【"Does the way to save the world really still exist?"Huang Quan is like a fragile little girl, asking you blankly.】

【Facing her hopeful gaze, you nodded after a long while and looked at the black sun in the sky. The light in the clouds is not the sun, but a black hole. It is there, neither spectacular nor tragic, quietly swallowing everything and giving a cold, silent embrace.】

【Huang Quan followed your gaze and looked at the sleeping formless being surrounded by stardust, and a bitter smile gradually appeared on the corners of his mouth.】

【Obviously, Huang Quan misunderstood your meaning. The tragic reincarnation fate of Izumo and Takamagahara was not created by nothingness. He has no appearance or form, and no will. He covers everyone equally. If you want to end this tragedy, you can only find a way to go further under His shadow and bury the fate of eternal reincarnation at the cost of extinction.】

【As night fell, Huang Quan left with a long sword on her back. You didn't show any reaction, not even noticing her glance back before she disappeared.】

【Day after day, you look at the black sun with stars hanging around it, and you gain some insights. The joke that Ivna made before she destroyed herself may not be without reason.】

【Nothingness is like existence. It has always been there since the birth of the universe, but it has not been noticed by people. Void Star God IX is likely to be a"Chaos Doctor" who has gone the farthest in nothingness. Before his appearance, people unconsciously walked towards nothingness and became self-destructors. After him, people consciously fought against nothingness and were called Chaos Doctors.】

【After an unknown amount of time, Huang Quan returned. You looked at the familiar figure in white clothes and purple hair, and a slight emotion fluctuated in your heart. You never thought that you were afraid of loneliness as well. After thinking about it, you did not seal this emotion into the long sword.】......

Huang Quan squatted in front of the campfire, looking at Luo Ming who was always silent and looked like a walking corpse, and took out a sweet and delicious peach from his arms:"Do you want to eat it?"

Without waiting for Luo Ming to answer, he cut the peach in half, picked up a small piece with his hand, put it to Luo Ming's mouth, and looked at him expectantly.

Luo Ming hesitated for a moment, stretched out his hand to take it, opened his mouth and ate it.

Huang Quan also ate a piece of peach, as if facing a close friend, fiddling with the blazing campfire, and muttered to himself:"Izumo is about to win!""

"The eight million gods are no longer a threat. The king is using all his manpower to build a long ladder to the sky, heading to the high-level plains in the sky to put an end to this war of evil god invasion."

"Do you think we will win?"

For some reason, whenever she encounters something confusing, Huang Quan always wants to come to Luo Ming and ask.

Perhaps it was the strength that Luo Ming easily showed that day that made her feel an inexplicable dependence in her heart.

Or perhaps it was because Luo Ming did not belong here, he could look down and see the tragic fate of the two worlds intertwined and dancing with each other.

Or perhaps Luo Ming accidentally looked at the dark sun, and the firm belief that transcends life that he showed was exactly what Huang Quan strongly desired and was pursuing.

She hoped to hear the answer she wanted to hear from Luo Ming, in exchange for the courage to do everything.

However, Luo Ming shook his head.

At this time, Huang Quan had not yet realized the existence of nothingness. Her life was full of meaning given by others: to protect Izumo.

Every time she killed a ghost, Izumo would be safer. Efforts must be rewarded. When all enemies are eliminated, Izumo will be saved.

When she knows the truth of all this, she will understand that Izumo forging a sword is not salvation, but just a lie.

Seeing Luo Ming's answer.

Huang Quan fell silent, the hot fire illuminated her cheeks, but she could not see the light ahead.......

The next morning.

Huang Quan woke up from his sleep, passed by Luo Ming, and took a bath in the clear river not far away.

Then he brought back a prey, cooked it silently, and prepared today's breakfast.

After eating and drinking.

Huang Quan packed up his luggage, came to Luo Ming, and invited him:"Come with me to Izumo Country. I know you may have foreseen the end of this planet, but I still want to let you see that even if destruction is bound to come, the people of Izumo will never sit and wait for death."

Practice existence in nothingness.

Perhaps everything that Izumo Country is fighting for will be helpful to your understanding of existence.

You promised Huang Quan.

On the wasteland, two figures walked side by side, each holding a long sword in his hand, one of which was forged from eight million divine bones, and the other contained a lifetime of memories and all the insights into fighting against nothingness.......

After walking out of the wasteland for an unknown amount of time, a neon-lit metropolis appeared at the end of the sight. Huang Quan turned her head slightly to glance at Luo Ming.

However, she found that his eyes were still as calm as deep water, without a single ripple. She became more and more curious about his past and experiences.

Passing through the wide streets,

Luo Ming followed Huang Quan to her home.

This place was far away from the bustling city center. It was a very tall building, but it seemed to have been abandoned. Only the top floor was tidied up. Standing on the balcony, one could see the entire city scene from a distance.

"The Twelve Sword Masters usually do not enter the city center to prevent the sword energy of the Divine Skeleton Sword from affecting ordinary people.

Huang Quan handed Luo Ming a can of drink.

He pointed to a vague staircase in the distance and said,"That is the long staircase that can lead to Takamagahara. It will be completed in about three months.""

"The remaining eight million gods in Takama-ga-hara launched attacks on him more than once, but they were all blocked by the sword master who was guarding there."

Luo Ming looked at the increasingly sharp and blood-red ghost horns on Huang Quan's head, and finally said nothing.......

【Over the next period of time, you came to this building from the wasteland, and occasionally followed Huang Quan to carry out the task of hunting down eight million gods.】

【You have also seen other sword masters. Like Huang Quan, all of them are stained with a strong aura of evil gods, and as the ladder to heaven is built, it slowly reaches a critical point.】

【On this day, Huang Quan received another mission. Eighty miles west of the capital of Izumo, a new evil god appeared and was slaughtering people.】

【Huang Quan didn't hesitate, he took the World Protection Sword and immediately headed for the mission location. This time, you also went with him. Under the escort of the people of Izumo, you left this rapidly rising neon imperial capital and gradually disappeared at the end of the horizon. 】

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