Spy Shadow

Chapter 823 Statistics of Nissan

Chu Lingyun changed his face again, and Bao Shengqun would never recognize him.

During the surveillance, Chu Lingyun prepared multiple sets of clothes. Each appearance and clothes would not be repeated, and Chu Lingyun could disguise himself as a poor person in the slums.

Chu Lingyun will not get close to Bao Shengqun, and will always observe from a location not far or near, which can ensure that Bao Shengqun cannot detect his presence.

At present, Bao Shengqun is doing what he is asked to do, which is a good sign.

It is not easy to instigate people like Bao Shengqun. His consciousness has long been ingrained, and it is very difficult to change his thinking easily.

Difficult, but not impossible.

Chu Lingyun was not in a hurry.

Three days passed quickly. This time Chu Lingyun did not see him. Instead, someone sent him the next medicine and continued to assign tasks to him.

Continue to help people, this time it is not to spend money to help people, but to teach poor children to read.

Bao Shengqun couldn't help but curse secretly, the Red Party has so many tricks up its sleeve.

If you really want to instigate rebellion against him, you'd have to resort to any means necessary.

Without a prescription, Bao Shengqun could only follow orders. He was asked to teach the poor children to read. It didn't matter, he taught them.

Outside the city gate of Chongqing, Boss Dai and Chu Lingyun were waiting for someone.

They are waiting for the eldest son.

Ganzhou finally fell. The Japanese army captured Ganzhou. The eldest son first retreated to Guangxi and returned to Chongqing today.

No matter how well the eldest son has done in Ganzhou over the years, at least he is doing it according to his own ideas and has accumulated a lot of experience.

At this time, the eldest son is no longer the frightened person he was when he first came back. He has grown a lot in both mind and strategy.

"Boss, here we come."

Chu Lingyun said softly. A motorcade appeared in the distance. Boss Dai immediately got out of the car and stood in front of the car to greet it.

Not long after the convoy arrived, two people got out of the car behind.

The eldest son and Lin Shi.

Lin Shi has also grown a lot in the past two years by the eldest son's side.

Now he has gained the trust of the eldest son and is his right-hand man.

Lin Shi has good abilities. Although he is not as good as Chu Lingyun, he is much better than others. Moreover, Lin Shi has no other backing. His father-in-law is Judge Xu and there is no clique.

Don't worry about such a person.

The eldest son gave Lin Shi enough trust. When he came back this time, he specially asked Lin Shi to ride in a car with him. Now Lin Shi has become the first person around the eldest son.

Young, high-ranking, rich, and well-born, no one else can compare with Lin Shi.

Can't compare to him.

"Welcome back, eldest son."

Boss Dai went over to greet him first. The eldest son greeted Boss Dai enthusiastically, and then came over and patted Chu Lingyun on the shoulder.

"Eldest Young Master, let's go back first."

Chu Lingyun said softly, and the eldest son nodded. He was not in a good mood when Ganzhou fell. He had put in a lot of effort in Ganzhou, but in the end he was still unable to stop the Japanese attack.

However, Ganzhou has managed to survive this month, which is considered a long time.

When the convoy entered the city, Boss Dai sent the eldest son to the old man's camp and returned with Chu Lingyun.

Chu Lingyun didn't talk much to the eldest son today, including Lin Shi. They had just returned, especially the eldest son. He was going to see his father and report in detail what he had done in Ganzhou.

Lin Shi returned home. He had not been back for two years. His son was already playing soy sauce, and he was full of missing him.

"came back."

Xu Meijun looked at Lin Shi, her eyes full of tenderness and longing. Lin Shi first hugged her and spun her around, and then went to tease his evasive son.

He left his son shortly after he was born. Now his son can call people, but it is a pity that he does not know him.

Judge Xu and Zhang Mingzhen were both there, and they did not disturb Lin Shi and his wife's gathering.

It wasn't until after dinner that Lin Shi invited Judge Xu and Zhang Mingzhen into the study to chat.

"Father-in-law, teacher, thank you for your help over the past few years."

Entering the study, Lin Shi bowed first, and Zhang Mingzhen hurriedly pulled him up: "You kid, what nonsense are you talking about? We are a family."

During the two years when Lin Shi was away, Zhang Mingzhen took great care of the Lin family.

Lin Shi was his most proud student. In fact, Chu Lingyun did better than Lin Shi, but Chu Lingyun was away from home all year round, and he had no chance to have a relationship with Chu Lingyun.

Lin Shi, on the other hand, was not only in the same company before, but Zhang Mingzhen was very helpful to him. His wife was the matchmaker when Lin Shi got married. This relationship is closer.

The relationship between teachers and students in this era is relatively good.

Especially when they help each other, they are the best allies.

It was Zhang Mingzhen's suggestion that Lin Shi go to the eldest son's side. In the two years since he was away from Chongqing, Zhang Mingzhen has been taking care of Xu Meijun. Not only did his wife often come to visit him, he also took care of Lin Shi's business outside.

To prevent anyone from taking advantage of their orphans and widowed mothers.

"Your teacher is right, don't say such stupid things again."

Judge Xu replied with a smile. The three of them sat down, and they immediately asked Lin Shi about his situation in Ganzhou in the past two years.

Lin Shi sent telegrams many times, but the telegrams were not detailed.

I came back this time just in time to ask.

Lin Shi explained his work in Ganzhou in the past two years in detail.

Because of Chu Lingyun's relationship, the eldest son attached great importance to him. When he arrived in Ganzhou, he entrusted him with an important task and made him the deputy leader of the security group. However, he did not take over the power. Apart from training, he did not care about anything else.

There is only one person who can command this army, and that is the eldest son.

"You did a good job, that's how it should be."

Zhang Mingzhen praised Lin Shi's real purpose of going to Ganzhou to establish a relationship with the eldest son, not to fight for power.

That little bit of military power is completely unnecessary.

Both Zhang Mingzhen and Judge Xu have this awareness and vision.

At that time, Chu Lingyun helped the eldest son catch the Japanese spy. Taking advantage of the opportunity to catch the Japanese spy, Lin Shi personally directed the battle, but unfortunately he failed to take full credit.

However, that battle also completely crippled the Japanese special operations team, and there was no longer a threat to the eldest son after that.

After Chu Lingyun left, he kept doing his job and was gradually appreciated and trusted by the eldest son.

Later, the eldest son entrusted him with many things, and he did a good job.

Over the past two years, Lin Shi has become the eldest son's absolute confidant, and the eldest son also relies on him.

"good very good."

Judge Xu listened to what Lin Shi said and nodded happily. Their goal had been achieved. The purpose of letting Lin Shi go to the eldest son was to gain his trust.

Lin Shi is young, and his future lies with the eldest son, not the old man.

Since the old man has trained the eldest son, the eldest son will take power sooner or later, and then Lin Shi will really shine. As for now, nothing will happen with these two old guys here, and Lin Shi can just develop with peace of mind.

"When the eldest son comes back this time, he probably won't go out again. He wants me to return to the National Defense Department."

Lin Shi said softly, and both Judge Xu and Zhang Mingzhen noticed that Lin Shi was talking about the Department of National Defense, not their Equipment Bureau.

There was no point in going to the Equipment Bureau. Lin Shi was too young and had not made any great achievements. Relying on his previous connections and money, his promotion to colonel was the limit.

Even if he stayed in Ganzhou for two years, he still wouldn't be promoted to general.

Since he can't be promoted to military rank, there is no point in staying in the Equipment Bureau and continuing to be the director. It is better to become the director of the National Defense Department with real power.

This is also what the eldest son means.

We cannot delay Lin Shi, we must give Lin Shi a chance to develop, and it is most appropriate for him to go back.

"Okay, if the eldest son speaks, I will help you find connections. This time we can get a director with real power."

Zhang Mingzhen first agreed that the National Defense Department is a large department, and being the director of the department with real power is no less than ordinary generals, and is even stronger than them.

"Teacher Zhang and I have the same opinion. It would be good to return to the Department of National Defense."

Judge Xu then spoke, and both elders agreed that Lin Shi should return to the Department of National Defense.

"Okay, I will tell the eldest son when I see him tomorrow."

Lin Shi nodded slightly. He also reported this matter to the organization, and the organization let him make his own decision.

He is in a state of dormancy and can go anywhere, as long as it is suitable for his development. Now that his father-in-law and teacher do not object, Lin Shi decides to follow the eldest son's instructions and return to the Department of National Defense.

"Don't forget to make an appointment with Chu Lingyun."

Judge Xu reminded that it was no secret among the top management that Chu Lingyun owned a pharmaceutical factory, and many people were surprised by his connections abroad.

The pharmaceutical factory that Americans wanted was not taken away.

The key is that Chu Lingyun didn't let anyone help, he solved the matter by himself.

This incident allowed Judge Xu and Zhang Mingzhen to see Chu Lingyun's energy again. Lin Shi needed to maintain the relationship with Chu Lingyun, which would be of great help to him in the future.

"I made an appointment with Ling Yun."

Lin Shi smiled. When he saw Chu Lingyun today, he made an appointment to have dinner together tomorrow.

"That's good."

Judge Xu was relieved. Chu Lingyun was Lin Shi's noble person, and this relationship must not be broken.

Before, Lin Shi was no different from his other classmates. It was very difficult to get promoted even though he was working in an ordinary position.

It was Chu Lingyun who gave him sulfa, which changed Lin Shi's fate.

It can be said that without Chu Lingyun, Judge Xu would not have been able to marry his daughter to Lin Shi.

The next day, Bao Shengqun came to the slum.

When he was visiting and helping some people a few days ago, he discovered that some families' children were unable to study. Since he was asked to help teach several children to study this time, he simply came to the families he had helped before.

It is not difficult to teach them how to read. Bao Shengqun bought the enlightenment books, paper and pen himself, and he took the initiative to teach them without them having to pay a penny.

But there is not much time every day, so he will teach a part first and then talk about it.

Anyway, it was to complete the task assigned to him by the Red Party.

No matter what the Red Party says, he can just do it. According to the Red Party, his wife only needs to take the medicine for three months to see the effect. Three months is not long, and he can afford to wait.

Chu Lingyun observed for a while and then left.

Bao Shengqun has made many contributions to the Red Party. He punished traitors before and later rescued eight people. Regardless of his purpose, he did help the Red Party.

Later, he continuously provided important information to help the Red Party avoid big losses.

The most important thing is that he is smart, brave and resourceful, and a talented person. Chu Lingyun wants him to sincerely join the Red Party, so that in the future the Red Party will have a senior internal agent in the Central Unification Committee.

Even though Bao Shengqun is not in the intelligence department, if he wants to collect intelligence, he still has many ways.

What's more, at his level, he may not have the opportunity to be released in the future.

As long as it is released to the outside world, Bao Shengqun is at least the webmaster of a big website.

"Ling Yun, have a drink."

In the evening, Chu Lingyun and Lin Shi came to the hot pot restaurant, which has become their designated place for dinner.

The place is not big, but it is very warm. It has become Lin Shi's industry, and the safety is more guaranteed.

"My drinking level has increased recently."

Chu Lingyun raised his wine glass. What they drank was white wine. Chu Lingyun didn't like red wine. He was not used to drinking it regardless of his past life or this life.

The rice wine felt too light and far less comfortable than the white wine.

But it is easier to get drunk with liquor, so Chu Lingyun will not drink too much.

"If you're in the military every day, your salary will definitely increase."

Lin Shi smiled and the two chatted while drinking. Lin Shi talked about what he had done in Ganzhou and his latest decision.

"It's nice to be back at the Defense Department. Do you need any help?"

Chu Lingyun took the initiative to ask, Lin Shi does not need to go to the front line, and the Japanese are about to be finished. At this time, Lin Shi staying at the National Defense Department is the best choice.

In the future, the old man will continue to train the eldest son, and then Lin Shi's status will become higher and higher.

"No, Teacher Zhang and father-in-law will help me take care of it."

Lin Shi grinned. Chu Lingyun didn't need to step forward for this trivial matter. He knew that Chu Lingyun was more powerful than him. Now, whether it was influence or status, he couldn't compare.

Chu Lingyun's status in the military command was not the highest, but he was the transcendent one.

This is what Lin Shi admires the most.

Even if he leaves the military command, Chu Lingyun will still have good development, Lin Shi has no doubt about this.

"Okay, if you need anything, please feel free to contact me."

When Lin Shi went to Ganzhou before, Chu Lingyun gave him a code book so that he could be contacted directly.

This way, if anything happens in the future, he won't have to contact him through the military commander.

Lin Shi had not sent him a telegram in the past two years, and the codebook had not been used once.

It has not been used, so it is naturally safe and does not need to be replaced.

"No problem, come on, have a drink."

Lin Shi took the initiative to raise his glass, but he also did not dare to drink more, especially in front of Chu Lingyun.

Chu Lingyun is too smart and he is an agent. If anything unusual appears, his identity may be exposed.

After having enough wine and food, Chu Lingyun returned home.

He will return to Shanghai in two days, and Ran Wu will be responsible for delivering medicine to Bao Shengqun, and will assign him new tasks regularly according to Chu Lingyun's plan.

Since Bao Shengqun agreed to complete these tasks, he could not escape this time.

On the day Chu Lingyun returned to Shanghai, the US military finally reoccupied Manila.

Mike seems to have different feelings towards the Philippines, and has always wanted to recapture the Philippines. This may be related to the fact that he left the Philippines in despair.

Manila is the capital of the Philippines. Taking back the Philippines this time is of great significance to Mike.

At the press conference, Mike was very proud. He had returned here openly. It was a lifelong shame for him to be forced to leave here.

Now he has washed away that shame.

The loss of the Philippines is another painful blow to Japan. The United States is forming a trend of encirclement against Japan, and the time to actually attack the Japanese mainland is not far away.

Japan knows this, but unfortunately there is nothing they can do about it.

Without the aircraft carrier, the combined fleet exists in name only, with only a few battleships left.

Although they still have the battleship Yamato, today's war is no longer an era of battleship bombardment. The most important thing is the aircraft carrier. The carrier's carrier-based aircraft increases the combat radius and can bomb both warships and land.

What Japan lacks most now is aircraft carriers and aircraft.

Shanghai is no longer safe now.

Not long ago, US military planes appeared for bombing, but their main target was not Shanghai, but also Japanese bases.

Miyamoto was more unlucky. His station was bombed, as was the Army Aviation Department's station in Shanghai.

The Army Aviation Department suffered the greatest losses.

Chishang was injured before he could escape due to his limited legs and feet. Fortunately, he was scratched by shrapnel and was not life-threatening.

After Shanghai was bombed, the literary press scolded the navy even more fiercely.

It was the Navy's inaction and the defeat by the Americans that caused them to suffer retaliation from the Americans.

These people did not think about it. If they had not invaded China in the first place and had properly defended their territory, would they have suffered like this?

They can blame anyone, but never themselves.

Time passed slowly, and it had been ten days since Chu Lingyun returned to Shanghai.

For ten days, Ran Wu continued to deliver medicine to Bao Shengqun and asked him to continue teaching the children.

Feng Yong is back, and Chu Yuanchen and his wife have already arrived in the United States.

The new school was well built, and Smith proudly introduced it to them. Although it was a primary school, it had everything, including a library, gymnasium, swimming pool, school buses, etc.

From now on, this will be the best Chinese school in the entire United States.

After visiting the school, Chu Yuanchen and his wife were completely relieved and started enrolling students as planned. Only 800 students will be enrolled this year, which is not a big pressure for them.

Teachers must also be recruited.

Chu Yuanchen and his wife are mostly recruited among Chinese. The salary of Chinese is low, and they are all compatriots. American teachers are also needed, which is indispensable.

Otherwise, their school will not be able to open.

With Smith's support, they are not worried that American teachers will not do a good job, but expecting them to treat these Chinese students with care is a pipe dream.

Chu Yuanchen and his wife understand this, but the focus is still on the Chinese teachers.

Feng Yong returned to the country after helping them recruit teachers. The school has not yet begun to recruit students. Currently, Chu Yuanchen and his wife are relatively free and are working hard to learn American English so that their foreign languages ​​can better communicate with people here.

The United States is not China. You must be able to speak their words there, otherwise it will be difficult to move forward.

As the couple is so old, it is very difficult for them to learn.

Chu Lingyun knew about his parents' situation in the United States, and Liu Chengzhu reported to him.

In addition to the normal security of the school, Chu Lingyun also deployed a team of mercenaries nearby. Whoever dares to go to the school to cause trouble, these dozens of mercenaries will teach them how to behave in the next life.

"That's it for today. Do your homework well and I will test you tomorrow."

Bao Shengqun put away his things and received his teaching at the end of the day. He didn't teach many students, only six in total.

They are all boys, ranging in age from six to eight years old. People in the slums also understand that learning to read can change their destiny and get ahead.

For the sake of their children, they will grit their teeth and support.

Fortunately, Bao Shengqun didn't take any money and even subsidized them a little. There are not many good people like Bao Shengqun nowadays.

"Goodbye, Teacher Wang."

The children waved goodbye to Bao Shengqun. Bao Shengqun knew that what he was doing could easily be spotted, so he deliberately disguised himself and used a fake name.

At the same time, he told these children and their parents not to tell anyone about his arrival, otherwise he would disappear immediately and never come to teach them again.

Taking his things with him, Bao Shengqun went to a safe house he rented, changed back to his original appearance, and rode his bicycle home.

He is fine at work, and no one will care about him if he doesn't go.

Especially the people in the Supervisory Office wished that he, the consultant, would not go to work, otherwise they would not know what to do if they saw him.

To say hello or not to say hello?

I'm worried about Director Ye's overthinking if he fights. After all, Bao Shengqun is a relative of Mr. Xu and his absolute confidant.

If he didn't fight, he would be afraid that Bao Shengqun would hold a grudge.

Bao Shengqun lost real power, but he had an excellent relationship with Xu Lin. Everyone in the central government knew Xu Lin's attitude towards Bao Shengqun.

There was no alienation at all because of Old Ghost Xu.

Xu Lin is the director of the intelligence department. If he wants to do something against them, no one can bear it.

After Bao Shengqun had been out for several days, no one in the work unit paid any attention to him, let alone investigated him.

Lin Shi's order came down.

After following the eldest son back, the eldest son specially gave him half a month's leave so that he could spend time with his family. The transfer order was officially issued today.

Director of the Third Division of the Combat Command of the Ministry of National Defense.

This is a very important position, with a high level and great power. Everyone knows that Lin Shi belongs to the eldest son. Now that the eldest son wants to arrange for his own people to come in, there is no way to object.

Didn't you notice that the old man didn't say a word?

Judge Xu was very happy about Lin Shi's new position. This position was very valuable. If it was done well, Lin Shi would be promoted to major general in at most three years.

Once he becomes a general, he will be more useful to the eldest son and his future will be bright.

My daughter really married the right person.

Although my wife is a bit snobby and likes to show off, she did find a good son-in-law this time.

A son-in-law like Lin Shi is really hard to find even with a lantern.

Lin Shi was both surprised and happy about his new position. This position gave him access to a large amount of confidential information, including the deployment of the Guo army, combat plans, etc.

He immediately sent a signal and made an appointment to meet with Secretary Liang.

The next afternoon, a teahouse.

Secretary Liang looked around and walked in, while Feng Ruoxi carefully observed the surroundings.

"Secretary Liang, long time no see."

Lin Shi was even more excited to see Secretary Liang. He was a dormant person and could not take the initiative to contact the organization unless there were special circumstances. He had not met anyone from the organization for several years.

Except Xu Meijun.

The same goes for Xu Meijun. If there are no special circumstances, the organization department will contact her to ensure Lin Shi's safety.

"What made you activate emergency contact?"

Secretary Liang asked immediately. After seeing the signal yesterday, Secretary Liang was very worried. He didn't know what happened to Lin Shi and even made an urgent appointment with him.

He asked Feng Ruoxi to go out and listen to the news. There was no news about Lin Shi's accident.

Before coming today, Secretary Liang was still thinking about what difficulties Lin Shi had encountered, so he suddenly contacted the organization this time.

In the past few years, Lin Shi has provided a large amount of funds and sulfa to the organization. It can be said that he is a hero of the organization. If something happens, he will risk his life to rescue Lin Shi.

"Secretary Liang, that's a good thing. I've just been transferred to the National Defense Operation Stop Command, and now I'm the director of Division Three."

Lin Shi hurriedly explained the reason. He had activated the emergency contact method, hoping that this new position would enable the organization to activate him and no longer lie dormant.

He really wants to do things for the organization and provide important intelligence.


Secretary Liang was shocked. This position was indeed crucial. He didn't expect Lin Shi to be able to sit on it.

It is impossible for an ordinary person, or someone who is absolutely trusted by Principal Chang, to enter the combat headquarters and serve as the director.

"Secretary Liang, I have access to a lot of important information, and I can provide this information to the organization."

Lin Shi quickly said that this was an urgent meeting and an opportunity for him to apply.

What to do specifically, he needs to follow the organization's arrangements.

"Don't be anxious. This matter is very important and must be reported. We will meet at point two the day after tomorrow."

Secretary Liang shook his head. He couldn't decide whether to use Lin Shi, but Lin Shi's current status was indeed very good. If Lin Shi provided information, they would be able to know clearly the military trends of the Kuomintang.

You can even make some arrangements that are beneficial to them.

"Yes, I will be there on time at 2 o'clock the day after tomorrow."

Lin Shi responded, and Secretary Liang briefly asked about Lin Shi's recent situation. The two did not meet for too long and soon separated.

In the evening, Mr. Ke received a secret report from Chongqing.

Lin Shi came back and was transferred to the combat headquarters of the Department of National Defense. Next, he had the opportunity to come into contact with a lot of important information.

Ke Gong was surprised. He didn't expect Lin Shi to go to such an important place.

Lin Shi took the initiative to request activation and provide intelligence to the organization.

After thinking for a while, Ke Gong rejected Secretary Liang's suggestion, and Lin Shi continued to lie dormant without providing information.

He didn't explain why.

In fact, the combat headquarters has their people and they don't need Lin Shi to do this. However, Lin Shi is developing so well that he might really be used in the future.

Let Lin Shi lie dormant in peace first, and then assign him a telegraph operator when he is needed. Now is not the time.

Secretary Liang was also surprised when he received the order. Lin Shi already had great value, why not activate it?

Secretary Liang didn't understand, but he had to obey Ke Gong's order.

Two days later, Secretary Liang and Lin Shi met again and conveyed Mr. Ke's instructions.

"Secretary Liang, why?"

Lin Shi was very surprised. He thought he would definitely be used this time. After all, this position was very critical and provided the most valuable information.

He really didn't expect Master to refuse.

"This is an order."

Secretary Liang shook his head. He didn't know the real reason. Since Ke announced Lin Shi's appointment, he still couldn't meet with Lin Shi.

Lin Shi still wanted to fight alone.

"I accept orders."

Lin Shi lowered his head. Secretary Liang didn't explain. He couldn't ask anymore. He had been doing peripheral support work for so many years since he joined the party.

It was Lao Zheng who initially encouraged him to join the party. Since Lao Zheng left, they have never met again.

He has no idea where Lao Zheng is now or what his situation is.

I hope Lao Zheng is fine, and Lin Shi doesn’t want anything to happen to any of his comrades.

"Don't think too much. Your identity is very important. Mr. Ke must have his considerations. You can lurk with peace of mind. Don't do anything you don't need to do."

Secretary Liang comforted Lin Shi. Lin Shi was a good comrade. He watched Lin Shi grow up step by step.

Not using him actually made Secretary Liang feel relieved.

Lin Shi can provide important information. The more information he can provide, the greater the risk of him being exposed. After all, his location needs to be kept strictly confidential.

Once the information is leaked, they will bear the brunt of suspicion.

Military Commander, Secretary Qi came to the office.

"Boss, the Third Division of the Operations Command of the Department of National Defense has changed its director. The new director is Lin Shi."

"Lin Shi?"

Boss Dai was a little surprised. He didn't expect Lin Shi to go to the combat headquarters.

This is not an ordinary department. Those who can get in are either rich or noble.

"This is the benefit of following the eldest son."

Boss Dai understood what was going on just by thinking about it. He smiled and shook his head. It was a good thing that Lin Shi had good development. After all, Lin Shi and Chu Lingyun had an unusual relationship.

"Boss, do you want to monitor Lin Shi's phone?"

This is the real purpose of Secretary Qi's inquiry. The home phones of important department members need to be monitored to ensure that they do not leak military information.

It's just home phone calls, they don't have the right to monitor office calls.

People in the combat headquarters are strictly prohibited from talking about the work of the unit after returning home. After all, everything they do involves confidentiality.

"Just as usual."

Boss Dai nodded. He believed that Lin Shi had no problem, but this was the work they did. No matter who they were, they would be treated equally.

After monitoring, if something happens in the future, they can help Lin Shi get rid of suspicion.


Secretary Qi withdrew, and Lin Shi's phone was officially monitored by the military commander.

Chu Lingyun, who was far away in Shanghai, had no time to care about this.

Under his orders, statistics were being carried out in Shanghai.

The main statistics are the Japanese industries in Shanghai. They are almost finished. By then, all these things will be confiscated and they will not be allowed to take them away.

Get the statistics early so you can take over when the time comes.

This was originally the responsibility of the Liaison Department, but the Liaison Department was completely destroyed by him. Now that the power of the Liaison Department is in his hands, he has no problem doing these things.

Time passed slowly. For Bao Shengqun, his wife had been taking traditional Chinese medicine for a month.

He hasn't touched his wife this month.

In fact, he wasn't that interested before. After all, they had been married for many years and his previous interest had long since disappeared.

Over such a long period of time, he taught those children a lot of words.

Even he was a little shocked. He could actually bear the temper and teach this person who had nothing to do with him. He never believed that this kind of thing could happen to him before.

During this time, he read a few more books as requested by the Red Party.

It was all about the Red Party’s theory of serving the people of the world. When Bao Shengqun was reading the book, he didn’t really think about understanding the content of the book. He read the book with a critical eye, which naturally had no effect on him.

Anyway, it’s just a look, just to pass the time.

At least during this period he lived a much more fulfilling life than before.

In Chongqing City, a courtyard.

Feng Yong, Ran Wu and others were sitting together.

"It's almost done. The boss is calling to implement plan No. 2."

Ran Wu first said that he was the executor of the plan when Feng Yong was here before. It will still be him after Feng Yong comes back, and Feng Yong will fully cooperate with him.

"Okay, I have arranged the people over there and they are ready to take action at any time."

Feng Yong nodded and said, he was talking about the bribed person, who worked in the police station and was the kind of policeman who took advantage of others and did all kinds of evil.

Thank you to the leader Pipitu for another 500 starting coin reward.

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