He really wanted to say that you didn't fight.

As one of the masters behind this underground boxing club, Liang Xiaofeng is a well-informed person, but he has never seen two people with such disparity in size, but their strength is completely different from another overwhelming difference. Adults beat children.

Looking at the chaos in the venue again, Liang Xiaofeng felt a little headache.

Originally, I just wanted to do Wang Ruowei a small favor and teach this man named Qin Liang a lesson.

The ghost can think that Qin Liang is actually a master who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger. Although he still can't figure out how Qin Liang did it, Liang Xiaofeng knows that he must meet a master today.

The referee also slowed down for a while before walking over to ask how the storm was and whether the game could continue.

Where could the storm still speak, he waved his left hand again and again, indicating a strike.

The referee then waved to the others and let the medical team and the host come in.

The host grabbed Qin Liang's hand and held it up high, "Congratulations to the kicker! The winner can choose to continue to challenge the next round. The kicker, do you want to participate?"

Liang Xiaofeng interrupted: "Mr. Qin, otherwise let's just forget about it."

Qin Liang shook his head, "Just now... Storm, should have given up the chance to challenge the second round every time. It seems that the rules on your side, if you haven't finished talking to me, then I will try my luck and see if I choose to challenge! "

Liang Xiaofeng angrily pointed at Qin Liang.

Although he didn't really kill the storm, he has basically turned the storm into a waste.

The storm didn't even force him to show his true strength, but Liang Xiaofeng was 2% sure that there was no opponent who could compete with Qin Liang in the [-] rounds.

But now because the unwitting host has exposed the truth, Qin Liang has been given a chance to continue, even if he doesn't recognize it.

Qin Liang stepped off the ring.

The next game will start in ten minutes, and Liang Xiaofeng is accompanying Qin Liang again.

Qin Liang spread out his hands, ".

Mr. Liang, the payment for the last game."

Liang Xiaofeng's mouth twitched violently, but he didn't cheat, "Account."

Qin Liang was not polite to him either, and dumped a company account.

Liang Xiaofeng: "I'll arrange for someone to transfer money."

"Otherwise let me continue to bet [-] million on myself to win"

Qin Liang smiled.

Liang Xiaofeng shook his head decisively, "No."


"Anyway... No, no, no, after this game, you can go back to President Qin."

Qin Liang shook his head, "Wang Ruowei has worked so hard to fool me over to see the world, I just walked away after seeing it, so I don't give face.

I asked before, your club can challenge continuously, you can participate in up to six rounds in one day, if you keep winning, you will be the champion of this month, until someone knocks me down, you will lose the throne, right? If I can be the champion for a month, I can get a 5% total commission from the club's monthly profit."

Liang Xiaofeng stared, "This... when did you find out about this news!"

Qin Liang smiled, "Isn't this something everyone knows about, Zhao?"

How could he tell Liang Xiaofeng that he has a hearing far beyond the comprehension of ordinary people, and he can even hear the whispers of others ten meters away from the noisy scene.

"Anyway... I'm definitely not leaving today until I finish six rounds.

When someone challenges me, Mr. Liang, just let me know, and I will definitely come."

Yes, Qin Liang was tempted by the price.

The club's total monthly profit must exceed 5 billion, so [-]% is at least [-] million.

With Qin Liang's current wealth, he will also be tempted.

"Oh no! President Qin, this..."

Liang Xiaofeng was a little uncomfortable.

Qin Liang asked: "Why can't I? Mr. Liang told me more specifically about your rules here. Without rules, there is no square circle. If there is a clear statement, then I will not participate."

After a long time, Liang Xiaofeng lowered his head, "You can participate, but in the end, the intensity of the competition is really difficult to control."

Qin Liang shook his head, "No, it's not difficult at all."

Chapter 272

An hour and a half later, Qin Liang proved with facts that every word he said was not bragging.

It's not difficult.

Except...a very arrogant, very speechless idiot who was beaten to smash his limbs by him, he still counted the others, and it only took one minute each time. In time, it was easy to get everyone down with one effort.

It is not denied that the opponents in the entire six rounds of competition, each of them is better than him, but it is useless, the means of others' all-out efforts fall on him, it is purely... scratching the itch.

When Qin Liang reached the second round, his starting odds became 0.

3, Yes, he is already the more favored one.

In the third round, Qin Liang's starting odds became 0.

2, continue to dive down.

In the final sixth round, Qin Liang's opponent was that... the top fighting master who dominated the underground boxing market for half a year, and the boxing champion Tie Suo who has become a minority shareholder of the club.

But it was of no use, the boxing champion iron rope only lasted [-] seconds longer than others.

Wang Ruowei was completely dumbfounded.

Today's game is over, and several other games were originally scheduled, but they were forced to change to tomorrow.

The kicker with the Sichuan Opera mask has become the undisputed protagonist of today.

Everyone in the audience guessed the identity of this person, thinking in their hearts whether anyone would dare to provoke the majesty of the kicker in the next month.

But no matter....

What do the audience and other people outside think, Qin 247 Liang has already finished washing up as if nothing had happened, and changed back to the clothes he had just washed and dried.

At this time, Wang Ruowei had already drooped her head and walked over with the driver.

Qin Liang, Wang Ruowei, the driver, Liang Xiaofeng and another head of the club sat together in the small conference room.

"Mr. Qin, it's only this month. No one will dare to challenge you this month, but our business must continue. You're not so short of money, Mr. Qin. You can accept it as soon as you see it. How about you?"

Liang Xiaofeng's attitude seemed a little low-key.

Qin Liang nodded, "What is the prize money for my competition today..."

Another person in charge said: "Today there are six rounds of competition, Mr. Qin, you have been winning all the way, your total bonus today is about more than [-] million, plus the estimated dividend of [-] million for the next month.

We'll give it all to you today."

"If I didn't come, then the [-] million dividends should be given to that... the defeated general named Tiesuo, right?"

Liang Xiaofeng nodded.


Qin Liang leaned back, "Then this is the money you want to spend, and it should be the money I want to take.

I know he is your own too.

So maybe you give him the money, and you have no burden in your heart.

But I am different, I have to promise you another condition, not to participate in your competition in the future, so should I get more?"

Qin Liang's tone was calm, but his attitude was straightforward.

Liang Xiaofeng looked at each other, "Then Mr. Qin, don't make us too embarrassed."

"I want two months of dividends, and I don't think I'm asking too much.

Why do you want me not to come in the future, because you know that I won't play fake games, and I can't play fake games because of my sexual strength.

So as long as there is a game I participate in in the future, you will be the bookmakers: you will definitely lose money, right?"

Another person in charge showed a fierce look and said: "One billion in two months! Impossible!"

Qin Liang was not in a hurry to speak, but first looked at Wang Ruowei, who was calmly beside him, then slowly extended his finger and picked up the glass fiber reinforced plastic ashtray on the coffee table.

He exerted force with his two fingers, and the fiberglass ashtray cracked lightly and gradually shattered in his fingers.

Qin Liang kept twisting his fingers, and the glass fiber reinforced plastic was crushed into powder and slowly fell down.

"It doesn't matter if you don't agree, then you should understand that I won't give up, you can also understand that I want to fight against you, I don't care very much about what you will do next, just let the horses come.

You can try and see if I can stop the bullets."

His words were very explicit.

Liang Xiaofeng turned his head to look at Wang Ruowei, and asked tentatively, "Sister Ruowei, is this what the elders mean?"

Wang Ruowei is very stiff.

She didn't expect a "little" of her own

The prank will eventually evolve into a big scene involving the amount of funds involved: one billion.

She was a little confused.

Wang Ruowei shook her head, "No, really not, I just had a whim."

Qin Liang also nodded, "Wang Ruowei is right, I'm here today because it's really just a meeting."

But the more he said this, the more disbelieving Liang Xiaofeng and the two were.

Such a hidden peerless master, just came here to play because of Wang Ruowei's playfulness at the right time, and then he played an overwhelming six-game winning streak, hitting the entire club, and even his colleagues in other parts of the world. Don't tell me if I feel desperate. The game here is not over yet. Several other large-scale black boxing bases in the world have sent messages to inquire about the origin of the kicker, whether they will continue to expand the attack surface and run them again. Go there to compete.

But if there is a slight chance of winning, everyone will not be so flustered, it's just that Qin Liang's strength is too overwhelming, making people desperate.

In short, after thinking about it again and again, even though Qin Liang and Wang Ruowei both denied it, Liang Xiaofeng still firmly believes that the huge profits of the black boxing here are being targeted by some people, so he sent a master like this to beat it. They, by the way, receive a generous protection fee.

One billion, considering the huge profits on his side, does not seem to be too much.

"it is good.

President Qin is right, and we should all give you two months of dividends."

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