The more you look at the girl, the more you will see.

Cut off the fantasy and return to reality. Looking at this almost perfect girl, Fan Chen couldn't help but drool, but suddenly he thought of something? His cheeks flushed instantly, just because the girl in front of him was still naked, so didn't he see it?

"Oh, my God, I almost forgot that this body is still naked, not a drop of it! How could I be so perverted? I can't think about it, I can't think about it."

Although I have seen many beautiful girls in my previous life, this is the first time I have seen a naked girl. Although this is a girl I created, as a teenager with a positive outlook, I still don't do those tiger and wolf things.

With a wave of his hand, Fan Chen's naked body was instantly wrapped in a bright red skirt. I just don't know if Fan Chen forgot, or for some other reason? He only matched the upper and lower body clothes, but the shoes were nowhere to be found........

Bright red hair like flames, school beauty-level appearance, superb figure, matched with a bright red skirt, and black stockings that can make any boy's heart beat, this is simply a perfect girl!

"Although the soul has been injected, it will take some time to fully wake up. It looks very late now. Let's go back to the hotel to rest. There is a high probability that she will be fully awake tomorrow. My first envoy is completely successful."

Fan Chen was secretly proud in his heart. I really don't know what the expressions of the three people on the train will be when they see such an inexplicable beautiful girl tomorrow? I really need to use my imagination, but I still suggest you use your imagination...........

Then Fan Chen took the sleeping girl and teleported back to the hotel. The whole hotel was still surprisingly quiet. Even a pin drop could be heard clearly. He returned to his room, but how to place the girl? Fan Chen was in trouble again.

"What should I do? There is only one bed in the whole room. Do I want this little girl to sleep with me? It's not good. What if this girl wakes up tomorrow and sees me next to her? I really can't imagine what the scene will be like?"

After thinking for a while, Fan Chen decided not to sleep. He gently put the beautiful girl on the bed and watched over her. After all, he was a star god. It didn't matter to him whether he slept or not. Fan Chen looked at the sleeping girl again, smiled, and quietly waited for the arrival of a new day...

Time always passed so quickly. In a blink of an eye, the moonlit night gradually ended, and the stars were slowly covered by the dazzling sunlight. The dark night sky slowly brightened, and a new sun rose again, casting a new light on the world, and a new day came.

In Fan Chen's room, after a night of precipitation, the soul state in the girl's body finally merged completely with the body, and she would wake up in a while. Even if she was a star god, she would have panda eyes after not sleeping for a night.

After all, Fan Chen became a god with a normal human body, and all human physiological reactions were preserved intact, unlike other star gods, who were either made of a pile of broken stones or a pile of broken machines, and some were made of a pile of masks, which was really fancy!

A new round of sunlight shone into the room, and the sleeping girl finally woke up slowly. Her flaming eyes slowly opened, and the first thing that caught her eyes was the unfamiliar ceiling. The girl slowly stood up and looked around the unknown environment in front of her, at a loss for a moment.

"Are you awake? I didn't expect you to wake up so late, and I waited for so long."

Fan Chen, who had been invisible all the time, finally showed his true form. The girl looked at the unknown boy in front of her. Somehow, she felt a very familiar breath on the boy, but she didn't know who the boy in front of her was?

Unknown girl: "Who are you? Why do I feel a familiar breath on you? Who am I? Where do I come from? Where is this place?"

This series of four questions confused Fan Chen. This is a typical three-in-one unknown, but it is also normal. After all, even if the girl has the seven emotions and six desires of normal humans, she has just been born and is indeed confused about everything.

"To be precise, you were born from me. I created you, and that's why you came to this world."

"I was created by you? Is that possible? Are you lying?"

Such a vigilant reaction is exactly what Fan Chen wants. What he wants is an envoy with self-thinking and self-reflection, not like Nanook's extinction lord, who is always afraid of anything he does.

Will obey Nanook unconditionally, and never express his opinions and suggestions.

"You don't believe it? Then you can feel the power in your body and see if that power is related to me?"

The girl was confused again and again, but when she felt the majestic fire power in her body, she actually resonated with Fan Chen. To be precise, the power in her body was exactly the same as Fan Chen's fire destiny.

"Did you feel it? That fire destiny that contains burning everything is the power I gave you. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't exist."

"So that's it, is that so? Am I really created by you?"

"Yes, I am your creator. I separated the nine elements into the element of fire, and you were born from it. Oh, by the way, you don't have a name yet, right?"

"My name? I don't seem to have a name. You are the one who created me, so this name will be given by you."

Fan Chen smiled slightly and said slowly: "From now on, you will be one of my subordinates, and I will seal you As the Commander, your name is: Fiery Flame! "

So far, the first Commander of Fanchen has been established, named the Commander of Fire. In the future, the remaining eight elements will probably be used in the same way to create Commanders. By then, Fanchen will probably be the Star God with the most Commanders (the Commanders of that broken machine don't count, after all, there are more of them)

With the arrival of a new day, the three people on the train gradually woke up. Of course, Danheng was always the first one to wake up (Fanchen didn't count, after all, he didn't sleep). After all, that nightmare always entangled him, and he was always being hunted down. I wonder when he can break it?

March 7: "A new day has come! Good habits of going to bed early and getting up early, ahahahaha, why am I still a little tired? I slept well! It's really strange."

Xing: "Hey! Really, why do I always have those inexplicable dreams? Where does the voice in the dream come from? What does it mean?"

Dan Heng: "That kind of dream again! Oh, it's really troublesome, it always entangles me, when can I get rid of that bondage?"


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