[You leave this planet and step into the starry sky again, chasing the shadow of nothingness. During this time, you encounter some self-destructors who fail to find the meaning of their own existence and quickly perish in this meaningless journey.】

【You once asked Ivna if the Chaos Doctor who led her down this path still existed. She shook her head. The fate of the Self-Destroyer and the Chaos Doctor was already determined from the beginning. They could only watch their own figures disappear into the black hole at the end of the horizon.】

【After crossing many galaxies, you met the star god sleeping in the abyss. He was there, wrapped in layers of fog, making it difficult to see his true face.】

【You can look up at the bright stars, but don't stare into the abyss.......There is nothing in that black fog, and just a glance is enough to make mortals abandon their reason】

【Even the pioneering star god Akivali has never entered the end of the black hole, let alone the humble mortals.】

【You live on a dead star that is closest to nothingness, looking at the silent black hole at the end of your vision every day, your mind is constantly sharpened by extinction and resistance.】

【Late that night, Ivna entered your tent. The next morning, she had disappeared without a trace. All traces of her existence were completely wiped out, as if by an invisible hand.】

【You stood in front of the campfire, holding the hilt of the knife, staring at the silent black hole in the sky. After a long time, you slowly put your hand down.】

【Every Chaos Doctor, before completely perishing, would strike the void with all his life's knowledge, trying to kill Him, but no one had ever caused even a ripple in the black hole.】

【You don't know how powerful your sword is now, but it is definitely not enough to shake the void. You seal all your emotions into the sword, and become indifferent and numb again. On this death star closest to the void, you continue to comprehend and sharpen the void alone.】

【I don't know how long it has been, the black hole has disappeared, you open your eyes, look at the empty star field in front of you, silently stand up, pack up your things, and continue to chase the footsteps of nothingness】

【At this moment, a white-haired woman descended from the sky and looked at you silently. You ignored her and left alone.】

【She followed and thanked you. A month ago, you had wiped out a tribe of rich people and saved more than a dozen besieged immortal ships.】

【You only attacked to sharpen your sword skills, never took the initiative to save anyone, and still ignored her.】

【Seeing that you looked indifferent and remained silent, she hesitated for a moment and said again】

"Have we met before?"

The white-haired woman's starry eyes showed a trace of thought:"Why do I have a familiar feeling about you?"

Luo Ming looked at her and shook his head:"I haven't seen you."

Seeing that he finally spoke, the white-haired woman blinked:"Maybe we have really met at some point in the past?"

Luo Ming no longer paid attention to this inexplicable woman, his figure suddenly rose, like a meteor into the vast starry sky.

Unexpectedly, the white-haired woman chased after him relentlessly.

In her hand, she held half of the bright moon, handed it to Luo Ming and said:"For you, what I have realized from that moon should be able to help you suppress the nothingness in your body a little bit."

Luo Ming put his hand on the hilt of the knife and looked at her indifferently.

The woman did not avoid it.

Until, a gray line tore through the void, carrying the power of raging nothingness, with a huge momentum in silence, and slashed straight at the white-haired woman.

"What a bad temper."

A light silver sword appeared in the hand of the white-haired woman, facing the gray knife line that seemed to be able to devour everything.

With a violent hum, a terrifying air wave swept over, and the power of nothingness and hunting continued to intertwine, erupting with a force comparable to the collapse of a star. The star field of tens of thousands of kilometers in radius turned into an absolute vacuum without a speck of dust in the blink of an eye. The nearest dead star disappeared out of thin air, as if it had never existed.

Luo Ming put away the long knife and frowned slightly:"Who are you?"

"Hua, Marshal of the Cloud Cavalry of the Xianzhou Alliance."

The white-haired woman Hua handed over the half moon again, her tone slightly more serious:"If you don't want it, I will beat you until you want it." Luo Ming wanted to sneer, but without holding the hilt of the knife, he couldn't stir up any emotional waves in his heart:"Why?"

Hua thought for a while:"Because it can help you suppress the void, and it can also let me make a try."

Luo Ming didn't want to get entangled with her anymore, and reached out to touch the moon.

Hua smiled, and before Luo Ming could reach out, she directly slapped half of the bright moon into his chest.

A powerful force of vitality spread in the body, and the almost numb and decayed body gradually became more lively, temporarily suppressing the spread of nothingness.


Luo Ming's tone showed surprise for the first time.

"I've already said that this is what I learned from that moon."

Hua nodded with satisfaction, and then thought of something, and a strange light appeared in her eyes,"Do you want to go back to the fairy boat with me?"

Luo Ming ignored her and turned around and left.

This time, Hua did not catch up, just watching Luo Ming's figure gradually disappear into the depths of the galaxy.......

【You chased after the shadow of nothingness, crossed one planet after another, and wiped out the poisonous flames of war and the termites that covered the sky. Some of them called you the savior, and some cast you into a statue to become a spiritual pillar. These are all traces of your existence.】

【During this process, the long sword in your hand becomes darker and darker, and the power leaking out of it is enough to destroy the stars. If you meet the white-haired woman again, are you confident enough to bury her in the dust?】

【I don’t know how long it has been before you see Him again. He is like a dark sun, surrounded by two intertwined planets, dancing an eternal round dance.】

【You land on one of the planets and stop in the deserted wilderness.】

【Occasionally, you spread your perception and saw that this planet was experiencing war. They were not pawns of destruction, or termites that covered the sky, but came from another planet with a tragic intertwined fate.】

【The people under their feet are called Izumo, and they call the planet in the sky Takamagahara. One day, eight million gods descended from Takamagahara. The evil beasts named after gods overturned the sky, burned the sea and rivers, and collapsed the earth, killing all living things and bringing disaster to the world.】

【The evil spirits did not invade to rule, dominate or plunder, but only to hunt.】

【At the critical moment of life and death, Izumo embarked on the path of"Kamikari", and used the whole country's strength to kill the great evil"Tsumukari God", forging its body into the first"Sword of the Emperor", giving him a taste of his own medicine.】

【By chanting the mantra contained in the blade, the sword holder can grasp the divine power of Takamagahara in his hands, use it to fight against the evil gods and save the people of the world.】

【From then on, the Izumo Kingdom began a long conquest, with countless sacrifices in exchange for the fall of gods one after another, and 733 swords were broken, and finally 12"World Protection Swords" were forged. 】

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