Spy Shadow

Chapter 75 Watch the investigation

Chapter 75 Watch the investigation

"Go and call him back."

Wang Yuemin ordered his secretary. Secretary Qi suddenly shook his head and said, "Stationmaster Wang, he is doing business. Don't call him. We can just go over and take a look."

Chu Lingyun was handling a case, and naturally the case was the most important. He wanted to see that Chu Lingyun had many solutions. If he called Chu Lingyun back at this time, if the case was delayed and the director found out, he would be in trouble.

This Virgo man of theirs has clear rewards and punishments, and his work always comes first.

"Secretary Qi, why don't we go have dinner first, and I'll ask Ling Yun to see you as soon as he finishes the case."

Wang Yuemin took advantage of the situation and said that he actually didn't want to call Chu Lingyun back. The last person in the Dujuan team sent an emergency contact request, and emergency contact was time-sensitive.

The reason why I say this is purely for Secretary Qi to see.

Secretary Qi shook his head: "You can eat anytime. Let's go and see how Chu Lingyun investigates the case."

At this moment, Secretary Qi was obviously very interested in Chu Lingyun.

Wang Yuemin took Secretary Qi to the post office. The post office was on the same road as them, very close, and they arrived there in a short time.

"Where are the people? Where is your Team Leader Chu?"

In the sorting room of the post office, only one member of the action team was standing there, and no one else was there.

The team member hurriedly replied: "Stationmaster, our team leader has taken people to Chunjiang Road."

After Chu Lingyun came to the post office, she opened the letter sent to No. 77 Jiang'an Street. There was only a blank piece of paper inside with nothing written on it.

Such a letter without content can only be an emergency contact signal for the Dujuan Team. Ordinary people would not send such a letter in the same city.

After confirming, Chu Lingyun didn't stop and went directly to the mailbox where he got the letter. Chu Lingyun had given an order before that all the letters arriving at the post office during the recent period must be separated, and the letters must be recorded clearly from which mailbox.

This letter was brought back from the Chunjiang Road mailbox. At this time, Chu Lingyun was on the way to Chunjiang Road.

Chunjiang Road is located in the east of the city. This area is quite prosperous, and many government employees live here.

Chu Lingyun soon arrived at Chunjiang Road. This mailbox is located on one side of the intersection. There is a lot of traffic every day. There are basically dozens of letters sent out in the mailbox every day.

When sending people to the post office sorting class before, Chu Lingyun once considered placing a person next to each mailbox. It would be best to bring a camera to take pictures of the people who send letters every day.

But he could only think about it, there was no such possibility.

There are hundreds of mailboxes throughout the city. Even if he has so many people, there are not that many cameras for him to use. What's more, it was just a guess at the beginning, and no one could guarantee that the other party would definitely send this letter.

Under such circumstances, it was impossible for Wang Yuemin to support him in doing so, and the station did not have the human and financial resources.

"Team leader, I have asked. There are many people coming and going here every day, and no one knows who has submitted a letter."

Ni Loach went to inquire about the news and came back to report to Chu Lingyun after a while. He didn't even know if anyone had submitted a letter, let alone met the person who submitted the letter.

"Go and call all the police in this area, let me think about it first."

Chu Lingyun told Ni Loach that if no one saw it, then he would check according to what no one saw. The clues would not jump out on his own initiative. He needed to peel off the cocoon and extract the thread little by little, and make inferences through all the known conditions. .

There are many city government personnel living in this area, which is consistent with the information previously reported by the intelligence officer of the Dujuan Team.

Based on this calculation, he is likely to live nearby.

If he lived here, it would greatly narrow the scope of the investigation.

Although Muto Xun didn't know who these three intelligence agents were, he knew when they joined the Dujuan team. Takano Hideki was the latest to join, two years ago, Abe Hanako was half a year earlier than him, and the intelligence agent who has not yet been found is the Azalea team that he joined three years and one month ago.

He is the first member to join the team besides Kawasaki Takehiro and Muto Hiroshi.

With this time point, the search scope can be reduced a lot.

I came to Wuhan three years and one month ago. I may work in the city government, or have someone I know very well in the city government. Living in this area, I am most likely single.

After narrowing the scope, there are not many people who meet the requirements.

Chu Lingyun understands that this kind of screening is not absolute. For example, although he came to Wuhan three years ago, who knows if he has moved in the meantime?

Or maybe he's not single, or not here at all.

These are all uncertain factors. In the absence of more clues, Chu Lingyun can only use the current clues to investigate. If he really can't find it or is in the wrong direction, he will be unlucky.

"Team leader, the station chief is here, and I heard there are also big shots from the headquarters."

Shen Hanwen ran over in a hurry. Chu Lingyun was startled and looked back. Wang Yuemin was walking towards them with a young man.

After Wang Yuemin arrived, he waved to Chu Lingyun: "Ling Yun, come here, let me introduce you. This is Secretary Qi from the headquarters. Secretary Qi is the first person next to you. He was very interested after hearing about you. , came here specially to see you."

Chu Lingyun was slightly shocked. He already knew who Virgo's personal secretary was.

This is really a big shot. I didn’t expect him to come, let alone come over to see me.

"Hello, Chief Qi, Chu Lingyun, deputy leader of the Wuhan Station Action Team, is waiting for your instructions."

Chu Lingyun gave a standard military salute. He stood in a very good military posture. Wang Yuemin liked this very much about him back then.

"I don't have any instructions. I'll just take a look at what you should do."

Secretary Qi smiled slightly, and Wang Yuemin hurriedly said: "Ling Yun, what's going on now?"

Chu Lingyun told Wang Yuemin and Secretary Qi in detail about his previous arrangements and the discovery of the emergency contact letter sent by the remaining member of the Dujuan team. The two nodded while listening.

Before he finished speaking, Loach ran back with a dozen policemen.

"You handle the case first, and we'll talk about the case later."

Secretary Qi immediately said that handling the case is the most important thing. He now has a general understanding of the case. This kind of case is actually very difficult to investigate. He only knows one letter and does not know who sent the letter. It is impossible to find out who the other party is. It is different from finding a needle in a haystack.


Chu Lingyun responded, and immediately ordered the policemen brought by Ni Loach: "You moved this area here about three years ago, find all the single people, and those who work in the city government must mark the key points. I will be here in an hour." Want to see the list.”

Time was running out, and after the emergency contact information was sent out, they had to meet and communicate the next day, which meant that he was going to find the person tonight.

If the intelligence agent did not see Takeshi Kawasaki during the meeting tomorrow, he would definitely know that something was wrong with the other party and would definitely abscond or hide. It would be almost impossible to catch him.

A new week is here again, Xiaoyu wishes all my friends a happy new week, and there will still be additional updates today.

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