After saying this, Robin stared at Luo Ming's eyes nervously.

As expected, after hearing the word"traitor", Luo Ming didn't react much, as if he had known it for a long time.

"So, you suspect that your brother Sunday is the traitor of Pinoconi?"

Luo Ming looked at Robin, admiring her sharpness and decisiveness.

Robin pursed her lips and nodded gently.

She and her brother are from the Tianhuan tribe. They were adopted by the dream master of Pinoconi when they were very young, and their blood connection is very deep.

Although she couldn't believe that her brother would betray Pinoconi, a lot of clues and facts were in front of her, and she couldn't help but believe it.

More importantly, when she secretly found out that the traitor was one of the heads of the five major families, she felt a strong threat to her life.

Perhaps in the next second, she will die tragically in Pinoconi's dream because of some accidents. She can only bet everything and come to Luo Ming for help.

She doesn't know Luo Ming's true strength, nor does she know whether he will help her, but as a girl, her sixth sense makes her willing to choose to trust Luo Ming.

"But why should I help you?"

Luo Ming leaned on the sofa, crossed his arms, and tapped his arm rhythmically with his index finger."I came to Pinocchio just to experience this beautiful dream world, and I don't want to get involved in the internal struggle of your family power."

After saying that, he quietly waited for the robin's answer.

If the robin said, 'The train has been involved in this matter’,‘He would not hesitate to send Robin out if she said something like"I've already joined the game when I stepped into Pinocchio."

Hearing his question,

Robin's fingers grasping the hem of her skirt seemed to be even stronger.

Her plump chest rose and fell slightly, showing her inner restlessness.

After a moment, she couldn't help but avoid Luo Ming's sight, biting her rosy lower lip, her cheeks slightly red, and said in a low and soft voice:"As long as you are willing to help, no matter what the result is, Robin owes you a favor and can help you......Do anything......"

After saying this, the robin felt his heartbeat become more intense, almost jumping out of his chest.

Luo Ming stopped tapping his arm.

Looking at the pretty face covered with red hair, he said thoughtfully:"It seems that you really have feelings for Pinocchio."

The robin didn't know what he meant by asking this, but nodded and said:"I have lived here since I was a child, and I didn't leave until I grew up."

"I can help you."

Luo Ming patted the sofa beside him,"Come and sit down first."

Robin sat beside him very obediently, her slender white legs pressed together tightly under her dress, her hands on her knees, looking very reserved.

"Tell me about Pinoconi, such as the strength of the five families, their responsibilities, and the mysterious dream master."......

Next, through the gentle narration of the robin, Luo Ming had a more comprehensive understanding of Pinocchio.

At the same time, he became more and more curious about the mysterious dream master, wondering what role he played in this chaotic situation.

"Mr. Luo Ming, is there anything else you want to ask?"

The robin looked at him with clear eyes, showing an attitude of knowing everything and sharing everything.

"It's almost done."

Luo Ming smiled and said,"Don't be so reserved and polite, just call me by my name. Speaking of which, I'm still looking forward to the Harmonious Music Festival. I hope that after things are over here, you can perform and sing normally."

The robin lowered his head and blushed, saying,"If everything goes well, I......I can sing for you alone."

Luo Ming looked at her bright red lips and smiled,"I'm looking forward to it."

Then he stretched out his hand and put it in front of the robin:"Lend me your hand."

The robin was a little confused.

But he still stretched out his hand and handed it to Luo Ming.

Touching the robin's smooth little hand, Luo Ming closed his eyes. With a flash of light, his image changed greatly and he looked exactly like the robin.

Even if the closest person appeared here, he would definitely not be able to tell the difference between the two.


The robin was shocked, staring at Luo Ming with wide eyes in disbelief.

Even Huang Quan, who had remained silent, showed a look of surprise.

"How about it? If I appear in front of your brother, will he recognize me?"

Luo Ming looked at her with a smile in the voice of a robin.

"answer......It shouldn't be."

Robin couldn't help but reach out and touch Luo Ming's chest, or rather, touch herself. The shock in her eyes could not be concealed at all:"How did you do it?"

"This is my secret." Luo Ming smiled and said,"I will only share it with the people closest to me."

On the sofa opposite, Huang Quan hugged his long sword tightly and lowered his head silently.

"Okay, give me your dream passport. You stay in this room for the next two days and try not to go out."

Luo Ming looked at the robin and continued to instruct:"There are food and drinks here, and the bathroom and other facilities are complete. If you are really bored, you can play games. If anything happens, I will notify you as soon as possible."

After speaking, he patted his waist.

Yuehua's long sword was unsheathed with a whoosh and rubbed against his shoulder:"Don't let anyone enter the room, do you hear me?"

Yuehua made a sword sound to indicate that she heard it.

Then it was unsheathed, and the tip of the sword pointed at Huang Quan and the robin on the sofa, releasing bursts of threatening and sharp sword energy.

Huang Quan didn't even raise his eyelids, and continued to hold the sword with his eyes closed to rest.

The robin, whose combat power value was zero, was pointed at by the tip of the sword. He felt a tingling pain all over his body. His pink face showed fear. He couldn't help but shrink his head and move his body closer to Luo Ming, trying to seek a sense of security from him.

"Who did you learn to be so naughty from?"

Luo Ming slapped Yuehua on the sofa.

He glared at it with some annoyance. Yuehua Sword Spirit was nurtured by Jingliu with his own sword energy. Normally, its temperament should be cold and indifferent, but it has become more and more naughty recently. I don't know who led it astray.

""Okay, just stay here and try not to go out."

After saying that, Luo Ming nodded to Huang Quan on the sofa, and then, with Robin following closely, he pushed the door and left the room.

It was a bit hard to refuse a world-renowned singer who came to his door alone in the middle of the night and asked him for help knowing the principle of equal exchange.

It was not that he was particularly greedy for her body.

Anyway, it was a matter of convenience. If Robin accidentally died in Pinocchio, it would be a pity.

After Luo Ming left, the guest room became quiet. Robin glanced at the silver sword lying quietly on the sofa, and then his eyes fell on Huang Quan opposite. He hesitated and said,"Excuse me, are you Mr. Luo Ming's partner?"

Huang Quan raised his eyelids and looked at her, without speaking.

Robin instantly felt a sense of shame in his heart.

He lowered his head and whispered,"I'm sorry, but I really have no other way."

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