Spy Shadow

Chapter 852 The Tiger Falls in Pingyang

Chapter 852 The Tiger Falls in Pingyang


The place where General Tang was hospitalized was guarded by guards. Chu Lingyun went there by himself but was stopped outside.

"Please help me report. Chu Lingyun, the leader of the military intelligence team, came to report to General Tang on the order of the Chairman."

Chu Lingyun said lightly, and the guard glanced at him suspiciously. Is this young man so powerful? A military commander actually said that he was ordered by the chairman of the committee?

If this was a lie, in ancient times it would have been a serious crime to falsely convey imperial edicts and confiscate the family and exterminate the clan.

"Hold on."

The guard did not embarrass Chu Lingyun, and quickly went in to report that it was about the old man, and he would report it whether it was true or false. Someone would naturally deal with it if it was false. If he didn't report it, he would lose his head in the future.

"Chu Lingyun?"

General Tang frowned after hearing the report.

Chu Lingyun naturally knew that Wending had mentioned many young talents in the military command and had a very good relationship with Wending.

In addition to Wending, Chen Mutu, General Li, General Bai, General Xue and others also have good relationships with Chu Lingyun.

Chu Lingyun owns a pharmaceutical factory that can produce new drugs, allowing these people to make a lot of money.

But these have nothing to do with him. He can't get new medicines and has never taken advantage of Chu Lingyun.

It's not that he hasn't thought about it, but it's a pity that he has nothing to do with Chu Lingyun and can't get the goods.

"He said he came to report to you on the order of the chairman of the committee."

The guard carefully replied that if the message should be passed, it must be passed to the right place, so that he would not be held responsible.

"If you don't see me, just say that I am seriously injured and cannot see the guests."

General Tang immediately shook his head. He knew very well what the old man's order was. Now that the military commander was here, he instinctively thought of Ishihara Trading Company.

Why should such a big piece of fat be given to the military commander?

Who doesn’t know that Dai Yunong has made a lot of money from smuggling these years? Just because Dai Yunong’s smuggled goods passed through Shiyuan Trading Company, this place must be left to them?

There is no such reason.

He didn't receive the old man's telegram, which would make him even less able to see the military commander, no matter who he was.

"Our general is seriously injured and it is not convenient to see guests."

The guards were polite when they came out, so Chu Lingyun turned around and walked back without any nonsense.

It's useless for the man named Tang to disagree. He must see him today and let him see the acceptance order signed by the old man.

The man surnamed Tang thought that if he didn't meet, he could just pretend to be stupid, but that was not possible.

"General Chen, General Tang doesn't want to see me, and I need your help."

"No need to borrow it, I'll go with you later."

Chen Mutu smiled and nodded. General Tang has a lot of people in Shanghai, but there are not many in the hospital.

His guards are enough for anything.

What's more, he still has a division on standby outside the city. Unless Tang goes crazy and wants to rebel, he doesn't dare to do anything to them.

In the past, rebels could still surrender to the Japanese, but now rebels have no way out.

Join the Red Party?

For what the man named Tang did, it would not be an exaggeration to say that he would be shot ten times by the Red Party.

The man named Tang is shameless. He came to Shanghai this time purely to help Chu Lingyun, and now is the time for him to step forward.

Chang Jianfeng also got out of the car: "Ling Yun, according to the original plan, you will go first later, and we will wait outside."

"Okay, thank you, senior brother."

Calling Chang Jianfeng over means asking him to come to the platform and bear witness. Even if he doesn't follow, Chu Lingyun will pull him along.

Chang Jianfeng couldn't run away from this matter.

Boss Dai didn't say anything, but he already had the tape recorder in his hand.

He knows how to use this tape recorder without anyone having to teach him how to use it.

"Wait until dark."

Chen Mutu looked at his watch. Several people were chatting outside. It was already six o'clock in the afternoon, and it would be dark soon.

After dark, it is easier for them to do it.

There are more than a hundred guards named Tang in the hospital. This guy is more afraid of death, and so many people are arranged to protect him in the hospital.

It is very important to control them and not make too much noise.

An hour later, it got dark.

Chen Mutu winked at Chen Shouquan, who immediately went outside to call someone.

They were always at the entrance of the hospital and did not go far.

Moreover, several of them were not wearing military uniforms, so it was impossible to recognize them even if they were close. With the guards around, no one could approach them casually.

"People have it all under control."

Ten minutes later, Chen Shouquan came back to report. Several people got in the car again, and the car drove into the yard. The guards who had been guarding the door of the hospital ward were now all held down by Chen Mutu's people.

"The one named Tang is at the very back of the second floor."

Chen Shouquan said softly that when they subdued the guards, they knew which ward General Tang was in. In order not to alert the enemy, they did not go to the door of the ward.

At this time, there were four guards at the door of the ward, so they were not controlled.


There are only four people. Chen Mutu is not needed. Chu Lingyun's own military agents can handle it.

"What are you doing?"

Shen Hanwen led the people over first. As soon as the four guards raised their guns, Shen Hanwen's submachine guns were all pointed at them. There were twelve people in Shen Hanwen's group. If anyone fired, the four of them would not survive.

"General, there's a situation."

One person hurriedly shouted that Shen Hanwen didn't care about them. He was not afraid of misfire, let alone their shooting. He walked over and forcibly fired their guns.

These soft-footed shrimps can only run away, they don't have the courage to fight.

Shen Hanwen is not afraid of the Japanese, let alone these wimps.

After Shen Hanwen got the situation under control, Chu Lingyun and Chen Mutu came together. The difference was that Chen Mutu and the others stopped when they reached the door, and Chu Lingyun took Shen Hanwen in.

There is a guard in the ward and has been controlled.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?"

General Tang was shocked. Someone could actually run into his ward. Have all the guards outside been eliminated?

He didn't hear a single gunshot.

"Head of the Military Intelligence Team, Chu Lingyun."

Chu Lingyun pulled a chair over and sat directly in front of the bed: "General Tang, it's not easy to meet you. We have never met, but we have admired your name for a long time."

There was a gun under the pillow named Tang, and Shen Hanwen searched it out at this time.

Although this is a ward, it is very luxurious, with exquisite snacks and fruits placed beside the bed.

"Are you Chu Lingyun?"

General Tang was slightly startled. He didn't expect the other party to be so bold. After he refused to meet, he actually dared to barge in.

But is the military commander so powerful? He was allowed into the ward without even noticing.

"That's right, General Tang doesn't want to meet, so he has no choice but to make this decision. Please forgive me, General Tang."

Chu Lingyun took out the old man's warrant, without reading it, and put it directly in front of Tang, letting him see for himself. He picked up an orange on the table, peeled it open and ate it.

Not at all polite.

"What do you mean?"

General Tang quickly read the instructions, and the old man actually ordered Chu Lingyun to take over Shiyuan Trading Company. Before, he only mentioned military commanders, but now he named them.

Who doesn’t know that Ishihara Trading Company is the fattest? For so many years, he has worked hard without any merit. What’s wrong with Ishihara Trading Company?

"It's not interesting. I just came to inform you that you don't have to worry about the affairs of Ishihara Trading Company from now on."

Chu Lingyun waited for him to finish reading and then took back the acceptance order.

This is his Shangfang sword. If Tang dares to cause trouble to them after seeing it, the old man will not let him go.

As for the rest, come if you are not afraid of death.

The illustrious reputation that Juntong has gained over the years was not achieved through words but through strength. Many people who despised Juntong all paid a heavy price.

"Based on a receipt order whose authenticity I don't know, you say you don't care and I don't care?"

General Tang's voice rose sharply. Since the person who came was from the military commander, there was no way they would dare to attack him unless they had evidence. But if they really wanted to arrest him, it would not be Chu Lingyun who came here.

Even Dai Yunong is not qualified.

General Tang was really not that scared at this time.

"You can send the report to the chairman to confirm its authenticity."

Chu Lingyun was neither humble nor arrogant, and replied calmly, what he wanted was his attitude. If not, how could he continue to set a trap for him?

"You don't need to worry about this. I'm warning you. No one is allowed to move at Shiyuan Trading Company without my order. If you dare to move, don't blame me for not giving Wending and Chen Mutu face."

General Tang said coldly that he did not expect that the person coming to snatch the fat would be Chu Lingyun.

Who is Chu Lingyun? He is at the highest level of military commander. Let alone him, even if Dai Yunong is in front of him, he will not give face.

Chen Mutu's face tightened outside. Is this called giving him face?

That’s not what I meant if I really gave him face. I didn’t give him any face at all.

Boss Dai glanced at Chen Mutu and the eldest son, then walked in with the tape recorder.

It's his turn.

"General Tang, isn't this bad?"

"Dai Yunong?"

Seeing Boss Dai, Tang's eyes tightened slightly. He didn't expect that Dai Yunong would come to Shanghai. It seemed that he was here specifically to support Chu Lingyun.

But what if he comes?

There was no reason to give up the fat in his mouth, not to mention him, not to anyone else.

"General Tang, long time no see. The commissioner personally ordered you not to embarrass this junior Chu Lingyun."

Boss Dai said with a smile, seemingly begging for mercy, but actually adding fuel to the fire.

However, in the eyes of outsiders, he did have good intentions and even bowed his head.

This feeling will be more obvious when listening to the recording.

It was completely different at the scene. It was impossible for anyone to remain indifferent to the obviously sarcastic look on his face, which was half-smiling but not smiling.

"Dai, what do you mean? This is Shanghai, not your military commander."

As expected, General Tang was irritated by Boss Dai's expression and shouted angrily. Boss Dai was not angry. He shook his head with a smile, and the sarcastic look on his face became more intense: "I came here this time to investigate Mr. Wu's case. After verification, it was confirmed that Mr. Wu had eaten He has been taken away and detained by me for many crimes including taking cards, disregarding human lives, embezzling domestic products, etc."

"What? You captured my people?"

General Tang suddenly exclaimed, if his leg had not been broken, he would have dared to stand up and knock Boss Dai on the head.

He never expected that the military commander would dare to attack him and directly arrest his division commander.

To deceive others is to go too far.

Shanghai is his territory.

"General Tang, you are wrong. You and I, as well as Commander Wu, Chu Lingyun, etc., are all members of the Party and work for the Chairman. There is no such thing as you and me."

Boss Dai smiled and shook his head. It has to be said that his smile and taunt skills have reached full marks. While speaking righteously, he looked like he wanted to be beaten. General Tang couldn't move. If he could move, he would have jumped up long ago.

"Asshole, whoever asked you to arrest him should be released immediately."

The confused General Tang made another mistake. Boss Dai just said again that they were all working for the old man. Tang continued to talk about his people and forced Boss Dai to let him go.

All these words were recorded by Boss Dai, who was already feeling happy.

"General Tang, he violated the national law and was the person who was asked by the commission to arrest him. I'm sorry, but I will definitely not let him go."

Boss Dai said slowly, and General Tang's lungs almost exploded with anger.

"Come here, arrest them all."

The angry General Tang even forgot that his guards had been controlled. After shouting, he suddenly remembered, and then looked angrily at Boss Dai and Chu Lingyun.

"Dai, don't be complacent. I will personally pick up my man."

"What are you going to pick up? You are going to pick up a person who was arrested for corruption and bending the law with solid evidence. Where to pick him up? Brother Tang, does it mean that national, French and military laws have no role in your eyes?"

Chen Mutu suddenly walked into the room, and it was his turn to appear.

In fact, he could come in just now, but it didn't feel right, so he waited. Sure enough, he waited for a more suitable opportunity.

"General Chen, when did you get here?"

General Tang's eyes tightened when he saw Chen Mutu. He kept looking at Chen Mutu and Dai Yunong. When did these two people get together?

The two of them had a personal relationship, but it was a big taboo for the old man.

General Tang's mind was spinning rapidly at this time. Chen Mutu's arrival might not be bad news for him. With Chen Mutu here, they were even less likely to take action at will. As long as he returned to his barracks safely, they would not only take back Commander Wu, but also Make Dai Yunong look good.

As for Chu Lingyun, he didn't think much about it at this time.

Anyway, we’ll clean it up together when the time comes.

"It's not a good thing you did. What your people did in Shanghai is outrageous. Don't think that the commissioner is unaware of it. If you don't want to embarrass the commissioner, just restrain yourself."

Chen Mutu glared at him. He didn't need to be so polite to General Tang.

General Tang's level is not low, but Chen Mutu is also very high.

Being reprimanded like a subordinate in public, General Tang's face became even more ugly, with his face turning blue and white.

As everyone knows, this was Chen Mutu's deliberate move.

Anyway, he was on Chu Lingyun's side this time. There was no need to give Tang a good look. The most important thing was that the eldest son was by their side.

This time, I was actually doing something for the eldest son.

Chen Mutu is very smart and has long seen that the old man is training the eldest son, and the eldest son is very likely to take over in the future.

Even if he doesn't take sides, it's not a bad thing to have a good relationship.

Besides, he was nominally helping Chu Lingyun this time, and with the old man's orders, he was free to do whatever he wanted.

"Brother Chen, I don't need your advice on my affairs."

General Tang snorted coldly. Chen Mutu's attitude made him very angry. The tiger fell down and was bullied by the dog. What happened today?

One by one, everyone who came in was telling him how to do things, which was really disgusting.

And they don't come in together, but come in one after another. What are you trying to do? Are you deliberately making fun of him?

General Tang had no intention of giving up with them. When he recovered, he would definitely regain this place.

It's a pity that he didn't know that there was a more important person outside who didn't come in.

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