Spy Shadow

Chapter 95 A great victory

Chapter 95 A great victory

"No, Gongmei is my operator. She was trained by me. She only listens to my words."

Ishida Xiaoshan shook his head. He was confident that he could control the people around him.

It was best for Chu Lingyun not to kill this woman, otherwise the Japanese would be suspicious of Ishida Koyama if this woman died suddenly.

"What did you mean when you said Jiang Tengkong asked you to wait for the successor's order?" Chu Lingyun asked again.

"Jiang Tengkong made an appointment with me a few days ago and told me that he would be transferred soon. My cuckoo team is now the only intelligence team in Hankou and must lie dormant, waiting for activation."

"He said that our intelligence organization has suffered a lot recently, and he must bear this responsibility. The transfer is inevitable, but the intelligence team cannot make any mistakes, so let us sleep peacefully and not take any risks."

After saying that, Ishida Koyama smiled to himself.

He is the only remaining group. Now that he has rebelled and surrendered to the enemy, there is no longer an intelligence organization here. Japan's losses this time are not huge, but huge, with almost the entire army annihilated.

"How many intelligence agents do you have? What are their code names and what are their identities?"

Chu Lingyun asked again, Ishida Xiaoshan had surrendered to them, and there was no need to do anything to his intelligence agents, otherwise Ishida Xiaoshan would not be able to play his role.

But it is necessary to know the identities of these people so that they can be monitored at any time.

Ishida Koyama immediately confessed all four of his intelligence agents. Two of the four were being monitored by them, and they were the two key suspects.

No wonder he didn't take any action. They had received the order and were in hibernation. Chu Lingyun also knew how the order was received. It was a warning issued by Ishida Xiaoshan in the newspaper.

This kind of warning is very secretive and cannot be discovered even if they are constantly monitored. Even if you know what newspapers they usually read, you cannot know what warning information is from the newspaper alone.

But this screening operation was a great victory for Chu Lingyun. Not counting Ishida Koyama and Hayakawa Taira, there were four spies who were caught.

Let Ishida Xiaoshan go to instigate his telegraph operator, while Chu Lingyun went to report to Wang Yuemin.

"Very good, this mission was very successful. All those who should be evacuated should be evacuated. You should write a closing report and give it to me as soon as possible." Wang Yuemin ordered immediately after hearing the report.

"Yes, webmaster." Chu Lingyun stood up straight and saluted. This screening operation was successfully concluded.

Ishida Koyama successfully instigated rebellion against his telegraph operator. In fact, Gongmei has always liked him and became an agent because of him, but he just didn't dare to confess.

Ishida Koyama never took the initiative because he had Nobuko in his heart. This time the two opened up and understood each other's intentions. Ishida promised her that he would marry her after avenging Nobuko.

Hayakawa Ping was released and arranged to live in the dormitory.

There are four team members guarding his door at all times. He only has one hour of relaxation time every day, and he must stay in the room the rest of the time.

Hayakawa Ping didn't care at all and moved in happily.

After all the team members withdrew, some were happy and some were worried. The happiest person was undoubtedly Zhong Hui. This time he caught the most spies and made the greatest contribution.

Captain Yao could still accept it. After all, he was the one who discovered the situation. Although he was a member of the Turtle Dove Team, they were the ones who discovered and captured the man, so the credit would go to them.

Only Captain Huang and Shen Hanwen were unhappy. After staring for so long, they finally found nothing.

Chu Lingyun did not tell them the truth. He only said that it was the station commander's order that all the people under surveillance should evacuate. The fewer people who know about Ishida Xiaoshan, the better. It is a secret of the station.

The two of them were helpless at the stationmaster's order.

Chu Lingyun quickly wrote the case closure report, and at the same time wrote a secret document detailing the affairs of Hayakawa Hei and Ishida Koyama. Even if this secret document reaches the headquarters, only a few people can see it.

Holding the closing report, Wang Yuemin showed hesitation. The Virgo must be very happy when this report is handed in.

But it may not be a good thing for Wang Yuemin. Chu Lingyun's performance in this case was even better, which made him even more worried.

Wang Yuemin has made a decision that he will not let Chu Lingyun make meritorious deeds in the future no matter what. The merits he has made are already enough, and he will not get any substantial rewards if he continues to make meritorious service.

The more achievements you make, the easier it is to be stared at by others.

The closing report was suppressed by Wang Yuemin for three days before it had to be reported.

In Nanjing, after Virgo came back from outside, his face remained extremely gloomy and he went directly to the conference room.

Secretary Qi didn't dare to breathe at the side and waited carefully.

Senior executives from the headquarters rushed to the conference room one after another, and the expression on Virgo's face suddenly made them feel uneasy.

All the high-level officials arrived, not only the two important departments of the Intelligence Section and the Operations Section, but also the heads of the Telecommunications Section, the Interrogation Section, the General Affairs Section, the Personnel Section and other important departments were summoned.

The anger of Virgo this time must be great, otherwise the meeting with so many people would not be held.

"Trash, it's all trash, what's the point of raising you? The spies have been operating under our noses for so long, but you don't know anything about it. What are you doing on a daily basis?"

Sure enough, when everyone arrived, Virgo was the first to curse, not just one person, but everyone together.

"Xu Yi, have you ever bought Ren Dan?"

Virgo suddenly asked Xu Yi. Xu Yi was confused by the question, but he didn't dare not answer. He immediately stood up and said, "I bought it, Virgo. Is there anything wrong with this medicine?"

Rendan is a kind of medicine that clears away heat and relieves summer heat. It is cheap and many people have it at home.

"What's the problem? You still don't know what's going on. What did you, the head of the Intelligence Section, do? This is serious dereliction of duty on your part."

Virgo became even more angry and slammed the table. Xu Yi stood up in fright: "What Virgo punishes is that he humbles his position and realizes his mistakes."

"I know I made a mistake, then tell me where I made the mistake?"

Virgo stared at Xu Yi, Xu Yi was so nervous that he was sweating. How could he know what went wrong?

"We didn't know anything about what the Chairman knew. It was a dereliction of duty. This is the most serious dereliction of duty for all of us."

Virgo did not continue to target Xu Yi, but said pitifully to everyone.

Just now, he was called over by the chairman and scolded severely.

Rendan is an industry run by the Japanese. They have placed advertisements all over the country, including many in Nanjing.

But Sichuan suddenly reported that this kind of drug advertisement was very complicated. After their investigation, it was probably a propaganda method of the Japanese.

The advertisement for Rendan depicts the image of a Japanese marshal.

There are many such advertisements posted in Nanjing. Can the old man not be annoyed? Virgo was scolded badly. It's strange that he can be in a good mood after being scolded.

"Virgo, don't worry, I'll go check it out right now."

Xu Yi was sweating on his forehead. They didn't know anything about what the Chairman knew. No wonder Virgo was so angry.

Someone knocked lightly on the door outside, and Secretary Qi walked over. The person outside rushed over a document. After opening it, Secretary Qi glanced at it a few times, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he quickly walked to Virgo's side.

"Virgin, the long telegram from Wuhan is a case closure report. Another Japanese spy has been captured there."

Virgo's attraction was indeed attracted by Secretary Qi's words. He took the document from Secretary Qi's hand and read it carefully.

Thanks to Lone Wolf in the Wind for another 200 coin reward.

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