"This is it."

Huang Quan stopped and looked at the quiet little village in the distance.

A puzzled look appeared on his face:"Why is it so quiet?"

The birth of the evil god will surely cause the mountains and rivers to shake violently, the earth to collapse, and bring unimaginable destruction. However, the scene in front of him seemed as if nothing had happened.

Luo Ming raised his head and said lightly:"Because he is in heaven."

Huang Quan looked up suddenly.

A dark golden knife light fell from the sky, and the dark luster shattered the clouds, like a kingdom in heaven, rumbling and suppressing the ground.


Huang Quan seemed to have seen something incredible, with a hint of horror in his eyes, but the long sword in his hand subconsciously horizontally. A more dazzling sword light suddenly burst out, turning into a long dragon, roaring towards the kingdom of heaven.


The violent vibration swept around wildly, mountains collapsed, rivers cut off, dust covered the sky, and the whole land became a scar.

In the aftermath of the sword energy.

The figure of the man in the sky finally appeared.

He also had blood-colored horns on his head, but his face was crazy and mad. He held a strange long sword in his hand, exuding waves of terrifying breath. There are twelve swords for protecting the world, and the second one is [Tian], which was forged by [Tian Changlizun]. It can turn the sky into a wall, and it is difficult for the gods of Huojin to pass through. Why does the sword master who is supposed to protect Izumo exude the breath of an evil god?

Huang Quan's eyes were more serious than ever, and she held the hilt of the knife tightly with both hands. She seemed to have finally touched the truth about the tragic fate of the entire Izumo.

One after another, dark figures walked out of the collapsed villa.

These people seemed to be the villagers here, and at this moment, their bodies also exuded an aura that did not belong to humans.

"733 swords were broken, and finally the twelve swords for protecting the world were forged......"

A figure holding [天] stepped down from the sky, his hair and beard flying in the wind, his eyes filled with endless madness and sorrow,"[明], the fate of Izumo is nothing but a tragedy. No matter how hard we try, we cannot escape the round dance around death."

Huang Quan looked at the [天] that looked like eight million evil gods, and the walking corpses around that looked like evil ghosts, and seemed to understand something.

But she did not retreat at all.

Slowly pulling out the long sword, for a moment, lightning tore through the sky, and the star stream lightning struck like a heavenly punishment, making her look like a god born from thunder.

The war began.

The terrifying aura swept around like a tsunami, changing the color of the sky and earth, turning it into an endless hell that no one could set foot on.

In the prosperous and prosperous Izumo Kingdom in the distance, countless eyes were attracted by these two strong movements. After identifying the source of the aura, they were a little surprised and doubtful.......

The battle gradually subsided.

Huang Quan stood with her sword, covered in blood, panting. In front of her was a broken [Tian] Zhi Zhao sword and the bodies of dead evil spirits.


The [Ming] Zhi Zhao sword, which had experienced many battles, had a spider web-like crack, and then it broke into pieces with a crack.

Huang Quan fell forward, and a figure appeared beside her, reaching out to help her up.

She raised her head weakly and was about to speak, but her eyes suddenly fell into endless darkness.......

I don't know how long it took.

Huang Quan woke up from her coma. The bonfire in front of her brought a little warmth to her weak body.

A piece of barbecue and a pot of water were handed to her.

Huang Quan took it and almost wolfed it down. Her cold body gradually came back to life.

"How long have I slept?"

Huang Quan found that his wounds had healed, leaving only his blood-soaked white clothes, which clearly recorded the tragic battle before.

"I don't know."

Luo Ming shook his head, thought for a while and said:"Your sword is broken. The country of Chuyun is experiencing a great chaos. All the sword masters have been contaminated by the divine sword and turned into new evil gods. Most of the people of Chuyun have also become evil spirits."

Huang Quan's hand slowly clenched the kettle. After a long time, he spoke hoarsely:"Why......Izumo broke 733 swords to forge 12 swords for the protection of the world. After many hardships, he killed 8 million gods......."

Luo Ming looked at her and said,"You actually already know that there is no way to save the world, and there is no trace of tomorrow."

"Izumo resisted the invasion of the gods and eventually turned himself into a demon. Takama-ga-hara, where the gods fell, was also a beautiful place like Izumo a long, long time ago."

Luo Ming walked far enough in the shadow of nothingness. As early as the first day he came to Izumo, he had seen through the tragic reincarnation of the two worlds.

As one of the twelve sword masters and the savior of Izumo, Huang Quan could also see some subtle threads in the battles.

She just didn't want to believe the overly tragic fate of her hometown.

She didn't want to believe that the sword master was turning into an evil god.

Until not long ago, she killed [Tian] with her own hands and killed the warriors who had fought together for Izumo.

When all the people of Izumo turned into evil spirits, then this world would be the next new 'Takamagahara'.

Huang Quan looked at the broken earth in the distance, and vaguely remembered the screams of evil spirits.

She slowly closed her eyes, and a tear slowly slid down the corner of her eye. She woke up from her dream.

The dream in her heart that as long as all enemies were eliminated, Izumo would be saved, woke up.

The meaning given to her as a sword master also disappeared.

For the first time, she truly realized that the omnipresent The nothingness of existence.

If hard work does not necessarily lead to rewards, then killing the evil gods again and again cannot save Izumo, and may even push Izumo into the next abyss.

So what is the point of all this?

Since the road to salvation has never existed, why did Izumo still forge a sword?

Luo Ming looked at the tearful Huang Quan quietly, and did not say another word.

She has come to the most critical fork in the road of self-destruction.

The collapse of the mind will cause the self-destructor to enter an irreversible demise under the shadow of nothingness.

But if the heart is strong enough to face the nothingness, then a meaning of existence can be created and pursued with action.

Obviously, Huang Quan is a person with a strong heart.

Some people fly just to fall.

Even if something is destined to fail, it still has a meaning of existence, because failure or success is not the whole meaning of the action.

Do not forget the beginning, do not seek the end, look directly at the scorching sun, and live towards death......

After a long time, Huang Quan opened his eyes, and his eyes became calm again.

Luo Ming finally understood why Chaos Doctor vowed to do his best to heal the nothingness of others in the limited time.

Because this can also help him resist the erosion of nothingness.

For example, now.

He can clearly sense that Huang Quan's firm belief in fighting against nothingness at this time has subtly infected him with more breath of existence.

""Thank you."

Huang Quan thanked Luo Ming earnestly.

If she hadn't been alone with Luo Ming for that period of time, she would never have realized the meaning of existence so quickly. She was also grateful that Luo Ming had taken her out of the battlefield when she was in a coma.

Luo Ming nodded and didn't say much.

The bonfire burned, night fell, and only the black sun in the sky cast a faint light.

Huang Quan looked down at her body covered in blood, stood up and walked to a clear stream not far away, took off her clothes, half squatted and began to wash her body.

After returning to the bonfire, while feeling the warmth brought by the flames, his eyes looked at Luo Ming's black long sword that he never let go of.

He tentatively whispered:"Can you show me your sword?���

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