Spy Shadow

Chapter 760 The sky changes on the 76th

Chapter 760 The sky changes on the 76th

In the Battle of Changsha, everything is going in a good direction.

General Xue's plan was basically completed without any major deviations.

On the 6th, the 3rd and 6th divisions, which had not retreated in time, were surrounded by eight legions of General Xue. Each army tried its best to divide them and prevent them from clumping together so that they could be defeated one by one.

The situation in Wanjialing is very likely to happen again.

This time it was not one division, but two. General Xue had a big appetite, and he wanted both the third and sixth divisions.

The Fourth Division, who heard about the progress of the war, gloated that they did not go.

But even if they go, they can still run away. They are the fastest runners and no one can compare with them.

In Shanghai, Yingzuo put away the telegram and sighed heavily.

Saijo still took action against him, but Itagaki interceded, and then he was transferred out of Shanghai to serve in the Kwantung Army.

Although it was a promotion, it was nothing compared to that in Shanghai. His Mei agency was the new government that controlled Wang Chuhai, and it had great power, both in terms of money and money.

Saijo couldn't stand him, so it was normal for him to attack him.

"Sir, do you want to leave?"

Kubo was shocked. He was suddenly called over by Shadow Zuo, and learned the news that also had a great impact on him.

"That's right, we can't do it without leaving. Let's go to Kanto."

Kagezuo sighed slightly, Kubo was his confidant, he did a good job in No. 76 and did not embarrass him.

Once he leaves, no matter who takes over, it will not be of any benefit to Kubo. This time he leaves and he plans to take Kubo with him and continue to work for him in Kanto.

"What about No. 76?"

Kubo understood what Kagesa meant by calling him. He wanted to take him with him, but as soon as he left, wouldn't No. 76 have to be handed over to someone else?

He put a lot of effort into No. 76 and was really reluctant to leave like this.

"Even the Mei Agency is gone, why do you still care about No. 76?"

Ying Zuo glared at him, No. 76 was just a secret service organization under his command, it was not important.

Moreover, No. 76 is owned by Wang Qianhai's new government, but he is unwilling to delegate power, so he supervises and guides and has actual control.

This time he is leaving, and everything will be completely out of his control.

"Sir, can I take someone away from No. 76?"

After a moment of silence, Kubo suddenly asked. Once he leaves, Chen Zhanli will soon be beaten to death by Li Zhiqun. He is definitely no match for Li Zhiqun.

His biggest achievement after being on the 76th for such a long time was receiving a confidant named Chen Zhanli.

"No, there are not many people I can take. I know who you want to take. He is Chinese and cannot leave with us."

Ying Zuo shook his head. He knew the relationship between Kubo and Chen Zhanli very well.

Chen Zhanli really did his best and did not embarrass them.

But he had no way to take Chen Zhanli away. His departure was not honorable, he was driven away.

Being able to take away the confidant is already a good result.

"Then can he be promoted to director now?"

Kubo asked again, Chen Zhanli could not be taken away and made the director, at least with more ability to protect himself.

"No, we have to leave immediately. You can't make any further adjustments to No. 76."

Yingzuo shook his head, what's the use of promoting him? The person who takes over is most likely Tu Yuan, and he will also remove Chen Zhanli when the time comes.

The best way to protect him is not to move.

Kubo was in a bad mood and returned to No. 76 in a depressed mood.

"Sir, are you looking for me?"

Chen Zhanli received the call and immediately came to Kubo's office. Seeing Chen Zhanli, Kubo felt a pain in his heart. He wanted to tell him the truth but suddenly changed his mind.

"How's your recent investigation going?"

"I've been checking, but there's not much progress."

Chen Zhanli shook his head slightly. After the Japanese took control of the concession, they intensified their investigation in the concession.

Military commanders like to hide in the concessions.

We did find two suspects, but they have left and we don’t know where they went.

"There are a lot of rich people in the concession. If you find out about them, it's time to make some money. You should find a way to save more money."

Kubo said softly that he couldn't take Chen Zhanli away, so he just wanted to make him more money. With money in hand, no matter who comes in the future, he can quickly buy the connections above.

He would not be targeted immediately by Li Zhiqun.

No matter who comes to No. 76, if you want balance and better control, Chen Zhanli's presence is necessary. Keeping him can keep Li Zhiqun in check.

Just like when Nan Yun left, Li Zhiqun immediately took refuge with him, and he used Li Zhiqun to contain Ding Mo.

"Okay, I'll let Xiao Lu go and catch more people."

Chen Zhanli nodded. He thought that Kubo wanted to fish for him. He didn't know that Kubo was leaving and wanted him to live well in the future.

On the Changsha battlefield, on the 8th, the Guo army successfully separated the Japanese army, and the two divisions were in danger.

Avi, not caring about his own future, hurriedly mobilized troops and generals to support the 3rd and 6th Divisions in an attempt to rescue them.

How could General Xue let him have his way? He surrounded the area for reinforcements and kept all the Japanese reinforcements away.

Unfortunately, the disparity in strength ultimately failed to allow him to successfully encircle and annihilate the two divisions. The third and sixth divisions successfully broke through respectively, leaving a large number of corpses behind, and finally returned to the north of the Xinqiang River.

The Third Changsha War ended successfully with General Xue's victory.

The Guo army was victorious in the Battle of Changsha. Before Chen Zhanli could be happy, he received the most shocking and bad news.

Kubo will follow Mr. Kagesa to the Northeast, and the supervision of No. 76 will be solely responsible for the Super High School Division.

This is the result that Kubo least wants to see, and it is also Chen Zhanli's biggest crisis.

Before he left, Nan Yun hurriedly came to No. 76 with people.

Fortunately, the master did not remove her from her post, and Ying Zuo left so early, giving her a chance to stand up again.

"Sir, do you really want to leave?"

Chen Zhanli hurried to Kubo's office. Not only did he come, Xiao Lu also ran here.

Kubo is their biggest backer. Once Kubo leaves and Nagumo comes back, their fate can be imagined.

"That's right, Xiao Lu, you go out first."

Kubo nodded, and when Xiao Lu left, he immediately said: "I mentioned to Master Ying Zuo that I wanted to take you away with me, but he didn't agree, and I had no choice."

"When you are under the eaves, you should bow your head when you should bow your head. Nanyun hates you so much that even if you seek refuge with her, you will be dead. But you can seek refuge with Jiang Tengkong. Nanyun has been ignored by him in the special high school. These days All the money you gave me is here, don’t give it to me, just give it to Jiang Tengkong, he can save your life."

Kubo was really kind to Chen Zhanli, and finally wanted to leave. Although he couldn't take him with him, he thought of a suitable escape route for him.

The only one who can fight against Nanyun is Jiang Tengkong.

Jiang Tengkong will not sit back and let Nan Yun stand up again, otherwise he will be in danger. The supervisory power of No. 76 lies with the Super High School, not Nan Yun alone.

In other words, Jiang Tengkong also has the power to supervise No. 76.

This is Chen Zhanli's only way out, and he must seize it.

"Sir, I still have money. These are yours, so you should take them."

Chen Zhanli shook his head. Although Kubo wanted to leave, he did not ignore him. Although he did not say it, it was obvious that he had considered a way out.

What he wants to do needs to be reported to the team leader before a decision can be made.

"Just take it if you are told to. I hope you can live well. I will come back in the future. In addition, Master Kage has entrusted a few friends to take care of you. Nayun is really desperate to attack you. You should contact them immediately. .”

Kubo mentioned a few names, and Chen Zhanli understood that unless Kubo begged, Yingzuo wouldn't care about him as a little person.

Originally, Kubo wanted Kagesa-sama to ask Ishihara Hiroshi for help. If Ishihara Hiroshi was willing to protect Chen Zhanli, Nagumo would never dare to attack him.

Unfortunately, Ying Zuo refused.

Shadow Zuo asked Ishihara Toru for help, but Ishihara Toru didn't agree. It was impossible for him to trouble Ishihara Toru for such a trivial matter.

Having no other choice, Kubo did the next best thing and asked Shadow to say hello to several other Japanese.

But their power is far inferior to that of Ishihara Hiroshi.

"You go see Jiang Tengkong immediately. I will hold Nanyun back."

Kubo said again, and Chen Zhanli nodded silently. He understood that Kubo was really good for him, and even wanted to buy a way out for him without even asking for money.

He offended Nan Yun too much. If Nan Yun regains power, he will definitely not let him go.

"Miss Nagumo."

Li Zhiqun was standing in front of Nan Yun with a smile on his face.

Wu Sanbao was behind him, even more proud.

He made the right bet this time. Nan Yun turned over as expected. Li Zhiqun was swaying from side to side and wanted to join Jiang Tengkong. This time, Nan Yun would definitely kill him.

He can become the No. 76 leader immediately.

"Where's Chen Xiaoer?"

Nanyun didn't see deputy director Chen Xiaoer, and his face immediately darkened.

She really hated Chen Xiaoer, especially when Kubo brought Chen Xiaoer to her door and made her swear those vicious oaths. When she came back this time, she wanted to establish her authority and operate on Chen Xiaoer first.

Besides, Chen Xiaoshu is the one who kills the most. If we don’t get rid of him, how can we take his people away?

"He went to Kubo's place. I guess he wanted to ask Kubo to take him away."

Wu Sanbao said with a smile that Kubo left with Yingzuo and did not transfer him on his own initiative. He could not take Chen Xiaoer away.

He felt an indescribable feeling of relief when he thought that Chen Xiaoer was about to die, and there was also Xiao Lu. He wanted to torture Xiao Lu to death to make him understand the consequences of offending him.

"Kubo, where is Chen Xiaoer?"

Nan Yun brought Li Zhiqun to Kubo's office. The two were not friends, and Nan Yun was not polite at all after meeting.

"I sent him out on an errand."

Kubo said calmly that he had not moved before because he did not know who would take over No. 76.

However, he had a hunch before that it was probably a special high-level course.

This is exactly what happened.

"What right do you have to send him out to do things?" Nan Yun was aggressive.

"Nagyun, before the handover, I am still the supervisor of No. 76. I have the power to make anyone on No. 76 do anything."

Kubo was not afraid at all. As long as Chen Zhanli and Jiang Tengkong met, Nanyun would be unable to do anything to him.

The two of them had a common opponent and could easily unite.

"Okay, hand over now."

Nayun nodded bitterly. Kubo was right. She had not yet handed over to Kubo, and No. 76 was still nominally under Kubo's control.

After the handover, it truly belongs to her.

Kubo silently handed over to Nanyun. Nanyun didn't care at all, as long as No. 76 was returned to her hands.

After two years of absence, No. 76 was finally under her control again.

By using No. 76 to perform meritorious deeds, and then driving away Jiang Tengkong and Ishida, her power will surpass Mitsui and become the biggest spy chief in Shanghai.

"Lord Jiang Teng."

Chen Zhanli stood respectfully in front of Jiang Tengkong, while Xiao Lu was waiting outside.

At this time, Xiao Lu was very worried. Who would have thought that things would change so quickly, and Nan Yun would fight back to No. 76.

If Jiang Tengkong refused to protect them, he and the director would be doomed this time.

"Let's go, I'll accompany you to No. 76."

Jiang Tengkong accepted Chen Zhanli's money. Even if Chen Zhanli didn't come to him, he would go to No. 76 to save Chen Zhanli.

This is an order given to him by the Chinese, and Nanyun must not be given a chance to turn over.

Chu Lingyun knew that Yingzuo had left and that the Special High School had taken over No. 76. Without Jiang Tengkong's help, Nanyun would have targeted Chen Zhanli. Chen Zhanli was not Nanyun's opponent. Even if Nanyun had no real power, her Japanese identity would make Chen Zhanli Unable to resist.

Chen Zhanli must evacuate by then. He is still useful on No. 76 and cannot be evacuated for the time being.

"Thank you, sir. From now on, we will only follow your lead, sir."

Chen Zhanli felt relieved, as long as Jiang Tengkong agreed, but even with Jiang Tengkong's help, it would be impossible for him to ignore it in the future.

Next is his biggest test.

After Kubo leaves, he will stand up and continue to fight Li Zhiqun and Nan Yun. No. 76 will maintain internal struggles and affect their combat effectiveness.

As soon as Nan Yun handed over the handover, he saw Jiang Tengkong coming with Chen Zhanli.

She was stunned for a moment, and then glared at Kubo fiercely.

It must have been Kubo who gave Chen Xiaoer the idea to seek refuge with Jiang Tengkong. Damn it, he was a step too late.

"Jiang Teng, why are you here?"

Nanyun looked unkind, at least she was the section chief, Jiang Tengkong was not.

"Let's take over the secret service headquarters. I'll come over and take a look."

Jiang Tengkong chuckled and replied that he kept Nanyun before so that she could withstand the pressure from above.

At this moment, he has already emptied Nayun, so he cannot give Nayun a chance to get back up, otherwise he will be in danger.

This time he had to fight, even for the position of superintendent course director.

We'll talk about the future later, right now we have to deal with Nagyun.

"You are not needed here, I order you to go back immediately."

Nan Yun stretched out his finger and pointed outside. Jiang Tengkong smiled slightly: "Section Chief, the Secret Service Headquarters belongs to the Special High School and is not owned by you alone. Why, do you want to set up your own business and prevent anyone from the Special High School from entering the Secret Service Headquarters?"

Jiang Tengkong put a big hat on Nanyun's face and his expression suddenly changed.

"You're talking nonsense, I didn't think so."

"Okay, I'll send a report to the chief section chief now. If you don't let me stay at the secret service headquarters, let's see what the chief section chief thinks."

After Jiang Tengkong finished speaking, he walked out. Nan Yun hurriedly shouted: "Come back, I didn't say not to let you stay."

The conversation between the two was witnessed by everyone around them.

Kubo finally felt relieved that Jiang Tengkong could indeed suppress Nanyun, and Chen Zhanli was fine for the time being.

Li Zhiqun also sighed in his heart. Nanyun couldn't see the reality clearly. After he was suppressed by Jiang Tengkong, it would be difficult for him to stand up again. She wanted to rely on No. 76, how could Jiang Tengkong let her do so?

Kubo was really kind to Chen Xiaoer and had nothing to say. Li Zhiqun believed that it must be Kubo's idea to join Jiang Tengkong. Even Chen Xiaoer's pig-headed mind would never have thought of this.

Fortunately, he had secretly sent gifts to Jiang Tengkong before. He took refuge earlier than Chen Xiaoer, and he will gain Jiang Tengkong's trust even more in the future.

In the war situation team, Ni Loach came to Chu Lingyun’s office.

"Team leader, Asuka came to report that Kubo was suddenly transferred, but before leaving, he asked him to bribe Jiang Tengkong with money. He is not in danger for the time being, but Nanyun will definitely not let him go. He must stand up and fight with Nanyun and Li Zhiqun fights."

Ni Loach smiled and said, Feiniao didn't know that Jiang Tengkong was one of his own, and Jiang Tengkong didn't know Chen Zhanli's identity either.

"Nagyun wanted to use No. 76 to make a comeback, but it's a pity that she didn't have this opportunity."

Chu Lingyun smiled and nodded. He had known for a long time that Ying Zuo was leaving and was fully prepared. He ordered Jiang Tengkong in advance to win over Chen Zhanli from No. 76 to continue to sideline Nanyun.

Li Zhiqun secretly defected to Chen Zhanli, and Nanyun could not gain any power in No. 76.

"Do you want me to give Asuka a heads up so that he doesn't have to pay too much attention?" Loach asked.

"It's not necessary. Jiang Tengkong has experience. Asuka himself has done a good job of covering up. As long as they don't make mistakes, Nanyun can't do anything to them."

Chu Lingyun shook his head. He understood that Loach was concerned and was worried that Feiniao would not be able to cope with the current situation.

He underestimated Feiniao. Chu Lingyun believed that Feiniao could do well.

In the Battle of Changsha, Japan was defeated again, and Avi took all the responsibility.

This battle had a huge impact on the entire Allied Forces.

First, let the world see that China is not as weak as they imagined, and Japan is not as strong as they imagined. Japan is still unable to move forward in China.

The United States has increased its aid to China, and with Mr. Song's efforts, it finally agreed to provide China with US$500 million in aid.

The old man was very happy after receiving the news.

General Xue fought well this time and showed Chinese style.

Allied newspapers were full of praise for them.

The Japanese's view of the Chinese has also changed, especially General Xue, who is called the Tiger of Changsha by the Japanese. Some Japanese even have a shadow in their hearts.

Changsha is invincible and there is no way they can defeat it.

On the 76th, Nagumo is permanently stationed here.

When Nagyun was there, Jiang Tengkong simply moved over and stared at Nagyun from close range. Ishida guarded the special high school class to prevent Nagyun from having the opportunity to steal.

"There are too many people in the Second Intelligence Division, the Second Operations Division, and the Third Operations Division. I suggest that the people from the Third Operations Division be merged into the First Intelligence Division. This would be the most suitable."

In the conference room, Nanyun presided over the first meeting after regaining control of No. 76.

First of all, he attacked Chen Zhanli. All the three operations departments were his people, and he also served as the director of the three operations departments.

The intelligence department belongs to Wu Sanbao. If the person is given to Wu Sanbao, Li Zhiqun and the others will be no less powerful than him in an instant.

"Professor, this is inappropriate."

Jiang Tengkong shook his head. He stayed here to deal with this situation, so as to prevent Chen Zhanli's people from being cannibalized by Nanyun one by one.

Nayun is too impatient, and she is not good at politics, which is exactly the opposite of Mitsui.

Being so anxious gave him a chance.

If it were him, he would never do this right away. He would slowly, after catching Chen Zhanli's fault, deal with the people in his hands bit by bit.


Nan Yun was displeased. Jiang Tengkong made it clear that he wanted to fight her. She could not give in and would not give in.

No. 76 was originally established by her, and now she wants to take back everything here.

"Operation Three is the person they caught. According to the rules of No. 76, whoever catches it belongs to them."

Jiang Tengkong smiled and replied, this is the rule set by Nanyun.

"Rules are dead, people are alive. The current distribution is unbalanced and must be changed."

Nan Yun glared at Jiang Tengkong. She wanted to add more manpower to Wu Sanbao. Li Zhiqun was unreliable and had already secretly taken refuge with Jiang Tengkong, thinking she didn't know.

Now there is only one person she can use, Wu Sanbao.

Li Zhiqun was not surprised when Nan Yun wanted to rob someone, but after Nan Yun finished speaking, the corners of Li Zhiqun's eyebrows jumped unnaturally.

Why did Nanyun give people to the intelligence department?

If you want to give, it is also the Action Department. Wu Sanbao has many people under his command, and his Action Department is now an empty frame.

Another point was that Nanyun didn't discuss it with him beforehand or ask for his opinion?

If it were done in the past, Nan Yun would definitely ask about this kind of thing, why didn't he ask this time?

Li Zhiqun looked at Wu Sanbao thoughtfully.

"Section Chief, Deputy Director Chen is the hero. Are you trying to suppress the hero?"

Jiang Tengkong smiled slightly. If Nanyun forced changes, he would not really stop him.

But he will definitely report this matter to the chief section chief.

The thing that the chief hates the most is infighting, and Nagyun has been warned a long time ago.

"Making meritorious service is meritorious service, and distribution is distribution. Could it be that after meritorious service is made, one cannot be divided among his people?"

As expected, Nanyun wanted to force his hand. Jiang Tengkong closed his eyes, stopped talking, and prepared to send a report to the chief section chief.

"Miss Nayun, I think this is inappropriate."

Li Zhiqun suddenly spoke, and Jiang Tengkong immediately opened his eyes. He had not given Li Zhiqun any instructions before to openly support him.

Why did Li Zhiqun do this?

Chen Zhanli glanced at Li Zhiqun in surprise. This guy was crazy because of his loss. Nan Yun was obviously helping him, so why did he oppose it?

"Li Zhiqun, what do you mean?"

Nan Yun was furious. Li Zhiqun openly helped Jiang Tengkong deal with him. Do you really think that since he took refuge in Jiang Tengkong, he couldn't do anything to him?

"Director, what's wrong with you?"

Wu Sanbao asked anxiously. There were not many people in the meeting. They were all people above the director level. Xiao Lu was originally anxious, but he did not expect that Li Zhiqun would suddenly speak for them.

Xiao Lu's eyes widened and he looked at Li Zhiqun in disbelief.

"Miss Nayun, rules are rules. Once broken, it will be difficult to stand up again in the future. So I think that if we want to increase manpower, we can do meritorious service and arrest people ourselves. Director Chen does not need to transfer people."

Li Zhiqun replied with a smile, but he was angry in his heart.

Wu Sanbao betrayed him and took refuge in Nanyun.

This was the conclusion he had just come to. He knew Nan Yun too well. When Nan Yun returned to No. 76, he was the only one he could rely on. It was not in line with Nan Yun's temper that such a big thing was not mentioned to him.

There is also Wu Sanbao. After Nan Yun finished speaking just now, he was not excited at all, which meant that he had known for a long time that the two of them had colluded in private and wanted to give Wu Sanbao more strength to fight against Chen Xiaoer.

Wu Sanbao is a piece of shit, he wants to replace himself.

Li Zhiqun is very smart. He is not Nanyun. When he discovers the anomaly, he takes action decisively and directly helps Jiang Tengkong to suppress Nanyun.

If Wu Sanbao gets up, not only Chen Xiaoer will die, he will also be finished.

No matter how great his hatred for Chen Xiaoer was, it could not compare to Wu Sanbao's betrayal of him. Wu Sanbao must die and he could not be allowed to live.

"I agree with Director Li's opinion."

Chen Zhanli hadn't fully figured it out yet, but Li Zhiqun's sudden rebellion would not hurt him, so he immediately raised his hand in agreement.

Xiao Lu agreed, and Jiang Tengkong looked at Nan Yun with a smile.

The close men openly confront each other, let’s see how Nayun ends up this time.

In the eyes of outsiders, Li Zhiqun is Nanyun's best confidant.

"Li Zhiqun."

Nan Yun's eyes were almost on fire. Li Zhiqun's stab in the back almost made her go crazy.

"Miss Nayun, I am doing this for your own good. Your rules should be well preserved."

Li Zhiqun is not afraid of Nanyun. Without his support, Nanyun is nothing in No. 76. Now that she has been found to be colluding with Wu Sanbao, Li Zhiqun is even less likely to help her.

Moreover, Wu Sanbao followed Nan Yun, which meant that he was ignored. He was also in danger now.

"Meeting dismissed."

Nanyun slammed the table, no one supported her, only Wu Sanbao was not enough.

Li Zhiqun was the director, and he firmly opposed it. If he forced the order, Jiang Tengkong could file a complaint against her master, and she would not be able to bear the result.

"Director, is the man named Li crazy? He actually confronts Nanyun directly."

After the meeting, Xiao Lu immediately came to Chen Zhanli's office, and Kubo left. Fortunately, they took refuge in Jiang Tengkong again, and they would be fine for the time being.

But he couldn't understand what Li Zhiqun did today.

"He's not crazy, he's smart."

Chen Zhanli sighed slightly. After the meeting, Nanyun immediately called Wu Sanbao to her office.

Chen Zhanli finally understood why Li Zhiqun objected.

It turned out that Wu Sanbao betrayed him and secretly took refuge in Nanyun.

Moreover, Li Zhiqun discovered it much earlier than him. If Nan Yun hadn't resisted calling Wu Sanbao after the meeting, he would not have guessed the truth.

These old foxes really have their own merits.

Jiang Tengkong's office found Li Zhiqun standing there.

"Lord Jiang Teng, Wu Sanbao must be colluding with Nanyun. I have lost control of him now. Nanyun will definitely use the people in Wu Sanbao's hands to deal with you."

"It's okay. Those people can't do much. Just stand by my side with Chen Zhanli. Wu Sanbao is yours. Just deal with him."

Jiang Tengkong didn't care, Wu Sanbao was just the director.

The chief and deputy directors have all surrendered to him now. Even though Li Zhiqun is just a polished commander and his strength is greatly reduced without Wu Sanbao, he is still the director and has the right to stand.

He was the one who made the contribution today. If he hadn't objected, Nagyun might have succeeded.


Li Zhiqun said nothing. Fortunately, he took refuge in Jiang Tengkong.

If Jiang Tengkong hadn't helped him, and that bitch Wu Sanbao had colluded with that bitch Nan Yun, he might have died earlier than Chen Xiaoer.

"Miss Nanyun, as you can see, Li Zhiqun is nothing."

In Nanyun's office, Wu Sanbao shouted angrily, what a great opportunity today, Jiang Tengkong no longer objected, he was about to get Chen Xiaoshuo's three operations.

The three operations offices are all people from Zhongtong Shanghai District, and some of them are quite capable.

With his original manpower, he can confront Chen Xiaoer in separate divisions and kill Chen Xiaoer and his men. The next step is for him to attack Li Zhiqun.

With everyone in his hands, and Nan Yun supporting him, it would be very easy for him and Nan Yun to kill Li Zhiqun.

Jiang Tengkong absolutely couldn't protect him.

"I know, Li Zhiqun deserves to die. Don't deal with Chen Xiaoer now. Get Li Zhiqun down. I'll make you the director."

Nan Yun nodded slightly, Li Zhiqun was nothing, and Wu Sanbao was not a good bird either.

But now she has no one available and can only rely on Wu Sanbao.

Fortunately, most of Li Zhiqun's subordinates are in the hands of Wu Sanbao. With Wu Sanbao here, she will not become a mere commander.

If it weren't for Wu Sanbao and Li Zhiqun being so betrayed, she would be no better in No. 76 than in the Special High School.

Even though she didn't like Wu Sanbao, she still tried to win over him and let him work for her.

"Thank you, Miss Nayun. Don't worry, I will always be loyal to you."

Wu Sanbao was overjoyed. Nanyun wanted to deal with Li Zhiqun first, and then Chen Xiaoer.

Chen Xiaoer has more people, so it is easier to deal with Li Zhiqun than Chen Xiaoer. Without him, Li Zhiqun would only have dozens of subordinates, and he would not be able to succeed at all.

After he becomes the director, he will have more confidence to deal with Chen Xiaoer.

In the war situation team, Niyi brought Feiniao's latest report.

"Wu Sanbao and Nanyun hooked up?"

Chu Lingyun was a little surprised that Wu Sanbao dared to betray Li Zhiqun. This time he was dead.

Li Zhiqun would never spare him.

"Yes, Feiniao guessed it, and Li Zhiqun saw this earlier than him, so he openly supported him today and slapped Nan Yun in the face." Ni Loach said with a smile.

"Li Zhiqun is not stupid. Wu Sanbao's increased strength will not do him any good. Even if he falls out with Nan Yun, there is no way that Wu Sanbao can succeed."

Chu Lingyun nodded, No. 76 is getting more and more interesting. Today you betray me, tomorrow I will betray him.

The feeling of seeing a whole palace fight.

Since people on No. 76 like to play, let them play slowly.


Outside, Li Zhiqun got rid of the people who were following him and secretly came to meet Zhan Haiyun.

"Haiyun, can I trust you?"

Li Zhiqun stared directly at Zhan Haiyun, frightening him: "Director, I have always been loyal to you and have never done anything."

There is no word about what happened in the conference room today.

Wu Sanbao and Nanyun would definitely not tell the outside world, and neither did Li Zhiqun.

Chen Zhanli sensed something was wrong and asked Xiao Lu not to talk nonsense and to keep it secret for the time being. Everyone knew that it was not the right time to make trouble now.

Li Zhiqun will definitely fight back. If everyone knows it, if someone smart sees the truth and tells Wu Sanbao, it will arouse Wu Sanbao's vigilance.

Jiang Tengkong would not say that Zhan Haiyun had no idea that Li Zhiqun had publicly fallen out with Nanyun.

"Very well, let me tell you a secret. Wu Sanbao betrayed me and took refuge in Nanyun."


Zhan Haiyun's heart trembled, but he was even more confused. Wu Sanbao betrayed the director?

But what does he mean by taking refuge in Nanyun? Aren't they Miss Nanyun's people?

"Nanyun was sidelined by Master Jiang Teng in the Extra High School and lost any power. I don't think highly of him. He secretly defected to Master Jiang Teng before, but Wu Sanbao colluded with Nanyun behind my back. Do you understand?"

Li Zhiqun explained the reason to him, and Zhan Haiyun suddenly understood and was even more shocked.

It's still a prank of the division chiefs and directors. If you take refuge in me openly and do things for others secretly, I will stab you behind your back secretly.

But high-level matters have nothing to do with him. He is just a section chief and is not even qualified to participate in the meeting today.

"What you do next..."

Li Zhiqun told Zhan Haiyun that Wu Sanbao could not defeat him in a fight, and he had many ways to kill Wu Sanbao.

Wu Sanbao's biggest weakness is his greed for money.

Money is his lifeblood, and he happens to know a piece of information, and uses this piece of information to deceive Wu Sanbao. As long as he dares to do it, no one can save him this time.

Wu Sanbao will undoubtedly die.

I went on a long journey today, so the update is a bit late. Please forgive me, friends. Today is the last day of the month. Friends, please check if you still have monthly votes. If you don’t vote, they will expire and be wasted. Thanks to league leader Yi Xin Qiuyue for another 2,000 starting coin reward, and thanks to book friend 20220529083149818 for the 100 starting coin reward.

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