Spy Shadow

Chapter 782 A lot of gold bricks

Chapter 782 A lot of gold bricks

As time enters August, the weather in Shanghai is getting hotter.

The disaster in the Central Plains continued, and no one knew how many people had starved to death. Chu Lingyun knew that many people must have died. The food he prepared was not enough, but at least he saved hundreds of thousands of people.

"Junior brother, the matter is settled."

Abe called, and you could tell from his voice that he was very happy. This time he was helping Shimakura and Okada operate, so that they could be successfully promoted to chief of staff of the division.

The next step is for their military ranks to be promoted, and then they will take over as division commanders.

The division Shimakura went to was the best, the Category A division. His duties were more difficult to operate and more expensive.

"Thank you, senior brother."

Chu Lingyun replied with a smile. After Shimakura and Okada became division leaders, he still had two division leaders left.

In the past two years, they must be put into operation as soon as possible, and we will see if they can create some obstacles for the Japanese army in the future.

"No need to be polite, keep asking me if you need anything in the future."

Abe hung up the phone with satisfaction. He was at home, not in the liaison department.

After hanging up the phone, Abe went to the basement, carefully took out the key, and opened a thick iron door.

There is an iron door inside, and it has a password. Once the password is entered incorrectly three times, the iron door will be locked and cannot be opened again. Abe carefully turned the combination lock and successfully opened the iron door.

Inside is a small warehouse with cabinets.

There are neat gold bricks placed on the cabinet.

Abe likes money, but doesn't like antique calligraphy and paintings. All the money he earns is cast into gold bricks, and he has already filled half of this small warehouse.

Under the light, these gold bricks are particularly dazzling.

What Abe likes most is looking at his gold bricks. Only the treasures in front of him can make him feel at ease and give him the greatest sense of satisfaction.

It's not all the money Chu Lingyun gave him. After coming to China, Abe has been helping people run operations. He doesn't mind the lack of money and the kind of money given to him for any position.

Let the retainers do the small things, but he will do the big things himself.

After coming to China for so long, he finally saved a considerable fortune.

The gold bricks are not gold bars, and the gold bricks he casts are large gold bricks, each weighing a full twenty-five kilograms.

One such gold brick is equivalent to dozens of gold bars, and he has hundreds of such gold bricks.

Abe has indeed made a lot of money over the years.

Especially Chu Lingyun contributed a lot to him.

Ishihara Trading Company smuggled so many things and monopolized the grain business. Most of the money they earned went here and turned into gold bricks.

Some small banks do not have as much gold reserves as Abed.

"When it's full, it will be shipped back to China."

Abe nodded with satisfaction. He did not send the money he earned to the country. He was reluctant to do so. He could see it every day when he wanted to.

It was his greatest pleasure to come and see these riches when he had nothing to do.

At the Shanghai pier, Yuan Shouwang got off the ship. The entourage around him was very careful.

There were a total of five people including him in Shanghai this time. One of them was a confidant of his General Affairs Department, and the remaining three were good guys borrowed from the Operations Department and the Intelligence Department.

His former confidant took him to Changsha, but he led him astray, and those who made mistakes were basically dealt with by Chu Lingyun.

Boss Dai doesn't want waste, and anyone who doesn't meet Zhu Qing's requirements will be executed.

Even if there are survivors, they are still at Changsha Station. It is impossible for him to transfer people from Changsha Station.

He borrowed one from the Intelligence Department and two from the Operations Department to form his action team.

However, there were only three people with him at this time, and the other person was not with them. If they took the radio the other way, the radio could not be brought on board the ship, and it could be easily checked. They could not carry it with them.

"Go to the hotel first."

After safely disembarking from the ship, Yuan Shouwang took his men to the hotel and booked two rooms.

He didn't dare to go to a big hotel for fear of being too conspicuous and being stared at. The Japanese had his photo in their hands.

What he did in Changsha was indeed a failure. The Japanese knew exactly what the people in the entire station looked like. They would not be able to lurk in the future, and they had to be careful when going out into the field. They were mostly doing auxiliary work.

It can also be said that he harmed these men and lost their future.

It would have been better if he had been stricter or more careful at the beginning, instead of being the middle-of-the-road approach he thought he was.

He thought that he would be fine if he didn't make a mistake, but he used the golden mean wrongly. The foundation of the true golden mean is self-knowledge, but he didn't, and he made a huge mistake as a result.

The next day, Yuan Shouwang came to the newspaper office and published a missing person notice as requested by Secretary Qi.

Li Zhiqun quickly saw the signal in the newspaper. As expected, the military commanders had arrived. He calculated the time and found a good substitute. He found a substitute in advance. He was a small gangster and had been an actor before. He acted like anything.

The gangster had never seen him, so he took action himself, masked him and arrested the gangster, forced him to write a lot of curse words against the Japanese, then took photos of him and asked him to do what he asked.

If he does it well, the reward will be very high. If he doesn't do it well, he will definitely die.

Li Zhiqun understood that force alone would not suffice, so he gave the young gangster a hundred yuan, and stated that if he did a good job in the future, the reward would be very generous, and it would not be more than that.

After being pinched and given so much money, the gangster admitted it. No matter what, he didn't have to die now, and he could still live happily for a while.

As for the future, no matter what, he was already having a bad life and was often short of money. It would be nice to have a big boss who could always give him a lot of money.

Others couldn't get such a job even if they wanted it.

In troubled times, human life is the most worthless thing. In other places, a hundred dollars would be enough to kill him, and it might not even cost that much.

He is not an important person, he has no one to protect him, and his life is worthless.

The next afternoon, the gangster arrived at Dekang Tea House on time. According to the boss's request, he wanted to meet someone here and put forward his own conditions.

If the other party agrees to his conditions, he will agree with the other party on the next meeting time and report back.

If he refuses, he will leave directly.

He had no idea who this mysterious boss was or what he looked like. Even his voice was hoarse, obviously preventing him from hearing what his real voice was.

The more mysterious the boss is, the more scared he is and he doesn't dare to be careless at all.

The boss knew everything about him and warned him that he could kill him even if he left Shanghai.

The most important thing is that his boss's accent sounds a bit stiff and does not sound like a Chinese. He suspects that his boss is Japanese.

He didn't know that Li Zhiqun did this deliberately to prevent him from guessing his true identity.

Yuan Shouwang came to the tea house yesterday to conduct personal investigation.

The terrain here is good, and there are many small roads around it, which is suitable for escape. He asked his confidants to connect him on his behalf, while he led others to connect him from a distance.

The gangster arrived at Dekang Tea House on time and immediately saw the person he needed to connect with.

According to the boss, the person who connected was wearing a black robe and had a black umbrella and package beside him.

There was only one person in the entire teahouse dressed like this.

"Friend, are you from Shanxi?"

The gangster stepped forward and said the secret code for the connection. Yuan Shouwang's confidant looked up at him and shook his head gently: "No, I'm from Shandong."

The codes are correct, but this sentence is not enough.

"What a coincidence, I am also from Shandong. Have you ever heard of Shandong Jiaoyuan?"

There is no place name like Jiaoyuan, this is a place specially made up for the sake of connection.

"Of course, my wife is the Jiaoyuan person."

After the gangster heard him finish the last code, he immediately whispered: "I want twenty gold bars. I can only let him help you secretly, and I can't take refuge directly. What do you think?"

"I need to report it."

Yuan Shouwang's confidant replied that the gangster understood that he did not refuse the report. Although he did not agree, the boss had explained this situation to him.

"You go and report it. I'll see you at Yuanshang Teahouse the day after tomorrow."

After saying that, the little gangster left. His mission for today was completed.

In the distance, Yuan Shouwang and his men kept staring at the door of the tea house. No one came and no one was taken away.

After a while they saw one of their own coming out.

"Boss Hao..."

"Go back and talk."

Yuan Shouwang interrupted him. Boss Hao was his pseudonym. He could not use his real name behind enemy lines. This was something Secretary Qi had specially instructed.

This time he came, Secretary Qi had many instructions for him, and all he had to do was follow Secretary Qi's instructions.

As for adapting to circumstances, that depends on him.

Back at the hotel, Yuan Shouwang called his subordinates into the room alone to report the details of the joint.

The four people he brought only knew that they had an important mission in Shanghai this time, but they did not know the details of the mission.

This was Boss Dai's arrangement, and none of them dared to complain.

It's not appropriate to let them know before things are done.

"Team leader, he asked for 20 gold bars, and said he could only help us secretly and not surrender directly. I didn't dare to agree and said I would report it. He asked me to go to Yuan Shang Tea House to give him a reply the day after tomorrow."

After the subordinate explained the situation, he looked at Yuan Shouwang.

Twenty gold bars was not a lot, much less than what Yuan Shouwang had expected. However, the fact that Li Zhiqun was secretly helping was not part of their plan.

Now that the radio station has not arrived, he must make his own decision.

At this time, he realized that his lack of ability was not a big problem, but he could not make up his mind whether to agree or refuse.

Or must Li Zhiqun surrender?

"You go back first, and I will give you an answer before we meet."

Yuan Shouwang ordered his subordinates, while he kept thinking about the extent of secretly helping, instead of openly surrendering. Will Boss Dai be angry when he finds out?

He replaced himself as Xu Yi, He Nian, even Secretary Qi, and even Chu Lingyun.

If it were them, would they agree?

Yuan Shouwang still couldn't make up his mind, but unfortunately there was no one to discuss it here. He had to make a decision before meeting the day after tomorrow.

At Shiyuan Trading Company, Alchemist Yi came to say goodbye to Chu Lingyun.

It's time to take out goods again. This batch of goods is quite large, 15% of which is for his hometown. There is also a batch of grain, which he has sent to his hometown through other channels.

The quantity is not large, and now that there is a food shortage everywhere, it is difficult for them to obtain a large amount of food.

Even whole grains are difficult.

"Be safe, see Okada, and ask him to come to Shanghai."

Chu Lingyun ordered that the matter with Shimakura Okada was done, and he became the chief of staff of the division to prepare for him to take over as the division commander.

Before promoting their military ranks, they need to come to Shanghai and have a good talk with them.

Shimakura and Okada have been performing very well, especially Okada, who has accumulated a lot of contributions.

In terms of contribution, Toshi Mizuki and Takemoto are slightly more than him, and even Shimakura is better than him.


Alchemist Yi responded, he understood that if Ishihara Hiroshi met Okada, Okada would definitely be transferred next, and Ishihara Hiroshi would not see him for no reason.

Hiroshi Ishihara is becoming more and more powerful now. He can summon so many senior Japanese officers at any time.

It is a pity that Ishihara Hiraki is a Japanese, and his control is only in Shanghai and the literary society, not all of Japan. Otherwise, this war can be stopped at any time.

In fact, Fang Shiyi knew very well that no matter how powerful Ishihara Hiroshi was, he could not stop the general trend and he could not stop this war.

If you really dare to do this, Ishihara Hiroshi will be shattered to pieces.

The war involves the interests of too many people. Japan is now full of people who support the war. From the emperor to ordinary people, they all want Japan to occupy more territory and live a good life in the future.

Hiroshi Ishihara has done a good job, at least helping a lot of people within his ability.

Yuanshang Tea House, Yuan Shouwang's confidant came here on time.

After two days of thinking, Yuan Shouwang finally decided to agree first and report immediately when the radio station arrived. Boss Dai did not let him find Chu Lingyun or Wang Yuemin. He could not contact the war situation team or Shanghai District here.

If Boss Dai is angry, he is making amends.

Twenty gold bars was nothing. Boss Dai approved a lot of money for him, so he brought fifty gold bars and a lot of US dollars.

Instigating rebellion against Li Zhiqun will definitely require money, and it will not be possible without sufficient money.

Li Zhiqun is a very greedy person.

"Team leader, it's done, he took the money."

His confidant returned soon, and Yuan Shouwang felt slightly relieved. He didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse, but he had already made a decision.

Everything will be discussed later.

On the other side, the gangster returned to his residence with gold bars and his heartbeat quickened.

He didn't expect that his boss would give him twenty gold bars if he asked casually. After receiving the gold bars, he thought about running away with the money. With so much money, how could he not live a free and easy life?

But when he thought of his boss's mystery, he hesitated again.

The boss seemed to know everything about him, but he knew nothing about the boss. He was afraid that he would run away with the money and be caught by the boss before he left the city.

By then he won't be able to get a dime, and he will be tortured to death.

The boss had threatened him like this before, and when he first caught him, those torture methods were something he would never forget.

He didn't dare to run and returned home honestly.

"came back."

As soon as he entered the house, Li Zhiqun walked out of his bedroom with his face covered. He was right not to run away. Li Zhiqun did not trust him and had been watching him secretly.

He knew that the little gangster came back with something, but luckily, the little gangster didn't run away with the thing.

If he really ran away, he would definitely not be able to leave the city, and he would soon turn into a corpse.


The little gangster was startled. He thought of something and hurriedly handed over the box in his hand: "He agreed, this is for you."

Li Zhiqun took the box, opened it and looked at the gold bars inside.

"This is yours. It's well done. I'll let you know if there are any tasks."

Li Zhiqun gave him two gold bars and took the rest away. He and the military commander established contact. He took refuge without knowing it and helped secretly. The two parties had a cooperative relationship.

This was his retreat, and the military commander didn't know that he was the one who came forward in person.

Who can't do it both ways? It's not like no one does this kind of thing.

Several people were caught by him.

While taking refuge with the Japanese, he helped the Fruit Party again and again.

No matter who wins in the end, there is a way to survive.

Li Zhiqun doesn't think what he did is wrong, as long as he doesn't get caught with evidence.

"thank you boss."

The little gangster was overjoyed. He didn't expect the boss to be so generous and gave him two gold bars.

This is a big gold bar worth twelve ounces. Two bars are worth twenty ounces of gold. He is very popular and drinks spicy food every day. He can't use it up in a year. He can also go to the brothel to get a beautiful girl and serve him well.

He had never had so much money in his hands.

Fortunately, he didn't run away, otherwise no matter how much money he got, he wouldn't have the life to spend it. It's good now, at least the boss didn't treat him badly.

"The money has been received, I will ask him to do it well, and I will report to you if anything happens."

After Li Zhiqun sent the telegram, he turned off the radio station.

With this telegram, it can be proved that he has contact with the military commander. In the future, he will also be a member of the military commander, and no one knows.

Li Zhiqun was indeed very careful not to let anyone get the handle on him.

Time passed slowly. In mid-August, when Lin Guanqiang was out, he was shot to death by Liang Yu and his men.

The operation was very successful. Lin Guanqiang lived for a while longer, but he still could not escape the sanctions of the military commander.

"Director, Lin Guanqiang is dead and his body has just been brought back."

Zhan Haiyun came to Li Zhiqun's office excitedly. Lin Guanqiang was the person who taught them the special high school course. The director used Lin Guanqiang to arrange a good plan, but the military commander was not fooled.

They were really able to keep their composure until they found the opportunity to kill Lin Guanqiang.

If Lin Guanqiang dies, Chen Xiaoer will definitely be unlucky.

"I know, let's do it."

Li Zhiqun said lightly. Zhan Haiyun was stunned. He thought the director would be very happy, but he didn't expect the director's reaction to be so dull.


Zhan Haiyun returned disappointed. Li Zhiqun would have been happy before, but what's the use of being happy now?

Except for Zhan Haiyun and a few hardcore men, the rest of his men treated him at a distance, fearing that they would be suspected by him and then killed.

Some people even secretly interact with Chen Xiaoer's people.

He knows this, but he has no way to deal with it. If he kills people, his subordinates may not be dissatisfied, but will turn his army against him.

Zhou Zhiwang's incident made him too passive. Now his authority has been reduced, and he is just an empty shell of a director.

Fortunately, he got in touch with the military commander, so there was no way out.

In the extra-high school class, Chen Zhanli walked in shirtless and carrying a bundle of thorns.

Lin Guanqiang must die. Chen Zhanli had known for a long time that this operation was an opportunity he created for the Shanghai District, allowing the military commanders to successfully kill this traitor.

If Lin Guanqiang dies, no matter what the reason, the responsibility lies with him.

He needs to give an explanation to the Japanese, and the ancient way of asking for forgiveness is a good one.

"Chen Zhanli came carrying thorns on his back?"

Jiang Tengkong's eyes almost popped out of his head when he heard Jiang Qihe came to report.

"Yes, Lin Guanqiang was killed by the military commander. He thought the responsibility lay with him. In fact, it was Lu Muzhong who made a mistake when he took Lin Guanqiang out to perform the mission, and the military commander took the opportunity. However, he was willing to take responsibility for his men."

Jiang Qihe nodded. Chen Zhanli did a good job in this. He admitted when he was wrong and never shied away from it.

Not to mention his subordinates, even he likes him a little now.

"Let him in."

Jiang Tengkong ordered, and soon Chen Zhanli entered Jiang Tengkong's office carrying a bundle of thorns.

These are really thorny, and a lot of blood has flowed from Chen Zhanli's back.

Xiao Lu's eyes were red and he was waiting outside the special high school class.

This time it was his fault, but the director helped him bear it and took the initiative to apologize. Following such a leader, death is worth it.

He is not the only one who thinks this way, many of Chen Zhanli's subordinates also think so.

"Take it down, what a shame."

Seeing Chen Zhanli's miserable state, Jiang Tengkong's face turned grim. Jiang Qihe immediately stepped forward and helped Chen Zhanli loosen the thorn strips on his back.

"Sir Jiang Teng, my subordinate has failed to live up to your expectations. Lin Guanqiang was killed by the military commander. It was my fault. I will let you punish me."

Chen Zhanli lowered his head and said miserably.

Jiang Tengkong felt a little touched. Lu Baoyun was more important than Lin Guanqiang. He was killed as soon as he arrived at No. 76. What did Li Zhiqun do?

Looking at Chen Zhanli again, no matter what his purpose is, he has a very upright attitude and sincerely admits his mistakes.

Jiang Tengkong knew very well that Lin Guanqiang would die and Chen Zhanli could not protect him. This was not his fault.

"I already know that you are indeed at fault. In this way, I will fine you half a year's salary, make up for your mistakes, and find the military commander as soon as possible."

Jiang Tengkong said slowly that he did not punish Li Zhiqun, so naturally he would not severely punish Chen Zhanli.

Chen Zhanli is indeed a better person than Li Zhiqun. Fortunately, no one is perfect. Chen Zhanli is not very capable. If he was more capable than Li Zhiqun, he would probably have been the director long ago instead of the deputy director now.

If that was the case, he would get rid of Chen Zhanli as soon as possible to avoid threatening the military commander.

"Thank you, sir."

Chen Zhanli bowed deeply. He was just showing off, but the price was high. His back was now burning with pain.

I'll take some medicine soon.

"Go back and work hard."

Jiang Tengkong did not pursue the blame any further. Jiang Qihe took Chen Zhanli out and returned to No. 76 together.

"Director, the section chief didn't blame you, did he?"

Back in the office, Xiao Lu brought the medicine box and personally applied medicine to Chen Zhanli. The director had to bear the blame for him and he had to do it.

"Don't worry, no."

Chen Zhanli lay on the sofa, grinning in pain. He did this to compare Li Zhiqun to others and leave a better impression on more people.

Now that Li Zhiqun's subordinates are disengaged, this is his good opportunity. Once he takes Li Zhiqun out of his position, No. 76 will be completely decided by him.

However, Li Zhiqun's situation is different from Nanyun's. Nanyun's teacher is not in Shanghai and cannot see her situation.

Jiang Tengkong is beside them, and there is also Jiang Qihe inside No. 76. If he doesn't perform well, it will be difficult to really isolate Li Zhiqun.

"Director, it's my fault that I let you suffer on my behalf."

After Xiao Lu helped apply the medicine, he suddenly slapped himself in the face, and tears fell down.

"Why is a grown man crying? How is it appropriate for him to cry?"

Chen Zhanli yelled and scolded, but what he was thinking in his heart was that when Li Zhiqun was finished, he would find an opportunity to kill Xiao Lu so that no one would suspect him.

After all, he was really nice to Xiao Lu, and everyone saw it.

"Director, I won't cry."

Xiao Lu didn't know what Chen Zhanli was thinking. He didn't cry as he said it, but his tears couldn't stop flowing down.

Li Zhiqun knew what Chen Zhanli had done.

He was not the last one to know, but he was almost the same. None of his subordinates reported it. If Zhan Haiyun hadn't discovered something was wrong and asked about the situation, he might not have known what Chen Zhanli had done.

"I understand, please get out."

Li Zhiqun said lightly, Zhan Haiyun frowned, said nothing, and exited the office.

He could feel that the director's fighting spirit had dropped a lot. Zhou Zhiwang's incident had dealt a big blow to the director. In addition, the people under his command were alienated. The director seemed not to be so concerned about various things now.

If the director does not argue, Chen Xiaoer will not do nothing.

If this continues, their director will be defeated by Chen Xiaoer sooner or later. As the director's core, will he end well by then?

Zhan Haiyun was very worried. He had to prepare for himself and could not hang himself from a tree like Li Zhiqun.

But he didn't know how to prepare, so he took refuge with Chen Xiaoer? Let's not talk about whether Chen Xiaoer wants him or not. Even if he wants him, given his status, it would be very embarrassing for him to defect to him.

It is impossible for Chen Xiaoer to regard him as a confidant who surrendered to the past.

I'm afraid it will be over sooner or later.

It was even worse to seek refuge with the Japanese. Neither Jiang Qihe nor Jiang Tengkong would accept his surrender.

Now, unlike the director who had taken refuge with Jiang Tengkong before, the Special High School had completed control of No. 76 and did not need a director like him.

After thinking about it, Zhan Haiyun found that he had no good way out at all.

In the war situation team, Ni Loach knew what Chen Zhanli had done.

It wasn't Chen Zhanli's own words, but Jiang Tengkong's report.

Chen Zhanli would win people's hearts. Jiang Tengkong became a little wary of him and reported it to the Chinese so that the Chinese could pay more attention to this person. Although Chen Zhanli had no ability, he had luck.

Don't let him catch you and cause losses.

Rose didn't know that Chen Zhanli was one of her own, so it was normal to have such worries.

"Li Zhiqun is finished."

After listening to Ni Loach's report, Chu Lingyun said with a smile that people are most afraid of comparison. If Chen Zhanli does this, people in No. 76 will be even more disappointed with Li Zhiqun.

One was able to stab his men, but the other was secretly executed when he was suspicious.

Who is not afraid of death?

Number 76 is mostly a surrender. Would they surrender if they were not afraid of death?

What's more, they themselves are traitors, and there is no need to talk about any backbone on them.

If you follow the wrong person, you will die, but if you follow the right person, the commander can help him handle the matter. Then many people from Li Zhiqun will join Chen Zhanli overtly or covertly, and the threat of No. 76 will be completely lost.

"Yes, without the wings, it will be easier to kill him next."

Loach smiled. Once Li Zhiqun is finished, they can be said to have achieved a complete victory in Shanghai, and Shanghai will no longer threaten their existence.

"How's the investigation by those traitors going?"

Chu Lingyun asked. The headquarters sent another batch of lists that needed sanctions. This time there were quite a few, more than thirty.

The war situation group has been divided into ten, and the rest are all from the Shanghai area.

Now that there is no threat to Li Zhiqun, the war situation team does not need to help the Shanghai District with sanctions, but they need to provide preliminary investigations and intelligence.

The War Situation Group is responsible for intelligence, while the Shanghai District is mainly responsible for operations.

"We are investigating, and we will find out everything soon."

Not long after the order from the headquarters arrived, Loach had done some investigations before, and now it was to determine and investigate their recent whereabouts.

After the concession was controlled by the Japanese, many traitors showed up again.

A group of people were sanctioned some time ago, but not long ago, now there are people who are not afraid of death.

Regardless of whether they jumped out on their own or were forced by the Japanese, as long as they dance happily, they will definitely be punished.

"After checking it out, send it directly to Shanghai District. If you have anything to do in the past few days, use the radio to contact us urgently. I will be back."

Chu Lingyun nodded. When he said this, Niyi understood that the team leader was going to Shiyuan Trading Company and would not be coming for a few days.

But this time he didn't guess correctly. Chu Lingyun was going to a literary club.

Except for Okada, the latest group of people are coming back, all generals, and he needs to talk to them one by one to understand their situation.

August 9th, a good day, the Japanese are very happy.

After the defeat at the Battle of Midway, the Americans pursued their victory and landed on Guadalcanal the day before yesterday. The Battle of Guadalcanal between the United States and Japan officially began.

Just today, the Japanese Navy achieved a great victory.

After the victory, Japan couldn't wait to promote it.

In the waters of the Solomon Islands, the Japanese sank four American heavy cruisers and damaged one at the cost of sinking one and damaging one.

In terms of results alone, it was indeed a great victory.

There was great joy in Japan. Chu Lingyun was at the literary club and he received the news immediately.

The Japanese were happy too early. They had no idea how great the war potential of the United States was. The loss of the four heavy cruisers was indeed not small. If Japan had suffered such a heavy loss, it would probably make the world cry.

But for Americans, it was just a minor injury, not even a bone.

It won't be long before they know how terrifying America's industrial capabilities are.

In the literary club, Okada sat respectfully opposite Chu Lingyun.

"Ishihara-kun, don't worry. If you have any assignments in the future, just give me your orders."

Okada got his wish and became the chief of staff of the division. He will not sit in this position for long. Once his military rank is promoted, he will take over as the division commander.

He joined the literary society relatively late, in 1938, but has only been there for more than four years.

In such a short period of time, his level has risen as fast as a train.

At first, he was just the chief of staff of the regiment. After joining the literary society, he was promoted to colonel and became the regiment captain. He was promoted to the brigade commander more than a year ago.

Now he is also called the chief of staff of the division. In the next six months at the latest, he will become the division commander.

Being with the right person is indeed the most important thing. In the past, how could he dare to think about it?

He not only respects Ishihara Hiroshi from the bottom of his heart, but also fears him.

Even if he becomes the division commander, he still knows that Ishihara Hiroshi can still influence his destiny.

If you can lift him up, you can bring him down.

Hiroshi Ishihara has this ability.

"Did you hear about the navy?"

Chu Lingyun asked suddenly. Okada was slightly startled and shook his head hastily: "Not yet, what happened to the navy?"

"It's okay. They won again, so you have to work hard."

Chu Lingyun didn't say much. The literary club belonged to the Army and was naturally at odds with the Navy. Okada didn't know about it, so forget it.

"Don't worry, I will definitely work hard."

Okada nodded heavily. He heard the tone of Ishihara Hiroshi's words. Ishihara Hiroshi was not interested in the navy.

Ishihara Hiroshi is not a soldier, but the literary society is all composed of the Army. The Army naturally does not like the Navy. Since the war with the United States, those red deer in the Navy have taken away too many of their resources. There are even many Army soldiers who hope that they will fail.

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