The sky was dark, and the sky was dark.

"Is this all you have? As a star train traveling in the universe, if you only have this much strength! Then you don't deserve to be an unknown guest of the star train!"

At that time, Shajin was still laughing wantonly and arrogantly, and didn't take this group of unknown guests seriously at all, thinking that they were pretending to be strong and bluffing slowly! But he didn't notice that in the dark sky, a meteor burning like a flame was rushing straight at him like a gust of wind and lightning!

Contains the passionate and fiery power of fire! Like a falling meteor, it rushed towards Shajin with a devastating force, and the dark environment was illuminated by the raging fire! Sha Jinming suddenly raised his head with a premonition, and then he found that Xing had turned into a meteor flame and sprinted at full speed!

"If you have the guts, take my move! I want to see if you can still block it, the flaming meteor!"

"You guy! When? Why didn't I notice it? Damn it!"

Sha Jinming was obviously caught off guard. He certainly didn't expect that his underestimation of the enemy just now actually made him misjudge the enemy's attack. In a panic, he could only hastily raise his arms and condense a shield with difficulty, trying to resist Xing's meteor-like collision again! Unfortunately, he obviously underestimated the power of this attack, which was tantamount to hitting a rock with an egg!

The flaming collision and the protective shield collided with each other! The fierce friction sound penetrated the sky, and the sparks that splashed out scattered! But this time, the indestructible shield had layers of cracks! And it was gradually expanding!

"How is this possible? Why was my defense breached? What kind of moves is this? What kind of power is this? Why have I never seen it before?"

But Xing didn't give him time to react at all. He used his power to increase the power of the flames again. In an instant, the power of the flames increased for several seconds, and the raging fire burned even more vigorously! Seeing that he couldn't resist head-on, Sha Jin immediately dodged when the shield was broken, and barely avoided the fatal collision!

But the powerful force rushed to the ground, and a huge flame shock wave spread all around. Fan Chen immediately opened his shield to resist the attack, and Sha Jin was caught off guard and was directly blown away. Clark Film and Television Park was shaking violently. When the smoke and fire dissipated, a shocking deep pit was left where it fell.

"You actually dodged my attack! But you can dodge it this time, can you dodge it next time?"

Before Shajin could stabilize his body, the dark sky suddenly lit up with a dazzling red flash, and then the powerful orbital cannon directly bombarded Shajin. Shajin had no time to defend and was hit head-on, stirring up bursts of smoke and fire. Ji Zi only used a little trick, after all, this was a bombardment that was enough to destroy the satellite.

"This attack is very powerful! But unfortunately it is still not enough to defeat me, so I will let you see my real gambling power!"

As soon as the arrogant Shajin spoke wildly, countless eerie and terrifying strange black holes suddenly appeared around him, like the mouth of a devil, tightly wrapping Shajin's entire body, making it unable to move.

The range of the black hole gradually spread like a plague, as if it wanted to completely devour Shajin without leaving a trace. However, Shajin's strength is extremely strong. Although he is bound by this strange control method, he is still struggling to break free from this dark cage!

"Damn it, is this a black hole? I can't break free! Damn it! I don't accept it, I don't accept it, but I am the child blessed by the Mother Goddess! This gamble! I must not lose!"

The powerful protective power burst out, and the surrounding black holes were forced to break free directly! But Uncle Yang didn't seem to intend to continue to join the battle, and waved his hand to withdraw all the surrounding black holes! The freed gold began to laugh wildly!

"Hahahaha! Your strength is worthy of praise, you are indeed worthy of being the nameless guest! You do have the capital to fight against me, but it's a pity! You make me a little anxious, are you all letting me win? It's really unpleasant!"

"In that case, hahahaha, then I will bet all my chips! Only by abandoning rationality! Is it a real game, everyone! Let's play the game together! Hahaha!"

Amidst bursts of laughter, the gold sand slowly rose to the sky, and the body radiated brilliant golden light. In his hand, he was still playing with the coin from before. The gold sand suddenly raised it to the sky, and the shiny gold coin flew into the dark sky!

March 7: "What is that guy doing? Why is he throwing the coin into the sky? Is he preparing to use a big move?"

Xing: "I don't know! The situation is unclear now, and we can't attack blindly. This guy is too cunning! No one knows

I don't know how many chips or cards he still has left. For the time being, we can only wait and see. "

Fan Chen: "No need to wait and see! That guy is going to use his last move, everyone prepare for defense and attack!"

As the coin slowly sank into the dark night sky, the originally dark night sky suddenly burst into unprecedented golden light, and then the golden light gradually tore apart! The night sky was completely shrouded by this golden light, and a super huge golden light vortex spread out, and the range was still so large that it still enveloped the entire night sky!

Everyone looked at the bizarre vortex in surprise, and they all didn't understand what the hell it was? What's more, Xing still had an expression of looking at something new, while March 7 was frightened. Obviously, our Xing was born not long ago, and he still felt a novel attitude towards everything!

"This is my last chip! Then you guys bet together, but so many chips! Can you bet successfully? Fan Chen, you will definitely bet everything! Right? Otherwise, you will all stay here! "

Fan Chen did not speak, but walked to the front silently, looking down at the golden vortex that was big enough to cover the night sky. From that dazzling vortex, super gold coins that were several times larger than a person slowly fell down, gradually appearing densely in the vortex, as if they wanted to fall!

"Is this your last trump card? Then let me see it!"

As countless gold coins slowly fell, Sha Jinmeng waved his big hand, and countless huge gold coins. As they all fell in the vortex, they fell to various places at an extremely fast speed. Almost every place was destroyed by the collision of super gold coins. At this time, the entire Lechang Theater was in turmoil!!

Just when everyone wanted to use defensive measures, Fan Chen just waved his hands, and then slowly gathered the first light energy! The endless light energy gathered in the palm of his hand, and the golden light bloomed in an instant! Facing the super gold coins that were in groups like a star rain in the sky !

Fan Chen slowly threw the energy into the air, and in an instant, the seemingly tiny energy sphere suddenly burst into brilliant golden light! The falling gold coins were all destroyed and shattered, and the gold dust could not withstand the sudden burst of light! The figure gradually sank into the bursting light energy.

The surrounding terrain was enveloped by this powerful light, and the golden vortex that was enough to cover the sky no longer existed. As the light continued to bloom, the entire paradise was completely enveloped by it until the dust settled...................

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