Even though he is young, he has many tricks."

Fang Shiyi nodded heavily. He had been at Ishihara Trading Company for a long time, and now he felt increasingly unable to see through Ishihara Hiroshi.

Shimakura is the staff officer of the headquarters. He obeys Ishihara Hiroshi's advice and considers himself a subordinate.

The current Shimakura is the colonel, and there is more than one colonel around Ishihara Hiroshi, and there are many colonels in Yuzhai Bunsha.

Including the captain.

The promotions of these people are actually related to Ishihara Hiroshi. Where did he get such great energy and influence so many people?

Not to mention Takemoto and Ikegami, Jun Shuicheng was actually transferred to the water patrol brigade by Hiroshi Ishihara as the captain.

Many of their comrades secretly crossed the river to and from Shanghai.

They are very aware of the power of the water patrol group.

Shuicheng Jun became the captain. If something happens to his comrades in the future, as long as his true identity is not discovered by the other party, he might have a chance to rescue them.

Shuicheng Jun will definitely give him this face, after all, he is Ishihara Toru's person.

"He is so powerful, you must be more careful to avoid being exposed. If you find that something is wrong, you must move immediately."

Secretary Wang warned that the Red Party always puts the safety of comrades first when doing things.

"Don't worry, I will definitely protect myself."

Fang Shiyi agreed that his current identity is very important. He is not working hard for himself, but for many comrades.

Even if there is danger, he will not give up this position easily.

"Also, can you find some time? It's best to take a month's leave. There is a class in my hometown and I want you to go and join it."

Secretary Wang suddenly said that this was the real purpose of his meeting today.

Fang Shiyi is becoming more and more important now, but when he was chosen, it was very random.

This made Secretary Wang feel a little regretful. Although Secretary Wang had received special training from Fang Shiyi, the training was intermittent after all, and he learned whatever he thought of.

Mr. Ke specially asked Fang Shiyi to return to his hometown to receive special training again to enhance his latent ability and ensure his safety.

Thanks to Anyang Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. for the 233 starting coin reward. Thanks to book friends 20220317082201062, wcd163, and book friend 20220527200554005 for the 100 starting coin reward each. A 2400 monthly ticket will add a larger chapter. A 2800 monthly ticket will still add a large chapter. Let’s see if we can do it in one day. arrive.

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