Spy Shadow

Chapter 905 Punishing Hayakawa

Japan, Tokyo.

Chu Lingyun got off the plane with his entourage. Mike did not come to the airport to pick him up today. The people who came were Davis and Thomas.

Mike happened to have something important to do today and couldn't leave.

"Chu, welcome."

Thomas was the main greeter, opening his arms and making exaggerated movements. Karl, who was standing behind, felt cold. Thomas deliberately got close to Chu Lingyun in public, making people think that he and Chu Lingyun had a good relationship.

Now everyone knows that this Chinese is Mike's good friend and also Mike's financial backer.

"Thomas, thank you."

Chu Lingyun responded enthusiastically, and Carl was even more disdainful. As expected, these politicians are doing one thing on the surface and another behind the scenes. Others don’t know, but he knows best. Chu Lingyun specially asked him to stare at Thomas, which shows that Chu Lingyun does not have that much trust in Thomas. .

The two have only a superficial relationship.

"You're too kind, please."

Thomas is very satisfied. He did deliberately behave to make people think that his role is irreplaceable, which can further consolidate his position next to Mike.

Thomas is content with his current life.

With Mike, he has no less power than when he was the police chief before, and he has more power in Japan, especially in front of the Japanese. He has a sense of superiority and vanity.

The Japanese did not dare to resist his orders at all and were as obedient as well-behaved kittens.

"Chu, I'm sorry, I just have something urgent to deal with today."

After Chu Lingyun arrived at the hotel for a while, Mike came in a hurry. Chu Lingyun didn't care: "It doesn't matter, I am also a soldier, and military affairs are important."

Mike was stunned for a moment. If Chu Lingyun didn't mention it, he almost forgot that the other party was really a soldier, and he was a soldier of a high level.

He is also an intelligence officer.

"Chu, I will take you to see the pharmaceutical factory tomorrow. It is very beautifully built."

Mike didn't worry about Chu Lingyun's identity. It didn't matter what his identity was. The key was that he had money and could bring him a lot of wealth. For Mike, this was enough.

"Okay, go tomorrow."

Chu Lingyun agreed immediately, and at the same time, Yaowang Mountain.

Lao Peng brought Lang Qi back here. After their mission in Nanjing was completed, they found a way to rush back to Yanzhou. It was okay with only two of them. If there were more people, the current traffic blockade would not be easy at all.

After staying in Yanzhou for a while, they returned to Yaowang Mountain.

"Boss, the Zhongtong is still the same as before. Old ghost Xu has stepped down, but the newly appointed Ye Feng is no different from him. Now that Xu Lin is gone, their lives will not be much easier in the future.

Lang Qi came to see Tan Wenbo and reported on the Nanjing operation. This was allowed by Mr. Ke. Except for people in the organization, he could talk to Tan Wenbo about other things.

They have been working hard to develop Tan Wenbo.

"Why are you telling me this?"

Tan Wenbo asked lightly. Even though he was a bandit now, he had never neglected intelligence work. In fact, he knew the situation of the Central Government. He knew it as soon as Old Ghost Xu stepped down.

He knows better than anyone what the Guo Party is like.

"Boss, if the Party is only for itself and they can't save the people, it's better to side with the Red Party. It's not like you haven't seen it before. We have also been to Yanzhou, to the base area, and to many places, especially this time in Nanjing, do you know what the leader arranged when I was performing my mission? He always emphasized that safety comes first. If there is danger, the mission can be abandoned at any time. What are the people of the Guo Party like? We didn't do anything at the beginning, just because of their Suspicion, they kept us locked up for so long, and they even wanted to kill us.”

Lang Qi slowly persuaded him. Of the more than 20 men brought out by Tan Wenbo, only fourteen were now alive.

Including Tan Wenbo, there are only fifteen.

Others died of illness, and some died fighting the Japanese. Tan Wenbo cherished the remaining brothers very much.

It's a pity that he agreed to Ke Gong and let Lao Peng come to Yaowang Mountain.

Now, eight of the fourteen subordinates have been attracted by Lao Peng to join the Red Party, and most of the rest have also been shaken. Even after he has a deeper understanding of his fellow party members, he also admires the style of the Red Party.

They are not afraid of hardships and hardships. Their most powerful thing is faith, and they have absolute faith.

"Didn't I tell you not to say this to me in the future?"

Tan Wenbo shook his head and Lang Qi lowered his head: "Yes."

He did not continue to say, haste makes waste, and he persuaded Tan Wenbo whenever he found an opportunity. Now Tan Wenbo's attitude is no longer the same as before.

When Tan Wenbo first heard that his brother was led by Lao Peng to join the Red Party, he ordered people to arrest Lao Peng and the brother on the spot.

These were real brothers, not the bandits they later conquered.

With the persuasion of many people, Tan Wenbo finally opened his eyes and did not kill them, but made people watch Lao Peng closely. The result was that after three months, the person guarding Lao Peng began to secretly do things for Lao Peng.

He was the third close friend of Tan Wenbo to join the Red Party. When Tan Wenbo knew that he had joined, he just asked him to go over and talk, and did not let him influence other people. He did not do anything to him.

Now there are eight, and Tan Wenbo is even more indifferent.

Lang Qi understood that Tan Wenbo's biggest concern was that they had arrested and killed many people in dealing with the Red Party in the past.

Shi Haiyang was arrested by Yan He, and it had nothing to do with him, but it had something to do with Tan Wenbo, and he had concerns in his heart.

Lao Peng told them not to worry and take their time. Tan Wenbo already knew enough about the Red Party that he even secretly visited Yanzhou several times.

Let Tan Wenbo join in later when things fall into place.

Tan Wenbo and the others are agents. There are thousands of people in Yaowang Mountain now, which is a very strong force. Moreover, Tan Wenbo is very good at running the army. Coupled with his ideological work, Yaowang Mountain now has a very strong combat effectiveness.

A party group was established here a year ago. He is the group secretary and leads many party members to continue their work.

If Tan Wenbojia doesn't join, in fact, this force has already become popular.

Just haven't made a public statement yet.

The Fruit Party is still thinking of recruiting them and making them help the Fruit Party. It’s not like the Fruit Party has never beaten them. They came a whole brigade away, but were beaten to a pulp by them.

Unable to defeat them and not wanting to use too many troops to deal with a group of bandits, they thought of recruiting.

It's a pity that it's too late. There may have been hope at the beginning, but now there is no possibility.

It was impossible for Tan Wenbo to agree, and he did not dare to agree. Once he agreed, he might be tied up by his own men without taking the team out, and everyone in the mountain would be kidnapped.

Lang Qi returned to his residence and Lao Peng came over quickly.

"I think the boss is getting closer. This time his reaction was very calm. He knows that what we said is right, but he hasn't passed the hurdle in his heart yet."

Lang Qi took the initiative and said that he was an important member of the team and Lao Peng's right-hand man now, but he was not someone who didn't understand the overall situation.

When he went to Nanjing this time, he originally wanted Lang Qi to stay in Nanjing, help the comrades there, and help Lang Qi grow better.

After all, Lang Qi came from the Party Affairs Investigation Department and knew the Central Government very well, but was rejected by Secretary Liang. Wolf Qi had appeared before, and many people in the Central Government knew him, so he was not suitable to stay in Nanjing and lurk.

He returned to Yaowang Mountain. After Yaowang Mountain truly became an organizational force, they could go to other cities if they wanted to lurk, but they could never go to Nanjing.

Secretary Liang is doing it for their own good.

This is the case for the entire Red Party. This is what Lang Qi likes most. No matter what the task, the leaders first think about safety, not to let you die to gain credit and future for them.

If the party is completely different, the superior will make you work hard, and they will benefit from it.

"Don't be anxious, take your time, but the Guo Party is coming very hard this time and has mobilized a lot of people. Even if the boss doesn't want to, we have to persuade him to move. We can't miss Yaowang Mountain."

Lao Peng shook his head, the current situation is not good, the Guo Party is eyeing them, and Yanzhou is under great pressure.

It is unknown whether Yanzhou can be saved, let alone Yaowang Mountain.

When the time comes, we must move, and we cannot make unnecessary sacrifices. He has been here for so many years, and he has regarded this place as his home. There are more than 3,500 people in Yaowang Mountain. He knows everyone's name, their hometown, and their family. situation, and even know which people are prone to which diseases.

He put in a lot of effort and effort here.

"Okay, if the boss doesn't want to leave, we will take him away by force."

Lang Qi nodded. On the surface, Yaowangshan still has Tan Wenbo as the boss, but in fact the Red Party has already made the decision. If there is a major decision, Tan Wenbo cannot stop it.

The next day, Chu Lingyun came to the pharmaceutical factory under the leadership of Mike.

Director Yang and everyone greeted him. They were the managers of the pharmaceutical factory and belonged to the Chu Company.

Director Yang is the deputy manager, and his position is relatively high.

Before coming to Japan, Fang Shiyi finally told him the identity of his boss, Chu Lingyun, the military special agent, and asked him to be more careful.

Fang Shiyi did not reveal that the boss was one of his own, but he told Director Yang that the boss would not be in Japan all the time and would only go there a few times at most. As long as he was careful, he would be fine.

Director Yang was so impressed by Fang Shiyi that he was completely in awe.

In front of such a big spy, he was able to disguise himself so well. He was worthy of being Ke Gong's proud disciple.

He was not discovered by Ishihara Hiroshi before, but now Chu Lingyun still doesn't know his identity. How many people can do this kind of lurking?

It's simply amazing.

Before leaving, Director Yang did not hesitate in his words of praise, praising Fang Shiyi to the point of reaching the sky, making Fang Shiyi's face turn red.

He had been discovered long ago, but he never noticed anything unusual about his boss.

When it comes to lurking, the boss is the real number one, unrivaled.

When the boss appeared in front of him and told him the secret code, he couldn't believe that the boss was one of his own. This kind of disguise was truly perfect.

Chu Lingyun noticed Director Yang, but did not speak to him.

Chu Lingyun from Chu Company turned around to meet him alone, followed by experts from the United States.

The quantity is not large, but it is enough to support the early production.

The formula of the new drug is top secret and cannot be leaked. This is also a requirement of the Americans. The production must be supervised by Americans. Chu Lingyun did not object, and it was useless to object.

Americans are so overbearing.

The new pharmaceutical factory now has more than 200 Chinese employees, American employees and Japanese employees, and the division of labor is clear.

The Chinese are mainly responsible for management and sales, while the Americans are responsible for technology, miscellaneous work, and all the hard work. The second and third phases of the factory are under construction. The current scale can only support a monthly output of 30,000 pieces at most. Too little.

Only after all are completed can production increase on a large scale.

When the pharmaceutical factory is fully completed, it is expected that the number of employees will reach 2,000, including a direct guard of 120 people. Their weapons are only rifles and a few machine guns, but no artillery.

However, Mike will set up a military camp nearby to ensure the safety of the pharmaceutical factory.

Chu Lingyun presided over a meeting with the personnel of the pharmaceutical factory, and the commissioning ceremony was held three days later. The equipment was already in place, and experts from the United States had debugged it and could start work at any time.

Chu Lingyun said a lot about the scene, and Director Yang listened very carefully.

He wants to stay in Chu Company. If he can be valued by Chu Lingyun, it will be of great benefit to the organization.

Tokyo, a three-story building.

Hayakawa Hei sat in the office, always feeling a little uneasy.

After Japan's defeat, he and the men of the Fourth Division withdrew to Japan. Tuhara and Saijo were arrested and surrendered. However, he was only responsible for doing business and the money he earned was also surrendered. He did not openly support the war.

He took out a sum of money and got through it quickly.

Now he is living a good life in Japan. Osaka people know how to do business. Japan is now controlled by Americans. He has bribed some Americans through connections, and no one has trouble with his business.

Also coming to Japan with him was Zhang Chenghuan.

Before Japan was about to be defeated, Hayakawa Ping used a girl to tie up Zhang Chenghuan's heart. He had been with Zhang Chenghuan for many years and knew his temperament very well. Money was not very attractive to Zhang Chenghuan, so he started with beautiful women. , finally made Zhang Chenghuan fall into the gentle trap.

In this way, Zhang Chenghuan became his person.

Zhang Chenghuan once asked him why he didn't kill himself.

After Japan's defeat, China and Japan were no longer hostile. Even if he was killed, the military commander would not go to Japan to assassinate him.

Hayakawa Ping told him that he had already regarded him as one of his own after getting along with him for many years. Even if he wanted to get rid of the restraint, he would not kill anyone. Even if Zhang Chenghuan was willing, he could let Zhang Chenghuan return home.

Such an answer completely captured Zhang Chenghuan's heart, and she worked wholeheartedly for him.

In fact, Hayakawa Hei did not kill Zhang Chenghuan because of a concern in his heart.

That is Chu Lingyun.

The process of getting freedom was too smooth. He had done research on Chu Lingyun. This was an extremely scary young man. He was extremely guarded against him and had never really trusted him.

Do you really think that after defeating Japan, his role has been exhausted, and you will no longer pay attention to him?

Hayakawa Ping was not sure. He was worried that Chu Lingyun would find him in the future and deliberately spared Zhang Chenghuan's life.

The next morning, Chu Lingyun took Chu Yuan, Karl and others to the outside of Yagyu Trading Company.

The name of Yagyu Trading Company has been changed, but Hayakawa Hei has not restored his true identity. He still lives as Taro Yagyu. For him, Hayakawa Hei is a past, a past that has been completely abandoned.

The trading house was changed into a company. The scale is not as big as before, but it is not small either.

Looking at the signboard of Yagyu Company, Chu Lingyun raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Nothing Hayakawa Hei did could be hidden from him. Last time, he asked Zhang Acheng to secretly investigate Taro Yagyu. Zhang Acheng liked this task very much, and it didn't take long for him to investigate in detail.

Compared with stealing some technical information all day long, the task of checking people like this is more exciting.

"You are?"

Chu Lingyun led people into the company, and the people on the first floor immediately greeted them. Chu Lingyun and the others were fine with it, but following so many Americans and soldiers with guns, they instinctively felt scared.

In Japan, Americans are now the boss.

"Your boss's old friend."

Chu Lingyun walked over alone, and the security guards inside didn't dare to stop him, not to mention they didn't have any weapons.

Chu Lingyun even knew where Hayakawahei's office was. He went directly to the outside of Hayakawahei's office, opened the door and walked in.

The secretary inside stood up suddenly and was stunned when he saw Chu Lingyun.

The secretary is Zhang Chenghuan.

There was fear in his eyes. Zhang Chenghuan belonged to the war situation group and was an old man from the previous operation group four. Chu Lingyun glanced at him and shook his head slightly.

Zhang Chenghuan betrayed him.

However, he has not yet decided what to do with Zhang Chenghuan. Chu Lingyun, who had betrayed all the people before, never showed mercy, but Zhang Chenghuan was an exception.

His betrayal had his own reasons.

Hayakawa Hei has an insight into people's hearts. He has many methods. He is the smartest person Chu Lingyun has ever seen. Placing him next to Hayakawa Hei for a long time is a great test for him.

Zhang Chenghuan was no match for Hayakawa Ping. Chu Lingyun had long expected this, and his betrayal was also Chu Lingyun's tacit approval.

Chu Lingyun would not kill him, but he would not take him to the military command either.

Betrayal requires punishment, and Zhang Chenghuan cannot stay with Hayakawa Ping.

Chu Yuan also looked at Zhang Chenghuan, and two American soldiers went up to control him.

Chu Lingyun didn't say a word to him, opened the door of the office inside and walked in.

He knew that Chuanping was in the office this morning.

Seeing so many people coming in, Hayakawa Ping immediately stood up and immediately noticed the leader, Chu Lingyun. Just as he was about to reach into the drawer, several guns were pointed at him at the same time.

"You came."

Hayakawa Ping stretched out his hand, walked out naturally, and invited Chu Lingyun to sit down on the sofa next to him.

His office is not small, and although it is not luxurious, it has everything you need. The sofa is large and very comfortable to sit on. The solid wood sofa has cushions, and there is a Japanese tea table next to it, where you can kneel and sit.

Chu Lingyun was not used to sitting on her knees, so she sat directly on the main seat of the sofa.

Hayakawa Heinori sat down next to him.

"What kind of tea should you drink? Green tea. I know you like it."

There were several kinds of tea leaves on Hayakawa Ping's tea table. He opened one, took out the tea leaves and started making tea, but Chu Yuan stopped him. Chu Yuan would not let Chu Lingyun drink tea casually here.

"No need for tea. I don't dare to drink your tea."

Chu Lingyun smiled. He deliberately covered up the scar on Hayakawa Ping's face, but it still looked a bit scary.

"It doesn't matter. If you don't drink, I will."

Hayakawa Hei looked at Chu Yuan, Chu Lingyun nodded to him, Hayakawa Hei continued to make tea, Chu Lingyun noticed him, his hands did not tremble at all, his psychological quality was really good, and he was worthy of being the talent he was reluctant to kill before. .

Hayakawa made tea calmly, poured himself a cup, and tasted it slowly.

Chu Lingyun didn't speak, and neither did he.

"Karl, wait for me outside first."

After a while, Chu Lingyun ordered, and Karl immediately took people outside. He was the person sent by Mike to protect Chu Lingyun. Others would not feel anything unusual if he obeyed Chu Lingyun's orders.

"As expected, it's still you. Even Americans listen to you."

Hayakawa Hei smiled. He was a little surprised that Chu Lingyun could command the Americans. At the same time, it further proved Chu Lingyun's excellence.

It's not like he hasn't inquired about Chu Lingyun's situation in Japan, but the information he can get is limited.

He is mainly engaged in business and has no intention of continuing to be an intelligence agent.

"You don't want your wife and children anymore?"

Chu Lingyun took the initiative to ask, and Hayakawa Ping shook his head and said: "Yes, why not? I left a lot of money for Japan before its defeat, and I know you will not embarrass them. They can live very well in China. I have nothing It’s something to worry about.”

"Besides, I'm like this. I don't know if my wife is willing to come back and live with me."

Hayakawa Hei smiled at himself. His face was disfigured and ugly. Even men, let alone women, would find it a bit scary to look at him.

"You're right, I don't feel sorry for them, but what about the people you incited to rebel against me?"

"I didn't betray you. I reported to you and you promised to let me come back."

Hayakawa Hei had indeed sent such a telegram before, indicating that he would return to Japan and continue to lurk. Chu Lingyun agreed, but when he arrived in Japan, he never sent another telegram.

However, he deliberately changed the topic, and Chu Lingyun continued to ask: "Then what?"

Hayakawa Hei is a cunning fox. He has indeed done this before. Chu Lingyun can even guess what excuse he used.

"You know the current situation in Japan. I don't have a radio station. Now the Americans control the radio station very strictly, and the telegrams have no secrets, so I can't contact you."

Hayakawa spread his hands. Sure enough, he used the excuse of not having a radio station. Chu Lingyun even guessed that he would send someone to China to report, but the person he sent was investigated by the Americans and failed.

At this time, people from Japan are still relatively strict. On the contrary, people from other countries are much more relaxed.

"Later I specially sent someone..."

Chu Lingyun smiled and listened to his explanation. Hayakawa Hei was indeed very careful and did everything perfectly. The effect would be better if he did not instigate Zhang Chenghuan.

It's a pity that if he doesn't instigate rebellion, he won't be able to completely get rid of his shackles.

Zhang Chenghuan will try his best to contact the country. He is Chinese and can do this.

"Okay, I admit, I have second thoughts. How are you going to punish me?"

Seeing that Chu Lingyun remained silent, Hayakawa finally spread his hands. He knew in his heart that these explanations could fool others, but there was no hope of fooling Chu Lingyun.

"Are you so confident that I won't kill you?"

Chu Lingyun asked, and Hayakawa Ping shook his head: "I'm not entirely sure that your character will not tolerate betrayal of your existence, but killing me does not do you any good. As long as I am useful to you, I may save my life."

Hayakawa Hei is very powerful. He was the one who instigated Ishida's rebellion in the first place. Ishida was basically helpless in front of him.

Chu Lingyun knew him very well, and also had deep concerns about using him.

Fortunately, Japan has surrendered and is no longer a threat to China, but it cannot let it go so easily.

"You are very smart. I will not kill you. Your business company owns half of my shares. I haven't asked you for money for so many years, so you can give it to me now."

Chu Lingyun said lightly, and Hayakawa Ping's forehead jumped immediately. For Osaka businessmen, money is their life. Chu Lingyun did not kill him, but wanted to take his money.

"no problem."

Hei Hayakawa gritted his teeth and agreed. If he didn't agree, his life might be lost. If he agreed, he could at least save his life. By keeping his life, he can continue to make money in the future.

"This is the bill, please check if it is correct. As for your operations in Japan, I will continue to verify it."

Chu Lingyun took out a bill. After Hayakawa Hei took a few glances, he was immediately shocked: "When Japan surrendered, the Americans had confiscated a lot of my property. In order to clear up the relationship with Tuhara and Saijo, I It cost a lot more."

"Those things have nothing to do with me. If you had come to me, I could have helped you avoid these things, but it's a pity that you didn't."

Chu Lingyun shook his head. Hayakawa Ping would definitely punish him. Other punishments were of little use, just asking for his dividends.

There is no paper status for these dividends, but Hayakawa dare not deny it.

"I don't have that much money right now."

Hayakawa Ping shook his head and said that he did earn a lot before, but he also gave a lot to Tuhara and Saijo, but the bill Chu Lingyun gave him actually excluded these.

When he saw the bill, he understood that Chu Lingyun knew his situation very well.

Those who gave it to Tuhara and Saijo had already confessed. Chu Lingyun didn't need to ask, just read the confession. Even if he didn't believe the confession, there were still people around them.

Besides, their property had already been confiscated, so there was no need to hide it.

"Take out as much as you have, and pay back the rest slowly."

Chu Lingyun smiled, and Hayakawa Ping looked at his smile, but felt like a devil.

According to Chu Lingyun's request, he has spent less than half of all his money now, which means that his hard work over the years has been in vain and he will continue to work for Chu Lingyun to pay off his debts in the future.

"What if I don't agree?"

Hayakawa Ping looked at Chu Lingyun, who immediately stood up.

"I won't take the money you owe me if you don't agree. Make your decision before I go out."

Chu Yuan, who was behind Chu Lingyun, had already pointed his gun at Hayakawa Ping. As long as Chu Lingyun left this door, he would shoot immediately.

After saying that, Chu Lingyun walked directly towards the door.

No matter how big the office is, it only takes a few seconds to get from the sofa to the door. Who can use an office as big as a basketball court?

"I promise."

Seeing that Chu Lingyun had arrived at the door, Hayakawa Ping immediately shouted. He clearly knew that he was dispensable to Chu Lingyun now. If Chu Lingyun was willing to give him a chance, then he would still be useful.

But this role is not irreplaceable.

Once he really lets Chu Lingyun leave, he will be finished immediately.

"Get ready. I'll send someone to make changes tomorrow. You can also try to escape and see if you can succeed."

Chu Lingyun stood in front of the door and left without looking back at all.

Chu Yuan put away his gun and followed Chu Lingyun out.

Hayakawa Ping sat down dejectedly. He understood what Chu Lingyun meant, which was to leave him with nothing. He would be unable to do anything in the future, let alone start a company.

Even if he could do it, he would still be working for Chu Lingyun.

Sure enough, he was ruthless enough to pull the fire under the cauldron and make him unable to get rid of control for the rest of his life. Japan was defeated and there was no threat to China. Why was Chu Lingyun unwilling to let him go?

Hayakawa Hei knew that it was wrong to think like this and it would have no effect at all.

All he could do now was accept his fate. As for escaping, he had never thought about it.

Where can I escape?

Unless he becomes a farmer and spends the rest of his life doing business, Chu Lingyun will find out wherever he does business, and his face is the biggest identifier.

He is not someone who is willing to live an ordinary life, not to mention whether he can hide as a farmer like this is still unknown. Rather than doing that, it is better to continue working for Chu Lingyun.

At least there is hope while alive, and he has the opportunity to make more money after paying off his debts.

Zhang Chenghuan was taken away by Chu Lingyun. He did not resist and kept his head down.

Back at the hotel, Chu Lingyun asked Carl and the others to wait outside, while she looked directly at Zhang Chenghuan.

"Team leader, I was wrong. Just kill me. But Liangzi is innocent. Please let her and the child go."

Zhang Chenghuan suddenly knelt down and kowtowed repeatedly. He was a traitor. He knew that there was no possibility of survival and wanted to plead for his wife and children.

"You, if you can really trust me absolutely and report this matter, what will you do if you marry a Japanese wife?"

Chu Lingyun sighed, Zhang Chenghuan was a traitor, but he didn't want to kill anyone.

Zhang Chenghuan has been with Hayakawa Ping for so many years. He worked hard in the early stage to help him keep an eye on Hayakawa Ping and sent back information many times. He has merit, but the traitor Chu Lingyun will not use him again.

"Team leader, I know I was wrong. I was fooled by Hei Hayakawa, but I really like her and I can't control myself."

Zhang Chenghuan continued to kowtow, and Chu Lingyun waved his hand: "Go to Brazil, take your family with you, and never return to the country for the rest of your life. If you come back, you will die. Do you understand?"

Instead of killing Zhang Chenghuan, he would be exiled.

Zhang Chenghuan has saved some money over the years, which is enough for him to live in Brazil. Taking his wife and children to live a quiet life there may not be a good outcome for him.

The Japanese never admit their mistakes. His child is half Japanese and grew up in Japan. He is likely to be affected in the future.

Although there is no guarantee of this in Brazil, it will at least be better.

"You, you won't kill me?"

Zhang Chenghuan was stunned. He didn't expect Chu Lingyun to let him go.

"What, you really want me to kill you?" Chu Lingyun looked at him.

"No, no, thank you, team leader, thank you."

Zhang Chenghuan kowtowed again, thinking that he would definitely die, but now that he could survive and just let him leave and take his wife and children with him, this was definitely the best outcome for him.

"Zhang Chenghuan, this is the last chance I give you. Remember, don't go back to China or Japan, otherwise you won't be the only one who dies."

Chu Lingyun said softly, and Zhang Chenghuan nodded fiercely: "I know, don't worry, I will never come back."

How could he dare to come back? He knew very well how powerful Chu Lingyun was, but he didn't know the details yet. If he knew everything, he wouldn't dare to come back even if he had ten more courages.

After finishing Zhang Chenghuan's matter, Chu Lingyun leaned on the chair and closed her eyes to rest.

How to use Hayakawa Ping next.

If someone like Hei Hayakawa uses it well, it will definitely be a sharp weapon and a good knife, but he cannot be completely loyal and obedient. If it backfires, it will be a big trouble.

Someone must keep an eye on him, not just ordinary people. As time goes by, a second Zhang Chenghuan will still appear.

Who should he send by his side?

Chu Yuan was suitable, but he couldn't. Chu Lingyun couldn't live without him now, and neither could anyone else. Soon Chu Lingyun opened his eyes, and he thought of someone.

This person can.

The next day, Chu Lingyun did not go to Hayakawa Ping's place. After he went out, he made up as Hiroshi Ishihara and went to meet Jun Shuicheng and others.

Hiroshi Ishihara appears, followed by his dead men, who can protect him.

Chu Principle replaced Chu Lingyun to collect the accounts, which in fact turned Yagyu Company into Chu Lingyun's industry, and Hayakawa Taira, the boss, turned into a migrant worker in the blink of an eye.

Hayakawa Hei did not run away and cooperated honestly.

Shuicheng Jun comes to the teahouse every day without interruption.

But after not seeing Ishihara Hiroshi for several months, he became more and more panicked. Now other people came more frequently and were always inquiring about Ishihara Hiroshi.

Fortunately, they did not encounter any difficulties in their work and no one felt sorry for them. Otherwise, I would really be worried that something would happen to Ishihara Hiroshi.

At this time, they did not know that Ishihara Hiroshi was working for the Chinese.

It's okay to know. When the time comes, Chu Lingyun can use the fact that he went to China as a cover-up, so that every time he comes to Japan, Ishihara Hiroshi will appear and not arouse their suspicion.

Nothing will happen to Mike's side. It is impossible for these people to go to Mike's side for verification.

"Ishihara-kun, you are here."

There was someone in the teahouse. Chishang didn't have work today, so he stayed here specially. He was stunned for a moment when he saw Chu Lingyun, and soon came over happily.

"Just you here?"

Chu Lingyun sat down casually. This tea house was originally relatively high-end. After Chu Lingyun bought it, it was renovated and it did not accept outsiders. It seemed very empty at this time.

"Today is not a day off, I'm on rotation, so I'm here and I'll call them right away."

Ikegami responded hurriedly. Ishihara Toru didn't show up for a long time, so the thirteen of them took turns guarding the teahouse to prevent them from not knowing when Ishihara Toru came.

No matter who is there, everyone can be notified.


Chu Lingyun nodded, and not long after, the original members arrived one by one. Seeing Chu Lingyun, they were completely relieved, as long as nothing happened to Ishihara Heng.

Shuicheng is not far away. He came earlier and was the third one to arrive.

"Ishihara-kun, you are finally here."

Shuisheng Shun was so excited that he almost cried when he saw Ishihara Hiroshi. There was no news about Ishihara Hiroshi, and they couldn't contact him. Don't mention how worried he was during this period.

Now that Japan is not as good as before, he is afraid that Toru Ishihara will be captured by the Americans.

But judging from the relationship between Ishihara Hiroshi and the Americans, it shouldn't be like this. He would think randomly when he didn't see people anyway, and he didn't want to live the same muddled life as before.

"I have something to do during this time and I am not in the country. I will assign you a radio station in the future. You can use the radio to contact me."

The high-power radio station can be contacted directly. Shuicheng Jun and others are loyal to Ishihara Hiroshi. If they contact him more in the future, Chu Lingyun will be able to control remotely.

"The Americans will check the radio station."

Shuicheng Jun was startled. Radios were contraband. Ordinary people were not allowed to have radios at all. Once they were discovered, they would all be taken away.

"Don't worry, it's okay."

Chu Lingyun smiled. No one else could have it, but not him. As long as he said hello to Mike, let alone the radio, he could also give them weapons.

But giving them weapons is of no use, and Chu Lingyun is not asking them to kill people now.

"That's great. It's best to have a radio station."

Shuicheng Jun suddenly remembered that Ishihara Hiroshi had a good relationship with the Americans. Since he said so, there must be a way.

"Ishihara-kun, Yamaguchi met Takemoto last time. He asked someone to deliver something to Takemoto and told Takemoto the news of your return. However, Takemoto was imprisoned by the Americans and we could not see him."

Shuicheng Shun took the opportunity to tell Takemoto. He wanted Takemoto to come out and continue to work for Ishihara Toru together.

He still recognized Takemoto's ability.

"I see."

Chu Lingyun responded calmly. He knew that Takemoto was in prison and asked him to atone for his sins. After all, he had done wrong things before.

"Ishihara-kun, can you rescue him? His heart for you has never changed. Let him come out and we can have one more helper."

Shuicheng Jun said carefully. Chu Lingyun glanced at him and the corners of his eyebrows twitched slightly.

Takemoto will definitely come out, he is not one of those important war criminals.

Let him come out now?

"If there is no need for trouble, wait until after his trial and see how many years he is sentenced. Then we can go and visit him."

Seeing Ishihara Toru's look, Shuisheng Shun thought this matter was very difficult, and immediately added that after all, Americans are in charge now, and they Japanese must be careful in everything they do.

"I'll go see him first."

Chu Lingyun finally answered that Takemoto had been imprisoned for almost a year, and Chu Lingyun decided to take a look at his appearance and attitude first.

If possible, let him come out.

Takemoto has his abilities, so we can arrange a suitable position for him later and continue to play to his strengths and role.


Shuicheng Jun was immediately reassured. Ishihara Hiroshi did not refuse and was able to see Takemoto. It seemed that this matter was successful.

Others arrived one after another, and they were very happy to see Chu Lingyun. There were thirteen people, many of them, and they all gathered around Chu Lingyun happily.

"Have you become familiar with the environment in the past few months?"

Chu Lingyun was still sitting at the top of the table. No one dared to interrupt when he was speaking, and there was no other sound.

"We are familiar with each other. I have a good relationship with my colleagues around me."

Yamaguchi was the first to respond. He used to be in charge of the police, and now he is very quick to get started at the police station. Others responded one after another, saying that they are very satisfied with their current work.

"Very good. Since you have done well, I will raise your level. The position assigned before was a bit low, but it was not suitable for you to be too high when you first entered. Now you can be promoted to one level."

To be promoted to a level is not just for one person, but for everyone.

While Mike still has power, bring them up as soon as possible. After Mike is gone, these people can continue to be a support.


Everyone was stunned. They didn't expect to be promoted so soon.

"Yes, you should pay more attention in the future. If there is a suitable person, you can take him as your confidant to expand your strength."

Chu Lingyun smiled and nodded. These people will help in the future. Small positions are definitely not enough. They must be allowed to grow.

"Ishihara-kun, are we recruiting new members?"

Shun Cheng asked excitedly. He thought Ishihara Toru was going to copy the model of the literary society and use them as the foundation to develop a literary society.

"Not at the moment. We'll see in the future. If necessary, we can recruit new members."

Chu Lingyun shook his head. It is indeed not the right time now, but it is not impossible in the future. He needs people and money. It may not be impossible to accept the right ones in the future, and then push them to an important position.

Chu Lingyun is confident to continue to control them.

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