Spy Shadow

Chapter 853 Transferred from Shanghai

"You are wrong again. I am not here to teach you. I am here to supervise you under the order of the commission."

Chen Mutu, like Boss Dai, was a human being and knew how to speak during the recording, but General Tang was the only one who was as ignorant as a fool.

"I don't need you to supervise my work. I know that you have a good relationship with that Chu Lingyun. I tell you clearly that no one can take away this piece of fat from Shiyuan Trading Company."

Three people appeared one after another, just for Ishihara Trading Company.

Jun Tong was engaged in smuggling business with Ishihara Trading Company, and he knew better than him how much money Ishihara Trading Company had. The more so, the less he could let go.

From what he heard from the public, Ishihara Trading Company had stolen thousands of gold bricks from Abe, all of which were large gold bricks.

A gold brick weighs twenty-five pounds, four hundred taels.

One thousand gold bricks, four hundred thousand taels of gold.

And this is the lowest, plus the Ishihara Trading Company itself and the last property collected, the scale is at least one million taels of gold.

One million taels of gold is another trophy. How many people can give up?

"I remind you again, this is an order from the Chairman."

Chen Mutu's face turned pale. He came over in person and used this situation to negotiate with Tang. However, the other party was still unwilling to make money and was greedy for money.

It is conceivable that without him, Chu Lingyun alone would not be able to make him give up.

"No one's orders will do."

The man surnamed Tang was completely stunned. This was not war time, not to mention that he could not be so disobedient even during war time.

General Xue resisted his orders and did not obey the old man's command.

But that was a special situation, and the facts proved that he was right. It was not an emergency, and even General Xue could not completely disobey orders.

General Tang is nothing, he is far worse than the other generals.

"Are you sure that no one's orders will work?"

The eldest son finally came out. As the last person, he had been waiting patiently.

The man named Tang spoke so irritatingly that his stomach was already filled with anger.

The old man is his father, and now is the most powerful time. Whether it is Chu Lingyun, Dai Yunong, or Chen Mutu, he always mentions his father first.

The results of it?

The man named Tang didn't take his father seriously at all.

No wonder my father often said that warlords are abominable. I must have a good talk with my father when I go back this time, and avoid cultivating new warlords at any time in the future.

These warlords were truly daring.

On this point, he and his father had exactly the same idea.

"Eldest Young Master?"

General Tang was dumbfounded. Why was there still someone there?

He suddenly remembered that Chu Lingyun did have a good relationship with the eldest young master, but he did not expect that such a trivial matter would alarm Chen Mutu, but there would be an eldest young master?

"I did not mean that."

The man surnamed Tang hurriedly explained that he could be tough in front of Chen Mutu. Even if he knew it was the old man's order, he could still use other excuses.

But facing the eldest son, he couldn't say such things.

He and the old man are father and son, and they belong to one body. If he still said that, it would be equivalent to slapping the old man in the face.

His power was given by the old man.

Although he has considerable military power, once he loses the old man's trust, he will also be in a lot of trouble.

He is not Dai Yunong, but even Dai Yunong is still desperately trying to get more capital for himself, so as to avoid being like the watchdog at home, whose owner can kill him for meat at any time if he is not happy.

"What do you mean? I heard everything clearly."

The eldest son said coldly: "After Chu Lingyun came in, he showed you the Chairman's warrant. You can verify the authenticity if you want, but do you really trust the Chairman?"

The eldest son punishes every word of his heart.

The meaning is obvious, Tang has no respect for the old man at all.

If you are really respectful, an order like this is not real-time. The most correct way to deal with it is to agree first and then send an inquiry.

"Director Dai told you that he arrested Mr. Wu and talked about Mr. Wu's crimes. What did you say?"

The eldest son continued, saying that he became angry when he mentioned this.

Warlord, the person named Tang is a warlord.

No one can touch my people, so who does he belong to?

Moreover, Dai Yunong mentioned the old man more than once, but Tang didn't care at all, which once again confirmed his disrespect for the old man.

"Let me tell you, Commander Wu is the person who was personally ordered by the chairman of the committee to conduct a thorough investigation. No one can take him away. I put this here. Do you want to give it a try?"

The eldest son has rarely been so tough, but it's very satisfying to be so tough.

He also has the ability to be tough now.

The military commander supported him, and Chen Mutu was by his side, giving him ample confidence.

Wasn't it just to catch an officer who was corrupt and perverting the law? He even thought about bringing the man named Tang to justice.

It's a pity that he doesn't have this power.

"The eldest son..."

Chang Jianfeng interrupted him directly: "What did you say to General Chen? General Chen clearly told you that this was the chairman's order. General Tang, you are very powerful. You can't even say anyone else's order. Okay, I want to see if you are so confident when facing the Chairman, let's go."

After saying that, Chang Jianfeng turned around and left. Chu Lingyun, Boss Dai, and Chen Mutu all smiled at Tang and left immediately.

They left the city directly without returning to their previous residence.

Although the man surnamed Tang is not that courageous, he still has to avoid jumping over the wall in a hurry. There is no safety outside the city. There is a division there.

As long as the people named Tang are not rebelling, they dare not make any move.

If he really rebels, he will definitely die.

He only has a few divisions in hand now, but there are more fruit troops in Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou and other places.

"Haha, so happy."

After leaving the city, Boss Dai laughed and said, the man named Tang is not an ordinary officer, he is a real military leader and one of the most respected figures among the generals of the Fruit Party.

Being humiliated by them one after another this time, it felt so good.

"We will send a report to Chongqing tonight, and the tapes must be sent to Chongqing as soon as possible."

Chen Mutu reminded that with today's recording and the witness of the eldest son, as long as the recording gets into the hands of the old man, the person named Tang will be punished at the very least.

Anyway, if he wanted to stay in Shanghai, it was no longer possible.

"Don't worry, General Chen. I will make a copy of the tape immediately and send someone to fly from Hangzhou to Chongqing."

Boss Dai immediately responded that the tape was the key evidence. After listening to the tape, the old man would probably be so angry that he would throw a lot of things.

General Tang's boldness is clearly demonstrated in the recording.

It would be great if I could beat him to death with a stick this time.

However, Boss Dai understands that even if the old man is not happy with General Tang, he cannot execute him directly. One move can affect the whole body. The man named Tang involves too many people. If you want to get rid of him, you must first eradicate his wings, and slowly conduct.

It is not appropriate to do this when you have just won, otherwise it will easily leave people with the idea of ​​eliminating the heroes after victory.

Although the person named Tang is not a hero.

"Okay, let's wait for two more days."

Chen Mutu smiled and said that they did not have the qualifications and power to deal with General Tang, but after the situation here spreads to Chongqing, the old man's impression of Tang will definitely worsen.

After so many people passed by, the man named Tang was still unwilling to let go. There was no way the old man would let him stay in Shanghai.

It's not because of Chu Lingyun, but because of the old man's own face.

This was an order he personally gave.

In Chongqing, the old man camped.

"Niang Xipi, damn it."

The old man really dropped a lot of things. Chang Jianfeng, Chen Mutu, Dai Yunong, and Chu Lingyun jointly sent a report to give a detailed report on today's meeting with General Tang.

This is a long message with a lot of content.

The man surnamed Tang had previously blown up the treasury of Shiyuan Trading Company, but Chu Lingyun had a backup plan. Not only did the treasury not explode, but the man surnamed Tang himself was also injured.

Chu Lingyun came to see him and made it clear that he had obeyed his order, but the man named Tang was missing.

There was no way, Chu Lingyun and the others forcibly controlled the hospital guards and entered the ward.

Even so, General Tang's attitude was still tough. Most importantly, when he saw the instructions signed and sealed by him, he actually didn't care and didn't take his orders seriously.

If this were during wartime, wouldn't his orders be worse than paper to wipe your butt?

What's even more outrageous is what happened later. Dai Yunong arrested Mr. Wu, and he was so bold that he threatened Dai Yunong to release him. That was the person he personally ordered to be dealt with.

It's really unforgivable.

The following content made the old man's blood pressure rise even more, so he stopped reading.

Dai Yunong said that General Tang was not an ordinary person. They specially spared their efforts and brought a micro-recorder, and all the conversations were recorded.

He would take the original tape back to Chongqing with him and send the copy first.

The old man believed that it was impossible for the four people to deceive him together. What they said must be true. He wanted to hear now whether the man named Tang really said that.

The air freight was quick and the tapes arrived the next afternoon.

Along with the tape was Commander Wu and his confession. In order to prevent Commander Wu from being snatched away by General Tang, Boss Dai simply sent him to Chongqing.

Once here, no matter how talented the person named Tang is, he can't even think of saving anyone.

The attendant played the recording, and the voices of Chu Lingyun and General Tang appeared first. Sure enough, it was as they said. Chu Lingyun was the first to show that he was executing his orders.

Then came Dai Yunong, who spoke angrily, and his answer surnamed Tang almost made the old man throw something again.

Next came Chen Mutu, who mentioned him many times. The most egregious one was Tang's reply, no one's orders would do.

What does he want to do, rebel?

Finally, it was his son. After hearing what his son said, the old man's expression finally softened. His son was doing well, and that was how it should be.

He finally had a deep understanding of the audacity of these military leaders.

Forget about the others. For example, General Li and others are not his own people, but General Tang was promoted by him.

The man named Tang really disappointed the old man by doing this.

How to deal with it?

This matter must be dealt with, and it will not work if it is not dealt with, but General Tang is still his person and belongs to his power.

It's time to beat him up and dismiss him from office.

"Order, Tang Boyuan is transferred to Nanjing and serves as the commander of the Beijing-Shanghai garrison. He is asked to run the army as soon as possible. Except for military affairs, he is not allowed to interfere, otherwise he will be severely punished by military law."

"Chang Jianfeng is temporarily staying in Shanghai to help stabilize order and restore people's livelihood as soon as possible."

After a while, the old man finally gave the order and transferred General Tang out of Shanghai.

He cannot be allowed to stay in Shanghai.

Nanjing is the capital, and they will have to go back sooner or later. From now on, they will keep the man named Tang under their noses. The opportunity was given to him. If he does not cherish and grasp it, the old man will not be able to spare him.

Are there not many generals killed by the old man?

That General Zhang is still under house arrest.

"The Commander Wu who was captured by the military commander will be tried immediately and sentenced immediately. After the sentence is completed, he will be shot."

The old man added that Mr. Wu could not stay. Shooting him would also be a blow to Tang Boyuan, making him understand who is the real boss.

No one’s orders will work?

The old man let him know whether his order was of any use. Even if Wu committed a minor crime this time, he would definitely die, not to mention that he already deserved to die.

Shanghai is very important and must be stabilized as soon as possible. Chen Mutu needs to return to Wuhan and does not have that much time.

Since his son was there, he became the best candidate.

The order was quickly sent to Shanghai. The correspondent who received the order did not dare to neglect and hurriedly sent the message to Tang Boyuan's ward.

In fact, Tang Boyuan felt something bad after Chu Lingyun and the others left yesterday.

He originally wanted to order a few people to be stopped, but in the end he didn't dare.

There are only Dai Yunong and Chu Lingyun, and he will not let them leave. Even if there are multiple Chen Mutu, he can not do anything to Chen Mutu and only take them away.

With the eldest son following him, he didn't dare to do anything casually, otherwise the old man would never spare him.

Today the old man sent a telegram. In addition to asking him to go to Nanjing, there was also a message of warning.

He was scolded bloody.

Ask him if his wings have become stiff and he wants to start his own business?

This was a heart-wrenching question, and it really frightened the man named Tang.

This time he didn't deliberately pretend not to know like he did before. Even if his legs were not healed yet, he would leave on crutches.

The next day after receiving the order, he boarded the train.

As for the excavation in the vault, it stopped yesterday. He didn't dare to continue thinking about that thing. No matter how good the thing was, it was not as important as his life.

Chu Lingyun is not an ordinary military agent, he has very strong connections.

This time, three people came forward, and they got the handle again, which made the old man angry.

If we continue, we don’t know how many more people there will be.

If he really attracts Americans, he will be even more unlucky. It is said that Chu Lingyun has an excellent relationship with Americans.

When the old man scolded him this time, he reminded him that Mike had spoken for Chu Lingyun before. If he continued to block it, when Mike came, don't blame the old man for not protecting him.

Although Mike is not his boss, he is the nominal Allied commander.

Even now, it still has a great influence on China, and it is in Japan.

If he really targets himself, those who already have grievances against him will probably rush to bite his flesh.

But just as he was about to give up, his heart was bleeding.

Shanghai Police Station, inside a prison.

There are many people detained here, including Japanese and Chinese.

"Secretary Fang, where has the boss gone? Can he come back to save us?"

A Japanese asked Fang Shiyi that all the people detained inside were people from Ishihara Trading Company. Ishihara Heng did not leave, but these employees stayed behind.

There is another update today.

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