Spy Shadow

Chapter 574 Accidental Chat

Chapter 574 Accidental Chat

"Okay, I'll go."

Fang Shiyi readily agreed that if he had the opportunity to go home to study, of course he agreed and had long wanted to go back to his hometown.

There are all comrades living abroad who miss their hometown. Although life there is a bit harder, everyone is equal and very happy. This is the place they yearn for most.

"You have to arrange your time reasonably. If one time is not enough, divide it several times. You must not make Ishihara Hiroshi suspicious."

Secretary Wang ordered that fortunately Shi Yuanheng was not a spy, otherwise Fang Shiyi would not have been able to go back.

Even so, be very careful not to make any mistakes.

"Don't worry, I have a way. Now Hiroshi Ishihara has asked me to be responsible for guaranteeing the goods, but I will only deliver them to Wuhan, and I will not be responsible for the rest of the way. It will be the Chinese New Year in a while, and I still have holidays. I will take a few days by the way. If you take a vacation, you can make up your time.”

Fang Shiyi quickly replied that he could indeed squeeze out such time.

It is now early December, and the New Year is coming soon. With Ishihara Hiroshi's temperament, he will definitely give them a holiday. Ishihara Hiroshi is very good at winning people's hearts and is very kind to the employees of the business.

In Fang Shiyi's eyes, this is the usual hypocrisy of the Japanese.

"Okay, tell me when you set the time, and I'll report back to my hometown."

Secretary Wang nodded. The two should not spend too long together. After the exchange, Fang Shiyi stood up and left.

Hiroshi Ishihara is really powerful. Not long after the last shipment was delivered, another shipment came. Half of this shipment was cotton and cotton cloth.

The weather is getting colder, and the front lines are in urgent need of cotton-padded clothes for the winter.

This is also the product that the old man personally named and Boss Dai specifically asked for.

"Shi Yi, pack up immediately and follow the boat to Wuhan."

Chu Lingyun called Fang Shiyi to the office. This batch of goods must be delivered as soon as possible, and at the same time, he must find a way to provide some to his hometown.

Chu Lingyun couldn't give it to Fang Shiyi openly. He had a way to exchange it for a little bit.

Fang Shiyi tampered with the first two shipments.

The final account was correct, but who was Chu Lingyun? Fang Shiyi made up the money and deliberately changed the quantity of some goods. This method was okay, at least it could hide it from other people.

All the goods are handled by Chu Lingyun. He knows the type and quantity very well. If the number is wrong, Chu Lingyun can detect it.

Only Chu Lingyun knew the most detailed list of goods, not even the manager.

This will prevent the alchemist from being easily exposed to the greatest extent.


He has seen the list of this batch of goods. The cotton in it is an urgently needed material in his hometown. Winter is coming, and it is very cold in his hometown. Many soldiers are still wearing single clothes.

If he squeezes out a small amount, he can help countless warriors.

Youzhai Literary Society has a regular gathering once a month.

Chu Lingyun announced last month's contribution points. Shimakura, Okada and others were at the top. However, they all owed contribution points for their promotions, and now they only have to pay back a little more.

"Shimakura-kun, is General Tian Jun going back to China?"

After announcing the contribution and entering the time for free communication, Xiao Linbo asked first.

Xiao Linbo now works in the consulate and knows more things.

"That's right, the base camp has issued a summons, and we will go back in the next few days."

Shimakura sighed. He didn't want Tian Junliu to step down. After all, he was the person arranged by Tian Junliu.

However, someone must be responsible for this Wuhan war, and no one else except General Tian Jun can shoulder this responsibility.

A few people were silent. After winning the battle, General Tian Jun still had to be punished. This was their national condition.

Just winning the war is not enough, they must fully realize their strategic goals, otherwise it will be a failure.

"I don't know who will take over."

Ikegami sighed. He has been doing very well recently. The aviation department has not had any major battles. In Wuhan, their aviation department performed well and many people accumulated military exploits.

He does too, but it's not time for promotion yet.

His promotion to Major was too short. If he wants to be promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, he will have to wait until at least next year.

But he was not in a hurry. With Toru Ishihara here, his promotion would be a matter of time.

"No matter who takes over, the power will not be so great. I heard that the Xingya Yuan will be established soon, with the prime minister also serving as president."

Xiao Linbo shook his head and said that currently in China, the military has the greatest power, which has long caused dissatisfaction among some senior cabinet officials. Taking advantage of Tian Junliu's responsibility this time, they want to share the power in China.

"What is Xingyayuan?"

Shimakura was stunned, he had not heard about this.

"Mainly responsible for everything on the Chinese side. In the future, most of the power of the headquarters will be vested in Xingyayuan. At that time, the headquarters will only be responsible for operations."

Kobayashi Hiroshi explained that it was normal for Shimakura not to know. It was to take away their power and it was impossible to let them know so much.

"Xingya Institute will be established next week. Konoe-sama will be the president, and the foreign minister, Lu Xiang and other four adults will be the vice-presidents."

Chu Lingyun suddenly said that he knew better than these people about the establishment of Xingya Academy, and he knew it earlier.

Everyone was stunned for a moment and looked at Chu Lingyun.

"No need to ask any more questions, just feel free to do your own thing. Even if the headquarters does not care about civilian affairs, it will still dominate the military. Their power will not be reduced too much."

Chu Lingyun did not explain and told them not to worry. These people were all soldiers. If the power of the headquarters was weakened, it would also have an impact on them.

The impact is there, but not big.

This is the result of the power struggle among Japan's top leaders. The establishment of Xingya Academy is better, which is an opportunity for Chu Lingyun.

He learned this news through cheap teacher Abe Toshihiro.

Chu Lingyun encouraged Abe to enter Xingya Academy. The vice president would definitely have no chance, but with his qualifications, he would be fine as the head of the liaison department.

If he comes to Shanghai, these powers can be exchanged for him for more money.

Even if he doesn't come, he must support someone who has a good relationship with him and is willing to accept their money.

In this way, through operation in the future, they will receive a steady stream of money.

Abe Toshihiro likes to make money the most, and he will definitely not let go of the opportunity to make money.

In the end, Toshihiro Abe listened to Chu Lingyun's suggestion and returned to the profession. However, it was difficult for him to directly win the position of the first Minister of Liaison Department. The competition was too great. At present, he preferred the position of deputy minister.

If you become the deputy minister and help a minister with whom you have a good relationship, they will still have the final say in the Central China Liaison Department.

With his efforts, he finally succeeded. After the establishment of Xingya Institute, Toshihiro Abe will become the deputy director of the Central China Liaison Department, and Chu Lingyun's network of contacts in Shanghai will increase again.

This cheap teacher has great investment vision and spent a lot of money to win the position of deputy leader, but he believes that the money will be earned back soon.

It doesn't even take a year to get your money back.

As long as you can do it for three years, the remaining two years will be pure profit, and you may even make more.

This time Chu Lingyun supported him a lot and did not let Abe Rihiro invest all by himself. Abe would remember these investments for him and deduct them when he helped him do things in the future.

Abe is very interesting. He clearly marks the price for doing things for others and charges 50% as a commission.

Money back if unsuccessful.

The last time Shimakura was promoted to colonel, the cost was 100,000 yen, and Abe himself got 50,000 yen, making the total 150,000 yen. You won't be asked to spend more money, and he won't get a cent less.

When such people come to Shanghai and work in important departments, you can only imagine what the Liaison Department will become in the future.

In addition, Abe Toshihiro once again asked Ishihara Hiroshi to return to the country. Teacher Toumatoshi repeatedly asked to see him and could not delay it any longer.

"Team leader, just let me follow."

In the war situation team, Niluo begged, the team leader was going to Japan, and this time he didn’t take anyone with him, so he went there alone.

It was wrong to be alone, but Chu Lingyun had people with him, and there were quite a few of them, but they were all Japanese.

As for the people from the war situation team, I didn’t bring anyone with me.

"No, I'm going to Japan this time, and my poor Japanese is of no use in the past. It will only get in the way."

Chu Lingyun shook his head. If he went to other places, it would be okay to take Ni Loach with him. If he went to Japan, he would not need Ni Loach to do anything, but he would have to bear more risks if he took him with him.

He himself is okay. Although he does not have the memory of Ishihara Hiroshi, he does have the memory of Hosokawa Tomataka.

Ishihara Hiroshi’s past events are basically all there in his memory.

"But it's still too dangerous for you to go alone."

Loach said worriedly, and Chu Lingyun was amused by him: "If you follow, you can protect me?"

A man whose hands were shaking with fear after shooting was asked to protect him, but in the end he didn't know who was protecting whom.

It was better to take Shen Hanwen with him than with him. At least Shen Hanwen could help him block the bullet. If Loach passed by, the most likely thing would be to help him block the bullet himself.

"I can't protect you, but I can still help you with some chores."

Loach chuckled and said, he is self-aware and must stand aside when it comes to protecting people. Shen Hanwen and Chu Yuan are much stronger than him.

"While I'm away, please assist Team Leader Zhu and take good care of my home."

Chu Lingyun ordered that he had not planned to go now, even if he wanted to go, it would be after the new year.

The plan failed to keep up with the change. Toshihiro Abe suddenly had to resume his duties. It was such an important position, so Chu Lingyun had to go back to deepen their relationship.

So far, he has never met his cheap teacher. He only communicates by telegram, which is really unreasonable.

"Well, you have to be careful."

Loach saw that the team leader had made up his mind and stopped entangled. With the team leader's ability, let alone going to Japan, even if he entered the Japanese Imperial Palace, he would not be hurt at all.

They say he is smooth and good at interpersonal relationships. In fact, the most powerful one is the team leader.

A group of Japanese officers were fooled around by their team leader, and they still don't know that they are serving the Chinese.

There are Zhu Qing and Ni Loach in the war team, Shun Shui Cheng and Shimakura in the trading company, and the manager is here, so nothing will happen.

Chu Lingyun was often away from the trading company before, but the trading company was still running very well.

At the pier, all Japanese officers stood in a row to see Chu Lingyun off.

Shimakura took the lead, with more than a dozen people standing beside him. This was the latest batch that had not been recruited, otherwise more people would have come.

So many people attracted a lot of attention.

"Yamaguchi-kun, Ishihara-kun's safety is in your hands."

Shimakura Toshiaki said to Yamaguchi Mitsukuma, this time Chu Lingyun went to Japan, no one else took him with him, so he took Yamaguchi Mitsukuma with him.

He is in the police security bureau, and his work is not that heavy usually.

This time I was going to Japan, not anywhere else. I didn’t bring any police, but I did bring a dozen bodyguards from the trading company. In addition, Hebian Zhengsi specially sent a small team of Japanese soldiers to protect him.

This time Chu Lingyun went back to help him with his promotion. Abe had been building a relationship with him, so the problem was not big at the moment. When Chu Lingyun came back, it would basically be settled.

"Don't worry, Shimakura-kun, I will definitely protect Ishihara-kun."

Yamaguchi Mitsukuma hurriedly replied that his power was not small. The entire Shanghai pseudo-police was under his jurisdiction, but in front of Ishihara Hiroshi, he was just a bodyguard.

He can have this position also because of the help of Ishihara Hiroshi.

"It's safer at home. You can go back."

Chu Lingyun waved her hand and led the people onto the ship. At this time, in the luxurious suite at the highest point on the ship, a person was looking outside.

"Who is that?"

Tian Junliu asked the people around him. The person beside him was a senior colonel, who hurriedly replied: "I'll go ask."

There were so many officers seeing him off, and there were several colonels, so this person should also be an officer.

But he was so young, so he didn't look like a high-ranking officer.

Moreover, Tian Junliu had an impression of most of the higher-level people, especially those above the rank of colonel. He should not have seen them before at such a young age.

"General, the person who just boarded the ship is Hiroshi Ishihara, the owner of Ishihara Trading Company."

The officer came back soon and reported to Tian Junliu.

"Ishihara Hiroshi?"

Tian Junliu was a little surprised. He was really not unfamiliar with this name. He had heard of it and knew a little about it.

The boss of Shanghai's largest trading house has a very good relationship with Hosokawa Tomotaka, and the riverside chief of staff once mentioned this person.

"When the ship sails, ask him to come over."

After thinking for a moment, Tian Junliu said softly that he returned to China secretly this time, without disturbing too many people, and only brought guards with him.

It's not like he's returning home gloriously. He will be punished after he returns. He won't make a big show of it and make people laugh at him.

I bought the best ferry ticket in advance and got on the boat early, but there was no one to see me off.

If he returns to his country and is rewarded, it will definitely not be like this.


The officer bowed his head and accepted the order. Chu Lingyun also booked the best cabin. After boarding the ship, he took Yamaguchi Mitsukuma directly into the room.

Chu Lingyun has never been to Japan in his two lifetimes, and he is not interested in this country.

But I am no stranger to Japan. After all, I have memories of living there since I was a child.

The cruise ship started slowly, and many people stood on the deck and waved goodbye to their relatives. After Japan occupied many places in China, more and more Japanese traveled to and from China.

Especially people who are unhappy with their lives in China want to come to China to look for opportunities and see if they can change their destiny.

"Mr. Ishihara, there is an officer outside who wants to see you."

The bodyguard guarding the door came in to report. Chu Lingyun was reading a book, while Yamaguchi Mitsukuma was flipping through cards boredly.

"Colonel, who is it?"

Chu Lingyun was a little surprised. Why did someone come to look for her just after the boat sailed?

"He didn't say it, and I don't know."

The bodyguard shook his head, thought for a moment, and then Chu Lingyun replied: "Yamaguchi, go take a look."

Since he is an officer, let Yamaguchi Mitsukuma ask about the situation. Yamaguchi Mitsukuma is a lieutenant colonel, and his rank is not too different from that of a colonel.


Yamaguchi Mitsukuma came to the door and hurried back not long after, his expression serious.

"Ishihara-kun, he didn't say his identity, but he said that his commander wanted to see you, please come over, in a commanding tone."

The one who came was a colonel, and his superiors must be at least major generals.

Which general has returned home and still wants to see him on the ship?

Chu Lingyun was very confused. The other party did not reveal his identity, indicating that he wanted to keep it secret. It is possible that the general was of a higher rank.

There are only a few high-level generals in Shanghai at present. Who are they?

Immediately, Chu Lingyun thought of someone.

Not so coincidental, right?

"I'll go over there."

If it were him, Chu Lingyun really had to go. They were of a much higher level than him and he couldn't resist.

Yamaguchi Mitsukuma followed Chu Lingyun closely. Chu Lingyun's room was also on the upper floor, not too far away from Tian Junliu.

"Ishihara Hiroshi, go in alone."

When they entered the door, the commander who came to invite them stopped Yamaguchi Mitsukion. Chu Lingyun nodded to Yamaguchi Mitsukion, and Yamaguchi could only wait quietly at the door.

"General Tian Jun, I didn't expect it to be you."

After entering the room, Chu Lingyun immediately saw Tian Junliu sitting on the sofa, and immediately walked over and bent down to salute.

As the highest commander in central China, let alone Tian Junliu, he has not yet resigned. Even if he has resigned, he cannot be looked down upon in any way.

He is resigning, but he is not caught for making mistakes.

Even if he doesn't become the commander, his position after returning to China will not be too bad.

"sit down."

Tian Junliu waved, and Chu Lingyun sat down opposite him.

"You won't be angry if I take the liberty of inviting you here, right?"

Tian Junliu was very polite. He called Chu Lingyun here out of pure curiosity. At this time, he was not feeling the most lonely, but at least he was not in a better mood.

People who have never experienced this feeling of losing power cannot understand it. He just wants to find someone to chat with now.

All those following on the ship were his men, and they happened to meet Ishihara Hiroshi. He was curious about this young man, so he called him over.

"General Tian Jun, as you said, it is my blessing to see you."

Chu Lingyun said with "panic" that Tian Junliu was not surprised that Chu Lingyun knew him. It was not like he had never appeared in public, and many people knew him.

But this was indeed the first time he met Ishihara Hiroshi.

He didn't know that the young man in front of him had seen him in another appearance and took away a piece of his handwriting.

"Are you going back to China because of business matters?"

Tian Junliu asked proactively. He called Ishihara Hiroshi for no purpose. He just wanted to meet this young man and talk by the way.

"Yes, not quite."

Chu Lingyun replied softly. Seeing Tian Junliu's curiosity, Chu Lingyun took the initiative to explain: "My teacher asked me to go back this time. The teacher's teacher wants to see me."

"Your teacher, and the teacher's teacher? Who is it?"

Tian Junliu became interested. Chu Lingyun was young. It was not strange to have teachers. Teachers also had teachers. It was normal.

It was enough for the teacher to ask him to go back, but why the teacher's teacher wanted to see him was strange.

"My teacher is Mr. Toshihiro Abe, the teacher's teacher, Mr. Toumatoshi."

"Abe Toshihiro, Touman-sama."

Tian Junliu was startled. Ishihara Hiroshi actually still had such a relationship. When he returned to China this time, Lord Touman wanted to see him?

Toshihiro Abe is nothing. He is a money-grubber who likes to work hard. His reputation among Japanese high-level officials is not that good.

But he is very popular. After all, many people like money, and no one can have trouble with money.

Abe Toshihiro is Touma-sama's disciple. Everyone knows this. Ishihara Hiroshi is actually his disciple. And this time when he goes back, Touma-sama wants to see him?

He thought he was a businessman, had some energy, knew how to run a business, and knew a lot of people. Tian Junliu didn't expect that he was actually related to Lord Touman.

Even if he goes to see Master Touman, he must make an appointment in advance and treat him respectfully.

"Yes, General."

Chu Lingyun nodded in response. Tian Junliu became interested and immediately asked why.

Chu Lingyun slowly explained that there was no need to hide these things, and besides, it would not hurt him to tell him, at least it would increase his worth.

"You and Abe Toshihiro have never met?"

Tian Junliu was shocked. This student had never seen his teacher, let alone his master.

But thinking about Abe Toshihiro's style, this kind of thing is possible.

As long as you give him money, let alone an apprentice, there will be no problem even if you recognize him as a godbrother.

On the other hand, Ishihara Hiroshi, it was not easy for Lord Touman to take the initiative to invite him to meet him.

"Yes, General. When I go back this time, I will be doing the apprenticeship ceremony."

Chu Lingyun smiled bitterly and said that he met Abe Toshihiro when he was looking for connections because he helped people get promoted many times before. After knowing Abe Toshihiro's identity, he knew that he could use him.

Although Touma Otojiro did not have an official position, he had a huge influence.

The insulting letter that Jiang Tengkong had originally threatened Jiang Tengkong to write was for Touman Ojiro. With that letter, Jiang Tengkong was very honest and never dared to think about it anyway.

"Why does Lord Touman want to see you?" Tian Junliu continued to ask.

Chu Lingyun told the reason why Touman Ojiro wanted to see him, Tian Junliu nodded while listening.

"I didn't expect that you also made it from scratch and worked hard by yourself. This is indeed very similar to Master Touman. No wonder he took the initiative to invite you."

Ishihara Hiroshi’s experience is indeed somewhat similar to Tomitsu’s.

It's just that he doesn't have as strong connections and power as Touman-sama. At the beginning, Touman-sama had more than 100,000 ronin warriors working for him.

These people are so crazy that they are willing to die for Lord Touman at any time.

Ordinary people would not dare to offend him.

Moreover, Lord Touman is also very courageous. Even the top nobles dare to assassinate him if they offend him. It's not like he has done this before.

"Drink tea."

After knowing the reason why Ishihara Hiroshi returned to China, Tian Junliu's mentality obviously changed.

I just thought Ishihara Hiroshi was a successful businessman before, but I didn't expect that he had such connections. If Lord Touman was willing, he could even help him.

When he returns to China this time, his post will definitely be removed, and he has not yet decided where he will go.

Lord Konoe gave him a few choices. Although they were not bad, they were definitely not as good as his position as commander-in-chief of the Central China Expedition Army.

"After you return home, if you meet Lord Touman, can you help me make an appointment?"

Tian Junliu suddenly said that he would definitely not return to China in the future. If he could get the support of Master Touman, he might have a chance to make a comeback.

There are more opportunities at home than in China.

For example, if he enters the cabinet and becomes a minister, if he can become the minister of war, maybe he can reach the pinnacle of his life.

As for the Prime Minister, he didn't think about it. He didn't have the connections and qualifications, so it was almost impossible to become the Prime Minister.

"No problem, I will tell Lord Touman."

Chu Lingyun agreed without thinking. It was just to help spread the word, it was nothing.


Tian Junliu took the initiative to raise his tea cup, and the two chatted happily. The ship was already far away from Shanghai and sailing on the sea.


After sending Ishihara Hiroshi away, the officer serving Tian Shunliu returned to the room.

"Send a report to the country and ask about the relationship between Ishihara Hiroshi, Abe Toshihiro and Lord Toman."

Tian Junliu is not an ordinary person. He doesn't believe everything Chu Lingyun says. People these days are also very good at bragging. Even if they don't know each other, they will talk about how good their relationship is after they have met once or even taken a photo together.

However, the relationship between Hiroshi Ishihara and Tomotaka Hosokawa is indeed unusual, and Tomotaka Hosokawa has taken the initiative to admit this.

He wanted to verify whether what Ishihara Hiroshi said today was true.

"Ishihara-kun, who wanted to see you just now?"

After returning to his room, Yamaguchi Mitsukuma asked immediately. He didn't go in the whole time, and kept waiting outside.

Ishihara Hiroshi was in the room for a long time, more than two hours.

He was very curious about who he had seen for such a long time and what he had said.

"Someone you wouldn't expect."

Chu Lingyun smiled and made herself a cup of coffee. She had just drank a lot of tea for a change.

"Ishihara-kun, if you can tell me, please tell me."

Yamaguchi felt itchy, he really wanted to know which big shot was on the boat.

"General Tian Jun."

Chu Lingyun didn't hold back anymore and revealed the other party's identity. Yamaguchi Mitsukion was stunned for a moment.

It wasn't that he hadn't thought about General Tian Jun. After all, there weren't many big shots in Shanghai, and even fewer were going back to China recently. He just didn't expect to meet him on the ship by such a coincidence.

For people like General Tian Jun to return home, it is not an exaggeration to charter a boat, or take a warship, which is safer.

Unexpectedly, he actually took a cruise ship and secretly boarded the ship without anyone knowing.

"It's really him. Why did General Tian Jun see you?"

Yamaguchi was shocked, and Chu Lingyun glared at him: "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask."

There was no need to tell Mitsukuma Yamaguchi about his chat with Tian Junliu.

"I know, I won't ask anymore."

Yamaguchi Mitsukuma nodded hurriedly. If you can't let him know, it's best not to ask.

As expected of Ishihara Hiroshi, even Master Tian Jun took the initiative to meet him and chatted with him for so long.

At night, the officer came to Tian Junliu with the message.

His inquiry in the afternoon received a reply from China.

"General, Ishihara Hiroshi is indeed Abe Toru's apprentice. Abe Toshihiro cares about this apprentice very much. He once publicly said that he has a good apprentice. In addition, Lord Toman really wants to see Ishihara Hiroshi. He has mentioned before that Ishihara Hiroshi is being raped this time. Abe Toshihiro called him back."

The officer reported in a low voice, Tian Junliu nodded slightly, Ishihara Hiroshi did not lie to him.

"In addition, Toshihiro Abe came back to work and won for himself the position of deputy director of the Central China Liaison Department of Koya Institute. It is estimated that he will go to Shanghai soon."

"Abe Toshihiro is coming to Shanghai?"

Tian Junliu frowned, immediately took the telegram and read it carefully.

Tian Junliu also has his own connections and power in the country, and it is not difficult to investigate these.

When chatting in the afternoon, Chu Lingyun did not say that Toshihiro Abe would be the deputy director of the Central China Liaison Department.

If he continues to serve as the commander of the Central China Expeditionary Force, it will be difficult for this Xingya Yuan to be established.

Xingyayuan is to seize power and give the cabinet more say and control over China's affairs.

"When he comes, I don't know what Shanghai will become."

Tian Junliu sighed, Abe was too greedy for money and had a very bad reputation.

But some people like him, and those rich people like him. He does things with money, and he is honest and honest. His good reputation has become Abe's golden signature.

"I don't know anything else, but as long as Abe comes, he will definitely be richer in the future."

The officer smiled. A person who only wanted to make money could hold such an important position. I don't know what those old-timers in the country thought.

"Let him be."

Abe is greedy for money, but at least he understands what kind of money he can and cannot ask for.

He doesn't accept everyone's money. Fortunately, he is the deputy commander. It doesn't matter if he makes some money, as long as it doesn't affect the empire's great cause.

Early the next morning, Chu Lingyun got up early.

It takes four days to go from Shanghai to Tokyo, Japan. This ship is not too slow. Some ships take four to five days, or even longer.

His room was a luxurious suite, very comfortable, and the meals were delivered directly to the room, which was much better than the food in ordinary guest rooms.

"Boss, the officer came again yesterday."

Not long after breakfast, his subordinates came over to report. Chu Lingyun immediately stood up and walked out.

The officer didn't talk nonsense and asked him to follow him. Chu Lingyun understood that it was Tian Junliu who wanted to see him.

We just talked with him yesterday and are looking for him again today?

"Ishihara, sit down."

Seeing Ishihara Hiroshi come in, Tian Junliu waved his hand, and Chu Lingyun immediately sat down opposite him and thanked him respectfully.

"Do you think we can win this war with China?"

Tian Junliu asked suddenly. Chu Lingyun did not expect that he would ask himself such a question. The result would definitely be failure, and Japan could not win.

"Of course, the Empire will win."

Chu Lingyun raised his head and replied seriously. Tian Junliu was very satisfied with his answer. Almost all Japanese people believed that they would definitely win this war.

In the future, large areas of China's land will belong to the empire.

By investing so much manpower and material resources, they can reap huge rewards.

The Chinese can only be their slaves and accept their rule like the previous dynasties.

"But it's too radical. If we implement it slowly, we can win at a smaller cost."

Tian Junliu sighed. In fact, he called Ishihara Hiroshi over today and didn't think about what he wanted to talk about. This question came up purely out of the blue.

He is now about to leave office. In fact, he has resigned and has no power. At this time, he just wants to find someone to chat with.

The ship was full of his men, so there was nothing to talk about.

The appearance of Hiroshi Ishihara gave him one more choice, and Hiroshi Ishihara was a young man who was very good at talking. He was very satisfied with yesterday's chat.

"It doesn't matter. The empire's victory is proof of this. Especially their important town of Wuhan was defeated by you. Now half of China is in the hands of the empire. If they stay in a corner, they will definitely be completely wiped out by us just like before."

Chu Lingyun replied, and Tian Junliu smiled: "You are right, but there are still too many Chinese people. The best way is to use Chinese people to govern them, just like their previous dynasty. This matter should be very It will be successful soon.”

Success soon?

Chu Lingyun's heart moved, and she immediately understood that a certain big traitor seemed to have reached an agreement with them. Calculating the time, that big traitor was indeed about to defect.

Thanks to Anyang for another 1,500 starting coin reward, and thanks to the cute readers and book friends 20191107224400972 for each 100 starting coin reward. There are still 160 votes to 2,800. If it arrives, there will be an 8,000-word chapter to be added.

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