In the desolate wilderness, the purple-haired girl fled with injuries.

Behind her, two huge ghosts and gods roared and chased after her. The earth trembled, rocks splashed, and the sound was like thunder.


A ray of lightning spewed out from the mouth of the ghost, and the strong light illuminated the wilderness. It was like a divine punishment, and it fell to the ground with a bang.

The purple-haired girl's white clothes were stained with blood. She gritted her teeth, grasped the hilt of the knife with both hands, and supported her almost exhausted body, barely avoiding the attack of the lightning punishment.

She was one of the twelve divine sword masters of Izumo Kingdom, and came to meet the eight million gods falling from Takama-ga-hara.

However, she was besieged by three ghosts and gods. She struggled to kill one god and fled here with her seriously injured body. What she has to do now is to delay time and wait for the support of the other divine sword masters.


In front of the purple-haired girl, a simple tent appeared. There was a bonfire in front of the tent. In front of the bonfire, a man was sitting quietly, roasting something in front of the bonfire.

"Why is there someone here?"

The purple-haired girl's face changed slightly. She was about to drag her injured body to turn around when she heard another muffled roar from behind her.

The ghost with a snake head and dragon whiskers swept across its long tail, and a strong wind swept through. Electric snakes kept moving, and wherever they passed, everyone was crushed to pieces.

"Damn it!"

The purple-haired girl gritted her teeth, stopped her escape, and shouted to the man at the campfire not far away:"Run!"

Then she held the long knife horizontally with both hands, her eyes full of determination.

The long snake swept, and thunder shook the sky.

Just when the purple-haired girl was about to be swallowed.

A gray light suddenly appeared.

The azure ghost god like a giant and the snake god with a snake head and dragon beard suddenly stopped moving strangely.

The light in his eyes was extinguished instantly, as if he had suddenly lost his soul and all the vitality in the world.

Then he fell down with a bang.


The purple-haired girl looked at the scene in disbelief with horror.

Suddenly, she thought of something and turned back to see the mysterious man in front of the bonfire, looking away calmly.

"Is it him?"

The girl hesitated for a moment, dragged her seriously injured body, and came to the campfire with difficulty, saying to the man,"Thank you."

The man said nothing, his eyes always fixed on the food roasting in the campfire.

A wisp of food fragrance drifted out with the flames.

After smelling it, the purple-haired girl couldn't help swallowing her saliva. Her seriously injured body urged her to eat energy as soon as possible to repair her injuries.

"Are you from Izumo? Why are you here alone?"

The girl asked again and again.

But she was still silent.

Finally, she squatted carefully beside the campfire. Under the warm light, she lifted her bloodstained white clothes, revealing a series of horrible wounds.

The long knife made of bones was always held in her hand, as if it was connected to her life.

I don't know how long it took.

The girl who lost too much blood fell into a deep sleep. When she woke up, there was a piece of roasted meat in front of her, emitting bursts of tempting fragrance.

""Thank you."

She grabbed the food impatiently, ate it in big mouthfuls, her mouth full of oil, and her expression showed a touch of satisfaction.

Unfamiliar food may mean danger.

She understood this truth, but for some reason, she had an unspeakable trust in this man who saved her and remained silent.

After eating barbecue.

The purple-haired girl looked at the kettle next to the man again, hesitated for a moment, and still did not ask for it.

The meat was quickly digested in the stomach, gradually turning into a warm energy, flowing to the limbs of the body.

The injuries on her body gradually began to heal, and her physical strength began to recover rapidly.

She looked at the gray knife next to the man, and she was a little confused. Could he be one of the knife masters?

But why had she never seen him before?

After thinking about it, she said,"Senior, can you teach me the swordsmanship?"

She saw clearly the knife line that easily killed the two eight million gods before. It was a magical swordsmanship.

In the entire Izumo country, there is absolutely no more exquisite swordsmanship than this.

Luo Ming shook his head gently:"That's not a swordsmanship."

For some reason, the purple-haired girl was a little angry. It turned out that he could speak!

At this time, there was some movement in the wasteland in the distance.

The purple-haired girl looked over and recognized that it was the support from Izumo Country.

"I don't like being disturbed."

Luo Ming said softly while fiddling with the bonfire.


The girl stood up and left. Before leaving, she looked back at the man and said,"Thank you for saving my life."

Luo Ming raised his eyes and looked at the blood-red devil horns on the purple-haired girl's head, and shook his head gently.

He had already seen it.

Between Izumo and Takamagahara, it was just a cycle of tragedies.

Takamagahara used to be a beautiful place like Izumo.

No matter how hard they tried, two planets dancing with each other would not have a beautiful ending.

But this had nothing to do with him.

He was just a passerby, doing some meaningless resistance before his life died.......

【The next day, the purple-haired girl returned here alone. You learned that she called herself Huang Quan, and she also knew your name.】

【You don't like being disturbed, but you don't drive her away. Just like insisting on cooking food every day, you may not need it, but these may help you feel your own existence】

【When Huang Quan returned again, she brought a lot of things with her. She seemed to want to live here. You still didn't show any reaction. In your spare time, you occasionally taught her some sword skills.】

【You have not learned any sword techniques, but simply told Huang Quan some of your insights on sword drawing.】

【Her talent is amazing. She can often understand the true meaning of your words and integrate it into her own sword.】

【You feel a little curious about this imperial sword made of eight million divine bones, and ask Huang Quan to take a look. The imperial sword is connected to the life of its owner, so it will not be easily handed over to others. But she did not think twice and handed it over to Huang Quan.���The knife is handed to you, and a sense of surprise rises in your numb heart.】

【Half a year later, Huang Quan's swordsmanship improved by leaps and bounds. When she returned from hunting eight million gods, she was no longer injured, but she was not happy at all.】

【She hugged her knees, squatted in front of the campfire, and whispered to you absentmindedly. In the neon-lit Izumo country, people's name for the sword master has changed from"human" to"ghost".’】

【She looked at the sharp blood-red horns on her head reflected in the firelight, and a trace of confusion gradually appeared in her eyes. You know, she has taken another step towards the path of self-destruction.】

【Izumo Star and even the eight million gods of Takamagahara have already stepped into his shadow. With every step forward, there is no turning back. 】

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