Spy Shadow

Chapter 94 Codename Catfish

Chapter 94 Codename Catfish

"I'm going to send it now."

Ishida Koyama looked at Hayakawa Hei. Ishida Koyama only believed a third of what he said. The main reason was that Hayakawa Hei's information was indeed flexible. It was precisely because of this that the special high school took a fancy to him and pulled him in.

"You can send the report, but it can only be sent by me. How about sending it to Taro Harada? He is in Kobe now. With your relationship with him, you must believe his words."

Hayakawa Hei smiled, looking like he was in control.

"Okay, but I want to make sure it's him."

Ishida Koyama nodded slowly, and Hayakawa Hei shook his head: "Don't you two have a code word to connect you? Just use the code word to verify it."

After finishing speaking, Hayakawa Ping left the torture room and went to Chu Lingyun to apply for reporting.

He agreed, but he was not the one who could make the decision.

Chu Lingyun had heard their conversation a long time ago. Before Hayakawa Ping made a request, he asked, "Aren't you worried that he will take the opportunity to inform?"

"No, for Ishida-kun, Nobuko's death is more important."

Hayakawa Ping said confidently. Chu Lingyun thought about it for a while and finally agreed to their request to send the report.

You must instigate rebellion against Ishida Koyama as soon as possible, without any delay. This is a useful chess piece that will play a huge role in the future, so you can take a little risk for this.

Sending a report to Japan required a high-power radio, so Chu Lingyun went to Wang Yuemin to apply.

Knowing that Chu Lingyun had captured two more spies, one of whom was the team leader and had the opportunity to instigate rebellion, Wang Yuemin felt mixed emotions.

On the one hand, he was very happy. The better Chu Lingyun did, the greater his contribution would be.

On the other hand, the better Chu Lingyun is, the more he will covet him in the New Year. He is really afraid that a sudden transfer order will come from the headquarters and Chu Lingyun will be transferred.

He couldn't resist such an order.

"Go ahead, don't be too tired, do as much as you can."

Wang Yuemin told Chu Lingyun that for the first time, he didn't want Chu Lingyun to continue to make meritorious deeds, so as to save others from always thinking about his treasure.

It was impossible for Ishida Koyama to send the report in person, and Hayakawa Taira was not allowed to send the report.

According to Ishida Koyama's instructions, Chu Lingyun asked someone to find a Japanese version of "The Tale of Genji", which was the codebook used to contact Ishida Koyama and Harada Taro.

After watching Ishida Xiaoshan translate, Chu Lingyun personally sent the report.

The message was sent twice in a row, including code words for Ishida Koyama to reveal his identity.

According to Hei Hayakawa, Ishida Koyama and Harada Taro were not only classmates during the training camp, they were together in elementary school, middle school and university, and they had a very good relationship.

After Taro Harada receives the telegram, he will definitely help Ishida Koyama, and Ishida Koyama will definitely believe his reply.

It wasn't until the evening that Chu Lingyun received the reply message. After translating it according to "The Tale of Genji", it was confirmed that it was correct before giving it to Ishida Koyama to read.

After seeing the contents of the telegram, Ishida Koyama's face suddenly turned pale.

Taro Harada told him that after receiving his message, he immediately helped him inquire. After so long, Nobuko's family really didn't hide anything anymore.

Nobuko was indeed killed by their instructors, but he was not killed directly, but Nobuko was drunk and raped.

Nobuko couldn't bear the blow and committed suicide by drowning in the river.

The instructor was afraid that things would get serious, so he gave Nobuko's family a lot of money, and the special high school class strictly required confidentiality. In the end, the matter went undisturbed. The instructor was punished afterwards, but Ishida Xiaoshan was always deceived and did not know the truth.

Holding the message, Ishida Koyama's veins were exposed and he was extremely angry.

At this moment, all his beliefs collapsed. The empire he was loyal to treated him like this. He was completely deceived.

Especially Nobuko, who was in his prime, was ruined by a beast.

And that beast is still alive and well. Although he was punished at the beginning, he has now been transferred to the Shanghai Military Police and became a lieutenant colonel.

What's even more disgusting is that he stupidly sends gifts to the instructor every year. When the instructor was promoted, he even wrote a letter to congratulate him.

This made him feel extremely ashamed.

"Hayakawa-kun, what do you want from me?"

After a while, Ishida Koyama took a deep breath and asked Hayakawa Ping.

"It's not what I ask you to do, it's what the Chinese ask you to do. I also know your request, and I believe the Chinese will agree to it."

Hayakawa Ping nodded with satisfaction, and Ishida Koyama's reaction was as expected.

"Do you know my request?" Ishida Koyama looked at Hayakawa Ping in confusion.

"Kill Tengzhong and avenge Nobuko."

Hayakawa said calmly, Tengzhong is their instructor, but Ishida Xiaoshan trembled in his heart. Yes, he would indeed make this request. He can no longer do it on his own and can only ask the Chinese for help.

As long as he can avenge Nobuko, he is willing to do anything, including betrayal.

Ishida Koyama sighed and said slowly: "Hayakawa-kun, you are the most terrifying one among us. Your betrayal is a huge loss to the empire."

"I'm just trying to save my life. I'm not a devout believer in the Emperor. I'm very willing to serve the country, but the prerequisite is not to endanger my life. Ishida-kun, in fact, we are the same people, but what you value more is friendship, not that ridiculous The spirit of Bushido.”

Chu Lingyun was always by his side, and he agreed with Ishida Xiaoshan's words.

At this time, he fully understood that Hayakawa Ping was an extreme egoist. He would not serve anyone, he would only consider himself.

Fortunately, there is such a person among the Japanese spies, otherwise there would not be such a big harvest this time.

"I can promise you to get rid of your enemy, but not now. You need to wait for a while. I promise that I will definitely take his life."

Chu Lingyun said to Ishida Xiaoshan that this was the last step to instigate him.

"Okay, I believe you, what do you need me to do?"

Ishida Koyama agreed without any consideration. For him at this time, revenge for Nobuko was the most important thing, and he was willing to pay everything for this.

"Tell us all the information you know, hand over the code book, and at the same time, lurk in the Super High School to provide us with valuable information."

"No problem, but I don't have a code book. My code book has just been replaced and the new code book has not been given to me yet. You should know that Jiang Tengkong is my supervisor, right? He ordered my entire team to go into hibernation, and there will be no successor. The order must not be activated."

Ishida Xiaoshan was very cooperative, but unfortunately he did not have a code book. This hibernation happened to be when he wanted to change the code book. The old code book had been destroyed, and the new code book had not been sent to him yet.

This made Chu Lingyun a little regretful, but not too disappointed. As long as Ishida Xiaoshan was used by them, Ishida Xiaoshan's code book would fall into his hands sooner or later.

And every time in the future, you can get a new code book.

"From now on, your code name will be Catfish. From now on, I will be your only online and contact person. That woman is not reliable. Do you want to get rid of her?"

Chu Lingyun said to Ishida Xiaoshan that Ishida Xiaoshan is of great use and must be protected. That woman has now become a burden.

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