Seeing the blond man suddenly appear, Ji Zi's eyes moved, but she didn't say anything.

Walter said in a mature tone:"We encountered some problems when checking in. We are deeply sorry for the inconvenience. May I ask who this gentleman is?"

The man who looked like a golden peacock smiled and said,"I am Sha Jin, a member of the company's strategic investment department, and I am the expert in liquidation of non-performing assets under Diamond. I was invited by the watchmaker to come here......."

"At the same time, there is also a tourist who has been waiting behind you for a long time."

Luo Ming looked casually at the back, and the tourists who were queuing to check in almost formed a long line. Seeing the problems in front of them, they were more or less impatient.

Ji Zi came out and discussed with Sha Jin in a proper tone:"I heard that the Interstellar Peace Company also received an invitation from Pinoconi. I guess you are the representative. The company's elites are really extraordinary."

"Such an important person, could you please give us a favor?"

Sha Jin sneered:"I didn't hear it wrong." He glanced at the long line behind him and said:"Give us a favor? Shouldn't I say this to you all?"

"I have been waiting here for more than ten minutes. Do you know how many credit points are equivalent to me?"

Ji Zi chuckled and said,"It must be a huge number. So now, Mr. Shajin, I have an investment that you can't miss.’"

"The company's influence is all over the world, so its words naturally carry a lot of weight. We hope to use your identity to be a guarantor for her."

"In this way, you can not only save a lot of precious time, but also make a group of new friends."

March Seven looked at the star beside her. In this situation, her lively temperament was suppressed. She looked at the mature and steady sister Ji Zi to deal with the problem.

Sha Jin did not comment:"This is quite interesting. What can these friends bring to me?"

Ji Zi said calmly:"This is a more worthy topic to talk about. As guests of the watchmaker, why don't we sit down in Pinocchio and spend time getting to know each other?" As a mature big sister who has traveled to many worlds, Ji Zi can naturally see that this time the Pinocchio Star must not be as calm as it seems.

The company is nominally friendly with the train, and there may be a chance to work together here to deal with certain crises.

"Yes, yes." Shajin spread his hands and said,"But Miss Navigator, I must point out that if I help, the time saved should be gained for myself, not for you."

Jizi was silent and did not speak.

"......But I particularly like the second half of your sentence! Friends, yes, nothing is more precious than friends, especially an upright pioneer like Wumingke."

"Miss Ellie, you have seen it all. For my sake, please let this lady stay. I have an appointment with my family on Sunday. I will ask him to deal with this matter later. Don't worry, I will never cause you any trouble."

Beside Luo Ming, Sanyueqi wrinkled his nose and lowered his voice,"This guy named Shajin, his aggressive tone is really annoying, as if he knew we needed his help and deliberately did a favor for us."

"In a way, he who can help Xing solve the guest room problem does have the confidence to put on such an attitude."

Luo Ming smiled and rubbed March Seven's pink head.

Then he walked out lazily and said to Ellie:"No need to trouble Mr. Shajin. Do you need a guarantee for your identity? I wonder if the King of Screw Star, Screw Gumm, who is on the family's permanent VIP list, is qualified?"

Screw Gumm was the King of Screw Star who made the Interstellar Peace Company abandon the plan to destroy all intelligent creatures after the second intelligent machine crisis. The power he possesses is enough to make any force jealous.

Luo Ming helped him once not long ago. That mechanical gentleman would definitely not mind lending a hand in such a small matter.

It can also avoid the situation where the Starry Sky Train has to owe him a favor because Shajin gave up his guest room.

""Screw Gumm?"

Ellie's facial features twitched slightly, but she quickly recovered and quickly searched on the screen."Screw Gumm's name is indeed on the permanent VIP list. If you can invite him to guarantee......"

Sha Jin narrowed his eyes slightly. The situation was beyond his control. He looked at Luo Ming with a deeper look.

At this moment, a voice came from behind.

""Everyone, please be patient."

Two figures came over.

The one who spoke was very elegant, touching his chest with his hand, and said with a smile,"The family cannot let the guests sleep with a burden."

Luo Ming turned his head to look at the people who came.

They were the important members of the family, Sunday, and his sister Robin.

He couldn't help but chuckle in his heart.

A mere guest room matter was actually worthy of Sunday's personal appearance.

And there was also the Shajin who took the initiative to do favors.

Xing, the star core spirit, is really like a piece of cake, always attracting some people.

But it's normal to think about it.

Things like star cores are something that even the Black Tower cannot study thoroughly. Having it is equivalent to having the ability to overturn the table at any time.

It is also the reason why Luo Ming did not expose his strength for the time being and went with the flow.

Sunday is suspected to be a remnant of Taiyi's forces and can summon Taiyi out of Xipei's body for a short time.

Summoning the Star God is much more perverted than getting the blessing of the Star God.

He didn't want to appear in the spotlight in advance without absolute certainty.

Shajin put away the subtlety in his eyes, as if nothing had happened before, and smiled and said,"Look who is here-Sunday, the most handsome man in Pinocchio! And the singer of the civilized universe, Robin."

The only purpose of Shajin coming to Pinocchio is to take back the control of Pinocchio from his family.

Sunday is the person who speaks in Pinocchio and the adopted son of the dreamer.

It is obvious that the relationship between the two is not as harmonious as it seems.

Beside him, the robin chuckled:"He said you are the most handsome man in Pinocchio, how interesting."

"Everyone on the train, I'm really sorry, please follow my sister and take a rest over there. We will help you solve the problem of the guest room."

While speaking, Zhou Ri looked at the train crew politely and apologetically, and finally stopped at Luo Ming, as if he wanted to see through something.

"Everyone on the Starry Sky Train, please follow me."

Robin bowed slightly and led the group to a rest area not far away.

March Seven looked at Robin and suddenly spoke with surprise,"Hey, um, are you not......Are you......?

"That singer, the superstar of Epsilon,"Free a Heart from Sorrow" is your work, right?"

The robin, who was wearing a luxurious tube-top ceremonial dress and had an angel halo-like accessory hanging on her head, smiled and said,"I didn't expect such a lovely lady to be my fan."

Luo Ming wanted to lick his face and say, Miss Robin, I am also your most loyal fan!

But the self-destructor simulation that just ended affected his emotions a little. He has not completely gotten out of that state, so he can't say such overly"frivolous" words.

At the same time, he also confirmed that the robin did speak with electronic sounds.

There was a traitor in the Tongxie family, which caused the Tongxie music to have noises. The robin could not speak normally and could only speak with the help of electronic devices.

The observant Jizi and Walter also noticed these abnormalities when the robin spoke for the first time.

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