【Leosley: This lady is really calm. Even though she is completely controlled by Lord Luo Feng, she doesn't seem to be afraid at all.】

【Clorinde: Indeed! But it is also possible that she saw through that Lord Luo Feng had no intention of really hurting them, and only intended to punish them slightly, so she was so calm.】

【Leosli: It is possible. If Luo Feng wants to punish her, he will not really do what he did to Pera.】

【Ying: Of course, no one knows Luo Feng better than me.】

【Leosley: If that's the case, ladies wearing stockings should be careful not to offend Lord Luo Feng, especially ladies wearing black stockings.

Clorinde, when Lord Luo Feng comes to Fontaine, you must be careful not to offend him.】

【Ying: Could it be that this Miss Clorinde is the beauty wearing black stockings?】

【Charlotte: Of course, Miss Clorinde can almost be called the best black stockings long legs in Fontaine】

【Ying: Hiss...I want to meet Miss Clorinde】


"To take something from you... this is a bit embarrassing."

Luo Feng touched his chin and looked at the beautiful woman Kafka in front of him, feeling a little embarrassed.

"I thought you, Luo Feng, would take her stockings without hesitation."

"If your answer is this, I can help you take off her stockings on behalf of the Glory Knight."

Lisa walked over and said with a smile.


Lisa smiled and looked at Kafka:"Luo Feng seems to like stockings very much."

Kafka looked at Luo Feng meaningfully:"So that's how it is……"

Luo Feng waved his hand and said:

"That guy Ying is fine, she is a contemptuous person"

"But Lisa, you are too elegant to force someone to take off their stockings."

"And taking off Kafka's stockings wouldn't make her react like Pera did."

"This is not a punishment for her."

Lisa:"Even if it is such an act, it is not a punishment for her, right?"

Luo Feng nodded slightly and said:

"Star Core Hunter Kafka was born in a very special world"

"People born there don't have the feeling of"fear""

"It is really difficult to do something to scare him."

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun:"I see, is this why you feel embarrassed, Luo Feng?"

Kafka:"You seem to know me very well, Luo Feng."

Luo Feng smiled and said:

"After all, you are a wanted criminal with a huge reward from the company."

"It's normal for me to know something about you"

"You don't know what fear is, but you are good at creating fear in others."

"This is ironic to some extent."

Kafka also smiled and said:

"If I could, I would like to experience the feeling of fear."

"It's a pity that even when facing you who is stronger than me, I have no fear at all"

"Moreover, it seems that even Silver Wolf is not afraid of you now."

Hearing this, Silver Wolf on the side couldn't help but curl her lips.

She was indeed not afraid of Luo Feng now.

But when she thought of the things that Luo Feng had taken away from her, she was very angry.

"Since there is no way to punish me like the Silver Wolf"

"Do you need my help to accomplish something?"

Kafka asked.

"Even if I ask you to help me complete something, you may not go back to complete it."

"And I can’t think of anything I can ask you to help me with for the time being."

Luo Feng touched his chin, his glasses kept moving over Kafka.

When his eyes fell on Kafka’s coat, his eyes lit up.

Luo Feng:"By the way, you can take your coat."

Kafka:"Take my...coat!"

Luo Feng:"You seem to like collecting coats, I think taking your coat should be equivalent to taking away Silver Wolf’s game console."

Luo Feng said, and moved his fingers slightly to take Kafka’s black coat.

By the way, he also took the sunglasses on Kafka’s forehead.

Kafka:"……Although others call me a devil, you are more like a devil at this moment."

Silver Wolf:"Right, right, this guy is a devil."

Luo Feng casually put his coat on his shoulders and put on sunglasses.

Then he gently released the control of Kafka and Silver Wolf.

"The punishment ends here, and you can carry out your mission next."

Luo Feng said, and took a step back to make room for Kafka and Silver Wolf.

Luo Feng even took out his phone, ready to take a picture of Kafka inserting the star core into the Pioneer's body.

However, after Kafka and Silver Wolf moved their bodies a little, they did not summon the Pioneer's body as Luo Feng had expected, but just watched Luo Feng quietly.

"What, why aren't you moving?"

"Aren't you worried about the time issue?"

Luo Feng asked curiously.

"With talents like you"

"We really don't know whether we should carry out the next plan. (cbdh)"

Kafka said with a chuckle

"Okay, I understand. In this case……"

"[Listen to me], next you will temporarily forget us, ignore us, and continue to carry out your plan."

A purple-red light flashed in Luo Feng's eyes, and he murmured to Yinlang and Kafka.

As Luo Feng activated the power of the Word Spirit, Kafka and Yinlang indeed temporarily forgot the existence of Luo Feng and others.

After a little confusion, the two immediately began to continue the mission. After

Kafka chose the female pioneer Xing, Yinlang used the power of ether editing to print out Xing's body.

Then, Kafka took the star core and forcibly stuffed the star core into Xing's body in front of Luo Feng, the doctor, Lisa and others.

【Furninna: This... is the star core really stuffed in?!】

【Navia: That's amazing. Is the girl okay?】

【Navelette: Judging from her expression and the conversation between Kafka and her, her body should be fine, but her mind is a little confused. She is not going to turn into Cocolia.】

【Zhongli: If she rests for a while, maybe she will be able to recover.】

【Great Sage Azar: To contain the star core... What is the principle that makes it so special? I really want to know!】

【Dixia: So she really stored the star core safely in her body? It's too outrageous that such a dangerous thing can actually exist in the human body.】

【Scattered Soldiers: What a wonderful scene. I hope this girl can also use the power of the star core.】

【Paimon: If she can really use the power of the star core... then she will definitely be very powerful.】

The star core can really be accepted by the human body.

If I can find the principle, can I also put the star core into the body of the artificial god?

Or, into my own body?

The doctor opened his eyes wide and watched the birth of the female Pioneer Star, muttering to himself.

The desire that almost escaped from his body made Luo Feng glance at him.

Luo Feng shook his head at the doctor in his heart, and then turned his attention to Kafka, who had completed the hint to the Pioneer Star.

As he cancelled the hint to Kafka and Silver Wolf, the two immediately set their sights on Luo Feng and others.

"You are... I remember, give me back the game console!"

Silver Wolf pouted and shouted to Luo Feng angrily

"The power of words is truly terrifying."

"You actually made us completely ignore your existence."

Kafka looked at Luo Feng, her tone full of surprise.

"Thank you for the compliment, Ms. Kafka"

"But now, isn't it time for you to leave?"

"The people from the Starry Sky Train will be here soon."

Luo Feng said with a smile.

In his perception, there are two powerful imaginary energy sources constantly approaching this direction.

One of the imaginary energy sources is somewhat similar to the power of the Bailu template held by Luo Feng. There is no peculiar smell. The owner of this imaginary energy source is Dan Heng.

The other one must be March 7th.

"……Will you hurt the child after we leave?"

Kafka looked at the sleeping star, then turned her gaze to Luo Feng.

"Don't worry, I don't have any ill will towards her."

"On the contrary, I have quite a good feeling"

"I won't hurt her."

Luo Feng waved his hand and said.

After all, this was a character he had controlled before.���How can I hurt the star?

"I see. In that case, let's leave, Silver Wolf."

Kafka said

"Just leave like this?"

"Just put her in front of Luo Feng like this?"

Silver Wolf hesitated.

"He shouldn't lie."

"Besides, if he really wants to do something, we can't stop him."

"He can even completely hypnotize us." (To read the most exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Besides, he is the navigator of a star train after all, so he should be fine."

Kafka said with a smile.

Hearing this, Yin also frowned tightly.

""Forget it, I'll listen to you."

In the end, Silver Wolf decided to follow Kafka's advice.

Then she opened the space channel leading to the spacecraft and walked in.

"I think we will have a chance to meet again, Luo Feng."

Kafka stood at the entrance of the space channel and said to Luo Feng with a smile on her face.

"I think so too."

Luo Feng smiled and nodded.

If nothing unexpected happens, we will meet again in Xianzhou.

Luo Feng thought to himself

"I look forward to meeting you next time."

Kafka said, stepped into the space channel, and disappeared in front of Luo Feng and others.

"Are you leaving the area now, Kafka?"[]

Silver Wolf glanced at Kafka who had entered the spaceship, and said while operating the spaceship panel:

"No, wait a little longer, I want to see what will happen next."

Kafka looked at the space station outside the window and muttered

"What? You're still worried."

"Wait, are you worried about this kind of emotion?"

Silver Wolf looked over curiously.

"Are you worried?……"Kafka raised her hand and placed it on her chest,"I’m not sure, Silver Wolf, is worrying an emotion similar to fear?"

"Well... there should be some connection. After all, many people will feel fear or something because they are worried about something."

Silver Wolf thought for a while and said

"Really? This is really interesting.

Hearing this, Kafka's mouth corners began to rise unconsciously.

"Instead, I sent Elio what we encountered."

""Do you know what he said?"

Silver Wolf suddenly asked.

Kafka:"What did he say?"

Silver Wolf turned his head and looked at Kafka solemnly:

"Elio said that there is no such character as Luo Feng in his script"

"And Elio has no way to see Luo Feng's future"

"There seemed to be a huge fog on his body."

"And above the mist, Elio sensed the breath of pioneering."

Kafka:"Pioneering... Akivali?"

Silver Wolf shook his head and said:

"I'm not sure, but Elio told us to be careful with Luo Feng."

"The mist on him not only has the breath of pioneering"

"It seems to have the flavor of other star gods."

Kafka:"Other star gods?"

Silver Wolf nodded first, then talked about it again.���:

"I thought it was just a simple mission, but I didn't expect to encounter such a troublesome person."

"In this case, I will not be able to get my game console back."

Hearing this, Kafka smiled and said:

"At least, he helped you draw a good game character."

"And I lost my favorite coat and sunglasses."

Silver Wolf:"That's true, but he also took a lot from me! As for your coat and sunglasses, you don't seem to be very angry."

Kafka smiled and once again cast her eyes towards the space station outside the window.

"A character that uses my and Silver Wolf's abilities, outside of Elio's script, and is shrouded in a mysterious fog."

"What an interesting man."

Kafka murmured, and her interest in Luo Feng rose to a higher level.

Black Tower Space Station

"Luo Feng, what are you going to do with the clothes Kafka left behind?"

Lisa asked curiously, looking at Luo Feng wearing Kafka's sunglasses.

"Well... I know there is a lady named Ye Lan in Liyue"

"Not only is the voice similar to Kafka's imagination, but even some of the abilities are somewhat similar"

"Do you think it would be interesting if I gave this dress to her?"

Luo Feng said with a smile.

Master Liuyunjiefeng:"Does Lord Luo Feng know Ye Lan?"

Luo Feng:"I know her, but she doesn't know me.""

【Keqing: Lord Luo Feng actually knows Ye Lan!】

【Ningguang: This is really surprising!】

【Ye Lan: Do you want me to wear that coat? This is really delightful.】

【Ningguang: It seems that besides Keqing, there is another person who can guide Luo Feng to Liyue.】

【Ye Lan: If I can get a coat from space by guiding Luo Feng to Liyue,

I will be very happy. Of course, it would be even better if I can get a train ticket.】

【Ningguang: If being Luo Feng's tour guide can get you a ticket, I think many people in Liyue would be willing to be Luo Feng's tour guide in Liyue.】

【Zhongli: From a universal perspective, this is indeed the case.】

"Miss Yelan of Liyue is really lucky. She is willing to be given a coat by Luo Feng because of her ability similar to Kafka's."

Lisa said to Luo Feng with envy.

"If Miss Lisa wants a gift, I can give you Pera's stockings."

"But Pera's stockings are indeed one size smaller than yours, who is more mature."

"How about this, when I have time, I will go to Beloberg and put on a pair of stockings similar to Natasha's, and then give it to you."

Luo Feng said

"Oh, this is really exciting."

Lisa smiled happily.

Luo Feng smiled and turned to look at the doctor who was staring at the sleeping female pioneer Xing.

Luo Feng:"I say, Doctor, are you so curious about Xing?"

Doctor:"After all, it is a body that can accommodate the core of the star, it is hard not to be curious."

Luo Feng:"Curious is curious, but you'd better not have any bad thoughts about her. Otherwise, Kafka and Silver Wolf will come back to trouble you, and I won't care."


Luo Feng walked to the side and picked up the weapon that had fallen to the side - the baseball bat.

At this moment, the automatic door not far away suddenly opened, and a black-haired man holding a spear and a pink-haired woman holding a bow and arrow ran in.

Danheng, March 7th.

It's finally here.

Luo Feng took a look at the people who came, and his heart was filled with joy.

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