Spy Shadow

Chapter 783: Robbery

Chu Lingyun chatted with Okada for a while and gave him an idea to help him accumulate contribution points as soon as possible.

In order to convince the public, Chu Lingyun could not directly add a large amount of contribution points to Okada, but it could help him obtain contribution points more easily.

Shiyuan Trading Company needs food, and the food in Shanghai is controlled by them, but not elsewhere.

Chu Lingyun asked him to help Shiyuan Trading Company purchase an additional batch of grain.

If we don’t rob it from the common people, how much food can we have in our hands if the common people can’t eat it themselves?

Most of the grain was in the hands of wealthy gentry or grain merchants.

Okada went to help Ishihara Trading Company raise food. Every stone of food would give him one contribution point, which would allow him to earn contribution points for promotion to military rank and division commander as soon as possible.

Okada understood and was even more grateful to Ishihara Hiroshi.

Whether it is a wealthy gentry or a grain merchant, he has a way to get grain from the other party.

This time, he had Hiroshi Ishihara's support behind him, so he didn't have any worries.

Okada's division is based in Hubei, which is a land of food and rice.

"Ishihara-kun, I will return to the station today."

With a way to quickly increase his contribution, Okada is not willing to delay for a day. He has a lot of food there. If it is not enough, he will go to other places to raise food.

He was the chief of staff of the division, and had been a regimental commander and brigade commander before. Whether he was from the old department or had a lot of friends, and Tian Junliu was backing him up, anyone who dared not give him the food he wanted would be waiting for his house to be confiscated.

If it was a Chinese, Okada would grab it directly.

If it is a Japanese property, then it will be framed. There are people from literary societies everywhere who will fully cooperate with him.

The same goes for Shimakura. After meeting Chu Lingyun, he immediately understood what to do.

If they want contribution, they have to start with grain merchants.

Everyone knows that Ishihara Trading Company is short of food. After the two of them start, I believe that other people in the literary club will rush to help.

Chu Lingyun has a lot of granaries, not to mention that the famine has not eased now. If he can put out more food, he can make more money.

What wouldn't a capitalist dare to do for the sake of profit?

Shiyuan Trading Company was lending money at high interest rates and would make more money in the future. This time, Chu Lingyun used the literary agency to operate on food from various places.

Whether it is the Japanese or the Chinese, they must hand over their food.

Doing this will have a certain impact on his reputation, but Chu Lingyun doesn't care about this at all. Japan will be finished in three years. What's the point of having a good reputation?

He didn't care at all about bad reputation as long as he could save people.

Okada's station is at EZ.

It’s not far from Wuhan, so grain merchants don’t have much grain in their hands.

After returning to the station, Okada invited all the grain merchants and large households in the station, and the chief of staff of the division invited them. These people did not dare not to comply.

Okada booked the largest restaurant, and more than a hundred guests came.

"Thank you for your honor."

Okada raised his glass with a smile. He was at the main table, and the table was full of prominent local figures.

"General Okada, you are too kind."

The mayor of the puppet government hurriedly stood up. Now the Japanese are in charge. Okada is the chief of staff of the division and an absolute big shot in the city.

He had heard that Okada's backstage was very tough. He had been promoted in recent years, and even the division commander had to give him three points.

Such a powerful big shot usually has no time to curry favor, so how can he dare to offend him.

Okada finished his glass of wine, and everyone drank it in a hurry.

"Thank you very much for looking up to me, Okada. In this case, I will make it clear that Ishihara Trading Company is short of food recently, and the affairs of Ishihara Trading Company are my business. I hope that all friends who have food can support me, and I will give it to everyone. A fair price.”

After Okada finished speaking with a smile, everyone around him was shocked.

Sure enough, there was no good feast. Okada came to them to eat because he wanted the food in their hands.

Nowadays, the price of food is so high, and everyone is looking forward to making a lot of money with the food in their hands. Who is willing to give up the money he wants to make to others?

Okada said it was a fair price, is that possible?

It's really a fair price, just buy it yourself, why bring them together.

"General Okada has something to do with me, EZ. Everyone, this is your good opportunity, you must seize it."

The pseudo-mayor smiled and dealt with it, but he had no food, and Okada's need for food had nothing to do with him, so he could just use it to curry favor with Okada.

"Thank you, Mayor Wang. What do you think?"

Okada looked at the people around him. They didn't know that this place was surrounded by Japanese soldiers, and they had to take out the food today.

This is related to his future, and Okada is very attentive.

Ishihara Toru said that his contribution was not enough to promote him to division commander. Contribution was the foundation of the literary society, and Ishihara Toru would not take the lead in destroying it.

If it's really not enough, just wait until next time.

How could Okada wait? Who knows when he will have such an opportunity next time?

Those who dare not give him food are those who hinder his future and are his enemies. Okada will not show any mercy to those who hinder his promotion.

"General Okada, how much food do you want?"

The largest grain merchant in the city asked carefully, and everyone else looked at Okada eagerly.

If you don't want much, just give him some and it will save you money and eliminate disaster.

"I want it all."

Okada narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, each stone of grain represents contribution, and naturally the more contribution, the better.

Even if his contribution is enough for him to be promoted to division commander, he will continue to strive for it.

After becoming the division commander, you no longer want to make progress?

Where is the army commander?

There are also important domestic positions and important positions in the dispatched army. Which one does he not want?

With enough contribution, he would have a chance to be promoted. Without it, he would not be promoted.

He had too few personal connections and relied entirely on Hiroshi Ishihara.

Hiroshi Ishihara does have that energy, so he wants all the food available, leaving only enough food to ensure the people of EZ City.

"General Okada, you ask for too much. Our food is related to the lives of the people in the city, so we can't give it all to you. Do you think this will work? I will give you three hundred dan to help you alleviate your urgent need."

Three hundred stones is indeed a lot, and he is indeed the largest grain merchant in the city. He can give him that much just by opening his mouth.

But he didn't say what kind of food he gave. If it was three hundred shi of rice, that was not a small amount.

"I just said, I want them all. Don't worry, I will keep the food rations for the people in the city, and I will not let the people in the city not have enough to eat."

Okada's smile disappeared and he said calmly, everyone, look at me and I look at you, and understand that Okada intends to take away all the excess food in their hands.

Absolutely not, it would be equivalent to cutting off their financial resources.

After finally saving up so much food, I took advantage of the rising food prices to make a fortune and give it to others. What would they do?

Even the Japanese cannot be unreasonable and give them some way to survive, right?

The grain merchants who had such an idea were too naive. They had forgotten how Shiyuan Trading Company dealt with grain merchants in Shanghai. Shiyuan Trading Company used commercial methods. It really left no way for the grain merchants to survive and beat them to death.

There were quite a few Shanghai grain merchants who jumped off buildings and rivers. Almost one-third of the grain merchants were forced to death by Ishihara Hiroshi, and most of the remaining grain merchants went bankrupt and are now in poverty.

The people around him said nothing, and the mayor once again stood up to smooth things over.

"Everyone helps General Okada this time. General Okada will definitely remember everyone's kindness."

Anyway, he doesn't need to pay, and the masters behind him are not these grain merchants. Okada is very likely to become the division commander in the future, that is, the person with the largest official position and the most power here.

Japan's control over various parts of China has always been based on military control.

"General Okada, what price can you give me?"

One person asked carefully. He was a wealthy gentleman and he also had a lot of grain in his hands, but not as much as these grain merchants.

If the price is right, it doesn't matter if he sells it to Okada.

"Thirty percent of the current market price."

Okada said calmly that when Ishihara Trading Company found grain merchants in Shanghai, they also collected grain at 30%. The grain merchants in Shanghai did not agree. Ishihara Hiroshi used commercial means to force these grain merchants to sell to him at a price of 0.5%. .

That time can be said to be a classic business war for Ishihara Trading Company.

Okada is not a businessman, he is a soldier.

He won't use Ishihara Hiroshi's method. He doesn't have that much money to compensate. If these people don't know how to praise, let alone 30%, they won't get a penny.

This time it was an open robbery, and Okada also wanted to take away their food.

Okada's words made the people around him feel cold.

The price of food continues to rise, and their food is not collected at the earliest. They cannot receive food at 30% price. At this price, many people have to lose money.

I wanted to make money, but ended up losing money. Who would want to do that?

But Okada is not an ordinary person. He is a thigh. He and others are not even considered arms, so they cannot fight against Okada.

"General Okada, I can sell you two thousand shi of grain for 30% of the price."

The big grain merchant who spoke at first gritted his teeth. He had previously given away three hundred shi for free, but now he was selling them two thousand shi. Okada was obviously going to take a bite out of them. If he didn't give it to him, he would definitely not be able to pass this level.

Losing money to eliminate disaster is just a little more.

"I'll give you a thousand dan."

"I'll pay you fifteen hundred dan."

"Twelve hundred stones."

After a while, these people took out tens of thousands of shi of food. Tens of thousands of shi was a lot, more than one million catties, but it was far from enough for Okada.

More than one million kilograms, and 100,000 people eat it. Each person only has about ten kilograms. How many days is enough?

Give him such a small amount of food to send to beggars?

He just said that he wanted everything. These people pretended not to hear. How could he let them get their wish?

"Everyone, let me say it one last time, everything."

Okada's smile disappeared, and there was even a little anger on his face. He would not be polite to these people.

This time it was about his future, and he had to decide on these grains.

"General Okada, we have given you a lot..."


As soon as they were separated, Okada suddenly shouted angrily, and groups of soldiers with guns came in instantly outside the restaurant.

These are Okada's confidants.

"I didn't know how to appreciate them, so I arrested them all and ransacked their granaries."

Okada snorted coldly, saying that he was being polite first and then fighting. He was giving these people face, not without giving them money. Since they were shameless, he would help Ishihara Hiroshi save the money.

All soldiers go up to arrest people.

These businessmen were anxious and afraid. Some of them begged for mercy and were willing to give them food. Unfortunately, it was too late. Okada did not give them any chance and turned around to leave.

Someone will definitely file a complaint, but Okada is not afraid.

The people invited today are all Chinese, and the Japanese have not moved there yet. It is useless for them to complain, not to mention that the commander-in-chief Tian Junliu is their honorary president.

This time he was acting under the orders of Hiroshi Ishihara, who could do anything to him?

All those who were caught were tortured.

No matter where their granaries are, tell them all. If they dare to hide anything, they will confiscate their homes and exterminate their clans.

For the sake of his own future, Okada became red-eyed.

If someone was tough-talking, he would kill his family in front of these profiteers, and eventually steal all the grain from these grain merchants.

Hundreds of thousands of stones worth of food.

This batch of food will soon be turned into his contribution points. Unfortunately, the contribution points required to be promoted to lieutenant general and division commander are huge numbers. Starting from five million, these are not enough.

He still has a big gap and needs to target more people.

He cannot take away all the food. He needs to leave enough for the people in the city, so that people cannot starve to death.

It's okay to copy these profiteers, but if people starve to death on a large scale, it will be a big deal.

Mr. Ishihara specifically told him not to have too great an impact on the people, let alone starve them to death.

Otherwise, these resentments will bring retribution to them.

Ishihara Hiroshi believes in the reincarnation of cause and effect. He only kills those who deserve to be killed, and often does good deeds to accumulate merit for himself.

There are many people like this in Japan, and Okada can understand.

"Haha, great."

Okada received a call back from Ishihara Hiroshi and clapped his hands happily and laughed.

This time he did not let Ishihara Trading Company spend money on the food, and Ishihara Hiroshi rewarded him again. He said before that one stone of food equals one point of contribution.

But since Ishihara Trading Company didn't have to spend any money, the blessings of the contribution were doubled.

This time alone brought Okada more than one million in contributions.

At the same time, it also gave him hope of promotion. As long as he got more food, the division commander would definitely be fine.


On the other side, Shimakura gave a cold order. There were also many grain merchants at his station.

However, he had a gentle attitude and asked someone to come to discuss the matter. The result was good. This family gave him a hundred shi, and that family gave him dozens of shi, which was not even as good as Okada's.

These grain merchants were too greedy. They would drink wine as a penalty if they refused to drink the toast. Since Okada had set an example for him, there was no need for him to show shame to these grain merchants.

Arrest people and ransack homes.

Shimakura's contribution is not as good as Okada's, and his gap is even greater. Becoming the division leader is his biggest dream, as it was before.

After being framed, he thought he would spend his life as a lieutenant until he met Ishihara Hiroshi.

That is his most noble person.

Not only did he clear his grievances, he was promoted all the way to brigade commander, and now he has become the chief of staff of the division, which is only one step away from his dream.

No one can stop him, and anyone who stops him will be destroyed.

Shimakura made a killing move. Not only Chinese grain merchants, but also Japanese grain merchants were arrested by him. He used the name of fighting for grain. Afterwards, he was even more cruel than Okada and burned down the prison.

All grain merchants were burned to death.

Externally, he claimed that it was an accident. For this reason, he executed the warden of the prison and personally called the Chief of General Staff Shoshi Kawabe to report.

Shimakura was so ruthless that he not only robbed people of their food, but also killed them all.

After hearing this, Okada couldn't help but give a thumbs up. He was still too conservative. He only ransacked homes but did not kill anyone, and he was targeting Chinese people.

Over at Shimakura, all the grain merchants, whether Japanese or Chinese, were killed.

None managed to escape.

And he used the name of a fire. There was a fire in the prison. Is that because the prison was derelict in its duties? It has nothing to do with him?

The prison warden was executed by him, which was actually a murder and silence.

Shimakura did a great job, and Shimakura was not paid for the grain he received, but Toru Ishihara calculated three times the contribution for Shimakura.

Okada was convinced and had no objections.

Because the vacant grain market in Shimakura was occupied by Toru Ishihara and his smuggling gang, it was equivalent to him opening up another way for Ishihara Trading Company to make money.

For such a large contribution, one should be given twice as much contribution.

Okada thought about the grain merchants who were imprisoned by him, and finally sighed. Shimakura did it first, and he can't continue to do it.

A fire is an acceptable excuse once, but if it happens more than once, it will just make someone look like a fool.

It was a mistake for him not to kill people in the first place. Keeping them here means that the food market in EZ is still in their hands.

This market cannot be given back to them.

Shimakura had his own way. Everyone's house was confiscated, not only food, but no money was left for them. The rest of the family was also arrested.

They were all sent to do the hardest and most tiring work.

Okada just wants to tire them out.

No one is allowed to be released without his permission. He is preparing to take over as the division commander. Sooner or later he will be in charge here, and no one dares to disobey his orders.

In this case, the grain market would also be vacated for Ishihara Trading Company.

Soon, Okada was supplemented with hundreds of thousands of contribution points. He helped Ishihara Trading Company obtain a grain market and received the same reward as Shimakura.

Wuhan, dock.


Okada walked over enthusiastically. He was closer to Wuhan. Shimakura came to Wuhan by boat and arrived one day later than him.

The place where they are stationed is considered a small place, and the place that can really allow them to earn more contribution points is Wuhan. In China, Wuhan is a ranked city. Apart from Shanghai, Nanjing and other places, it belongs to Wuhan.

The land of the thoroughfare of nine provinces is not just a talk.

Wuhan is an important town, and there is more food here. With a population of one million in Wuhan, plus the garrison, their daily consumption is astronomical.

Grain merchants here have more grain in their hands.

Similarly, the market in Wuhan is bigger. If they help Ishihara Trading Company win it, the contribution points they earn will be enough to upgrade their military rank this time, and they can make a lot more.

It was almost enough for them to be promoted to division commander.

To be promoted to military rank, they must make sufficient contributions, but to be promoted to division commander, they only need to make 30% of their contribution to be overdrafted. This is also a benefit given to them by the literary society.

Okada knew that he could not capture such a big market, so he sent a report to Shimakura and joined forces with him to capture the market and then share the contribution equally.

Shimakura also focused on Wuhan, and the two hit it off immediately and immediately brought people together to meet in Wuhan.

"Okada-kun, congratulations." Shimakura said with a smile.

"Rejoice together and rejoice together."

Okada was very happy, and the two got into the car. Shimakura immediately said: "I told Ishihara-kun about the plan. Ishihara-kun is very supportive of us and asked General Hebian to come to Wuhan in person to take charge. General Tian Jun will also give us support."

"Very good."

Okada was startled, and then shouted excitedly that Chief of General Staff Hebian came personally to help them suppress the battle, and with the support of General Tian Jun, Wuhan's grain merchants were finished this time.

No matter how deep their background is, no matter who the people behind them are, if they are smart and let the market out this time, they can still save their lives. If they want money rather than life, they will definitely die.

"In addition, members in Wuhan are helping us with the investigation. There are many people in the Grain Merchant Association in Wuhan. Their grain quantity and personnel status will be provided to us. If there is a need for them, they will give their full support."

Shimakura continued, he is a veteran and has many connections.

This time is another critical moment for the two of them to be promoted to division commander, and the people in the literary club are very willing to help.

Now they help Shimakura and Okada, and when they are in need in the future, Shimakura and Okada will also help them.

What's more, helping also has a degree of contribution, not as much as the two of them.

There are people above to support you, and it’s a good thing to achieve multiple goals with one stone. Who wouldn’t want to help?

"Okay, Shimakura-kun, thanks to you this time."

Okada kept nodding. Shimakura was worthy of being the elder of the literary club, someone who knew Toru Ishihara before the literary club was even established.

His connections are much stronger than mine.

I'm afraid I really can't do this in Wuhan just by myself.

Now that Shimakura has joined forces with him, he is actually equivalent to Toru Ishihara, Shunroku Tian and Shoshi Kawabe supporting their rise to power. Such a powerful force is unmatched by anyone.

Domestic Ishihara Hiroshi also has a strong relationship, and their two division leaders are basically stable.

As soon as Okada and Shimakura came together, many members of the Wuhan Grain Merchants Chamber of Commerce gathered for a meeting.

They can control the grain business in Wuhan, so they naturally have their own personal connections.

They had long heard that something happened to the grain merchants in the two places. The two chiefs of staff of the division were responsible. In fact, the main culprit was Ishihara Trading Company.

Shiyuan Trading Company has long dominated Shanghai's grain business.

And in Shanghai, Ishihara Trading Company is a super giant, the kind that says it all.

"President Liang, please give me an idea. I've heard that the Japanese are investigating us, and Ishihara Trading Company is about to take action on us."

A grain merchant said to the chairman sitting at the head of the table that these Japanese were very ruthless and wanted not only money but also lives.

It was okay that time in Shanghai. After all, Shiyuan Trading Company used grain prices to suppress the grain merchants and forced them to bow their heads. But these two times, they arrested people directly and then killed them.

It makes no sense at all.

"I know. I have asked someone to find Commander Tian Jun, but Commander Tian Jun heard that it was us and didn't even see the person I asked."

Chairman Liang sighed. There were many people behind him, including the Japanese, and even Wang Chuanhai of the puppet government, and he was able to speak.

But the one who wants to attack them is Ishihara Trading Company, not ordinary people.

He had known before that Shiyuan Trading Company was very powerful and dominated Shanghai, but he didn't know much about it. This time he asked someone to inquire about it, and the more he inquired, the more frightened he became.

Ishihara Trading Company is not only a trading company, he also controls a behemoth called Youzhai Literary Society.

The literary club is full of Japanese military officers, and Tian Junliu is the honorary president.

No wonder General Tian Jun didn't even see his face.

There are more than 200 members, including fifty or sixty generals, several division commanders, chief of staff Masashi Kawabe and Ishihara Hiroshi, the owner of Ishihara Trading Company, who are even better at wearing a pair of trousers.

He is a top big shot even in Japan, so what can they do to compete with him?

If we fight for it, it's just an egg against a rock, and we don't know our own capabilities.

"We must find a way to save ourselves. We cannot wait for the enemy to come over. Ishihara Trading Company cannot cover the sky with one hand. Since General Tian Jun won't help us, we will find big figures in Japan and Prime Minister Saijo."

One person said impassionedly, and President Liang looked at him with pity.

He knew so little about Hiroshi Ishihara that he really thought it would be useful to ask Saijo about this matter?

They are not big shots, they are just Chinese businessmen. They are nothing in the eyes of the Japanese. Not to mention that they can't find Saijo, even if they can find him, will they fall out with a powerful person like Ishihara Hiroshi because of them?

Chairman Liang is a smart man and has learned lessons from Shanghai. If Hiroshi Ishihara really wants his property, he will let it go.

In addition to food, he also has other businesses.

We can't risk our lives because of this.

Life is gone, but nothing is left.

The Grain Merchants Chamber of Commerce in Wuhan is similar to that in Shanghai. They have not discussed any useful strategies. They are all shouting slogans and looking for people in various ways without any thought of compromise.

There are also smart people, including President Liang.

Unfortunately, it was not Ishihara Hiroshi who attacked him this time, but Shimakura and Okada.

The two of them only focus on contribution. The contribution of free food is doubled, and the market share is tripled. In addition, Wuhan has so much food, the base is very large.

The entire grain reserve in Wuhan amounts to at least millions of dan.

This time they must earn enough contribution points and be promoted to division commander smoothly.

Shimakura and Okada acted in batches, first visiting members of the literary society in Wuhan, and then going to the headquarters. The 11th Army was stationed here, and Tian Junliu was not here now.

But the riverside was there, and they were very successful at the headquarters.

The Japanese bosses of some grain merchants have already spoken out and will immediately give up the grain business. All their grain will be handed over to Ishihara Trading Company. As for how much they are willing to give, it depends on their mood.

Before the rest of the grain merchants could object, groups of military police were dispatched to arrest them, including Chairman Liang.

The Wuhan Military Police received the order and fully cooperated.

Wuhan is not Takemoto's territory, but Takemoto knows the military police commander here after all.

Moreover, the Wuhan Military Police Headquarters has members of the literary society.

It is better to dispatch military police than to dispatch soldiers, and it is easier to deal with these people.

Shimakura and Okada personally interrogated and robbed all the granaries of these people. President Liang was beaten with bruises all over his body, but he was lucky that the master behind him did not abandon him.

After spending a lot of money, giving away all the grain, and promising not to get involved in the Wuhan grain business in the future, President Liang was released.

A life's savings have become someone else's wedding dress.

He finally understood the sorrow of the subjugated slaves.

No matter how rich you are, dogs will always be dogs. When the owner is using them, feed them more meat. Once abandoned, it is the greatest luck not to kill them for meat.

Despite being called a traitor, he ended up like this. President Liang regretted it very much.

If he had known that he had fled to Chongqing, he would not have ended up like this.

Shanghai, Shiyuan Trading Company.

"Boss, Wuhan has copied more than six million shi of grain. After excluding the grain that Wuhan needs, there is still more than half that can be used."

Alchemist Yi said excitedly, Ishihara Hiroshi still has a way.

There is no need to go out by yourself, now there are millions of stones of extra food. If only I had done this before, I could have saved a lot of people.

"The famine still exists in the Central Plains, and it is estimated that it will not get better until next year. Let's continue to distribute grain and save some people if we can."

Chu Lingyun sighed, this method is good, but it was really difficult for him to do it before.

First, there was no opportunity. There was no opportunity for Shimakura and Okada to be promoted.

Secondly, the grain merchants did not have that much grain in their hands at that time.

These were all obtained by treacherous grain merchants colluding with corrupt officials after this year's grain harvest and plundering from the hands of the people. They could do this kind of thing, but Chu Lingyun could not.

To rob the people here of their food, to rescue the people in disaster, and to let the people here starve to death is not to save people, but to commit a crime.

"Yes, I'll make arrangements right away."

Fang Shiyi nodded and left in a hurry. Grain distribution is still a loan shark, so he is not afraid of loan sharks. Anyway, the creditor is Ishihara Hiroshi and will not force these people.

Before leaving, Fang Shiyi went to the factory outside the city again.

This time I go out, I guess I will bring back a lot of children.

These children look much better now. Chu Lingyun gave them an extra meal during his last inspection. After that, Fang Shiyi got some 'spoiled' meat and fish and replenished them for a few days.

The meat is not delicious, it does have a bit of flavor, but it is not really bad. It is a deliberate taste. There are not only children in the factory, but also many other workers.

The most important thing for children is nutritional supplementation, not taste.

It's a pity that there are no eggs, and if there are, there is no way to feed them openly.

And their jobs, which are now only eight hours long.

The raw materials were insufficient and they were not allowed to work for such a long time. The children had sufficient rest time. Many of them grew taller and became much stronger than before.

The other thing is literacy. Most children cherish this opportunity, study very hard and make rapid progress.

A small number of people who didn't like to study still followed suit after being beaten.

They had no freedom and were sold to Ishihara Trading Company.

Unlike hired workers, Ishihara Hiroshi can do whatever he wants with them.

The children who were beaten were warned that if they could not learn enough words within the specified time, they would be sent to do hard work in the future.

drain them to the last drop of sweat.

The children are afraid of doing coolies. The factory is tiring, but compared to those coolies, this place is paradise.

Now all children have reached the expected level and can recognize at least 100 common words.

Except for those under six years old, especially those who are very young have not yet started learning.

Fang Shiyi saw the changes in the children and was very happy and felt a sense of accomplishment.

During this time, another wave of people came to the factory to cause trouble, and they were even more hateful.

They besieged the factory just to make a name for themselves, not because they really wanted to save these children.

Instead of breaking into the factory, they actually tried to set fire to escape.

Ishihara Hiroshi became angry and launched a heavy attack. The group was all killed.

Now everyone knows that the factory is heavily guarded and no one dares to cause trouble.

After half a year, when the children take shape, the factory will be moved into the city. It will be opened outside so that no one can see their initial skinny appearance.

Without comparison, they don't know what the children were like at first, so no one will think much about it.

The factory's defense is very strong. No one is allowed to enter or exit without Fang Shiyi's warrant. There are Japanese soldiers from the security headquarters guarding the outside of the factory. It can be said that the defense here is stricter than that of a prison.

Thank you to the leader Pipitu for another 1,000 starting coin reward.

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