A gray light suddenly appeared in the darkness, and the sky and the earth changed color instantly. A thunderous rumble echoed rapidly, and with endless power, it slashed from the ground to the sky.

This knife seemed to tear the void and split the sky and the earth in half. The high temperature caused by the friction of the air expanded violently, and slammed into the black sun above the sky, bursting with dazzling light.

Everything between heaven and earth seemed to be still.

Only that line of gray light was raging in the sky, like a giant dragon rolling and roaring, making anyone who saw it feel terrified from the bottom of their souls, and they couldn't even think of resisting.

However, even such a knife.

It fell on the black sun and couldn't even cause a ripple.

"You are the third self-destructor I have seen who retains a trace of color in the void, even if it is the gray that symbolizes death."

Ivna walked over and threw a piece of black metal to Luo Ming.

The gray long knife dissipated in Luo Ming's hand.

He turned his head and looked at the Chaos Doctor:"Nothingness, can it really be killed?"

Ivna shook her head:"I don't know"

"Preservation, abundance, balance, joy, these are all existence, and nothingness, symbolizes the opposite of all existence, and it is so powerful that it can easily swallow up the entire universe."

After saying that.

Seeing that Luo Ming's eyes were only thoughtful, and he did not retreat, Ivna could not help but nod in appreciation:"Congratulations, you are no longer a self-destructor, but a Chaos Doctor."

As long as the idea of resisting nothingness emerges, the self-destructor can become a Chaos Doctor.

Not to mention Luo Ming dares to attack nothingness directly.

Chaos Doctors swear to do their best to heal the nothingness of others in a limited time in exchange for their own salvation.

And Luo Ming is the first person that Ivna has successfully redeemed, or guided after becoming a Chaos Doctor.

"The power of Awakening-310 is not lasting."

Yivna pointed at the black metal she had just thrown with her chin:"You can use it to forge a weapon to seal your own memory, so that you can better embark on the path of understanding existence."

Luo Ming picked up the black metal, and the gray energy spread out along his arm, wrapping around the metal block, as if it was melting, extending and shaping with his thoughts, and soon turned into a long and narrow gray sword.......

【A week later, you sealed away most of your memories, left home, left this planet, followed Ivna, and embarked on a journey to fight against nothingness and find existence.】

【You gradually become numb, unable to distinguish between pain and happiness. Only when you hold the long knife in your hand can you remember what you originally looked like.】

【When you look back from the cold universe, the black sun looks even more shocking. The planet you have lived on since childhood is just an embellishment in front of it.】

【You know, this is not the real Void Star God, but just a meaningless projection. He has never actively influenced anyone. His shadow equally covers the starry sky, and he has never actively cast his gaze, because humans and even the entire universe are equal and meaningless in his eyes.】

【You followed Ivna to one planet after another, and witnessed one civilization after another. If you were the old you, you would probably be very excited, but now, all you have is indifference and numbness.】

【Ivna behaves like a normal person most of the time. Apart from the aura of nothingness emanating from her body, you can't even tell that she is also a Chaos Doctor who is gradually dying. You once asked her about her past and how she managed to preserve so much of her cognition and memory.】

【She didn't answer. After a moment of silence, she turned her head and looked at you. She said to you softly that she had actually walked to the edge of a black hole and could erase all traces of her existence at any time. She just burned her remaining faith and strength, wanting to be herself again in the last moments.】

【In the third year of your journey, you encounter the ninth planet that is being ravaged by the minions of"destruction" while pursuing the void.】

【You have no intention of saving lives or doing justice, because it is meaningless. You just want to use these minions with destructive power to sharpen your long sword that will eventually cut into nothingness.】

【You were wrapped in thick clouds and fell from the sky to the battlefield, attracting the attention of both sides of the war. When you walked out of the deep pit, you were faced with endless empty soldiers burning with flames of war.】

【The long sword was unsheathed, and the murderous aura contained in it instantly dyed the entire battlefield into an endless bloody hell. The minions of destruction who never knew what fear was all stopped and looked at your body and even your soul in fear. There was only a dead silence and deep grayness in your eyes.】

【The knife wave swept out along the ground, like a huge wave, easily extinguishing those minions of destruction that existed only for war.】

【Your power is strong enough to engulf a planet in your quest for existence, but it also means that you are closer to nothingness.】

【The leader of this planet suppressed his shock, thanked you respectfully and sincerely, and invited you to the city-state to accept the most sincere hospitality of the people of the planet.】

【You ignored him, your figure suddenly rose up, and soon disappeared into the distant sky.】

【In the dense primeval jungle, you landed next to a burning bonfire. Ivna was squatting in front of a pot, cooking food seriously.】

【You are all destiny walkers who have set foot on the path of nothingness. Your strength is no less than those emissaries who have received the gaze of the Star God. You do not need to replenish your energy through low-end behaviors such as eating.】

【But on the road to finding existence, whether on a desolate planet or a planet full of life, you will stop and cook a meal carefully every day to tell yourself that you are not on the road to extinction.】

【After dinner, you lie together, gazing at the stars in the sky under the night sky. Ever since you burned all your faith, Ivna has become more and more like a normal person. She is actually very talkative, and her face is often filled with a sunny smile. Every day, she tells you, the only listener, the stories of her home planet.】

【You listened carefully every time, and then sealed it in the black long knife in your hand. When you hold the handle of the knife, you can feel more and more memories accumulated inside. 】

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