Spy Shadow

Chapter 761 Death Struggle

Chapter 761 Death Struggle

"I understand, I'll do it right away."

Zhan Haiyun was frightened when he heard this. Fortunately, he didn't have to do it himself, he just had to secretly let the news out.

The director is still so cruel and ruthless, but what Wu Sanbao did is considered betrayal. If it were him, he would not let go easily if his close men were so betrayed.

"If you're done, I'll promote you to be the director."

Li Zhiqun nodded slightly, Wu Sanbao must die, no one can save him this time.

The storm inside No. 76 is surging, but the outside world is still singing and dancing.

The public concession still exists, but it is the Japanese who call the shots. Americans and British can escape, but those who cannot escape also depend on the Japanese's face and life.

As for the French Concession, it is slightly better. After all, France is now an 'ally'. ’

Just like the puppet government controlled by the Japanese, France was controlled by the Germans.

"Director, I heard something."

Wu Sanbao's confidant secretly came to his office and whispered.

"I heard that Jincheng Bank has a lot of gold that is secretly transferred to other banks. The amount is quite large."

Wu Sanbao was lying lazily on the chair when his subordinates whispered, and he immediately sat up straight after hearing this.

"It's a lot, how many are there?"

"I don't know the details. It needs to be transported by truck. It's a lot."

The men shook their heads, and Wu Sanbao's eyes turned sharply. He knew that Jincheng Bank was a Chinese bank. Originally, the Japanese wanted to close them down, but someone above wanted to persuade the boss of Jincheng Bank to serve them, so they stayed put.

Although it is a private bank, Jincheng Bank is not small in scale and its headquarters is on the Bund.

It is definitely possible that they have gold that they secretly want to export.

"Go and find out immediately, when and how much is the specific quantity."

Wu Sanbao ordered, and his confidants nodded and left. Wu Sanbao was worried and simply got up to investigate on his own.

As soon as he went out, Li Zhiqun sneered at the window.

He knew Wu Sanbao so well, and with Wu Sanbao's temperament, he had to verify it himself. It was impossible for Wu Sanbao to detect the false information he compiled.

Let him check. As long as he moves, it proves that he has other thoughts, and he will definitely be tricked this time.

No one can save him then.


Nanyun didn't have that strength at all.

Without Wu Sanbao, let’s see how Nanyun can still gain a foothold on No. 76.

Li Zhiqun saw the problem quite clearly. After all, Nanyun was a woman. She was very energetic, but her actual abilities were not that strong.

When No. 76 was formed, Nagumo took all the credit for his help.

No. 76 was snatched away by Kage Sa. Nagumo went to the special high school without saying a word and left him here. Based on his relationship with Kubo at the time, if he hadn't handed over the money in his hands at the critical moment, he would have been in trouble. Ding Mo has a restraining effect, and Kubo may have killed him long ago.

Fortunately, Chen Zhanli didn't get up at that time. Kubo needed him.

As for Nagumo, he couldn't recognize the reality when he first arrived at the special high school. He wanted to operate on Mitsui's secretary Ezakiga, but was kidnapped by Takemoto, losing all his dignity and prestige.

Takemoto is already the commander of the Military Police Headquarters, two levels higher than Nagumo, and his power is even more different.

On the other hand, Nan Yun failed to make any progress in the extra-high school course, and all the credit was given to Jiang Tengkong.

How is this different from when she was on No. 76?

Li Zhiqun was abandoned by Nan Yun once, so he no longer had any trust in Nan Yun. When Nan Yun's situation was not good, he secretly hugged Jiang Tengkong's thigh.

In his eyes, Jiang Tengkong was much better than Nanyun.

In his early years, Jiang Tengkong was the person in charge of Wuhan's special higher education courses. Because Wuhan was hit hard one after another, he was demoted to Shanghai.

When he first arrived in Shanghai, his situation was not much better than when he was in the Detective Department.

No one has power, is not liked by the head teacher, and cannot be trusted.

Jiang Tengkong served as a section chief for three times, but in the end he firmly suppressed Nanyun and even completely ignored Nanyun, which made Li Zhiqun feel like he cherished each other forever.

They have traveled the same path, and Li Zhiqun believes that he and Jiang Tengkong will have a common language.

And Li Zhiqun firmly believes that sooner or later, the special higher education course will belong to Jiang Tengkong.

When the time comes, with him in No. 76, he can perfectly cooperate with the special high school class, and the two of them will achieve better results together.

As long as they can cooperate sincerely, Li Zhiqun believes that even Chu Lingyun will not be able to escape their search.

During this time, he never thought about Chen Xiaoer at all.

Jiang Tengkong is a pragmatist, and Chen Xiaoer can take refuge now, but after Jiang Tengkong discovers his true situation, Chen Xiaoer will soon be finished.

He had no doubt of it.

Wu Sanbao secretly came to Jincheng Bank and kidnapped a bank employee.

There were indeed rumors in the bank that the gold stored in the bank would be transported to the safer Bank of Japan to avoid being occupied by others. Wu Sanbao was completely relieved and returned to No. 76 with a swagger.

The poor bank employee just disappeared.

Since Li Zhiqun had taken the trap, he would not just do a little. He had already bribed people in the bank and spread such rumors so that people would believe them to be true.

"Director, we found out. It is said that there are more than a thousand kilograms of gold, all of which are gold bars. There are two thousand gold bars in total. They will be shipped away tomorrow."

On the 76th, his subordinates came to report, and Wu Sanbao’s eyes lit up.

With so much gold, if it came into his hands, would he still act like a useless director?

Even if Nagyun falls, with this money, he can go abroad and become a rich man. Unfortunately, the whole world is at war now, but there are still some countries that are not at war, such as Switzerland, which he has heard of, and he can go there and hide. .

"Let's do it. Call our trusted brothers. This time we will do it alone. Remember, I eat meat and you also have soup. But if anyone leaks the news to me, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Wu Sanbao has always been bold when it comes to finding wealth in danger. He never thought that this was a trap.

Moreover, it was a trap specifically targeted at him by Li Zhiqun.

The next day, Wu Sanbao and his confidants lurked on the road where the bank's gold bar truck must pass. His plan was to rob the truck. It was said that there were not many people escorting the bank this time.

There was indeed a gold escort today, and the amount was more than what he had inquired about, but it was not shipped by Jincheng Bank, but by the Japanese Securities and Finance Bank, their own gold transportation.

In order to conceal it from others and because the distance was not far, there were only two vehicles and a few people escorting this transportation.

The concession is now Japanese territory, and in their view, transportation over such a short distance will be fine.

The people at the bank did not expect that someone was trying to take advantage of them.

"Director, here we come."

The henchman who was following them came over to report that a truck and a car were approaching from a distance. Wu Sanbao was very excited. He had already planned his retreat route. As long as he grabbed the car, he would run immediately and hide the gold.

"Cheer up. When things are done, I will give each of you fifty gold bars. I will never break my promise."

Each person had fifty gold bars, so only four hundred gold bars were distributed. He brought eight of his men with him. The bulk of the gold bars was still with him, and more than a thousand gold bars belonged to him.

People die for wealth and birds die for food. When the subordinates heard that there were fifty gold bars to be divided, they immediately got excited.

Fifty large gold bars cannot be earned in a lifetime with their salary.

"The car is here, get ready for action."

Wu Sanbao shouted, and everyone took out their guns and covered their faces.

The car was in front and the truck was behind. Wu Sanbao jumped out first and shot at the car.

The car turned the steering wheel violently and fell across the road.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the truck driver behind him immediately pulled out the car keys, jumped out of the truck and ran away. He ran so fast that Wu Sanbao's people failed to pay attention for a while, and he actually ran away.

Wu Sanbao's target was the car, not the person. He immediately ran over and climbed into the car.

Sitting in the driver's seat, he was dumbfounded. He couldn't drive without the key.

His people couldn't turn the car on without the key.

"Move the gold."

Wu Sanbao shouted that if the truck was not available, he would move the gold from the truck. They could move more than a thousand kilograms in no time.

But at the back, Wu Sanbao was dumbfounded again.

Because the truck was transporting gold, there was a reinforced iron box on the back of the truck, which could not be opened without a key.

"Blow it up, blow it up right away."

Wu Sanbao was so angry that he took out a grenade and tied it to the car. The grenade had a lot of explosive power, but it was not enough to blow up such a thick iron door.

After several loud noises, Wu Sanbao looked at the back door without any change in a daze.

The grenade cannot explode.

"Director, what should I do?"

Noticing Japanese soldiers running from a distance, Wu Sanbao could only retreat no matter how unwilling he was, and ran away in despair with his men.

He moved his hands, but to no avail. He was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

The people from the Securities Finance Bank were shocked when they received the news that the car they were transporting gold in had been robbed. When they arrived at the scene, they finally breathed a sigh of relief when they found that the car had not been driven away and the gold was not missing.

The responsive drivers received many rewards.

However, it is absolutely unforgivable that someone was so bold and dared to rob them. The matter was reported to the Military Police Headquarters and ended up directly in Takemoto's hands.

Robbing the Imperial Bank's gold in public was no small matter.

Takemoto ordered people to conduct a detailed investigation and must give an explanation to the Securities Finance Bank.

"Did Wu Sanbao from No. 76 do it?"

As soon as the investigators left, someone came in and reported that they had received a report from an anonymous person, saying that they knew who did this and that he was the right person to find.

The anonymous call was made by Li Zhiqun himself. He used a public phone and disguised himself.

Wu Sanbao must die, Li Zhiqun will not allow him to live.

"Commander, do you want to arrest someone first?"

The subordinate asked, Takemoto is now the commander and no longer the intelligence chief.

But the Intelligence Department is all his direct descendants.

"Nonsense, if someone reports it, arrest him first and then investigate."

Takemoto shouted, when he was the director of the intelligence department, he dared to arrest Nayun directly. Who is Wu Sanbao at No. 76?

Now he is the commander. Since someone reported him, he must be arrested.

The gendarmerie was dispatched. Wu Sanbao, who had just returned to No. 76 and was still upset, was sitting in the office when he was disturbed by the noise outside.

Why are the gendarmerie here again?

Wu Sanbao felt guilty as a thief and instinctively wanted to get the gun, but he put the gun down after picking it up. There were so many military police coming. If he resisted, even if one or two people could be killed, he himself would definitely die.

He is the section chief in No. 76, but he is not a big shot in the eyes of the military police. Maybe they are looking for trouble with Nagumo, not him at all.

Takemoto Shusaku is now in charge of the Military Police Headquarters, and he did not deal with Nagumo in the beginning.

To arrest Wu Sanbao, Takemoto naturally didn't have to come forward in person, it was a squadron leader who came.

Led by Person No. 76, the squadron leader kicked open the door of Wu Sanbao's office.

"Take it."

The squadron leader shouted sternly, and the military police behind him came up, searched out Wu Sanbao's weapons, tied them up and took him out.

"Sir, there is a misunderstanding. Is there some misunderstanding? Why are you arresting me?"

Wu Sanbao shouted, but his mouth was gagged after a while and he was speechless.

The squadron leader was ordered to arrest people and did not care about Wu Sanbao's complaints.

Nanyun was in the office and did not come out. When she saw Wu Sanbao being taken away, her hands and feet suddenly became cold.

Wu Sanbao is her only support at present. Without Wu Sanbao, she will be completely ignored by Jiang Tengkong on No. 76 just like in the extra-high school class.

Li Zhiqun has betrayed her.

But she didn't go out. Before she figured out the situation, it would be useless for her to go out and she would only bring humiliation to herself.

She had to figure out the situation first, and then rescue Wu Sanbao.

The military police will not give her face. The commander of the military police is now Takemoto, the one who caught her with his own hands.

Li Zhiqun was also in the office, with a smile on his face.

After entering the Military Police Headquarters, Wu Sanbao had no chance of coming out alive.

Chen Zhanli also noticed that Wu Sanbao was arrested and frowned.

Why did the military police arrest Wu Sanbao? He hadn't heard about Wu Sanbao's actions in the past few days?

He didn't attack Wu Sanbao. Could it be that Jiang Tengkong deliberately eliminated Nanyun's helpers?

Chen Zhanli quickly shook his head. Jiang Tengkong would attack Wu Sanbao, but he would never do it himself. He would lose his status by doing so. From this point of view, the person who attacked Wu Sanbao was Li Zhiqun.

Li Zhiqun is cleaning up the house.

But how did he get the military police to arrest Wu Sanbao?

Chen Zhanli understood that Jiubao had been protecting him in the past, and while he was protecting him, he somewhat despised Li Zhiqun.

Li Zhiqun has survived for so many years and can still squeeze out Ding Mo as director. He has his own unique abilities.

This time it must have been Li Zhiqun who attacked Wu Sanbao, although he hasn't figured out the reason yet.

"Find out why the gendarmerie arrested Wu Sanbao."

Chen Zhanli called a few clever men and asked them to investigate secretly.

Once Kubo left, he lost his biggest protective coat and could not continue to eat and sleep. Jiang Tengkong would protect him because he was dealing with Nanyun.

Once Nan Yun falls, his biggest enemy will be Li Zhiqun.

Only one between him and Li Zhiqun can survive.

If he couldn't satisfy Jiang Tengkong, he would definitely be the one who died.

Chen Zhanli knew this very well. He had not slept in these days, and he was much more diligent than before, and he had a firm control over all his subordinates.

Others were not particularly surprised by his change. Once Kubo left, he lost his biggest protective umbrella. If the director remained the same, he would only disappoint and alienate his subordinates.

Jiang Tengkong also noticed that Wu Sanbao was arrested.

There was a smile on his lips, Li Zhiqun was good, he was indeed capable, and he took care of Wu Sanbao so quickly.

Without Wu Sanbao, Nanyun has become a mere showpiece and nothing to worry about.

However, No. 76 could not let Li Zhiqun's family dominate. During this period, he carefully observed that Chen Xiaoer was not as bad as the rumors. Chen Xiaoer was a smart man and he was just pretending before.

If the Chinese want to maintain the internal strife on No. 76, they will not deliberately favor anyone. He will keep both Li Zhiqun and Chen Xiaoer.

It was the first time Wu Sanbao entered the prison of the Military Police Headquarters.

He had been here before, but he didn't go inside. He came to pick up Li Zhiqun, who was beaten badly.

This time it was him.

The military police arrived at No. 76 and arrested him directly. Wu Sanbao understood that what he had done must have been leaked, but who was the secret?

He brought along all his confidants who had grown up in the Qinggang and had nothing to do with Li Zhiqun.

They will never betray themselves.

"Wu Sanbao."

The person who interrogated Wu Sanbao was Lieutenant Colonel Takagi Takeru, the chief of the Intelligence Department. He was Takemoto's confidant. The Intelligence Department was very important. Takemoto showed his power in the Intelligence Department at the beginning and was valued by Toru Ishihara.

Takemoto's headquarters in the Intelligence Department must be taken over by someone he can trust.

"Sir, why are you arresting me? I didn't..."

"Don't you know why I arrested you? You are so courageous that you dare to steal the empire's gold."

Before he could finish speaking, Takagi slammed the table.

Wu Sanbao's heart sank. Sure enough, it was because of the gold matter, but how could the Japanese know so quickly? The military police came not long after he returned. It must not have been his men who leaked the secret.

What happened to the empire's gold? It's not that it was transferred by Jincheng Bank. Jincheng Bank does not belong to the empire.

Although Wu Sanbao has an ordinary mind, he also figured out the reason at this time.

It was Li Zhiqun, and Li Zhiqun deliberately framed him. I'm afraid he knew about the gold, and Li Zhiqun did it deliberately.

Li Zhiqun knew that he was greedy for money and used such a trap to lure him into the trap.

"I didn't, I didn't do anything."

Wu Sanbao understood that admitting would mean death. He could not admit it, and he would have to bite him to death if he refused to admit it.

"You still dare to be harsh. I have found out that you secretly took people to the concession today, and all your men were brought back. Do you think they are as harsh as you?"

Takagi said coldly, Wu Sanbao's heart tightened again.

There were a lot of people dispatched today, and their mouths definitely couldn't be like mine.

When someone confesses, it's a big problem.

"You left a lot of bullet casings at the scene. I have asked the technical department to inspect them. I have sent people to search all of your homes. If hidden weapons are found and match the shell casings at the scene, do you think it would be useful not to admit it?"

Takagi continued that the bullet casings at the scene were evidence.

Wu Sanbao closed his eyes.

They didn't have to go home, they just used their own guns, so they didn't think about the Japanese. Wu Sanbao had a carefree temper.

Once the technology is checked, it can be found that they did it.

It's over, it's definitely over this time, no one can save him, not even Nagyun.

Nayun and Takemoto couldn't talk at all.

"I recruit..."

In order to avoid suffering, Wu Sanbao honestly admitted what he had done, but he did not admit that he robbed the Jincheng Bank. The Bank belongs to Japan. He only admitted that he robbed Jincheng Bank.

But today, Jincheng Bank has no gold delivery at all.

Wu Sanbao also said that this was a trap deliberately set by Li Zhiqun for him, and that Li Zhiqun seduced him into doing this, but he could not produce any evidence.

Li Zhiqun did not come forward, and Zhan Haiyun also deliberately set up a trap to let Wu Sanbao's men hear about it and lure them into taking the bait.

Li Zhiqun does things much cleaner than Wu Sanbao.

The gendarmerie would not investigate in such detail. Regardless of whether it was a frame-up or not, it was Wu Sanbao's fault that he took action.

"Robbing the Japanese gold?"

Chen Zhanli finally found out the truth. The result shocked Chen Zhanli. Wu Sanbao must have been too courageous to dare to steal the Japanese gold.

He was dead this time.

"Lord Jiang Teng, this is what happened. It should be Li Zhiqun's deliberate trick and Wu Sanbao was fooled."

Chen Zhanli came to Jiang Tengkong's office and reported in a low voice.

It's a pity that it's not Kubo. Kubo will definitely be very happy when he hears it. Then he praises him a few times. Jiang Teng nodded: "I know. Li Zhiqun reported it and he did a good job."

Li Zhiquan came to report this matter after Wu Sanbao was arrested. Once Wu Sanbao died, Jiang Tengkong was equivalent to completely controlling No. 76.

This is a great achievement, even if it is directed against one of your own people.

After all, the only person Nanyun can use now is Wu Sanbao.

In Nanyun's office, ever since Wu Sanbao was taken away by the military police, she knew that Wu Sanbao couldn't get out, and the only person who could help her on No. 76 was gone.

Nanyun felt a sense of powerlessness.

She was sidelined in the extra-high school class, and only a few people in the entire extra-high school class obeyed her orders. The others all obeyed her orders, and they would only do the things assigned to them with Jiang Tengkong's consent.

The same goes for No. 76 now. She can't do anything after No. 76.

She couldn't save Wu Sanbao, but she didn't want to sit back and die.

She would not admit defeat. She had encountered no matter how difficult the situation was. When she was imprisoned in the military prison, she thought she was dead, but she escaped in the end.

Nanyun carefully looked through the things that she had kept for a long time. She established No. 76 by herself. Without Li Zhiqun and Wu Sanbao, she would still have a way to get it back.

Two hours later, she really found something useful.

She noticed someone.

Zhu Laoba, the bandit boss of Dianhu.

When Chen Xiaoer was still the captain, Wu Shengcai targeted Xiao Lu and gave Xiao Lu a death mission. Chen Zhanli stood up for him, but Kubo asked Chen Zhanli to carry out the mission.

That's when Chen Siting was caught by Zhu Laoba and given to Chen Zhanli as a meeting gift.

Afterwards, Kubo approached Yingzuo and gave Zhu Laoba the title of commander, asking him to lead the bandits to continue guarding Lake Dianhu.

Kubo didn't use him because it was unnecessary, but this force has always been attached to No. 76.

Zhu Laoba is Chen Zhanli's man.

Every year during the holidays, Zhu Laoba would send a filial piety to Chen Zhanli.

It's true that he is Chen Zhanli's man, but he also has ambitions. A small bandit commander obviously cannot satisfy his appetite.

After Nanyun noticed him, he understood that this was his opportunity.

Zhu Laoba has more than two hundred people, even if they are not agents, they are still manpower. If she can convince Zhu Laoba to join her, these people will be her help in the future.

After all, she is the head of the special higher education course and has a righteous reputation.

Nanyun discovered the opportunity, but she kept silent and deliberately went to find people from the Military Police Headquarters after leaving, giving people the illusion that she wanted to rescue Wu Sanbao.

While no one was paying attention to Zhu Laoba, she had to get this power as soon as possible and bring them back, so that she could help herself fight Jiang Tengkong.

If Zhu Laoba can do a good job, he will be made the director of No. 76 in the future.

In the war situation team, Loach brought reports from Rose and Birds.

Rose said that Li Zhiqun was a trap and took advantage of Wu Sanbao's weakness of greed for money to seduce Wu Sanbao to steal the Japanese gold. Regardless of whether he succeeded or not, he would die if he did it.

Asuka reasoned it out on his own, and it was pretty much the same.

"Team leader, Feiniao has made rapid progress. He himself can see that this is Li Zhiqun's method."

Loach laughed and said, asking for credit for the flying bird.

"Now that Wu Sanbao is gone, Nanyun's situation in No. 76 is even worse than in the Special High School."

Niluo gloated that Nayun was almost at the end of her career as a section chief. She had been ignored to this extent, and she really had no reason to continue working.

If it were anyone else, he might have given up his position long ago.

That is, she, a woman who refuses to admit defeat, always thinks that miracles can happen.

"Don't be careless. Nanyun has many tricks. She will not give up. She will definitely look for opportunities elsewhere. Let Rose and Asuka be reminded to pay close attention to Nanyun."

Chu Lingyun shook his head, No. 76 was now in their hands, Nanyun no longer threatened them, and even Li Zhiqun became Jiang Tengkong's person.

From now on, they no longer have to worry about the Special High School and No. 76.

At Youzhai Literary Club, Chu Lingyun was entertaining Tian Junliu.

He came suddenly, and Chu Lingyun rushed over immediately after learning about it.

After Matsumoto left, the honorary president's office became vacant, but Tian Junliu thought that office was unlucky, so he changed it to another one. Matsumoto's previous office was directly converted into an exhibition hall.

Information about all members of the literary club is included, including their positions, photos, etc.

At the top is the honorary president Tian Junliu, followed by the four division commanders, as well as the generals in the row below, and even below are densely packed colonels.

Anyone who sees such an exhibition wall will be extremely shocked.

And this is not the end, just the beginning.

In the future, there should be at least ten people in the platoon of the division commander, and there will be more generals. Now the literary society only accepts generals, so many colonels will be promoted sooner or later. It is not an exaggeration to say that the future literary society will be a general society.

"I'm sorry about what happened last time. This idiot Sangben has never been able to find out the truth. I will tell him to get out immediately and let the country send more capable people to find out the matter."

Tian Junliu sighed, this battle in Changsha made him very angry.

Awei had failed to live up to his expectations. He was beaten like a bird and didn't even have a caesarean section. How could he still have the honor to live?

"General Tian Jun, you have done your best. I really don't blame you this time. Since Avi takes the responsibility, you will be fine this time."

In the agreement between Chu Lingyun and Saijo, Tian Junliu will have to do it for at least two more years. This is not his fault, let alone a big mistake. Saijo will not get into trouble because of this and want to replace Tian Junliu.

"I have already reported your losses. The base camp did not stop you this time and readily agreed. However, they asked if you needed anything else."

Tian Junliu said softly, the old guys in the base camp were well fed by Chu Lingyun this time.

Now I am addicted to eating and want to continue to eat this loss.

If they dare to take it, Chu Lingyun dares to give it to them. The six ships themselves are worth a lot of money. There are many people on board, and their death benefits are also quite large.

With this money, at least two people can become major generals.

Shimakura has been promoted a long time ago, and now Takemoto has also been promoted. He can't favor one over the other. Next, he will help Shun Cheng to operate so that he can get his wish and become a general.

At that time, Shuicheng Jun can be transferred back and take over the security headquarters.

Shanghai is Chu Lingyun's base camp. The closer people are here, the better. Shuicheng Jun is absolutely willing to stay in Shanghai. He has expressed his desire to return to Shanghai more than once before, but Chu Lingyun has not agreed.

And Shimakura, we must make him the division commander as soon as possible.

"The empire is expanding rapidly in Nanyang. We need to send more manpower from here to there. The base camp agreed. Next, I will transfer the Fourth Division and other divisions there. There will be no large-scale battles in China for the time being. Mainly Mainly mopping up.”

The Fourth Division was not popular, so this time they took the opportunity to kick them out.

Don't they like doing business? Let's go to Nanyang and see what kind of flowers they can make.

"General Tian Jun, just let the people below handle these matters. Don't interfere. It goes against the harmony of nature."

Chu Lingyun sighed slightly, the raids would bring disaster to many innocent people. Now that the Japanese military strength has become weaker, they are afraid that more anti-Japanese forces will arise in the ruled areas, so they want to deny them a chance to develop and grow.

It's a pity that they don't know that the more powerful the raids are, the more anti-Japanese forces will be.

They can never finish killing the Chinese, and their resistance will never stop.

"I know, and I'll try to avoid it."

Tian Junliu shook his head slightly. The raids would kill many innocent people. If he gave the order, these innocent people would naturally be blamed on him.

In fact, he was unwilling to do this, but now that the empire's power was declining and the country had begun to mobilize troops, he had to keep the areas ruled by the empire from causing trouble before expanding its power.

"I don't care about other places. Shanghai can't do this."

Chu Lingyun couldn't save everywhere, he could only protect Shanghai.

"Don't worry, Shanghai won't be touched. I'll leave it to you."

Tian Junroku immediately agreed. He understood that Ishihara Toru valued Shanghai very seriously. This time Saijo came to power, he wanted nothing at home but only China's interests.

The most important thing is Shanghai.

Shanghai is where Ishihara Hiroshi started his career. Half of his strength is here, so it is normal to value him.

"How long can you stay this time?"

Chu Lingyun asked proactively, Tian Junliu shook his head: "I will go back tomorrow, and there are still many things waiting for me to deal with."

Tian Junliu was very busy. If he hadn't owed Ishihara Hiroshi an explanation for what happened last time, he wouldn't have come all the way.

Just thinking about it makes him angry.

"Let's have dinner together in the evening. We don't need too many people. Just invite a few important members of the literary club."

Chu Lingyun nodded. There were indeed not many people at night. Apart from the two of them, there were only two division commanders from Shanghai, Miyamoto and Nagata, and Takemoto from the Military Police Headquarters, a total of five people.

Others are not eligible to participate in this dinner.

When Chu Lingyun entertained Tian Junliu, Nanyun quietly set off to Dianhu with two confidants from the Special High School.

They arrived at the place the next morning. Nanyun did not go to Zhu Laoba immediately, but asked his men to inquire about the situation.

"Section Chief, Commander Zhu is very powerful now. He has more than 200 people under his command, but more than 500 people."

Soon his subordinates came to report that Zhu Laoba had defected to the Japanese and was no longer a bandit, but a puppet army responsible for helping to maintain public security here.

He is also nominally a member of the Wang Reclamation Government, and is listed under the name of the Secret Service Headquarters, but the ownership of the Secret Service Headquarters lies with the new government.

The new government cannot control the secret service headquarters, so naturally it cannot control Zhu Laoba.

Zhu Laoba has been living a very comfortable life recently. He is very glad that he was wise at the time and took refuge with the right noble person, so that he can have the prosperity and wealth he has now.

Nanyun led people to Zhu Laoba's headquarters.

It's said to be a headquarters, but it's actually similar to a bandit's village. It's just a fence village with several thatched houses and brick houses inside, and a sign outside.

The sign read, Secret Service Headquarters Dianhu Headquarters.

Although this brand is not big, it is Zhu Laoba's most precious thing. This brand represents his orthodox status as commander, and he belongs to the secret service headquarters.

Except for the Japanese, who he listens to, he doesn't listen to other people in the new government at all.

If you have any objections, go to Secret Service Headquarters.

In this way, he lived a very happy life. After acquiring a gun, he recruited troops and horses, and now it has grown to a scale of more than 500 people, becoming a real tyrant in Dianhu.

"Who are you?"

The sentry at the door stopped them. Zhu Laoba followed suit in other places, no matter how small he was, he still arranged the sentry. If he wanted to enter his headquarters, he had to accept the interrogation of the sentry.

"Tell Zhu Laoba that people from the secret service headquarters are here."

Nan Yun said lightly, and the sentry was stunned. He knew the secret service headquarters, and they belonged there.

But no one has been to their side for more than two years, and the secret service headquarters seems to have forgotten them.

However, military pay and equipment were not lacking for them.

"Do you have any ID?" the sentry asked cautiously.

Nan Yun threw his ID card over, and the sentry was stunned again after opening it, Japanese, Japanese?

The Japanese didn't dare to neglect them. The sentry immediately ran to report that he couldn't understand the words on the certificate.

Hearing that the Japanese from the Secret Service Headquarters were coming, Zhu Laoba did not dare to neglect him, but he was confused when he learned that it was a woman. As far as he knew, there was only one Japanese in the Secret Service Headquarters, and that was Kubo.

The rest are all Chinese. Is this Japanese a new subordinate of Kubo?

"May I ask you?"

When he came to the gate and saw Nan Yun's appearance, Zhu Laoba didn't dare to offend and asked carefully.

"Are you Zhu Laoba?"

Facing Zhu Laoba, Nanyun had a natural sense of superiority.

"I am, who are you?" Zhu Laoba asked again.

"The head of the Special High School Division, Noriko Nagumo, and Kubo, the special agent headquarters, have left with Kage Zuo and are now under the jurisdiction of the Special High School Division."

Nanyun replied calmly, Zhu Laoba was stunned, Kubo is gone?

He was not notified at all, but seeing that Nayun didn't look like he was lying, he hurriedly lowered his head and said, "I didn't know it was Section Chief Nayun who came in person. I missed my welcome from afar, so please atone for my sins."

"Go in and talk."

Nanyun didn't talk nonsense to him and walked in. Zhu Laoba hurriedly took her to his office.

After Zhu Laoba followed Chen Zhanli, he inquired about some situations.

He knew that the Special High School was a secret service agency just like the Secret Service Headquarters, but the Special High School was all Japanese, unlike the Secret Service Headquarters where all were Chinese.

Based on this calculation, the status of special higher education courses is higher.

Moreover, the section chief was indeed Noriko Nagumo. He knew but had never met Nagumo.

"Zhu Laoba, do you want more glory and wealth?"

Nan Yun sat in Boss Zhu's seat and asked straight to the point.

Boss Zhu was stunned and carefully replied: "I don't understand what you mean."

"I am the section chief of the Special High School. Now the Special High School is in charge of the Secret Service Headquarters. If you are willing to follow me and work for me, I can promote you to be the director of the Secret Service Headquarters. You will no longer have to live in this small place in the prosperous Shanghai. You can do a lot of things, you have a lot of power, and no one dares to mess with you.”

Nanyun understood that if he wanted Zhu Laoba to get on his ship, he must give him enough attraction.

Dianhu is a poor place with few people and poor people. There is not much money to be made. Zhu Laoba's ability to support more than 500 people is his limit.

"Chief Nanyun, as far as I know, the director of the special agent headquarters is Li Zhiqun and the deputy director is Mr. Chen. Why don't you go to them directly?"

Zhu Laoba is not a fool.

Chen Zhengting deceived him at first, but in the end, he gave it to Chen Zhanli, and it became his advanced greeting gift.

Before he understands the situation, Zhu Laoba will not agree to anyone at will.

"Li Zhiqun was mine before, but he betrayed me. Chen Zhanli is a villain and has no ability. He is Kubo's confidant. I will not use him. If you follow me, all their people will be handed over to you in the future. Come manage and be your strength.”

Nanyun said quickly, and Boss Zhu's heart suddenly moved. Instead of just giving him an empty director, he also gave him a person?

Is there such a good thing?

Boss Zhu won't believe it easily. He doesn't even know whether Nan Yun's identity is true or false. If he agrees, Nan Yun is pretending to be a fake. He won't lose his life?

"Chief Nanyun, why are you looking for me?" Zhu Laoba continued to ask.

"Because you are from the secret service headquarters, and because they are unreliable, I decided to put you in the position. If you don't believe it, you can go back with me, and you will believe it after you go back."

Nanyun saw that he didn't trust him very much, so he simply let go.

First, deceive Zhu Laoba, and as long as he follows you back, you will immediately give him the title of director.

When the time comes, he will be his own, Chen Zhanli will regard him as a traitor, and Jiang Tengkong will not trust him.

If he wants to live, he can only follow his own path to the end.

Then give him some benefits. There are so many people in Shanghai and let him catch more. After tasting the sweetness, he will not give up.

"Okay, I'll go back with you and take a look."

Zhu Laoba agreed immediately that he had this intention and he would be able to confirm Nan Yun's identity after returning.

If it's really as good as she says, what's the harm in following her?

Wealth is sought in danger. Boss Zhu understands that since she came to him, there must be other reasons, but he doesn't care. Anyway, if he can't keep her in Shanghai, he can return to Dianhu and continue to be his local bully.

You won't lose any money, you can do this job.

Zhu Laoba has his own cleverness, and Chen Siting has suffered losses at his hands.


Nan Yun got up. Zhu Laoba didn't bring many people, but brought more than a hundred people, and followed Nan Yun to Shanghai.

Nan Yun did not take him directly to the secret service headquarters, but took him to the extra-high school course.

When they arrived at the Super High School, Nagumo's identity was indeed confirmed. This was the Japanese intelligence department, and everyone in the Super High School bowed respectfully when they saw Nagumo.

No matter how much he was ignored, Nayun was the section chief after all, and he would still be treated with the courtesy he should have.

"Zhu Laoba, you will know that you have made the right choice in the future. As soon as you came here, I couldn't promote you to be the director immediately. However, I will first set up an Intelligence Division Three and you will be the director. What do you think? ?”

"Thank you very much, Section Chief Nayun. I will definitely do my job as Section Chief first."

Zhu Laoba was overjoyed. He understood that he could not directly become the director, but it would be good to become the director.

Chen Zhanli was the director of the department before and lived a very happy life.

Moreover, he knew that the level of the director of the Secret Service Headquarters was not low, and above him were the chief and deputy directors. Since Nagyun controlled the Secret Service Headquarters, with her support, it would not be easy to become the director in the future.

It was posted, it was really posted.

Unexpectedly, the ancestral graves of Zhu Laoba's family also smoked, and he became the director of the secret service headquarters, and he would also be regarded as the number one figure in the new government in the future.

With a guarantee of 10,000 words, push a book, let the evidence speak, and let the scene speak out.

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