After playing with the Moon of Plenty for a while, Luo Ming took it into his body.

It was definitely not an easy task to completely absorb it, and it would take a long time at least.

But fortunately, from then on, he could call upon the power of abundance, and his strength increased dramatically again.

"I wonder if the Moon of Plenty can cure Liuying's entropy loss?"

Luo Ming pondered in his heart, and then focused on the last special reward.

A knife facing the void.

It should have evolved from the knife that slashed at the void star god at the end of the simulation.

Needless to say, the lethality is naturally.

With full strength, chopping the order is like chopping melons and vegetables.

The only regret is that he only has the Moonlight Long Sword in his hand, and the effect of this knife technique will be greatly reduced.

And without the blessing of the power of nothingness, it seems a bit of a castle in the air.......

After counting the harvest, Luo Ming stretched himself, stood up from the big bed, and walked slowly to the bathroom.

When he came out, he was already relaxed.


The door opened.

When San Yueqi saw Luo Ming, he was immediately confused:"He disappeared from my bed inexplicably, and suddenly appeared inexplicably....Luo Ming, where were you hiding before?"

"It's in your room, it's not going anywhere."

Luo Ming replied with a smile

"Haha, do you think I will believe it?"

San Yueqi rolled her eyes at him unhappily, and then said:"Let's go, Uncle Yang, Ji Zi, and Xing have already got off the car, we will get off quickly too, don't play missing again, all my clothes and luggage are with you."

"Already arrived at Pinocchio?"

Luo Ming felt a little regretful. It seemed that he had missed the scene of Xing falling into the original dream. He didn't know if Huang Quan could still recognize him.

After all, he was quite different in the state of a self-destructor from the normal state.......

The two of them walked down the Starry Sky Train one after the other.

"The star of the event, Pinocchio, the largest and most luxurious amusement park in the universe, is indeed worthy of its reputation!"

In the red carpet-covered lobby,

Sanyueqi looked at the luxurious hotel in front of her, which was as magnificent as a planet, and her eyes could not help but glow with excitement.

The young and lively sunny girl had almost no resistance to the magnificent beauty of Pinocchio.

"Don't stand there stupidly, Ji Zi is waiting for us over there, go over quickly."

Luo Ming patted the silly little Sanyue and took the lead to walk towards the direction of the Star Dome Train and others.

Because the luggage and other things were all placed in the Demon-Breaking Cone, and they didn't carry any extra items, the two of them quickly passed through more than a dozen immigration procedures of Pinocchio without feeling tired.

Front desk.

Xing, who was waiting to check in bored, saw the two people coming towards him and immediately raised his hand to say hello.

Luo Ming looked around and indeed did not see Misha.

His eyes fell on Xing with some thought.

Obviously, among the major forces, only Xing, the star core spirit, can see Misha, who is closely related to the watchmaker's heritage.

In front of him, Xing saw Luo Ming staring at him, and couldn't help wiping his face, confused:"Is there something on my face?"

Luo Ming came back to his senses and shook his head,"No, I just thought of something. When you enter Pinocchio later, you'd better not stay too far away from me"


Xing nodded without asking any more questions.

This magnificent Daydream Hotel in front of him not only provides a large number of guest rooms, but also connects Pinocchio's reality and dreams.

Only those who enter the dream world from the guest room dream pool are guests with legal identities, otherwise they will be tracked down and expelled by the family.

"Hey, something is wrong, Luo Ming, Xing, come here quickly."

San Yue Qi waved to the two of them quickly:"There are a lot of people gathered at the front desk, and it feels a little strange. Did you run into trouble again just after getting off the car?"

"We'll know when we go over there."

Luo Ming understood and led the two of them to the front desk where Ji Zi was.......

"Sorry, the name you mentioned does not exist in the system......."

The receptionist, Ellie, said apologetically.

Ji Zi was a little puzzled:"But the information received by the Star Train stated that a room had been reserved for us. Could you please check it again?"

Ellie nodded:"I will check it for you again, please wait a moment......"

"Star Train, five Platinum Rooms......They are Mr. Walter Yang, Ms. Ji Zi, Mr. Luo Ming, Ms. March Seven, and......Mr. Dan Heng."

Ai Li looked away from the screen:"Indeed, there are only the reservation information of the above five people."

Xing nodded at her seriously:"Yes, I am Mr. Dan Heng."

San Yueqi glanced at her speechlessly.


Walter pondered for a moment,"I understand, no wonder there is no Xing's name here. When we replied to the family, she had not boarded the train yet."

Walter looked at Ellie and said,"Do you think this is okay? Danheng, who is traveling with us, has a change of schedule and cannot check in. Can you transfer the room reserved for him to this child? The number of people will also match."

Ji Zi also said gently,"This child is a new passenger on our Starry Sky Train. We can guarantee her identity."

"this......"Ellie scratched her head in embarrassment:"You suddenly said this, I'm afraid......"

Xingyan saw that the identity-changing method didn't work.

He silently took out the City Builder's lance.

Frightened, Ellie took several steps back, with a bit of fear in her eyes, and said repeatedly:"No, I don't doubt your identity, but......"

At the back of the train, Luo Ming crossed his arms over his chest, watching the scene with a half-smile.

As the world's most famous tourist destination, how could Pinocchio not be prepared for such emergencies, not to mention that it was just a change of guest rooms.

As an absolutely neutral force that inherits the pioneering will of the Star God and clears the silver track for various civilizations, the Star Train maintains friendly relations with many Star God factions.

Even the Harmonious Family will never be troubled by such a small accident.

And Ellie in front of him did just that.

The answer is actually very simple. It is that a certain force behind the scenes deliberately used this incident to sell the Star Train a favor.

Fortunately, in the next game between the parties, it won the first"chip".

At this time, the main character appeared

"It was just before the Harmony Festival, the most important moment of every century for Pinocchio, and the family had invited guests from all over the galaxy, so the place was packed......."

A man dressed in exquisite clothes, like a peacock in gorgeous costumes, appeared in everyone's sight.

"The hotel's security is even worse, and it cannot afford any mistakes. If something like this happens suddenly, it is not up to this lady to decide - everyone on the Starry Sky Train, please don't make things difficult for her."

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