However, before everyone left, Fan Chen glanced around and saw a familiar purple figure in a corner that adults could not notice. The figure seemed to be staring at him, as if conveying something. "Hmm? Is that Huang Quan? Why did she choose to hide in the distance? She seemed to be watching me? It's really strange, why didn't she choose to be with us? It's not like this in the original story. Could it be changed again? Outrageous!" March Seven, who was standing aside, saw that Fan Chen was still in a daze and couldn't help but patted his shoulder. Who knew that this pat almost triggered Fan Chen's defense system. Fortunately, March Seven was quick-eyed and quick-handed, so he barely avoided Fan Chen's unexpected attack! March 7: "I was scared to death! Why did you suddenly attack? Didn't I just pat your shoulder? Why do you hold a grudge? I didn't do anything to you. Could I harm you? This alert is really high!"

Fan Chen: "Sorry, sorry! I don't know why I've been unusually alert recently, and I'm a little nervous. Although I don't know why, this is only temporary. Don't worry, let's go to the feast!"

Fan Chen turned his head to look at the hidden corner for the last time. The original figure had disappeared, leaving only a slight breeze in the air, as if announcing her departure. She was really elusive, just like me!

Everyone also went to the destination without stopping, but this time Fan Chen didn't use teleportation. He mainly wanted to see the full view of Clark Film and Television Park. To be honest, when I just stepped into here, I really had a strange feast vision! I always felt like a huge amusement park.

"It's really no different from what's described in the plot! Familiar passages, familiar red curtains! And beautifully decorated items placed around. Open this curtain first! Behind it is the real movie and TV park, get ready!"

When everyone lifted the hidden red curtain, what came into view was the unexpected emptiness and silence, with three huge TV screens placed in the center! There were also some dilapidated buildings around, and the huge auditorium was empty, as if this performance was prepared for the train set.

Looking at the empty theater, the slightly excited San Yueqi was a little disappointed. On the other hand, Ji Zi and Uncle Yang didn't change much. Xing just looked around curiously. Only Fan Chen stared at the black screen with a serious face.

Sanyueqi: "Did we come to the wrong place? There is no one here, only three huge TV screens? Is that guy playing tricks on us? Is he playing here? Tricked us into coming to such an empty place!"

Xing: "Don't jump to conclusions! Shajin is a thoughtful guy. Since he asked us to meet here, he will definitely appear here. He may be hiding in a corner, or he may be waiting for us to find him."

Fanchen: "I don't think so! This place is originally empty and looks very cold. There are many uncertainties in itself, but it is basically certain that this is the theater that Shajin prepared for us personally! We just need to wait for him to appear."

After an hour, everyone was a little tired of waiting, and then a mechanical voice finally came from nowhere:

"Welcome to Clark Film and Television Park! You guys came quite fast. I just got ready. I was really surprised by your speed of coming to the appointment ahead of time! I admire you very much. So, are you ready to watch this feast? "

Fan Chen: "We have been ready since the moment you invited us. There is not even a tooth here! Didn't you prepare it for us personally? Use whatever tricks you have. It's best not to hesitate. This gambling game! You will sell the chips first."

Then bursts of hearty laughter came from the empty square, followed by the classic language of Sha Jin:

"The dice have been thrown, everyone? Are you ready to open the market?"

As he spoke, the surrounding scene suddenly became dark, and everyone also took out their weapons vigilantly. In the center of the three black screens, Sha Jin's figure also appeared inside the screen, but he still had a smile that was determined to win.

"The inferior stone of the city builder! Worthless!"

As he spoke, three dice instantly fell under the feet of everyone, revealing different digital chips at the same time, and in the center of the screen, Sha Jin began his grand speech!

"I'll bet! I'll gamble! I'll win!"

And the figure of the gold dust gradually disappeared from the screen

Coming to the reality, he has changed a lot, and his aura is far better than before. He slowly descended from the sky with dazzling golden light, holding a slightly damaged foundation stone in his hand.

"I let fate spin the roulette wheel alone! I'll risk everything! I'll survive!"

"Everything for! Amber King!"

The gold dust suddenly crushed the foundation stone in his hand angrily, and the hidden energy in it poured into his body like a torrent. In an instant, a majestic momentum rushed straight into the sky, as if to tear the sky apart and shock the sky!

The powerful air wave was like a raging sea, surging and surging, making everyone like ants, shocked and unable to move forward. At this time, the gold dust was like a bright star in the center of the theater, shining with brilliant light, dazzling!

Ji Zi: "Did it use that power? Everyone, prepare for battle!"

"You are indeed here in time, and I am honored that you can come to watch my last performance in person! Then, let's start the final bet!"

While speaking, three giant colored dice suddenly fell from the sky! They instantly hit the people on the ground, but they were quickly dodged by everyone. However, with a wave of his finger, a golden hole suddenly opened in the air, and a steady stream of money fell like a rainstorm, but they were still quickly dodged by everyone!

March 7: "What kind of attack method is this? Attacking with dice and gold coins? This is the first time I have seen such a strange method! But its destructive power should not be underestimated!"

Xing Ke did not believe in evil. He raised his lava lance and flew straight into the sky, like a meteor falling from the sky, and rushed towards the sand in the air like a tiger pouncing on its food, but the opponent immediately raised his hand to summon a shield and directly blocked the attack from the sky!

"It can't be penetrated! The defense of this shield is so outrageous, so strong! It's worthy of being one of the ten people of Stone Heart! The defense is so strong!"

The sparks splashed wildly, but the tip of the gun could not break through the defense of the shield. Xing could only jump and evacuate urgently, and March Seven just connected the attack, and an ice bow arrow shot straight into the sky, instantly turning into a group of meteor arrows! Attacked Shajin again!

"This level of attack can't hurt me! Is this all you can do?"

Shajin waved his hand, and three huge rainbow dice instantly blocked all the star rain in the sky. Then he looked at everyone with a little provocation, and even hooked his finger to taunt everyone, meaning that everyone's attack was insignificant!

"In that case! You can only show some real skills!"


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