"Then let's pay more."

Qin Liang asked curiously, "Just for.

Some people come to make such sacrifices. Sometimes it should be more than one person to play."

Liang Xiaofeng nodded, "Of course, there are seven or eight people at most, one.

But what we can give is not only money, but also some resources in the entertainment industry.

President Qin, you should."

"You know who I am"

"I know, but it doesn't matter."

"Ha ha."

The two simply chatted like this, and then walked out step by step.

At the end of the long corridor, there is a beam of light passing through, and there are bursts of noise coming.

When he was about to approach, Qin Liang heard the host's shout outside.

"The one who is about to appear next is a newcomer.

He said that we are all chickens here, and he came here today to kick the restaurant! Therefore, his name is called the kicker!"

The voice fell, and there were bursts of boos in the noisy venue.

Qin Liang looked back at Liang Xiaofeng and said, "Could the kickers not be so stupid?"

Liang Xiaofeng laughed, "You have to give everyone a title so that you can enter it."

After speaking, Qin Liang opened the curtain and walked out quickly.

This is a huge venue, and as far as the eye can see, at least tens of thousands of people are crowded into the circular stands on the eight floors.

These people are male and female.

Someone in a suit and leather shoes seemed to have just come from work.

There are also people wearing vests and shorts, which must be the demolition masters from the depths of the capital.

There are also bejeweled, noble ladies, and young men and women dressed in fashion.

At this time, these people looked a little hysterical, as if completely intoxicated by the atmosphere.

If it wasn't for the mask, Qin Liang really wanted to turn around and leave.

I feel that the person in this poor place is very stupid, and it is out of tune with his own style.

At this time, the host in the octagonal cage picked up the microphone again and shouted loudly: "There is an opponent who invites the kicker, Storm! This is a senior player who has joined our club for three months.

He's won three games in a row! Now, start betting!"

The audience roared again, and on the big screen above the ring, two numbers were beating wildly.

Start betting.

This is a floating odds. The odds on Qin Liang's side generally skyrocket upwards, while the odds on the storm's side quickly drop below 0.

2. Qin Liang turned his head and asked, "Mr. Liang, didn't you say that the new person was arranged?"

Liang Xiaofeng laughed, "If it is a pure rookie, then it will be even more difficult to control.

Storm is a semi-experienced, you should be more at ease, Mr. Qin."

"Ha ha."

"Don't underestimate our boxing ring, there is a lot of knowledge in it.

In addition, don't look at these.... The audience seems to be stupid and brainless, but to become our member, it all needs to be verified.

None of the people here are worth less than [-] million."

When talking about these............, Liang Xiaofeng looked very proud.

030 "In addition to the audience in the venue, our boxing ring will also be broadcast live in some parts of the country and even around the world, and we also have dividends for the gambling there.

This market is bigger than you think, Mr. Qin."


Qin Liang looked back and saw that in this small game, the total bet amount had already exceeded [-] million, and the average person in the venue was [-], which was a big game.

Taking into account the other underground gambling mentioned by Liang Xiaofeng, this is just a small game that does not attract much attention, and the amount of capital to be leveraged should reach several billions.

If it is a blockbuster game, the leveraged funds should be more.

This is probably the source of Liang Xiaofeng's confidence.

The storm was chatting with the coach over there, and before it was time for the stage, Qin Liang had no coach here, so he simply continued to chat with Liang Xiaofeng.

"Tsk tsk, the odds of the storm are all 0.

1, mine is almost quadrupled.

Show! There are so many guaranteed tenants."

"Please be safe."

"Players can bet no"

"Yes, but only by betting on yourself to win."


The host on the stage finally ordered to open the cage, "You two contestants come to the stage!"

Qin Liang shook his arm, "Mr. Liang, I bet [-] million and win by myself."

Liang Xiaofeng turned back in horror and asked, "President Qin is so generous."

Chapter 271 It's Not Difficult At All

Qin Liang smiled slightly through the mask, "Don't worry, I will only bet this time. If you have money, you can let my driver transfer it."

"No, President Qin, if you say it, I will believe it."

"it is good."

Entering the octagonal cage, the host has already left, and the referee is standing in the middle, signaling the players from both sides to move closer to say hello to each other.

The contestant nicknamed Storm did not wear a mask, he was a strong man with a height of [-] meters, and at first glance he was much heavier than Qin Liang.

In a serious fighting match, a match with such a huge disparity in weight would not be taken out at all, that is, a black fist would be possible.

Storm slammed his fists together, then aimed at Qin Liang with his fist with only ultra-thin gloves, grinned and said: "Little dwarf, let's stop fighting.

I'm really afraid that if you punch down, you will die."

Qin Liang did not answer his words.

"Game start!"

There was not much communication between the two players, and the match was announced after thirty seconds.

With a low voice, Feng Feng rushed forward, waving his huge fist, and slammed into Qin Liang's face at an extremely fast speed.

He looks cumbersome, but he's not slow at all.

Bang! A strange thing happened. He failed to hit Qin Liang with his punch, but was caught by Qin Liang's right hand.

Qin Liang stood still, without moving a single step.

He was obviously much smaller, but he easily caught the opponent's heavy punch, and the picture looked very strange.


The storm suddenly raised his left foot and kicked Qin Liang's waist sideways.

Clap! Qin Liang's left hand easily grabbed the man's calf face bone.

Under the stage, Liang Xiaofeng exclaimed: "How is this possible!"

Wang Ruowei in the VIP stands covered her mouth, "What's the situation?"

"Get out of here!"

Qin Liang's two hands were like iron tongs, grabbing Feng Feng's right fist and left foot at the same time, and twisting gently.

Only the sound of a dislocated joint or a crack of a broken bone sounded, and the storm collapsed with a scream.

In the huge competition hall, there was first silence, a dead silence, and then an uproar.

The audience was boiling.

"Fake match! How is it possible.

! "

"With such a huge disparity in size, how can this person catch it? He must be acting!"

"I don't look like it. I've watched Storm's games before, he doesn't look like someone who can play match-fixing, and the bet amount this time is not large: there is no need for the club to do this... …”

"Then this..."

"This person is really a master club who came to ambush us"

The audience looked up at the sign above again, and the settlement began.

The funds won by the pressure storm accounted for [-]% of the total prize pool, and now all of them have been harvested.

"Damn it, it's so dark!"

"This is too shameful. Even if you find a master to fight from the first round, don't say it so lightly!"

"It's..., we thought it was a badass."

"Fuck! My money! I put a million in it! "I'm two million, fuck!"

There was a commotion in the audience.

Qin Liang clapped his palms and walked to the octagonal cage, "Mr. Liang, how's it going, I'm good at playing."

Liang Xiaofeng's mouth twitched.

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