Spy Shadow

Chapter 898 Ishihara comes online

"I understand. Don't worry, my subordinates will fully support your work in the future."

With such a big benefit, Yang Ruigang was stupid enough to object. He got the money first and then talked about other things. Seeing his excitement, Chu Lingyun secretly laughed.

Other excuses may not be of much use to Yang Ruigang, but what if he secretly withholds contributions from his superiors?

This kind of thing will happen 100%, Chu Lingyun never doubts it.

When the time comes, Yang Ruigang doesn't want to die and wants to continue to gain benefits, so he can only follow him wholeheartedly, making him go east and dare not go west, and squat down and dare not stand up.

It is not difficult to deal with these people. If Yang Ruigang is under control, these people will benefit from him and they will naturally become his people in the future.

Chu Lingyun didn't even put any thought into it. He just distributed some goods to the left and right. Chu's Trading Company had plenty of goods.

Of course, these goods must be smuggled, which is another small handle.

"Very good, I'll send the report today and let them start delivery."

Chu Lingyun nodded, and Yang Ruigang took the initiative to stand up and salute: "Thank you, director. I'm waiting for your good news."

Money can make all the difference. Let alone the sixty people now, even if there are six hundred people, Chu Lingyun is confident that he can fully control it.

Many people in the Guo Party are mothers if they have breasts. With enough benefits, they will be absolutely obedient.

Chu Lingyun never thought of accepting them as his confidants. He didn't need them to work for him, as long as they obeyed.

The news that the director personally took money to help the inspection office for welfare spread quickly, and everyone was very happy. Director Renyi, the smart people calculated the accounts, and the money they can share in the future will be much higher than their salary.

With enough extra money, everyone is very active in doing things.

"Okay, I get it."

Yang Ruigang was standing in front of Director Zheng. He had to report this matter, and he would have to send money every month in the future.

Director Zheng didn't pay attention, understanding that Chu Lingyun was using money to win people's hearts, but Chu Lingyun remembered him and gave him the biggest head, which he was very satisfied with.

He now has a cooperative relationship with Chu Lingyun, and the two of them deal with Qi Limin together. The stronger the combat effectiveness of the inspection room, the more beneficial it will be for him.

Japan, Tokyo.

Chu Lingyun stepped off the plane. This was his fourth time coming to Japan, but unlike the previous three times, this time he came here with his true identity. The previous few times he came here as Hiroshi Ishihara.

"Chu, my good friend, welcome."

Mike personally came to greet him at the airport, opened his arms exaggeratedly, and gave Chu Lingyun a big hug.

Chu Lingyun was indeed his good friend and had given him so much money.

"General Mike, thank you for your hospitality."

Chu Lingyun smiled and thanked them, and soon they left with the convoy. Chu Lingyun was in the same car with Mike.

"Chu, you no longer have to worry about Japan threatening your country. I have the final say here. They can do whatever they want."

Mike said proudly, and Chu Lingyun agreed with his words, but only now.

The Japanese never admitted their mistakes, and their ambitions never disappeared. Later, they even did outrageous things.

"Thank you very much. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid my country would still be at war."

Chu Lingyun took the initiative to thank him, and Mike laughed loudly. He prepared the best hotel and the strongest security for Chu Lingyun.

Chu Lingyun must not have any accidents, otherwise who will he ask for his future dividends, Smith?

Smith would never admit it.

Nearly a year after the surrender, Japan recovered well, especially when Mike distributed fields to the poor, which won the support of many people, and many people regarded him as a benefactor.

The new cabinet is only responsible for people's livelihood. They cannot retain the army and only have a small amount of security forces.

The dinner was sumptuous, and Mike had great power here, almost doing whatever he wanted.

Chu Lingyun was his financial sponsor, and he gave Chu Lingyun very high standards of treatment.

It is no exaggeration to say that he would not be like this even if the old man came.

"Team leader."

The next day, Chu Lingyun met with Zhang Acheng and others. He was not at the hotel. He went outside in disguise.

The hotel was too conspicuous, and Chu Lingyun didn't want Mike to know that he had arranged a sleeper team here.

"how's the work going recently?"

Chu Lingyun asked with a smile. They had been here for half a year and had sent back materials three times. The technology was either unavailable in China or not as good as Japan's.

These things will be of great use in the future.

"It's okay, I just don't feel as passionate as before."

Zhang Acheng shook his head gently. Before he came, he thought that he should always pay attention to safety when lurking, as before, but when he arrived, he found that was not the case.

After Japan was defeated, even if he publicly said that he was a Chinese agent, no one would pay attention to him. On the contrary, the Americans might come to ask questions, and then he would be sent away.

The risk has been reduced a lot.

He also did not spy on military intelligence. Japan had no military intelligence for him to collect.

He feels that what he is doing now is more like a commercial espionage.

"Isn't this great? You can start a family peacefully, have a child, and don't have to worry about anything else."

Chu Lingyun smiled, Jiang Tengkong and Ishida were also there. They didn't expect that even after Japan was defeated, they couldn't get rid of Chu Lingyun's control.

But life is much better now than before.

Tuhara was caught. He is a war criminal. Severe punishment awaits him. No one will cause trouble for them. Ishida's wife has also been sent back. Now she is living a stable life.

So what can commercial spies do? Anyway, with high salaries, they can do whatever Chu Lingyun asks them to do.

It feels good to not have to worry about life and death all the time.

Everyone starts reporting.

Jiang Tengkong was at the automobile factory. He was a good talker, and Chu Lingyun gave him money to bribe him. Now he has become a supervisor.

The next step is to go to the technical department and steal as much information as possible.

After stealing from this store, Chu Lingyun would ask him to change jobs and continue stealing from another store.

Jiang Tengkong's report was nothing. He felt that being in Japan was no worse than in China, and even more free, except that there was no Chu Chu.

However, Chu Lingyun promised him that as long as Chu Chu was willing, he would be sent to Japan in the future.

"Team leader, I saw Jun Shuicheng on the roadside last time."

At the end of his report, Ishida suddenly said that Shuicheng Jun got drunk every day and he had seen him.

"Mizuki Jun?"

Chu Lingyun immediately remembered the teacher who was at school at the beginning, and tried her best to please him and do things for him for the sake of her future.

Shun Shui Cheng, Takemoto, and Shimakura were his three henchmen at the beginning.

"give me the address."

Chu Lingyun said lightly that Shuisheng Shun was different from Takemoto Shimakura. He was a teacher and did not participate in the war. Later, when he became an officer, he mostly served Ishihara Trading Company.

He did not participate in many battles, especially under the strict requirements of Ishihara Toru, he did not attack civilians, and he was not imprisoned after Japan surrendered.


Ishida wrote down the address, and after they finished reporting, Chu Lingyun encouraged them with a few words and left immediately.

Zhang Acheng must start a family. This is the task Chu Lingyun gave him.

It was a war period before, but now they have won and there is no war anymore. His job is very important and he needs to settle down after getting married.

In the past few years, Chu Lingyun can guarantee their absolute safety.

"Mizuki Jun?"

Back at the hotel, Chu Lingyun lowered his head and pondered. He only relied on a Japanese team. He wanted to obtain more technical information, and even finished products were difficult. Although Japan was defeated, some of their technologies were indeed good.

The development after that was also very good.

Even if the core secrets cannot be obtained, as long as it is helpful to the country, it will be a great gain. In the future, New China will be poor and will have to start from scratch. Good technology can help the country develop as quickly as possible.

Shuicheng Jun can continue to use it.

As for Takemoto and Shimakura, they were in prison, and they were first held to let them atone for their sins. Fortunately, after they followed Ishihara Hiroshi, they committed fewer crimes. Even if they killed people, they would be the ones who deserved to be killed.

No more civilians were harmed.

If you want to see Jun Shuicheng, you need him to use the identity of Ishihara Hiroshi.

After thinking about it, Chu Lingyun called Chu Yuan.

"Come out with me at the party."

In the evening, Chu Lingyun declined Mike's invitation and took Chu Yuan out specially to put on makeup. Both of them put on makeup, and he looked like Hiroshi Ishihara.

Arriving outside the tavern, Chu Lingyun immediately saw Shuicheng Jun inside.

In addition to him, there is also Yamaguchi Mitsukuma. Unexpectedly, these two people are still together.

Mitsukuma Yamaguchi was an early member of the literary club and was recommended by Shun Mizuki. The two had a good relationship before, but now the literary club has been banned and scattered. Except for those who were imprisoned, most of them have been separated.

The two were drinking when Chu Lingyun walked in and sat down directly at their table.

"Who, get out of here..."

Shuicheng Jun was a little dizzy after drinking. He noticed someone sitting next to him and immediately cursed. But as soon as he raised his head, he was stunned for a moment, and then his whole body continued to tremble.

The same goes for Yamaguchi Mitsukuma, who was completely stunned at this time.

"Why, you don't welcome me?"

Chu Lingyun picked up a chopstick and took a taste of the food in front of him. It was not as delicious as Mike invited him to.

"Ishihara, Ishihara-kun?"

Shuicheng Jun asked with a trembling voice. The wine glass in his hand fell to the ground. At this time, he didn't care at all. His eyes were full of Chu Lingyun.

"It's me, I'm back."

Chu Lingyun nodded lightly, Shuicheng Jun burst into tears, hugged Chu Lingyun's arm and never let go.

Everyone around them looked at them.

Chu Lingyun frowned. This was not good. It would easily attract attention. He needed to use his identity, but he also had to provide another layer of insurance and get Mike's support.

This was not difficult. He asked Chu Yuan to dress up like Hiroshi Ishihara and take him to meet Mike.

"Yamaguchi, take Shuicheng and follow me."

Chu Lingyun stood up, and Chu Principle went to pay the money. His tone was commanding, but Yamaguchi didn't care at all. He nodded hurriedly, forcibly pulled Shuicheng Jun over, and walked out with Chu Lingyun.

Sure enough, Hiroshi Ishihara was not dead, and he returned to Japan.

Their backbone is finally back.

Chu Lingyun asked Chu Yuan to open a hotel and brought them in.

"What's your situation now?"

Chu Lingyun asked softly, and Yamaguchi hurriedly told him and Shuicheng Jun's recent situation. The two of them were actually doing better. They were not arrested. There were more than two hundred members of the literary society, and nearly half of them were in prison.

Some of the remaining people returned to their hometowns and lived ordinary lives, and some committed suicide because they could not accept defeat. As far as Yamaguchi knew, there were only about twenty people in Tokyo.

More than twenty, neither too many nor too few.

"You guys rest here first. I'll come back to you in two days."

Chu Lingyun stood up, and Shuicheng Jun's appearance could just make up for Zhang Acheng's shortcomings. They needed more skills on the surface, and Chu Lingyun needed more skills on the surface as well.

If he couldn't steal it, he would buy it.

However, Hiroshi Ishihara's identity is always a hidden danger. After all, Director Qi knows that, fortunately, he has more than one identity in Japan. If Hiroshi Ishihara does not appear in public, he has another one.


The two of them agreed that meeting Hiroshi Ishihara today was their biggest gain.

After Chu Lingyun left, Shuicheng Jun was completely awake. He kept slapping himself, wondering if he was dreaming. Ishihara Hiroshi was fine, and looking at Ishihara Hiroshi, he was still fine.

They later found a backbone again.

"Go out tomorrow, buy a few houses, and then come back dressed as Hiroshi Ishihara."

Back at the hotel, Chu Lingyun told Chu Yuan that in fact, he had several houses in Tokyo, including the secret ones, which he had prepared before.

Tokyo was being bombed continuously. Chu Lingyun didn't know whether those houses still existed, and he didn't want to go to the trouble of collecting them, so he just bought a few more.


Chu Yuan didn't ask anything and just did whatever he was told. He knew that the team leader had been collecting Japanese technology to give to his hometown to help them improve their technological strength.

It was a good thing and he was happy to do it.

Chu Yuan came back at noon the next day, already looking like Ishihara Hiroshi.

"Good afternoon, Mike."

Chu Lingyun brought "Ishihara Hiroshi" to Mike's side. Mike also noticed "Ishihara Hiroshi", but he had never seen Ishihara Hiroshi and didn't know his identity.

He didn't know, Thomas knew. He was stunned for a moment when he saw Ishihara Hiroshi.

"Mike, let me introduce to you, this is my friend, good friend, Toru Ishihara."

Chu Lingyun pointed at 'Chu Yuan' and said, Chu Yuan used Japanese etiquette to salute Mike, and then said hello in a deliberately hoarse voice.

"Ishihara Hiroshi?"

Mike was a little surprised. He had never seen it, but that didn't mean he had never heard of it. Ishihara Hiroshi was a celebrity among the Japanese and he was once a powerful figure in Shanghai.

"That's right, it's Hiroshi Ishihara who was in Shanghai before. He's mine now."

Chu Lingyun smiled slightly, and Mike was startled. Then he suddenly realized that he heard that this person disappeared inexplicably. It turned out that he was captured by Chu Lingyun and became his person.

Thomas on the side also sighed inwardly, as expected of Chu Lingyun, even someone like Hiroshi Ishihara could subdue him.

Like Mike, he both believed that Chu Lingyun had caught Ishihara Hiroshi.

"Mike, I have something I need him to do secretly. If he needs anything in the future, you can give me a little help."

"No problem, don't worry, your business is my business."

Mike immediately agreed to do a little help in Japan, but it shouldn't be too simple. Ishihara Hiroshi is not a soldier, let alone a war criminal.

Ishihara Hiroshi was very powerful, but he did not direct the battle himself.

The only time, the Japanese were killed, dog bite dog.

That time, he was not considered to be commanding, it could only be said to be sitting in charge.

"Okay, you go back first, and if you need anything in the future, come to General Mike."

Chu Lingyun ordered ‘Ishihara Heng’, and Chu Yuan understood and left immediately.

He found a deserted place to change his appearance, and returned to the hotel in a swagger. The identity of Hiroshi Ishihara could be used by the team leader at any time if he wanted to.

There is no need to worry about safety issues.

After having enough wine and food, Mike went back drunk.

He was very happy today. Chu Lingyun made it clear that if he was willing to run for president, Chu Lingyun would give him financial support. This made him a little elated. Japan is not as good as the United States. If there is a chance, he must fight for it when he goes back.

If the donor gives instructions, he will implement it seriously.

Isn't he just Ishihara Hiroshi? As long as Chu Lingyun is happy, he can do whatever he wants.

"Team leader, the houses have been bought."

When Chu Lingyun went back, Chu Yuan immediately came to report that he had bought four houses, and the procedures were slowly completed. They were all in good locations, some were large or small. If necessary, the team leader could buy them himself later.

House prices in Tokyo are very cheap now, and it doesn’t cost much to buy these houses.

As for the formalities not being urgent, there is no way to run away.

"Very good, you don't have to follow me tomorrow. Go clean up the two houses and come out."

Chu Lingyun nodded. Tomorrow he would meet Shuicheng Jun and others to give them confidence and let them continue to work for him.

The contribution level will definitely not work, but Chu Lingyun can give them other aspects.

If you want money, you have money, and if you want power, you have power.

Mike is here, what's not?

"Is it safe for you to go by yourself?"

Chu Principle frowned. The team leader went there as Ishihara Hiroshi, so he would definitely not be able to bring people with him. He was worried about safety issues.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen."

Chu Lingyun shook his head. Japan is very safe now. Tomorrow he will go to meet a few of his subordinates, all of whom he has trained before.

These people lived scatteredly, and Chu Lingyun didn't believe that he would be so unlucky that he couldn't find any of them.

At the hotel, Shuicheng Shun was very happy. He and Yamaguchi took turns going out. During this period, he was unshaven and his hair was messy. Now that he has seen Toru Ishihara, he must take care of himself.

He wanted Ishihara Hiroshi to see his spiritual side.


As soon as Chu Lingyun and his people arrived, Shuicheng Jun came to greet him. He looked much better today than before, and he had been waiting at the door of the hotel.

Facts have proved that Chu Lingyun's luck is pretty good.

The dead soldiers he raised are still there, and they are still loyal to him, but they are a bit decadent. If the news of his death had not spread, I am afraid that some of the dead soldiers would have committed suicide.

With their protection, there will be no problem with safety.

"so many people?"

Entering the hotel, Chu Lingyun was immediately stunned. Originally there were only Shuicheng Jun and Yamaguchi, but now there were more than a dozen people.

Chu Lingyun knew all of them, they were all former members of the literary club.

"Ishihara-kun, we have contacted all the members in Tokyo. Six of them are unwilling to come again. There are four people who are waiting and saying that they will come again next time. The other three have not been contacted. The remaining eleven people are all here. .”

After Chu Lingyun left, the two of them were not idle. They immediately contacted the members in Tokyo and told them the good news of Ishihara Hiroshi's return.

Unfortunately, not everyone was willing to come back. Only eleven people came over and waited with them.

"well done."

Chu Lingyun originally wanted to let them contact people again during this meeting, but he didn't expect that they had already done so. This was good. The more people there were, the more things he could do in the future.

"Let's find another place."

The hotel was not big and there was no space to sit in the room. Chu Lingyun asked the people around her to book an exquisite teahouse and brought everyone to the teahouse to talk.

"Everyone, I'm sorry, I'm late."

As soon as Chu Lingyun finished speaking, Shuicheng Jun's eyes turned red. He shook his head hurriedly: "Ishihara-kun, you're not too late, just come back."

"That's right, Ishihara-kun, just come back."

Others responded. In fact, they wanted to know where Hiroshi Ishihara had been for such a long time, but no one dared to ask.

Hiroshi Ishihara's aura is still so strong, he is still surrounded by people to protect him, and he still looks like a rich man.

"The literary club is gone, and I have no intention of rebuilding it. But since everyone still believes in me and believes in me, I will lead you to live a good life. Now, please tell me what you are doing now and what you want to do. do what?"

Chu Lingyun said slowly, Shuicheng Jun did nothing, Yamaguchi was better and did some small business.

Of the thirteen people, only two were working, and their positions were not high.

They were all soldiers before. After the army was abolished, government departments could not arrange so many people. Regardless of whether they were generals or adjunct officers before, they are now directly unemployed.

It was even worse at the higher level, with a lot of arrests.

"Shui Cheng, what do you want to do?"

Chu Lingyun first looked at Shuicheng Jun. Shuicheng was stunned for a moment. What did he want to do? He wanted to continue in the army, but without the army, it was impossible.

"I don't know, I will do whatever you ask me to do, Mr. Ishihara."

Shuicheng Jun shook his head, he really didn't know where to go.

"Okay, if you join the capital government, you'll start from the bottom."

Chu Lingyun said lightly, and Shuicheng Jun was stunned again.

The metropolitan government mentioned by Ishihara Hiroshi refers to the offices of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. Tokyo is the largest capital in Japan. Although Japan was defeated in the war, it is also filled with descendants of nobles and high-ranking officials.

It's not that easy for someone like him to get in.

"Thank you Ishihara-kun."

After being reminded by Yamaguchi, he hurriedly thanked him. Ishihara Toru was still Ishihara Toru. He didn't expect that he would be given such a good position when he first arrived.

It’s okay to start from the bottom.

After hearing the arrangement for Shuicheng Jun, everyone else looked at him with envy. It was great to be able to join the metropolitan government, which was much better than the city government.

"Yamaguchi, you go to the police station."

Chu Lingyun continued to say that Yamaguchi had been in the security department before, so it was very appropriate for him to go to the police station. Yamaguchi happily agreed that they had no doubts about Ishihara Hiroshi's words.

Chu Lingyun has made arrangements for all the remaining eleven people. The city government, customs, science and technology bureau, etc., as long as he needs them, he will put them in first.

If these people do their job well, there may be a few high-ranking officials in the future.

Just like the governor of Tokyo, the power of this position is not small. In the past, it was arranged by the above and was an official election. Now that Japan has lost the war, the emperor no longer has the power to appoint people and can only conduct elections among the people.

This way they are more advantageous.

"You go back first and wait for the notice. Shuicheng will stay."

After arranging everything, Chu Lingyun left Shuicheng Jun alone.


Shuicheng Shun was very excited. It would be fine if Ishihara Toru didn't come back. As soon as he came back, he made arrangements for all of them. Seeing how easy it was for Ishihara Toru to say, it must be very easy to do.

This time he guessed right, arranging these people was very simple.

There is no need for him to come forward, just leave it to Thomas.

Ishihara Hiroshi had already appeared in front of Mike, and Thomas would not dare to disobey Chu Lingyun's instructions again.

"You go and register a company, mainly for civilian technology and trade. The previous business can no longer be done. I want to start a new business."

"Yes, don't worry, I will register right away."

Shuicheng Jun nodded immediately. Chu Lingyun thought for a moment and then added: "The registrant must be Hosokawa Tomataka."

"Hosokawa Tomotaka?"

Mizuki Shun was startled, a little confused, why he wanted to write about Hosokawa. The previous president of the literary club was Hosokawa. Until the dissolution, Ishihara Hiroshi was the vice president.

At that time, they could understand that after all, Hosokawa was a noble and needed the support of his body. Now that the nobles are gone, we still need to write about him?

"Yes, write his name."

Chu Lingyun nodded. Director Qi knew that Ishihara Hiroshi's identity was always a hidden danger. Japan was far away and Director Qi couldn't care about it. But as a precaution, it would be most appropriate to write about Hosokawa Tomataka.

Anyway, no matter whose name is written, it is his.


Shuisheng Shun didn't ask again. Ishihara Hiroshi was very thoughtful and he must have his reasons for doing this. He just had to obey the order and do what Ishihara Hiroshi asked.

After handing the list to Thomas, Chu Lingyun didn't ask any more questions.

"Master, Hiroshi Ishihara is back."

In Hosokawa Mansion, housekeeper Nakano jogged all the way to report to Hosokawa Tomei.

After the death of Marquis Hosokawa, Tomei Hosokawa failed to inherit his title. Without Mike's consent, no one can have these titles again.

When the older generation dies, the title may disappear in Japan.

"Really, where is he?"

Hosokawa Tomei asked hurriedly. Although they lost their title, the Hosokawa family was still there. They were forcibly dismissed from their retainers and had a lot of things confiscated.

Especially the land was divided first among the great nobles.

Fortunately, the Hosokawa family did not directly participate in the war, unlike his father-in-law, who eventually committed suicide.

After the defeat, although the Hosokawa family's life was not as good as before, it was much better than ordinary families. After the death of Hosokawa Akiyasu, Hosokawa Tomei took charge of everything in the family.

Before his death, his father was thinking about his younger brother the most, and he had also been inquiring about Ji-hyo.

"I don't know. I got the news from Chishang."

Chi Zhousi was the first member to join the literary club. His legs became disabled during the Shanghai War. Later, Chu Lingyun helped him get promoted in the aviation department, but he was not promoted to a general officer in the end.

His starting point was too low, which limited him.

He was among the people Shuisheng Shun contacted this time. After meeting Ishihara Hiroshi, he Masan informed the housekeeper Nakano that he was a dismissed retainer, but he was still considered by the Hosokawa family.

"Quick, take me to see Chishang."

Hosokawa Tomei knew about Ikegami and immediately went out in person. He wanted to fulfill his father's wish. Even if his half-brother didn't want to go home, at least he knew about his situation.

This way he can explain to his father.

"You don't know where Toru Ishihara lives?"

Tomei Hosokawa frowned, and he found Ikegami. The new job assigned to Ikegami by Toru Ishihara was still at the airport, as a supervisor of ground handling.

It seems everything is back to square one.

"Sir, I really don't know, but next time I see him, can I ask for you?"

Ikegami shook his head. Don't talk about him. Even Shuicheng Shun didn't know where Ishihara Hiroshi lived. No one told them.

"Okay, if you see him, tell me that Tomei Hosokawa wants to see him."

Hosokawa Tomei's attitude was very low. He was no longer a marquis. Now he just wanted to find his younger brother and fulfill his father's last wish.

"Don't worry, sir. I will definitely convey it to you when I see Ishihara-kun again."

Ikegami immediately agreed. He was no longer a retainer of the Hosokawa family, but he still had feelings for the Hosokawa family, so after meeting Ishihara Hiroshi, he immediately informed the Nakano butler to let them know the news.

He knew that the Hosokawa family had been looking for the young master and had never given up.

Thomas was very attentive in the past two days. He was a popular person around General Mike. No one dared to object to the people he assigned. The list Chu Lingyun gave him was all arranged in just two days.

Everyone was notified to go to work in the new unit.

As expected of Toru Ishihara, he showed great energy after his return, which made everyone see hope. With Toru Ishihara here, they still have the opportunity to develop upwards.

It's impossible in the military, but it's the same in politics.

They are all officials anyway.

The few people who didn't come regretted it and found the mountain pass. Unfortunately, Ishihara Toru had ordered that they would no longer be used.

They thought Ishihara Hiroshi was finished and that even if he came back, it would have no effect. They were also worried that he would be implicated if he was too close to Ishihara Hiroshi. However, they did not expect that Ishihara Hiroshi was still so powerful. He assigned new positions to everyone as soon as he came back.

The level is not high, but they are in important positions.

Especially Shuicheng Jun, he joined the metropolitan government and served the governor. His development potential will be greater in the future.

There was a fool who resented Ishihara Hiroshi for not giving him a chance, so he went to report that Ishihara Hiroshi was back.

Ishihara Hiroshi was an important figure in Japan. Those who received the report did not dare to be careless, and quickly reported it to Thomas.

"Yes, I understand what to do, don't worry."

Thomas left Chu Lingyun and immediately led people to arrest the guy who made the report. After the reporter was caught, he was completely dumbfounded. He understood what a stupid thing he had done.

He also didn't think about it. Since Ishihara Hiroshi could arrange these people, how could his current energy be comparable to his own?

What's even more frightening is that Thomas caught him.

People were executed secretly. Chu Lingyun never forced others to follow him. They chose not to follow him. That was their freedom.

But after discovering the benefits, I wanted to buy it again. It’s not that cheap.

Failure to report it is a naked betrayal.

Chu Lingyun would not be polite to him, and even summoned Shuicheng Jun and others to tell them about the matter.

"Ishihara-kun, Mr. Hosokawa wants to see you. I don't know where you live. I would like to ask if it is convenient for you."

After the meeting, Chi Shang immediately came to Chu Lingyun and asked respectfully.

Lord Hosokawa, isn't he dead?

Chu Lingyun had been paying attention to Japan until the news of Hosokawa Akiyasu's death. Mashan realized that what Ikegami was talking about was not Hosokawa Akiyasu, but the current head of the Hosokawa family, Hosokawa Tomei.

"There's no need to meet him. I know his purpose. Tell him that Jihyo has returned to China a long time ago. I will persuade him to go home."

Chu Lingyun shook his head. He didn't need to meet. Tomotaka Hosokawa's identity would be exposed publicly in the future, while Hiroshi Ishihara would be secretly identified. Tomotaka Hosokawa would show up sooner or later.

"Yes, I will convey it immediately."

Ikegami was very happy. This was good news. The young master was not dead and had returned to Japan. It was a pity that the Marquis could not see his son until his death.

"Ishihara-kun, don't worry, I will help you keep an eye on them in the future."

As soon as Ikegami left, Shuisheng Jun came over. Ishihara Hiroshi was still so domineering. Someone dared to report him. He didn't even think about who Ishihara Hiroshi was.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. How can it be compared to ordinary people?

"Why are we keeping such a close eye on you? This is not a time of war. The main thing is making money."

Chu Lingyun smiled and shook his head. At this moment, the purpose of Chu Lingyun's deployment in Japan was technology and resources, not for war. As long as they work seriously, it doesn't matter if they have small ideas.

These people are useful if they can bring him what he wants. Chu Lingyun will not do anything to them, except for betrayal.

Chu Lingyun could deal with them before, and he can still do it now.


Shuicheng Jun immediately responded that he had never been able to get over the past, otherwise he would not have been drinking to get drunk.

It has been almost a year since Japan surrendered. There are many people like him, but they will gradually come out.

The new company was quickly registered and named Holley Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Holley, which means established by Chinese. This time Chu Lingyun did not use a surname and completely changed her name.

The new company is not in a hurry. Chu Lingyun will find a suitable person to take care of it. He will do some trade with Chu Company in the early stage and slowly acquire what he needs.

In this way, both openly and secretly, Chu Lingyun had a source of technology.

If he takes a fancy to him, the one who can't get it in either way is Thomas.

At least within the next few years, he must get what he wants.

"Team leader, this is the old home of the Hosokawa family."

Chu Yuan drove a car and took Chu Lingyun to the outside of the Hosokawa family. The door was large, but it looked very old, and there were obvious signs of being burned.

Japan suffered many bombings, and the Hosokawa family was not spared.

If Chu Lingyun wants to use the identity of Hosokawa Tomotaka, he will definitely have to deal with the Hosokawa family in the future. He is considering whether to show up now or wait until later.

A car stopped in front of the gate, and a woman got out of the car, followed by a seven or eight-year-old child.

They are Hosokawa Tomei's wife and child, and the child is not too tall.

This child looks a bit like Hosokawa Tomotaka.

Chu Lingyun had a detailed understanding of the Hosokawa family and knew that he was Hosokawa Xiaogu, the grandson of Marquis Hosokawa, who was eight years old this year.

Seeing him, Chu Lingyun's heart moved slightly.

Chu Lingyun left soon. The Hosokawa family is still useful. He can't always be in Japan. In the future, the company in Japan needs someone to take care of it, and the people from the Hosokawa family are very suitable.

Now is not the future. At this time, there are still many loyal servants who are loyal to the old Japanese aristocracy, and Chu Lingyun needs their loyalty.

"Chu, how is it here?"

Mike was taking Chu Lingyun on the jeep, pointing to a dock in the distance with high spirits.

"very good."

Chu Lingyun smiled. Japanese companies need to develop, and develop quickly, otherwise he will not have enough money to do things.

He proposed to buy a dock, and Mike immediately brought him there himself.

The dock belongs to the Chu Company, but it will be used by Holley Company first to help them accumulate their first pot of gold.

With money, it will be easier to do more things in the future.

"As long as you like it."

Mike smiled and said, Chu Lingyun wants a pier, and it is not a particularly big pier, so there is no problem at all.

"Thank you, General. Also, I plan to open a pharmaceutical factory here in Japan. Please take a look at this document."

Chu Lingyun took out the documents prepared in advance. Japan was defeated and new drugs could be provided to them, mainly for civilian use.

The Guo Dang side was about to break up, and Chongqing Pharmaceutical Factory would no longer be able to provide medicine to his hometown, but Chu Lingyun had already made preparations.

Taking advantage of Ms. Song's last opportunity to ask for benefits, Chu Lingyun doubled her supply.

She will definitely sell these goods, and then some of them will flow into the hands of comrades.

In addition, he sent a lot of inventory to his hometown, which was enough for them to use in the early stages of the war.

The third is Japan. Chu Lingyun will build another pharmaceutical factory. The medicines produced in the future will be shipped to the country through Holley Company to fill the gap.

A three-pronged approach is taken to ensure the amount of medication in my hometown.

War consumes the most medicines, and medicines are equivalent to lives. These things must be fully prepared.

"Thirty percent?"

Mike raised his head in surprise. Chu Lingyun wanted to invest 10 million US dollars to open a company and pharmaceutical factory in Japan, and directly gave him a three-cent dividend.

This is a good thing, he won't refuse.

"Yes, you deserve it."

With Mike's dividends, Japanese pharmaceutical companies are as stable as a mountain. Even if Mike is no longer here in the future, the Japanese will still consider Mike's influence and dare not do anything to the pharmaceutical companies.

"Well, thank you very much, my friend."

Mike stretched out his hand in an exaggerated manner. Chu Lingyun is definitely a good person. He is a money-giving boy. The previous 10% was already a lot, but he didn't expect it to triple this time.

Although it was in Japan, Japan still had a large population. He believed that this pharmaceutical factory would be able to make money, a lot of money.

"Ikegami-kun, how is your work lately?"

At the teahouse, Shuicheng Jun came in and saw Chishang already sitting there. This teahouse was bought by Toru Ishihara and turned into a club that was not open to the public. It was also their gathering place.

Shuicheng Jun likes to come here very much and will come every day after get off work.

Here, he felt as if he had returned to a literary society.

"Shuicheng-kun, you're here. I'm doing fine recently and my workload isn't heavy. How about you?"

Chishang said with a smile that he works at the airport and is a supervisor. He does not need to do many things personally and has more free time.

He was put in by Americans, and his colleagues did not dare to bully him.

"me too."

Shuicheng Jun smiled and said that his job is better. Although he is busier, this sense of busyness makes him fulfilled.

It's a pity that it's not in Shanghai. It was more comfortable when I was in Shanghai before.

"I wonder if Ishihara-kun will come today."

Ikegami said softly, and Mizuki Shun also looked outside the door. He came here every day because he actually wanted to see Ishihara Toru.

At this time, Chu Lingyun had already appeared in the Hosokawa family.

After deciding to re-activate the identity of Hosokawa Tomotaka, he made up his mind to come back.

He won't be in Japan for too long. He will go back next week. Before leaving, he must choose a reliable person for the new company.

"Jihyo, how long have you been back?"

Tomei Hosokawa was very excited when he looked at his biological brother. His brother was finally back and his father's last wish was fulfilled.

In addition to the two of them, there are also Hosokawa Tomei's wife and children. This is a family dinner, and several people are eating.

"Actually, I just came back, and I came back with Ishihara Toru. Ishihara protected me in China, but now he is doing things for the Chinese and wants me to open a company here."

"Help the Chinese?"

Tomei Hosokawa was slightly startled. They were no longer at war with China, but he knew very well how hostile the Chinese were to them.

"Yes, we started the war. We have brought so much suffering to the Chinese people. Helping them can be considered a kind of atonement."

Chu Lingyun nodded slightly. He said this deliberately because he wanted to see what the attitude of this brother he had never met a few times was like.

Thank you to the leader Pipitu for another 500 starting coin reward, and thank you to the Western Region Loose Immortal for the 100 starting coin reward.

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