Spy Shadow

Chapter 76 Lockdown and arrest

Chapter 76 Lockdown and arrest

If he can't find anyone today, Chu Lingyun actually has another way.

That is, he dressed up as Kawasaki Takehi and went to Deming Hotel tomorrow to stay. But whether their meeting place and time were the same as Abe Hanako, Chu Lingyun didn't know at all, and there were also many uncertainties.

The best result is to find this person today.

Ni Loach took the police to work. This is not the Southwest Branch. Wang Sheng is not here. If Wang Sheng is here, it may be faster. That boy Wang Sheng catches Chu Lingyun's eye.

After hurriedly working for an hour, Loach finally came to Chu Lingyun with the shortlisted list.

There aren't many people on the list, only seven.

Being single and moving here three years ago, these two conditions can filter out most people. Four of the seven people work in the city government, and three of them don't.

"Investigate their details and find a way to get their handwriting."

Chu Lingyun ordered again. This was the verification method Chu Lingyun came up with.

The letter must have been written by the intelligence agent himself. He would not let anyone else help with this kind of thing and could only do it himself.

If none of the seven people's notes matched, then Chu Lingyun could only expand the search scope. If he couldn't find anyone today, he would have to put on makeup tomorrow and use the last stupid method.

It was not difficult to find the handwritings of the seven people. Even though it was night, Loach still brought over all the things written by the seven people.

It took another two hours to find these things.

Facing the envelope, Chu Lingyun carefully checked each one.

When he saw the third person's handwriting, Chu Lingyun's eyes suddenly lit up.

This person's writing style and handwriting are very similar to those on the envelope. Chu Lingyun is not a handwriting expert and cannot determine whether it was written by one person. After reading all the handwriting at the end, this similarity is the only one, and nothing else is similar.

"Who is this Jingyuan? I want his most detailed information."

Chu Lingyun immediately said to Ni Loach, who immediately called a policeman over. After hearing the inquiry, the policeman immediately said: "Jingyuan works in the municipal government and is the deputy section chief of the municipal government's communications department. But he is a good person. Neighbors have a good impression of him.”

"Where does he live?"

Hearing that this person worked in the Communications Department, Chu Lingyun immediately thought of the five pieces of intelligence from the municipal government. The Communications Department did have access to this information.

"That's the third store in Hongyuan Lane over there." The policeman pointed to the northwest.

"Hanwen, Zhong Hui, prepare for action."

Chu Lingyun shouted, Shen Hanwen, and Zhong Hui immediately gathered his team members, checked the guns, and waited for action.

"Zhong Hui will be the main attack, and Han Wen's people will be on guard and provide support at any time. Zhong Hui, remember to capture him alive and control him immediately to prevent him from having the chance to commit suicide."

Regardless of whether the opponent is a spy or not, Chu Lingyun will follow the method of dealing with spies. Before they surrender, these spies are extremely tough and can't be careless.


At Zhonghui, Shen Hanwen took the order and quickly led his people to attack, while the policeman was responsible for taking them to identify the door.

Wang Yuemin and Secretary Qi have been watching from the side, and no one said anything.

Wang Yuemin had known about Chu Lingyun's ability for a long time, but Secretary Qi was amazed that he could identify the suspect so quickly by relying only on some uncertain clues. This Chu Lingyun was indeed very capable.

If it were anyone else, I'm afraid I would still be confused and not know how to do it.

It was already past nine o'clock in the evening, and there were no lights on at Jingyuan's home. He didn't know if he had already rested.

Zhong Hui did not ask the police to knock on the door. Knocking on the door at such a late hour would inevitably alert the other party.

He climbed over the wall quietly, opened the door, and the group of people walked in quietly, while the police were responsible for showing them the way.

This policeman had been to Jingyuan's home and knew the layout of his home.

Jingyuan lived in a bungalow, and the bedroom was in the living room. The door of the living room was locked at this time. This did not bother Zhong Hui. Zhong Hui carefully opened the locked door. Everyone held their breath and walked in quietly. living room.

By the moonlight, Zhong Hui saw that the bedroom door was still locked.

This time, the door can no longer be opened secretly. No matter how small the movement is, it may wake the other party up. Zhong will arrange for two people to kick the door open together. After the door is kicked open, he will be the first to rush in.

There was someone on the bed in the bedroom. After the door was kicked open, he sat up suddenly and reached under the pillow.

Zhong Hui was extremely fast. When he reached out his hand, he had already rushed over and hugged him tightly.

The other team members followed up and firmly controlled the person on the bed in the darkness. Only then did someone turn on the light.

"Is it him?"

Zhong Hui had already searched the clothes of the person on the bed. He was wearing pajamas and no poison, but there was a gun under the pillow. Zhong Hui took the gun away.

The policeman hurriedly replied: "Yes, he is Jingyuan."

"You guys stay and search, and I'll send them to the team leader."

Zhong Hui ordered his team members to quickly tie up Jingyuan, and several people pulled him and forced him out.

"Who are you and what are you doing?"

Jingyuan kept shouting, and Zhong Hui was annoyed, so he had his mouth blocked.

"Team leader, we've caught him."

Zhong Hui came back to resume his duties. Wang Yuemin and Secretary Qi looked at the captured people curiously.

Jingyuan is in his thirties, has a delicate face and looks more like an intellectual than a spy at all.

These lurking spies are good at disguise. If anyone could spot them, they would not be able to lurk successfully, let alone detect intelligence.

"Sir Qi, Station Commander, we've caught him, and I'm going to make a surprise interrogation now."

Chu Lingyun reported to Wang Yuemin and Secretary Qi that the person arrested this time was different from before, and it was not yet certain that he was a spy.

His interrogation cannot be the same as before. Chu Lingyun has to go to the interrogation in person.

"Come on, let's go back and take a look together."

Secretary Qi nodded. He wanted to know if Chu Lingyun had arrested the right person. Wang Yuemin originally wanted to propose going to dinner first, but seeing Secretary Qi's behavior, he had no choice but to give up.

The group returned to the station and immediately took the person to the torture room.

"I am the deputy section chief of the municipal government's communications department. You can't do this to me."

Jingyuan, who had the towel taken off his mouth, screamed in terror in the torture room. Chu Lingyun kept observing his expression. This kind of panic was not a disguise.

But his panic is a little different from that of ordinary people. When ordinary people are suddenly caught here, in addition to panic, they will also feel confused and doubtful, but he does not have these.

Noting this, Chu Lingyun felt more confident.


The whip greeted him first. Jingyuan was beaten until he screamed repeatedly and kept shouting to stop. He was willing to say anything.

But when questioned, he refused to admit his identity as a spy and repeatedly emphasized that he was an employee of the city government and was innocent and had not done anything illegal.

His acting skills were indeed good, and Wang Yuemin was a little confused as to whether he had arrested the wrong person.

Second update, there is another chapter tonight.

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