Spy Shadow

Chapter 828 Germany’s Defeat

Chapter 828 Germany’s Defeat

"Why are you here again? Didn't I tell you not to come?"

Bao Shengqun looked unhappy. He really wanted to cut off the relationship with the Intelligence Department before, so the Red Party would have no way to force him.

Now his mentality has changed again.

When I got off work yesterday, I met Huang Shunwen and Bao Shengqun went out of his way to say a few words to him. Sure enough, today Huang Shunwen came to the door with a gift.

"Looking at what you said, I am your old subordinate. Isn't it right to come and see the old leader?"

Huang Shunwen responded with a smile. He knew very well that if he dared to do anything bad to Bao Shengqun, Xu Lin would immediately replace him.

He can stay in the intelligence department entirely because of his old leader.

He really admired Bao Shengqun, he had ups and downs, and he was so cool. Before he was demoted to the General Affairs Department, everyone thought he would not be reconciled and tried desperately to resume his duties. As a result, the old leader did a very good job and used retreat to advance. , and after the upgrade, he directly became the director of the Intelligence Department.

The Intelligence Department has not changed its director in so many years. If Old Ghost Xu had not fallen, the old leader would still be able to hold on to that position, and no one could shake his position.

"You have a heart."

Bao Shengqun sighed slightly. The gift Huang Shunwen brought was tea leaves, real tea leaves, but they were of good quality and of high value.

"Old leader, I am going on a long trip to Xi'an the day after tomorrow."

After chatting for a while, Huang Shunwen took the initiative to speak. Bao Shengqun was moved and asked calmly: "Private matter or business matter?"


"Let's not talk about official business."

Bao Shengqun did not continue to ask, but Huang Shunwen sighed in his heart. The old leader was still the same as before, very careful in doing things, and would not ask more questions about something he shouldn't know.

No wonder, for so many years, other old people have died and run away, but the old leader has done nothing.

The old leader's method of doing things for others is indeed worth learning.

After sending Huang Shunwen away, Bao Shengqun was thinking by himself.

Huang Shunwen went to Xi'an on business, and the Intelligence Department was out in the field. There must be something very important. Either there was a case involving someone from Xi'an, or there was a major discovery in Xi'an, and someone from the headquarters had to come forward in person.

The former may not be big. If there is a case, there will be some news. Bao Shengqun doesn't ask anything in the inspector's office, but Zhongtong really has something that he can't hide from his ears.

The latter is most likely.

What happened in Xi'an?

Fruit Party or Red Party?

In addition to dealing with the Red Party, the Central Committee is also responsible for supervising party affairs, and people from the Guo Party can also investigate.

The military command supervises the military and police, mainly soldiers and policemen, while the central command supervises political parties. Corruption, perversion of the law, betrayal and betrayal are all within their investigation.

However, the Guo Party has long been rotten to the core, and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China is very active in dealing with the Red Party. It has always done things like internal investigations that can easily offend people.

When he got off work, Bao Shengqun deliberately left the house ten minutes early.

His bicycle is in the garage, and many people pass by there on their bicycles every day after get off work.

But his target today is not these people, but Xu Lin.

He knew that Xu Lin had the habit of leaving get off work early.

He had gotten off work on time before, and the two of them had never met before.

Bao Shengqun rode slowly to the door. Sure enough, Xu Lin's car drove up from behind.

"Old Bao, why are you riding a shabby bike? Doesn't your inspectorate have a bike?"

Xu Lin noticed Bao Shengqun, immediately stopped the car, opened the window and shouted to Bao Shengqun.

"I have nothing to do, just ride a bike."

Bao Shengqun smiled, and Xu Lin stopped the car and took a closer look at Bao Shengqun's bicycle.

To be honest, Bao Shengqun has been riding this car for a long time and it is indeed a bit old.

"It's too shameful. I'll tell the general manager tomorrow and ask them to match you with a car."

Xu Lin shook his head and said that he really didn't know that Bao Shengqun now commutes to get off work by bicycle. Not long after he took over the Intelligence Department, it took him a lot of time to completely control the Intelligence Department.

This requires Bao Shengqun's full cooperation, otherwise it would have been much longer.

"Brother Xu, I appreciate your kindness. I really don't need it. I am just a casual worker now. There is no need to waste this resource."

Bao Shengqun smiled and refused, and Xu Lin frowned. He knew Bao Shengqun and knew that Bao Shengqun was very low-key now, just like when he was demoted to the General Affairs Department.

This is Bao Shengqun's temperament.

"Okay, unfortunately I'm a little busy lately. I have to go on a business trip in two days. Let's have a good drink when I get back."

"Okay, be careful when you go out."

Bao Shengqun nodded, and Xu Lin chuckled: "Don't worry, I'll bring a lot of people with me this time, so nothing will happen."

Bao Shengqun didn't say much to Xu Lin. The two briefly chatted for a few words and then separated.

Xu Lin drove home, while Bao Shengqun continued riding.

Xu Lin is also going to Xi'an. Although he didn't say it, he is most likely to go to Xi'an when he goes out at this time.

Bao Shengqun deliberately reminded him to be careful, just to trick him.

Xu Lin doesn't need to say anything about anything, he just needs to express his attitude towards safety.

Xu Lin's answer was that if there were many people with him, nothing would happen.

It shows that there are certain risks, and the risks are not small. This time we are not dealing with the fruit party, but definitely the red party.

Xu Lin would not say that if he really wanted to capture the Fruit Party. He would say that there was absolutely no danger in this mission and it was just a formality.

Xi'an Station, or what did the intelligence office find there?

Are any important figures from the Red Party exposed?

Bao Shengqun couldn't ask. He only had to guess. Now with limited clues, he couldn't guess more.

However, these did not affect his reporting.

In the evening, Mr. Ke received a secret message from the little boy.

Xu Lin, the director of the Central Unification Intelligence Department, personally dispatched and took many people to Xi'an in two days. It was not the fruit party's business. The little boy suspected that they had important information about the red party there.

Upon receiving this telegram, Ke Gong immediately frowned.

In three days, he was going to Xi'an to handle a few things in secret. Someone from the Central Intelligence Office suddenly passed by. Could it be that he was the target?

If this is the case, it means someone leaked the secret to the Central Committee.

Mr. Ke has always been cautious. Even if there is only one percent chance, he will pay 100% attention.

"This information is very important, thank you."

Mr. Ke personally called back. When he saw the message, Bao Shengqun smiled with satisfaction. He thought he would never have any contact with the Red Party again, but unexpectedly he still provided them with information.

Just a little effort.

Anyway, even if it was a leak, no one would be able to suspect him.

In Shanghai, Chu Lingyun also received a message from Ke Gong, but only saw it the next day.

Alchemist Yi did not have the authority to translate such a message, so Chu Lingyun had to do it in person.

Ke Gong praised Chu Lingyun. His work was progressing very well. Bao Shengqun could indeed fight for it, and he had a very important identity.

This time Bao Shengqun provided very important information.

Knowing that people from the Central Unification Intelligence Office were going to Xi'an, Ke Gong immediately canceled the trip to Xi'an, but he did not tell anyone. Not many people knew his whereabouts. If someone really leaked the secret, the traitor was either involved or related to them. .

With the direction of the investigation, given Ke Gong's ability, there is a traitor, and it is impossible to hide it. If this important traitor can be uncovered, Bao Shengqun will have once again made a great contribution.

After reading the telegram, Chu Lingyun smiled.

Bao Shengqun seems to have been moved, and the next development will be a matter of course for him. This time Bao Shengqun has sent key information, which may be related to Ke Gong's safety.

This alone made his efforts during this period not in vain.

If the traitor is really found and Mr. Ke is prevented from being in danger this time, Bao Shengqun's contribution will be great, at least he will save Mr. Ke once.

Time passed slowly, and soon it was the end of April.

Xu Lin came back from Xi'an with many people, looking very ugly. Their target this time was Mr. Ke. Ye Feng had incited someone to rebel before. This time he got secret information that Mr. Ke was going to Xi'an.

Ke Gong is the most important intelligence officer of the Red Party, and catching him is of great significance.

Ye Feng handed over the task to Xu Lin.

Xu Lin took away two sections of the Intelligence Department, leaving only one as a housekeeper. Unexpectedly, his trip to Xi'an was in vain. Soon he received a telegram from the director, asking him to return to Chongqing immediately.

The director's senior spy was exposed.

"What went wrong to hook up with such an important informant like me?"

In the office, Ye Feng roared angrily, while Xu Lin lowered his head.

He also wondered what went wrong.

This mission was extremely important. He told no one before setting off. His subordinates only knew that they were going to Xi'an, nominally to investigate the party affairs in Xi'an City. No one knew the real mission, let alone arresting people.

He is the only one who knows the truth.

"Boss, I promise, I haven't told anyone about this."

Xu Lin carefully explained that there was something wrong with the mission and there were very few people who knew about it. He was now the first to bear the brunt, for fear of being suspected by the director.

"I know it can't be you. I'll go check it out right away and find out what's going on. When Mr. Xu was here, I heard that there was a senior insider of the Red Party in the Central Unification Committee. He was very well hidden. I suspect he is still here. , know about this."

Ye Feng did not doubt Xu Lin. Xu Lin was his confidant and had done well over the years.

Ye Feng is different from Old Ghost Xu. As long as there is no evidence, he will not do anything to the people he trusts.

It really made him suspicious, even if there was no evidence, he wouldn't be able to survive.

There is no soft-hearted person in the spy chief.

The traitor in Yanzhou was indeed found out by Mr. Ke. With a few clues, people like Mr. Ke couldn't hide it. There were so few people who knew about his travel plan this time, so it was easier to investigate.

The little boy accomplished great things and once again demonstrated his worth.

The little boy is very smart. No matter whether he is in the intelligence office or not, he can still obtain important information. In other words, as long as the little boy is in Zhongtong, they have a pair of smart eyes there and can make accurate decisions through many subtleties. judge.

Such people must truly win over to their own camp.

Chu Lingyun did a very good job in this matter. He did not give up on the little boy, continued to develop him, and finally let the little boy take the initiative to provide information, and this information played a very important role.

Not only did he protect Mr. Ke, he also eliminated a deeply hidden traitor.

At the end of April, Xiaozhu got married in a hurry.

At this time, Berlin was surrounded by heavy troops. Mustache knew that his end was coming. Anyone who surrendered might survive, but he had no way of survival.

As the initiator of the war, Mustache committed heinous crimes. Once he was captured alive, it was impossible for the Allied forces to let him go.

On the 30th, Berlin was captured and Mustache committed suicide.

Germany was defeated.

When the news reached Chongqing, everyone at the top level had smiles on their faces. Once Germany was defeated, the Allies would be able to free up millions or more troops.

It is impossible for all these people to come over and help them fight Japan, but the United States and Russia can.

Japan can't hold on much longer.

Without the sea and air, Japan is now just a pheasant waiting to be beaten. He first plucks all the hair from its body and finally burns the chicken.

Military Commander, Boss Dai laughed happily.

Japan is finally almost doomed. Once Germany is defeated and the United States is free, it will attack the Japanese mainland.

Russia will attack the Kwantung Army from Siberia.

Other Japanese in China still need to be dealt with by themselves.

There are a lot of Japanese, but no matter how many they are, they are not as large as the Chinese. On their own territory, the Japanese do not have enough logistical supplies. They are like grasshoppers after the autumn.

"Boss, we are still out of stock recently."

Secretary Qi walked into the office and reported in a low voice. Boss Dai's face suddenly stiffened.

Japan is coming to an end. This is a good thing, great news.

But there is one thing that is very disadvantageous for him.

That is, with the decline of Japan, Ishihara Trading Company no longer has enough supply for him, and this time it has not delivered goods to him for almost a month.

At present, Yagyu Trading Company can still provide orders, but the volume of goods has also been reduced a lot.

Hayakawa Ping was mainly in Nanyang, where transportation was not smooth, and he had no good ideas.

“You can’t have your cake and eat it too.”

After a while, Boss Dai sighed fiercely. Smuggling was indeed profitable. Over the years, he had supported so many people in the Military Command and the Loyalty Salvation Army by relying on smuggling.

Once Japan is defeated, his smuggling business will naturally stop.

Even if we continue to do it, we will still have to cooperate with other people, and we will no longer be able to get goods from Ishihara Trading Company.

Chu Lingyun doesn’t have very good connections in the United States. Let’s see if we can take this path when the time comes.

Boss Dai knew in his heart that even if there was a way, the smuggling business in the future would not be as profitable as it is now.

Nowadays, the Japanese are blocking things. The more blocked things are, the more expensive they are.

After the Japanese surrender, there will only be customs. Not to mention that the tax is not high. As for the customs people, anyone with some connections can get through to them.

If you can smuggle, so can I.

Everyone can do it, and the United States has sufficient supply. When so many goods come in, prices will definitely not rise.

The era of making huge profits from smuggling is coming to an end.

"Tell Ling Yun, do your best, don't force it."

After a while, Boss Dai whispered, fortunately, there is still a way to make money through loan sharking. In addition, the Japanese are about to be destroyed. The military commander, as an intelligence department, has control over all traitors and Japanese industries in the Japanese-occupied areas.

Those near water and towers get the moon first, and they can receive them first when the time comes.

Before the Japanese failed, Boss Dai was already thinking about ways to make a fortune. He was indeed smart.


Secretary Qi smiled slightly and went out to send a report to Chu Lingyun.

At this time, Chu Lingyun was receiving guests, and sitting in front of him was Gang Cun, who was looking sad.

Thanks to the leader Pipitu for another 500 starting coin reward. Xiaoyu will be discharged from the hospital in two days, and updates will be resumed as much as possible then.

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