【Tartaglia: Servant, you don't think that breeding C'tan can do something more terrible than causing humans to give birth to bugs, do you?】

【Servant: Who knows? After all, he is a star god. I cannot imagine what kind of power he possesses.】

【Tartaglia: It is already exaggerated enough that He can make humans give birth to insects. I don't believe that He has more exaggerated powers.】

【Servant: When the scene in the hospital was shown earlier, we also thought it was impossible, but the fact is that humans can indeed give birth to insects because of the power of the breeding star god.】


【Albedo: Indeed, judging from the situation of the breeding star god that caused different insects to break reproductive isolation, perhaps a similar expression can also happen to humans.】

【Tartaglia: Humans breaking reproductive isolation... ugh, that's too disgusting, let's not talk about it!】

【Ying: I feel sick. I am going to vomit again.】

【Dishia: I hate Taiziyulos, the god of breeding, even more, and I hate the Doctor of the Fatui even more.】

【Yae God: Although it's disgusting, Albedo's worries are not without reason.

I even think that the power of the breeding star god Taiziyulos can lead to something more terrible than what Albedo said.】

【Kujo Sara: The fact that humans have broken reproductive isolation is already exaggerated enough. There shouldn't be anything more serious than this.】

【Kamisato Ayaka: It is really unimaginable that something more serious than this could happen.】

【Kamisato Ayato: Don't think too much about these things, pocket money】

【Yae God: Nothing is certain, everything is possible, keep reading】

[Black Tower: When the God of Breeding was alive, his power could even affect humans. No wonder he was targeted by the God of Order.]

[Ruan Mei: With the attitude of the Star God of Order, it is obvious that he will not ignore the actions of the Star God of Breeding Taiziyuros.]

[Black Tower: The fall of the breeding star god should be closely related to the order star god]

[Black Tower: If we continue to dig deeper, we may see a scene of the confrontation between the two now-vanished Star Gods, the God of Breeding and the God of Order.]

""They're all gone."

The nurse staggered to the broken window, looking at the dark mass of flying insects in the sky, and muttered.

Even though the number of flying insects in the sky had reached a very scary number, there were still flying insects gathering from all over the sky.

Obviously, similar things were not only happening in the hospital where Luo Feng, Lisa and others were.

"Are you okay?"

Lisa asked, supporting the shaky nurse.

"I'm fine. In fact, I'm a little happy to see this scene."

"Now, if you say they all flew away"

"Will things return to normal here?"

The nurse looked at Lisa expectantly and asked.


She had no way to answer. If possible, she wanted to confirm the nurse's idea.

But after all, she didn't know enough about the situation here, and naturally didn't know whether the people who were once affected by the power of the breeding star god could return to normal.

So, she could only look at Luo Feng for help.

But before Luo Feng could answer, the nurse showed a desperate expression again.

"Back to normal, haha, how can we return to normal here?"

The nurse seemed to have thought of something, and her body suddenly softened.

If Lisa hadn't supported her, she would have sat on the ground now.

"You should rest for a while."

Lisa looked around, helped her to an empty room, and let her sit on the bed.

However, the nurse seemed to be in a trance, and kept muttering"I won't recover anymore".

Seeing this, Luo Feng raised his hand and put it on her forehead.

As the healing power fell on her, the nurse finally became more energetic.

"I don't know how you did it, but thank you anyway."

The nurse smiled bitterly and nodded to Luo Feng.

Luo Feng:"It's nothing, just a little help."

At this time, the doctor asked curiously:

"Miss Nurse, you have been saying that it is impossible to recover. Is there any hidden reason behind this?"

The nurse smiled sadly and nodded, saying:

"You are outsiders, so it is normal that you don't know the situation here."

"This Mandalay Island is an isolated island on the planet Lapul"

"This place is isolated from the rest of the world because of the geographical ocean currents."

"For this reason, the people on the island use the birth of life to resist the fear of loneliness and death."

"There is almost nothing here except love and loneliness"

"I don’t know if it’s because of these things that disasters come upon us."

【Elhaisen: Is it a coincidence that the place that worships the birth of life would choose this place as the breeding star god?】

【Kavi: It always feels like it's destined. Could it be that there is someone behind the scenes pushing all this?】

【Falusan: How can the mysteries surrounding the breeding star god Taiziyulos never be solved!】

The nurse took a deep breath and continued to speak amid everyone’s surprise:

"The people of Mandalay Island have a ritual"

"Islanders paint colorful wings on the shoulder blades of family photos"

"This gushing colorful flame is a symbol of the birth of life."

"Can you imagine what would happen if a creature with a human upper body and a worm lower body flew over the island?"

"Anyone who has such colorful wings in the photo immediately has life in his belly"

"Even if some people don't have time to have sex with their lovers"

"Of course, these new lives are not human beings, but insects that fly into the sky."

At this point, the nurse���She covered her face and started crying.

Obviously, these words had broken her inner defenses.

Now she needed to cry and vent.

【Ying: Are you kidding? Just by drawing a picture symbolizing reproduction on a photo, can the person in the photo get pregnant?】

【Paimon: This is too exaggerated.】

【Rosalia: Indeed, even though I feel that the power of the breeding star god is not only what I mentioned before, but what this nurse said now is really hard to believe.】

【Navia: Take a photo and draw a symbol of reproduction on it and you can get pregnant... I always feel like I won't be able to face the camera anymore.】

【Dolly: Indeed, I don’t even dare to let anyone take my picture now.】

【Charlotte: No, isn't this a blow to the profession of journalist?】

【Leosli: There is nothing we can do about it. The power of the God of Reproduction is really too exaggerated.

I even think that if a man is painted with symbols of reproduction, he can get pregnant with insects.】

【Tartaglia: This is... a little scary.】

【Zhongli: As expected, the Star God is a god that represents concepts. The concept represented by the breeding Star God has achieved this.】

【Navilet: I'm afraid that when the breeding star god flies by, as long as there is a life with the idea of breeding in its heart, insects will be born.】

【Wendy: This is such an efficient yet terrifying way of reproduction!】


"Is this the symbol you are talking about?"

Suddenly, the doctor took out a photo and said to the nurse.

The person in the photo was none other than the nurse herself.

"You, where did you get it?"

The nurse looked at the photo and said in horror.

Especially after seeing the half-drawn wing symbol on her shoulder in the photo

"Found in the previous lounge"

"If we complete the other half of this symbol, can we……"

Before the doctor finished speaking, Lisa snatched the photo from his hand and stuffed it into the nurse's hand.

Although she was also curious about the power related to breeding star gods mentioned by the nurse.

But she didn't want to see the nurse pregnant with insects.

Even though she knew that the nurse was just a simulated life in the simulated universe.

The nurse held the photo tightly in her hand, but still explained to the doctor:

"This is the symbol. Once the other half of the wing is completed, it will be a complete life symbol."

Hearing this, the doctor really showed an interested expression.

"If you are interested in this, Doctor"

"Why don't I take a photo for you here?"

"See if you can give birth to worms?"

"Since you are so interested in reproduction, I guess you are also interested in whether men can give birth to bugs, right?"

Lisa said with a smile. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Yes! There is a camera right here."

"Do you want to give it a try, Doctor?"

The lady picked up the camera on the table beside her.���He said to the doctor with great interest

"Testing? It seems that we can get some good data."

The doctor held his chin with one hand, muttered to himself, and thought for a while, then looked at the lady with a smile on his face.

"Take my picture, ma'am," said the Doctor.

"Are you serious?"

The lady's face froze, and she looked at the doctor in surprise.

Nashida, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun, Ji Zi and others also looked at the doctor in amazement.

The doctor did not say much, and directly reached out to take the camera from the lady's hand and took a photo of himself.

Because it was an instant photo, the doctor quickly got the real photo in his hand.

Then, he found a pen and began to draw the wings symbolizing life on his shoulders in the photo according to his previous memory.

【Dixia: No way, this guy is serious?!】

【Tartaglia: The doctor is a man who is very cruel to himself.】[]

【Scattered Soldiers: I don't think so. He is in a simulated universe now, so he won't really die anyway.

He probably wants to learn as much as possible about breeding star gods through the immortality of the simulated universe. 】

Please give me flowers

【Kawi: Indeed, if I were in his shoes, I would probably make the same decision... Forget it, it's a bit disgusting.】

【Azar: I, the Great Sage Xumi, approve of the doctor's will as a scholar.】

【Rosaria: There is some trouble! The doctor is responsible for the breeding mission. If he can sense more about breeding star gods through this experiment, he may go further in the breeding mission.】

【Yae Kamiko: It seems that when the Doctor returns, we need to pay more attention to the Doctor of the Fatui.】


"No, don't draw it again."

"If you give birth to worms with your body structure, you will die!"

"Stop it now!"

The nurse watched the doctor's actions and finally reacted.

She screamed and tried to stop the doctor.

However, at this time, the doctor had already finished drawing.

Then, a strange energy descended on the doctor. The doctor's stomach instantly grew bigger and bigger, and then it burst directly.

In the eyes of everyone, a huge insect flew out of its flesh and blood and flew towards the swarm of insects in the sky outside the window.

The nurse who saw this scene immediately rolled her eyes and fainted in shock.

"So that's how it is. Even men can give birth to insects because of the rune of reproduction?"

"Hmm...it seems that it's not just that, is it also because my head is thinking about breeding?"

"And this power from [reproduction]... is really interesting, haha, hahaha."

The nurse covered her forehead and laughed happily.

It seemed that she didn't care that her stomach had a big hole.

"You are so disgusting, aren't you?"

"Is your head really a human head?"

The lady frowned and looked at the doctor with disgust and asked

"Haha, of course it's a human head."

The doctor turned around with a smile on his face and looked at the lady.

At this moment, everyone realized that the wound on the doctor's stomach had almost recovered.

"Is it from the powerful vitality of reproduction?"

Nashida murmured.

"No wonder this guy dared to do such a thing"

"It turned out that he had calculated several times and did the previous things. He would not exit the simulated universe."

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun said.

At this time, Sanyueqi came to Luo Feng and carefully pulled Luo Feng's sleeve.

"Hey, Luo Feng, isn't this passenger of yours a little too weird?"

"Normal people wouldn't do something like that, right?"

Sanyueqi said in a low voice, looking at the doctor with some disdain.

"That guy's brain is indeed different from that of ordinary people."

"You've seen it, a normal person wouldn't be able to create a clone of himself."

Luo Feng shrugged and turned his gaze to Dr.

"But I think he might have to leave the simulated universe for a while."

Luo Feng said


"Wait, what's going on?"

March Seven looked at the doctor in surprise, and saw that the doctor's body was gradually turning into a cocoon.

The doctor also noticed something unusual, and he frowned and looked at Luo Feng in confusion.

He wanted to speak, but found that he could only make a sound like a bug.

Then, the doctor was completely wrapped in the cocoon. At the same time

, outside the simulated universe, the doctor's body suddenly opened his eyes and looked around with a little doubt.

"Is this... an office?" the doctor whispered.

"Yes! This is indeed an office."

"Congratulations, you died successfully."

"Of course, it's not really dead."

The voice of the black tower came over, drawing the doctor's attention.

"My body turned into a bug?"

"But why did this happen suddenly?"

"Wait, that feeling before... could it be because of my fate?"

The doctor said in surprise as he looked at the projection screen in the simulated universe in front of the black tower.

In the screen, the tentacles of a reptile were tearing open the cocoon, revealing its body.

"It seems you are still self-aware."

"You should be thankful that the previous events happened in a simulated universe"

"Otherwise, you would have become a brainless bug."

"However, your behavior did allow me to obtain some interesting data."

Heita said

"It is my honor to be able to help Ms. Heita."

The doctor said with a smile on his face.

""Okay, stand aside and don't disturb me observing the data."

Heita waved to the doctor and turned his attention back to Luo Feng and the others.

The doctor was not angry either, and quietly stepped aside, thinking about everything he had felt when he turned into a bug in the simulated universe.

Could it be that the breeding star god ignited the power of my breeding destiny?

The doctor frowned slightly and thought in his heart

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