Spy Shadow

Chapter 897 New Position

Chapter 897 New Position

Chu Lingyun was also a scheming person, and he was better and more ruthless than Director Qi. Even if Director Qi knew better than anyone else, he still had to hold his nose and follow Chu Lingyun's plan.

There was only one person who knew all of Chu Lingyun's plans, Mr. Ke.

After reading Chu Lingyun's report, Ke Gong was amazed. If Chu Lingyun really succeeds, they will be able to reduce the casualties of many comrades in the future, especially the lurking comrades.

The merit is immeasurable.

"Ke Gong, are you looking for me?"

In Yanzhou, Director Yang came to Ke Gong's office. He was originally in Nanjing and was Secretary Liang's subordinate. He was mainly responsible for raising various materials for the organization, the most important of which was medicine. They made great contributions to the organization when they were in Nanjing. At that time, many drugs were transported to Yanzhou through them, saving the lives of thousands of soldiers.

"Lao Yang, come and sit."

Mr. Ke smiled and invited Director Yang to sit down and make tea for him.

"Mr. Ke, do you have a new task for me?"

"There is a mission."

Mr. Ke said with a smile, Director Yang's spirit suddenly shook: "You say, I can do any task."

Mr. Ke understands very well that these comrades who have been lurking for a long time do not like to stay in their hometowns. It is stable and comfortable here, but they will gradually lose their vigilance. All those who have returned from lurking, including Director Yang, try their best to maintain their previous appearance. living habits.

They were afraid that they would be unfamiliar and would not be able to receive latent missions in the future.

"Are you willing to go to Hong Kong?"

Ke Gong asked softly. Fang Shiyi was a little overwhelmed in Hong Kong alone. He not only had to raise a large amount of materials for the organization, but also took care of the huge Chu's Trading Company. Fang Shiyi reported to Chu Lingyun, hoping to get more help.

Chu Lingyun agreed and reported to him specifically.

Ke Gong thought of Director Yang. Director Yang had economic acumen. He had done very well in Nanjing and was very suitable for this task. Ke Gong was going to ask Director Yang to set up a latent team to go to Hong Kong to assist Fang Shiyi.


Director Yang was slightly startled, not expecting him to go so far away.

"Why, you don't want to go?" Mr. Ke smiled and pushed the brewed tea to Director Yang.

"No, how could it be? I just didn't expect to go there. I am willing."

Director Yang immediately shook his head. How could he dislike it? He thought he was going to be sent to Nanjing. After all, he was familiar with Nanjing and Nanjing was more important.

"As long as you are willing to go, prepare yourself and pick two more comrades to go to Hong Kong together to assist an important comrade of our party in the work."

Mr. Ke smiled and replied that they would contact Fang Shiyi and set up a small company to help Fang Shiyi secretly.

Their upline is Fang Shiyi, but they will not know about Chu Lingyun's existence.

Chu Lingyun is also very energetic in Hong Kong.

After Japan surrendered, Chu Lingyun set up a plan in Hong Kong. Through Mike's relationship, he asked Fang Shiyi to visit the governor. In addition, many heads of departments received benefits from Chu's company.

It's impossible to do business without proper management, let alone a company as big as his.

The British are very proud, but they have some recognition of the Americans, not to mention the flag of Mike.

Director Yang and the others' security in Hong Kong has increased accordingly. Hong Kong is not the territory of the Guo Party. If the Guo Party wants to do something there, it needs to be done secretly, which is not as convenient as Fang Shiyi.

Moreover, the station chief of the Hong Kong station of the Military Command was celebrating the New Year, and he had already retired from the New Year celebrations, so he didn't care about these things at all.

Zhongtong is also not strong there. The Chu Company's escort force in Hong Kong can defeat them ten times. If they were not afraid of attracting Zhongtong's attention and sent more people to Hong Kong, they would have been killed long ago.


Director Yang stood up and accepted the order, asking him to choose someone. He first thought of Lao Wu.

Lao Wu was his old comrade-in-arms. They worked very well together back then, raising funds for the organization. Lao Wu's downline was Lao Zheng, and Lao Zheng's downline was Lin Shi.

He also worked as Lin Shi online for a while.

Later, Lin Shi became more important and Secretary Liang took charge personally, so he withdrew him.

Old Wu became Miss Qiu's single-line liaison. After the fall of Nanjing, he went to Wuhan for a period of time. Later, he was recalled to his hometown by Ke Gong and never went out.

They have been in their hometown for a long time. Hidden work in China is not suitable for them, but Hong Kong is.

This time Alchemist Yi asked for help and just sent them there.

As Mr. Ke had guessed, Director Yang's first choice was Lao Wu. They were together in their hometown and were very familiar with each other. This time Director Yang was able to bring two comrades and brought Lao Wu over directly.

In addition to Lao Wu, there is also Xiao Su.

Xiao Su originally ran a trading house in Nanjing, which was a place where he made money on the surface. After the fall of Nanjing, he went to Wuhan, Xi'an and other places, and just withdrew not long ago.

This time Director Yang happened to take him away.

The iron triangle of that year was reunited.

"Shall we go to Hong Kong together?"

When Director Yang called Lao Wu and Xiao Su over to inform them, they were shocked and then excited that the three of them could work together again.

Although it's not Nanjing, Hong Kong is fine.

"Yes, this is the task given to us by Mr. Ke. We go to Hong Kong and Xiao Su opens a company. Xiao Su has been doing business and is not afraid of checking his identity. Old Wu, you are still hiding in secret, and I will be responsible for contacting the upline."

It's still the same working pattern as before. The two of them are very happy and satisfied with this division of labor.

In Chongqing, many places are empty.

After returning to the capital, many people returned to Nanjing, and people from the military command returned almost every day.

Director Qi was in the office, looking back out the window from time to time.

He was looking in the direction of the Inspectorate.

He worked hard these days and finally found a place for Chu Lingyun. The Ministry of National Defense will establish the Second Department of National Defense, and Chu Lingyun will go to the Second Department of National Defense as the director of the inspection office.

Director Qi spent a lot of money for him as the director.

After spending money, Chu Lingyun would still have certain restrictions on him in the future. Thinking of this, he became very angry.

The ghost lingers.

But there was no way, if he didn't do this, Chu Lingyun would rather spend time with him than leave. If Chu Lingyun didn't leave, the military commander would look at him. Who asked him to lose his prestige before taking office and apologize to the Kong family?

He has done something that neither Boss Dai nor Chu Lingyun has done. How do others see him?

It's good to leave. As long as he is not in the army, he can do more. He believes that with his own ability, he will be able to reintegrate the army soon. When the old man sees his achievements, he will slowly get rid of Chu Lingyun's shackles.

It really makes a difference whether Chu Lingyun is in the military command or not.

If he is here, it is an internal matter, especially since he is the director of the inspection department. Many internal matters cannot be circumvented by him. Director Qi does not have the authority of the boss, so he cannot speak his mind, and it is extremely stupid to force an order.

Chu Lingyun had many ways to file a complaint so that his orders could not be carried out.

Director Qi also has Director Zheng above him, and it is said that he will become the director this time. If Director Zheng supports Chu Lingyun and unites internally and externally, he will not be able to do anything.

It's different outside. Outside, you only have the right to supervise and guide, and you can't directly participate in their internal affairs.

Although it was still uncomfortable, at least the rope tied to his body was removed, allowing him to free his hands and feet to do things. Unfortunately, there was still a rope holding him and he could not completely let go.

"Director Zheng, please take good care of me in the future."

Chu Lingyun stood up. He specially came to visit Director Zheng today and gave him a generous gift.

He didn't support Director Zheng last time, but this time he came to repair the relationship. Anyway, Director Qi paid for the initial money, so he was not needed.

"You're welcome. Let's work together in the future to let the Chairman see our combat effectiveness."

Director Zheng smiled and stood up to send him off. Chu Lingyun was not an ordinary person. He was very satisfied that he was willing to come to give him a gift. This gift was very expensive and of high value.

Although Chu Lingyun is just a division chief, his influence is no less than that of himself, the director.

When such a person comes to give gifts, he feels even more satisfied.

"Don't worry, that's for sure."

Chu Lingyun smiled and nodded. Director Zheng was also dissatisfied with Qi Limin. There was a conflict between the two, and it was an open conflict.

Qi Limin is the person closest to Boss Dai, and he has taken over Boss Dai's position. Director Zheng is naturally hostile to him, and he is just a division chief. Now he is being squeezed out of the military command, and the conflict with Director Zheng has been reduced a lot.

Chu Lingyun didn't expect to have a good relationship with him, at least openly, so as to facilitate his future work.

Time passed slowly, and on May 5th, the Fruit Party returned to Nanjing.

The grand ceremony attracted many reporters, and Chu Lingyun also returned to Nanjing. He had a low position and could not watch anywhere beside the old man.

There are many simple people on the street, happily thinking that good times are coming.

If they saw the fruit party's methods of making money, I wonder if they would still be able to laugh.

Now the legal currency is depreciating on a large scale, but it is not over yet. In the future, it will reach a point that they can't imagine. People's money will be harvested by the fruit party. It is difficult for the poor to harvest, and they will even use some assets to attack businessmen.

Meanwhile, Hong Kong.

Director Yang changed his clothes. He had to connect with the upline today. This time he and Xiao Su and Lao Wu came to Hong Kong separately. Xiao Su arrived first and started the company. He was the second one and Lao Wu was last.

What surprised him was that Ke Gong didn't arrange a radio station for them.

Director Yang didn't ask. He still had an upline here. It should be that the upline would make these preparations for him.

It has been three days since he arrived in Hong Kong.

He read the newspaper every day for three days, and today he finally saw the signal calling him. After seeing the signal, he immediately followed Ke Gong's previous instructions, put on special clothes, and headed to the meeting place.

There are two ways of contacting him. The first is the signal in the newspaper.

If it fails, the second option is to listen to the radio. If it fails again, he will fall asleep on the spot and wait for being woken up. Who knows how long this sleep will last.

He was very cautious about this meeting. When he went out, he carefully observed his surroundings and made several anti-tracking actions. After making sure that no one was around, he finally arrived at the meeting place.

The meeting place is very ordinary, a coffee shop.

This cafe was very large, and there were many customers inside. He found a seat near the back and sat down, placing the book in his hand on the table.

This book is a signal to let the upline know that he is coming.

Outside the cafe, Fang Shiyi arrived on time.

Waiting outside, he is now the general manager of Chu Company. He not only has a driver and secretary, but also bodyguards.

After scanning around, Fang Shiyi immediately found the English book on the table.

"Excuse me, are you a tea seller?"

Fang Shiyi walked over and asked politely. Director Yang immediately glanced around secretly, and he understood that his online number was coming.

But he didn't expect that his upline would be so young.

Fang Shiyi is in his thirties this year, and Director Yang is already fifty, so he naturally looks young in Director Yang's eyes.

"I don't have tea, I only sell fabrics."

Director Yang smiled and replied, Xiao Su opened a business that sold all kinds of fabrics and silks.

"What a pity. I still want to buy 2,400 kilograms of tea bricks."

Fang Shiyi sat down as he spoke, and the secret code for the joint was matched, leaving only the other party's last sentence.

"If it's that little, if it's eight thousand six hundred kilograms, I can help you think of a way."

The number is round and round to avoid being accidentally bumped into. This kind of joint code is safer, after all, the two have never met.

"Hello, comrade, my name is Fang Shiyi."

After speaking, Fang Shiyi waved and asked the waiter to bring over the menu.

Although they are in Hong Kong, they must be vigilant so that no one can discover their identity.

"Hello, my surname is Yang. You can call me Lao Yang from now on."

Old Wu was also very quiet. Fang Shiyi picked up the water glass and said softly: "I am currently working at Chu Company. What is the name of the company you run? Go to the purchasing manager tomorrow and I will contact you again."

Today is about building relationships, not talking about specific work.

The coffee shop is suitable for simple communication, and detailed work arrangements cannot be made here.

"Su Ji Clothing Company."

Director Yang said something hastily, Fang Shiyi nodded, said nothing, and left immediately after finishing his food.

After Director Yang returned, Xiao Su came over quickly. He knew that Director Yang was going to contact the upline today.

"Director Yang, how are you? Have you contacted me?"

Xiao Su was also afraid that she wouldn't be able to get in touch, and then they would have to start business honestly.

"We got in touch, and he asked us to go to Chu Company tomorrow to find their purchasing manager."

"Chu Company?"

Xiao Su was a little surprised. Hong Kong, where he first arrived, was doing business here. Chu Company was one of the big companies here, with a large scale and a lot of assets.

Chu's company has many shops, and what he rented was the front of Chu's company.

"That's right. I didn't expect that our leader works in Chu Company. No wonder he asked us to come."

Director Yang nodded. He had read the newspaper and seen some advertisements of Chu Company and knew that they were very powerful.

"Then you can go there tomorrow."

Xiao Su said in a low voice that Director Yang did not tell the identity of the person on the line. He could know that he was in Chu Company because he was the one who ran the cloth shop, otherwise he would not even know this.


Director Yang responded that he would not tell the downline his identity as an upline without the permission of the upline, even if this was Hong Kong.

If he were in Nanjing, Xiao Su wouldn't even know where he was online.

Director Yang came to Chu's company early the next morning. The company was very large. He found the purchasing manager and waited for more than an hour before meeting him. This was still the result of giving a lot of tips.

The manager was polite and received their information in a formal manner, and Director Yang left immediately.

"Mr. Fang."

As soon as he arrived at the gate, he saw the young man who met him yesterday being followed by a group of people. Everyone who saw him greeted him respectfully.

Fang Shiyi also saw Director Yang, glanced at him, and left without saying a word.

"Mr. Fang?"

Director Yang was very surprised, but he still left. He would not ask here until he got back.

It was not difficult to find out Fang Shiyi's identity, and he soon found out the result.

His supervisor turned out to be the general manager of Chu Company. This result left him stunned.

Chu's company is so big, the general manager is the most powerful person in Hong Kong, and besides the boss, he is the biggest in the entire company.

It's amazing. Even though Fang Shiyi is so young, he admires Fang Shiyi very much now.

Director Yang registered with Chu Company, and Fang Shiyi quickly obtained all the information about Suji Trading Company, including Director Yang's address.

In the evening, he dressed up quietly and went out alone.

"Comrade Lao Yang."

After knocking on the door, Fang Shiyi became extremely enthusiastic when he entered. Lao Yang was also very excited. He understood the meaning of Mr. Ke asking him to come. With such an important comrade here, he could provide more help to the organization. .

"Hello Comrade Fang, I will now formally report to you..."

Director Yang told Mr. Ke's explanation and the work he had done here, including Xiao Su and Lao Wu. This was also Mr. Ke's request, and he needed his superiors to have a sufficient understanding of them.

After all, their group serves Fang Shiyi.

"Very good. With your help, I will be able to do more in the future."

Fang Shiyi replied excitedly that he was indeed very tired during this period. Chu Lingyun was not here, so he had to handle everything personally. The company's normal business had to be handled, and the assistance to his hometown could not be cut off.

Fortunately, when Xu Yi arrived in Hong Kong, he didn't have to go to New Year's greetings frequently, otherwise he would be even busier.

Chu Lingyun's request for him was to focus on his hometown, the more the better.

It's really too much for him to do on his own.

Now with the help of comrades, he can leave some things to them, saving time and energy.

"Don't move at Su Ji Bu Bank. It can be used as a safe point. You will go to Taler Company tomorrow to apply for a job. Next, I will acquire Taler Company and bring you into Chu's Trading Company."

Fang Shiyi did not let him directly enter the Chu Company, but took a roundabout route and created opportunities for him to improve himself.

"Okay, don't worry, I'll go tomorrow."

"You don't need a radio. I have one there. You can send reports safely at any time. Write down this phone number. If there is an emergency, call this number immediately. Without further ado, just say that Fang Shiyi asked you to ask him for help."

Fang Shiyi gave Director Yang an emergency phone number. The owner of this phone number was a deputy director of the police station.

He was dragged into the water by Fang Shiyi, and now he is Chu Lingyun's man.

He is not his comrade, but if he mentions Fang Shiyi's name, he will definitely help.

"Okay, don't worry."

Director Yang nodded again, and after talking about the work arrangements, Fang Shiyi left quickly. It would take time for Director Yang to be by his side, and it could not be done in a day or two.

Before that, he needed to continue doing his own work. Director Yang and the others first adapted to the environment and slowly integrated into it.

Chu Lingyun in Nanjing already knew that Fang Shiyi and Director Yang had connected.

He is the boss of the Chu Company. Ke Gong knows it, and the senior management also knows it, but ordinary people don't know it. Chu Lingyun has never been to Hong Kong, and Fang Shiyi is handling all the business there.

Fang Shiyi didn't tell Director Yang this, there was no need.

After returning to Nanjing, Chu Lingyun still had his office, which was in the supervision department, but Chu Lingyun rarely came to the military command recently.

He was leaving soon, everyone knew it.

Chu Lingyun only took Chu Yuan away, which disappointed Shen Hanwen. He also thought that he could return to the team leader's side this time, but he did not expect that Chu Lingyun would not take him with him at all.

Shen Hanwen wanted to stay and help Zhu Qing. Zhu Qing and Xie Ziqi had become allies. They didn't say it explicitly, but they knew clearly that they were one.

In the future, they will be asked to continue to contain Qi Limin, so that Qi Limin cannot concentrate on dealing with the organization.

At the end of May, the Ministry of National Defense was renamed the Ministry of National Defense.

At the beginning of June, the Ministry of National Defense was officially established and the various departments and agencies were established. Many people were laid off from the military command, and it was renamed the Security Bureau and merged into the Second Department of National Defense, which is responsible for intelligence. Director Zheng is in charge of the second department.

Chu Lingyun's transfer order went to the military command, and the director of the military command inspection office was transferred to the director of the inspection office of the second department.

What was supposed to come finally came, and many people were secretly frustrated, especially those who wanted to join Chu Lingyun before. They were on the wrong team.

These people don't understand the general situation. On the surface, Chu Lingyun is indeed stronger. It is very promising that Director Qi can stand aside or squeeze him out. Who would have thought that it would be Chu Lingyun who would be squeezed out in the end.

"Ling Yun, this will always be your home."

Director Qi brought someone to see Chu Lingyun off, with a smile on his face. Chu Lingyun finally left, and he finally let go of one thing on his mind.

"Don't worry, Director Qi, I will do it."

Chu Lingyun had already made the handover. As soon as he left, Qi Limin immediately placed his own people in this position. The Inspectorate was very important and he would not hand it over to anyone else.

This was also the agreement they reached in the first place.

"Haha, then we welcome Director Chu to visit us at any time."

Director Qi laughed, but he was unhappy in his heart. He still wanted to come? It’s better not to come here again.

Zhongtong, Ye Feng called Xu Lin and Bao Shengqun to the office again.

Bao Shengqun said before that there would be civil strife without them alienating the military commander, and it turned out that he was right. Ye Feng had been paying attention to the military commander, and he knew the situation of the military commander very well during this period.

Qi Limin took over, but he couldn't suppress Chu Lingyun.

Ye Fengling laughed at the joke. He knew best what kind of consequences this power struggle would bring. If the military commander did not want to do a good job, it would not be long before he would be suppressed by their central commander.

But he didn't expect that Chu Lingyun would give in again.

He gave up his position as director last time, and this time he simply left the military command.

Ye Feng was so angry that he felt angry after hearing the news. Chu Lingyun was not a timid person, so why should he let him have the upper hand?

Isn't it good to stay in the army? It will make Qi Limin's life difficult.

He could not participate in military affairs and could only sulk.

"Tell me, you two, if Chu Lingyun leaves, how will we deal with the military commander in the future?"

The Central Commander and Military Commander's determination to work against each other has never changed. When he finally got the opportunity to defeat the Military Commander, Ye Feng would never let it go.

Especially during the Anti-Japanese War, they were suppressed by the military for so many years.

"Qi Limin is nothing to worry about. He has low prestige and cannot control the military. If we just recruit some people, we can defeat them all."

Xu Lin said confidently that he looked down on Qi Limin, and the military commander would definitely not be their opponent in the future.

"Commander, the current situation is actually more favorable to us. The one the military commander can best fight is Chu Lingyun. Now that he has been squeezed out by Qi Limin, the military commander will definitely not be our opponent in the future."

Bao Shengqun smiled and said, Chu Lingyun, the military commander, is indeed powerful, but it is a pity that he always gives in. If he quits this time, it will be difficult to come back.

Military unification will inevitably be worse than before.

His wife just gave birth to a big fat boy for him. Bao Shengqun has been living a contented life recently. He finally has a son. From now on, he will live for his son.

As for the Red Party, he will not join it for the time being, but will continue to provide intelligence to the Red Party and help them.

Without them, he would not have this son.

"Advisor Bao is right. Squeezing out the most capable people is an act of self-destruction of the Great Wall. Qili people will be narrow-minded, and it will be more difficult to control the military in the future."

Xu Lin also smiled, and he was still used to calling him Juntong.

Ye Feng very much agreed with their words. During the Anti-Japanese War, the military commander who made the most meritorious service was Chu Lingyun. The most capable people were driven away to see how the military commander would fight them in the future.

The three of them didn't know that Chu Lingyun's next target would be them.

The purpose of jumping out of military unification is to achieve this better. In military unification, there are too many constraints.


In the new office, Chu Yuan walked in. He was still Chu Lingyun's secretary. This status made it easier to do things.

He holds the rank of colonel, and his rank and status are no less than those of the deputy director.

Deputy Director Yang Ruigang was the person arranged by Director Zheng to supervise and restrain Chu Lingyun. Yang Ruigang was six years older than Chu Lingyun, which was considered younger. He also graduated from Huangpu and was two years ahead of Chu Lingyun.

"Sit down and talk."

Chu Lingyun asked Chu Yuan to sit down opposite him. There was a chair for people to sit in front of his desk.

"The personnel have been confirmed. Deputy Director Yang is very active and has placed many of his people."

The inspection office was newly built, and Chu Lingyun wanted to select the personnel himself. He asked Yang Ruigang for his opinion, and Yang Ruigang was very active and recommended many of his people.

Chu Lingyun agreed, and Yang Ruigang was very happy about it.

"It doesn't matter. Are all the people I want in place?"

Chu Lingyun smiled and shook his head. If Yang Ruigang wanted to arrange someone, let him arrange it. What would happen if the arrangement came in? He had known Yang Ruigang. Being a soldier was okay, but in the office, he could only say that it was average.

It doesn't matter if you come in, Chu Lingyun has a way to make all these people listen to him, including Yang Ruigang.

Even if he is Director Zheng's confidant, Chu Lingyun still has this confidence.

"We're here, but we have too few people, only fifteen."

Chu Yuan replied, excluding the three of them, there were sixty people in the inspection office, which was not a large number. After all, it was newly established, and it was much less than the Military Inspection Office.

Chu Lingyun selected fifteen people, and the remaining forty-five people were all arranged by Yang Ruigang.

In terms of headcount, Yang Ruigang was three times as many as him.

"Soldiers should be better, not more."

Chu Lingyun didn't care. Fifteen was enough. These people were the elites he selected from the army after spending a lot of effort and looking through a lot of files.

Their combat effectiveness is definitely much better than Yang Ruigang's forty-five men.

The combat effectiveness here does not refer to a frontal battlefield confrontation. In that case, no matter how strong the fifteen people are, they will be at a disadvantage. Even if they are special forces, the opponent is also a soldier who has experienced hundreds of battles. It will not be easy to win.

Chu Lingyun was referring to the struggle for power.

Among these fifteen people, the higher-ranking ones include the regiment chief of staff and the logistics officer, and the lower-ranking ones are all officers who have experienced in the battalion and company.

They were not pure officers. Chu Lingyun found advantages and strengths in them. The subordinates Yang Ruigang brought in were far from comparable to them.

"Get ready for the meeting."

When everyone arrived, Chu Lingyun needed to meet with all of them. There were only a few people in the inspection room, so only the conference room was used, not the auditorium.

Chu Lingyun sat in the first place, with Yang Ruigang on the left and Chu Yuan on the right.

Others sat apart.

"Welcome to the Inspectorate Office of the Second Hall. This will be your home from now on. I have one request in the Inspectorate Office. Trust your companions and cooperate fully. We will work together for the party's results. Now I am announcing the personnel appointments."

Although the sparrow is small and well-equipped, the inspection room is no exception.

The inspection office has three departments and two groups.

The three departments are the first, second and third departments, and the two groups are the logistics group and the communication group.

Logistics is mainly responsible for the purchase and distribution of daily supplies for the inspection room, as well as vehicles and weapons. It is similar to the general affairs of the military command, and is the steward of the money bag.

The communication group is simpler, only responsible for technical things such as radio and telephone, and does not care about anything else.

The communication team has the smallest number of people, with a total of five people, and the logistics team has ten people, not including the driver.

There are fifteen people in each of the remaining three subjects. Chu Lingyun and Yang Ruigang discussed it before the appointment. He was very positive. He wanted to leave three of the three subjects and two groups.

Chu Lingyun agreed to them all.

In addition to being a secretary, Chu Yuan also serves as the leader of the communications team. He is responsible for external communications. It will be more convenient to have a communications team.

The fifteen people he wanted to come were all in one department, and Chu Lingyun wanted to integrate their combat effectiveness and become a good sword in his hands in the future.

The meeting was very simple. After the appointment was announced, Chu Lingyun dismissed the meeting directly.

"Director, I heard that Chu Lingyun is very powerful in the military. How did he become so weak?"

In Yang Ruigang's office, two newly appointed section chiefs and a team leader were all present. The three of them were Yang Ruigang's confidants.

"I guess the military commander is deliberately exaggerating. If he is really that powerful, can he be kicked out?"

The new logistics team leader Jiao Teng said disdainfully that he was a relative of Yang Ruigang and was specially transferred here this time.

Not only him, but also Yang Ruigang was not a military commander before.

"It's a person's name and the shadow of a tree. You'd better not be careless. The director told me that if Chu Lingyun makes things difficult for the military commander, we will fully cooperate. As for other matters, it depends on the situation."

Yang Ruigang said with a smile. Although he told his subordinates not to be careless, it could be heard from his tone that he did not have any respect for the new director.

He originally thought that he would have to fight openly and secretly to get his wish, but unexpectedly Chu Lingyun agreed to him.

This made him feel contempt in his heart.

What's the use of a department and a communication group?

He has two departments, and also has the most important logistics team. If someone has money, it is not certain who will be in charge of the inspection office in the future.

"Don't worry, we will definitely cooperate."

Several people laughed when talking about this. Director Zheng and Qi Limin are not on the right track. There will be more shoes for them to wear in the future. They can cooperate with Chu Lingyun in dealing with military commanders. After all, they have a common goal.

Moreover, the inspection office is newly established and has a small number of people. However, it is impossible to have only such a few people in the future. If you want to expand the number of people, you need to make outstanding achievements in order to expand.

Yang Ruigang was thinking about how to take over Chu Lingyun's position and make the inspection office bigger and stronger, even one step closer.

Three days later, Chu Lingyun held a small meeting.

Mike personally sent him a telegram, inviting him to go to Japan. Chu Lingyun agreed and would go to Japan in a while to rearrange the work of the lurking team there.

This latent group has been brought over by him, and now it belongs to him personally.

There was a group of about ten people in Japan, and more than half of them were Japanese. Director Qi didn't care at all.

"Today's meeting is mainly about arranging work."

Chu Lingyun didn't talk nonsense and directly arranged the work. The Secrecy Bureau had just been established, but they were the framework of the military command. The military command was very large, and the number of people would still be large after the reduction. They needed to conduct a thorough investigation.

After all, the Inspection Office is also a newly established department.

"Okay, Deputy Director Yang, do you have anything to add?"

In five minutes, Chu Lingyun arranged all the tasks and looked at Yang Ruigang.

"No, director, you arranged it very well."

Yang Ruigang kept in mind Director Zheng's instructions, as long as he was dealing with the military commander, he would cooperate fully. Since it was a work against the military commander, he had no objection.

"That's good, do you have anything to say?"

Chu Lingyun looked at the others. There were not many of them. Apart from him, Chu Yuan and Yang Ruigang, there were only three section chiefs and one team leader. There were seven people in total. Chu Yuan also served as the communications team leader.

"Director, I heard that your business is quite prosperous. Can you provide some benefits to our inspection office?"

Jiao Teng asked first, and several others laughed. It was no secret that Chu Lingyun had business, and his business was very big.

Even though they are in the inspection room, they still get a salary. Now that the legal currency has depreciated sharply, the money is not enough. They can only find ways to make some money.

Those who know how to make money can make more money, and those who don’t know how to make money can only wait for others to show their respect.

"Since you said so, I will contribute some capital to start the business so that the brothers can make more money every month."

Chu Lingyun smiled slightly. It was not surprising that Jiao Teng asked him this. Jiao Teng was greedy for money, which was his weakness.

Chu Yuan also deliberately told others about how profitable his business was. It was impossible for Jiao Teng to have no idea after hearing this. Chu Lingyun was waiting for his words.

Yang Ruigang and Jiao Teng were not worried, but Chu Lingyun had to control them and they must obey his orders absolutely.

If you don't obey, you can get rid of them.

In this way, he can continue to make his own layout and facilitate his work.

"Really, that's great, thank you, director." Jiao Teng was stunned and responded hurriedly. He didn't expect that Chu Lingyun actually agreed to what he said casually.

"Jiao Teng, since you brought this matter up, you should be responsible for it."


Jiao Teng was stunned again, then nodded immediately: "Thank you, director, don't worry, I will help you do a good job and make more money for the brothers."

Chu Lingyun said that he contributed the capital to everyone's business to make money, and the money earned must be distributed to the entire inspection room, but if he takes charge, the benefits will definitely be indispensable.

“The scale of the business shouldn’t be too big, after all, we have only a few people.”

Chu Lingyun continued, Jiao Teng's smile was a little stiff by the way, what are you talking about for small business? I thought you were going to do such a big business, it was disappointing.

"Only ten shipments per month, seagoing ships."

Jiao Teng's face jumped a few times in an instant, ten ships of goods, still called Xiao?

The same goes for the director, who never finished his sentence at once. Sea-going ships are bigger, and each ship carries at least tens of thousands of oceans of cargo. Ten ships can equal one hundred thousand oceans of oceans, and they are shipped every month.

He can get more out of it.

"Yes, Director."

Jiao Teng's excited voice trembled a little, and the two section chiefs around him looked at him jealously. Jiao Teng was in charge of this matter, and he didn't know how much he could make.

Not to mention them, even Yang Ruigang was jealous, but he thought more, was Chu Lingyun so generous, was he trying to bribe them with money?

It doesn't matter, just give him the money, he is Director Zheng's man anyway.

"Don't worry, everyone, you will have food and wine with me, and I will never treat my brothers badly. From now on, everyone will work seriously. The better the results, the higher the rewards."

Chu Lingyun usually didn't hold meetings for long. He simply arranged the work and quickly announced that the meeting was adjourned.

"Deputy Director Yang, come to my office."

After a while, Chu Lingyun called Yang Ruigang to the office. Chu Yuan made tea for them and left immediately.

"Deputy Director Yang, I use my capital to do business to help everyone improve their lives. What can I do with the little legal currency now? I know the brothers are having a hard time, but we can't spare the director when we do business. Jiao Teng will make money in the future. You give 50% of the money to the director."

Chu Lingyun said slowly, he is the director, not the director. Business can be done, but the people above him cannot be forgotten.

"Yes, don't worry, I will deliver it for you."

Yang Ruigang's heart tightened, and then he felt happy. He was asked to do this kind of thing of giving money. Was Chu Lingyun stupid?

If Chu Lingyun really came to see him off, maybe he would really be liked by the director, and it would be difficult for him to squeeze him out in the future.

"You get 10% of the money I make."

Chu Lingyun looked at him deeply, and Yang Ruigang's heartbeat suddenly accelerated. With 10% of his, Chu Lingyun said at the meeting that there would be at least ten shipments of goods every month, almost one hundred thousand oceans.

This is the cost. Doubling the profit is 100,000. Even if it is only 50%, it is still 50,000.

In other words, he can distribute at least 5,000 oceans a month?

For him, five thousand oceans is definitely not a small number.

"Take out another 10% and divide it among all the section leaders."

Chu Lingyun continued to give instructions, and Yang Ruigang nodded fiercely: "Don't worry, I will definitely do it."

From the look on Chu Lingyun's face, it was clear that he was put in charge of this business, and Jiao Teng was just a worker.

"The remaining 30% will be divided equally among everyone."

After Chu Lingyun distributed all the profits, Yang Ruigang immediately raised his head: "What about you?"

He regretted it as soon as he asked. Chu Lingyun said this. It was obvious that he didn't want it, and all the benefits were given to them. Why did he bother to ask.

"I do not need."

Sure enough, Chu Lingyun said what he wanted to hear most. Chu Lingyun didn't want to be the best, so he could make more money. Who doesn't like money? He is a deputy. He didn't make much money before because Director Zheng was suppressed. With this business, he spent several years every year.

Now he is very active.

"In the future, when there are more people, I will expand the scale. Ten ships are too few. At least thirty ships are needed."

Chu Lingyun dropped another bomb. Ten ships is the beginning, and there will be more in the future. Ten ships are just a profit. How much can thirty ships make?

Yang Ruigang felt a little dizzy.

"Remember, you only have money when I am in this position. Without me, you have nothing."

Chu Lingyun suddenly said that it was very easy to control Yang Ruigang and the others. They could just buy them with money, but just taking money was not enough insurance. He specially asked Yang Ruigang to give money to Director Zheng.

A big chapter of 10,000 words. Thank you to the leader Pipitu for another 1,000 starting coins reward.

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