"What's the trouble?"

Luo Ming shook his head."You can stay in this guest room temporarily. It won't be for a few days anyway. When Pinocchio gets in trouble, you can take care of him."

Huang Quan looked towards the Dream Pond and hesitated for a moment:"It seems that there is not enough space for two people to lie down there, right?"

"It's okay, I can enter Pinocchio by myself."

Luo Ming smiled and took a sip of hot tea.

"So be it, you are alone anyway, it doesn't matter where you live, when things here are over, you can also get on the train and see other worlds, maybe it will help prolong your self-destruction time."

Speaking of which, the relationship between the two has been quite close for a long time.

When they were on Izumo Star, Luo Ming applied medicine to the seriously injured Huang Quan more than once, and it can be said that he has seen almost all of his body, except for the important parts.

Huang Quan didn't mind it at all, and every time he took a bath by the river, he never avoided Luo Ming's sight.

After a moment of silence.

Huang Quan thought of something, and said to Luo Ming:"The man just now, the envoy of the company, try not to get too close to him, this kind of people have the will and belief to fight to the death, but they don't intend to use it for the right purpose."

"A gambler will definitely burn his boats and bet everything on one throw before he loses everything......."

"Sha Jin, it doesn't matter, no matter the power he controls or the plan he makes, it is not enough to affect me."

Luo Ming said lightly.

Coming back to his senses, he looked into Huang Quan's eyes and smiled:"Are you worried about me?"


Huang Quan nodded gently:"I don't want to watch you leave again."

This sentence was too straightforward.

Luo Ming was stunned again. Is this something that Huang Quan, who is in the state of self-destructor, can say?

But think about it carefully.

Even if there is no tacit understanding in the wilderness of Izumo Star, Luo Ming, as Huang Quan's only remaining"intimate friend", is enough to occupy a very important position in her heart.

Luo Ming brewed a pot of new tea and poured it for Huang Quan.

He looked at the clock on the wall:"You probably don't want to fall asleep yet, so let me tell you what I know about the situation of Pinoconi."

Huang Quan picked up the teacup and listened quietly, completely losing the domineering and indifference when he first broke into the room.

"The watchmaker's legacy is the key to this multi-party game. The company envoy you just mentioned aims to take Pinocchio back from the family."

"The family was wary of the company and only allowed him to enter the dreamland empty-handed. The other ten people, Jade and Topa, could only stay in the real Daydream Hotel."

"You are right, he is a gambler. After mediation by many parties, he learned that Meng Jing would not really die, so he decided to take a gamble and put the company and family on the negotiation table with his own death."

Luo Ming looked at the knife in Huang Quan's hand and smiled:"After sharing a part of the power of the guardian, you are the only one in Pinoconi who is capable of killing him and willing to draw the knife."

Huang Quan frowned slightly,"Why should I draw the knife to him?"

Every time she drew the knife and shed tears of blood, it meant that she took another big step towards the shadow of nothingness.

Unless it was necessary, she would never draw the knife to accelerate her own self-destruction.

"This is what makes him annoying, or smart."

Luo Ming leaned back on the sofa and took a sip of hot tea:"But don't worry, since I stopped Sha Jin from forcing the chips into Xing's hands, I will naturally help you deal with everything."

"I will also do my best to help you get the watchmaker's legacy that you want."

As Luo Ming said this, he became more and more curious about this legacy.

What kind of thing could help Liuying cure her entropy disease and help Huangquan find himself and complete the redemption of the self-destructor?

According to the known clues, this legacy is suspected to be the 'real Pinocchio', but what it is, probably only the watchmaker knows.

"And Sunday and the Robin......"

Halfway through the conversation, there was a knock on the door.

"Who is coming to see me at this time? Could it be Black Swan?"

Luo Ming glanced at Huang Quan who was sitting on the sofa, and went to the door with a guilty conscience.

The door opened, and a beautiful girl with blue eyes, purple hair and a dress appeared. She was noble and elegant.


Luo Ming was a little surprised.

As a famous singer who is popular all over the world, Robin is very perfect in both appearance and figure.

The flowing feather accessories on her body not only look very elegant, but also show her charming figure. The necklace on her snow-white neck looks charming, and the combination of straps and pearl stars brings a full sense of girlishness.

"Mr. Luo Ming, I'm sorry to bother you so late at night."

Robin apologized softly, her delicate and beautiful face made her look very charming.

Luo Ming's eyes drifted behind Robin, and he looked at both sides of the corridor, but didn't find anything unusual.

He couldn't help but ask,"Miss Robin, do you have something to talk to me about?"

Robin nodded, grabbing the hem of her skirt with both hands, seemed a little nervous, and said weakly,"Can we go inside and talk first?"

"Of course."

Luo Ming turned sideways and invited her in very gentlemanly.

""Thank you."

Robin thanked him and walked into the room gracefully. Then he saw a beautiful purple-haired lady sitting on the sofa. He paused. He obviously didn't expect that Luo Ming would have guests at this late hour.’

"I......Did I disturb you?"

Robin twisted her skirt with her slender fingers, looking more and more reserved.

Luo Ming didn't say anything, but smiled and handed over a cup of hot tea.

Looking at this peerless and world-famous female singer, he wondered why she came to visit alone.

Huang Quan just glanced at Robin, then retracted his gaze, holding the long sword in his arms, closing his eyes, as if he was resting his eyes.

Robin held the hot tea with a conflicted look on his face.

But in the end, he let out a breath and looked at Luo Ming with a firm gaze:"Mr. Luo Ming, I hope......Can get your help"

"My help?"

Luo Ming looked at her with a smile:"Ms. Robin, you are a superstar of Epseron, and your brother is the head of the Pinocchio Oak family. Is there anything that requires help from an outsider like me?"


A trace of sadness flashed in the eyes of the robin.

She stared at Luo Ming's clear eyes, which seemed to be smiling but not smiling. For some reason, she had an instinctive sense of trust:"To be honest with you, Mr. Luo Ming, there is a traitor in the five major families of Pinocchio. Perhaps soon, I will die in the dream world."

"At first I was very confused, for myself and for the fate of my hometown, Pinocchio. I didn’t know who to talk to, but since I saw you in the reception lobby, there was a voice in my heart that you might be the only person in the entire Pinocchio who could help me."

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