Spy Shadow

Chapter 824 Killing Again

"You must pay attention, the boss has specifically ordered not to really hurt anyone."

Ran Wu warned that Chu Lingyun asked them to act, not for real. They understood their boss's character and would never allow them to act recklessly.

The more Chu Lingyun behaves like this, the more convinced they become.

It's really worth giving your life to such a boss. Their boss is a good person, a truly good person.

They are able to kill without batting an eye when facing the Japanese, and are very protective of their compatriots. There are not many such good officials in the Guo Party now, and they are glad that they are with the right person.

"Don't worry, I'm measured."

Feng Yong nodded, and the next step was to act in front of Bao Shengqun.

Ge Qi is an old policeman in Chongqing. He was before Nanjing fell. However, he has no backing and is still a squad leader to this day.

Ge Qi didn't know much about literacy, so it was his luck that he got into the police station.

After being a policeman for so many years, Ge Qi has not learned the good skills, and the bad ones have not fallen behind.

To bully the people, you have to be proficient in everything.

"Don't worry, Boss Liu. It's a small matter. I promise to pay you for it. Okay, I won't hurt anyone. I understand how you can pay them back if you hurt them."

Ge Qi laughed and hung up the phone, coming to work.

Help people with their accounts.

He is a policeman, but he does the work of a gangster. There are such people in the police force, and there are many of them. How can they have a good reputation?

After taking the job, Ge Qi happily took the people out.

He had just met Boss Liu, but he knew that Boss Liu had a background and was rich.

He saw with his own eyes that Chief Kang from the police station was chatting and laughing with Boss Liu.

The tasks assigned by Boss Liu must be completed and done beautifully.

After a while, he arrived at the slums. There was no house number here, so if he wanted to find someone, he had to ask by mouth.

He led his men, wore police uniforms, and carried guns. The people in the slums did not dare to deceive him, so they asked and said whatever they wanted, and they found him in a short time.

Ge Qi's hand that was about to knock on the door suddenly withdrew.

His eyes suddenly lit up.

There was the sound of reading inside. It was really abominable that these poor people had money for their children to study but had no money to pay off their debts. This time he would definitely be able to help Boss Liu get his debt back.


Ge Qi kicked the door open, and the already weak door fell to the ground.

Ran Wu, who was secretly observing from a distance, frowned and looked at Feng Yong beside him.

Feng Yong shook his head gently at him, signaling him not to worry. If Ge Qizhen dared to go too far, someone would come forward to stop him.

Bao Shengqun was shocked and moved his hands to his waist.

Ge Qi swaggered in with his men.

Noticing that there were only two of them, and they were policemen, Bao Shengqun put his hand down.

It's not that you doubt yourself, just come and arrest him.

It was impossible to catch him by letting two policemen come over, but he still had to be careful. He wanted to see what the two policemen wanted to do and whether there was anyone else behind him.

"Where is Zhao Laoliu?"

Ge Qi asked directly, and a child timidly replied: "My father hasn't come back yet?"

"Not back?"

Ge Qi has a strange yin and yang, Zhao Laoliu and Bao Shengqun know that he is the father of one of the children, and this is his home.

It seemed that they were looking for Zhao Laoliu, not him.

Ge Qi glanced at Bao Shengqun and walked over: "Who are you?"

"I am a teacher. I am taking advantage of my free time to teach a few children how to read and write. I have nothing to do with Zhao Laoliu."

Bao Shengqun was coming, so he took out a few banknotes and put them into Ge Qi's hand.

The money is not much, but it represents an attitude.

Ge Qi was quite satisfied with Bao Shengqun's understanding and waved him aside.

"When will you pay back the thirteen dollars your dad owes Boss Liu?"

Ge Qi asked carelessly to Zhao Laoliu's son. Zhao Laoliu's son stared wide-eyed, never expecting that his father would owe so much money.

The child is too young and doesn't know how to answer.

"Everything was smashed to me."

Ge Qi was not as knowledgeable as the children. He looked around a few times and then ordered. In fact, his family was very poor and had very little. The main thing they smashed were the desks where their children were attending class.

Bao Shengqun's eyebrows twitched, but he didn't move.

Several children were too frightened to say anything and watched as their desks and benches were smashed by them.

Bao Shengqun felt cold in his heart, remembering Ge Qi's appearance.

"Tell your father that I will come back tomorrow and prepare money. If the money is not enough, I will no longer smash things, but people."

Ge Qi waved to Zhao Laoliu's son, glanced at Bao Shengqun, and left immediately.

He was here to help with the bill, and he wouldn't wait forever if he wasn't at home.

There is no need for him to come personally to pay more than ten yuan. If he doesn't want to curry favor with Boss Liu, he can just leave this task to a local ruffian.

"Teacher Wang, can we still have class?"

As soon as Ge Qi left, several children came to Bao Shengqun and looked at him pitifully.

Bao Shengqun glanced at the smashed tables and chairs and shook his head slightly: "I won't do it today. We'll talk about it in two days."

After saying that, Bao Shengqun left, found his car, and rode home.

Facts have proved that what happened today was an accident and was not targeted at him specifically. However, on the way back, Bao Shengqun felt increasingly congested.

Humans are not like grass and trees. He taught those children for nearly a month and had already established a relationship with them.

Ge Qi threatened the children in front of him and broke their tables and chairs.

Especially when the children looked at him expectantly at the end, he said they were collectively disappointed after not having classes for the past two days.

He understood that these children were very eager to read and read. During this period of time when he was teaching, several children studied very seriously, which gave him an inexplicable sense of accomplishment.

All this was disrupted by bad guys.

There are just a few police officers, why do they dare to do this and bully the people wantonly?

Bao Shengqun thought of a word unnaturally in his heart: oppression.

During this period, every time the Red Party gave him medicine, they would ask him to read a book. Bao Shengqun obeyed all the instructions, and he read the books as stories and didn't really care at all.

But when he actually encounters such a thing, what he has seen will be unnaturally reflected in his mind.

Bao Shengqun is educated and smart.

He can see through the essence of the matter. Zhao Laoliu is just one of the many oppressed people. There are many people like Zhao Laoliu. Bao Shengqun knows very well that Zhao Laoliu does not have thirteen yuan and he cannot afford to pay back the money. .

It is very likely that he will suffer more serious damage next, forcing him to sell his son, daughter and wife.

Thinking of this, Bao Shengqun felt even more uncomfortable.

He has nothing to do with Zhao Laoliu, but Zhao Laoliu's son is his student, a real student.

"The boss is back."

Xu Suzhen was at home. Seeing his wife, Bao Shengqun suddenly thought, if he was gone, would his wife and children suffer such bullying in the future?

Of course it won't happen if the Xu family takes care of it. What if the Xu family also collapses later?

Who can guarantee that you will always be rich?

How many aristocratic families from past dynasties still exist today?

Even if he has a son, if his son does not have enough ability in the future, today's Zhao Laoliu may be their tomorrow.

"came back."

Bao Shengqun responded. After dinner, he did not go to bed immediately. He went to the study to read for a while. He couldn't stand other books. By some strange coincidence, he took out the Red Party books he had read before.

This time he was not forced to see it, but actually saw it himself.

Bao Shengqun did not go to teach the students the next day, but he disguised himself and came to the slum to observe Zhao Laoliu's situation.

As soon as he arrived, he was discovered by Ran Wu at the surveillance point.

Ran Wu has two surveillance points, one near Bao Shengqun's home and the other right here.

In the afternoon, Ge Qi arrived at Zhao Laoliu's house.

Zhao Laoliu knew what happened at home when he came back yesterday. He was very worried when his son said it was the police who came and did not dare to go out today.

He did borrow money from Boss Liu, but he only borrowed five yuan. How come it became thirteen yuan after only a short time?

He couldn't afford to pay back thirteen dollars.

Ge Qi entered Zhao Laoliu's home, and soon there were curses and the sound of thunder, and Bao Shengqun's hands suddenly tightened.

Ge Qi deserves to die.

Half an hour later, Ge Qi led others to leave.

Bao Shengqun secretly followed Ge Qi and found his residence.

After returning home in the afternoon, Bao Shengqun ate as before. After eating, he entered the study again and once again took the initiative to read the Red Party's books.

He can't read other books now and can't find the answers he wants in them.

The Red Party's book is the most thorough on this and speaks best to his heart.

In Shanghai, Chu Lingyun received a telegram from Ran Wu.

Since Bao Shengqun appeared in the slum today, it proves that his plan is very effective.

Boss Liu is his, one of his eight subordinates.

Ge Qi is not, Ge Qi is a bad policeman. Ran Wu will kill him after the matter is done. People like him who have done many bad things should have died long ago.

For two consecutive days, Bao Shengqun did not go to class and went to get off work on time every day.

On the third day, Bao Shengqun received the medicine delivered by the newsboy, along with a note.

The note asked him to continue the class and not stop.

Bao Shengqun thought he would be angry when he saw such an order, but when the order came, he didn't feel any disturbance in his heart. In fact, he had been worried about those students in the past two days.

Since it is the Red Party's request, he will comply, but Ge Qi's existence is a threat to him.

In the past two days, Bao Shengqun inquired about Ge Qi's situation.

Ge Qi is a policeman, yes, but he is a villain among the police.

At night, Bao Shengqun went out secretly. He wanted to get rid of Ge Qi first.

He gave himself a reason. He must do things according to the requirements of the Red Party, otherwise his wife's medicine would be cut off and all his achievements would be in vain.

But he also wanted to ensure his own safety, and Ge Qi's existence was a threat to him.

Only by getting rid of Ge Qi could he teach those children with peace of mind.

As for the future, we will talk about it later.

Ge Qi is a bastard. His wife was beaten away by him, and he is the only one at home.

Ge Qi, who was sleeping soundly, was directly stabbed through the neck by Bao Shengqun, and he could not die anymore.

After killing Ge Qi, Bao Shengqun felt an inexplicable sense of comfort in his heart. People like Ge Qi deserved to die. Although he was not a good person, he was much better than Ge Qi.

After killing Ge Qi, Bao Shengqun slept very soundly that night.

Ge Qi was the police captain. He did not go to the police station the next day. His men quickly came to find him and found him dead at home.

The house had been ransacked and all valuables had been taken away.

Judging from the scene, it looks very much like murder.

The death of a captain in the police station was taken seriously. The police department took it seriously and investigated Ge Qi's death. If they didn't investigate, they wouldn't know. Once they investigated, they would be shocked. Ge Qi had offended many people.

Except for Zhao Laoliu, who had been looking for someone to pay for his debt in the past few days, the police on Zhao Laoliu asked casually and didn't say much.

"Teacher Wang, you are here."

Where Bao Shengqun arrived in the afternoon, Zhao Laoliu did not go out. He was very excited to see him and took the initiative to say hello.

"The children are waiting for you. They are very happy to know that you will come again. I told Gouzi that he has a place there. You can take classes at his place in the future."

Zhao Laoliu said carefully, he was afraid that his affairs would scare away the gentleman who was willing to teach his son for free.

For this reason, he contacted another parent of the child and asked Teacher Wang to go there first to teach the children.


Bao Shengqun had no objection. Changing places would also be a guarantee for his safety.

Gouzi's house is not far away, it's all in this area.

They had already tidied up the place. Bao Shengqun noticed that the tables and chairs here belonged to Zhao Laoliu's family. They repaired them after they were smashed by Ge Qi.

The conditions were indeed poor, but Bao Shengqun didn't care and continued to teach the children.

Ge Qi has been dealt with by him, and there will be no danger for the time being.

In Shanghai, Chu Lingyun received a message from Ran Wu.

Ge Qi is dead. It is said that he was killed for money. He was killed at home. The killing method was very sophisticated. The police suspect that an experienced person committed the crime and are investigating.

Chu Lingyun understood that Ge Qi was killed by Bao Shengqun.

Bao Shengqun also deliberately created the illusion of seeking money and killing people. Even if he was seeking money and killing people, how many people would kill the police?

Ge Qi deserved to die. Even if Bao Shengqun didn't take action, Ran Wu would deal with him afterwards.

It would be better to die now. Bao Shengqun was able to kill someone, which surprised Chu Lingyun a little.

This also proves that Bao Shengqun has been influenced, but he still likes to do things according to his temperament.

Chu Lingyun was not in a hurry, as long as it influenced him. As for Bao Shengqun's approach, he could slowly guide him in the future. Everything could not be solved only by killing.

Time passes slowly, and after March entered March in Shanghai, the weather became much warmer.

Chu Lingyun has thoroughly explored the Japanese industry in Shanghai. From now on, all the things of these people must not be shipped back to China. Everything must stay in China.


Takemoto arrived at Ishihara Trading Company with excitement on his face.

"Takemoto is here."

Seeing him, Chu Lingyun smiled. Takemoto finally got his wish and was promoted to one rank.

Normally, when his military rank is promoted, he should not continue to stay in Shanghai, but should return to the domestic military police headquarters or serve elsewhere.

Chu Lingyun had told him before that there would be no more division leaders in the literary society for the time being.

If it wasn't because of the agreement with Saijo, even if Saijo stepped down, this agreement would naturally be void.

But there is really no need.

"Thank you Ishihara-kun."

Seeing Chu Lingyun, Takemoto immediately bowed and saluted. After being promoted, the military police headquarters asked him if he was willing to return to serve.

Takemoto refused. He had just been promoted and there was no need to go back so soon. He was willing to stay in the Shanghai Military Police Headquarters.

I suddenly developed a fever today and went to the hospital for a checkup. I found that my lungs were inflamed and I am currently hospitalized for injection treatment. The updates in the past two days may not be stable, so please forgive me.

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