Spy Shadow

Chapter 827 The Navy was destroyed

Chapter 827 The Navy was destroyed

Shiyuan Trading Company is Chu Lingyun's property, and this is something the old man knows.

The other Japanese were invaders, but Hiroshi Ishihara was not. He was a hero of the Anti-Japanese War. After Japan surrendered, Chu Lingyun would come back in person to take over all the property.

No one can try to rob it, let alone take it away.

Tokyo, Japan, Naval Command.

The atmosphere in the conference room was extremely depressing. The Americans' continuous bombings had brought the resentment of the people of this country to its peak. People everywhere blamed their navy for their inaction and their failure to stop the Americans.

Some people even turned over old scores and believed that their sneak attacks had angered the Americans and brought such disaster to the empire.

The Naval Command is under tremendous pressure. Okinawa is now in danger. The Navy cannot do nothing. They must rescue Okinawa.

With the consent of the base camp, the Navy decided to dispatch all existing warships to Okinawa to block U.S. warships. Although there is a huge difference in strength, as long as a few U.S. aircraft carriers or warships can be killed, it can still help Okinawa reduce the pressure.

This plan was named Operation Kikusui.

The name is taken from the heraldic pattern of the famous samurai catching wood hundreds of years ago, which means chrysanthemum in the water.

With the enemy outnumbered, Zhu Mu made an oath to serve the country for seven lives, which meant that even if he died seven times, he would be reincarnated to serve the empire.

In the spirit of Bushido, this was a story that was important to them.

If the Navy's combat plan is named like this, you can see their mentality in this battle.

The Japanese Navy understands that they are no match for the U.S. Navy. This is a suicidal attack. If it is not done, it will not work. I am afraid that very few naval soldiers who travel will come back alive.

Japan has no aircraft carriers, so planes can only depart from land.

Coupled with the lack of good pilots, Japan has also tinkered with single-use aircraft. This time the Kikusui battle, whether it was the aviation department or the warships, was of the type where there was no return.

Serve the Empire even if you die in battle.

On April 6th, nearly 400 aircraft of the Japanese Navy and more than 100 aircraft of the Army officially began to launch attacks on the United States. Among the more than 500 aircraft, more than 300 were of the type that would never return and be used once. s plane.

Just like their navy's Kaiten torpedoes, they are all inhumane designs.

In the afternoon, the Japanese Navy Yamato led a light cruiser and eight destroyers to set off. These ten warships can be said to be the last assets of the Japanese Navy.

Since the Nanyang transportation line was blocked by the US military, the transport ship suffered heavy losses and was short of oil. The Yamato was not even refueled this time.

From the moment they set out, the fleet's ultimate fate was sealed.

All available warships were used this time, including the Yukikaze.

Although the Yukikaze was full of curses, and many of the ships it protected, whether merchant ships or warships, were sunk, there were also examples of successful escorts by the Yukikaze.

This time it is about letting the fleet die. It doesn't matter who escorts it. The key is to sink enough American warships so that their sacrifices will not be in vain.

On the Yukikaze, the captain looked serious.

This battle is about the navy's final glory. He is not afraid of dying in battle. He wants to let the country see the bravery of the Yukikaze.

The Yukikaze is not a nemesis, they will definitely be loyal to the empire this time.

This time was different from previous expeditions. Everyone who went out understood what this battle represented, and the farewell scene was full of tragedy.

They not only have to avoid the US aircraft carrier, but also reach the designated combat location and start a battle with a larger number of US troops to show the final glory of the Japanese navy.

It's a pity that the Japanese do all kinds of bad things, and God doesn't help them.

Not long after the Japanese naval fleet set off, it was discovered by two American submarines. The submarine did not act rashly in the face of ten American warships, but passed the information to its superiors.

The U.S. Navy received the intelligence, and the commander immediately ordered Task Force 54 to come out to meet the enemy.

Task Force 54 has six battleships, seven cruisers and 21 destroyers, more than three times more than the Japanese Navy.

Even though they do not have a battleship as large as Yamato, their fleet size and tonnage are far superior to the Japanese fleet.

But this is not the real battle plan of the Americans.

The most effective way to deal with warships is carrier-based aircraft.

The 54th Fleet was just to contain the Japanese and prevent them from reaching Okinawa and preventing them from escaping back to their hometown.

The Americans are ready to accept these ten warships and eat them up completely.

Especially the Yamato, which can be called the largest tonnage battleship in the world, must be sunk as an honor for the U.S. Navy.

On the morning of the 7th, US aircraft carrier-based aircraft were ready.

The US military dispatched forty fighter planes to conduct a sector search. They knew the approximate location of the Japanese navy, and it was not difficult to find them in this kind of search.

Sure enough, at 8:32 in the morning, the reconnaissance plane discovered the sailing Japanese naval fleet.

A warship exposed to an aircraft carrier ultimately has only one fate.

The reconnaissance plane bit the Japanese fleet, and the Japanese fleet that discovered the US reconnaissance plane knew that their position was exposed. They accelerated wildly and headed towards Okinawa.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the first wave of 280 aircraft of various types from the US military took off. The densely packed aircraft soon appeared in the sky above the Japanese Navy.

The Yamato was their focus.

However, the Yamato is indeed thick-skinned. Even if it was hit multiple times, it at least survived this wave of attacks. The Hamakaze destroyer was not so lucky. The thin Hamakaze was hit by a torpedo and a bomb. , the hull of the ship broke, and it sank to the bottom of the sea soon, becoming the first unlucky ship in this naval battle.

The only light cruiser Yagi was also hit by torpedoes and bombs, completely losing its maneuverability and becoming a living target.

The Liangzuki was hit by an aerial bomb and burst into flames, while the Fuyutsuki was hit by two rockets. Fortunately for them, the two rockets did not cause much damage to them and they escaped.

Xuefeng and Chushuang are fine for the time being, but the other ships are somewhat damaged.

The first wave of U.S. aircraft left, and the second wave of carrier-based aircraft arrived immediately.

Seeing the steady stream of U.S. military aircraft coming over, the Japanese commander showed despair.

It was only noon now, and the American aircraft carrier would not be too far away from them. They would not be able to hold on for the rest of the afternoon.

At 2:20 in the afternoon, the Yamato, which had been damaged beyond recognition after suffering multiple torpedoes and bombs, finally capsized and sank. This battleship, which the Japanese had high hopes for and was said to be unsinkable, eventually sank into the sea like its sister ship Musashi.

The Yamato sank, and other Japanese warships did not fare much better.

Thirteen minutes before the Yamato was silenced, the light cruiser Yagi was sunk. It sank earlier than the Yamato.

The destroyers Isokaze, Asashiro and Kasumi suffered heavy damage and were forced to sink.

Including the Hamakaze that had sunk before, six warships of the Japanese Navy were sunk and completely lost their combat capabilities.

The remaining four warships, after salvaging some of the fallen people, saw the American planes coming back and immediately fled. The naval battle ended with Japan's complete defeat.

The Japanese Navy's hands and feet were cold after receiving the battle report.

The Yamato was eventually lost, but the Yamato did not follow the Japanese wishes and severely damaged the U.S. Navy, sinking several U.S. Navy warships and then sinking.

The Yamato failed to even encounter a U.S. warship, and sank in the depths of the Pacific in humiliation.

Regardless of the outcome, the Combined Fleet failed completely. From now on, the Combined Fleet will exist in name only, with only some small warships and old warships left.

In addition, of their eleven submarines near Okinawa, eight were lost due to tight U.S. anti-submarine warfare.

Eight submarines were lost, but no results were achieved.

After this battle, Japan completely lost sea control.

Although the fleet failed, the aviation department achieved good results.

In two consecutive days of bombing, the navy and army dispatched nearly a thousand aircraft, many of which were Sakura suicide attack aircraft. They sank three American destroyers, a landing ship, and two arms ships, and damaged various ships. More than a dozen ships.

The aviation department's results somewhat embarrassed the Japanese navy.

Time came to April 8th. Fuyutsuki, Yukikaze, and Hatsusuki returned to the Sasebo Naval Base one after another. What no one expected was that the Suzuki, which was covered with wounds and thought to have sunk by everyone, actually ran back. .

Although Liangyue looked miserable, it was back after all.

Of the four warships that came back, Liangzuki was seriously injured, Dongyue and Xuekaze were slightly injured, and Chushuang was in the best condition, with basically no injuries.

Unfortunately, just after returning, the people on several warships almost started fighting, especially the Yukikaze, which was all said to have defeated the Yamato.

Without the Yukikaze, they would definitely be able to reach Okinawa.

Taking the Yukikaze with you was the biggest mistake.

The Yukikaze was naturally not happy to be accused like this. After returning to Hong Kong for inspection, they unexpectedly discovered that they had been hit by an aerial bomb, but the aerial bomb was a dud.

It has to be said that the Yukikaze is indeed very lucky. If this aerial bomb explodes, even if it does not sink, they will not be able to come back safely, let alone save so many people.

In the face of accusations, Yukikaze produced dumb bombs as evidence that they were not nemesis and they were also injured.

What they never expected was that this dumb bomb turned out to be evidence that they were their nemesis.

It was quite uncomfortable to get up and down on the Yukikaze.

Someone else suggested that the Chushuang was in better condition than them. This time the Xuefeng killed two people and injured several others, but no one died on the Chushuang.

The result was refuted again. The Chushuang was not in the main area of ​​​​the battle at that time. The Americans' focus was not on it, so they avoided it.

The Yukikaze was always on the battlefield and helped sink the Frost and Isokaze, which were seriously injured and unable to move. It was a miracle that their losses were so low.

No matter how much Yukikaze argued, their reputation as a badass star had once again improved a lot.

The results of the naval battle also spread to the army.

The Army doesn't care about the Yukikaze, it only cares about the Empire. The Navy is completely gone, and the Empire itself can no longer stop Americans from landing.

What awaits the empire will be a more brutal war.

It's not like there's no good news.

On the 12th, the President of the United States suddenly died of illness, and the Vice President took over urgently.

Both Japan and Germany seemed to have grasped at straws and thought things would turn around. Unfortunately, reality slapped them in the face.

Berlin, the German capital, was quickly surrounded by Allied forces, and Germany's last moments were approaching.

Although Japan still occupies many territories, including China, Myanmar, Thailand and other places, its homeland continues to be bombed and its war potential has been completely lost.

Failure is purely a matter of time.

In Chongqing, as Germany is about to be destroyed, there are many more smiles on the faces of senior officials.

Everyone knows that once Germany fails, Japan will follow.

Japan will never be able to withstand the attack from Russia, the United States, and China.

Bao Shengqun still went to work every day and took time to teach those children. The Red Party did not assign new tasks except asking him to read books.

However, Bao Shengqun paid attention to the Intelligence Department intentionally or unintentionally.

He has been the chief of the Intelligence Department for several years and knows the Intelligence Department very well. After Xu Lin took office, not many people were replaced because of their relationship with him. Now, one of the three section chiefs is still his.

Xu Lin was trying to save face for Bao Shengqun, otherwise all three section chiefs would have been replaced.

"Director, Section Chief Huang is here."

The office door was knocked open, and Bao Shengqun's only subordinate Xiao Wu came in to report.

"Let him in."

Bao Shengqun nodded lightly. Huang Shunwen was the section chief he promoted in the Intelligence Department and had always been his confidant.

This time he took the initiative to give up his position. Xu Lin said privately that only one of the three section chiefs could stay and asked him which one he wanted to keep.

When Xu Lin came to power, it was impossible not to promote his own people. He was willing to leave a subject for Bao Shengqun, which was enough to give him face.

Bao Shengqun was very reluctant to withdraw at the time and did not agree. Xu Lin instead believed that he was loyal and finally retained the most capable Huang Shunwen.

And Xu Lin told Huang Shunwen that it was because of Bao Shengqun that he retained his position as section chief.

When Old Ghost Xu fell, the people of the Central Government were panicked.

Bao Shengqun is a relative of Mr. Xu and a close confidant. Everyone speculates that Bao Shengqun will also be unlucky.

As Bao Shengqun's subordinate, he was naturally worried.

As a result, they did not expect that Bao Shengqun had no love for power and took the initiative to give up his position. The person who took over the Intelligence Department was Xu Lin, who already had an unusual relationship with Bao Shengqun.

The two are good friends, and their friendship has not been affected by the downfall of Old Ghost Xu.

Instead, the Intelligence Department became the department with the least impact after the fall of Central Commander Xu Laogui.

Even if Xu Lin promoted his own people, he also made proper arrangements for the old people before him. Unlike other departments, a group of people were investigated and punished, and their heads were used to replace other people.

"Yes, Director."

Xiao Wu ran out immediately. He was a newcomer to Zhongtong and was assigned to Bao Shengqun's side when he arrived at Zhongtong.

He knew Bao Shengqun's situation. When he first came to report, he was worried about how to address the leader.

Bao Shengqun's position is that of a consultant. It is inappropriate to call him a consultant directly. Everyone knows that this is an unentitled status.

But calling him by name is even more unacceptable.

Later, Xiao Wu asked others for advice, and they told him that it was right to continue to call him his previous position, and Bao Shengqun's level had not been downgraded anyway.

If the level has not been reduced, it will be the director level.

"Director, how are you doing lately?"

Huang Shunwen followed Xiao Wu in, holding something in his hand, and said with a smile.

After Bao Shengqun abdicated, he came to see him three times. It wasn't that he didn't want to come often, but that Bao Shengqun wouldn't let him come.

Huang Shunwen used to be in the Operations Section, and was later transferred to the Intelligence Division by Bao Shengqun. He was considered a direct descendant of Bao Shengqun, and he had long known the temperament of his leader.

Once he abdicates, he will never cause trouble to his old subordinates. This alone is unmatched.

Thanks to the leader Pipitu for another 500 starting coin reward, to Seven Soft White Sands for the 300 starting coin reward, and to book friend 20230602113631765 for the 100 starting coin reward.

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