Spy Shadow

Chapter 74 Post Office Movement

Chapter 74 Post Office News

Ni Loach went out to arrest people, while Chu Lingyun went to report to Wang Yuemin.

The person to be arrested this time has a deputy chief of staff. He is not a high-ranking major, but he is involved in the army and needs to be adjusted by Wang Yuemin.

The so-called adjustment is just a greeting. The Military Intelligence Office has the right to supervise the military and police. It is natural to arrest people when there is irrefutable evidence.

Sure enough, Wang Yuemin didn't care at all, and told Chu Lingyun to go and catch him boldly. He would talk to the people in the military department.

After the report, Chu Lingyun went back to continue interrogating Takano Hideki and asked him to explain all the circumstances.

At this time, Chu Lingyun had the confessions of Hanako Abe, Hiroshi Muto, and Hideki Takano. By comparison, he could find out what information the remaining intelligence officer of the Dujuan team had obtained.

After the confessions were separated, nine pieces of information were listed separately by Chu Lingyun.

These nine pieces of information were either provided by Abe Hanako and Takano Hideki, and were reported to the headquarters by Du Juan. They were either obtained by Du Juan himself, or were spied on by the intelligence officer who slipped through the net.

These nine pieces of information are basically about people's livelihood and do not involve the military.

Among them, there were five pieces of intelligence about the municipal government. The intelligence agent who slipped through the net must have had many interactions with people in the municipal government, and he might even be lurking in the government.

Intelligence alone cannot find it out, but it can provide Chu Lingyun with more ideas. At least the investigation now has a direction and is not a blind investigation.

At night, Loach caught all the two people Takano Hideki told him, and the process went very smoothly.

The two gave up without much torture. Compared with real spies, these traitors who were bribed with money were easier to confess. They simply could not withstand high-intensity punishment.

Not to mention them, even Chu Lingyun himself didn't think he could withstand these punishments.

The punishment is too painful for the body. If one day he falls into the hands of the Japanese, the best way is to kill himself first to avoid suffering.

At five o'clock in the afternoon the next day, Wang Yuemin took the driver to the passenger terminal.

"Secretary Qi, I didn't expect you to come in person."

Wang Yuemin was here to pick him up. The director also attached great importance to the second code book seized at Wuhan Station and specially sent his personal secretary here.

"Stationmaster Wang, you have made great achievements again this time, I must come."

Secretary Qi said with a smile, looking at Wang Yuemin, he felt the same emotion in his heart.

In the past, Wang Yuemin was inconspicuous and had no leaks. After the establishment of Wuhan Station, he had no outstanding achievements. However, this year he recruited a new person and had good luck. Not only did he catch several real Japanese spies, he also seized two mobile phones. Radio and code book.

Wang Yuemin's weight in Virgo's heart continues to soar, and he has become the most important one among all sub-stations.

Secretary Qi has always been with Virgo, knowing that the person chosen by Virgo will definitely be promoted in the future, so he did not put on any airs when facing Wang Yuemin.

"Secretary Qi, I have already booked a room in Wangjiang Tower. Let's go have dinner first. You haven't been to Wuhan for a long time. The food here is very good."

Wang Yuemin said with a smile, while Secretary Qi shook his head: "Don't be in a hurry to eat. Go get the code book first. I have to go back early tomorrow morning. I won't feel at ease if I don't get the code book."

"Okay, let's go back to the station first and then go to the hotel."

Wang Yuemin did not carry the code book with him. The code book was too important and he had to hand it over to Secretary Qi at the station.

In Wang Yuemin's office, Secretary Qi looked through the code book and asked with a smile: "Is it indeed the code book that was seized by Chu Lingyun?"

Wang Yuemin nodded: "Yes, Ling Yun is young and motivated. He just made a small mistake, but he quickly made up for it and seized the radio station and code book again."

Chu Lingyun has not been to the headquarters yet, and if his name can be remembered by a big shot like Secretary Qi, he has a promising future.

Secretary Qi remembered it, which was equivalent to Virgo also remembering Chu Lingyun.

"Did Chu Lingyun make a mistake? I can't tell you what mistake he made." Secretary Qi put away the code book and asked with interest.

"There is nothing inconvenient about this. He was eager to do his best, captured a female spy, and interrogated her and found out that she was a member of the Dujuan team of the Japanese spy organization. He wanted to use this female spy to lure Dujuan to come forward, but when they met After being discovered, both Du Juan and the female spy died. But fortunately, he did not give up and continued to pursue, and finally found Du Juan's operator. Not only did he arrest the person, but he also seized the radio station and code book."

Wang Yuemin spoke lightly, and while telling Chu Lingyun's mistake, he specifically pointed out that he had made the contribution after making the mistake, and Secretary Qi downplayed the impact of this mistake.

"This is nothing. It's even more difficult to find the radio station and code book after someone dies."

Secretary Qi waved his hand. He had been following Virgo for a long time at the headquarters. Like Virgo, he only looked at the results and the process was not important.

"Yes, I think so too, so Ling Yun's merits outweigh his faults this time."

Wang Yuemin smiled and nodded, and Secretary Qi laughed: "Stationmaster Wang, you are such a bastard, don't worry, even if the chief minister knows the details, you will not blame him, you will only reward him."

"Thank you very much, Secretary Qi. I will ask Secretary Qi to speak kindly in front of you in the future."

Wang Yuemin took out a box at the right time, which contained five large gold bars. This was a gift for Secretary Qi. Since Secretary Qi was here, it was impossible for him to return empty-handed.

"Stationmaster Wang is very polite. You and I have known each other for many years. I will definitely help you if I can."

Secretary Qi calmly put away the box without opening it. He only picked it up and got an idea. Wang Yuemin was very knowledgeable and he was very satisfied.

"Where is this Chu Lingyun now? Can I see him?"

Secretary Qi suddenly said that he had never thought of meeting Chu Lingyun, but just now Wang Yuemin helped Chu Lingyun show off his merits, which made him interested in this young man.

"I'll call him right away. Secretary Qi, it's his blessing that you are willing to see him."

Wang Yuemin walked to his desk as he spoke and called Chu Lingyun's office directly. However, no one answered the call after ringing for a long time.

Wang Yuemin asked his secretary to call someone again. After a while, the secretary hurried back.

"Stationmaster, Team Leader Chu is not at the station. I heard that the last intelligence officer of the Dujuan Team sent an emergency contact request, and he went to the post office."

Chu Lingyun was indeed not there. While Wang Yuemin was picking up people, Chu Lingyun received a report from Zhong Hui. The team members of the sorting team at the post office discovered the letter addressed to No. 77 Jiang'an Street.

The last spy of the Dujuan team showed up. Chu Lingyun took it very seriously and immediately took people to the post office to investigate in person.

He didn't know that Wang Yuemin was picking up people today, let alone that important people were coming from the headquarters.

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