Spy Shadow

Chapter 906 Want to live or die

"Very good."

The few people who came were very happy. Now there are only a dozen of them, which seems very thin. I especially miss the time when I was in the literary club.

The Literary Society back then was a giant, with more than 200 officers, all of whom were officers with high levels of power and high levels of power. At that time, even the superiors did not dare to embarrass them at will.

Be careful in everything you do now.

This is the result of them being quiet for a period of time without a backstage. If Chu Lingyun came to Japan immediately after the war, their tails would probably be even higher.

"Don't tell anyone about this yet."

Chu Lingyun ordered, his words were more effective than Yu Ren, and these people immediately nodded collectively.

When everyone arrived, Chu Lingyun encouraged them, and the next step was to promote their positions.

There is no need to advance too high, just advance one level per person.

They need time to develop.

"Team leader, Hei Hayakawa gave me everything. He asked to keep a house for himself, but I didn't agree."

"Well done, don't give him anything. Let Karl check his bank account tomorrow. Not only himself, but also the people around him, and all the places he has visited must be investigated."

A cunning rabbit has three caves. People like Hayakawa Hei will not put all their wealth in their own hands. They will definitely have some hidden away for emergencies.

This is inevitable, not speculation.

Chu Lingyun found all the money for him, leaving nothing behind, so that Hayakawa Hei knew the price of betraying him, not only in Japan, but also in the places where he had stayed, including some places in Southeast Asia.

Hayakawa Hirachu Lingyun didn't even think about using torture. He was a ruthless man who could withstand electrocution, so punishment wouldn't have much effect on him.

Just treat it like a treasure hunt. Others don't know where he has been, but Zhang Chenghuan must know it. Zhang Chenghuan hasn't left yet, so it's no problem for him to explain this.

On the other hand, Japan's Zhang Chenghuan may not know about it. It doesn't matter. As long as he has done it, it will leave some traces.

Besides, I will watch him to death in the future. If there is really no place he can find, he will not have a chance to get it, which is equivalent to no chance.

To deal with Hayakawa Hei, you must be ruthless and let him know the pain.


Chu Yuan smiled. The team leader was still so damaged. He was not prepared to leave a dime to Hayakawa Hei. Moreover, Hayakawa Hei had spent all his wealth and it was not enough. He still owed the team leader a lot of money, and he would never be able to turn around in his lifetime.

The next day, Chu Lingyun transformed into Ishihara Hiroshi and brought Chu Yuan and Karl to the prison.

He was disguised outside, and Ishihara Hiroshi’s identity would not be known to Karl.

With Chu Yuan here, Karl would not do anything to Ishihara Hiroshi, let alone dare.

At this time, Takemoto was lying on the bed sleeping. He opened his eyes when he heard the sound, but did not look back.

These days, he has been thinking about Ishihara Hiroshi, hoping that Ishihara Hiroshi can save him from losing his life. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. It has been more than two months since Ishihara Hiroshi came back. No one has come to see him, and only Yamaguchi has sent things twice. .

It’s okay if you don’t know. Knowing that there is hope but not seeing it makes life feel like a year.


Chu Lingyun shouted softly, and Zhumoto's body stiffened suddenly. This voice appeared countless times in his dreams, and every time he woke up, he was disappointed.

His heart beat rapidly, fearing that he was dreaming again.

Takemoto stood up slowly and saw Hiroshi Ishihara standing in front of the cell. Chu Lingyun was the only one at this time, Chu Yuan and Karl were waiting outside.

"Ishihara-kun, is it really you?"

Takemoto's voice was trembling. He pinched himself hard, but he didn't wake up and it hurt. This time he was not dreaming.

"It's me, I'm back."

Chu Lingyun smiled and nodded, and Takemoto immediately rushed to the cell door. When he arrived, he didn't say anything, but his eyes were red.

"You're back, you're really back."

After speaking, Takemoto couldn't control himself and began to cry. Before meeting Takemoto, Chu Lingyun asked someone to find out about his performance in prison. He had not committed many crimes and had a good attitude of pleading guilty, but he was admitted here. Except for a few die-hards, most people have a good attitude towards confessing.

Chu Lingyun mainly found out his true thoughts.

"Ishihara-kun, can you help me out?"

After crying for a while, Takemoto raised his head and asked expectantly. Chu Lingyun sat cross-legged against the cell door and sighed slightly: "Takemoto, the empire has failed, and we have also failed, but I believe we have a chance to get back up again. , Germany can do it, and so can we, and when the time comes we will fight together."

Takemoto's eyes widened. Ishihara Toru still wants to start a war again?

Impossible. Takemoto is a soldier. It’s not like he hasn’t considered this issue for such a long time. He used to be a Bushido believer, but after following Toru Ishihara, he considered more personal interests and his allegiance to the emperor had long been forgotten.

These days, the Americans are also educating them, letting them understand that they were the ones who launched the aggression and that they were wrong.

He also showed them many photos. At that time, Takemoto was very lucky that he did not brutally kill those defenseless women, children and the elderly like those people, otherwise his crime would be even greater.

"Ishihara-kun, our defeat is inevitable. Even if we start a war again, with our resources and strength, there is no possibility of success."

They were blind during the war. After the war, many people summed up their experience and saw the facts clearly.

Takemoto is one of them.

Chu Lingyun smiled. If Takemoto agreed immediately, he would tell Takemoto that there was nothing he could do.

"So you think so too, that's great, you really didn't disappoint me."

Chu Lingyun smiled and nodded. Takemoto was stunned and didn't understand what Ishihara Hiroshi meant.

Chu Lingyun didn't expect Takemoto to completely help the Chinese think about it. That would be unrealistic. There are such people in Japan, but they are not many in number.

For example, that prince, but he is more sober and sincerely considers Japan.

"You can wait for two days with peace of mind. I will pick you up in two days."

Chu Lingyun stood up. It was not difficult to save Takemoto, but he still had to go through the procedures. More than one Takemoto was imprisoned among the members. Chu Lingyun didn't want all of them to come to him.

Being too relaxed would give those people greater hope.


Takemoto shouted excitedly that Ishihara Hiroshi could save him, and he could indeed save him.

"wait for me."

After Chu Lingyun leaves, just leave Takemoto's affairs to Thomas, and Thomas will take care of it for him.

After leaving the prison, Chu Lingyun did not go to the teahouse. Instead, he asked Mike for a high-power radio. In the future, he would use the radio to direct people and things here.

This was obvious. Chu Lingyun told Mike directly that he wanted it for Hiroshi Ishihara, mainly to facilitate their contact.

It's just a high-power radio station. It can be packaged as a commercial radio station and then placed in the tea house.

At the teahouse, Shuicheng Jun ran over as soon as he got off work.

When he arrived, Yamaguchi was already there. When he saw Shuicheng Jun, he immediately stood up and said, "Shuicheng Jun, you are here. Come and see what this is."

Yamaguchi pulled Shuicheng Jun to a room. This was the office that Chu Lingyun left for him. It was not as big as the one in the literary club, and it was not as luxurious as the literary club.

At this time, there was a brand new high-power radio station on the wall of the office, and the antenna had been set up.

Shuicheng Jun was startled when he saw the radio station.

Ishihara Hiroshi sent the radio station so quickly?

"Where is Ishihara-kun?"

Shuicheng Jun asked anxiously, "Ishihara Hiroshi Shenlong has never seen its end. He is really afraid that he will come back this time and then disappear again for a few months."

"Ishihara-kun didn't come. The Americans sent it and registered it for us."

Yamaguchi shook his head and said, the Americans sent it and registered it, it is a legal radio station. I didn't expect that Ishihara Hiroshi was so powerful that he actually got a legal radio station from the Americans.

This is best, as you don’t have to worry about checking in the future.

"This is the code book. From now on, we will take turns guarding the radio station, so that even if Ishihara-kun is not around, we can contact him at any time."

Yamaguchi said quickly, Shuisheng Shunori nodded fiercely, and he felt relieved because of the radio, so that they could contact Ishihara Hiroshi at any time in the future, and they would not wait as dryly as before.

There is a radio station at the tea house, as well as at the pharmaceutical factory.

The pharmaceutical factory's radio station is very simple, earlier than the tea house, and there are more than one. Director Yang and others brought one with them when they came, and the American experts also brought one with them.

Next, we need to equip Holley Company with one to facilitate Chu Lingyun’s remote control command.

Hayakawa Hei does not need to be matched, but the people who monitor him do. Hayakawa Hei is a backup. He has another role in Chu Lingyun's plan. Hayakawa Hei does not need to collect technical information for the time being. What he has to do is to do it as soon as possible. Develop Chu Lingyun's company.

That is his previous company.

In the past, he did not have the support of Americans and his development was slow. Now with Chu Lingyun, he can develop rapidly. At least in the future, he will occupy a place among the Japanese chaebols.

The company is all under Chu Lingyun's name, leaving a person to keep an eye on him. If Hayakawa Ping dares to make any changes, Chu Lingyun can deal with him at any time.

In addition, Chu Lingyun will check regularly. Hayakawa Ping is too smart, and it is difficult for ordinary people to completely target him.

With a multi-pronged approach, Chu Lingyun’s basic layout in Japan has been initially completed, and the next step is development.

As for how much harvest he can achieve in the future, Chu Lingyun is not sure now, but at least he has done it. Even if the harvest is not much, it is still a harvest.

Two days later, Chu Lingyun brought Shuicheng Jun and Yamaguchi Mitsuong to the prison gate.

Takemoto was released, Thomas personally spoke, and the procedures were quickly completed for him. Takemoto was notified, and his hands were shaking with excitement.

Takemoto took his things and was sent outside by American guards.

As soon as he arrived at the door, he saw Toru Ishihara and others waiting for him.


Takemoto ran over quickly, his eyes red again.

"Just come out and take a shower. I'll catch the wind for you."

Chu Lingyun said with a smile, while Takemoto nodded sharply and sobbed softly. Shun Shun and Yamaguchi were very happy, especially Shun Shun. Back then, he, Takemoto and Shimakura were known as the three confidants of Hiroshi Ishihara.

It's a pity that Shimakura can't come out for the time being. Last time he asked Ishihara Toru, Ishihara Toru meant to let Takemoto come out first, and Shimakura would wait. Shimakura is the division commander and has been in the front-line troops before. He has many times Commanding a battle commits a more serious crime than Takemoto.

Shuisheng Shun was very happy to be able to rescue Takemoto. He seemed to see the literary society continue to be as glorious in Japan as it was in Shanghai.

Although more than 90% of the members have disappeared, when the literary club was first founded, there were only seven people. Including Ishihara Hiroshi, Hosokawa Tomotaka, and General Matsumoto, there were only ten people in total.

The seven of them were not of high rank at that time, and the highest level was no more than Lieutenant Colonel.

It’s not that bad now compared to before, at least their positions in the government are not too bad, and the dozen of them have experienced so much and have already grown up completely. Their loyalty to Ishihara Hiroshi is higher than that of the newly established literary society at that time. Much stronger at times.

There will definitely be many members returning in the future. Coupled with their efforts and the newly recruited members, Shuicheng Jun has full confidence in the future.

All this is possible because Toru Ishihara is here.


Takemoto nodded honestly, Chu Lingyun took him to the car, found a bathtub, and asked Shuicheng Jun to take Takemoto in to clean him well and put him into new clothes.

As for himself, it was impossible to get in.

It's fine if his disguise is stained with a little water, but if it's stained with too much, even a fool can see it.

When he was in Shanghai, Chu Lingyun never went out when it rained. The reason was that he hated raining, so as to avoid getting wet by the rain and making others notice anything unusual.

Although it is not as dangerous as it was in Shanghai, even if he is discovered, it will not matter, but it will have an impact on his layout, and he should avoid things that can be avoided.

Takemoto was cleaned, shaved, and had his hair cut, and he looked much more energetic.

But after all, he had been detained for more than a year and was still a little depressed.

After finding a high-end hotel, Chu Lingyun took everyone to meet Takemoto.

Everyone was very happy to see Takemoto. Ishihara Toru was back and Takemoto also came out. They felt like they were back in the literary club. They used to be scattered all over the place, but now they are all in Tokyo. They are very united.

"Ishihara-kun, what are you going to ask me to do?"

Halfway through the meal, Takemoto couldn't wait to ask. He already knew from everyone's mouths that Toru Ishihara had arranged a new job for them.

And all of them have just been upgraded to one level.

Thomas has always been attentive to Chu Lingyun's affairs. It is not difficult to give these people a position. Not to mention these small positions now, bigger ones are also no problem.

"what you up to?"

Chu Lingyun smiled slightly, but Takemoto was stunned. What did he want to do?

He wants to continue to be a military policeman, but now there is no army, let alone a military policeman. He has been in the military police force. If he is asked to do other things, he may not be able to do it well.

"I have no idea."

Takemoto shook his head. Like Shujo Jun, he didn't know what he should do. In fact, he was not as good as Shujo Jun. After all, Shujo Jun had been a teacher for a long time. Now he entered the metropolitan government and quickly adapted to the work there. .

What he had been doing before was remediation and arresting people.

"I'll talk about you later alone."

Chu Lingyun already had an idea about Takemoto's arrangement and it was not suitable to talk about it publicly.

Intelligence is not that important now, but it still needs to be there. If it is really necessary to recruit new people in the future, they must also be reviewed and supervised.

This is an area that Takemoto is good at, and it is very suitable for him to do it.


Takemoto has blind trust in Ishihara Hiroshi. In fact, he really wants to ask where Ishihara Hiroshi went in Shanghai and why he couldn't find him in the last few days.

Is it really hidden?

But there is no point in asking these questions now. No matter where Ishihara Hiroshi goes, he just returns to Japan safely.

And it was Hiroshi Ishihara who got him out of prison.

At the end of the banquet, Jun Shuicheng and others resigned. They knew that Ishihara Hiroshi had something to do next and had to chat with Takemoto alone.


Back at the teahouse, Takemoto sat next to Chu Lingyun. Even in Japan, Chu Lingyun now doesn't like to sit on his knees, preferring to sit on the sofa.

There is no room for kneeling or sitting in his office anymore.

While Takemoto was talking, he noticed the radio station next to the wall.

"You have followed me for so long, and since you are still willing to follow me, I will be responsible for your future."

Chu Lingyun sighed. The literary society will definitely not be rebuilt, but other organizations can.

Teahouse and calligraphy club are just names.

"You are interested."

Takemoto nodded hurriedly. He heard it when eating today. Ishihara Hiroshi is still very energetic. As soon as he returned to Japan, he arranged good jobs for them and even allowed them to develop confidants and continue to improve.

It's exactly the same as before.

"I will not rebuild the literary society, but it is likely that new people will be developed in the future, and people's hearts can be united in other ways. You are the only one who is okay, and I believe in you, but if new people come in, I will not have so much trust in them. ,do you understand?"

Chu Lingyun said slowly, while Takemoto's heart beat faster. This was to let him work in his old profession and continue to check new people who would join in the future.

He is willing to do this job and likes it very much.

"But the situation is different now. We can't investigate like before. You need to do it secretly. I'll give you a sum of money and you can recruit some subordinates. You can win over your former confidants again, open a company as a front, and then secretly help me investigate. Are you willing to give me what I need?”

Chu Lingyun asked Takemoto to continue working for him secretly, not only to check these people, but also to keep an eye on Hayakawa Hei and other people he wanted to keep an eye on.

"I do."

Takemoto nodded fiercely. Only a fool wouldn't do it. This was his favorite job. He wouldn't be used to it if he had to go to work anywhere.

After being the commander of the military police for so long, he would definitely not be happy if he was asked to start from scratch.

"Very good, you can go make arrangements tomorrow and I will give you a radio. You can contact me directly in the future."

Chu Lingyun smiled and nodded. Takemoto was secretly helping him keep an eye on everyone, and could also do some things that were inconvenient for others. This made up for a shortcoming in Chu Lingyun's layout in Japan.

The current layout isn't quite complete yet, but it's pretty close, mainly on the upper floors.

The top management is not in a hurry, they are just puppets now, just complete the layout before Mike leaves.


Takemoto bowed his head and replied that it would be more convenient to have a radio station. He was confident that he could do well the tasks assigned by Hiroshi Ishihara.

Chu Lingyun left soon, while Takemoto stayed at the teahouse. His house in Tokyo was confiscated and has not been returned yet.

He didn't pay much attention to the house. His house was already in ruins and half of it was destroyed in the bombing. When he returned to Japan, he became a war criminal and was imprisoned, without any time to clean up.

The next day, Takemoto got a lot of money from Chu Yuan. He immediately rented office space, purchased equipment, and at the same time looked for his old department and prepared to resume his old business.

Chu Lingyun did not go to see him. At this time, Chu Lingyun was in a private house.

There was a man kneeling in front of him, Gu Sen.

Komori is an old man from Ishihara Trading Company and the former head of the Supervision Department. After Japan's defeat, he did not stay in China, but returned to Japan.

Like Furumura Aki, he joined the Chinese Red Party, not the Japanese Red Party.

Furumura Akize stayed in China, and he had completely fallen in love with it.

"Boss, I didn't expect to see you again."

Gumori whispered that he was the person in Chu Lingyun's mind who was suitable for monitoring Hayakawa Taira. He had the identity of a red party member and was brought in by Aki Furumura. He had high confidence.

The reason why he came back is because there are more people here who need his saving.

The organization has always respected the choices of these international friends, and there was nothing to stop Goosen from coming back.

"Think I'm dead?"

Chu Lingyun smiled, and Gu Sen immediately shook his head: "No, you are so smart, you will definitely be fine."

Komori really admired Ishihara Hiroshi. Ishihara Trading Company was just a small company in the beginning. In just a few years, Ishihara Hiroshi developed it into a behemoth in Shanghai. This is not something ordinary people can do.

"Gu Sen, are you willing to come back and do some work?"

Chu Lingyun said with a smile, while Gu Sen showed hesitation. Although he was not Rihong, he had the same philosophy as Rihong. When he came back, he also wanted to do more practical things for his hometown people instead of serving the capitalists.

Hayakawa Hei's property is now Chu Lingyun's property, but Chu Lingyun has a way to let Gu Sen in without being suspected by Hayakawa Hei.

"Boss, what do you want me to do?"

Komori didn't agree immediately, nor did he refuse. He knew how powerful people like Ishihara Hiroshi were.

Today Ishihara Hiroshi came by car, accompanied by bodyguards, and he was still so strong.

"It wasn't me, it was my boss. He needed someone and asked me. I immediately thought of you."

Chu Lingyun shook his head. In fact, it was him, but he couldn't tell it.

This is not difficult. When sending Komori there, just let Chu Yuan look like him. The two of them appeared in front of Hayakawa Taira together. No matter how smart he was, it would be difficult for him to think of this.

"Your boss?"

Gu Sen was startled, and Chu Lingyun sighed: "Yes, I did hide in China, but I was found. This man is very powerful. I promised to work for him, and I have been working for him recently. The matter is absolutely confidential, you have to keep it secret for me."

If Komori is to be sent to Hayakawa Ping, he must know that Ishihara Hiroshi is working for Chu Lingyun.

Komori will not resent Ishihara Hiroshi for helping the Chinese, but he cannot reveal his identity.

The red party in Japan is relatively active now, but Chu Lingyun knows that the United States is also suppressing the red party, and Japanese organizations will suffer heavy losses in the future.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

Gu Sen hurriedly responded that he would definitely tell others, but only within the organization. Unfortunately, he lost contact with the organization after he came back, and now there is nothing he can do even if he wants to say it.

"Very good, I will send you there and help you apply for a radio station. I will use the radio station to contact you in the future."

"Radio station?"

Gu Sen's eyes widened and his heartbeat began to accelerate. If there was a radio, he would be able to contact the organization immediately.

For more than a year, he has been like a kite with a broken string. It is difficult for a person to carry out any work here. Gu Sen is not stupid. Even though Rihong is very active now, high-level government officials and even Americans are on guard against them. .

These capitalist countries are naturally opposed to them.

"That's right, it's a legal radio station, don't worry."

Chu Lingyun nodded, and Gu Sen immediately responded: "I understand, boss, don't worry, I will do whatever you ask me to do."

Originally he was still hesitating whether to continue working for Ishihara Hiroshi, but now he made a decision immediately.

With the radio, he can get command and direction.

He needs the radio station very much, and he has to agree to Ishihara Hiroshi even for the sake of the radio station.

"Very good, I will contact some people from the past and ask them to help you together."

Chu Lingyun smiled and said that there were so many people in Ishihara Trading Company, and most of them had returned to Japan. It was not difficult to find them, but it was also Gu Sen's old department, which made it easier for him to get started.

It was not easy for Hayakawa Taira to instigate Zhang Chenghuan, and it was even harder to instigate Komori.

What's more, Gusen is not alone.

"Thank you boss."

Gu Sen bent down, and Chu Lingyun stood up. Hayakawa Ping didn't have to worry about it for the time being. It was much safer to let Gu Sen stare at him than to let others.

Moreover, with Hayakawa Taira's intelligence, he knew very well that if he dared to betray again this time, he would not have any chance of survival.

No matter where he is, Chu Lingyun can deal with him.

Without money, he is Chu Lingyun's puppet.

Before, Chu Lingyun asked him to take charge of the money for the task, but this time it was different. The money would no longer be in his hands.

From now on, he can work peacefully and pay off his debts. If he can do better, then he can be given some benefits.

"Team leader, the handover of Yagyu Company has been completed."

In the evening, Chu Yuan came over to report. The handover was not difficult. Chu Yuan brought over professional financial personnel and conducted an audit. The next step was to go through the formalities.

With Thomas here, these procedures were very easy.

But these are only on the surface. The secret things cannot be completed in a day or two. Chu Lingyun is not in a hurry. Now is not the past. He needs Hayakawa Hei to conceal his identity and it is inconvenient to control him. Now he can completely control Hayakawa Hei. .

"We will continue the investigation tomorrow. You can ask Zhang Acheng to help you."

Chu Lingyun nodded, and the next step was to check the money Hidden by Hayakawa Ping, find it all for him bit by bit, and let him understand the price of betrayal.


Chu Yuan smiled. The team leader was still so bad. Hayakawa Hei had worked hard for so many years, but all the money he had earned was taken away by the team leader. He was probably crying.

Chu Yuan guessed wrong. Hayakawa Hei didn't cry, but it wasn't much better. He drank and was very drunk.

This time he lost completely, and there was no chance of him coming back. The key was that he couldn't even get his wife and children.

From this point of view, he is not as good as Zhang Chenghuan.

Chu Lingyun didn't kill Zhang Chenghuan, so he understood that Chu Lingyun had known that he had rebellious intentions, but he didn't care. This man was too terrifying, as if everything was under his control.

He didn't know the relationship between Chu Lingyun and the Americans. If he knew, he would probably be even more afraid.

Not many people know about the relationship between Chu Lingyun and Mike. Even in China, only a few big guys and Director Qi know about it.

There are more people in Japan, but they are all people around Mike.

Hayakawa Hei couldn't even see Thomas, let alone Mike.


Inoue stood in front of Takemoto, crying softly. After Takemoto got the money and bought the office space, the first person he looked for was his former confidant and his good friend's brother Inoue.

Inoue was of low rank and could not reach war criminals. He had not done much. After Japan was defeated, he was sent back to Japan. His family conditions were ordinary. He lived a very hard life as a farmer in his hometown.

Fortunately, his home is not far from Tokyo. Takemoto knew the location of his hometown and reached the place in half a day.

Japan is not a big country, it is a small country.

"Stop calling me Commander, I am no longer Commander."

Takemoto shook his head, but with a smile on his face. He was very satisfied to be able to come out, not to mention that he could continue to work for Ishihara Hiroshi.

"Ishihara-kun is back and gave me a task. I needed help, and I thought of you first."

"Ishihara-kun is back too?"

Inoue immediately raised his head. He was the first person to know Ishihara Hiroshi. Later, Ishihara Hiroshi was so powerful that he couldn't believe it.

"That's right, would you?"

Takemoto imitated Ishihara Hiroshi and asked, and Inoue immediately nodded: "Yes, I am willing."

"Very good, pack up and come with me. Don't worry about your family. I will give you a settling-in allowance. You may have to stay in Tokyo. We will be very busy in the early days. We will let you go home when we have time."

"no problem."

In fact, there are not many people in Inoue's home, and he is going to Tokyo, not Shanghai. As long as he has time in Tokyo, he can come back in one day.

This is convenient in the country.

Inoue simply packed up his things, and Takemoto gave him two hundred dollars as settling-in allowance, which was indeed a lot.

Inoue did not dare to leave too much money to his family. It was not a good thing to leave too much money to his family. He would give it to them slowly in the future.

Takemoto is looking for old employees to form a company.

The company is a front, and its name is security to the outside world, but how many people are using security now?

In fact, he is still collecting intelligence and monitoring people, so he needs people with experience in intelligence work, especially his former subordinates in the intelligence department.

Chu Lingyun did not give him a time limit and asked him to take his time.

Three days later, Hayakawa Ping's company completely became Chu Lingyun's industry.

Gu Sen also found four subordinates for him, all of whom were from Ishihara Trading Company.

Chu Lingyun brought Chu Yuan, Gu Sen and others to Hayakawa Ping's side.

Seeing Toru Ishihara, Hayakawa Hei was stunned again.

"He is mine now. You know his abilities very well. I asked him to find someone to help you."

Chu Lingyun said lightly, Chu Yuan didn't say anything, he followed just to show off, this time mainly to send Gu Sen over.

He didn't know Gu Sen's true identity. He was not on the same line. No matter how much Chu Lingyun trusted Chu Yuan, he would not tell him.


Hayakawa Ping hurriedly lowered his head. Chu Lingyun actually subdued Ishihara Hiroshi. How on earth did he do it? A person like Ishihara Hiroshi was willing to submit to others?

However, after Japan's defeat, they seemed to have lost any pride.

"Kosen, from now on you will be the deputy manager here, in charge of finance and human resources. Don't ask too much about business matters, but you must always send reports to Ishihara Hiroshi and tell him the situation."

Chu Lingyun said lightly, and Hayakawa Ping's heart tightened. He heard a lot of useful things in these words.

First of all, Ishihara Hiroshi will not stay here forever, which is a good thing for him, and he no longer has to worry about being liquidated by Ishihara Hiroshi.

Secondly, Chu Lingyun did not fully trust Shi Yuanheng, otherwise he would not take him away. Also, people like Ishihara Heng must be controlled, otherwise they will be more difficult to deal with than him.

Chu Lingyun didn't trust him, let alone Ishihara Hiroshi completely.

This time he was really thinking nonsense. No one trusted Chu Lingyun more than Ishihara Hiroshi, and that was himself.

If he hadn't been unable to separate himself, Ishihara Hiroshi would have stayed in Japan.

"Don't worry, I will definitely do it." Gu Sen responded hurriedly.

Chu Lingyun had previously made it clear to Komori using his identity as Hiroshi Ishihara that his mission was to target Hayakawa Hei.

In order to support him, Chu Lingyun gave him the most important financial and personnel rights. From now on, he will control the company's money, and Hayakawa Hei will only be responsible for management.

That's his strength, let him do it well.

"Yagyu, this is your last chance."

Chu Lingyun said lightly, and Hayakawa Hei felt bitter. Now not only was Komori staring at him, but there was also an even more terrifying Toru Ishihara behind him.

Komori may not be very good, but Ishihara Hiroshi is absolutely terrible. His business savvy is even better than his own, not to mention Chu Lingyun. If Komori reports everything, he will not be able to do anything at all. With the abilities of these two people, It was hard for him to hide it.

Once discovered, he will be greeted by death.

"I see."

Chu Lingyun left, leaving Gu Sen and the radio station behind. Gu Sen will be the second-in-command here, and the manager will still be Hayakawa Taira, so as to facilitate his management.

But he was already a puppet, and all his power was taken away by Chu Lingyun.

And the puppet must be willing to do it.

Hayakawa Hei didn't know Director Qi. If the two could chat together, they would definitely become confidants. They both absolutely admired Chu Lingyun's methods.

They worked, and Chu Lingyun got the benefits, but there was nothing they could do.

In the final analysis, Hei Hayakawa is just a businessman. No matter how smart a businessman is, if he has no real power, there is nothing he can do against someone who is smarter than him and has absolute power.

In Yanzhou, Ke Gong received an encrypted telegram.

The password turned out to be Furumura Aki's. Ke Gong was very surprised and immediately called Furumura Aki to translate.

"It's Goosen. He has a radio station."

After translating the content, Furumura Akira shouted in surprise that Komori wanted to return to Japan. He was sorry at the beginning, but he would not stop the comrade's choice.

Unexpectedly, more than a year later, Gusen actually sent a telegram.

"Call him back right away."

Ke Gong smiled. Gu Sen knew that he was the one who told Chu Lingyun to let Gu Cunqiu develop Gu Sen.

When Gu Sen returned to Japan, he also knew that there were actually quite a few people returning to Japan, so they allowed them all to go back safely.

He knew that Chu Lingyun was in Japan now, and it seemed that Chu Lingyun had reactivated Gu Sen in Japan.

This is a good thing, and Ke Gong will not stop it.


Furumura Aki could send the report himself and quickly replied to Komori.

Japan's Komori was also very happy. This is a legal commercial radio station. As long as he doesn't broadcast too frequently, he will be fine. To make a long story short, he simply reported his situation and asked the organization to help him figure out what he should do in the future.

"Mr. Ke, Ishihara Hiroshi was subdued by Chu Lingyun. Now he is helping Chu Lingyun. It was Ishihara Hiroshi who found Komori and asked him to help Chu Lingyun keep an eye on Yagyu Taro."

After Furumura Qiu translated the call back, he immediately looked at Ke Gong.

Ke Gong almost couldn't stand it. He was obviously alone and insisted on causing such trouble, but he understood that Chu Lingyun did this to be safer.

Moreover, there is a grudge between Taro Yagyu and Toru Ishihara. Taro Yagyu betrayed Toru Ishihara. Now Ishihara Hiroshi is Chu Lingyun’s man. Chu Lingyun helped him take over Taro Yagyu’s property and no one can say anything.

"Goossen said he had a radio station and wanted to do more, but didn't know how."

Furumura Qiu continued, and Ke Gong thought for a moment, and then replied: "Tell him not to be anxious, and establish a foothold in his current position first, and we will help him in the future."


Furumura Qiu immediately called back. Komori himself didn't know it, but he was actually already working for the organization.

The message crossed the ocean and came to Gusen.

After the translation, Gu Sen immediately felt at ease, but his codebook was not safe and he proposed to change the codebook.

"Promise him that we will send him a new code book."

Mr. Ke replied that since Gu Sen was helping Chu Lingyun, whatever organization he needed would be done for him and let him complete this task wholeheartedly.

Turning off the radio, Gu Sen showed a rare smile.

It feels so good to reconnect with the organization. He had been confused before, but now he has direction and new hope.

"Ke Gong, I really didn't expect that Gu Sen would have such good fortune over there."

Furumura Qiu returned to the office with Ke Gong and said excitedly that he and Gu Sen had not been in contact for more than a year, but in fact they had been thinking about him.

The Red Party will not give up any of its comrades, and he will miss all those who fought alongside Furumura Aki.

"Yes, he is very important now, and safety issues cannot be taken lightly."

Mr. Ke nodded. The Americans and the Fruit Party were getting closer, and the Fruit Party was at odds with them. If the Fruit Party members knew Gu Sen's identity, he would really be in danger.

The Fruit Party will ask the Americans to send him over, and even if the Americans refuse, they will send people over to assassinate him.

Although with Chu Lingyun here, Gu Sen's safety is not a big problem, it will bring trouble to Chu Lingyun and even make others suspicious of him.

Gusen’s safety must also be taken seriously.

"I will go back to Japan in person to give him the code book."

Furumura Qiu said, and Ke Gong immediately shook his head: "You can't do it. People over there know your identity. It will be more dangerous for you to go."

Furumura Akira was wanted by the Japanese and he could not go back.

Sending a new code pad to Goo Sen is not that difficult and can be done through many channels.

However, if you send it too early, it will easily leave flaws. Ke Gong will not do such a thing.

Just ask the comrades in Hong Kong to go there and put it in the dead mailbox, and Gu Sen will pick it up himself, so that they can do it without meeting.

Hong Kong will also not send alchemists to Yi.

The relationship between Fang Shiyi and Chu Lingyun is too close, and it is necessary to avoid the recurrence of people on this line.


Furumura Qiu was helpless. He had been wanted. If someone discovered that he was in contact with Gusen, both of them would be in danger.

It is indeed safer to ask other comrades to deliver it.

"Kuroda, do you want to die or live?"

In distant Tokyo, Takemoto was leading a few people to question a man whose face was covered in blood. Kuroda was a ronin samurai. After Japan was defeated, these ronin were all scattered, but a few of them still got together.

They couldn't do anything else, so they oppressed the people and committed all kinds of evil. The Americans got rid of many of them. Now those who survive are basically smart people.

Thanks to the leader Pipitu for another 500 starting coin reward, to the two dream salted fishes for the 49 100 starting coin rewards, to book friend 20200501212748039 for the 1500 starting coin reward, to JC918 for the 500 starting coin reward, thanks to the book Friends 20220515053733759 and nickname cannot be modified. Each reward is 100 starting coins. Xiaoyu thanks you for your support.

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