"Well...what do you think?"

The blond leader said with a smile

"Because of love?"

Luo Feng raised his eyebrows and said.

Lisa, Ji Zi, San Yueqi and others didn't know what to say for a moment when they heard Luo Feng's words.

Everyone fell silent again.

""Haha, do you like me?"

The blonde leader was stunned for a moment, then smiled again.

Luo Feng was silent for a while, then nodded silently.

Seeing this, the blonde mercenary leader smiled even more happily.

She stretched out her bloodstained hand and touched Luo Feng's face.

"Leave this planet, the war between mercenaries and the army is about to end"

"However, the end of this war is only the beginning of real trouble."

"Before that person is born, leave, take a spaceship, and go far away...……"

After saying this, the blond leader closed his eyes forever.

As the blond mercenary leader died, the surrounding scene instantly disappeared.

In just a blink of an eye, everyone returned to the void space formed entirely by data streams.

"In this case, it was successful, right?"

Jizi raised her head and looked up into the air and said

[Black Tower: Very good! Success, the simulated universe is jumping to the next scene]

[Ruan Mei: Mr. Luo Feng's judgment is correct. The mercenaries he represents are probably indeed the ones favored by the blond leader.]

[Screw Gumu: Mr. Luo Feng and the golden-haired mercenary leader confirm their love for each other, and then you can jump to the next scene.

Although I don't quite understand what love between organic life is like]

[Black Tower: There is nothing to understand. Love is not important. Knowledge is the most important.]

[Black Tower: Compared to this, I want to know why you, Luo Feng, can always accurately judge what to do to make the simulation go smoothly?

Luo Feng:"Why, from what you said, do you want the simulation to fail, Black Tower?"

[Black Tower: Of course not! It doesn't matter if you fail, it just takes a little more trouble to re-simulate. If you simulate a few more times, you will definitely find a solution that can make the simulation go smoothly.]

[Heita: But you said yourself that you won’t stay in the space station forever. I don’t want you to go to other worlds during the time when the simulated universe is restarted.]

[Heita: I’m just quite curious. You can make the right choice every time, as if you knew the history presented in the simulated universe from the beginning.]

Luo Feng:"Curious?"

[Black Tower: Curious.]

Luo Feng:"Then tell me your love story first. I want to know why you think love is not important."

[Heita: I don’t have any love story at all!]

Luo Feng:"Really? How pitiful!"

[Heita: Hey!]

Luo Feng heard Heita's angry voice and smiled with satisfaction.

Ji Zi looked at Luo Feng with emotion and said:

"This is the first time I've seen Heita show such emotion."

"Should I say you are worthy of being called Lord Luo Feng?"

Luo Feng smiled and said,"Don't praise me too much, I will be proud, Ji Zi"

[Heita: This guy is actually getting proud! Then let me ask you, have you ever been in love?

Hearing this, Lisa immediately looked over curiously.

Not only that, Ji Zi, the lady and others, and even the Teyvat people who were observing the situation through the perspective of Master Liuyunjiefeng also pricked up their ears curiously.

Luo Feng:"Well, guess what?"

[Heita: I'm not a child, why am I guessing! Ahhh, I'm so pissed!]

[ScrewGum: Calm down, Black Tower, we still need to maintain the stability of the simulated universe]

[Ruan Mei: Black Tower, aren't you curious about what the blond mercenary leader said before he lost his breath, about the birth of a certain existence?

Hearing Ruan Mei's words, Black Tower calmed down a lot.

[Black Tower: Yes, could the one the mercenary leader mentioned be the Breeding Star God Tower Iziyulos?]

[Screwgoom: If that's true, then what she did was to allow Taizyuros to be born? And her motivation came from the whispers we didn't know about?]

[Ruan Mei: If this is true, then the owner who left this whisper might be the culprit who gave birth to the breeding star god Taizi Yulos.]

"Could it be that the one who left these mumbling words was the End Star God?"

Sanyueqi murmured with a curious look.

"If this is true, then the End Star God may really be the culprit for the birth of the Breeding Star God."


However, based on the concept of [End], it seems unlikely that he would do such a thing.

"In this case, could it be that the Joy Star God is looking for fun?"

The lady said uncertainly

"The God of Joy? It seems that this possibility is not impossible."

"After all, the soldier seemed to have received the whispers from the insect blessed by the Joyful Star God."

"You are right, Luo Feng?"

Lisa looked at Luo Feng with a smile on her face.

"Who knows?" Luo Feng shrugged and said:

"Compared to this, I think we should go to the next scene."After the words fell, the surrounding scene really began to change dramatically.

The familiar smell of gunpowder and blood.

Ji Zi, the lady and others saw the battlefield appearing again and again around them, and they all frowned involuntarily.

But soon, everyone realized that their identities were not mercenaries, but members of the army.

And what they were doing was not fighting with mercenaries, but simply slaughtering various insects.

"That's right, the leader of the mercenaries is dead."

"Without an opponent, the leader will naturally continue his conquest."

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun said.

Nashida:"Are these insects going to be slaughtered?"

Although the insects also have instincts to escape, devour, and reproduce, their speed can't keep up with the speed of extinction.

"It's a bit of a pity."

The doctor sighed.

Hearing this, the lady immediately looked at the doctor with disgust.

"Speaking of which, this scene always seems familiar."

"During the previous simulated universe trip, the breeding star god seemed to be born in such a scene!"

After Lisa looked around the surrounding environment, she frowned and muttered

【Kavi: Lisa, now that you mention this, I realize that this is indeed the scene we saw during the first simulation of the Universal Insect Plague.】

【Falushan: So, next we will see the birth of the breeding star god again.】

【Elhaisen: Compared to the last time, I have learned a lot about the things that happened before the birth of the Breeding Star God. Those things can be said to be the causes of the birth of the Breeding Star God.】

【Wendy: As expected, with three geniuses jointly maintaining the simulated universe, the simulated universe can also show more things.】

【Leosley: The irony is that humans were originally slaughtering the Zerg, but soon, it will be the turn of the Zerg to slaughter humans. 】

Thinking of the first scene of the Zerg feeding on various creatures, and watching the Zerg being slaughtered in front of them, everyone felt a little uncomfortable for some reason.

However, no matter how people sighed, it would not affect the scenes shown in the simulated universe.

"It should start soon."

Luo Feng looked in one direction and muttered.

"Is it about to start?"

Ji Zi blinked and looked in the direction Luo Feng was looking.

In front of her, the insects that were fighting or fleeing suddenly stopped all their movements, splitting themselves or mating.

All the insects were reproducing in their own way.

In an instant, countless new individuals began to be born, and then more individuals died in the flames of war.

"What are they doing?"

"Why did they suddenly start to reproduce so rapidly?"

The lady frowned and asked

"I think they feel fighting and fleeing are no longer effective."

"In order to preserve their species, they instinctively choose to continue to reproduce."


"Instinctively reproduce? It's the same as the reproduction of the star god Taizyuros."

"Sure enough, the reason why the Breeding Star God opened up the path of breeding is closely related to what happened here. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Walter Yang said

""Luo Feng, what are you looking at?"

Lisa asked curiously when she saw Luo Feng staring at one direction.

"Over there, where the coleoptera insects gather."

Luo Feng said


Lisa squinted her eyes, and after a moment, she found the Coleoptera, whose number was decreasing rapidly.

"Is there anything special about these insects?" asked Master Liuyun Jiefeng

"Of course, you don’t think that there are so many people on the scene���Among them, is the image of the lower half of the body of the Breeding Star God most similar to those of the Coleoptera insects?"

Luo Feng said

"It seems to be true"

"Wait, you mean that the breeding star gods will be born from those Coleoptera insects?"

The doctor asked curiously.

Luo Feng smiled mysteriously. In his eyes, the number of Coleoptera was still decreasing due to the war.[]

Soon, the number reached the ten digits, then the single digits, and finally became only one.

At this moment, Lisa and other passengers in Teyvat, and Jizi and other unknown passengers felt their bodies tremble unconsciously.

An inexplicable feeling made them instinctively look at the last coleopteran insect.

Then, everyone saw a scene that was enough to surprise everyone.

The last coleopteran insect actually rushed into the sky in flesh, broken shells and mucus, leaving the slaughter and gunpowder smoke in an instant.

At the same time, huge energy gathered on it, and its body shape was constantly expanding and changing.

After a few breaths, Taizi Yuros, the breeding star god familiar to Lisa, the doctor and others, appeared in front of everyone.

During this period, insects continued to gather towards it, spontaneously exchanging various pheromones and spontaneously reproducing.

Dozens of different insects entangled and mated, and then quickly gave birth to a new branch of insects.

Then, the side branches mated with the side branches.

In an instant, countless new insects were born and clearly displayed in the eyes of Luo Feng, Lisa, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun and others.

【Navia: As expected, seeing the God of Breeding again still makes me feel extremely uncomfortable.】

【Leosly: That being said, the power of the God of Breeding is indeed quite amazing.】

【Elhaisen: Even though they are all insects, there must be reproductive isolation between different insects.

However, the power of the breeding star god directly makes it seem as if the reproductive isolation between different insects does not exist.】

【Kavi: In just this moment, I don't know how many new insect species have appeared.】

【Tinari: And this is just the beginning. When the breeding star god Taiziyulos leaves this world and goes to the vast universe, more insects will surely be born.】

【Barbara: For example...if the breeding star god Taizyulos came to Teyvat, would the insects in Teyvat break the reproductive isolation, continue to reproduce and give birth to different species of insects?】

【Albedo: That should be the case. And the insects born from breeding the Star Gods are not likely to be weak and vulnerable.】

【Kaia: Yes, even now, when I think of those insects that have gained the power of reproduction devouring creatures and using various creatures as nutrients to reproduce, I still feel my scalp tingling.】

【Rosaria: The doctor's split self will turn into insects. In view of this, I even doubt that the power of breeding star gods will even affect humans.】

【Ye Lan: Are you saying that Taiz Yuros will allow humans to give birth to insects?】

【Rosaria: Not only that, I even think that if the Breeding Star God flew over Teyvat, the humans of Teyvat would exchange pheromones like the insects on the moth planet that constantly exchange pheromones around the Breeding Star God.】

【Yan Fei: Exchanging pheromones or something... that's what happens between husband and wife. Hiss, I suddenly feel so scary!】

【Falusan: Wouldn't the power of the breeding star god make human men and women forget themselves and just randomly find someone, even someone they don't like, to reproduce with? And the offspring they reproduced are bugs?!】

【Elhaisen: Although this conjecture is very scary, it must be said that it is very consistent with the power of breeding star gods.】

【Dixia: It shouldn't be possible! We clearly saw before that the power of the breeding star god only affects insects.

It shouldn't allow humans to forget themselves and randomly find someone to reproduce and give birth to insects, right?】

【Kavi: That's only because there are only insects around the breeding star god.

If there were human men and women around him, no one knows whether such a thing would happen.】

【Dixia: This is too scary. I still don’t want to believe that the power of the breeding star god will affect humans.】

【Charlotte: No... That's right, the power of the God of Breeding can only affect insects!!! 】The power of the God of Breeding can affect humans, and it is too scary to let humans exchange pheromones like insects.

And humans giving birth to insects is even more frightening to the people of Teyvat. (Li Haohao)

Just thinking of such a scene, many people instinctively don't want to believe that the power of the God of Breeding will affect humans.

But even so, the discussion around the power of the God of Breeding is still difficult to stop.

After all, at this point, a Teyvat has already embarked on the journey of breeding.

This makes the people of Teyvat have to pay more attention to the matter of the God of Breeding Taiziyulos. What the

Teyvat people who were discussing fiercely did not notice was that in the simulated universe, a huge eye had appeared on the horizon at some point, and took in the birth of the God of Breeding Taiziyulos and the situation around him.

It was not until the huge eye seemed to sense something and suddenly turned to the direction of Luo

Feng that Lisa and the audience of Teyvat realized something was wrong.

A mysterious, grand, musical sound came from the direction of the huge eye and fell on everyone including Luo Feng.

"..[open up]……"

"That is it!"Lisa, the lady and others looked at the huge eyeball in surprise.

However, before they could ask Luo Feng questions out of surprise, the surrounding space suddenly shattered, and everyone returned to the space composed of data streams again.

[Black Tower: It was a close call. The simulation almost collapsed. Fortunately, it was interrupted in time, otherwise we would have to start the simulation again.]

In the space, Black Tower's voice echoed in the ears of the puzzled people.

"What just happened? What's with that giant eye?"

"Why do I feel like He is watching Taizi Yuros?"

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun said in surprise

"And why did He look at Mr. Luo Feng afterwards and say the word [open up]..."

"Wait, why does this scene look so familiar?"

The lady seemed to have thought of something and looked at Luo Feng in great surprise.

"Could it be that the eye belongs to a certain star god?"

"Could it be the Final Star God?" the doctor muttered.

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