Spy Shadow

Chapter 882 Testing each other

At their level, they will not randomly collect other people's things.

After accepting it, you have to ask clearly. If you can't do it, return the gift or return a gift of equal value. In short, you won't owe this favor. Zhang Ming is really not a pedantic person. Since his wife likes it, Qiao Yuancai is determined to give it to her. , things can be collected first.

"Minister Zhang, how is your relationship with Director Chu?"

Qiao Yuancai asked questions knowingly. After all, he was a member of the military commander and knew many things. Chu Lingyun sent gifts to Zhang Mingzhen during the holidays, recognizing this mentor.

As the ancients said, the king of heaven and earth is his teacher.

Teachers are among them, and the emperor has only been gone for many years. These Confucian ideas still have a great influence today. These five categories are included in the sacrificial offerings, which means that good teachers are no less important than parents.

"You want to ask Ling Yun to do something?"

Zhang Mingzhen's eyes lit up slightly, and he roughly understood Qiao Yuancai's intention. Qiao Yuancai's training class was withdrawn, and he is now a sinecure. However, Chu Lingyun is at the peak of his career in the military and is a famous person.

Qiao Yuancai wanted a new position and asked Chu Lingyun for help, but his relationship with Chu Lingyun was not so good, so he went his own way.

"Director Zhang, to be honest, Director Chu asked me to come back to Chongqing this time. He is secretly investigating a case. If this case is completed, there will be a good job. I want this job very much. I had it before. Okay, but there is a strong competitor now, so I need Director Chu’s help, but unfortunately I don’t know what he likes.”

Qiao Yuancai confessed his purpose of coming, and there was no need to be secretive when he was asking for help.

If you don't say anything and let others guess, that's not asking for help, it's deliberately making things difficult, and it's just stupidity.

"I understand. Ling Yun is not short of money or supplies. You have no place to start."

Zhang Mingzhen nodded slowly. It turned out to be such a thing. If it was really the case, it would be okay to help him. After all, it was a favor.

"That's exactly the case, so brother, I came here specifically to ask for advice."

Qiao Yuancai responded immediately, and Zhang Mingzhen felt a lot more relaxed. As long as it was not something that made things difficult for him, he had a lot of room for maneuver in this matter.

"Let's do this. I'll ask Ling Yun first and see what he says. If it works, you can go to him again. I will tell you how to do it then. If it doesn't work, you can take the gift away."

Chu Lingyun respected him very much, but Zhang Mingzhen didn't say enough and left a lot of room.

He would not really consider on Qiao Yuancai's side. He would definitely ask questions first. If Chu Lingyun was in trouble, he would immediately put the matter down. Qiao Yuancai was far less important to him than Chu Lingyun.

Zhang Mingzhen really doesn't like spies, but that doesn't mean he doesn't like one of his own among the spies.

Chu Lingyun recognized his teacher-student relationship, and he was even better at maintaining it.

"Thank you very much, Minister Zhang. If things are done, Yuan Cai will come back to express his gratitude."

Qiao Yuancai was overjoyed. He might not be good at handling cases or investigating Japanese spies, but when it came to these things in the officialdom, he was also an expert.

Zhang Mingzhen said "Ling Yun", which shows that they have a close relationship and that he has not found the wrong person.

Now that Zhang Mingzhen is willing to help him inquire, the matter is actually half done. This big gift is not in vain. If he can get the position of the head of Peiping Station, he will be happy to give a few more.

"Don't be so happy so early. I only promise you to ask first. I can't guarantee whether it will happen. You are a member of the military commander, and you know better that only one person can take charge of personnel appointments."

Zhang Mingzhen poured some cold water on him. Boss Dai of the military command was so powerful that he would not listen to others for this kind of personnel arrangement.

The most important thing is Boss Dai.

"I understand. I would really appreciate your willingness to help."

Qiao Yuancai smiled and replied that he would not care about such words. He is Boss Dai's person. If there is a vacancy, Boss Dai will definitely consider him. If the competitor is not Wu Meifeng, he will not be so anxious.

There is not much difference between the two in Boss Dai's heart. Now it depends on whose foreign aid is stronger and can influence Boss Dai more.

"Okay, do you want to stay and have dinner together?"

Zhang Mingzhen asked casually, and Qiao Yuancai stood up: "No need, I just came back and have a lot of things to do. I'll bother you another day."

Qiao Yuancai realized that he didn't really want to keep him for dinner.

If you really want to stay, he won't ask like this, but ask, what do you like to eat, what should we eat for lunch, etc. The same sentence has different expressions and different purposes.

They are all foxes who have become spirits, how can they not hear this.

"Okay, I'll contact you when I find out more."

Zhang Mingzhen got up to see the guests off, but Qiao Yuancai didn't come just for the meal and left happily.


As soon as they went downstairs, they saw several people sitting in the living room. Zhang Mingzhen's wife was holding a child, talking and laughing with a young girl next to her. A young man wearing a suit and a mustache got up and talked to Zhang Ming What a hello.

"Lin Shi is here. I'll send off the guests first. You wait while I wait."

Seeing Lin Shi, Zhang Mingzhen also smiled. Among so many students, Lin Shi had the best relationship with him and was also the closest to him.

He is closer than Chu Lingyun.

"Minister Zhang, you have guests, so you don't need to see me off. I can just go by myself."

Qiao Yuancai's heart moved. Is this young man Lin Shi?

He knew Lin Shi and had heard of this name.

Lin Shi is from the Department of National Defense, and Boss Dai treats him very well because he also took down Lin Shi's boss Huang Yanyi.

The reason why Boss Dai did this was entirely because of Chu Lingyun.

It is said that Lin Shi is Chu Lingyun's best classmate and brother. It is said that Chu Lingyun and Chen Shu had a grudge because of this person. For this reason, Chu Lingyun did not hesitate to take action and beat Chen Shu severely.

Since then, Chen Shu has been demoted from the altar. In the past, some people liked to compare Chen Shu with Chu Lingyun, but after that incident, no one did it anymore.


Zhang Mingzhen smiled, sent Qiao Yuancai out the door, and finally went back to talk to Lin Shi.

To him, Lin Shi was a family member, Chu Lingyun was a student, and Qiao Yuancai was a guest.

"Lin Shi, why did I ignore him?"

After leaving, Qiao Yuancai was a little upset, but he didn't find the wrong person by looking for Zhang Mingzhen. After all, Zhang Mingzhen was Chu Lingyun's elder. Besides, he and Lin Shi didn't know each other, so it was far less convenient than asking Zhang Mingzhen.

Today, he gained a lot. First of all, it was confirmed that Zhang Mingzhen and Chu Lingyun had a good relationship, and that Lin Shi. Qiao Yuancai only took a glance and discovered that Lin Shi and Zhang Mingzhen were very close, and they were completely their own people.

Lin Shi's visit to Zhang Mingzhen was like returning to his own home, and Zhang Mingzhen's wife was more like a granddaughter and daughter-in-law.

Judging from their relationship, Zhang Mingzhen is very likely to help him get things done this time.

As long as Chu Lingyun is willing to help, Qiao Yuancai believes that Wu Meifeng is definitely not his competitor.

"Teacher, who was that person just now?"

Seeing Zhang Mingzhen come back, Lin Shi asked softly, they are really close, this kind of question can be asked casually, but certainly not for ordinary students.

"Qiao Yuancai, the commander of the military, wanted to ask Ling Yun for help. He had no choice but to ask me for help."

Zhang Mingzhen replied with a smile, saying that he had nothing to hide from Lin Shi.

"Looking for help from Ling Yun?"

Lin Shi was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the people who were looking for Chu Lingyun's help now would all go to the teacher, which was enough to prove how powerful Chu Lingyun was now.

"He wants to find a real job, and Ling Yun can help him. It can be seen that he really wants this job, so he sent a generous gift. Your wife likes it very much, and I can't refuse."

Zhang Mingzhen gave a wry smile. He would completely reject any gift given to him and did not want to get involved in such a thing.

Qiao Yuancai was smart and deliberately gave it to his wife. It was a gift that her wife could not refuse. At this moment, her wife had already taken out the ambergris and told Xu Meijun how to use it for the best effect. They did not have exclusive access to the good things.

For women, things that can beautify and nourish the skin are irresistible.

The two were chatting happily and didn't care what the man next to them said.

"How about I ask Ling Yun?" Lin Shi said proactively. He was closer to Chu Lingyun and could speak more openly.

"No, if you ask, it will make Ling Yun mistakenly think that I really want to help Qiao Yuancai. I can just ask directly."

Zhang Mingzhen shook his head, and Lin Shi asked something that would save him, but it would easily cause misunderstandings. He had no real intention to help Qiao Yuancai.


Lin Shi understood this, and the teacher said this, which proved that he and Qiao Yuancai had an average relationship, not particularly close, otherwise he would definitely help seriously.

In the evening, Wu Meifeng came to Xu Yi's house with heavy gifts.

"Director Xu, I met Qiao Yuancai today. Is he here also for this job?"

"Qiao Yuancai?"

Xu Yi was a little surprised. Did Qiao Yuancai hear something? It was possible. Qiao Yuancai had been in the training class for many years and had been the head of the Peiping Station before. He had a way to get information.

"And he came from Director Chu. He told me that Director Chu asked him to come and there was a telegram."

Wu Meifeng continued, Xu Yi was startled, why did Chu Lingyun get involved? Didn't he never ask about such things?

Except for the personnel arrangements for the war situation team, Chu Lingyun did not say anything about the military commander's personnel arrangements, let alone help anyone.

"Ling Yun should be looking for him for other matters."

Xu Yi shook his head and said, Wu Meifeng was worried and told all his guesses. What could make Qiao Yuancai so active when there was nothing official?

He and Qiao Yuancai had just separated in Xi'an, but they met again in Chongqing.

"It's simple. You have a good relationship with him. Ask him out and you'll find out. If he really wants to compete with you, you can't hide from him. It's better to open the door and tell him to avoid random suspicion."

Xu Yi shook his head again. He didn't know why Chu Lingyun came to Qiao Yuancai. The Inspectorate's investigation of Ma Sanshan had not been told to the Intelligence Department.

The Inspectorate Office and the Intelligence Office, one dealing with internal affairs and the other dealing with external affairs, had different responsibilities. He and Chu Lingyun had never crossed each other.


Wu Meifeng nodded slowly. Xu Yi was right. If Qiao Yuancai really came to Tianjin, they would be competitors and there would be no way to escape.

Having made it clear, let’s see who can take the top position based on their abilities.

There is no use in thinking here every day. It just so happens that he can test the relationship between Qiao Yuancai and Chu Lingyun and let Chu Lingyun help him like this.

Wu Meifeng is affectionate, but Qiao Yuan is interested.

He also wanted to know Wu Meifeng's true thoughts. As soon as Wu Meifeng invited him, he immediately went to the banquet. This time it was not at the hotel, but at Wu Meifeng's home.

There is also Wu Meifeng's house in Chongqing.

"Brother Qiao, if you can come, it will make Pengpi shine."

There were just the two of them at the dinner table. Wu Meifeng poured wine and said with a smile.

"Brother Wu is so polite. Your place is much better than his place. Won't my wife come back?"

Before he even drank, the testing started. What Qiao Yuancai really meant was whether Wu Meifeng was going somewhere or returning to the headquarters.

If you go somewhere, there is no need to take your wife to live here for a few days. If you stay here for a long time, at least before moving back to Nanjing, your wife and children will still be with you.

"What are you doing here? You can't stay for a few days. What about you? I remember my wife is in Xi'an. Why don't we come back together?"

Wu Meifeng knew Qiao Yuancai's intention and immediately replied, telling him clearly that he would not stay in Chongqing.

When he asked, he meant the same thing.

"No need."

Qiao Yuancai smiled. Wu Meifeng didn't hide anything, and neither did he. The two foxes, who had practiced for decades, achieved their goals with common questions.

None of them planned to stay at the headquarters.

"Brother Qiao, the weather is getting cold. I think the south is nice, at least it's warm. Don't you really like Fujian? Do you plan to go there?"

The testing started again, and Wu Meifeng understood that Qiao Yuancai could not compete with Zhao San and had no chance of becoming the head of the Fujian Station. This sentence meant that he wanted to know whether he was going to the north or the south.

If you don’t stay at the headquarters, there are only two places, the north and the south.

"I still like colder places, but Brother Wu, I remember you are from the south."

Qiao Yuancai smiled and told Wu Meifeng that his goal was not south, but north.

"But I've been in the north and am used to it."

Wu Meifeng asked Qiao Yuancai to pick up the food. In fact, he didn't take a few bites. Both of them wanted to know the other's true thoughts, but no one took the initiative to reveal them, hoping to gain more advantages for themselves.

After just one word of temptation, no one gave in.

Hearing that Wu Meifeng was going to the north, Qiao Yuancai's heart sank again. Wu Meifeng was going to the north. He was indeed going to Peking Station.

"Brother Wu, I am a nostalgic person and don't like to adapt to new places. Can you understand?"

Qiao Yuancai came straight to the point and wanted Wu Meifeng to give him this opportunity. No matter whether it was possible or not, it was nothing to talk about. What if it happened?


Sure enough, Qiao Yuancai used to be the station chief of Peiping. Who doesn't know that Pingjin and Tianjin are integrated? Although Tianjin and Peiping have many differences, they are at least similar and have a lot in common.

Wu Meifeng never thought about Peiping Station, mainly because Ma Sanshan had not been in power for a long time and could not give in on his own initiative. He did not know that Chu Lingyun was checking Ma Sanshan, so this misunderstanding occurred.

The same goes for Qiao Yuancai. He didn't know that Han Xianghui wanted to quit, thinking that this was the only one he needed now.

"Brother Qiao, you know, I'm not far from there, and I also like the folk customs there."

Wu Meifeng said slowly that he was in the northeast, not far from Tianjin, but in Qiao Yuancai's mind, he immediately thought of Peiping.

Peking and Tianjin are next to each other, so the distance from other places is naturally not much different.

First update

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