Spy Shadow

Chapter 784 Asuka’s promotion

Chongqing, Military Command Headquarters.

Secretary Qi came to the office with the message, and Boss Dai was checking the accounts.

During this period, he got a lot of smuggled goods and sold them for a lot of money. Some of his men had other ideas. Some people deliberately reported damage, saying that the goods were damaged. For example, the red wine was smashed. A bottle of red wine costs dozens of dollars. The better ones cost even hundreds of yuan, and the profit is too high.

Money and silk are so attractive that some people can't help but have evil thoughts.

They bought red wine bottles, replaced the labels, filled them with red liquid, and deliberately broke them to say they were smashed, so that the red wine would fall into their pockets.

In addition to reporting losses, there are also phenomena such as deliberately exchanging defective goods for good ones, and giving sellers a hard time.

Their little cleverness could not be hidden from Boss Dai. Under strict investigation, Boss Dai killed a group of people. They vomited everything they took into their mouths and lost their lives in addition.

Nowadays, there are many fewer people who dare to interfere with Boss Dai. However, as a precaution, Boss Dai often checks the accounts in person to avoid being deceived by his subordinates.

This is not public property, it is his private property. If you dare to reach out here and find everyone dead, you will not tolerate it.

"Boss, there is a report from Shark that Li Zhiqun recently gave up the investigation of military commanders."

Secretary Qi whispered. Boss Dai raised his head and snorted coldly: "How can he give up? He can't be investigated."

"You are right. Li Zhiqun is a down-and-out rooster now. Even if he wants to investigate, his subordinates will not do it seriously to avoid being killed by him in an accident."

Secretary Qi smiled and nodded, and Boss Dai asked, "Do you think the shark is Li Zhiqun himself?"

Shark is the code name of the gangster. After the last contact was established, Yuan Shouwang stayed in Shanghai and became his special liaison.

If Li Zhiqun performs meritorious service, he will distribute the reward.

He would also notify Li Zhiqun when necessary.

However, there are not many places where they can use Li Zhiqun. There are birds in No. 76, and Rose and Catfish in the extra-high class. Li Zhiqun is attacked from both inside and outside, and he can't do anything at all.

"It's possible that he found a substitute to show up and hide himself. He wanted to hedge his bets."

Secretary Qi lowered his head and replied that Li Zhiqun's cleverness failed to deceive Boss Dai.

Boss Dai had suspected before that a selfish person like Li Zhiqun would not be controlled by others casually, let alone manipulated by others.

It is entirely possible that he deliberately found someone to push him ahead and controlled the situation himself from behind the scenes.

"He is the best, I will deal with him later."

Boss Dai said coldly that Li Zhiqun thought that by joining him he would get a chance to survive. It was a dream.

Boss Dai looks down on people like Li Zhiqun the most.

The puppet government is not without their people, but they have been working in the puppet party from the beginning. Li Zhiqun has done all kinds of bad things. Now he wants to join the puppet government. How can Boss Dai let him do so?

Now is the time to use him and kill him without mercy.

"His little cleverness cannot escape your sharp eyes."

Secretary Qi took the opportunity to flatter Boss Dai. His flattery made Boss Dai feel very comfortable and he laughed happily.

"This time Ling Yun gives Feiniao a promotion report, and I will tell the committee that Feiniao has done a good job. If Li Zhiqun is brought down in the future, Feiniao will be of great use."

Boss Dai ordered, just like that, Chen Zhanli's military rank will be promoted to major soon.

In a few years, he rose from the rank of major to major, and his promotion speed was not slow.

However, he has indeed made many meritorious deeds. With him on No. 76, almost nothing can be hidden from the military commander.

Chen Zhanli is not an ordinary person. He is a lurker, and he is lurking within the enemy. The level of confidentiality is very high. His files are not even in the war team and have been sent to the headquarters.

His promotion did not follow normal procedures and was kept strictly confidential.


Secretary Qi responded that Feiniao's promotion order would be temporarily stored at the headquarters and would be given to him when the opportunity arises in the future.

However, Chu Lingyun has a really good eye for seeing people. He knew what Feiniao was like before. A lazy person was actually trained by him to become an ace agent.

The key is that Feiniao has not received systematic training yet and has only received special training for a few days.

This further highlights Chu Lingyun's abilities.

"Team leader, if we call back from the headquarters, we will help Feiniao get promoted."

Ni Loach brought the message and said happily that Chen Zhanli will also be a school officer soon. This disciple did not embarrass him and did a very good job on No. 76.

He is different in No. 76 than in the combat team.

It was the enemy's place, and he was surrounded by enemies. He had to compromise, curry favor with his superiors, and protect his subordinates, who were all his enemies.

Once someone discovers his true identity, he will immediately be shattered into pieces.

The Japanese would not let him go easily and would torture him to death.

It is even more rare that he can do so well under such circumstances.

"Yes, he is also a school officer. Let him continue his efforts and strive to get more credit."

Chu Lingyun smiled and nodded. Chen Zhanli did really well, especially his own way of dealing with people, which allowed him to successfully gain a foothold next to Kubo and become his number one confidant.

Jiang Tengkong and Jiang Qihe now control No. 76. Both of them have a good impression of Chen Zhanli, which shows that he has indeed done a good enough job.

Having him on No. 76 really helped them avoid a lot of dangers.

In Wuhan, the grain business was fully taken over by smugglers led by Shiyuan Trading Company.

Xintian is in Wuhan.

Chu Lingyun didn't have time to come over. As a liaison officer, Xintian came to Wuhan in person. Now that Xintian has been promoted and made so much money, he naturally wants to go further.

With Abe here, this kind of thing is easy.

After spending money, he was promoted to colonel two years ago. Now he is in operation, and he will become a general in no time.

He doesn't need a real job, and there is no real job suitable for him in Shanghai. He just needs this military rank.

His real job is with the smugglers, and he just needs to serve Ishihara Hiroshi well, so that he can make more money in the future, and he may not be unable to go further when he returns to China.

With enough money, what do you want in the future?

"Shimakura-kun, Okada-kun, thank you very much this time."

Nitta took the initiative to pick up the wine glass. Ishihara Hiroshi had nothing to say. The grain business in the three places in Wuhan this time had nothing to do with them. It was the territory taken over by people from the literary society.

However, Hiroshi Ishihara took them to do it together, without any monopoly.

Because of this, for the grain business in the three places and Shanghai, they have to hand over 20% to Shiyuan Trading Company, which is 10% more than in Shanghai.

Everyone has no problem with this.

This is a monopoly business, it will definitely make money, and it is for free. It is appropriate to give Ishihara Trading Company an extra 10%, after all, they did not make any effort this time.

They helped out that time in Shanghai and accompanied Ishihara Hiroshi to attack the grain merchants, so Ishihara Trading Company only needed 10%.

Not to mention 20%, they are willing even if it is 30%.

Ishihara Hiroshi is interesting, and they can't be stingy. The big head still belongs to Ishihara Hiroshi. If Ishihara Hiroshi eats meat, they can just drink the soup.

"Nitta-kun, you're welcome."

Shimakura responded with a smile. Arata was not as high as them and was not a member of the literary club, but his relationship with Ishihara Hiroshi was unusual.

He is Ishihara Hiroshi’s liaison and informant.

If anything happens to the smugglers, he will report to Ishihara Hiroshi, who is equivalent to Ishihara Hiroshi's confidant. Naturally, they will not be careless towards such a person.

They would not offend anyone who could speak in front of Hiroshi Ishihara.

"This is the store's money, please click on it."

Nitta's men carried a big box filled with Japanese yen. Shimakura and Okada robbed all the grain merchants in Wuhan. This was a big piece of fat and they couldn't possibly swallow it all.

Smugglers have to pay money to take over grain merchants' shops and warehouses.

Moreover, they were given according to the market price. Except for food, Shimakura and Okada couldn't get the other copied items, and they had to be managed everywhere.

Go up to the domestic base camp and go down to the dispatched army officials, large and small.

Including the stores owned by Ishihara Trading Company, they also need to give money. They will distribute the money and give it to the people who deserve it.

Only in this way can everyone's mouth be blocked.


Shimakura was not polite and asked Okada to count the money. It was best to calculate the money clearly. If the amount was not enough, they would not be able to make a payment.

This is not money for them, it doesn’t matter if it’s less or more.

"I went to see Mr. Ishihara before coming here. He is very satisfied with you. He has already done your work. I believe it won't take long for you to get what you want."

Mr. Nitta smiled and said, the two men in front of him are the chiefs of staff of the division, and they will become the division commanders soon.

Being able to become a division commander is already an important figure in the army.

Maybe there will be people with land minister or even higher positions among them in the future.

Nitta had never thought about developing in the military. He was not a member of a literary club, but he understood the importance of establishing good relationships with these people.

"Thank you Ishihara-kun. Without Ishihara-kun, I wouldn't be where I am now."

Shimakura bowed to the east. Shanghai was over there. He was saluting Ishihara Hiroshi who was not around.

His words came from the bottom of his heart. What he was like back then and what he is like now. People who haven't seen him in the past few years would probably not be able to believe his changes.

Division commander, how could he have dared to think about it before?

"Ishihara-kun is indeed an admirable person."

Nitta took the opportunity to flatter Ishihara Hiroshi. This time the grain business in the three places in Wuhan fell into their hands, which was a good start for them.

There are more than just these two generals in the literary society, there are many people who want to be promoted.

The contribution of the literary society is even more outstanding. To improve, it needs sufficient contribution.

Since seizing the grain market can provide them with a large amount of contribution, there will be many people doing this in the future. There are more than 200 literary and literary societies all over China.

Nitta believes that they will be able to occupy more and more markets in the future.

They can earn more wealth in the future.

Two days later, Hebian brought Shimakura, Okada, Arata and others to the dock.

Hiroshi Ishihara is here.

Wuhan is an important market. This time, he does not need to step forward and let Shimakura and Okada help him win this market. This will not only make him money, but also help the people of Wuhan.

When he was in Shanghai, Chu Lingyun made it clear that Wuhan uses the Shanghai system.

Tian Junliu was very grateful for this. The Shanghai system made fine grains expensive, especially rice, but coarse grains were cheap and ordinary people could afford them.

With enough coarse food, they can survive and avoid chaos.

Ishihara Hiroshi uses his own system, and it is a system that has been implemented for a long time. No one can say anything.

"Riverside General."

After Chu Lingyun got off the boat, he quickly walked forward. Zhengsi was coming by the river, and he wanted to show his attitude.

Shi Ban followed him, but Fang Shiyi was not there. He was putting grain in the Central Plains.

After seven outings and thirteen returns, the interest rate was so high, Ishihara Trading Company was scolded again, but if they wanted to survive, they had to borrow money even though they knew they couldn't afford it.

Anyway, I'm going to die, so save the moment first.

"Ishihara-kun, are you having a smooth journey?"

Hebian smiled and said that he has been in Wuhan, sitting in charge of Shimakura and Okada.

Shimakura was his subordinate before, and it was Shimakura who knew him and Ishihara Hiroshi.

Now that Shimakura has made his mark, with the help of Hiroshi Ishihara, he finally becomes the division leader. He admired Shimakura at first, but he is even happier now.

"It went very well. When I was in Nanjing, I went to see General Tian Jun. He seemed to be in a low mood recently."

Chu Lingyun nodded and sighed slightly by the river: "The battle between Zhejiang and Jiangxi failed to achieve the real goal. The current stalemate there consumes too many troops. General Tian Jun is preparing to withdraw his people and give up part of the territory."

Chu Lingyun's heart moved slightly, this was another important piece of information.

"There is no way. Compared with China, the biggest disadvantage of the empire is population. China has too many people, while the empire does not have that many people."

Chu Lingyun sighed. He didn't ask in detail. He knew that the Japanese were going to withdraw their troops, and he would soon be able to figure out which territories the Japanese would give up.

In this battle, the third theater maintained its strength. Tian Junliu occupied the territory in an empty space and sent out a large number of troops. However, he failed to eliminate many fruit troops. In fact, it was a failure.

It can also be seen that Japan is really trying its best to give up the territory it has gained. If there is no other way, who would be willing to give up these territories that were finally won?

"Let's not talk about this for now, Mr. Ishihara, you and I met in Wuhan. We must have a good drink today, please."

Hebian invited Chu Lingyun, and Chu Lingyun followed him into the car.

After the war in Wuhan, Chu Lingyun just started smuggling to provide Boss Dai with what he needed. Smuggling required opening up relationships, and he was eyeing Hebian Zhengsi.

At that time, he did not know Hebian and was not a disciple of Tou Man.

He came to the house with a lot of money and bought the riverside.

Not only gave him money, but also helped him operate and promoted him.

Hebian failed to resist the temptation and agreed to escort him, and the smuggling business of Ishihara Trading Company began in full swing.

It was still the same tavern. He was sitting in the first place by the river. This time he insisted on letting Chu Lingyun sit in the first place.

In terms of influence, Chu Lingyun indeed surpassed him.

After arguing, Chu Lingyun could only sit down.

Riverside is by his side, followed by Shimakura, Okada and Arata.

Arata has the lowest level, but because he is Ishihara Hiroshi, he is on this table, and it won't take long for him to be promoted to general.

"General Kawabe, thank you very much this time. Shimakura and Okada, join me in toasting General Kawabe."

Chu Lingyun raised his glass first. He came to Wuhan by the river to support Shimakura and Okada, so that they could successfully capture the grain merchants and prevent others from causing trouble.

The two Shimakura are not low-level, but this is not their territory after all. The limited guards they bring cannot stop those who are really determined to stand up for the grain merchants.

There is a river here, no one dares to disturb it.

This is his role. Even if he doesn't speak, everyone knows what he came to Wuhan for and who he came for.

This glass of wine should be toasted and must be toasted. Shimakura and Okada stood up immediately. Chu Lingyun didn't move. He didn't need it.

Nitta didn't move either, he was not qualified.

"We are all our own people, easy to talk about."

He raised his glass by the river and drank it down. Ishihara Hiroshi had helped him so much. He should do something for Ishihara Hiroshi. If he couldn't do anything, he would be worried.

After having enough wine and food, Shimakura sent him home by the river with a specially delivered box.

This time Hebian helped and copied so much money, Hebian had a share.

There was no refusal by the riverside. This was a share of the spoils and had to be taken. Failure to take it would make others uneasy.

Not only does he take it, but so does everyone else.

Anyone who refuses to accept payment is not one of our own. Then everyone will deal with him together. In China, no matter who he is, he will be finished.

Hiroshi Ishihara has this energy.

The next day, on the streets of Wuhan.

Shimakura, Okada and Nitta walked with Chu Lingyun on the street.

Chu Lingyun is actually very familiar with this place. He first came to this world in Wuhan. He spent several months here and traveled to many places in order to investigate Japanese spies.

When Wuhan fell, the population dropped a lot.

However, in recent years, it has regained its former prosperity. After all, it is an important transportation town. Many people come to Wuhan to settle down. For many people at the bottom, they have no way to care about national affairs and just want to survive.

Wuhan is a big city, with more opportunities for work and greater hope of survival.

Many people travel around for three or even two meals a day.

"Ishihara-kun, these are all yours."

Shimakura pointed to the closed shops on the roadside and whispered that these were big grain stores. After stealing the Wuhan grain merchants, they left the best stores to Ishihara Trading Company.

Nitta and the others have no objection. Ishihara Trading Company is willing to take them with them. They have already made a profit, so there is no need to be picky.

"Yes, I will have people come over immediately and open the door to sell food. The people of Wuhan cannot lack food and must stabilize it."

Chu Lingyun nodded, Dao Cang and the others ransacked their home, and the grain store was naturally closed.

However, in order to stabilize Wuhan, they opened several grain sales points and restricted grain sales, and the price of grain was not low.

The more this happens, the more people buy food. They line up in long lines every day for fear of not being able to buy food.

The people are short of food and afraid, especially since there was a famine this year. They don't know the truth and are afraid that if they don't buy it now, food prices will become more and more expensive in the future.

People don't know that the price of coarse grains will drop sharply in the future, and there will be no problem in saving their lives.

"We will also open the door soon."

Nitta immediately answered, some of the other smugglers came in person, some were unable to leave and came as representatives.

They have grain, and the grain they copied from Dao Cang will be sold to them in batches at market prices.

In the future, they will collect the grain themselves and transport it over.

As for Chu Lingyun, Shiyuan Trading Company has a branch here and can open for business today.

Grain stores in Wuhan began to recover. Lao Chang had been paying attention to these grain merchants. He knew that someone had taken action against the grain merchants, and the supporter behind them was Shiyuan Trading Company.

And he knows more than others.

Fang Shiyi met him when he passed by Wuhan and gave him a batch of grain to transport back to his hometown.

Next, Wuhan will implement the Shanghai model, where prices of fine grains will be high and coarse grains will remain at the lowest level.

Lao Chang understands that this is best for the people.

Coarse grains are cheap and can help them survive, especially since there are many refugees in Wuhan City. Before, they couldn't even afford coarse grains, so they had to find ways to pick up something to satisfy their hunger. Their lives were very hard.

It's good now. Once the price of coarse grains comes down, they just need to sell some effort or do something, and it will be enough to survive.

If you do well, you can even eat enough and save a little money.

Lao Chang came to the door of the grain store specially. Sure enough, after the grain store opened, the price of coarse grains was much lower than usual.

Many poor people are very happy. The price of coarse grains has dropped. Not only can they have enough to eat, but they can even have some savings. Most of these poor people do not know the Shanghai model. Some have heard of it, and some have heard of it but do not believe it.

They don’t believe that there are grain merchants who would sell grain at a loss just to survive for them.

Now the people of Wuhan have finally benefited.

Well done to Fang Shiyi, I didn’t expect that he would have such a profound influence on Ishihara Hiroshi.

In order to protect Ishihara Hiroshi, Fang Shiyi told Lao Chang that whether it was buying children or maintaining low prices for coarse grains, he was the one who persuaded Ishihara Hiroshi to do so.

After buying a child, he can have more private property without having to pay a salary, so that the children can survive first and he will take care of them secretly.

Keeping the price of coarse grains low can help you accumulate virtue, and coarse grains themselves are not that profitable. Ishihara Hiroshi makes big money, and these small money can't be looked down upon.

Some people are happy, others are scolded.

The price of whole grains has dropped, but the price of rice and white flour has increased a lot, especially rice, which has increased by 50% compared with before.

Lao Chang knows that Ishihara Hiroshi is not a real good person, he only wants to make money.

The money lost from coarse grains must be earned several times or even dozens of times from rice.

He doesn't care about this. Nowadays, the families who eat rice are not bad. Even if they pay more, they will not die of hunger. It is understandable that Ishihara Hiroshi makes money from them.


Secretary Qi hurried to Boss Dai's office with the message.

The Japanese are preparing to withdraw their troops. Chu Lingyun has already found out that the Japanese troops in Shangrao and Guangfeng will definitely withdraw. It is difficult to say for the time being in other places.

Secretary Qi was a little surprised when the Japanese withdrew from Shangrao.

Shangrao's strategic location is very important. It was previously the location of the theater headquarters. The Japanese didn't even want Shangrao?

This also indirectly shows that the Japanese have reached the end of their strength.

"Good news. Prepare your car and go see the commissioner immediately."

After reading the telegram, Boss Dai happily told the Japanese to withdraw their troops, and they could successfully recover their lost territory.

Although it was not defeated, it was still recovered.

Military commanders were the first to get the information, and this was the achievement of military commanders.

The old man camped and learned that the Japanese were about to withdraw their troops. The old man was equally happy. This time the Japanese plot failed to succeed. There were no particularly heavy losses in the third theater, and they retained their main force.

The Japanese occupied part of the territory, but they were unable to defend themselves and had to spit out what they had eaten.

This time the Japanese did not say that their efforts were in vain, at least a lot of their efforts were wasted.

Let the third theater gain some momentum and take back the remaining territory as soon as possible. The victory over Japan will be just around the corner.

On the 19th, Japan indeed began to withdraw its troops. The three divisions of Shangrao, Yushan, and Guangfeng all withdrew.

The Third War Zone had already received the order. As soon as the Japanese withdrew, they quickly entered the city and regained the lost ground.

A few days after the three Japanese divisions retreated, the Japanese suffered another defeat.

Japan took the initiative to attack Guadalcanal. They were blindly arrogant and suffered from intelligence. The Ichiki detachment was arrogant and did not wait for backup, let alone confirm the intelligence. Thinking that the opponent's number was small, he used his more than 2,400 people to attack. Little did they know that there were more than 10,000 American defenders on the island.

As one can imagine, Osaka Ichiki was trapped and committed suicide by caesarean section, and Ichiki's detachment was completely wiped out by the US military.

The tragic ending of the Ichiki detachment aroused the hatred of the Japanese army, and they launched a fierce battle with the US military on Guadalcanal.

Time passed by slowly, and it was September soon.

Shimakura and Okada held grand celebration banquets respectively.

The two got their wish and were promoted to military rank and took over the position of division commander.

Two division leaders at a time allowed people to see Ishihara Hiroshi's powerful energy again.

It's not that Saijo didn't think about stopping it. Now Saijo has great power in his hands, but after talking with Tuhara and Yagyu, he finally gave up this plan.

Tuhara did not suggest that Saijo intervene.

They had an agreement at the beginning. If they violate the agreement first, even if Ishihara Takashi can't do anything to them, they will probably lose control in China in the future.

It will not be good for the empire at that time. Even if they send troops to destroy Hiroshi Ishihara, it will be the empire that loses in the end.

Moreover, whether it can be eradicated is still unknown.

Ishihara Hiroshi's energy in Shanghai is too strong, and the entire Shanghai garrison is his people. A head-on confrontation would be a separatist civil war, and the Emperor would never allow it.

The United States and China will laugh out loud.

If the assassination fails, Ishihara Hiroshi's counterattack will also make them miserable.

It is even possible that except for Guandong, they will not be able to mobilize any troops in China.

The price is too high and the gain outweighs the loss.

Moreover, even if it is an assassination, Tu Yuan has no confidence. Ishihara Toru protects himself very strictly. He has a large number of loyal guards around him, and these guards are all retired soldiers.

In addition, Shanghai is actually controlled by Ishihara Hiroshi, and it is even more difficult to assassinate in Shanghai.

Tuyuan suggested that the surveillance of Hiroshi Ishihara should be strengthened. If his whereabouts could be known in advance, and he could be assassinated when he left Shanghai, he must be killed with one strike, otherwise there would be endless trouble.

As for Touman, Tuyuan doesn't care that much now.

Tou Man's body is not as good as before. Now he can't even get out of the door. He won't be able to breathe for a few years.

Yagyu also did not recommend blocking it.

This conversation was between the three of them. Yagyu helped them make a lot of money in Nanyang, and most of the money fell into the pockets of Saijo and Tuhara.

They did not help other people in the Sanwu Society operate.

Who doesn't like money? Ever since Saijo realized the power of money, he wanted to have more money and plan for his future.

People from Sanwuhui can be promoted if they are capable, but they need to make their own contributions.

Not everyone can spend most of their money to do things for others like Chu Lingyun. Because of this, the people in the literary club are so convinced of Ishihara Hiroshi, making Ishihara Hiroshi their spiritual support.

If it was purely because of making money, Saijo would not specifically ask Yagyu to return to China for discussion.

Yagyu's previous suggestions showed his intelligence and intelligence, and he was valued by Saijo.

For example, during the Battle of Midway, Yagyu said that intelligence secrecy must be strengthened and the intelligence of the US military must be obtained. Naval warfare is different from land warfare. The sea is too big. Without intelligence support, it is equivalent to a blind man crossing the river.

But with intelligence, it's different. Every move of the opponent is under their control, and they can make arrangements calmly, so that they can definitely win the naval battle.

It's a pity that Yamamoto is too arrogant and arrogant.

He did not pay attention to intelligence and believed that even without the intelligence of the US military, the invincible Imperial Combined Fleet would definitely be able to defeat the US Navy.

At the same time, they did not pay attention to their own intelligence protection. The United States deciphered their telegrams and completely grasped their whereabouts.

It turned out that Yagyu was right. Although the result was extremely unfavorable to them, it was completely in line with Yagyu's previous suggestions. Unfortunately, they didn't listen and the result was exactly the opposite.

If he had paid attention to Yagyu's suggestion, the outcome of the Battle of Midway might not have been like this. In that case, the United States would not have posed a threat to the empire at all, and they would have even taken the initiative to seek peace if they wanted to protect themselves.

Saijo regretted that it was useless, but these things changed his view of Yagyu. Yagyu was the one who knew Ishihara Hiroshi best among them. This time, he specially called him back to discuss it together.

The reason why Yagyu disagrees is simple: the benefits and risks do not match.

Even if Shimakura and Okada are successfully prevented from being promoted, it will not have a big impact on Ishihara Hiroshi. Instead, it will anger him and try his best to cause trouble for Saijo.

Hiroshi Ishihara does not represent just one person, there are many people supporting him in the base camp.

For the old guys in the base camp, anyone who blocks their financial path is their enemy, not even the Prime Minister.

Together with Tian Shunroku, Kawabe Shoshi, Toumatou and even the Emperor, once he counterattacks, Saijo will be in great trouble.

Ishihara Hiroshi is a businessman and his power is in China, so Nishida has very limited restrictions on him.

It's easy to stop Shimakura and Okada from taking the upper hand, but it's difficult to end it after they can.

Saijo finally listened to the advice of the two of them and did not promote the matter this time, but he was also working to let several outstanding young people from the Sanwu Club take over.

Sanwuhui cannot be worse than Youzhai Literary Society.

In Shanghai, Chu Lingyun received a warning from Hayakawa Ping.

Saijo wanted to prevent Shimakura and Okada from ascending to the throne, but he and Tsuchihara persuaded him to stop.

However, Tu Yuan is very likely to assassinate Ishihara Hiroshi. This is an opportunity for the Chinese. Once Ishihara Hiroshi dies, Shanghai will be in chaos.

Ishihara Hiroshi's influence in Shanghai is very great.

Hayakawa Hei didn't know that Ishihara Hiroshi was Chu Lingyun. He just reported it routinely and expressed his opinion.

"The chess piece Fatty finally played a big role."

Chu Lingyun chuckled and said that the telegram was sent by Ni Loach. The telegram sent by Hayakawa Hei was a top-secret telegram. Only he and Ni Loach knew about it, and no one else knew.

From the current point of view, Hayakawa is honest and has successfully gained Saijo's attention.

Saijo, a superior soldier, was just a boaster. When it came to intelligence, he was far behind Hayakawa Hei.

Even Tsuchihara, the spy chief, was concealed by Hei Hayakawa, which was enough to show his ability.

"Team leader, it is not a trivial matter that Tuhara wants to attack you. I suggest that you do not leave Shanghai in the name of Hiroshi Ishihara recently."

Ni Loach is very worried. Tu Yuan is not an ordinary person. He is the chief section chief of the special higher education course.

He has a group of masters who are proficient in assassination.

If he really attacks Ishihara Hiroshi, the team leader is definitely in danger now.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. I won't go out in the name of Hiroshi Ishihara recently."

Chu Lingyun understood that he was worried about her, so she smiled and nodded.

Thank you to the leader Pipitu for another 500 starting coin reward.

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