"Mr. Luo Feng, you should know something, right?"

Ji Zi asked with a smile.

Hearing this, Xing, Sanyueqi, Lisa and others all looked at Luo Feng curiously.

Luo Feng shrugged, looked up at the sky, and said to Heita:

"Black Tower, don’t you know who that eye belongs to?"

[Black Tower: I don’t know. All I can sense is that He is the eye of a certain star god.]

[Black Tower: It was because He suddenly turned His gaze towards you that the simulated universe almost crashed again.]

[Black Tower: Really, I've already reduced the probability of the breeding star gods' possible aggressive behavior towards you, but a new star god appears unexpectedly.]

[Black Tower: Fortunately, Ruan Mei and Screw Gumu were here this time, so the system of the simulated universe did not crash.]

[ScrewGum: It's my honor to do Miss Heita a favor]

[Ruan Mei: Mr. Luo Feng, do you have any impression of that eye?] A mysterious voice can be heard from that huge eye, saying the word"open up", and Luo Feng seems to know a lot of things, plus Luo Feng's special identity.

Therefore, many people in the scene, including Ruan Mei, think that Luo Feng knows the owner of that eye.

"Well, if I'm guessing correctly"

"I think that should be the eye of the Order Star God."

Luo Feng shrugged and said

【Ningguang: Star God of Order!!!】

【Keqing: The star god who was later swallowed up by another star god?】

【Ye Lan: I didn’t expect that"He" would set his sights on the Breeding Star God so soon?】

【Zhongli: As the God of Order, He probably sensed the disorder of the God of Breeding, so He turned His attention to the God of Breeding.】

【Wendy: I don't think this Star God of Order will fight with the Star God of Breeding first.】

【Charlotte: I am more curious if the previous scene was not interrupted, would the Order Star God come to Lord Luo Feng to say something? In this way, we might be able to understand Lord Luo Feng better.】

【Qin: There will probably be many more opportunities like this in the future.】

【Rosaria: Now, let's learn as much as possible about the breeding star god Taizi Yulos.

After all, we have a troublesome person who has embarked on the journey of breeding.】

【Falusan: What's more troublesome is that this person is a scholar who has mastered forbidden technology.】

【Keqing: It seems that I need to pay more attention to the Fatui in the future. I wonder if the Fatui and Solstice have any idea of keeping a close eye on the Doctor.】

【Ningguang: It's probably difficult. After all, the Doctor is the second in command of the Fatui. Even in the middle of winter, there aren't many people who can control him.】

[Ruan Mei: The Star God of Order? No wonder there was a chorus sound when His words came before.]

[Black Tower: Interesting, the birth of the God of Breeding actually attracted the attention of the God of Order. This is a point worth noting.]

[Black Tower: However, the entire process of breeding the birth of the Star God is indeed the most important point that should be recorded now!]

[Black Tower: Just as it was written in the manuscript of the unfortunate genius who was killed by Polka Kakamu]

[Black Tower: Breeding Star Gods is indeed a process of ascending to God in loneliness and smoke.]

[Black Tower: The army leader's ravings and the mercenary leader's ravings can be said to have pushed the last coleopteran insect to become a god.]

Black Tower's excited voice rang out in the data stream space, and it also brought Lisa, March Seven and others who were still in shock because of the news about the Order Star God back to their senses.

When everyone thought of the previous scene about breeding the Star God, they couldn't help but sigh.

"It is indeed amazing"

"I didn't expect that we with narrow vision could actually witness the birth of a star god and the reason for its birth."

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun sighed.

Even as a fairy from Liyue, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun already knew how narrow the vision of the people of Teyvat was.

The vision of Teyvat was not even comparable to Yalilo 6, which had been affected by the star core for hundreds of years.

And even such people could witness the birth of a star god with their own eyes, how could this not surprise Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun.

"This is all thanks to Luo Feng."

"If it weren't for Luo Feng, we wouldn't have seen that shocking scene at all."

Lisa looked at Luo Feng and said

"No one could have imagined that before the powerful breeding star god was born, there was actually such a weak coleoptera insect."

Nashida shook her head and said

"But there are still some unclear points"

"I always feel that there is a big hand behind the breeding of star gods and their development."

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun frowned and said

"Being able to know so much is already a luxury enough."

"This is much more powerful than the last time I just saw the breeding star god"

"Rather than the mastermind behind the scenes, I am more curious about what the last Coleoptera was thinking when it became a god?"

"How come there is a huge force surrounding it all of a sudden, pushing it to become a god?"

The lady frowned, her face full of confusion.

[Ruan Mei: I think that after he realized that he was the only Coleoptera insect still alive, his reproductive ability, which was so extreme that it was difficult for us to understand, allowed him to touch the imaginary energy and thus opened up his destiny.]

[Black Tower: It's really a reproductive will that is pure to the extreme. With such a will, he ascended to godhood. No wonder Taiziyulus created all those things in the future.]

"Can pure will give a living being the possibility of becoming a god?"

"This is really... interesting."

The doctor muttered to himself, looking at his hands.

【Dixia: I always feel like this doctor is thinking about something.】

【Rosalia: Maybe I saw a mere insect becoming a god, so I thought I could do it too.】

【Navia: No way, it's not that easy to succeed.】

【Xingqiu: That’s no wonder. After all, Taiziyulos was just a weak insect before he became a god.】

【Kavi: After all, the insects we come into contact with in our daily lives can be easily killed with a slap.

To be honest, even now, when I think of the scene of the Coleoptera ascending to god, I am still very surprised.】

【Dolly: Who would have thought that a bug with no thoughts could burst out with such will?】

【Elhaisen: Perhaps, it is precisely because it is a bug that the will to reproduce is purer.

As people with complex thoughts, it is difficult for us to have such a strong will to reproduce as they do.】

【Tartaglia: If that's the case, then there's no way the Doctor can control the fate of reproduction.】

【Rosalia: Unless that guy turns himself into a bug】

【Girl: If possible, I hope I won’t become a colleague with a bug.】

【Ningguang: Unfortunately, your doctor is now very close to the bugs.】


"It's really interesting, but what's interesting is your idea."

Luo Feng glanced at the doctor and suppressed his laughter.

Then, he raised his head and looked up at the sky and asked:

"Black Tower, the data around us is a little unstable. Can the simulation of the universe continue?"

[Heita: Of course you can continue. Just wait a moment. It will be ready soon.]

[Black Tower: When the Breeding Star God was born, his data fluctuated greatly. The appearance of the Order Star God had a greater impact on the data.]

[Black Tower: But it doesn't matter, the data has stabilized, we don't need to re-simulate]

[Heita: Okay, let's start the next scene now.

As if they were worried that Luo Feng would not continue the test, Heita, Ruan Mei, and Luosi Gumu quickly stabilized the simulated universe.

In a blink of an eye, everyone found themselves in a hospital.

Busy doctors and nurses were walking and communicating quickly in the aisle.

Everyone's face was filled with negative emotions such as fear, surprise, and sadness.

Just when everyone was confused, a young nurse suddenly fell to the ground when passing by Luo Feng and others.

Seeing this, Luo Feng stretched out his right hand in time to help her up

[Black Tower: A character who seems to be a key figure has appeared. Luo Feng, come on, get close to her and ask her about the situation here.]

"Are you okay, nurse?"

Luo Feng asked

"Sorry, I'm a little tired."

"I have been working for a whole day."

The tired young nurse sighed deeply and said.

Luo Feng:"Do you want me to help you to rest for a while?"

Nurse:"Well... well, I really need to rest for a while."

Luo Feng nodded and followed the nurse's instructions to lead her to the lounge.

"By the way, are you a family member of a woman who has just given birth?"

"Or is one of you pregnant?"

After taking a sip of water, the nurse glanced at Ji Zi, the lady, Lisa and other women.

When she said the word"pregnant", there was no blessing in her eyes, only sadness and worry. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Lisa shook her head and said

"Good thing you're not pregnant."

"You must not get pregnant during this period of time."

After the nurse breathed a sigh of relief, she warned Li, Ms. Sha and others with a serious face.

The lady was not shy because of the nurse's words, but asked the nurse with a puzzled look:

"You seem to really not want pregnant women to appear?"

"Why is that?"

Nurse:"Don't you know what happened here on Mandalay Island?"

Luo Feng:"We are outsiders and just got here. If possible, can you tell us about the situation here?"

Hearing this, the nurse looked at Luo Feng and others in surprise and said:

"Is it a traveler? It's such an unfortunate coincidence that they landed at this time."

"Alas, you don't know, this Mandalay Island is in big trouble"

"Not long ago, a giant creature with a human upper body and a bug lower body flew over the island."

"People didn't think it mattered."[]

"But after that, everyone soon realized that something was wrong."

"Can you imagine that everything related to reproduction has undergone tremendous changes?"

"Men and women are madly creating little lives"

"Some of these men and women don't even know each other."

"Some of them were even enemies, but they still had sex with each other and got pregnant."

"Not only that, these pregnant women reached their due date in a very short time!"

"For this reason, our hospital has received a large number of pregnant women."

"Our work has also increased"


At this point, the nurse's body began to tremble violently, as if she had thought of something terrible.

"The upper body is human and the lower body is a bug?"

"Is it that Taizi Yuros?!"

Master Liuyun Jiefeng muttered.

"Not only insects, can He also allow humans to exchange pheromones and reproduce like insects?"

"This is really not good news."

Lisa said

"Yes, this news is quite unpleasant."

The lady frowned and looked at the doctor deeply.

Thinking of the enemy mentioned by the nurse, even because of the influence of the breeding star god, the lady felt sick.

Not only the lady, Lisa and others, but even the audience in Teyvat who saw everything on the screen, their hearts were also filled with strong waves.

Everyone's mood could not calm down for a long time.

【Albedo: Can the power of the breeding star god really affect humans?】

【Dixia: Damn it, I still don’t want to believe it. Why can the breeding star god make humans selflessly exchange pheromones and so on? We are not bugs!】

【Candice: Actually, if you think about it, you can understand it. After all, the power of the Star God is strong. Even though Taiziyuros was originally just an ordinary insect, after ascending to become a god, his power is not something that mortals can resist.】

【Candice: Naturally, mortals have no way to resist His power over reproduction.】

【Dixia: You are so calm, Candice!】

【Candice: After all, this matter has been exposed before our eyes. Even if we don’t believe it, there is nothing we can do.

I even think that the unfinished words of the nurse were about the mothers giving birth to worms.】

【Dixia: Stop...stop talking, I'm going to vomit.】

【Ying: I have finished vomiting and I am ready to vomit again】

【Paimon: I’m ready too. By the way, Luo Feng shouldn’t take us to see the scene of a woman giving birth... giving birth to her offspring, right?】

【Rosalia: If possible, I don’t want to see these scenes. I feel like I’ll have nightmares.】

【Navia: I think I can have nightmares just by imagining it.】

"If you don't want to talk about it, forget it. It's okay."

Luo Feng patted the nurse's shoulder and comforted her.

"Thank you."

The nurse looked at Luo Feng with complicated eyes.

At this moment, a scream suddenly came.

Along with it, there was the sound of glass breaking.

""What happened?"

The lady looked in the direction of the sound in surprise.

As soon as she finished speaking, the nurse had already rushed out of the lounge.

Seeing this, everyone hurriedly followed.

When everyone stepped around the corner and came to the nursery, they saw a large number of insects flying out of the nursery.

They smashed the glass and flew straight into the sky.

Not only that, but there were also insects flying out of various rooms in the hospital and rushing into the sky.

Everyone looked around and even saw insects flying out from the direction of the delivery room, accompanied by the screams of human women. The people present were not ordinary people. With just one glance, everyone realized what was happening in these delivery rooms.

For a moment, the faces of the lady, Lisa, Jizi and others became a little ugly.

【Ying: Uh, sorry, I really couldn’t help it, I vomited!】

【Alice: Instead of using humans as food, they let humans give birth to bugs. This is really... disgusting.】

【Rosalia: Compared to these, I suddenly feel that the doctor's clone turning into a bug is nothing.】

【Wendy: Taizyuros, the breeding star god, is lucky he has fallen. I don't want such a dangerous star god to come to Teyvat】

【Navilet: If such a star god descends on Teyvat, the blow to Teyvat will be even greater than the destructive star god descending on Teyvat.】

【Leosli: Indeed, compared to direct destruction, the actions of the breeding star god can destroy the will of a world.】

【Furninna: The Fatui's doctor wouldn't really want to take charge of the fate of reproduction, right?!】

【Tartaglia: Even though we are both Fatui executives, I have to say this time that I hope the doctor will not continue to delve into the power of reproductive destiny.】

【Servant: Well, too much exposure to the power of reproduction can indeed cause big problems.

But then again, does it mean that the flying insects have left the hospital? Can the people here return to normal?】

【Charlotte: I think so.】

【Servant: It’s hard to say! And I’m very curious, is the scene shown in the hospital really the limit of the power of the breeding star god?】

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